
MAZARE - Mazare Party [OsuMania]

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wew lad
mazare party rings in my ears at night please help

booty wrote:

mazare party rings in my ears at night please help
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booty wrote:

mazare party rings in my ears at night please help

how do you think I feel
OOOOOOOOOOOOO this is good
last minute mod including some issues i think definitely need to be fixed before this is ranked

Ash's 4k Extra
missing note at 00:32:676 in column 3 and 00:32:751 in column 4 - looks like a mistake when mirroring/replicating pattern for this section
00:37:476 - same mistake from pasting and mirroring

00:54:276 - i think the first jumptrill should be normal and then the subsequent ones should change each time to different split patterns because it's more interesting to look at/play and you haven't been afraid to use longer split jumptrills already
^ also applies to 02:24:276

01:10:926 - the end of this jumptrill is not consistent with the others in the map. I like this one better because the last jump is on the "thud" of the drum and then there is a small stop so i'd prefer if all the jumptrills had the single note into hand removed (and mirroring the hand to match this one would be nice too if it doesn't mess up patterns right after)
^ affects 00:06:126, 02:40:926 and 03:21:726, but not 00:14:526

01:32:376 - I like these little bursts and how they go with that quiet buzzing kinda noise but i'd advise against them being here because the sound is very quiet compared to the rest of the music and this draws attention to it. the sound also actually starts at around 01:32:076 where there are no notes accompanying it, and just becomes noticable when the sound mapped to the long note in column 4 cuts out. see also: 01:39:876
^ also applies to 00:17:976 and 03:43:176

01:34:776 - what about putting 3 long notes here instead of 1, on 1/3 snap to match that little rolling sound like this

01:35:976 - i think this note could benefit from being a long note as the sound it's mapped to is sort of drawn out and is the only thing happening in the music for a brief moment

01:49:176 - this is very annoying to play, but also i think the sound exactly at 01:49:176 is no longer a drum beat and so a jump is not justified there. therefore, something like this will fit the music better (i know this means the long notes need to be moved which could mess stuff up but i think this is more important)

02:03:876 - i think this jumptrill is unjustified, especially compared to the one right after it which is mapped to a clear drum buildup

03:17:076 - i think this section should look like this because it was following very faint sounds when it could follow vocals which are more apparent to players. when i played this section the rhythm felt like it came out of nowhere until i played it back a few times.

03:51:277 - i think the end should look like this because there are only notes to distinct sounds (the ln in column 1 starts earlier on another distinct sound)

if anything is unclear or you want me to elaborate you know where to find me o/

Percyqaz wrote:

last minute mod including some issues i think definitely need to be fixed before this is ranked

Ash's 4k Extra
missing note at 00:32:676 in column 3 and 00:32:751 in column 4 - looks like a mistake when mirroring/replicating pattern for this section
00:37:476 - same mistake from pasting and mirroring col 4 yes, col 3 no, since no cymbal crash is present (wonder how they ended up being so similar cus I don't copypaste stuff :thinking:)

00:54:276 - i think the first jumptrill should be normal and then the subsequent ones should change each time to different split patterns because it's more interesting to look at/play and you haven't been afraid to use longer split jumptrills already Fair point, though I think it was more of a personal preference to keep the jumps one handed here to give the chords like 00:54:876 a bit more emphasis.
^ also applies to 02:24:276

01:10:926 - the end of this jumptrill is not consistent with the others in the map. I like this one better because the last jump is on the "thud" of the drum and then there is a small stop so i'd prefer if all the jumptrills had the single note into hand removed (and mirroring the hand to match this one would be nice too if it doesn't mess up patterns right after) Was kinda deliberating on this for a while myself, guess I ended up not actually making a decision lol
^ affects 00:06:126, 02:40:926 and 03:21:726, but not 00:14:526

01:32:376 - I like these little bursts and how they go with that quiet buzzing kinda noise but i'd advise against them being here because the sound is very quiet compared to the rest of the music and this draws attention to it. the sound also actually starts at around 01:32:076 where there are no notes accompanying it, and just becomes noticable when the sound mapped to the long note in column 4 cuts out. see also: 01:39:876 The general idea was to bring it forward a little when it was unsupported for variety, essentially. You're not wrong and I do see your point; I'd prefer to keep it as it is though.
^ also applies to 00:17:976 and 03:43:176

01:34:776 - what about putting 3 long notes here instead of 1, on 1/3 snap to match that little rolling sound like this I have given this thought before, though for technical accuracy it would need to be a 1/4 roll, which I found extremely difficult to implement well, hence why I ended up (sadly) leaving this out.

01:35:976 - i think this note could benefit from being a long note as the sound it's mapped to is sort of drawn out and is the only thing happening in the music for a brief moment Fair point, though I feel the space for the echo works equally well here since it's not as drawn out as the gong is a measure later.

01:49:176 - this is very annoying to play, but also i think the sound exactly at 01:49:176 is no longer a drum beat and so a jump is not justified there. therefore, something like this will fit the music better (i know this means the long notes need to be moved which could mess stuff up but i think this is more important) Totally see where you're coming from, but at the same time I feel that the suggestion would be counterintuitive to a buildup like this, hence why there is a jump in the middle. Annoying, yes, but not overly difficult for a something like this.

02:03:876 - i think this jumptrill is unjustified, especially compared to the one right after it which is mapped to a clear drum buildup Fair enough. Technically justified through the additional harp, but, yeah, probably shouldn't be emphasised as much as the percussion here.

03:17:076 - i think this section should look like this because it was following very faint sounds when it could follow vocals which are more apparent to players. when i played this section the rhythm felt like it came out of nowhere until i played it back a few times. More of a personal preference not to follow vocals here, that's about all there is to this one.

03:51:277 - i think the end should look like this because there are only notes to distinct sounds (the ln in column 1 starts earlier on another distinct sound) Feels a little odd to abruptly stop the roll here imo. There are still distinct sounds the notes are mapped to, albeit a little quieter. Personally, I think it's fine as is. (though I did miss that note at the start for some reason. p sure I put that there lol)

if anything is unclear or you want me to elaborate you know where to find me o/
Cheers for coming to check o/

insp1r3 pls no delet random notes kthx
I've seen the map, looked through the thread and consulted it with various high level players (with some of them consulting inspire directly and then feedback passed onto me) and the chart looks good and has good opinion from said players while also having no major concerns from my side with noone else complaining since the last bubble, so I have no objections to just qualify it directly.

Topic Starter

I think the metadata should be
MAZARE (kradness,ななひら,Yukacco) - Mazare Party

never trust std mapsets in regards to meta, even if they are ranked
I think "MAZARE" for artist is not enough

_underjoy wrote:

I think the metadata should be
MAZARE (kradness,ななひら,Yukacco) - Mazare Party

never trust std mapsets in regards to meta, even if they are ranked
I think "MAZARE" for artist is not enough
theres an official card in the metadata discord server that shows the current is correct

also grats on qualify !!
I don't mean this to be a personal attack in any form, if you do feel so, I'll apologize and retract anything that might seem that way.

[6K Extra]

bottom line:
I don't like it, it feels very dry and patterns don't seem to have a lot of thought into it. This becomes very apparent in the denser sections, let me explain in a few points:

- Arbitrary
- Mapping too much
- Skipping Vocals
- Unclear of motives in certain patterns
- Why is this so long

I'll keep this short just so that I can create another post to elaborate if you want me to.

A lot of patterns in the 6k extra feel random and arbitrary in placement, this happens a lot in the whole chart.

00:39:876 (39876|3,39876|1,39876|2,39876|4) - This part felt super dry and boring, while there is so much going on with the vocals. The patterns you did here don't even play that well

00:30:351 (30351|2,30651|4) - I don't get why you chose to link the triplets together with this note, you can easily just emphasize the triplets without them. I very much prefer if you removed these so as to create breaks.

00:33:576 (33576|1,33576|5,33576|4,33651|2,33726|0,33726|3,33876|4,33876|5,33876|1,33951|2,34026|3,34026|0) - why is this the same thing

01:44:676 (104676|3) - patterns here feel so arbitrary that the only thing that is justifying the increment in intensity within the song is just density rather than well-thought out pattern placements

(to elaborate if you want... )

Summary: I don't think you've looked through the patterns thoroughly

Mapping Too Much

The title might seem silly but let me explain.
I touched on the idea of "mapping too much" on the triplet mod above, where you lose the effect of emphasis if you decide to insert more layers, this is similar.

01:33:576 (93576|1,93626|2,93676|3,93726|1) - existent or not, i don't hear any 1/6, it feels more like an error rather than "correctly mapping" in a player's eyes
00:19:176 (19176|3,19226|4,19276|5) - ^

00:25:176 (25176|0,25176|2,25176|1,25251|4,25251|3,25251|5,25326|2,25326|1,25326|0) - do you really need a 3 note chord trill for this, there isn't even a prominent 1/4 beat here

00:56:676 (56676|3) - this part here is very tame, i don't get why you'd have to put in such a complex pattern here. The difficulty in general can be hard, but it doesn't meant it has to be hard all the time

(to elaborate if you want... )

Skipping Vocals

Opposite of mapping too much, you skip the vocals, which is a big feature in the song, why?

00:39:876 (39876|4) - you skipped the whole vocal verse here, now it is really just boring triplets. I would get it if there's no vocals, but there's vocals, so make use of them instead of just doing triplet patterns that visually look random.

00:47:226 (47226|5,47376|4) - you could have used 1/4 LN chords to make it so much more different, but you chose the triplet

Unclear of motives in certain patterns

01:01:026 (61026|2,61101|3,61176|2,61251|3,61326|2,61401|3,61476|2) - I don't get this pattern as a whole, i would understand 01:01:026 (61026|2,61101|3,61176|2) - this triplet since it's mapped to the percussion, but i don't hear anything after that.

01:02:976 (62976|5,63076|3,63176|4) - I understood this as mapping to the 1/3 string instrument but why was this 01:03:426 (63426|4) - inserted in between? I would much rather have the right hand do a 1/3 only, just make it clear that my right hand is playing that instrument only

01:07:776 (67776|2,67876|1,67976|0) - same here

01:20:976 (80976|4) - I think the biggest problem would be that this pattern (and a lot more) doesn't feel unique and special to the music itself, it could be easily made different by adding LNs on 6 and 1 to acknowledge the vocal.

01:30:426 (90426|3,90426|2,90726|3,90801|2) - i don't get this, it's so faint i don't even know why i'm playing it

01:12:426 (72426|0,72576|4,72726|1,72876|3,73176|2,73326|1) - what why are these here, felt like i was playing with the wrong mp3

(to elaborate if you want... )

Why is this so long

I don't get the length of this map, this could easily be 1/3 of the length and I wouldn't miss anything interesting. The map doesn't develop and it doesn't do the song justice.

The only part where I felt that the map was relevant to the music was when there wasn't any long 1/4 streams:

00:38:826 (38826|2,38826|3,38901|1,38901|4,38976|3,38976|2,39051|1,39051|4) - I like this a lot, i don't really like the 1/8 patterning but at least it's different

00:54:426 (54426|3,54426|4,54501|1,54501|2,54576|4,54576|3,54726|3,54726|40) - I like this, it's simple and gets to the point

01:50:676 (110676|1,110676|2,110826|0,110976|1,110976|2,111126|0,111276|1,111276|2,111426|0,111576|2,111576|1,111726|0) - I really like the integration of 1/2 poly with 1/4, I can feel the different in rhythm on both hands and I think it fits well with the music.

other than that I didn't enjoy anything else, it feels like a 4k jumpstream map expanded to 6k

edit: cut down the line length

error_exe777 wrote:

_underjoy wrote:

I think the metadata should be
MAZARE (kradness,ななひら,Yukacco) - Mazare Party

never trust std mapsets in regards to meta, even if they are ranked
I think "MAZARE" for artist is not enough
theres an official card in the metadata discord server that shows the current is correct

also grats on qualify !!
I'm not quite convinced since first link shows what I sent, and second says "kradness".
I don't want to be picky or whatever but I'd still use the () version of meta.
why 'mazare' is still in tags when it already appears in both artist and song title :thinking:
Topic Starter

_underjoy wrote:

error_exe777 wrote:

theres an official card in the metadata discord server that shows the current is correct

also grats on qualify !!

I'm not quite convinced since first link shows what I sent, and second says "kradness".
I don't want to be picky or whatever but I'd still use the () version of meta.

Honestly, I think the metadata is fine as it is. If there are multiple sources that can be used to back it up, I'd prefer it stay the way it is. It also keeps the metadata across gamemodes consistent.

Edit: Since the name of the group of artists who made the song is known as "MAZARE", it would be kind of like saying that KASAI HARCORES should actually be KASAI HARCORES (DJ Genki, かめりあ & C-Show), which doesn't make much sense. Hopefully this somewhat helps solidify the metadata argument.

Evening wrote:

Opposite of mapping too much, you skip the vocals, which is a big feature in the song, why?
There's apparently wrong snapping between Ash's diff and booty's diff at 03:51:276 - .

And at Cokii's 4K Hard
03:52:876 (232876|3,232976|2) - I'm not sure how this snap supposed to be. this is simply too far from original sound and it felt more like wrongly snapped instead of simplification.

Couple other things.
[4K Insane]
01:02:976 - Quite confused bout 1/3 here. first you fully followed the 1/3 sound here, and then suddenly the 1/3 at 01:07:876 - and 01:07:976 - got ignored and replaced by 1/2.
and then at 02:33:076 - , suddenly there isn't any 1/3 usage at all when it's same section as 2 section before. So i'm not sure why the usage here is inconsistent.

01:40:776 - Having this as 1/4 when it's 1/6 is incorrect here, since this diff is trying to be precise with the snap, other snap has to be precise too, including this.

03:09:626 (189626|3) - Quite sure this note is a mistake here, if you follow the 1/3, there isn't any 1/6 here. no other diff has this note as well.

[Ash's 4K Extra]
00:24:276 - 01:38:676 - 03:49:476 - having this as highest diff and ignored all these 1/8 is simply a shock tbh, i don't think it should be substituted with jumpstream and jumptrill when there isn't even any changes in music pace here. and even you still actually use 1/8 burst at 01:49:176 - , so this isn't really 1/8 free burst diff at least from what i see.

01:08:451 (68451|3,68601|3) - I don't think there's any 1/4 here tbh, try confirmed it with others.

01:49:626 (109626|2,109776|0,109851|3,109926|0,110001|3) - if you try to follow vocals, the series of LNs here are
extremely awkward. i don't know what these actually supposed to follow especially the 1/4 LN.
Even if "somehow" there's something here. the fact that it follow vocal 1 at 01:49:476 - , then vocal 2 at 01:49:626 - , then something at 01:49:776 - , then vocal again at 01:50:076 - , and synth at 01:50:526 - is very mixed up with no focus that it is vague what you try to do here.

Will mention this first, since the snap thing need to be fixed here.
And don't forget to also reply Evening's concern as well.
Good luck.

Soo i see Evening and Maxus have some concern regarding this Mapset that's why i am taking it down for now.

Regarding the Snap at 03:52:876 (232876|3,232976|2) -

The first sound is to hear at 03:52:851 - , the second one is at 03:52:944 - . This apply to all difficulties where these sounds are mapped.
For the lower difficulties: Before it maybe get "simplified" to a wrong snap i would suggest to not map these sounds. They are not very loud and it wouldn't be too much of a tragedy.

Please reply to all mods, same goes for everyone who has a GD here!
Topic Starter

Maxus wrote:

[4K Insane]
01:02:976 - Quite confused bout 1/3 here. first you fully followed the 1/3 sound here, and then suddenly the 1/3 at 01:07:876 - and 01:07:976 - got ignored and replaced by 1/2. I did this for patterning reasons. There would be a very sudden and inconsistent jump, so avoiding this note was the most preferable thing to do.
and then at 02:33:076 - , suddenly there isn't any 1/3 usage at all when it's same section as 2 section before. So i'm not sure why the usage here is inconsistent. There is a discernable difference in the actual song over the string instrument. The second section is not played in the same way as the first section, so it was mapped accordingly.

01:40:776 - Having this as 1/4 when it's 1/6 is incorrect here, since this diff is trying to be precise with the snap, other snap has to be precise too, including this. This was actually a 1/12 snap, but I see where you're coming from. Fixed this.

03:09:626 (189626|3) - Quite sure this note is a mistake here, if you follow the 1/3, there isn't any 1/6 here. no other diff has this note as well. This patterning is following the clicking sound which, itself, is being played in 1/6.
Thanks for the checking dude.

Maxus wrote:

There's apparently wrong snapping between Ash's diff and booty's diff at 03:51:276 - .

fixed, update will appear on Insp1r3's next update

Maxus wrote:

And at Cokii's 4K Hard
03:52:876 (232876|3,232976|2) - I'm not sure how this snap supposed to be. this is simply too far from original sound and it felt more like wrongly snapped instead of simplification. removed the notes at 03:52:876 (232876|3,232976|2) - and added a note at 03:52:926 (232926|1) -
can't wait to see it in ranked section :)
Exams are over, I've stopped (for the most part) feeling terrible and finally getting back into the swing of things, it's probably best to respond to these concerns.

That being said I'm super tired rn after being out all afternoon and evening so I'll split my mod responses into two. Hopefully, I'll get to the second and more extensive bunch of issues later today. Fingers crossed.

Also database corrupted itself again totally not tilted or anything after the 15th time this has happened or whatever it is now

Maxus wrote:

[Ash's 4K Extra]
00:24:276 - 01:38:676 - 03:49:476 - having this as highest diff and ignored all these 1/8 is simply a shock tbh, i don't think it should be substituted with jumpstream and jumptrill when there isn't even any changes in music pace here. and even you still actually use 1/8 burst at 01:49:176 - , so this isn't really 1/8 free burst diff at least from what i see. I get where you're coming from, but it was more of a personal choice only to include the 1/8 where I felt the intensity of the song was the strongest (so in a sense the 1/8 use was more for emphasis than anything else). Elsewhere where the 1/8 was ignored, I instead focused on the other sounds around the drum roll. (Also the true difficulty, i.e. not abusing the hitwindows, of the 1/8 is much higher than jumpstreams or jumptrills, hence why I tried to avoid using those except when I felt I absolutely had to.)

01:08:451 (68451|3,68601|3) - I don't think there's any 1/4 here tbh, try confirmed it with others. I think this was more for the 1/4 echoes from that percussive instrument (goodness knows what the name is for that) rather than following the 1/3.

01:49:626 (109626|2,109776|0,109851|3,109926|0,110001|3) - if you try to follow vocals, the series of LNs here are
extremely awkward. i don't know what these actually supposed to follow especially the 1/4 LN.
Even if "somehow" there's something here. the fact that it follow vocal 1 at 01:49:476 - , then vocal 2 at 01:49:626 - , then something at 01:49:776 - , then vocal again at 01:50:076 - , and synth at 01:50:526 - is very mixed up with no focus that it is vague what you try to do here. This is following the bass line rather than the vocals, which do do this. Well, 4 1/4 repeats represented like this rather than an anchor.

Will mention this first, since the snap thing need to be fixed here.
And don't forget to also reply Evening's concern as well. soon (tm) hopefully insp1r3 isn't going to kill me for being so slow
Good luck.
I don't think there's anything I need/want to change at this point, so no update to send?
part 2 soon
congratz ash you finally did it!!
Topic Starter

Pachiru wrote:

congratz ash you finally did it!!
Not all of it, that comes tomorrow (tm)
jakads diff is goooood
pls add some gfx to BG
Topic Starter
very soon™

after a little discussion with inspire and checking replies, this should be good to go.

also @next bn, can you check jakads diff thoroughly because im not massively comfortable checking high SR maps lol

anyway, good luck!

JAKARE's 6K Extra

Pitch Relevance stuff:

00:34:026 (34026|4,34026|3,34176|5,34176|4) - I think it's better to make double jack out of it so you follow PR as properly as at 00:32:676 (32676|5,32676|2,32826|2,32826|5,32976|2,32976|5,33126|5,33126|2,33276|2,33276|5)

00:31:326 (31326|4,31326|1,31626|1,31626|4) - and 00:36:126 (36126|5,36126|1,36426|5,36426|1) - these have diffrent pitch and should be arranged defferently. Similar point as example: 00:34:626 (34626|4,34626|1,34926|2,34926|4) -

01:31:176 (91176|3) - and 01:32:376 (92376|2) - have different sounds, why not to represent them differently?
same concern at 01:35:976 (95976|1) - 01:37:176 (97176|4) -

01:45:876 - I can tell you are gradually complicating it, and it's good. But here it's a little bit wrong, because these brackets 01:47:076 - are harder than 01:47:676 - so you might want to swap it, otherwise it looks weird to have hard bracket in the middle of burst and everything aftewards are easier than that

Last part is too hard problem:
I understand your style of making it harder to the end of the song but some patterns go too far .
03:25:701 (205701|2,205701|1,205776|1,205776|2) - double jack between triple and penta, also surrounded by LN patterns might be too sudden and unplayable for player.
03:29:226 (209226|5,209226|4,209301|4,209301|5,209376|5,209376|4) - triple jack of 1/8 double LNs impossible to hit properly for player who plays 95-96% on first half of the map.
03:30:276 - same as before. Full LN of 1/4 double stair patterns.
Everything else except doublejacks are just fine.

If you say "ur just bad", I would understand, but the gup is kinda too big and first half of the song might be too easy (next> boring) for players who have no problems with last part. And for players of around my level, who can S first half but almost dies at the end it might be too harsh.

wtf these stars XD
Yo o/

Feerum wrote:

Please reply to all mods, same goes for everyone who has a GD here!
There is no reply to Evening's mod yet.
I have read in Ash' reply that he wanted to add it there but haven't done it yet.

As statet in the BN Rules every mod has to get a reply before a Mapset can get bubbled.
I also would like to see at least a bit of modding for the newly added highest 6K difficultie before it get's bubbled. Even when it got already some mods IRC there's a missing "proof" of it, like a chat log or something.
you know, I feel like I completely forgot to reply to someonecrap I've been found out

So, indirect reply to evening's stuff on like the last page because navigating a quote is hard...

I feel like shooting myself for calling it this, but mazare party has that traditional structure to the song (mostly seen on osu with anime full-length versions), so there are going to be a lot of sections, like the choruses, that are similar to each other, hence they are mapped in a very similar fashion.

My "style" of mapping, if I can even call it that, focuses predominantly (essentially entirely here) on percussion and instrumental sounds, whilst completely ignoring vocals, which may be why many of the patterns look arbitrary because they aren't always that obvious what the notes are for. Perhaps it was also my mistake to try and stay away from holds here since it heavily limits what I can do, but more or less from lack of proper solo charting experience, I'm not able to implement those kinds of patterns in whilst maintaining the relatively 'clean' feel that I want to keep, thus why the chart does pretty much look like it's been converted from a single chart. By no means is this really a bad thing, it's just one way of solo charting, albeit not too interesting with songs like this.

Changes have been made in regards to the "mapping too much" to reduce pattern difficulty while still representing the things that I want it to, as well as in the large burst in the middle to clean the patterns up (which has resulted in a slight reduction in density), since the ideas presented here are things that I feel I can implement without trying to tear the chart apart (which I do believe you have suggested, though not to me).

Long story short, the 6k chart wasn't designed with anything special in mind, hence why you haven't found it so interesting. Clearly, you are now aware of jakads' presence on the mapset and hopefully that fills the void that this set seemed to have. As always, I much appreciate your concern given and time taken to look through everything.

Of course, if there are still issues you feel that should be raised, then feel free to now that this set is being pushed once more.
Did the map just got bubbled after added a new diff which is jakads' diff without a single mod for it?

And why you even nominated it even thought you know it's not comfortable for you? It's like you just make the bases and let other to solves it for you

About metadata:
Artist: MAZARE (kradness,ななひら,Yukacco)
Romanised Artist: MAZARE (kradness,Nanahira,Yukacco)
Title: Mazare Party
Romanised Title: Mazare Party

Official website:
Album information:
More references:
Album hosted by kradness
The song is composed by: かめりあ (Camellia)

Yes, it's included whole metadata, it's not an explaintion, but it's included
Because if it's an explaintion will be like explaintion Camellia's the composer (作詞・作曲:かめりあ)
But this is whole artist name, example like other song: "Crusaders In Virtuality / Quarks(kradness×Camellia)". And making it with only Quarks made no senses due to his new album also have the same metadata with it. That's reference example.
And yes, I already saw the post about metadata check, but I don't really follow it tho, I wish I could ask kradness for confirmation ...
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Did the map just got bubbled after added a new diff which is jakads' diff without a single mod for it?

And why you even nominated it even thought you know it's not comfortable for you? It's like you just make the bases and let other to solves it for you

About metadata:
Artist: MAZARE (kradness,ななひら,Yukacco)
Romanised Artist: MAZARE (kradness,Nanahira,Yukacco)
Title: Mazare Party
Romanised Title: Mazare Party

Official website:
Album information:
More references:
Album hosted by kradness
The song is composed by: かめりあ (Camellia)

Yes, it's included whole metadata, it's not an explaintion, but it's included
Because if it's an explaintion will be like explaintion Camellia's the composer (作詞・作曲:かめりあ)
But this is whole artist name, example like other song: "Crusaders In Virtuality / Quarks(kradness×Camellia)". And making it with only Quarks made no senses due to his new album also have the same metadata with it. That's reference example.
And yes, I already saw the post about metadata check, but I don't really follow it tho, I wish I could ask kradness for confirmation ...
Alright, updated the metadata that matches the one in the album listed here:

Not updating this again lmao

eyes wrote:

JAKARE's 6K Extra

Pitch Relevance stuff:

00:34:026 (34026|4,34026|3,34176|5,34176|4) - I think it's better to make double jack out of it so you follow PR as properly as at 00:32:676 (32676|5,32676|2,32826|2,32826|5,32976|2,32976|5,33126|5,33126|2,33276|2,33276|5)
hmm i don't think that's too necessary
i just wanted to emphasize 00:32:676 (32676|5,32676|2,32826|2,32826|5,32976|2,32976|5,33126|5,33126|2,33276|2,33276|5) -, not the other ones

00:31:326 (31326|4,31326|1,31626|1,31626|4) - and 00:36:126 (36126|5,36126|1,36426|5,36426|1) - these have diffrent pitch and should be arranged defferently. Similar point as example: 00:34:626 (34626|4,34626|1,34926|2,34926|4) -
again, i'm not really trying to follow pitch relevance here, i feel like these are fun to play as is

01:31:176 (91176|3) - and 01:32:376 (92376|2) - have different sounds, why not to represent them differently?
same concern at 01:35:976 (95976|1) - 01:37:176 (97176|4) -
maintaining a shield pattern overall. putting them on different column other than where the LN ends would ruin how it plays. that was completely intentional

01:45:876 - I can tell you are gradually complicating it, and it's good. But here it's a little bit wrong, because these brackets 01:47:076 - are harder than 01:47:676 - so you might want to swap it, otherwise it looks weird to have hard bracket in the middle of burst and everything aftewards are easier than that
fair point

Last part is too hard problem:
I understand your style of making it harder to the end of the song but some patterns go too far .
03:25:701 (205701|2,205701|1,205776|1,205776|2) - double jack between triple and penta, also surrounded by LN patterns might be too sudden and unplayable for player. decreased penta to triple to remove jacks
03:29:226 (209226|5,209226|4,209301|4,209301|5,209376|5,209376|4) - triple jack of 1/8 double LNs impossible to hit properly for player who plays 95-96% on first half of the map. yeah i agree
03:30:276 - same as before. Full LN of 1/4 double stair patterns. yea nerfed
Everything else except doublejacks are just fine.

If you say "ur just bad", I would understand, but the gup is kinda too big and first half of the song might be too easy (next> boring) for players who have no problems with last part. And for players of around my level, who can S first half but almost dies at the end it might be too harsh.
I know that this is a thing, please send some more feedback if the fixed version still seems too hard
not saying to brag my skills or whatever, but keeping some sane difficulty throughout the whole difficulty is kinda tough for me, so feedbacks are very welcome

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Did the map just got bubbled after added a new diff which is jakads' diff without a single mod for it?

mod applied

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Did the map just got bubbled after added a new diff which is jakads' diff without a single mod for it?

And why you even nominated it even thought you know it's not comfortable for you? It's like you just make the bases and let other to solves it for you
i did check the difficulty before nominating it of course, it was just more so the fact my skills most likely dont extend that far to judge a chart of that difficulty level. its not like i just shrugged off the idea of even checking the map, i just did what i could.

regardless, it was a mistake and i apologise for it. to be extra sure, we are letting another nominator ensure its quality before letting any more nominations happen.

yeah again, sorry for the inconvenience and this should be rolling again soon
Topic Starter

error_exe777 wrote:

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Did the map just got bubbled after added a new diff which is jakads' diff without a single mod for it?

And why you even nominated it even thought you know it's not comfortable for you? It's like you just make the bases and let other to solves it for you
i did check the difficulty before nominating it of course, it was just more so the fact my skills most likely dont extend that far to judge a chart of that difficulty level. its not like i just shrugged off the idea of even checking the map, i just did what i could.

regardless, it was a mistake and i apologise for it. to be extra sure, we are letting another nominator ensure its quality before letting any more nominations happen.

yeah again, sorry for the inconvenience and this should be rolling again soon
If anything, this was my fault as error was relying on accurate information and communication from me. I pushed this onto him and I am the one to blame for the mistake.
tails you suck

me irl

ok so i'm gonna check jakads diff as per request, rest was already pretty extensively checked

[JAKARE... wait why the fuck is it jakare i don't get it]
could've just called it JAKADS' 6K PARTY! or something mate, jakare looks bad, mashing nickname with the artist ha, tho there are worse examples of diffnames I guess

god i hate this song

00:15:876 - you could really do something cool with LN releases like for example this

especially since you do use the releases kind of like that at 00:29:076 (29076|0,29226|1,29376|2,29526|3,29676|4,29976|5) - and it would be more suitable to have full hold chord to accent the power of those chords at the start y'know
image just for idea, choose something that'll play well

general meat of the first kiai - I feel like too much emphasis is given towards the stronger hits when tom triples are decently impactful too, for example instead of going 2-1-5 at 00:30:426 (30426|3,30426|0,30501|2,30576|0,30576|4,30576|3,30576|1,30576|5) - you could do 2-2-4 or 3-2-4 even and it would be more musically relevant
the 6-chords for finishes feel overboard but idk man, it feels like forced density on harder hits/finishes and not enough emphasis on the main rhythm in general

00:38:863 (38863|4) - this note is out of place, I hear what it goes for I think but this measure is pretty much tom (the clunky thing I guess) only and would be epic if it stayed like that, clear and simple

01:20:151 (80151|3,80226|4,80301|5,80376|3,80451|4,80526|5,80601|4,80676|3) - oh god this is so mean why the small trill there even exists this looks awful lmao

01:30:276 - same as intro

01:59:226 (119226|3,119226|1,119301|1,119301|3,119376|3,119376|1,119526|3,119526|1,119676|4,119676|2,119826|2,119826|4,119976|3,119976|5) - why does this to to the right when the pitch goes down

02:08:863 (128863|1) - same as 38 seconds in

actually what are the 1/8 LNs going to exactly, 37 ms LNs are going to be a pain in the ass to acc by far and large, I would really reconsider the usage of them, even 50 ms LNs are hard to acc, 1/4 LNs would be kinda ok but it's still gonna be ass so you better have good explanation for them

second kiai in general feels okay

02:09:876 - it feels like you're missing a lot of guitar that you could map in that section, there's a lot of empty space as a result and this part feels "empty" in general I guess?

02:29:976 (149976|5,149976|1,149976|0,149976|4) - hey look here you're doing 1/4 LNs

03:09:201 - hey nice uneven release

03:29:226 (209226|4,209226|5,209301|2,209301|3,209376|4,209376|5,209526|3,209526|4,209676|3,209676|2,209826|1,209826|2,209976|1,209976|0,210126|0,210126|1) - yeah while i get the aesthetic i think it plays like ass and does not work in o!m. It's a thing stepmania charters did to emphasize sounds but it works there because of no release timings, same in o2jam (kinda). This does not work well here tbh

03:41:076 - ssssame as before

03:43:176 (223176|4,223176|2) - actually what are those notes for there's like nothing here

03:50:901 (230901|1,230901|4,230976|1,230976|4) - this is so sad can we conquer the persian empire
why, you could easily just removed the LNs so you don't have a shield out of nowhere

my general gripe with the structure is as mentioned earlier, too much emphasis on the backbone of the song (1/1 hits) and not enough emphasis on the melody and rhythm making it feel like a chordfest and possibly causing the issues aforementioned in this thread about first half being too easy

deez nutz

Kamikaze wrote:

deez nutz
have you guys ever heard of bofa?

Unpredictable wrote:

Kamikaze wrote:

deez nutz
have you guys ever heard of bofa?
whats bofa

booty wrote:

whats bofa
bofa deez nuts hahahahahaaaa

top 10 pranks that went too far

Unpredictable wrote:

booty wrote:

whats bofa

bofa deez nuts hahahahahaaaa

top 10 pranks that went too far

cool but did you try ligma

imo "jakare" is fine

Kamikaze wrote:

me irl

ok so i'm gonna check jakads diff as per request, rest was already pretty extensively checked

[JAKARE... wait why the fuck is it jakare i don't get it]
could've just called it JAKADS' 6K PARTY! or something mate, jakare looks bad, mashing nickname with the artist ha, tho there are worse examples of diffnames I guess

u look bad

god i hate this song

00:15:876 - you could really do something cool with LN releases like for example this

especially since you do use the releases kind of like that at 00:29:076 (29076|0,29226|1,29376|2,29526|3,29676|4,29976|5) - and it would be more suitable to have full hold chord to accent the power of those chords at the start y'know
image just for idea, choose something that'll play well
i agree, but not really sure on what pattern to go with

general meat of the first kiai - I feel like too much emphasis is given towards the stronger hits when tom triples are decently impactful too, for example instead of going 2-1-5 at 00:30:426 (30426|3,30426|0,30501|2,30576|0,30576|4,30576|3,30576|1,30576|5) - you could do 2-2-4 or 3-2-4 even and it would be more musically relevant
the 6-chords for finishes feel overboard but idk man, it feels like forced density on harder hits/finishes and not enough emphasis on the main rhythm in general
changed melody to 2, kick to 3, snare to 4, crash to 5

00:38:863 (38863|4) - this note is out of place, I hear what it goes for I think but this measure is pretty much tom (the clunky thing I guess) only and would be epic if it stayed like that, clear and simple
i love trap beats tho ree

01:20:151 (80151|3,80226|4,80301|5,80376|3,80451|4,80526|5,80601|4,80676|3) - oh god this is so mean why the small trill there even exists this looks awful lmao
then what else can i put there
if this was 7k it would've been clean, but meh

01:30:276 - same as intro

01:59:226 (119226|3,119226|1,119301|1,119301|3,119376|3,119376|1,119526|3,119526|1,119676|4,119676|2,119826|2,119826|4,119976|3,119976|5) - why does this to to the right when the pitch goes down
I Ctrl+H'd the entire part
are you happy now

02:08:863 (128863|1) - same as 38 seconds in

actually what are the 1/8 LNs going to exactly, 37 ms LNs are going to be a pain in the ass to acc by far and large, I would really reconsider the usage of them, even 50 ms LNs are hard to acc, 1/4 LNs would be kinda ok but it's still gonna be ass so you better have good explanation for them
emphasis on "HAH" and other stuff
pretty sure it's gonna be fine

second kiai in general feels okay
thx u too

02:09:876 - it feels like you're missing a lot of guitar that you could map in that section, there's a lot of empty space as a result and this part feels "empty" in general I guess?
i've thought about that, but not only it is hard to follow because it's so faint, but also i thought it'd be better to calm down after the hard part soo yea no guitar 4 u

02:29:976 (149976|5,149976|1,149976|0,149976|4) - hey look here you're doing 1/4 LNs
the parts i was using 1/8 LNs already had some 1/4 LNs following something, so i shortened them to make them distinct
this part however is relatively calm and has no reason to put any other 1/4 LNs, so i didn't shorten it cuz it felt unnecessary to do so

03:09:201 - hey nice uneven release

how tf did u spot that
i swear to god i played that part multiple times and thought it was perfect wtf jadlksfgnmaldfgnjkader

03:29:226 (209226|4,209226|5,209301|2,209301|3,209376|4,209376|5,209526|3,209526|4,209676|3,209676|2,209826|1,209826|2,209976|1,209976|0,210126|0,210126|1) - yeah while i get the aesthetic i think it plays like ass and does not work in o!m. It's a thing stepmania charters did to emphasize sounds but it works there because of no release timings, same in o2jam (kinda). This does not work well here tbh
ok this one's fair
didn't need to be 1/8 lel
made them 1/4

03:41:076 - ssssame as before

03:43:176 (223176|4,223176|2) - actually what are those notes for there's like nothing here
exact same sound effect on 00:17:976 (17976|4) - and 01:32:376 (92376|2) -

03:50:901 (230901|1,230901|4,230976|1,230976|4) - this is so sad can we conquer the persian empire
why, you could easily just removed the LNs so you don't have a shield out of nowhere
yes i'm on it rn
shh i just didn't want to follow the weirdly snapped stuff
fixed but i still used LN fucc u haha yes

my general gripe with the structure is as mentioned earlier, too much emphasis on the backbone of the song (1/1 hits) and not enough emphasis on the melody and rhythm making it feel like a chordfest and possibly causing the issues aforementioned in this thread about first half being too easy
i agree, i'll try to find a solution

deez nutz no u
mm yes
gonna fix some stuff and then send ya the file

eyes wrote:

cool but did you try ligma
whats ligma
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