
Kobaryo - Dotabata Animation [feat. t+pazolite] [OsuMania]

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01:20:308 (80308|3) -
Needs more chord jacks if that makes sense. The song intensity starts to pick up and it needs to be different from the lighter sections of the song, so that might warrant for increased difficulty.

01:38:770 (98770|3) - to 01:41:366 (101366|3) -
The whole section needs to be remapped, you're not listening to the music. It's not straight 1/4 jumpstream it's a lot more intricate than that. Patterning shouldn't be kept in overlapping rolls, add some trills or something. It's a build up to that section so you're expecting it to be harder.

01:42:462 (102462|0,102462|3,102462|0,102462|1) -
This section is void, LN + rice would suffice. Yet again being omissive to the music.

Good luck
oh yeah and on top of what melted cheese said, some of the layering is weird too
also, if you are going to make a pp map, you cant justify it by making the "easier" patterns uncomfortable, that's not very fair imo
please consider these changes

a box
00:26:770 (26770|1,26770|0,26770|3) - and 00:30:462 (30462|1,30462|0,30462|3) - should be doubles, theres no reason as to why they should be layered more heavily than 00:25:731 or the same as 00:28:616 (which has a unique sound)
00:31:846 (31846|1,31846|0,31962|3,31962|2,32077|3,32077|2,32193|0,32193|1) - this doesnt really make sense, the layering is fine but the positioning doesnt fit the music, would suggest changing up a few note positions - the fastest way would be to move 00:32:077 (32077|3) - to the second column seeing as the notes in the synth go B - E - G# - B (to allow the notes corresponding to B to be the same columns and E and G# having different columns)
00:33:462 (33462|3,33462|0) - 00:35:308 (35308|2,35308|3) - why not triple?

based on from what i see in the first kiai i assume that cymbal = quad, kick drum = jump or hand when emphasized, seems familiar (galaxy collapse) - 00:40:962 (40962|0,40962|1) - and 00:44:654 (44654|1,44654|2) - and 00:46:500 (46500|2,46500|1) - and 00:42:808 (42808|0,42808|1) - have no kick drum, consider reducing to single
00:43:212 (43212|3,43270|2) - and 00:46:673 (46673|1,46731|2,46789|3) - change to doubles (because you have patterns like 00:48:693 (48693|3,48693|0,48750|1,48750|2,48808|0,48808|3,48866|1,48866|2,48923|0,48923|3) - that are basically the same sound)

00:48:116 (48116|2,48116|3,48231|3,48346|3,48462|3,48462|2,48577|2,48693|3,48750|2,48808|3,48866|2,48923|3) - extremely uncomfortable for the right hand. 00:48:231 (48231|0,48231|3,48231|1,48346|3,48346|1,48346|0) - these two chords dont even have the same pitch in the melody, and 00:48:693 (48693|3,48693|0,48750|1,48750|2,48808|0,48808|3,48866|1,48866|2,48923|0,48923|3) - this would normally be fine (galaxy collapse) but because of the surrounding patterns, it is slightly uncomfortable (unless i'm just bad) - consider switching to regular jumptrill

00:50:077 (50077|3,50077|2,50077|0,50193|2,50193|0,50193|3) - dont even have the same pitch in the melody

00:50:712 (50712|3,50770|3) - remove one of these notes

00:52:673 (52673|0,52904|0) - there isnt even any sound here. remove these and 00:52:731 (52731|3,52731|2,52789|1,52789|0,52846|2,52846|3) - Ctrl+H this

01:08:193 (68193|0,68308|0) - why stack here? change; 01:04:500 (64500|3,64616|3) - this one is fine because the mallet perc. (xylophone?) has the same sound

also, there are sounds at 01:02:308 and 01:03:231 etc. throughout the section

01:17:539 (77539|0,77539|3,77539|2) - no reason for this to be triple, change to double
01:19:385 (79385|1,79385|0,79385|3) - ^

01:20:077 (80077|2,80077|1) - the "up" in "shut up" comes a bit before this, just remove these notes

01:20:308 - more chords/doubles (see post above)

01:21:923 (81923|3,81923|2,81923|0) - and 01:23:539 (83539|1,83539|0,83539|3,83770|3,83770|1,83770|0) - no strong kick drum, change to double
note at 01:23:885 not mapped

01:27:173 (87173|0,87231|0) - minijack at this speed? no thanks

01:38:770 - the music here is a lot more complicated than a planet shaper jumpstream, consider mapping the sharp speedcore sounds with 1/8 snap

01:42:462 - really boring, consider mapping the other sounds

02:21:231 (141231|1,141231|0,141231|3) - and 02:24:923 (144923|3,144923|1,144923|0) - same problem as before, should be double
02:26:308 (146308|3,146308|2,146423|0,146423|1,146539|1,146539|0,146654|2,146654|3) - same problem as before

for second kiai refer to first kiai mod
02:45:231 - just maintain the jumptrill until the 1/8

02:47:135 (167135|3,167366|3,167596|3) - no sound, delete and 02:47:193 (167193|1,167193|0,167250|2,167250|3,167308|1,167308|0,167654|1,167654|0,167712|2,167712|3,167770|0,167770|1) - Ctrl+H this pattern
02:48:462 (168462|3,168462|2) - should be single (nothing unique about this)
A really good example of ghost note mapping in this map is the section Melt3dCheeze pointed out.

01:38:770 (98770|3) - to 01:41:366 (101366|3) -
The whole section needs to be remapped, you're not listening to the music. It's not straight 1/4 jumpstream it's a lot more intricate than that. Patterning shouldn't be kept in overlapping rolls, add some trills or something. It's a build up to that section so you're expecting it to be harder.
This is your current pattern at 01:39:693 - to 01:40:385 - :

This is my fixed pattern at the same timestamps:

Listen to the portions at 25% and you can tell the difference.

Another point is that 01:40:500 - should be a single note because it isn't a drum
Topic Starter

Melt3dCheeze wrote:

01:20:308 (80308|3) -
Needs more chord jacks if that makes sense. The song intensity starts to pick up and it needs to be different from the lighter sections of the song, so that might warrant for increased difficulty. //prefer to keep the current pattern as overall intensity is already high enough

01:38:770 (98770|3) - to 01:41:366 (101366|3) -
The whole section needs to be remapped, you're not listening to the music. It's not straight 1/4 jumpstream it's a lot more intricate than that. Patterning shouldn't be kept in overlapping rolls, add some trills or something. It's a build up to that section so you're expecting it to be harder.//just because i didnt map the 1/8 doesnt mean i'm not listening to the music

01:42:462 (102462|0,102462|3,102462|0,102462|1) -
This section is void, LN + rice would suffice. Yet again being omissive to the music. // idont see how this could be a problem, if you want to do LN pattern then go ahead and do it when you map your own map but i would like to keep my current

Good luck i dont need that

qqqant wrote:

oh yeah and on top of what melted cheese said, some of the layering is weird too
also, if you are going to make a pp map, you cant justify it by making the "easier" patterns uncomfortable, that's not very fair imo
please consider these changes //where you get this idea of me want to do pp map

a box
00:26:770 (26770|1,26770|0,26770|3) - and 00:30:462 (30462|1,30462|0,30462|3) - should be doubles, theres no reason as to why they should be layered more heavily than 00:25:731 or the same as 00:28:616 (which has a unique sound)
// there is a reason, its the first sound of the main sound as i want to give more impact by using triple
00:31:846 (31846|1,31846|0,31962|3,31962|2,32077|3,32077|2,32193|0,32193|1) - this doesnt really make sense, the layering is fine but the positioning doesnt fit the music, would suggest changing up a few note positions - the fastest way would be to move
//using double jack because i want to build up the intensity as the rhythm goes up. i dont see how moving one note will make a huge different
00:32:077 (32077|3) - to the second column seeing as the notes in the synth go B - E - G# - B (to allow the notes corresponding to B to be the same columns and E and G# having different columns)
00:33:462 (33462|3,33462|0) - 00:35:308 (35308|2,35308|3) - why not triple? // because i decided not to, only the last cymbal is using triple

based on from what i see in the first kiai i assume that cymbal = quad, kick drum = jump or hand when emphasized, seems familiar (galaxy collapse) //wrong in the first place lmao
- 00:40:962 (40962|0,40962|1) - and 00:44:654 (44654|1,44654|2) - and 00:46:500 (46500|2,46500|1) - and 00:42:808 (42808|0,42808|1) - have no kick drum, consider reducing to single //main sound thank you
00:43:212 (43212|3,43270|2) - and 00:46:673 (46673|1,46731|2,46789|3) - change to doubles (because you have patterns like 00:48:693 (48693|3,48693|0,48750|1,48750|2,48808|0,48808|3,48866|1,48866|2,48923|0,48923|3) - that are basically the same sound) //so have you consider the intensity of each section? the first one is not trills because the intensity is different

00:48:116 (48116|2,48116|3,48231|3,48346|3,48462|3,48462|2,48577|2,48693|3,48750|2,48808|3,48866|2,48923|3) - extremely uncomfortable for the right hand.// left hand 11notes, right hand 12 notes, what can i say
00:48:231 (48231|0,48231|3,48231|1,48346|3,48346|1,48346|0) - these two chords dont even have the same pitch in the melody,
//using same column because the different pitch at 00:48:346 (48346|1,48346|0,48346|3,48462|3,48462|2,48462|0) - is much more noticeable
and 00:48:693 (48693|3,48693|0,48750|1,48750|2,48808|0,48808|3,48866|1,48866|2,48923|0,48923|3) - this would normally be fine (galaxy collapse) but because of the surrounding patterns, it is slightly uncomfortable (unless i'm just bad) - consider switching to regular jumptrill //so are you saying (12)(34) is the only trill we can do now?

00:50:077 (50077|3,50077|2,50077|0,50193|2,50193|0,50193|3) - dont even have the same pitch in the melody //like my previous explanation

00:50:712 (50712|3,50770|3) - remove one of these notes if you cant give a reason why should i even fix it

00:52:673 (52673|0,52904|0) - there isnt even any sound here. remove these and 00:52:731 (52731|3,52731|2,52789|1,52789|0,52846|2,52846|3) - Ctrl+H this //hihat

01:08:193 (68193|0,68308|0) - why stack here? change; 01:04:500 (64500|3,64616|3) - this one is fine because the mallet perc. (xylophone?) has the same sound//to show the rhythm is changing

also, there are sounds at 01:02:308 and 01:03:231 etc. throughout the section //because i'm focusing on the main sound (which is the LN) isnt that obvious

01:17:539 (77539|0,77539|3,77539|2) - no reason for this to be triple, change to double
01:19:385 (79385|1,79385|0,79385|3) - ^ first sound of the main sound

01:20:077 (80077|2,80077|1) - the "up" in "shut up" comes a bit before this, just remove these notes "a bit before" you cant even tell the snap, plus its vocal, move it few ms earlier wouldnt effect anything

01:20:308 - more chords/doubles (see post above)

01:21:923 (81923|3,81923|2,81923|0) - and 01:23:539 (83539|1,83539|0,83539|3,83770|3,83770|1,83770|0) - no strong kick drum, change to double //pls stop assuming that i'm using triple for kick drum like i cant tell the difference, i'm using it for the main sound
note at 01:23:885 not mapped //leave this part empty so i can emphasize the cymbal sound 01:24:000 - more

01:27:173 (87173|0,87231|0) - minijack at this speed? no thanks//if you cant play doesnt mean other cant. a lots of BPM higher than 250 also used this kinda of jack

01:38:770 - the music here is a lot more complicated than a planet shaper jumpstream, consider mapping the sharp speedcore sounds with 1/8 snap //i cant do 260 jack but i can do 260 jumpstream which mixed with 1/8. Nice logic

01:42:462 - really boring, consider mapping the other sounds //not boring, consider go map your own version of this song

02:21:231 (141231|1,141231|0,141231|3) - and 02:24:923 (144923|3,144923|1,144923|0) - same problem as before, should be double same explantion as before, not gonna fix
02:26:308 (146308|3,146308|2,146423|0,146423|1,146539|1,146539|0,146654|2,146654|3) - same problem as before //^

for second kiai refer to first kiai mod
02:45:231 - just maintain the jumptrill until the 1/8 //why should i, better give a reason next time if you want to convince someone

02:47:135 (167135|3,167366|3,167596|3) - no sound, delete and 02:47:193 (167193|1,167193|0,167250|2,167250|3,167308|1,167308|0,167654|1,167654|0,167712|2,167712|3,167770|0,167770|1) - Ctrl+H this pattern // hihat like my previous explanation
02:48:462 (168462|3,168462|2) - should be single (nothing unique about this) //last sound of the main sound

Raveille wrote:

A really good example of ghost note mapping in this map is the section Melt3dCheeze pointed out.

01:38:770 (98770|3) - to 01:41:366 (101366|3) -
The whole section needs to be remapped, you're not listening to the music. It's not straight 1/4 jumpstream it's a lot more intricate than that. Patterning shouldn't be kept in overlapping rolls, add some trills or something. It's a build up to that section so you're expecting it to be harder.
This is your current pattern at 01:39:693 - to 01:40:385 - :

This is my fixed pattern at the same timestamps:

Listen to the portions at 25% and you can tell the difference.
//i simply just make the 1/8 into 1/4, how is that become a ghost note. If i add notes at 01:40:443 - 01:40:558 - that will be ghost notes

Another point is that 01:40:500 - should be a single note because it isn't a drum //i double it for the main sound. Got rule says that only drum can use double?
"Drum can only be double and Kick drum can only be triple"
and you guys say i'm the one who's doing boring map
And if the SR/PP system is broken, how is that even my fault ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
a case against this map:

how completely disgusting of you to say such a thing to someone who's trying to help.

you're ignoring his point about the patterns neglecting the song as it is; if you believe that your current pattern is fine then stand up to the point and make a case for yourself instead of asking, again, someone who's trying to help you improve your map to "make a map themselves to their liking". i'm sorry but we all share the ranked section so whether you like it or not you will have to stand up for yourself and take responsibility for your own things

before you argue that "you're the one who's being attacked here" stop yourself for a minute and think whether or not these people care enough about you to attack you or care about the quality of the rank section

i think this shows not only me but everyone else how victimized you believe you are. of all the things and people and systems in the world to blame and you never thought to take a look at yourself and what you've actually done.

i can only hope you wake up from it and actually start taking responsibility for your own map.

i apologize if this comes off as aggressive but i do not like it and will never stand for it when people shirk themselves in a corner when criticism arrives and point to the "oppressor" and scream how they're being "unreasonably being attacked".

edit: i'm not continuing this mod, i don't see a reason to when the mapper is this entrenched in his own victim complexes


00:12:693 (12693|3,12808|2) - no attempt at differentiation even though there's bass beats?
00:13:500 (13500|2,13616|0) - similarly, i won't repeat myself

00:19:385 (19385|3,19385|0,19616|3,19616|0) - different pitches?

i'm not sure if you noticed but
00:19:616 (19616|0,19731|1,19846|0,19962|1,20077|0) - 1
00:21:577 (21577|1,21693|0,21808|1,21923|0) - 2
00:23:308 (23308|0,23423|1,23539|0,23654|1,23770|0) - 3
why do all of them center on the same hand?
i would understand if 1 & 3 utilized the same patterning cause the song repeats but 2 is eehh

00:26:193 (26193|0,26308|2,26308|0) - i get what you're trying to do here but sorry it's not doing what you think it does
00:28:039 (28039|0,28154|1,28154|0) - if you take a closer listen the one above is completely different in pitch and tone, yet both are represented in the same column

00:31:962 (31962|3,31962|2,32077|2,32077|3) - are they the same pitch? if not why are they in the same column then $$

00:32:539 (32539|2,32539|1,32770|0,32770|3) - funnily enough, these are the same pitches - yet they lack the representation as shown above
you copy pasted didn't you

reference $$ and %% for this point
00:34:385 (34385|2,34385|1,34616|3,34616|0) - you hear those wobs in the song? yeah you could've used those to your advantage by differentiating your doubles here but alas $$ and this are the same so nope this whole section has completely no nuance. add on %% and i think you should be able to see why people are complaining about how plain this map is

00:50:077 (50077|0,50193|0,50308|0,50423|0) - this is horrendous to play as a starting burst
00:50:712 (50712|3,50770|3) - this one is pretty bad, 260 jumptrills and then a minijack? it's not that there's anything wrong layering-wise, i just take issue with how sudden this one is, which is kinda the music's fault but then again it's not like you didn't have the freedom to make it less awkward

let's talk patterning now

00:50:308 (50308|1,50308|0,50366|2,50366|3,50423|0,50423|1,50481|3,50481|2) - i'm pretty darn sure this is a different bass beat than
00:50:539 (50539|0,50539|1,50596|2,50596|3,50654|1,50654|0,50712|2,50712|3) - so i don't understand why they're all bunched up in this jumptrill

01:08:770 (68770|1,68770|3,69000|1,69000|3) - different pitches, same column

01:11:885 (71885|0,71885|3,72000|2,72000|3) - these are the notes that have the same pitches, yes?
01:12:000 (72000|3,72000|2,72116|2,72116|3) - if yes to above, then why are these then the same columns?

01:16:846 (76846|2,76846|3,77077|2,77077|1,77308|0,77308|1) -
01:18:693 (78693|2,78693|3,78923|0,78923|1,79154|2,79154|3) -
we agree that these are the same pitches of notes, yes?
then why are they patterned differently? fundamentally one has chords layered over each other but one doesn't so your "variety" explanation doesn't hold up cause of how differently they actually play.

01:21:693 (81693|3,81693|0,81693|2,81808|1) - you couldn't keep the jacking up here?
01:22:154 (82154|3,82154|0,82270|1) - here too? - i dont see why you wouldn't want to keep the difficulty here at least somewhat consistent

01:27:173 (87173|0,87231|0) - this has no justification layering-wise so i'm putting it here - why end this part on a jack?

pay attention to which hand all the notes i highlight land on
01:27:693 (87693|3,87693|2,87808|2,87808|3) -
01:28:039 (88039|2,88039|3,88154|3,88270|2,88270|3,88385|2,88385|3,88500|3,88500|2) -
01:28:731 (88731|2,88731|3,88846|3,88846|2) -
01:29:077 (89077|2,89077|3,89193|3,89193|2) -
01:29:539 (89539|2,89539|3,89654|3,89654|2) -
01:29:885 (89885|3,90000|3,90116|3) -
01:31:385 (91385|3,91500|2,91500|3,91616|3,91616|2) -
01:31:846 (91846|2,91846|3,91962|3,92077|2,92077|3,92193|2,92193|3) -
01:32:423 (92423|3,92423|2,92539|2,92539|3) -
01:32:770 (92770|3,92770|2,92885|3,92885|2,93000|3) -

can you see anything wrong with how the whole section is layering? do you think (at least for the beginning of the section) the section is a bit heavy on the right?
and before you bring up the "this section is right then left" 01:29:539 - and 01:30:231 - disqualifies it
not that it has any merit to begin with, why would you want to make the section alternatingly right-left biased

this song is horrible to chart, 01:27:693 - i perfectly understand how you didn't want to overload this section and it's really not that much your fault than it is the song (kobaryo is generally pretty meh anyway)

01:30:923 (90923|0,90923|3,91154|0,91154|3) - could've emphasized these more

01:35:193 (95193|3,95193|2,95308|0,95308|1,95423|3,95423|2) -
01:37:039 (97039|3,97039|2,97154|1,97154|0,97270|2,97270|1) -
same beats but different representation

01:36:462 (96462|1,96462|0,96577|2,96577|3) - i don't get why the bass beats don't get the jack but 01:36:577 (96577|2,96577|3,96693|3,96693|0) - the bass-woob ones do, it just misplaces your emphasis on the bass here and makes everything seem messy and convoluted

01:37:500 (97500|1,97500|0,97616|1,97616|0,97731|0) - i don't understand this one

complete mess

00:17:193 - there's a bass beat here
00:19:270 - hihat

00:20:885 - bass beat, don't skimp on the double just because it's after muh triple there's still emphasis there

00:26:423 - 00:30:116 - hihat

00:30:462 (30462|1,30462|0,30462|3) - why are these notes emphasized to such an extreme? i don't hear any crashes

00:37:154 - not sure why you ignored the 1/4s here, it's not like you couldn't have done a normal 1/4 stream just for this part because hey there's actually differentiation in this song that you can use to make your map less copy pasted maybe %%
00:37:962 (37962|2,38077|3,38077|0,38193|1) - same as above, you could've done some sort of jack progression but nope nothing %%

00:51:000 (51000|0,51116|0,51231|0) - quirky layering
00:51:000 (51000|2,51000|0,51000|3,51231|2,51231|0,51231|3) - because these are the same triples - why are they the same

let's talk hypocrisy

00:52:212 (52212|3,52327|0) - these can very readily be argued as ghost notes, but for the sake of patterning and my argument let's say these are allowed
then 00:53:135 - 00:53:250 - 00:53:366 - are all inconsistent and fucked by that because they all have that same "note echo"
not only that, 00:52:616 - the patterning itself becomes really right-heavy
in summary, i don't see why you shouldn't remove those "note echo" notes because they're a) messing up the patterning and b) structurally inconsistent

00:53:770 - to 00:54:462 - there are 1/4 snares here you skipped over

01:02:308 - this snare is so blatantly missed
even if you make the argument "hey i'm only following the synths" it just seems lazy to me that you could not have tried to incorporate them into your patterning somehow? because they're part of the song you're trying to chart here and shouldn't we as charters be striving to represent the song as well as possible?

01:08:193 (68193|0,68308|0,68308|1) - either
a) you make them not stack because they're not the same pitches or
b) 01:08:193 - you make this a double

01:10:962 - snare
before you argue that you're mostly following the synths here 01:09:923 (69923|0) - 01:11:770 (71770|1) - you might want to consider that these notes lead players into thinking that percussion is actually being followed too. if you so want to make it such that you don't have to place a note at 01:10:962 - then you better make sure that the synth sections are actually distinct from each other in this section

01:16:154 - a bit weird how there's no notes here just LN releases

01:23:539 - you can most definitely have LNs here
01:21:923 - 01:23:770 - these are the same wubs actually
01:25:385 - NOW this one is inexcusable because there's no wub sound anywhere; besides the fact that this shows some measurable form of incompetency in basic layering understanding i think it shows that you're copy-pasting too

01:25:616 - wub here btw but it's fine if you ignore this one

01:25:846 - i guess you hands are bound layering-wise but i still wouldn't regard this as optimal, you could've very well done a jumpstream which emphasizes more on the synths in the music - something like this might even work fine, even though it's a bit crude as of now

01:35:885 (95885|1,95885|0,95885|3,96116|0,96116|1,96116|3) - same triple but different pitch?
01:35:885 (95885|3,96000|3,96116|3) - it's also why you get these things

01:42:000 - not sure why this is doubled really, there's no strong sound except for a yawn which seems pretty soft to me
Okay, so I'm actually kinda looking forward to the modding discussion and feel like I'll say a word about this one.
First, I actually played the 2 hardest diffs on this map, and I can completely say this is legit pp giveaway. Given that this map isn't hard to play mainly because of the absurd spamming trills, you're not supposed to do that in the similar fashion to the genre has in this song. Sure, it's a really upbeat speedcore, but that doesn't mean your pattern is justifiable and can go on like "oh, this map has lots of tricky rhythmical structure, probably I should go with the hard stuffs and repetitive things on and on". Do not even try to get this one in a ranked state even with a situation like this.
Second and lastly, you are even trying to ignore what the modders will give out better solutions for you. Not even anyone could chart maps perfectly in just a single try. Yours are too. You're completely impolite to just bang those aside and drop it like it's not even a regular feedback for you. Look all of those ranting feedbacks in Disqus if you do need those reviews. So keep that in mind.

In either today or tomorrow, I'll be trying to look over on this stuff and will give out my personal opinion on my revision to this.

RemFangirl wrote:

Okay, so I'm actually kinda looking forward to the modding discussion and feel like I'll say a word about this one.
First, I actually played the 2 hardest diffs on this map, and I can completely say this is legit pp giveaway. Given that this map isn't hard to play mainly because of the absurd spamming trills, you're not supposed to do that in the similar fashion to the genre has in this song. Sure, it's a really upbeat speedcore, but that doesn't mean your pattern is justifiable and can go on like "oh, this map has lots of tricky rhythmical structure, probably I should go with the hard stuffs and repetitive things on and on". Do not even try to get this one in a ranked state even with a situation like this.
Second and lastly, you are even trying to ignore what the modders will give out better solutions for you. Not even anyone could chart maps perfectly in just a single try. Yours are too. You're completely impolite to just bang those aside and drop it like it's not even a regular feedback for you. Look all of those ranting feedbacks in Disqus if you do need those reviews. So keep that in mind.

In either today or tomorrow, I'll be trying to look over on this stuff and will give out my personal opinion on my revision to this.
My additional 2 cents is how can you be this unprofessional in replying to mods that aren't even that aggressive. Modders are there because they want to help make the map better and address issues that players have brought up too but if this is the way you want to handle things then we should let the QAT handle this instead.
wanting to make a pp map is basically implied in your p//s jumpstream section to which what is mapped in that section is completely different to what is in the song.

also, just wanted to say something about the difficulty name... it's even worse than naming your diff "POP MUSIC!!" in a kpop song, as evening put it

Topic Starter

Abraxos wrote:

a case against this map:

how completely disgusting of you to say such a thing to someone who's trying to help.
I dont need "luck" to rank my map, any thing wrong with that?

you're ignoring his point about the patterns neglecting the song as it is; if you believe that your current pattern is fine then stand up to the point and make a case for yourself instead of asking, again, someone who's trying to help you improve your map to "make a map themselves to their liking". i'm sorry but we all share the ranked section so whether you like it or not you will have to stand up for yourself and take responsibility for your own things
His think his pattern is better and I think mine is better, just different mapping choice between different mapper, why should i explain more. If you want more explanation, "i think my pattern fits the music more" simple as that. As you said we all share the ranked section, then people should try to accept different mapping idea instead of focusing someone to accept their mod

before you argue that "you're the one who's being attacked here" stop yourself for a minute and think whether or not these people care enough about you to attack you or care about the quality of the rank section
its the wording, using words like "your map is a mess" "should remap this whole section", and still call it a help? no thank you

i think this shows not only me but everyone else how victimized you believe you are. of all the things and people and systems in the world to blame and you never thought to take a look at yourself and what you've actually done.
I would like to know what you mean by "what i've done".

i can only hope you wake up from it and actually start taking responsibility for your own map.

i apologize if this comes off as aggressive but i do not like it and will never stand for it when people shirk themselves in a corner when criticism arrives and point to the "oppressor" and scream how they're being "unreasonably being attacked".
err... pls dont try to guess my thought here

edit: i'm not continuing this mod, i don't see a reason to when the mapper is this entrenched in his own victim complexes


00:12:693 (12693|3,12808|2) - no attempt at differentiation even though there's bass beats?
00:13:500 (13500|2,13616|0) - similarly, i won't repeat myself

00:19:385 (19385|3,19385|0,19616|3,19616|0) - different pitches?

i'm not sure if you noticed but
00:19:616 (19616|0,19731|1,19846|0,19962|1,20077|0) - 1
00:21:577 (21577|1,21693|0,21808|1,21923|0) - 2
00:23:308 (23308|0,23423|1,23539|0,23654|1,23770|0) - 3
why do all of them center on the same hand?
i would understand if 1 & 3 utilized the same patterning cause the song repeats but 2 is eehh

00:26:193 (26193|0,26308|2,26308|0) - i get what you're trying to do here but sorry it's not doing what you think it does
00:28:039 (28039|0,28154|1,28154|0) - if you take a closer listen the one above is completely different in pitch and tone, yet both are represented in the same column

00:31:962 (31962|3,31962|2,32077|2,32077|3) - are they the same pitch? if not why are they in the same column then $$

00:32:539 (32539|2,32539|1,32770|0,32770|3) - funnily enough, these are the same pitches - yet they lack the representation as shown above
you copy pasted didn't you

reference $$ and %% for this point
00:34:385 (34385|2,34385|1,34616|3,34616|0) - you hear those wobs in the song? yeah you could've used those to your advantage by differentiating your doubles here but alas $$ and this are the same so nope this whole section has completely no nuance. add on %% and i think you should be able to see why people are complaining about how plain this map is

00:50:077 (50077|0,50193|0,50308|0,50423|0) - this is horrendous to play as a starting burst
00:50:712 (50712|3,50770|3) - this one is pretty bad, 260 jumptrills and then a minijack? it's not that there's anything wrong layering-wise, i just take issue with how sudden this one is, which is kinda the music's fault but then again it's not like you didn't have the freedom to make it less awkward

let's talk patterning now

00:50:308 (50308|1,50308|0,50366|2,50366|3,50423|0,50423|1,50481|3,50481|2) - i'm pretty darn sure this is a different bass beat than
00:50:539 (50539|0,50539|1,50596|2,50596|3,50654|1,50654|0,50712|2,50712|3) - so i don't understand why they're all bunched up in this jumptrill

01:08:770 (68770|1,68770|3,69000|1,69000|3) - different pitches, same column

01:11:885 (71885|0,71885|3,72000|2,72000|3) - these are the notes that have the same pitches, yes?
01:12:000 (72000|3,72000|2,72116|2,72116|3) - if yes to above, then why are these then the same columns?

01:16:846 (76846|2,76846|3,77077|2,77077|1,77308|0,77308|1) -
01:18:693 (78693|2,78693|3,78923|0,78923|1,79154|2,79154|3) -
we agree that these are the same pitches of notes, yes?
then why are they patterned differently?

01:21:693 (81693|3,81693|0,81693|2,81808|1) - you couldn't keep the jacking up here?
01:22:154 (82154|3,82154|0,82270|1) - here too? - i dont see why you wouldn't want to keep the difficulty here at least somewhat consistent

01:27:173 (87173|0,87231|0) - this has no justification layering-wise so i'm putting it here - why end this part on a jack?

pay attention to which hand all the notes i highlight land on
01:27:693 (87693|3,87693|2,87808|2,87808|3) -
01:28:039 (88039|2,88039|3,88154|3,88270|2,88270|3,88385|2,88385|3,88500|3,88500|2) -
01:28:731 (88731|2,88731|3,88846|3,88846|2) -
01:29:077 (89077|2,89077|3,89193|3,89193|2) -
01:29:539 (89539|2,89539|3,89654|3,89654|2) -
01:29:885 (89885|3,90000|3,90116|3) -
01:31:385 (91385|3,91500|2,91500|3,91616|3,91616|2) -
01:31:846 (91846|2,91846|3,91962|3,92077|2,92077|3,92193|2,92193|3) -
01:32:423 (92423|3,92423|2,92539|2,92539|3) -
01:32:770 (92770|3,92770|2,92885|3,92885|2,93000|3) -

can you see anything wrong with how the whole section is layering? do you think (at least for the beginning of the section) the section is a bit heavy on the right?
and before you bring up the "this section is right then left" 01:29:539 - and 01:30:231 - disqualifies it
not that it has any merit to begin with, why would you want to make the section alternatingly right-left biased

this song is horrible to chart, 01:27:693 - i perfectly understand how you didn't want to overload this section and it's really not that much your fault than it is the song (kobaryo is generally pretty meh anyway)

01:30:923 (90923|0,90923|3,91154|0,91154|3) - could've emphasized these more

01:35:193 (95193|3,95193|2,95308|0,95308|1,95423|3,95423|2) -
01:37:039 (97039|3,97039|2,97154|1,97154|0,97270|2,97270|1) -
same beats but different representation

01:36:462 (96462|1,96462|0,96577|2,96577|3) - i don't get why the bass beats don't get the jack but 01:36:577 (96577|2,96577|3,96693|3,96693|0) - the bass-woob ones do, it just misplaces your emphasis on the bass here and makes everything seem messy and convoluted

01:37:500 (97500|1,97500|0,97616|1,97616|0,97731|0) - i don't understand this one

complete mess

00:17:193 - there's a bass beat here
00:19:270 - hihat

00:20:885 - bass beat, don't skimp on the double just because it's after muh triple there's still emphasis there

00:26:423 - 00:30:116 - hihat

00:30:462 (30462|1,30462|0,30462|3) - why are these notes emphasized to such an extreme? i don't hear any crashes

00:37:154 - not sure why you ignored the 1/4s here, it's not like you couldn't have done a normal 1/4 stream just for this part because hey there's actually differentiation in this song that you can use to make your map less copy pasted maybe %%
00:37:962 (37962|2,38077|3,38077|0,38193|1) - same as above, you could've done some sort of jack progression but nope nothing %%

00:51:000 (51000|0,51116|0,51231|0) - quirky layering
00:51:000 (51000|2,51000|0,51000|3,51231|2,51231|0,51231|3) - because these are the same triples - why are they the same

let's talk hypocrisy

00:52:212 (52212|3,52327|0) - these can very readily be argued as ghost notes, but for the sake of patterning and my argument let's say these are allowed
then 00:53:135 - 00:53:250 - 00:53:366 - are all inconsistent and fucked by that because they all have that same "note echo"
not only that, 00:52:616 - the patterning itself becomes really right-heavy
in summary, i don't see why you shouldn't remove those "note echo" notes because they're a) messing up the patterning and b) structurally inconsistent

00:53:770 - to 00:54:462 - there are 1/4 snares here you skipped over

01:02:308 - this snare is so blatantly missed
even if you make the argument "hey i'm only following the synths" it just seems lazy to me that you could not have tried to incorporate them into your patterning somehow? because they're part of the song you're trying to chart here and shouldn't we as charters be striving to represent the song as well as possible?

01:08:193 (68193|0,68308|0,68308|1) - either
a) you make them not stack because they're not the same pitches or
b) 01:08:193 - you make this a double

01:10:962 - snare
before you argue that you're mostly following the synths here 01:09:923 (69923|0) - 01:11:770 (71770|1) - you might want to consider that these notes lead players into thinking that percussion is actually being followed too. if you so want to make it such that you don't have to place a note at 01:10:962 - then you better make sure that the synth sections are actually distinct from each other in this section

01:16:154 - a bit weird how there's no notes here just LN releases

01:23:539 - you can most definitely have LNs here
01:21:923 - 01:23:770 - these are the same wubs actually
01:25:385 - NOW this one is inexcusable because there's no wub sound anywhere; besides the fact that this shows some measurable form of incompetency in basic layering understanding i think it shows that you're copy-pasting too

01:25:616 - wub here btw but it's fine if you ignore this one

01:25:846 - i guess you hands are bound layering-wise but i still wouldn't regard this as optimal, you could've very well done a jumpstream which emphasizes more on the synths in the music - something like this might even work fine, even though it's a bit crude as of now

01:35:885 (95885|1,95885|0,95885|3,96116|0,96116|1,96116|3) - same triple but different pitch?
01:35:885 (95885|3,96000|3,96116|3) - it's also why you get these things

01:42:000 - not sure why this is doubled really, there's no strong sound except for a yawn which seems pretty soft to me

RemFangirl wrote:

Okay, so I'm actually kinda looking forward to the modding discussion and feel like I'll say a word about this one.
First, I actually played the 2 hardest diffs on this map, and I can completely say this is legit pp giveaway. Given that this map isn't hard to play mainly because of the absurd spamming trills, you're not supposed to do that in the similar fashion to the genre has in this song. Sure, it's a really upbeat speedcore, but that doesn't mean your pattern is justifiable and can go on like "oh, this map has lots of tricky rhythmical structure, probably I should go with the hard stuffs and repetitive things on and on". Do not even try to get this one in a ranked state even with a situation like this.
Not like i'm the one who set the high SR, i map what i think its correct, if you dont agree then you are welcome to point out, but i wouldnt accept things like "because this is easy pp so you should make the pattern structure harder" no
Second and lastly, you are even trying to ignore what the modders will give out better solutions for you.
I reply each mod with my reason, i cant agree with the modder =/= i ignore their mod. Think again
Not even anyone could chart maps perfectly in just a single try. Yours are too. since when i say my map is perfect
You're completely impolite to just bang those aside and drop it like it's not even a regular feedback for you. Look all of those ranting feedbacks in Disqus if you do need those reviews. So keep that in mind. if you want people to take your post seriously, then you shouldnt do it on disqus, that section is for meme

In either today or tomorrow, I'll be trying to look over on this stuff and will give out my personal opinion on my revision to this.
Will check the mod tonight

YaHao wrote:

if you want people to take your post seriously, then you shouldnt do it on disqus, that section is for meme
some of the posts on there are actually serious though. i must admit, most of them are jokes, but saying this just comes to show that you didnt really read the comments section through.
Topic Starter

qqqant wrote:

YaHao wrote:

if you want people to take your post seriously, then you shouldnt do it on disqus, that section is for meme
some of the posts on there are actually serious though. i must admit, most of them are jokes, but saying this just comes to show that you didnt really read the comments section through.
post it here if you want my reply/thought, in case you dont know, thats how modding work

qqqant wrote:

wanting to make a pp map is basically implied in your p//s jumpstream section to which what is mapped in that section is completely different to what is in the song.

also, just wanted to say something about the difficulty name... it's even worse than naming your diff "POP MUSIC!!" in a kpop song, as evening put it

00:52:673 (52673|0,52904|0) - there isnt even any sound here. remove these and 00:52:731 (52731|3,52731|2,52789|1,52789|0,52846|2,52846|3) - Ctrl+H this //hihat
Because i didnt remove the notes as its for hihat, so the Ctrl+H will also be rejected. Do i really need to explain this much?
Its not wrong to use diff name like this,not against any RC. if you dont like it, then too bad

YaHao wrote:

post it here if you want my reply/thought, in case you dont know, thats how modding work
I know - but people usually still post in the Disqus for feedback (although not often, it does happen). As the mapper you should be checking the Disqus to see if there are really any problems that people addressed in there. Even a reply saying "go to forum if you want to get your opinion heard" is fine because that means you read it, man

YaHao wrote:

qqqant wrote:

wanting to make a pp map is basically implied in your p//s jumpstream section to which what is mapped in that section is completely different to what is in the song.

also, just wanted to say something about the difficulty name... it's even worse than naming your diff "POP MUSIC!!" in a kpop song, as evening put it

00:52:673 (52673|0,52904|0) - there isnt even any sound here. remove these and 00:52:731 (52731|3,52731|2,52789|1,52789|0,52846|2,52846|3) - Ctrl+H this //hihat
Because i didnt remove the notes as its for hihat, so the Ctrl+H will also be rejected. Do i really need to explain this much?
Ok that makes sense. So you're not going to reply to my first two statements? Ok

EDIT: ok so it seems you either edited your reply or i missed the last line sorry bout that
ill remove this since abraxos already came with a response.
i'm not letting this rest this easy

YaHao wrote:

Abraxos wrote:

a case against this map:

you're ignoring his point about the patterns neglecting the song as it is; if you believe that your current pattern is fine then stand up to the point and make a case for yourself instead of asking, again, someone who's trying to help you improve your map to "make a map themselves to their liking". i'm sorry but we all share the ranked section so whether you like it or not you will have to stand up for yourself and take responsibility for your own things
His think his pattern is better and I think mine is better, just different mapping choice between different mapper, why should i explain more. If you want more explanation, "i think my pattern fits the music more" simple as that. As you said we all share the ranked section, then people should try to accept different mapping idea instead of focusing someone to accept their mod

you're missing the point again, can you explain why you chose these patterns that neglect the song at that point in time or are you going to resort to meta-critical analysis of "different" mapping choices and preferences? you're right to say that we should accept different ideas but then you lose that critical filter for quality and suddenly all kinds of garbage are now acceptable because "hey, we should accept different ideas right?"


before you argue that "you're the one who's being attacked here" stop yourself for a minute and think whether or not these people care enough about you to attack you or care about the quality of the rank section
its the wording, using words like "your map is a mess" "should remap this whole section", and still call it a help? no thank you

i'm sorry but nowhere in this thread does it say "kindergarten". you're in the real world, learn to deal with harsh criticism and learn to filter out the points that are actually useful for you rather than getting hurt because of wording and shutting down discussion

since you DID bring up wording as an issue let me produce a gallery of when your wording is inappropriate too:

how completely disgusting of you to say such a thing to someone who's trying to help.
I dont need "luck" to rank my map, any thing wrong with that?

oh, so people wishing you well is grounds for you to be condescending towards them then?

calling the other modder incompetent? is that fine by you too?


i think this shows not only me but everyone else how victimized you believe you are. of all the things and people and systems in the world to blame and you never thought to take a look at yourself and what you've actually done.
I would like to know what you mean by "what i've done".

the map? you made this map? you did the mapping for this thing? you're accountable for the map aren't you?


i apologize if this comes off as aggressive but i do not like it and will never stand for it when people shirk themselves in a corner when criticism arrives and point to the "oppressor" and scream how they're being "unreasonably being attacked".
err... pls dont try to guess my thought here

then tell me what you actually think then, because so far you've only showed how wilfully ignorant you are being

if you want further elaboration on that i'll give you some

so feedback in the discus = useless then?

so feedback HAS to be in the thread or else your point is useless then?

oh, so wanting drums to be a double and a kick be a triple is "boring"?
calling other people's maps boring? without even doing what they did with your chart - mod them? is this fine too?

so when other people explicitly tell you that a section is boring you as a mapper decide that it's better to just straight up say that it isn't boring rather than explain the mechanics behind the section and stand up to the chart to at least try to help players understand why it isn't boring in your eyes; to facilitate discussion

i will not be happy until this map has difficult patterning for a 6 star,
or it isn't a 6 star anymore
Topic Starter
Pls stop manipulating my words.

Abraxos wrote:

a case against this map:

you're ignoring his point about the patterns neglecting the song as it is; if you believe that your current pattern is fine then stand up to the point and make a case for yourself instead of asking, again, someone who's trying to help you improve your map to "make a map themselves to their liking". i'm sorry but we all share the ranked section so whether you like it or not you will have to stand up for yourself and take responsibility for your own things
His think his pattern is better and I think mine is better, just different mapping choice between different mapper, why should i explain more. If you want more explanation, "i think my pattern fits the music more" simple as that. As you said we all share the ranked section, then people should try to accept different mapping idea instead of focusing someone to accept their mod
I dont think LN is necessary as that section is clam, no need to add more intensity
you're missing the point again, can you explain why you chose these patterns that neglect the song at that point in time or are you going to resort to meta-critical analysis of "different" mapping choices and preferences? you're right to say that we should accept different ideas but then you lose that critical filter for quality and suddenly all kinds of garbage are now acceptable because "hey, we should accept different ideas right?"
you may think its garbage, but other people might have different thought, important thing is to find a agreement that satisfy both side
before you argue that "you're the one who's being attacked here" stop yourself for a minute and think whether or not these people care enough about you to attack you or care about the quality of the rank section
its the wording, using words like "your map is a mess" "should remap this whole section", and still call it a help? no thank you

i'm sorry but nowhere in this thread does it say "kindergarten". you're in the real world, learn to deal with harsh criticism and learn to filter out the points that are actually useful for you rather than getting hurt because of wording and shutting down discussion
how is this become "shutting down discussion", i reply every mod and if anyone want to continues i'm happy to do so
since you DID bring up wording as an issue let me produce a gallery of when your wording is inappropriate too:

how completely disgusting of you to say such a thing to someone who's trying to help.
I dont need "luck" to rank my map, any thing wrong with that?

oh, so wishing people well is grounds for you to be condescending towards them then?

calling the other modder incompetent? is that fine by you too?
again, where is this "calling the other modder incompetent" come from. If he cant even explain himself well, how can i understand his mod??

i think this shows not only me but everyone else how victimized you believe you are. of all the things and people and systems in the world to blame and you never thought to take a look at yourself and what you've actually done.
I would like to know what you mean by "what i've done".

the map? you made this map? you did the mapping for this thing? you're accountable for the map aren't you?

i apologize if this comes off as aggressive but i do not like it and will never stand for it when people shirk themselves in a corner when criticism arrives and point to the "oppressor" and scream how they're being "unreasonably being attacked".
err... pls dont try to guess my thought here

then tell me what you actually think then, because so far you've only showed how wilfully ignorant you are being

if you want further elaboration on that i'll give you some

so feedback in the discus = useless then?

so feedback HAS to be in the thread or else your point is useless then?
//I dont have the time to check thru the whole disqus and tell which one is being serious which is not, if they dont even bother to post it here, then why should i care. And i never say such thing like all of them are useless, they might have value point but if they want to voice it, post it here

oh, so wanting drums to be a double and a kick be a triple is "boring"?
//mapping is not just about stick to one single rule

so when other people explicitly tell you that a section is boring you as a mapper decide that it's better to just straight up say that it isn't boring rather than explain the mechanics behind the section and stand up to the chart to at least try to help players understand why it isn't boring in your eyes; to facilitate discussion
"I don't think LN is necessary as that section is clam, no need to add more intensity"

Fair enough, at least you explained why this time.

"you may think its garbage, but other people might have different thought, important thing is to find a agreement that satisfy both side"

Obviously, this does NOT satisfy both sides, your eyes can do the job for you.

"again, where is this "calling the other modder incompetent" come from. If he cant even explain himself well, how can i understand his mod??"

He is explaining himself well, it's better to make the notes as ACCURATE as possible.

"//I dont have the time to check thru the whole disqus and tell which one is being serious which is not, if they dont even bother to post it here, then why should i care. And i never say such thing like all of them are useless, they might have value point but if they want to voice it, post it here"

Looking through Discus isn't a difficult thing. When my chart got ranked, I also looked at Discus daily for feedback. The thread isn't that long my dude, don't be lazy. Also, you can easily take out which posts are serious or not unless you have no understanding whatsoever of the English Language.

"//mapping is not just about stick to one single rule"

Yes it's not about sticking to one single rule, and you don't have to follow that, no one ever said so.

Also, stop cherry picking what you want to reply to, it's just making you look bad.
You also made yourself look like a hypocrite from your replies btw, they're the exact opposite of your previous replies to the other mods.
Topic Starter
If that doesnt satisfy both side, then let QAT to decide which should be the best solution
Well, i think 1/2 is the snap that suit the vocal and maximize the playability
Everyone's voice matter, but again, post it here. Its not hard for me to go there and check and its also not a bit deal for them to just copy what they said and post it here. If you want your opinion to be seem
I didnt reply fully because some of the point are pointless to argue and it does no good for the map

nice editing

YaHao wrote:

//just because i didnt map the 1/8 doesnt mean i'm not listening to the music
There's your problem, you've stayed consistent throughout the entire map and that one section you just put iceing on the cake and some pretty sparkles to cover up the hollowness. There's a reason why 2 other people pointed out that section riddled with ghost notes. It's pretty big issue if more than one person points it out, similar to the way how ranking maps is structured.

If you really think in this day and age we're all scared over note division of 1/8 and used that as a justification tool then :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:. The ending of that section uses 1/8 OH GOOLY WE GOT PRANKED XD!! In a musical context no one gives a damn about note division it's only a representation of note value, and without context it's just a number.

YaHao wrote:

His think his pattern is better and I think mine is better, just different mapping choice between different mapper, why should i explain more. If you want more explanation, "i think my pattern fits the music more" simple as that.

What world are you from? I came fresh out of Uranus because this is a poop assumption.
Even though you want that section to be nice and easy, what's so hard about LN + Rice? I feel like you copy pasta'd some Love Live Normal Diff map to the song and called it a day.

YaHao wrote:

As you said we all share the ranked section, then people should try to accept different mapping idea instead of focusing someone to accept their mod

I'm sitting here with two kudosu, TWO KUDOSU. Do you think I give a damn about accepting mods, I'm here to question your mapping choice.
I have officially given up, it's been a very long time ever since I've seen someone this dense. This is the last post I'll make here if it doesn't convince you, so be it, you can live your life without any criticism or improvement to your charts then.

"Everyone's voice matter, but again, post it here. Its not hard for me to go there and check and its also not a bit deal for them to just copy what they said and post it here."

This is by far the worst excuse anyone could have given, it just shows that you don't care at all. YOU should be the one finding errors in the chart, trying to improve it the best you can with the help of the community. Not everyone wants to post on a forum only to get shut down by someone who rejects all of their suggestions.
Never forget that you're not just charting for yourself, but for the community. The audience matters a lot more than you think.

"I didnt reply fully because some of the point are pointless to argue and it does no good for the map"

Changing your attitude DOES matter to the map. Staying ignorant and stubborn forever doesn't help with anything other than making you look bad.

These posts aren't here just because we love bugging and annoying you, they're here because we want you to change for the good of yourself and the community.
But, if you're gonna take it as a personal attack and think that your chart is perfect, so be it.
guys i wouldnt lose hope so easily. wait for QAT and hopefully that will convince

if that doesnt then this map wont be ranked unless QAT says its fine i guess, whats the big deal?
also i think this can be a good learning experience for all of us
Topic Starter
2 people point it out so you think its a big issue, how about all the modder that have checked this map and the BNs who are fine with that patterning
That section is harder than the same section in Insane and Extra, it fit the diff sprea and thats good enough for me
Well, I already explain my "mapping choice" to you well enough, still cant agree then just leave it to the QAT to decide

If I dont care at all why am I still here replying this, post your thought on thread, thats the basic thing if you want to help the map. Next time i migh as well PM everyone to ask their opinion on my map
2 posts without any timing and here you say "changing my attitude will help the map better" that really helps a lot, thank you

YaHao wrote:

If I dont care at all why am I still here replying this, post your thought on thread, thats the basic thing if you want to help the map. Next time i migh as well PM everyone to ask their opinion on my map
2 posts without any timing and here you say "changing my attitude will help the map better" that really helps a lot, thank you
what i'm hearing is that you believe changing your attitude won't help the map yes?

yahao didn't reply to this btw^

do you truly truly believe that your attitude has no part to play in pushing the discussion forward after seeing what you've done to all the mod responses?


i also disagree with how mappers seem to need to look to authority for the absolute "best" way to do things, it's just odd to me that we don't have enough of a backbone to justify our own actions, but you do you.


snexe wrote:

Topic Starter
Dont take something out of context, I believe a mod with helps more than focus on my attitude.
How can you define what is boring what is not, some maps i found boring but seems a lots of people like them, everyone is different. That section is quite clam, simple pattern will do the work, how is this hard to understand

YaHao wrote:

Dont take something out of context, I believe a mod with helps more than focus on my attitude.
How can you define what is boring what is not, some maps i found boring but seems a lots of people like them, everyone is different. That section is quite clam, simple pattern will do the work, how is this hard to understand
so far everything you've replied to in the mods seems mostly comprised of baseless statements that have little to 0 logical backing. if people think that these quotes are taken "out of context" then they'll be inclined to read the post themselves

not that it matters, the main point was how you as a mapper believe so fervently that things like boredom and fun are so heavily dependent on inter-subjectivity and there is completely no space for any objective introduction of viewpoints, much less logic

that is just simply not true. i'm sorry but i believe that
"i don't think the patterns here are boring because they're following the synth line in the music relevantly alongside some emphasis on the percussion snares"
is a way stronger, much more convincing argument than
"i don't think the patterns here are boring because people told me they like them"

if you have nothing else to add, then feel free to continue your accusations on misplaced context (even if there is one in the first place)
While I don't disagree with the points made against the map, the way that this thread has gone downhill is not conducive to a better version of it being ranked. This is how you get a mapper to abandon a DQ'd map rather than improve it.

Just chill yo

YaHao requested a disqualify to me. It seems the map can have a bit more of discussion.

I also want to warn everyone because the language got pretty rude at some points. Keep everything on a polite level. Do not start to get passive aggressive because this is what both side's do, Mapper and Modder.
Make sure to follow the Code of Conduct with Mod posts/reply's.

Everything unrelated to this discussion will get deleted and punished in future.
Topic Starter

Abraxos wrote:


00:12:693 (12693|3,12808|2) - no attempt at differentiation even though there's bass beats? //i dont think i had follow any bass in the previous part so no for this
00:13:500 (13500|2,13616|0) - similarly, i won't repeat myself

00:19:385 (19385|3,19385|0,19616|3,19616|0) - different pitches? //they are different, but here i'm not really concern about the pitch plus they are 1/1 beat between, wouldnt really affect game play

i'm not sure if you noticed but
00:19:616 (19616|0,19731|1,19846|0,19962|1,20077|0) - 1
00:21:577 (21577|1,21693|0,21808|1,21923|0) - 2
00:23:308 (23308|0,23423|1,23539|0,23654|1,23770|0) - 3
why do all of them center on the same hand? //if the pattern around are balanced why not
i would understand if 1 & 3 utilized the same patterning cause the song repeats but 2 is eehh //how is 2 same as the 1and 3

00:26:193 (26193|0,26308|2,26308|0) - i get what you're trying to do here but sorry it's not doing what you think it does
00:28:039 (28039|0,28154|1,28154|0) - if you take a closer listen the one above is completely different in pitch and tone, yet both are represented in the same column //jack here are more for the intensity as the song slowly build up

00:31:962 (31962|3,31962|2,32077|2,32077|3) - are they the same pitch? if not why are they in the same column then $$
//same explanation as above, to build up the intensity
00:32:539 (32539|2,32539|1,32770|0,32770|3) - funnily enough, these are the same pitches - yet they lack the representation as shown above //funny enough that you think you can follow every pitch 100% correct in a 4k map, perhaps you didnt notice that i use (14)(23) pattern each time the music repeat
you copy pasted didn't you //you tell me

reference $$ and %% for this point
00:34:385 (34385|2,34385|1,34616|3,34616|0) - you hear those wobs in the song? yeah you could've used those to your advantage by differentiating your doubles here but alas $$ and this are the same so nope this whole section has completely no nuance. add on %% and i think you should be able to see why people are complaining about how plain this map is

00:50:077 (50077|0,50193|0,50308|0,50423|0) - this is horrendous to play as a starting burst //i dont see why its bad, if we not deleting any notes, 4th col also got 7notes only in different snap but you didnt point it out, i assume thats ok for you?
00:50:712 (50712|3,50770|3) - this one is pretty bad, 260 jumptrills and then a minijack? it's not that there's anything wrong layering-wise, i just take issue with how sudden this one is, which is kinda the music's fault but then again it's not like you didn't have the freedom to make it less awkward // thats the only 1/4 jack thru the whole kiai, and its the first sound of the burst

let's talk patterning now

00:50:308 (50308|1,50308|0,50366|2,50366|3,50423|0,50423|1,50481|3,50481|2) - i'm pretty darn sure this is a different bass beat than
00:50:539 (50539|0,50539|1,50596|2,50596|3,50654|1,50654|0,50712|2,50712|3) - so i don't understand why they're all bunched up in this jumptrill //if i'm keeping the current notes amount, (12)(34) will be the best solution here, unless you want me to change the second part to (14)(23) in order to show that changing

01:08:770 (68770|1,68770|3,69000|1,69000|3) - different pitches, same column //mapping is not just about pitch, plus its a 1/1 gap in between

01:11:885 (71885|0,71885|3,72000|2,72000|3) - these are the notes that have the same pitches, yes?
01:12:000 (72000|3,72000|2,72116|2,72116|3) - if yes to above, then why are these then the same columns? //because i want to keep the triple, as the previous pattern is double, you will always have at least one note thats in the same col

01:16:846 (76846|2,76846|3,77077|2,77077|1,77308|0,77308|1) -
01:18:693 (78693|2,78693|3,78923|0,78923|1,79154|2,79154|3) -
we agree that these are the same pitches of notes, yes?
then why are they patterned differently? fundamentally one has chords layered over each other but one doesn't so your "variety" explanation doesn't hold up cause of how differently they actually play. //these part are remapped, cant really reply

01:21:693 (81693|3,81693|0,81693|2,81808|1) - you couldn't keep the jacking up here?
01:22:154 (82154|3,82154|0,82270|1) - here too? - i dont see why you wouldn't want to keep the difficulty here at least somewhat consistent //same here, i've remapped this part

01:27:173 (87173|0,87231|0) - this has no justification layering-wise so i'm putting it here - why end this part on a jack? //finish sound, it deserve more impact

pay attention to which hand all the notes i highlight land on
01:27:693 (87693|3,87693|2,87808|2,87808|3) -
01:28:039 (88039|2,88039|3,88154|3,88270|2,88270|3,88385|2,88385|3,88500|3,88500|2) -
01:28:731 (88731|2,88731|3,88846|3,88846|2) -
01:29:077 (89077|2,89077|3,89193|3,89193|2) -
01:29:539 (89539|2,89539|3,89654|3,89654|2) -
01:29:885 (89885|3,90000|3,90116|3) -
01:31:385 (91385|3,91500|2,91500|3,91616|3,91616|2) -
01:31:846 (91846|2,91846|3,91962|3,92077|2,92077|3,92193|2,92193|3) -
01:32:423 (92423|3,92423|2,92539|2,92539|3) -
01:32:770 (92770|3,92770|2,92885|3,92885|2,93000|3) -

can you see anything wrong with how the whole section is layering? do you think (at least for the beginning of the section) the section is a bit heavy on the right?
and before you bring up the "this section is right then left" 01:29:539 - and 01:30:231 - disqualifies it
not that it has any merit to begin with, why would you want to make the section alternatingly right-left biased //from 01:27:693 - till 01:29:308 - , the amount of notes in right is 21 and left is 19, i dont see how is this "heavy on right", the right col are more focus on the 1/2 jack and left is more of 1/4, mix them up will just make the pattern less enjoyable

this song is horrible to chart, 01:27:693 - i perfectly understand how you didn't want to overload this section and it's really not that much your fault than it is the song (kobaryo is generally pretty meh anyway)

01:30:923 (90923|0,90923|3,91154|0,91154|3) - could've emphasized these more //thats why the SV is added here, to emphasize the vocal

01:35:193 (95193|3,95193|2,95308|0,95308|1,95423|3,95423|2) -
01:37:039 (97039|3,97039|2,97154|1,97154|0,97270|2,97270|1) -
same beats but different representation

01:36:462 (96462|1,96462|0,96577|2,96577|3) - i don't get why the bass beats don't get the jack but 01:36:577 (96577|2,96577|3,96693|3,96693|0) - the bass-woob ones do, it just misplaces your emphasis on the bass here and makes everything seem messy and convoluted //because bass beat is not the focusing here

01:37:500 (97500|1,97500|0,97616|1,97616|0,97731|0) - i don't understand this one //why not, its still balance as the previous jack 01:37:270 (97270|2,97385|2,97385|3,97500|3) - all lay on the right hand

complete mess //and you want me to reply you politely

00:17:193 - there's a bass beat here // as the long sound appear, ignore other sound will bring more attention to the long sound which is the sound i wan to follow
00:19:270 - hihat // so i can focus on the 00:18:923 (18923|0,18923|3,19154|0,19154|2,19385|3,19385|0) - main sound

00:20:885 - bass beat, don't skimp on the double just because it's after muh triple there's still emphasis there //my double is for main sound, not bass beat

00:26:423 - 00:30:116 - hihat //like my previous explanation, mapping is not map everything you hear, you need to choose wisely

00:30:462 (30462|1,30462|0,30462|3) - why are these notes emphasized to such an extreme? i don't hear any crashes //first sound of the main sound as each time it repeat

00:37:154 - not sure why you ignored the 1/4s here, it's not like you couldn't have done a normal 1/4 stream just for this part because hey there's actually differentiation in this song that you can use to make your map less copy pasted maybe %%
// i can barely tell thats a 1/4 under 100% play speed, if its not that noticeable, i dont think its worthy to add note
00:37:962 (37962|2,38077|3,38077|0,38193|1) - same as above, you could've done some sort of jack progression but nope nothing %%

00:51:000 (51000|0,51116|0,51231|0) - quirky layering
00:51:000 (51000|2,51000|0,51000|3,51231|2,51231|0,51231|3) - because these are the same triples - why are they the same // 00:50:770 (50770|0,50770|1,50885|1,50885|2,51000|2,51000|3,51231|2,51231|3,51346|2,51346|1,51462|1,51462|0) - i think now u can see why

let's talk hypocrisy

00:52:212 (52212|3,52327|0) - these can very readily be argued as ghost notes, but for the sake of patterning and my argument let's say these are allowed
then 00:53:135 - 00:53:250 - 00:53:366 - are all inconsistent and fucked by that because they all have that same "note echo"
not only that, 00:52:616 - the patterning itself becomes really right-heavy
in summary, i don't see why you shouldn't remove those "note echo" notes because they're a) messing up the patterning and b) structurally inconsistent
//00:53:077 - as the pitch of the main sound goes up,to bring attention on the main sound, i ignore other sound so player wouldnt confuse

00:53:770 - to 00:54:462 - there are 1/4 snares here you skipped over //why you want the pattern to have more intensity when the song itself starts calming down

01:02:308 - this snare is so blatantly missed
even if you make the argument "hey i'm only following the synths" it just seems lazy to me that you could not have tried to incorporate them into your patterning somehow? because they're part of the song you're trying to chart here and shouldn't we as charters be striving to represent the song as well as possible? //follow more sound=/=it represent the song better.

01:08:193 (68193|0,68308|0,68308|1) - either
a) you make them not stack because they're not the same pitches or
b) 01:08:193 - you make this a double //jack because the rhythm start changing

01:10:962 - snare
before you argue that you're mostly following the synths here 01:09:923 (69923|0) - 01:11:770 (71770|1) - you might want to consider that these notes lead players into thinking that percussion is actually being followed too. if you so want to make it such that you don't have to place a note at 01:10:962 - then you better make sure that the synth sections are actually distinct from each other in this section
//i dont find it misleading, the synths are well followed

01:16:154 - a bit weird how there's no notes here just LN releases //dont find it weird as thats not even a finish sound

01:23:539 - you can most definitely have LNs here
01:21:923 - 01:23:770 - these are the same wubs actually
N01:25:385 -OW this one is inexcusable because there's no wub sound anywhere; besides the fact that this shows some measurable form of incompetency in basic layering understanding i think it shows that you're copy-pasting too
//cant reply to the 3 points above as i already remap this part

01:25:616 - wub here btw but it's fine if you ignore this one

01:25:846 - i guess you hands are bound layering-wise but i still wouldn't regard this as optimal, you could've very well done a jumpstream which emphasizes more on the synths in the music //guess we have differnt choice on this section then - something like this might even work fine, even though it's a bit crude as of now

01:35:885 (95885|1,95885|0,95885|3,96116|0,96116|1,96116|3) - same triple but different pitch? //i ignore the pitch here
01:35:885 (95885|3,96000|3,96116|3) - it's also why you get these things //i dont see how move 01:36:116 (96116|3) - to 3th coll will make any better

01:42:000 - not sure why this is doubled really, there's no strong sound except for a yawn which seems pretty soft to me //thats why i'm using double not triple

Feerum wrote:


YaHao requested a disqualify to me. It seems the map can have a bit more of discussion.

I also want to warn everyone because the language got pretty rude at some points. Keep everything on a polite level. Do not start to get passive aggressive because this is what both side's do, Mapper and Modder.
Make sure to follow the Code of Conduct with Mod posts/reply's.

Everything unrelated to this discussion will get deleted and punished in future.

Completely unnecessary reply, how else do you want him to tell you the truth?

"I'm sorry sir but your plate of uncooked rice isn't very well done, here are the steps to make it better."
or were you expecting:
"Great patterns dude! Only some slight changes needed :D."

Grow up.

Seiryuu wrote:

Completely unnecessary reply, how else do you want him to tell you the truth?

"I'm sorry sir but your plate of uncooked rice isn't very well done, here are the steps to make it better."

Grow up.
The irony is that your example is actually the proper way to do it
Topic Starter
If you cant understand the map, then go ask for explanation or their thought instead of jump to the conclusion that the map is a mess

and i thought you not gonna reply this thread anymore??
Beatmap got unranked, it gives me a chance to come back and IMPROVE it, no need to get mad. Still thinking about modding but i'm quite sure everything's gonna get rejected because of your "Special" type of layering. Also if I don't understand your layering, that just means that an even larger part of the community won't.
Edit: Forgot to reply to Yahao's first point so here it is.
I'm pretty sure I have more charting & playing experience than you, so don't come whining about how I don't understand your chart, it clearly is a mess.

"The irony is that your example is actually the proper way to do it"

It's literally the truth, not trying to make any drama happen, but he HAS to accept it.
There's no need to sugarcoat anyone's words at all, speaking your mind is fine, isn't it, or are BNs and Mappers now so delicate that you have to treat them with care so that they don't explode?

Damn this community really has fallen quite a bit.

Don't make this a repeat of what happened before, if you WANT to continue the drama then go ahead, from my point of view everything is resolved properly. You know who I'm talking about.
Topic Starter
If you want to convince someone by using "i have more experience, so you should listen to me", you are wrong in the first place. You should provide a value point to support your statement that the map is a mess
There is no perfect map and no perfect mapper, misunderstanding can happen between mappers

And 4 posts already, saying my map is a mess without giving any mod or even a timing point
clap clap clap
I honestly don't really care much about the maps quality here but most people involved here should start fixing their attitudes as quick as possible.

Any further violation of the Code of Conduct from now in this thread will be punished so think 100 times before posting anything in here. This goes to not only the mappers but also the modders of this set.

Learn how to deal with this kind of stuff. People here should be modding and improving the map, not trying to improve whoevers attitude. That's something the staff should do in case it's needed so instead of making this a big wall of drama the next time consider contacting any of us if you feel the Code of Conduct is not being respected.
OK, I wanna be involve in this map, so some mods


SPEEDCORE!! (should change to "Speedcore!!" so that it's consistent with other diffs)
00:33:346 add a note on 4 because it represents the melody more and it will also this part more balanced
00:37:039 ^
02:27:808 ^
02:31:500 add a note on 1 (same reason with above)

00:35:308 more balanced if move note on 3 to 2
00:38:308 melody changed so maybe use variation such as
02:29:770 move note on 2 to 3 (same reason with 00:35:308)

00:48:116 looks unflow + unbalanced, so here's a suggestion that fix that and also give the part a bit of pitch relevancy
02:42:577 ^ (move note here on 2 to 1 too so it would be better flow)

00:50:077 balancing pls (move note on 3 to 2)
02:44:539 ^

01:00:923 (I dunno if my opinion here is rankable, but maybe do some sv lines according to the music on the break part here")

01:30:923 as a gimmick maybe?

01:43:154 - 01:44:770 pitch relevancy a bit would be great like so
01:47:308 for balance on the part above, move 2 to 4

ok that's abt it ;)
As requested in Crumpey's Mod Queue! (wasnt really, got bored)

Wonkis extra
00:18:231 (18231|3) - move to col 2, notes dont quite sound the same so a 2/4 pattern twice in a row doesnt really make sense to me (did that even make sense?)

00:21:923 (21923|3,21923|0,22039|0,22039|3) - similarly, to this, have the first chord 1/3 and the second 2/4 to emphasise the difference

01:16:154 (76154|0,76154|3) - i feel this might make more sense as a single ln on col 3, its pretty opinionated, its not wrong as it is, id use it to avoid the 1/4 pattern 3 times in a row

01:20:077 - would it be bad to map vocals here, normally im against it but here, it doesnt seem to bad of an idea

01:39:808 (99808|0,100039|3) - im not to sure what these lns purpose in the midst of the stream ins

Pretty solid set by the looks, i don't normally mod such high starred maps, so hopefully this is somewhat useful

Wanna see this in the ranked category soon <3
stumbled across this and the drama i fucking love drama

top diff:

01:25:846 - used jumptrills here. ive got no problem lmao

01:38:770 - but here you didn't?

i understand the second example is a longer section, but it could have some variation so it’s not identical:

you can have you're normal jump trills until 01:39:808 - where it has some capability for some 1/8 rolls, and 01:40:039 - here for some more complex patterns where it asks for it.

then when you repeat the jumptrills here 01:40:616 - you can use a different pattern eg 14-23-14-23 etc etc for variation.

also, 01:41:077 - can have some 1/8 since its there i guess????????

now, if you're avoiding them for a good reason ignore everything but it just seemed a bit odd and/or inconsistent

other than that, all the previous concerns pointed out by others are okay imo since variation is a thing and not everything needs to be differen't because the pitch is like one note different or whatever

moderators pls dont kill me

love this map and song. might do a full mod later tbh despite the bn history

Seiryuu wrote:

Beatmap got unranked, it gives me a chance to come back and IMPROVE it, no need to get mad. Still thinking about modding but i'm quite sure everything's gonna get rejected because of your "Special" type of layering. Also if I don't understand your layering, that just means that an even larger part of the community won't.
Edit: Forgot to reply to Yahao's first point so here it is.
I'm pretty sure I have more charting & playing experience than you, so don't come whining about how I don't understand your chart, it clearly is a mess.

"The irony is that your example is actually the proper way to do it"

It's literally the truth, not trying to make any drama happen, but he HAS to accept it.
There's no need to sugarcoat anyone's words at all, speaking your mind is fine, isn't it, or are BNs and Mappers now so delicate that you have to treat them with care so that they don't explode?

Damn this community really has fallen quite a bit.

Don't make this a repeat of what happened before, if you WANT to continue the drama then go ahead, from my point of view everything is resolved properly. You know who I'm talking about.
This is some pretty big "God Complex" stuff lol. First you imply that your opinion carries value over anyone else's and that you practically speak for the community (that or you believe your intelligence to be higher than that of the "larger part of the community"). I think you really need to approach this calmer, and instead of promoting drama through statements like "if you WANT to continue the drama then go ahead", implying that you'll just keep starting drama, you should focus actively on working with the mapper instead of attacking them. If they have some special type of layering that's completely shit, do you think that the map would have been qualified in the first place? Maybe it's something unique they want to try. You never know. You just need to relax and take a deep breath friend.
i saw there was drama here like 15 hours after it actually happened and instead of reading any of it im just gonna drop a simple mod check regarding mainly consistency and PR

it seems like you're charting all the bell sounds as doubles which means 00:03:000 (3000|2) - 00:03:462 (3462|0) - need an extra note (there is a drum accompanying the second one and for the first one 00:03:116 (3116|0,3116|1) - doesn't have a drum accompaniment so there's got to be some consistency here)

because 00:04:154 (4154|1,4154|0) - is a stronger sound you'd think you could maybe place a double otherwise it's sharing the same intensity as other, quieter notes here

00:05:770 (5770|3,5885|1,5885|0) - maybe switch the density around here? seems like it would work better
00:07:616 (7616|0,7731|2,7731|3) - same here

00:07:846 (7846|0,7846|1) - triple density as mentioned before
00:08:770 (8770|0,8770|3) - same

00:09:116 (9116|0,9116|1) - i can't see any reason for this to be a double in comparison to the density in this section

00:09:635 - sound here but no note (place at col 3)

00:10:385 (10385|0,10385|3,10500|2) - these are both accompanied by the same sound why are they different densities

00:13:231 - grace note goes here on col 4

00:15:116 - singular 1/2 LN here? there is a sound there and it feels weird going unmapped

sounds like there should be another grace note around 00:16:500 - dunno what snap though

why aren't 00:16:731 (16731|1,16962|0) - the same density as 00:14:654 (14654|3,14654|2,14885|2,14885|3) -

00:18:577 (18577|2) - 00:22:270 (22270|1) - why are these not a double? (you mapped it as a double here 00:20:423 (20423|3,20423|2) - )

00:18:866 - sound here for a note

00:26:077 (26077|2) - only non doubled white line major note in these 2 measures, why?

00:26:193 (26193|0) - i can let off this one being a double because of space but not the previous suggestion

00:27:923 (27923|2) - same here with the white lines
00:29:770 (29770|1) - and here
00:31:616 (31616|2) - and here

00:31:962 (31962|3,31962|2,32077|1,32077|2,32193|1,32193|0) - these should be ascending note descending

00:33:346 (33346|1) - should be a double

00:33:462 (33462|3,33462|0) - debatable triple

00:40:846 (40846|3,40846|2) - if you're mapping triples for the strong drum beat then at least keep the ones on the white lines consistent

00:42:693 (42693|3,42693|2,42808|1,42808|0) - why are these two the same densities they're completely different

00:43:154 (43154|0,43154|3,43212|1,43270|2,43327|3) - either have this as just all singles, a jumptrill or a small js pattern

00:44:539 (44539|3,44539|1) - triple

if 00:46:270 (46270|0,46270|3,46270|1) - is a triple why isn't 00:46:385 (46385|3,46385|2) -

00:46:616 (46616|0,46616|3,46673|1,46731|2,46789|3) - past suggestion about single/double/js

00:46:846 (46846|0,46846|1) - the switch to just singular vocals doesn't come off that well with a double LN

there is gonna be one pattern complaint which is 00:52:616 (52616|2,52616|3,52673|0,52731|2,52731|3,52789|1,52789|0,52846|3,52846|2,52904|0,52962|3,52962|2,53020|1,53020|0,53077|2,53077|3) - you can do something like the following and it just works better

notes can be placed on 00:53:943 - 00:54:173 - 00:54:404 -

01:02:077 (62077|1) - two sounds here = two notes, if not, why is 01:02:193 (62193|3,62193|0) - a double then like the rest of the notes in this section (this will end up effecting like 25% of his section minimum so i'm not writing "same here" for 40 lines, use your best unbiased judgement)

01:02:308 - why is this completely audible sound just ignored

01:03:231 - same here

01:05:077 - and here (no more repeats)

in fact like that entire section from 01:01:846 - up to 01:09:231 - could use a rework in terms of consistency and density

01:10:616 (70616|0,70846|2) - LNs? or note 01:10:962 - ?

01:12:000 (72000|2,72000|3) - this has literally no reason to be a double

01:14:539 (74539|1,74539|2) - this has no strong drum beat to it so should be a single

01:17:539 (77539|1,77539|2,77539|0) - why is this a triple

01:19:385 (79385|1,79385|3,79385|0) - same

01:20:308 - until 01:25:616 - either make those notes on white lines doubles or make the notes on red lines doubles as there's a lack of consistency even if you could a held LN as a note in these sections

01:27:173 (87173|0,87173|1,87231|0) - that's just a bit cheeky

01:28:500 (88500|3,88500|2,88500|0,88616|1,88616|0,88731|2,88731|0,88731|3) - why not use the 1/8 here

if no 1/8 there at least make 01:28:500 (88500|3,88500|2,88500|0,88731|2,88731|0,88731|3) - doubles like they should be

same 01:30:346 (90346|3,90346|1,90346|0,90577|3,90577|0,90577|1) - or buff 01:30:693 (90693|0,90693|1,90808|2,90808|3) - instead

try 01:30:923 (90923|0,90923|3) - as a singular 1/4 ln and 01:31:154 (91154|3,91154|0) - as a singular 1/2 ln

01:31:385 - until 01:34:616 - repeat section

01:35:885 (95885|1,95885|0,95885|3,96116|1,96116|3,96116|0) - why are these triples? it makes no sense because no other strong sound in this section is mapped as triples (01:35:654 (95654|2,95654|0,95654|3) - is fine due to the intensity of the sound it produces)

01:36:693 (96693|3,96693|0,96808|2,96808|1) - singles because they're not as strong sounding as the previous notes and then make 01:36:923 (96923|0,96923|3,96923|1) - a double

01:38:077 (98077|3,98077|2,98193|0,98193|1) - should both be triples with their intensity

map 01:39:808 (99808|0,99808|1,99866|3) - as a double with one note being LN because there's a 1/8 buzz sound here completely ignored and just having it be continuous jumpstream ruins the feeling of this section here

01:40:039 (100039|3,100039|2,100096|0,100154|2,100154|1,100212|3,100270|1,100270|0,100327|2) - same here

01:41:077 (101077|3,101077|0,101135|1,101193|3,101193|2,101250|0,101308|2,101308|1,101366|3) - same here

01:41:770 (101770|3,101798|2,101885|3,101914|2) - ctrl-G for switching of intensity (1/8 to 1/16 buzzing sound)

01:42:000 (102000|3,102000|2) - map as one singular 2/1 LN

01:42:462 - until 01:49:846 - EVERY 2/1 note should be a double

01:50:770 - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

im going to have to stop here for now because i need to wake up in 6 hours but i believe you have the ability to check through the rest of the diff itself to notice any more consistency issues also you better not waive this as a no change because i spent 2 hours on it unbiased over what is essentially objective issues (inconsistency should be counted as objective) and im only here to help (i already modded it once here i go again)
just stopping by to remind that there are still a lot of uncomfortable patterns in here, and honestly, even more so now that those LN were added
no kudosu
So I just played the map and other than the split handed jumptrills and this kind of sections:

It's not that unconfortable leaving those things aside. It's just spiky as hell (which should probably be considered and adressed).

My main concern in regards of the pictured section is that it doesn't really follow anything thats sorta relevant to the song. It could very well be mapped in a similar way (such as 1/8 bursts that plays as jumptrills anyways but they would be easier to understand and read) or just follow a different music spectrum. Not only that but transitioning from heavy jumptrills->hand minijack into easy 1/2 patterns (compared to the song) into 1/8 rolls and dense pseudo-jumptrills feels mega inconsistent and super akward to play overall. The song isnt even that crazy anyways, besides how fast it can go it remains quite consistent and thats the reason why the map plays in such way at least in this particular section.

For the split handed jumptrill I just think its way too fast and it isnt really any different music wise compared to all the other jumptrills used.

So basically the thing that concerns me is the fact that the difficulty is overall not really bad besides the mentioned parts. But it's not bad as an lets say insane difficulty, its something I would enjoy playing and grind to get an SS on it given the overall difficulty of it but given the spikyness the map it just feels like it lacks coherence and its kinda poorly designed. Its like the map doesnt know if it should be a harder diff of what it is or an easier diff than what it is but not the difficulty it actually aims to be.

Like for example this ones 00:52:212 (52212|3,52327|0,52673|0,52904|0) - dont really seem to follow anything clearly based the density used over there. And those notes kills the possibiltiy of following different patterns like 12-34-12 jumptrills instead of always 34 based. The previous section feels legit the same as this but it plays in a really different way and uses different snaps with almost no time in between. I would be fine if you change those things in between sections (for example this one and the ending) but with so little room it feels weird.

Or maybe I am just crazy idk.
This might've been mentioned millions of times before, but I'm gonna point out here

01:27:693 - ~ 01:34:616 - for those sections

I don't really get why you simply skipped the 1/8 drums, they are the most iconic part for Kobaryo, the speedcore artist, hence the diffname.

idk just random complaint

also the amount of notes used seems inconsistent overall, but

juankristal wrote:

maybe I am just crazy idk.
Topic Starter

TheNewBungping wrote:

OK, I wanna be involve in this map, so some mods


SPEEDCORE!! (should change to "Speedcore!!" so that it's consistent with other diffs)
00:33:346 add a note on 4 because it represents the melody more and it will also this part more balanced //the double in this section are only for the synths, i wouldnt add note just because i will make the pattern balance
00:37:039 ^
02:27:808 ^
02:31:500 add a note on 1 (same reason with above)

00:35:308 more balanced if move note on 3 to 2 //then you will have 2 jacks on the left hand, i dont see how this could make it balance
00:38:308 melody changed so maybe use variation such as //dont think that will be necessary
02:29:770 move note on 2 to 3 (same reason with 00:35:308)

00:48:116 looks unflow + unbalanced, so here's a suggestion that fix that and also give the part a bit of pitch relevancy // i make the first 2 triple same col so when change col on the 3th triple, it gives more impact
02:42:577 ^ (move note here on 2 to 1 too so it would be better flow) //1st col is already quite heavy

00:50:077 balancing pls (move note on 3 to 2)
02:44:539 ^ //prefer the current

01:00:923 (I dunno if my opinion here is rankable, but maybe do some sv lines according to the music on the break part here") //why add sv when there is no note

01:30:923 as a gimmick maybe? //how is this vocal become 1/8

01:43:154 - 01:44:770 pitch relevancy a bit would be great like so
01:47:308 for balance on the part above, move 2 to 4

ok that's abt it ;)

error_exe777 wrote:

stumbled across this and the drama i fucking love drama

top diff:

01:25:846 - used jumptrills here. ive got no problem lmao

01:38:770 - but here you didn't? //the sounds are totally different, why even compare them. Plus a 5s trills will be pain to play

i understand the second example is a longer section, but it could have some variation so it’s not identical:

you can have you're normal jump trills until 01:39:808 - where it has some capability for some 1/8 rolls, and 01:40:039 - here for some more complex patterns where it asks for it.

then when you repeat the jumptrills here 01:40:616 - you can use a different pattern eg 14-23-14-23 etc etc for variation. //dont really want to overuse trill here but others apply

also, 01:41:077 - can have some 1/8 since its there i guess???????? //its there, but i want to focus on the main sound more

now, if you're avoiding them for a good reason ignore everything but it just seemed a bit odd and/or inconsistent

other than that, all the previous concerns pointed out by others are okay imo since variation is a thing and not everything needs to be differen't because the pitch is like one note different or whatever

moderators pls dont kill me

love this map and song. might do a full mod later tbh despite the bn history

Hydria wrote:

i saw there was drama here like 15 hours after it actually happened and instead of reading any of it im just gonna drop a simple mod check regarding mainly consistency and PR

it seems like you're charting all the bell sounds as doubles which means 00:03:000 (3000|2) - 00:03:462 (3462|0) - need an extra note (there is a drum accompanying the second one and for the first one 00:03:116 (3116|0,3116|1) - doesn't have a drum accompaniment so there's got to be some consistency here) //i dont think the bell are as strong as the others but will add anyway

because 00:04:154 (4154|1,4154|0) - is a stronger sound you'd think you could maybe place a double otherwise it's sharing the same intensity as other, quieter notes here //k then

00:05:770 (5770|3,5885|1,5885|0) - maybe switch the density around here? seems like it would work better
00:07:616 (7616|0,7731|2,7731|3) - same here //hmm will keep the current as it does make much difference and i prefer the curren pattern

00:07:846 (7846|0,7846|1) - triple density as mentioned before
00:08:770 (8770|0,8770|3) - same

00:09:116 (9116|0,9116|1) - i can't see any reason for this to be a double in comparison to the density in this section //that sound is similar with 00:09:346 -

00:09:635 - sound here but no note (place at col 3) //really hard to notice this 1/4 but added

00:10:385 (10385|0,10385|3,10500|2) - these are both accompanied by the same sound why are they different densities//k

00:13:231 - grace note goes here on col 4 //a note at 1/2 line is enough

00:15:116 - singular 1/2 LN here? there is a sound there and it feels weird going unmapped //can barely hear the sound thru 100% speed but added

sounds like there should be another grace note around 00:16:500 - dunno what snap though //gonna ignore it as its the the focus here

why aren't 00:16:731 (16731|1,16962|0) - the same density as 00:14:654 (14654|3,14654|2,14885|2,14885|3) - //k

00:18:577 (18577|2) - 00:22:270 (22270|1) - why are these not a double? (you mapped it as a double here 00:20:423 (20423|3,20423|2) - ) //the double are used here for the synth sound

00:18:866 - sound here for a note //hard to hear, gonna ignore it

00:26:077 (26077|2) - only non doubled white line major note in these 2 measures, why? //dont think i've use any double for this kind of sound, will keep it single

00:26:193 (26193|0) - i can let off this one being a double because of space but not the previous suggestion

00:27:923 (27923|2) - same here with the white lines
00:29:770 (29770|1) - and here
00:31:616 (31616|2) - and here //they all tended to be single note

00:31:962 (31962|3,31962|2,32077|1,32077|2,32193|1,32193|0) - these should be ascending note descending //repattern a bit

00:33:346 (33346|1) - should be a double //no main sound so leave it single

00:33:462 (33462|3,33462|0) - debatable triple//k

00:40:846 (40846|3,40846|2) - if you're mapping triples for the strong drum beat then at least keep the ones on the white lines consistent //triple are only been used when main sound + snare drum

00:42:693 (42693|3,42693|2,42808|1,42808|0) - why are these two the same densities they're completely different //for the drum yes, they are different, but the drum is not the focus here, and adding another note 00:42:693 - will make a triple jack which is not the pattern i want

00:43:154 (43154|0,43154|3,43212|1,43270|2,43327|3) - either have this as just all singles, a jumptrill or a small js pattern

00:44:539 (44539|3,44539|1) - triple //again, it will make triple jack

if 00:46:270 (46270|0,46270|3,46270|1) - is a triple why isn't 00:46:385 (46385|3,46385|2) - //added

00:46:616 (46616|0,46616|3,46673|1,46731|2,46789|3) - past suggestion about single/double/js //keep double for the second kiai

00:46:846 (46846|0,46846|1) - the switch to just singular vocals doesn't come off that well with a double LN //hmm it works fine imo

there is gonna be one pattern complaint which is 00:52:616 (52616|2,52616|3,52673|0,52731|2,52731|3,52789|1,52789|0,52846|3,52846|2,52904|0,52962|3,52962|2,53020|1,53020|0,53077|2,53077|3) - you can do something like the following and it just works better
//rate 10/10 for this

notes can be placed on 00:53:943 - 00:54:173 - 00:54:404 - //yes, but since the song start to clam down at 00:53:423 - , simple rhythm should works better

01:02:077 (62077|1) - two sounds here = two notes, if not, why is 01:02:193 (62193|3,62193|0) - a double then like the rest of the notes in this section (this will end up effecting like 25% of his section minimum so i'm not writing "same here" for 40 lines, use your best unbiased judgement) //i think notes and LN should count differently here

01:02:308 - why is this completely audible sound just ignored //i decide not to follow this so i can focus on the main sound better, but since you're the 4th person who complain this so yea will add note for this

01:03:231 - same here

01:05:077 - and here (no more repeats)

in fact like that entire section from 01:01:846 - up to 01:09:231 - could use a rework in terms of consistency and density

01:10:616 (70616|0,70846|2) - LNs? or note 01:10:962 - ? //both been added

01:12:000 (72000|2,72000|3) - this has literally no reason to be a double //remove one

01:14:539 (74539|1,74539|2) - this has no strong drum beat to it so should be a single

01:17:539 (77539|1,77539|2,77539|0) - why is this a triple //its the first sound of the repeated main sound

01:19:385 (79385|1,79385|3,79385|0) - same

01:20:308 - until 01:25:616 - either make those notes on white lines doubles or make the notes on red lines doubles as there's a lack of consistency even if you could a held LN as a note in these sections //reworked, should be fine now

01:27:173 (87173|0,87173|1,87231|0) - that's just a bit cheeky //as i want it to be

01:28:500 (88500|3,88500|2,88500|0,88616|1,88616|0,88731|2,88731|0,88731|3) - why not use the 1/8 here //it will ruin the playability if i map them

if no 1/8 there at least make 01:28:500 (88500|3,88500|2,88500|0,88731|2,88731|0,88731|3) - doubles like they should be //they are triple because of the synth sound, quite similar with the triple starting from 01:35:077 -

same 01:30:346 (90346|3,90346|1,90346|0,90577|3,90577|0,90577|1) - or buff 01:30:693 (90693|0,90693|1,90808|2,90808|3) - instead

try 01:30:923 (90923|0,90923|3) - as a singular 1/4 ln and 01:31:154 (91154|3,91154|0) - as a singular 1/2 ln //doesnt play well with the SV

01:31:385 - until 01:34:616 - repeat section

01:35:885 (95885|1,95885|0,95885|3,96116|1,96116|3,96116|0) - why are these triples? it makes no sense because no other strong sound in this section is mapped as triples (01:35:654 (95654|2,95654|0,95654|3) - is fine due to the intensity of the sound it produces) //like i explained

01:36:693 (96693|3,96693|0,96808|2,96808|1) - singles because they're not as strong sounding as the previous notes and then make 01:36:923 (96923|0,96923|3,96923|1) - a double //k

01:38:077 (98077|3,98077|2,98193|0,98193|1) - should both be triples with their intensity //dont think their intensity is that higher than other

map 01:39:808 (99808|0,99808|1,99866|3) - as a double with one note being LN because there's a 1/8 buzz sound here completely ignored and just having it be continuous jumpstream ruins the feeling of this section here //1/8 here will just kill the playability, a 1/4 LN wouldnt make it any better as player will just read it as normal note

01:40:039 (100039|3,100039|2,100096|0,100154|2,100154|1,100212|3,100270|1,100270|0,100327|2) - same here

01:41:077 (101077|3,101077|0,101135|1,101193|3,101193|2,101250|0,101308|2,101308|1,101366|3) - same here

01:41:770 (101770|3,101798|2,101885|3,101914|2) - ctrl-G for switching of intensity (1/8 to 1/16 buzzing sound) //changed

01:42:000 (102000|3,102000|2) - map as one singular 2/1 LN //reduce one note

01:42:462 - until 01:49:846 - EVERY 2/1 note should be a double

01:50:770 - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

im going to have to stop here for now because i need to wake up in 6 hours but i believe you have the ability to check through the rest of the diff itself to notice any more consistency issues also you better not waive this as a no change because i spent 2 hours on it unbiased over what is essentially objective issues (inconsistency should be counted as objective) and im only here to help (i already modded it once here i go again)

jakads wrote:

This might've been mentioned millions of times before, but I'm gonna point out here

01:27:693 - ~ 01:34:616 - for those sections

I don't really get why you simply skipped the 1/8 drums, they are the most iconic part for Kobaryo, the speedcore artist, hence the diffname.

idk just random complaint

also the amount of notes used seems inconsistent overall, but

juankristal wrote:

maybe I am just crazy idk.
//i doubt the playability if i map the 1/8 fully, some 1/8 are been added for variation, lets see how that work
You don't neet to doubt If you add them reasonably about 1/8th drum roll.
speaking of which If you can't judge it by yourself, then please test play it to someone.
and somebody is obviously able to play enough. that will leads the map in a good way whatever it is.
anyway hope everything goes well! :)
Topic Starter
I'm trying to find a middle point to balance the playability and how well the pattern represent the music
And trust me, I ask people to testplay more than you think.
Well you actually did it, as this now seems rankable. I'm impressed
Here's a few suggestions, of which probably none will be added, because I'm garbage at modding.
Main reason is to follow the music unless otherwise stated.
00:23:885 / 02:18:346 - maybe add a roll here to follow the music shifting tone? something like this

01:00:923 - could be some stairs or rolls here and a small ln pattern at the end, since there is a lot of song, but no beatmap

02:45:231 - symbol crash here, so make this a triple
good job on making this a proper 6 star, and sorry for the garbage mods
Topic Starter

Spartan- wrote:

Well you actually did it, as this now seems rankable. I'm impressed
Here's a few suggestions, of which probably none will be added, because I'm garbage at modding.
Main reason is to follow the music unless otherwise stated.
00:23:885 / 02:18:346 - maybe add a roll here to follow the music shifting tone? something like this //hmm... dont think its necessary

01:00:923 - could be some stairs or rolls here and a small ln pattern at the end, since there is a lot of song, but no beatmap //this section is suppose to keep simple as the next section is quite calm, using 1/4 here will just feels weird

02:45:231 - symbol crash here, so make this a triple //unlike the first kiai (which used triple), this kiai used a lots of 1/4 JS which makes a 1/4 very hard to play, gonna say no for this
good job on making this a proper 6 star, and sorry for the garbage mods

DDMythical wrote:

ok. let me preface this by saying that none of this is directed at you as a person.
all of this is directed at the map and not you.

I am also only focusing on Speedcore!!! and Wonki's Extra (which i will do tommorow as this mod is already massive enough as-is.)

This 'mod' is also entirely based on the 'structure' of your map in terms of overall difficulty 'spikes' and 'dips'. There are some pattern-related comments but as I say, this is predominantly aimed at the structural quality of this map; which I believe is it's biggest flaw.

Now that that is out of the way. Let's get onto the 'mod'.

SPEEDCORE!!! Structural Problems
The recent mods on this have been focusing on patterning and consistency errors; I think the problems causing this map to be boring to play (sorry, but it is quite boring.)
Infact, I think the problem with this chart is purely structural in the way it climaxes difficulty and deals with slower parts of the song. For the first half of this, I will not be discussing the patterns in this map. Here is a graph of the rough difficulty throughout the song. These are arbitrary values judged on the patternical difficulty.

So first of all. What is going on in this picture.
The top half is a ROUGH graph of difficulty in the map. This is based off of pattern difficulty and to an extent-- NPS. This graph also assumes that the first Klai and third Klai are the mid-points or average difficulty in the map.

The bottom half has split each section of this maps structure up by number, repeating numbers where sections are structurally repeated. Keep in mind that this is ROUGH and nowhere near as accurate as I could get if I had MSD on my side.

First of all, what is each point in patterns? -- Click the next box for the list and reference.

So what can we actually get in useful information from this crude and rough graph? Well firstly we can analyze the amount of 'downtime' this song has (time where the difficulty is under the average of the first/third klai.) This makes up for a significant portion of the file as you can see. Infact, it is roughly this much:

This is a very large portion of the map to be 'easy' in relative comparison.

Another thing to note is the structural composition. This is a very easy map for nearly all of it yet with three distinct spikes which are all [12][34] jumptrills or extremely rolly js (which can also entirely be jumptrilled.) So what we can gather from this is that these three spikes are giving the map it's high star rating in comparison to it's overall difficulty.

So my overall conclusion in regards to structural problems in this map is that simply;
It spends too much time being easy, and the times where it actually is hard; it's entirely manipulatable patterns.

SPEEDCORE!!! Segment Reference

1- 1/2 light jumpstream with light LN usage.
2- 1/2 light jumpstream with slightly more LN usage.
3- 1/2 light jumpstream with heavier LN usage
4- 1/2 light handstream with jacks leading in from jumps. Little to no LNs.
5- Bread and butter of this chart; what I would consider this file to represent with 1/2 hand-single jacks with some 1/4th rolls.
6- Second half of the klai. Massive difficulty spike with 260bpm 1/4th split jumptrills (these are 260bpm One Hand Trills; which are very difficulty for most players bar around the ability of the previous klai -- the only way for said people to do this is to mash it. -- Along with 1/8th roll transitions and Jumptrills into Hand (I'd strongly advise against this.)
7- very simple LNs (like 1.5-2.5seconds between LN hold changes) for a long period of time.
8- 1/1 very light stream with breaks for LNs.
9- 1/2 light handstream.
10- 1/1 gluts with some hands.
11- Actually the same as 5; not noted the same because this isn't in a klai.
12- a 1/4 jumptrill into hand (260bpm)
13- 1/4th handstream bursts (260bpm)
14- 1/2 gluts with hands
15- Massive difficulty spike with 260bpm 1/4th rolly js. This is manipulatable enough to be jumptrilled but this does not negate the difficulty spike at this segment.
16- 1/1 extremely light jumpstream (massive difficulty drop-off)
//try give the timing, its kinda hard for me to tell each section is from where to where base on the graph

SPEEDCORE!!! Structural Fixes
This is the 'mod' of this 'mod'. As you've probably noticed already this mod goes a lot deeper into the underlying problems of this map rather than patternical problems (e.g. consistency, hand balance) since that has been gone over by 4-5 people above me since the DQ and probably lots more since then.

---- Making the file overall less 'spiky' ----

So by starting off I'd like to define 'Section 5' -- check reference -- for a good difficulty baseline here. What needs to be evened out is the use of the easier sections (1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,16,17) and the difficulty spikes in sections 6, 12 and 15. So for example. The spikes in sections 6 and 12 should still be spikes; they should still be climaxes of the song and increase in difficulty, but at the moment they are simply too deviant from this maps rough difficulty.

For Section 6: I think the patterns should be changed entirely from 1/4th split jumptrills into 1/4th JS bursts (Not the rolly kind. The more splitrolly kind.) This way you can lead into the hands and into the 1/8th roll bursts much easier and with much more flow. I also think the usage of jacks here are perfectly fine to break the JS style.//remake the trills
//it plays worse if i split the trills to some "1/4 single + 1/2 double pattern"

For Section 12: I don't personally mind this spike. The jumptrill is clearly a PP spike and I don't really see any other rankable way to de-spike this. I think one thing that almost certainly be changed is the exiting transition. The jumptrills are effectively 1/2 alternating jacks which are already roughly the difficulty of this map x2 (down a bit for being a comfortable pattern but still a spike.)

For Section 15: This JS should not nearly be as dense. I think this should be much lighter JS but not as rolly. This would be less of a spike and more interesting in patterning. //this section is the most intense part of the song (beside the kiai), some people even suggest me to make full 1/4 trill or map the 1/8 fully. This part is still easier than both kiai i dont see how this is spiky

---- Making the file overall less easy. ----

Starting off here I would like to say that easier parts of files are crucial to making it structurally interesting. The problem with this map is that it spends too much time on the easier parts. The 'outro' of this file starting from 02:56:308 (176308|3) - Is something that can be made much more interesting by taking advantage of the 'echo' coming from the synth sound. You could have 1/2 jacks echoing off the quads and hands. This would make the outro less 'boring' to play and imo, less dull.
//some LN are been added, like i did to the similar section 01:16:616 -

The biggest problem here is the near-1minute downtime between 01:42:000 (102000|3) - and 02:34:154 (154154|2) - . (50sec but w/e.) This is a massive structural flaw as since the song is only 3 minutes long, this makes this downtime section alone account for around 30% of the file. This is a massive portion to be spent doing something massively easier than the klai times in the file. So how can this be fixed?

The Section 1's should be changed into pitch relevant segments; I think an emphasis on pitch relevancy would be more interesting to play and reduce the 'boring' and 'dull' parts of this downtime.

Section 2 can easily be redefined as long-jacks: 00:23:423 (23423|1,23654|1) - By moving notes like these to 1 to make nice long pitch relevant jacks, You can make this section more interesting and as such, the downtime less dull and more interesting to focus on acc and interesting pattern/structural development.

The Section 3's should be changed into 3 note jacks instead of minitrills around the LNs. An emphasis on pitch relevancy here would also make things much more interesting.

I don't think Section 4 is bad at all. I think you could abuse the 'echo' of the sounds you mapped to quads/hands by having the next note come of it as a 1/2 jack.

Section 10 is where you can also use the 'echo' to make a jack section like an easier version of section 5: You can have jacks coming off at 01:16:731 (76731|1) - throughout this section.

I believe sections 16 and 17 are too easy in terms of overall difficulty in comparison to this chart. These make up for about 20 seconds or 10% of this file. I don't believe this is bad but I believe you could incorporate some minijacks into this section a-la nearly every other section :D
//these part are "easy" because thats how the song itself sounds to me. They are harder than Wonki's Extra which fit the diff spread, and as the song's intensity slowly build up, each section is harder than the previous section to show the changing on the music, make them harder will just break the feeling i want

Temporary Closing
I have to go to sleep now: this took me about 1hr to write and I will do Wonki's Extra with similar points but you can basically apply the points I make here to Wonki's Extra. I hope you can read through this mod and understand where I am coming from with this structural argument.

I think with these fixes the map will be much more interesting to play and overall less 'boring' if you know what I mean. I'd also like to apologize for the crude drawings. The only thing I had on me was MSPaint so I had to roughly estimate everything but I think I was decently accurate with what I was rating.
The song is "spiky" so does the map
seems clear

Wait for it...

DDMythical wrote:

ho shiet dude its the himalayas

I really don't think this map is ready for bubble... this is just my concern, there are still a few problems people have pointed out before that haven't been fixed. And some of the patterns are kind of uncomfortable too.

You can ignore this if you want. I'm not a BN or anything, so my opinion doesn't really matter.

Good luck for rank I guess, though you probably don't need it
Topic Starter
I did reply to all the mods, if you still have your concern, just point it out.
Just be specific instead of using words like "Have some problem", "some pattern uncomfortable"
Topic Starter

qqqant wrote:

I really don't think this map is ready for bubble... this is just my concern, there are still a few problems people have pointed out before that haven't been fixed. And some of the patterns are kind of uncomfortable too.
Was replying to this, what are you even on about ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

YaHao wrote:

qqqant wrote:

I really don't think this map is ready for bubble... this is just my concern, there are still a few problems people have pointed out before that haven't been fixed. And some of the patterns are kind of uncomfortable too.
Was replying to this, what are you even on about ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
sorry about not being specific, but i did say that posts prior to mine had listed out multiple concerns that are, in fact, specific, which includes dd's post, which is why he replied
Topic Starter
And as i said i did reply to that mod, if you not happy with my respond, the leave it to the QAT to decide, simple as that

YaHao wrote:

And as i said i did reply to that mod, if you not happy with my respond, the leave it to the QAT to decide, simple as that
what i meant was, most of the actual valid points are in those posts, yet you rejected almost all of them.
Topic Starter

qqqant wrote:

YaHao wrote:

And as i said i did reply to that mod, if you not happy with my respond, the leave it to the QAT to decide, simple as that
what i meant was, most of the actual valid points are in those posts, yet you rejected almost all of them.
I rejected with my reason, not like i just ignore them all. Again, if you not happy with my respond, the leave it to the QAT to decide, end of the story
I'm a little uncomfortable with this map being bubbled again despite how contentious this map is and how little its changed since the DQ

I understand that you dont have to accept all issues and redwalling posts is completely ok but this feels a bit like you're trying to sneak the map through rather than actually addressing the issues and finding a compromise. The NPS spikes do seem.... extreme

YaHao wrote:

Just be specific instead of using words like "Have some problem", "some pattern uncomfortable"
DD posted more than hundreds of lines and you just dismissed all with pretty much five lines, without responding to them per case. And now you are in a defensive mode.
Topic Starter

Litharrale wrote:

I'm a little uncomfortable with this map being bubbled again despite how contentious this map is and how little its changed since the DQ

I understand that you dont have to accept all issues and redwalling posts is completely ok but this feels a bit like you're trying to sneak the map through rather than actually addressing the issues and finding a compromise. The NPS spikes do seem.... extreme
As i explained, the spikes pattern is due to the song itself, and its what i want it to be. Plus it fit the mapset diff spread, all patterns are harder than wonki's diff, i dont see how that become a problem

Todestrieb wrote:

YaHao wrote:

Just be specific instead of using words like "Have some problem", "some pattern uncomfortable"
DD posted more than hundreds of lines and you just dismissed all with pretty much five lines, without responding to them per case. And now you are in a defensive mode.
For god sake i wasnt replying to that DDM, can you at least read the previous post before jump to the conclusion, i replied all the fix suggestion, how is that not enoguh

YaHao wrote:

For god sake i wasnt replying to that DDM, can you at least read the previous post before jump to the conclusion, i replied all the fix suggestion, how is that not enoguh
Even if you weren't replying to DD with that, you are just ignoring what is the real problem with the set. You have been asking people to be more specific, to give proper reason why they would like to see some changes applied to this mapset. But once someone came with a lot of time invested in trying to explain to you why a lot of people disliked seeing this getting qualified, you just shrugged it off (or you gave this impression by writing a really short answer to his posts).

Also, the song being spiky doesn't mean the rest should be THAT easy. It could definetly have been layered a lot harder without removing the feeling of the song being spiky. By looking at it, It feels both underlayed for the easy parts compared to the song AND overlayered compared to the rest of the chart for the "spiky bits".

Anyway, I'm also strongly against it getting ranked in It's current state, but I guess the community needs to deals with it since It looks like It's going to be qualified again.

Good luck on the road ahead!
Topic Starter

Todestrieb wrote:

YaHao wrote:

For god sake i wasnt replying to that DDM, can you at least read the previous post before jump to the conclusion, i replied all the fix suggestion, how is that not enoguh
Even if you weren't replying to DD with that, you are just ignoring what is the real problem with the set. You have been asking people to be more specific, to give proper reason why they would like to see some changes applied to this mapset. But once someone came with a lot of time invested in trying to explain to you why a lot of people disliked seeing this getting qualified, you just shrugged it off (or you gave this impression by writing a really short answer to his posts).
If i can explain myself in few lines, why bother to write an essay. Just because i rejected the mod doesnt mean i ignore it

Also, the song being spiky doesn't mean the rest should be THAT easy. It could definetly have been layered a lot harder without removing the feeling of the song being spiky. By looking at it, It feels both underlayed for the easy parts compared to the song AND overlayered compared to the rest of the chart for the "spiky bits".
it can go harder yes, but current notes amount represent well enough and thats what i want which maters the most

Anyway, I'm also strongly against it getting ranked in It's current state, but I guess the community needs to deals with it since It looks like It's going to be qualified again.

Good luck on the road ahead!

DDMythical wrote:

YaHao wrote:

i replied all the fix suggestion, how is that not enoguh
Because you didn't actually fix the problems I mentioned. You glossed over my entire mod and only read the objective patterning changes without looking at nearly anything else I said about the map.

The fact is this map is too spiky and as a result it plays terribly.
i did read thru everything, nice mspaint graph, but still, my answer is the same

YaHao wrote:

As i explained, the spikes pattern is due to the song itself, and its what i want it to be. Plus it fit the mapset diff spread, all patterns are harder than wonki's diff, i dont see how that become a problem
No it's not. You're ignoring so many sounds that could add difficulty to even out the difficulty spikes of ultra and extra.
Because I simply dont want to raise the difficulty or reduce the spikiness, and if you want to talk about extra, drop your thought and i will ask wonki to reply them

This is nothing to do with the song. Nor is it anything to do with the diffspread.
How can you discuss a map/pattern without the music, are we playing a rhythm game or just smashing keyboard for PP. And in case you dont know, diff spread matters a lots, it limit the difficulty, if all the "easy part" that you claimed are easier than Wonki's Extra, then thats definitely a underlaying

It's cool that you 'want' it to be this spiky but as a matter of fact it is too spiky for people to enjoy. Simply put if you can do the hard bits the rest of this file becomes extremely boring. If you can't do the hard bits you just fail on them unfairly (you could get there with a 96+ and then die instantly because of them.) The structure of this file makes it absolutely terrible to play because of them.
To me if I make the map so hard that people fail on the part which arent even the intense part of the music is also terrible to play

These diff spikes need fixing before this should be considered acceptable to rank.
Topic Starter

DDMythical wrote:

1.) No they do not represent well enough. This map is so boring if you can do the dense parts because so much of it just feels like 2 difficulties down.
they are for me, thank you
2.) While what matters the most is entirely subjective; What you want is not more relevant than what the players want on a scale of people involved.
If your charts are only for yourself and not for the people playing them: why are you trying to rank them where everyone now has to play them?
i'm making this map for people who wants to play it, obviously you are not one of them, and where you get this idea of "everyone has to play ranked map", i never touched map that i dont like, maybe you should do the same

I spend my time on modding this so you should spend your time in response. What's the point in having a discussion to improve this file for the players who are playing it if the only thing you care about is how it looks to you and nobody else? Like I said above; if that's all you care about then there is simply no reason for this to be ranked for other people.
Spending more time on the mod doesnt make the mod more valuable. If something i not agree with, i will still reject it not matter how long you spend on that suggestion, appreciate the effort tho

OK lets discuss the music then; If you even read my mod you'd probably know that I went through the musical relevance of buffs to the easier sections but lol who reads that.

Discuss the music
00:54:462 (54462|0,54462|2,54462|3) - These Aahhhhs can easily be represented by streams. The problem there is at the moment with using a simple LN structure over it is that there is practically 4 empty seconds of stuff in your file when the song is still somewhat relevant.
the music start to clam down at this point, just like the next part of the song, again you're ignoring the music and overall pattern design just to have "harder pattern"
00:25:154 (25154|3) - The sounds in this section echo; You still fit the music if you create an echoing minijack coming off of the note so as to make these sections less easy and buff them up to reasonable levels with the rest of the file.
There is none because I decided not to, "make these section less easy" is not a reason for me to change it

This applies for the entirety of that section. Funnily enough I'm just repeating my mod at this point. Why am I even writing this. Go read my mod.
and then i have to reject the mods again

Diffspread means nothing in the arguments against this map. Nobody is complaining about the diffspread so therefore it is not a relevant discussion to have on this file; you should stop bringing it up.
i keep bring this up because i want you to know, this is not a unrankable issue, and its up to the mapper's decision hence you should stop forcing me to change it

I find it absolutely hilarious you use the 'or just smashing keyboard for pp' argument. You are aware that is literally what this file is? Nothing for 3 mins with one spike which involves smashing your keyboard for pp; or atleast in relevance to the difficulty of the rest of the file, anyone at the skill level to just about do the first klai baseline of difficulty will be mashing the 34NPS jumptrill sections.
I said that because it seeming you're not listening to the music at all when it comes to pattern, not deeper meaning behind

There is a difference between people failing because of things that are their own faults (for example running out of stamina, Misreading patterns too often etc.) and people failing because of massive difficulty spikes that don't feel fair. Every mistake on files such as AiAe feels like your own mistake but on files like this; it just feels like you've been cheated by a massive 260bpm 3Xnps spike that is so far from the rest of the difficulty of the file.
How is this not fair, this is a 6* map and people should know that before playing, and should be well prepared for the burst part
Thanks for the suggestion
Topic Starter
Can we stop bring the topic of PP when judging a map? Is PP the only thing that you care about? I cant tell if you are being serious or not.

The map is 6*, which include the easy part AND the burst part. While you playing the easy part, you should be well prepared for the 6* pattern as the SR shown. Not like the SR is 4* and a 30NPS patern came out from nowhere, thats unfair. idk why i just repeating myself

If you want to use the F word for your next reply, suggest you keep your mind calm on this, otherwise you not welcome
Well... I can't understand why ████ hasn't become QAT yet.
Topic Starter
Not saying the burst is not spike but at least people wouldnt feel unfair from its SR
Using SR in my argument is because you bring up the topic of player fail on the hard part and feel unfair
At this point you just keep repeating the same stuff that I've rejected long time ago and forcing me to accept it. You suggestions are nice, but it will always just be a suggestion, there is no "Have to fix" thing for me

If you dont have anything new to say, i suggest you stop replying cause my answer will always be the same
default samples smh

Going to pop as I feel as there's still some ongoing discussion about things that should be allowed to be exhausted first before the requalify. So it's kind of a community driven pop I guess? I dunno, I want to see your response and I won't try to force anything, plus I got just a couple concerns myself, mostly about the middle parts I suppose. Im sure we can get this sorted out relatively quickly though.

The finish is a tad bit quiet tbh and I can barely hear it, so I might consider increasing the vol. Also, not having a kick in the song despite this being like 90% kicks feels really lazy on the hitsounding. I might consider adding a kick like this

Concerning the mod response to DD, I feel that it's a bit inadequate in the last box as he does present a few solutions on how to solve what he sees is wrong with the map, so to generalize your entire response as it being the song's fault isn't doing any justice to the effort DD spent writing his mod. You may disagree but I still think you should justify why the sections he points out are the way they are now and why you believe they work fine.

Anyways, enough fluff, here's wonderwall
00:10:096 (10096|1,10154|2) - I'd probs control H this so the player doesn't have to deal with the 1/2 jacks in col 1 and a 1/4 minitrill on the same hand. In this way, the left hand deals with the jack but the right hand has only the trill and one jack to worry about

00:46:846 - Might be cool to add a really short SV here on the 1/8 snap like 00:46:846 - 2.5x and 00:46:875 - 0.5x to emphasize the sudden loss in musical density at this point.

00:50:712 (50712|3,50770|3) - Ouch, could you maybe not? I mean, at more moderate BPMs, this might be acceptable, but this basically plays like 130 BPM 1/8 jack which is a bit unfair to the players imo and leads to an easy miss that isn't so much the player's fault but rather the poor placing of a jack in the middle of an evenly spread jumptrill. To help resolve this, I'd just remove 00:50:712 (50712|3) - and leave 00:50:712 - as a single.
01:27:173 (87173|0,87231|0) - ^

01:20:308 - I think I prefer the pre-dq pattern in this section more than the current as the previous one was less cluttered and didn't attempt to add awkward releases and visual confusion to the player. Sometimes having a clean pattern that may not be the most technical is better than forcing a nicer difficulty curve for the entire difficulty as a whole (yes, I know everyone is telling you to do that, but in this moment of the song, I disagree with that idea).

01:23:539 - I would only use a single note or something here since there isn't a kick or anything present in the music. Instead, it just loses its intensity in the music for a second, so I think a lighter chord weight would be beneficial to getting that feeling across.

01:28:270 (88270|3,88270|2,88270|0) - Wouldn't it make more sense to use a 1/8 roll here since there's that buzz in the music, similar in sound to 01:41:539 - ? Would honestly try to map it a bit more consistently with the jumpstream at where there's a heavier emphasis on the constant buzzes and changes in rhythm as opposed to simply losing and gaining density all the time.

01:39:808 (99808|0,99808|1,99866|3,99923|1,99923|2) - Here is a 1/8 roll in the music, so to better represent the complexity of sound in this burst, I would use a simple 1/8 roll like so

01:40:039 - For this part, there seems to be a bit of a noticeable break in the sound despite the snap most likely being 1/8 as it's a buzz. Rather than map it with broken 1/8 triplets which are a bit unintuitive and unnatural to play imo, I would simply cover them with an LN similar to Wonki's diff, as it will show the separation between the two sounds visually and in a way that almost gives the player a short rest from the burst.

01:40:500 (100500|2,100500|1) - Honestly don't see why this is a jump. I know Wonki's diff uses a jump here too but compared to the rest of the sounds in this measure, the synth alone is pretty weak compared to those kicks. I think it'd be best to reduce that down to a single and have it as a very short rest period for the player to get their bearings again after all the 130 BPM jacks and stuff.

01:40:616 (100616|1,100616|0,100673|3,100731|0,100731|1) - Seems a bit unnecessary to have this pattern restricting the player's hand movement when everything else about the burst has been linear and rolling only in one direction.

01:41:539 - I'd recommend here the same thing I recommended at 01:40:039 - as the sound feels too light to truly warrant a 1/8 burst, but I guess it's fine either way since it can be jumptrilled.

01:42:462 - In this section, I can't really tell why some notes like 01:43:385 - or 01:43:846 - are triples when notes of the same sound (just different pitch) like 01:44:770 - 01:45:231 - 01:45:693 - are doubles only. It would be better to make them consistently sized chords and then just increase the chord size by one at 01:49:846 - for the added kicks in the music.

02:07:500 (127500|0,127500|1) - Assuming you're trying to emphasize the piano here with the jump, but it's inconsistent with how you've set up the beginning of the section at 02:04:616 - where you do emphasize only the percussion with chords, and the synth is represented with LNs most of the time barring the first two (three?) beats. I'd rather there be jumps at 02:07:154 - 02:07:270 - that you could probs stack to represent the repetition of sound. Also, 02:09:116 - is a jump to represent the kick I assume so :thinking:

02:09:577 (129577|3) - I don't think this should really be an LN. As I mentioned in the above suggestion, from what I can tell, LNs are used solely for the synth sounds, but here there isn't one so it just seems like an added LN for the hell of it. I've broken every single time I test play here due to the sudden release and rehold required here. Since it's just a quiet piano, I think leaving it as a shield would be better.

02:22:500 (142500|0,142616|0) - The pitch here has a larger difference than at 02:20:654 (140654|2,140770|2) - which most players probably wouldn't be able to tell is just slightly different unless they went into the editor, so I would move it to a different column to avoid misleading the player because if they were closely listening to the music for possible pattern cues, this would definitely throw them off unfairly.
02:25:616 (145616|0,145731|0) - likewise

02:26:308 - Seems a bit unnecessary to just throw in jumps when most everything in this build up has been singles with exceptions to new LN presses. Instead, if you wanted to get across the feeling of a growing intensity, I would just add two LNs at most and have an inside trill like so

02:33:116 (153116|2) - I'd move this to col 2 to match the mini jumpjack pair you have at 02:32:770 -

02:33:693 (153693|0) - Don't think a jump is necessary here since everything but the vocal drops out of the music for this one beat in time.

02:33:923 - smh, no bumps. I think it'd be nicer to put a larger value at 02:33:923 - and then have the final SV be at 02:33:981 - so the clap in the music is emphasized with a larger jump. Something like 2.5x to 0.5x would be nice I think.

02:46:673 (166673|0,166789|3) - Not sure how I feel about this cause Im pretty sure they're ghosts which, under current rc, is unrankable. Aside from that though, I don't see the point in having them in there if there's no sound in the music. There's a clear and audible break in the music, so to continue the 1/4 rhythm seems a bit unintuitive to the player who would logically expect the chart to follow the song's rhythm.
02:47:135 (167135|3,167366|2,167596|1) - ^ Like, if you're going to add these, ok I guess, but then you leave it out at 02:47:827 - which seems to go against what your layering here suggests.

02:52:500 - Think you're missing a note here for the muted hihat type sound.

02:54:923 (174923|2,175385|1,175385|0) - I think it'd be nice to end all these LNs at 02:55:731 - and have a quad at 02:55:846 - to represent the glass breaking sound, and you could even add a small SV similar to 02:33:923 - there too
01:16:154 - Similar thing to the above (I modded this out of order which is why it comes so late lol)

03:02:885 (182885|3,183000|0,183039|1,183077|2,183116|3,183231|0) - I'd suggest control H here so that there's an alternating 1-4-1-4 for the bell sound

My main concern is with the two (three?) instances of ghost notes I pointed out towards the end, but additionally the song representation is a bit lacking sometimes and it's probably due to all the different ways people want to see this map going. I would find a base rhythm and stick to it throughout each section consistently, and then maybe you can tack on different parts and instrumentation to see how it plays out, but as it is right now, it's confusing to try and follow what you mapped. LN section at 01:20:308 - is kind of concerning imo though. Anyways, Ill wait for your response and hope we can come to a good compromise between the community and you.
Shima Rin
The only thing I wanna say is Plz don't use other maps as reference, and even call them as 'trash'. This is about the basic respect issue for mappers, Spy and SpectorDG. Maybe there are problems in your opinion on these two maps but calling them trash is your fault, DD. Regarding all other things, I have nothing to say.

Thanks for cooperation. ;)
Overview: This map is poorly constructed from a holistic standpoint. Even if the map was completely correct from start to finish in its objective structural approach, it would still be a rather poor map because it is exceptionally overrated. Before I continue though, I'd like to address something rather important:

YaHao wrote:

Not saying the burst is not spike but at least people wouldnt feel unfair from its SR
Using SR in my argument is because you bring up the topic of player fail on the hard part and feel unfair [...]
I don't know what DD's argument was but I get a feeling just off of this context alone that he was saying the exact opposite of this. The complaints about the spike in difficulty have nothing to do with the fact that those jumptrills are inherently difficult - it has to do with the fact that the jumptrills bring up the star rating to over 6 stars when the rest of the map plays like something substantially easier. The argument has nothing to do with players failing: it has to do with players getting substantial performance point boosts on something that they don't deserve it on. But, I feel that it's necessary to take this a step further and target you specifically: I think that as a beatmap nominator, you are more than aware of the fact that the star rating system is broken. Something tells me that your inherent understanding of this is what is making you keep those massive jumptrill "spikes" in, because you know that it will increase attention to the map overall and make more users play it -- not necessarily because they enjoy it, but because it is a massive PP farm.

If you are so insistent on keeping the jumptrills in the map, then you should take a look at other parts of the map outside of the jumptrills and make them harder. That way, the 6* star rating will actually play like a 6* map, not something super easy with a tiny spike.

- 00:24:920 to 00:32:308
This structure is very unclear; you have repeating doubles for repeating notes in the melody at 00:25:154 and 00:25:385, but then the rest of the section has no doubles at all until the melody restarts. If the doubles are for the purpose of layering hi-hats, then there are doubles missed at 00:25:962 and 00:26:077 - however, I doubt that was the purpose here. Your incorrect representation of the melody continues until the end of the section.

00:26:770 - four repeating [24] jumps when the pitch changes; you can make room by shortening the LN that ends here, but I get a feeling you'll no change that so I'll move on

00:32:885 (32885|1) - according to your structure, see: 00:33:808 (33808|2) / 00:35:654 (35654|1), etc, you're clearly following the hi-hats. This means that, at the absolute minimum the following notes should become doubles: 00:32:885 (32885|1) / 00:33:346 (33346|1) / 00:34:731 (34731|2) / 00:37:039 (37039|1)
00:38:885 (38885|0,38885|3,39000|1,39000|2,39116|2,39116|1) - all of these should be triples, as they are synth, kick, and cymbals played at the same time, according to your earlier structure

00:40:154 (40154|1) - move LN to 1 instead of 2, since the last LN is the same note in pitch

00:40:731 (40731|0) - missing LN (as mentioned in earlier notes, you're missing a note in the representation of your melody)

00:40:731 (40731|0,40731|3) and 00:40:846 (40846|3,40846|2) - why aren't these triples? you have triples for every earlier instance of kick + synth + cymbal in this section. if your answer is that you're trying to follow the melody, you just did two consecutive triple + LN combinations at 00:40:385 and 00:40:500 - surely more relevance couldn't hurt, right?

00:42:577 (42577|1,42577|0,42577|3) - ^, this note above is for the same structure musically (two synth notes, two kicks, among other things) and is a partial indicator that layering is not sound because the pitch is the only slightly discernible thing - which would be a valid argument for you if not for the fact that...

00:46:270 (46270|3,46270|0,46270|1,46385|2,46385|3,46385|0) - you actually utilized two triples for the same exact two notes, two kicks, literally the same everything; there's not even an indicator that this is a musical transition into the next section at this point, so there's literally no excuse. fix your layering. Add the missing LN as well.

00:42:923 - missing LN for melody

00:43:385 (43385|1,43385|0) - make this a triple (kick + synth + cymbal, plus it's a musical accent and would be more correct anyway)

00:47:654 (47654|2,47654|1) - since your triples are accenting the melody on top of the kicks here, this one should be as well

00:48:116 (48116|3,48116|2) - theoretically this one should be as well but I can see you saying no change to this because of the LN release, even though there's an open column so I won't really fight much about that

00:48:923 (48923|0,48923|3) - remove a note from the [23] that is 1/4 away from this so that you can make this [14] a triple that holds your layering relevance together a bit more

00:50:712 (50712|3,50770|3) - 260 BPM 1/4 mini-jacks are a no-no unless the entire map's structure/motif is intended to have mini-jacks all over the place (see: Blastix Riotz) - if you're keeping this triple because of the cymbal crash, then remove the 4 here

00:52:212 (52212|3,52327|0,52673|0,52904|3) - i've listened to this in Audacity where the pitch can be reduced to prevent time-stretching, unlike the osu! editor; there are not any hi-hat notes here or anything of the sort that merits this being a temporarily unbroken stream. I personally don't mind these notes being here, but if we're adhering to current ranking criteria, then these notes need to be removed since they're not following anything.

01:02:308 (62308|2) and 01:03:231 (63231|0) - if you're following the subtle snare hits, then you're missing notes at 01:03:577 / 01:05:423 / 01:07:270 / etc

01:04:500 (64500|1,64500|3) - this double is not accenting anything at all; your repeated notes on 4 are, remove the note on 2.

01:10:616 (70616|0) - incorrectly placed LN for what is presumably the melody, should be 1/2 back

01:10:846 (70846|3) - your entire structure in this section places doubles explicitly to the kick and triples for the snare, so this and 01:14:539 (74539|1) should be removed for consistency purposes

01:12:462 (72462|1) - incorrectly placed LN for what is presumably the melody, should be 1/2 back

01:14:308 (74308|0) - ^

01:17:539 (77539|1,77539|2,77539|0) - literally no reason for this triple at all, this entire section is free from percussion and only has the synth playing in octave intervals on 1/2 notes with the exception of the first note in each phrase, so the layering should stay 100% consistent through here

01:19:385 - ^

01:21:923 (81923|1,81923|0) - having this double at the end of the section makes no sense given the rest of your structure, becuase the player is smashing doubles for kicks between melody-oriented LN and there's no kick here

01:23:654 (83654|3) - if you're gonna put this barely audible note here, then you should be adding a note at 01:23:885 which is arguably louder - hint: don't do either of these, just remove the note here

01:25:616 - again, jump for nothing super audible here

01:27:231 (87231|3,87231|0) - this note's barely got anything to it compared to the other two notes after it and every subsequent kick before it, make this a single note and break that implicit 1/4 mini-jack, it doesn't need to be there and has no musical merit in the first place

01:28:154 (88154|1,88154|3,88154|0) - I can understand the [134] triple immediately after this note, but this note itself has no reason to be a triple

01:30:000 (90000|0,90000|3,90000|1) - ^

actually, something even better worth noting: you used a 1/8 blip at 00:51:577 (51577|3) earlier in the song for an overtoned kick, you have an opportunity to use them at 01:28:270 (88270|0,88270|2,88270|3) / 01:28:500 (88500|0,88500|2,88500|3), etc.

01:38:770 (98770|0,98770|3) - so, you go ahead and use jumptrills in an earlier section, but in another intense spot, you use a pseudo-rolling jumpstream with doubles every 1/2? add 1/2 doubles for the melody and then place your 1/4 stream around it or something, this is a completely wasted section of the map.

01:40:154 (100154|3,100183|2,100212|0,100212|1,100270|3,100298|2,100327|1,100327|0) - if you're going to go out of your way to accent THESE particular kicks that are overtoned, then you'd best be adding the ones at 01:39:808 (99808|0,99808|1) and 01:40:039 (100039|3,100039|2) considering they're much more noticeable

01:41:077 (101077|1,101077|2) - more really fast kicks here; you can use 1/8 here to be accurate, or you can do an abrasive pattern like a 1/4 trill to indicate that you're paying attention to the sound, or something

01:58:270 (118270|1) / 01:58:500 (118500|0) - lone piano note as a single here, but you have them as doubles at 02:00:116 (120116|0,120116|3) / 02:01:731 (121731|2,121731|3,121962|1,121962|2) / etc. This section is inconsistently structured as well.

01:58:846 (118846|0) / 02:00:693 (120693|3) - what makes this LN stand out that it gets accented over the other ignored notes? The piano serves fine as an accent every two beats, it’s clear and to the point. These other LN feel like they’re arbitrary and ill-conceived additions.

01:59:308 (119308|3) / 02:01:154 (121154|0) / 02:03:000 (123000|0) / etc - additionally, instances where there are only single notes for chime + piano (direct layering) exist as well

02:04:500 (124500|0,124500|3,124558|2,124616|0,124616|1,124616|3) - if the connected 1/4 are supposed to be for the piano, it's the incorrect rhythm; the intervals are 3/16 each, so your three piano notes are 02:04:572 and 02:04:529 in addition to the location of the triple

02:04:962 (124962|2) - double for melody according to your structure

02:05:885 - missing piano note

02:07:731 (127731|1) - lovely little grace note in the piano that can be added to your map for some nice detail

02:07:154 (127154|0,127270|1) - I understand using singles for something that was previously doubles when you’re holding a LN, but if that’s the case, why is the piano of all things getting precedence in this section at 02:07:500 (127500|1,127500|0)? There’s piano notes earlier on at 02:05:654 (125654|2) that are singles, and hell, as mentioned earlier, you missed one at 02:05:885, yet at 02:07:500, it’s a double when there’s no other instrument playing aside from the LN which accents the melody? More proof that this structure is not clear from the get-go, neither on an accenting front, nor a layering/structural front.

02:07:270 (127270|1) - in a situation like this where you’re holding an LN and constrained to three keys, you should be keeping your instrument relevance tight. Make this 2 a 1 so that you’ve got repeated notes for the repeated kicks without adding layering.

02:09:000 (129000|0) - ^ - since for some reason the pianos are doubles here too…?

02:09:577 (129577|3) - you spent the earlier part of this section accenting the synth here, this LN stands out like a sore thumb and should be removed

02:12:577 - you continue to miss this pretty clear note in the melody

02:14:885 (134885|2) - according to your structure, this should be a double to follow the melody; if your doubles are supposed to only be following kicks (which i’m sure they’re not), then this structure is very much incorrect in terms of layering

02:16:270 (136270|2) - more proof that you’re missing the note at 02:12:577, among other areas; again, why is this not a double?

From this point to the end, it’s basically the same stuff as mentioned in the beginning as it’s a direct copy/paste/rotation with the exception of the tail end not having the barrage of 1/4 streaming for the kicks, which comes with it, all of the issues mentioned earlier on.

02:48:116 (168116|0) - this section has some percussion that can be accounted for; you went through “hassle” to make this map hard, you might as well take the time to accommodate for everything that you can

02:50:193 (170193|1) - make a double, it’s got the quiet snare and the piano, both of which seem to be doubles at random points, so you might as well at least give your randomness some merit

02:52:039 (172039|1) / 02:53:885 (173885|1) / 02:54:231 (174231|2) - ^

02:56:308 (176308|1,176308|0,176308|3,176308|2) - oh look more lazy copy/paste/rotate stuff and with it comes the errors as well, so i’m gonna mirror the laziness and tell you to look at my note for 01:10:846 and apply it accordingly since there’s no musical reason to have triples in this section outside of the crash

03:00:000 (180000|3,180000|1,180000|0,180000|2) - quad here? If you’re so concerned about separating the previous LN, make them doubles so that your triple for the kick + synth + crash cymbal keep your structure consistent

03:01:616 (181616|0,181616|1) - this note is less important musically than the upcoming crash cymbal, shorten this LN so you can make the next note a triple/quad to give the accent it deserves

OK SO WITH THAT OUT OF THE WAY - I’m going to give you my thoughts from both a high-level player, and a mapper.

Player: this map is not really fun to play through. It’s literally a massive difficulty spike in two short sections of the map, and that’s about it. The redundancy of the melody makes the song play a lot longer than it really should, and the map does nothing to provide me something to keep me interested in the second half - when I got to the repeat of the opening melody and basically repeated exactly what I played for the first part of it (I double-checked, it was damn near a copy paste for the bridge into the second repeat of the chorus), I basically assumed that the actual melody itself was going to play almost exactly the same as it did the first time, which is a bad thing — I have low expectations to begin with because you didn’t even try to differentiate the patterns beyond pretty noticeable rotation.

Mapper: in my personal opinion, this map is absolutely awful, and for a lot of the reasons I mentioned on the player side. The song has some repetition to it, and you couldn’t even be bothered to give the player something new in the second repeat of the melody — yes, I get that it’s the same, but if you were going to just waste the player’s time by literally repeating the same exact construction with the same exact mistakes, you would have been better off cutting the song and making it so that the player gets only the things that differ, not more of the same. There are many noticeable issues with the map just looking at your structure. I didn’t even base most of my notes off of what I thought, I literally analyzed your structure and inferred what was going on, and often times it was unclear as to what you were doing. That’s why I took the time to say “if you’re doing x, then you should be accenting y, because you did this and this to z, etc.”

There’s no room for you to say “no change” anymore. Take a look at your map, figure out how to construct it in a way that is actually coherent and enjoyable, and stop rejecting legitimate and viable suggestions from people who are taking the time to actually mod your map. I’ve scrutinized this map from start to finish, and I’ll say this: if you think this is even remotely good, or ready for rank, you’re wrong.
Topic Starter
Mr. Sheep

Protastic101 wrote:

default samples smh

Going to pop as I feel as there's still some ongoing discussion about things that should be allowed to be exhausted first before the requalify. So it's kind of a community driven pop I guess? I dunno, I want to see your response and I won't try to force anything, plus I got just a couple concerns myself, mostly about the middle parts I suppose. Im sure we can get this sorted out relatively quickly though.

The finish is a tad bit quiet tbh and I can barely hear it, so I might consider increasing the vol. Also, not having a kick in the song despite this being like 90% kicks feels really lazy on the hitsounding. I might consider adding a kick like this
//HS reworded

Concerning the mod response to DD, I feel that it's a bit inadequate in the last box as he does present a few solutions on how to solve what he sees is wrong with the map, so to generalize your entire response as it being the song's fault isn't doing any justice to the effort DD spent writing his mod. You may disagree but I still think you should justify why the sections he points out are the way they are now and why you believe they work fine.

Anyways, enough fluff, here's wonderwall
00:10:096 (10096|1,10154|2) - I'd probs control H this so the player doesn't have to deal with the 1/2 jacks in col 1 and a 1/4 minitrill on the same hand. In this way, the left hand deals with the jack but the right hand has only the trill and one jack to worry about

00:46:846 - Might be cool to add a really short SV here on the 1/8 snap like 00:46:846 - 2.5x and 00:46:875 - 0.5x to emphasize the sudden loss in musical density at this point.

00:50:712 (50712|3,50770|3) - Ouch, could you maybe not? I mean, at more moderate BPMs, this might be acceptable, but this basically plays like 130 BPM 1/8 jack which is a bit unfair to the players imo and leads to an easy miss that isn't so much the player's fault but rather the poor placing of a jack in the middle of an evenly spread jumptrill. To help resolve this, I'd just remove 00:50:712 (50712|3) - and leave 00:50:712 - as a single.
01:27:173 (87173|0,87231|0) - ^ //fixed the one above but gonna keep this as the note amount around this jack is very light, and the purpose is to give more impact along with the changing music

01:20:308 - I think I prefer the pre-dq pattern in this section more than the current as the previous one was less cluttered and didn't attempt to add awkward releases and visual confusion to the player. Sometimes having a clean pattern that may not be the most technical is better than forcing a nicer difficulty curve for the entire difficulty as a whole (yes, I know everyone is telling you to do that, but in this moment of the song, I disagree with that idea).
//The pre-dq pattern are just triple with 1/2 jacks which doesnt fit the music that well compare with the current pattern, the LNs works really well with the synth sound. And its not that hard to play as it looks, i split the double and the LN on two hand which can be easily handle (even i can play it

01:23:539 - I would only use a single note or something here since there isn't a kick or anything present in the music. Instead, it just loses its intensity in the music for a second, so I think a lighter chord weight would be beneficial to getting that feeling across.

01:28:270 (88270|3,88270|2,88270|0) - Wouldn't it make more sense to use a 1/8 roll here since there's that buzz in the music, similar in sound to 01:41:539 - ? Would honestly try to map it a bit more consistently with the jumpstream at where there's a heavier emphasis on the constant buzzes and changes in rhythm as opposed to simply losing and gaining density all the time.
//this part is hard enough as it should be, mapping the 1/8 here wouldnt really improve this section

01:39:808 (99808|0,99808|1,99866|3,99923|1,99923|2) - Here is a 1/8 roll in the music, so to better represent the complexity of sound in this burst, I would use a simple 1/8 roll like so
//i tend to ignore the 1/8

01:40:039 - For this part, there seems to be a bit of a noticeable break in the sound despite the snap most likely being 1/8 as it's a buzz. Rather than map it with broken 1/8 triplets which are a bit unintuitive and unnatural to play imo, I would simply cover them with an LN similar to Wonki's diff, as it will show the separation between the two sounds visually and in a way that almost gives the player a short rest from the burst.
//not really a fan of 1/4 LN as people will just read it as normal note while playing, changed this part but to normal note

01:40:500 (100500|2,100500|1) - Honestly don't see why this is a jump. I know Wonki's diff uses a jump here too but compared to the rest of the sounds in this measure, the synth alone is pretty weak compared to those kicks. I think it'd be best to reduce that down to a single and have it as a very short rest period for the player to get their bearings again after all the 130 BPM jacks and stuff.

01:40:616 (100616|1,100616|0,100673|3,100731|0,100731|1) - Seems a bit unnecessary to have this pattern restricting the player's hand movement when everything else about the burst has been linear and rolling only in one direction.

01:41:539 - I'd recommend here the same thing I recommended at 01:40:039 - as the sound feels too light to truly warrant a 1/8 burst, but I guess it's fine either way since it can be jumptrilled.
//the 1/8 here is totally over the synth and the kick unlike previous part, so yea i think this is here the 1/8 should be mapped

01:42:462 - In this section, I can't really tell why some notes like 01:43:385 - or 01:43:846 - are triples when notes of the same sound (just different pitch) like 01:44:770 - 01:45:231 - 01:45:693 - are doubles only. It would be better to make them consistently sized chords and then just increase the chord size by one at 01:49:846 - for the added kicks in the music.
//only the piano and clap like 02:10:616 - are using double, yea some piano are missing but fixed

02:07:500 (127500|0,127500|1) - Assuming you're trying to emphasize the piano here with the jump, but it's inconsistent with how you've set up the beginning of the section at 02:04:616 - where you do emphasize only the percussion with chords, and the synth is represented with LNs most of the time barring the first two (three?) beats. I'd rather there be jumps at 02:07:154 - 02:07:270 - that you could probs stack to represent the repetition of sound. Also, 02:09:116 - is a jump to represent the kick I assume so :thinking:

02:09:577 (129577|3) - I don't think this should really be an LN. As I mentioned in the above suggestion, from what I can tell, LNs are used solely for the synth sounds, but here there isn't one so it just seems like an added LN for the hell of it. I've broken every single time I test play here due to the sudden release and rehold required here. Since it's just a quiet piano, I think leaving it as a shield would be better.

02:22:500 (142500|0,142616|0) - The pitch here has a larger difference than at 02:20:654 (140654|2,140770|2) - which most players probably wouldn't be able to tell is just slightly different unless they went into the editor, so I would move it to a different column to avoid misleading the player because if they were closely listening to the music for possible pattern cues, this would definitely throw them off unfairly.
02:25:616 (145616|0,145731|0) - likewise

02:26:308 - Seems a bit unnecessary to just throw in jumps when most everything in this build up has been singles with exceptions to new LN presses. Instead, if you wanted to get across the feeling of a growing intensity, I would just add two LNs at most and have an inside trill like so
//the music start to speed up at this point, using trill to build the intensity up can show that very well

02:33:116 (153116|2) - I'd move this to col 2 to match the mini jumpjack pair you have at 02:32:770 -
//it feels more impact if the double are place on two different hand for the cymbal sound, already have 1 note jacked so should be fine

02:33:693 (153693|0) - Don't think a jump is necessary here since everything but the vocal drops out of the music for this one beat in time.
//the vocal is quite catchy tho, one LN feels not enough

02:33:923 - smh, no bumps. I think it'd be nicer to put a larger value at 02:33:923 - and then have the final SV be at 02:33:981 - so the clap in the music is emphasized with a larger jump. Something like 2.5x to 0.5x would be nice I think.
//current sv smooth enough, will leave the 2.5 0/5 for this bit 02:41:308 -

02:46:673 (166673|0,166789|3) - Not sure how I feel about this cause Im pretty sure they're ghosts which, under current rc, is unrankable. Aside from that though, I don't see the point in having them in there if there's no sound in the music. There's a clear and audible break in the music, so to continue the 1/4 rhythm seems a bit unintuitive to the player who would logically expect the chart to follow the song's rhythm.
02:47:135 (167135|3,167366|2,167596|1) - ^ Like, if you're going to add these, ok I guess, but then you leave it out at 02:47:827 - which seems to go against what your layering here suggests.
//the last 1/4 are not mapped is because the cymbal thats after, i want to emphasize that more so will leave a 1/2 break in between

02:52:500 - Think you're missing a note here for the muted hihat type sound.

02:54:923 (174923|2,175385|1,175385|0) - I think it'd be nice to end all these LNs at 02:55:731 - and have a quad at 02:55:846 - to represent the glass breaking sound, and you could even add a small SV similar to 02:33:923 - there too
//quad seems too much for me, the glass breaking sounds are that loud, use double instead

01:16:154 - Similar thing to the above (I modded this out of order which is why it comes so late lol)

03:02:885 (182885|3,183000|0,183039|1,183077|2,183116|3,183231|0) - I'd suggest control H here so that there's an alternating 1-4-1-4 for the bell sound

My main concern is with the two (three?) instances of ghost notes I pointed out towards the end, but additionally the song representation is a bit lacking sometimes and it's probably due to all the different ways people want to see this map going. I would find a base rhythm and stick to it throughout each section consistently, and then maybe you can tack on different parts and instrumentation to see how it plays out, but as it is right now, it's confusing to try and follow what you mapped. LN section at 01:20:308 - is kind of concerning imo though. Anyways, Ill wait for your response and hope we can come to a good compromise between the community and you.
No reply means fixed, nice mod
Will get to Halogen's mod tmr


Halogen- wrote:

Overview: This map is poorly constructed from a holistic standpoint. Even if the map was completely correct from start to finish in its objective structural approach, it would still be a rather poor map because it is exceptionally overrated. Before I continue though, I'd like to address something rather important:

YaHao wrote:

Not saying the burst is not spike but at least people wouldnt feel unfair from its SR
Using SR in my argument is because you bring up the topic of player fail on the hard part and feel unfair [...]
I don't know what DD's argument was but I get a feeling just off of this context alone that he was saying the exact opposite of this. The complaints about the spike in difficulty have nothing to do with the fact that those jumptrills are inherently difficult - it has to do with the fact that the jumptrills bring up the star rating to over 6 stars when the rest of the map plays like something substantially easier. The argument has nothing to do with players failing: it has to do with players getting substantial performance point boosts on something that they don't deserve it on. But, I feel that it's necessary to take this a step further and target you specifically: I think that as a beatmap nominator, you are more than aware of the fact that the star rating system is broken. Something tells me that your inherent understanding of this is what is making you keep those massive jumptrill "spikes" in, because you know that it will increase attention to the map overall and make more users play it -- not necessarily because they enjoy it, but because it is a massive PP farm.
//do you really think i care about people's attention at this point?

If you are so insistent on keeping the jumptrills in the map, then you should take a look at other parts of the map outside of the jumptrills and make them harder. That way, the 6* star rating will actually play like a 6* map, not something super easy with a tiny spike.

- 00:24:920 to 00:32:308
This structure is very unclear; you have repeating doubles for repeating notes in the melody at 00:25:154 and 00:25:385, but then the rest of the section has no doubles at all until the melody restarts. If the doubles are for the purpose of layering hi-hats, then there are doubles missed at 00:25:962 and 00:26:077 - however, I doubt that was the purpose here. Your incorrect representation of the melody continues until the end of the section.
//they are for synth sound, similar with with what i did in Normal, only the catchy part are been doubled

00:26:770 - four repeating [24] jumps when the pitch changes; you can make room by shortening the LN that ends here, but I get a feeling you'll no change that so I'll move on

00:32:885 (32885|1) - according to your structure, see: 00:33:808 (33808|2) / 00:35:654 (35654|1), etc, you're clearly following the hi-hats. This means that, at the absolute minimum the following notes should become doubles: 00:32:885 (32885|1) / 00:33:346 (33346|1) / 00:34:731 (34731|2) / 00:37:039 (37039|1)
//no to this, as i'm not doubling the hihat

00:38:885 (38885|0,38885|3,39000|1,39000|2,39116|2,39116|1) - all of these should be triples, as they are synth, kick, and cymbals played at the same time, according to your earlier structure

00:40:154 (40154|1) - move LN to 1 instead of 2, since the last LN is the same note in pitch
//pitch is not the focusing here, if i place the short LN all pitch relevant, the pattern will be quite hard to play

00:40:731 (40731|0) - missing LN (as mentioned in earlier notes, you're missing a note in the representation of your melody)
//i'm sure here got no main sound which i was following

00:40:731 (40731|0,40731|3) and 00:40:846 (40846|3,40846|2) - why aren't these triples? you have triples for every earlier instance of kick + synth + cymbal in this section. if your answer is that you're trying to follow the melody, you just did two consecutive triple + LN combinations at 00:40:385 and 00:40:500 - surely more relevance couldn't hurt, right?
//like my last explanation, i'm sure 00:40:731 - got no synth sound, there is clearly a break in between, and the triple was used for double for kick + one LN for the synth sound

00:42:577 (42577|1,42577|0,42577|3) - ^, this note above is for the same structure musically (two synth notes, two kicks, among other things) and is a partial indicator that layering is not sound because the pitch is the only slightly discernible thing - which would be a valid argument for you if not for the fact that...
//this one got synth, thats why its triple

00:46:270 (46270|3,46270|0,46270|1,46385|2,46385|3,46385|0) - you actually utilized two triples for the same exact two notes, two kicks, literally the same everything; there's not even an indicator that this is a musical transition into the next section at this point, so there's literally no excuse. fix your layering. Add the missing LN as well.
/why its triple, 2 note for the kick sound (this one is easy to get), and one extra note for the synth sound, yes i know they were mapped as LN in the previous part but i tend to simplify the LN to normal note before the 1/4 like what i did here 00:42:923 -

00:42:923 - missing LN for melody //^

00:43:385 (43385|1,43385|0) - make this a triple (kick + synth + cymbal, plus it's a musical accent and would be more correct anyway)
//then there will be so little room for the next note, i will have to place two 1/2 jack on the same hand

00:47:654 (47654|2,47654|1) - since your triples are accenting the melody on top of the kicks here, this one should be as well
//how is this become the main sound, like my LN part, they are the 100% same rhythm and you were fine with it not being LN (00:43:962 - )

00:48:116 (48116|3,48116|2) - theoretically this one should be as well but I can see you saying no change to this because of the LN release, even though there's an open column so I won't really fight much about that

00:48:923 (48923|0,48923|3) - remove a note from the [23] that is 1/4 away from this so that you can make this [14] a triple that holds your layering relevance together a bit more
//to me the double on the previous 1/4 line is more important

00:50:712 (50712|3,50770|3) - 260 BPM 1/4 mini-jacks are a no-no unless the entire map's structure/motif is intended to have mini-jacks all over the place (see: Blastix Riotz) - if you're keeping this triple because of the cymbal crash, then remove the 4 here

00:52:212 (52212|3,52327|0,52673|0,52904|3) - i've listened to this in Audacity where the pitch can be reduced to prevent time-stretching, unlike the osu! editor; there are not any hi-hat notes here or anything of the sort that merits this being a temporarily unbroken stream. I personally don't mind these notes being here, but if we're adhering to current ranking criteria, then these notes need to be removed since they're not following anything.
//can hear the sound on left channel, not hihat but like wub/echo sound, the notes are added so player can have a "continuing" feeling on the pattern unlike 00:52:270 - which can easily hear the break on the rhythm

01:02:308 (62308|2) and 01:03:231 (63231|0) - if you're following the subtle snare hits, then you're missing notes at 01:03:577 / 01:05:423 / 01:07:270 / etc

01:04:500 (64500|1,64500|3) - this double is not accenting anything at all; your repeated notes on 4 are, remove the note on 2.

01:10:616 (70616|0) - incorrectly placed LN for what is presumably the melody, should be 1/2 back

01:10:846 (70846|3) - your entire structure in this section places doubles explicitly to the kick and triples for the snare, so this and 01:14:539 (74539|1) should be removed for consistency purposes

01:12:462 (72462|1) - incorrectly placed LN for what is presumably the melody, should be 1/2 back

01:14:308 (74308|0) - ^
//these part has been remapped from sheep's mod, and yea i double check it from your mod, its all been fixed

01:17:539 (77539|1,77539|2,77539|0) - literally no reason for this triple at all, this entire section is free from percussion and only has the synth playing in octave intervals on 1/2 notes with the exception of the first note in each phrase, so the layering should stay 100% consistent through here

01:19:385 - ^
//the first sound of the repeated melody

01:21:923 (81923|1,81923|0) - having this double at the end of the section makes no sense given the rest of your structure, becuase the player is smashing doubles for kicks between melody-oriented LN and there's no kick here

01:23:654 (83654|3) - if you're gonna put this barely audible note here, then you should be adding a note at 01:23:885 which is arguably louder - hint: don't do either of these, just remove the note here

01:25:616 - again, jump for nothing super audible here

01:27:231 (87231|3,87231|0) - this note's barely got anything to it compared to the other two notes after it and every subsequent kick before it, make this a single note and break that implicit 1/4 mini-jack, it doesn't need to be there and has no musical merit in the first place
//the kick sound (which mapped as 1/4 trill) are stopped 1/4 ahead of the [14], if i'm keeping the double and make them [34], that will be so wrong because the sounds are totally different, a 1/4 jack here is to show that sudden break on the rhythm, plus the pattern around it are quite easy, shouldnt be hard to play

01:28:154 (88154|1,88154|3,88154|0) - I can understand the [134] triple immediately after this note, but this note itself has no reason to be a triple

01:30:000 (90000|0,90000|3,90000|1) - ^
//you can hear cymbal sound on both timing

actually, something even better worth noting: you used a 1/8 blip at 00:51:577 (51577|3) earlier in the song for an overtoned kick, you have an opportunity to use them at 01:28:270 (88270|0,88270|2,88270|3) / 01:28:500 (88500|0,88500|2,88500|3), etc.
//i only used 1/8 3 times in this diff as 1/8 with high BPM like this are usually plays really bad, the least thing i want to do here is to mix the 1/4 with 1/8

01:38:770 (98770|0,98770|3) - so, you go ahead and use jumptrills in an earlier section, but in another intense spot, you use a pseudo-rolling jumpstream with doubles every 1/2? add 1/2 doubles for the melody and then place your 1/4 stream around it or something, this is a completely wasted section of the map.
//smth thats playable is better than pattern that only looks fancy but less enjoyable, at least for me, this part is remapped, will see how that work

01:40:154 (100154|3,100183|2,100212|0,100212|1,100270|3,100298|2,100327|1,100327|0) - if you're going to go out of your way to accent THESE particular kicks that are overtoned, then you'd best be adding the ones at 01:39:808 (99808|0,99808|1) and 01:40:039 (100039|3,100039|2) considering they're much more noticeable
//there are all triple now after i remapped it yesterday

01:41:077 (101077|1,101077|2) - more really fast kicks here; you can use 1/8 here to be accurate, or you can do an abrasive pattern like a 1/4 trill to indicate that you're paying attention to the sound, or something

01:58:270 (118270|1) / 01:58:500 (118500|0) - lone piano note as a single here, but you have them as doubles at 02:00:116 (120116|0,120116|3) / 02:01:731 (121731|2,121731|3,121962|1,121962|2) / etc. This section is inconsistently structured as well.

01:58:846 (118846|0) / 02:00:693 (120693|3) - what makes this LN stand out that it gets accented over the other ignored notes? The piano serves fine as an accent every two beats, it’s clear and to the point. These other LN feel like they’re arbitrary and ill-conceived additions.

01:59:308 (119308|3) / 02:01:154 (121154|0) / 02:03:000 (123000|0) / etc - additionally, instances where there are only single notes for chime + piano (direct layering) exist as well

02:04:500 (124500|0,124500|3,124558|2,124616|0,124616|1,124616|3) - if the connected 1/4 are supposed to be for the piano, it's the incorrect rhythm; the intervals are 3/16 each, so your three piano notes are 02:04:572 and 02:04:529 in addition to the location of the triple
//change to 1/6 which i feel more accurate

02:04:962 (124962|2) - double for melody according to your structure

02:05:885 - missing piano note

02:07:731 (127731|1) - lovely little grace note in the piano that can be added to your map for some nice detail

02:07:154 (127154|0,127270|1) - I understand using singles for something that was previously doubles when you’re holding a LN, but if that’s the case, why is the piano of all things getting precedence in this section at 02:07:500 (127500|1,127500|0)? There’s piano notes earlier on at 02:05:654 (125654|2) that are singles, and hell, as mentioned earlier, you missed one at 02:05:885, yet at 02:07:500, it’s a double when there’s no other instrument playing aside from the LN which accents the melody? More proof that this structure is not clear from the get-go, neither on an accenting front, nor a layering/structural front.

02:07:270 (127270|1) - in a situation like this where you’re holding an LN and constrained to three keys, you should be keeping your instrument relevance tight. Make this 2 a 1 so that you’ve got repeated notes for the repeated kicks without adding layering.

02:09:000 (129000|0) - ^ - since for some reason the pianos are doubles here too…?

02:09:577 (129577|3) - you spent the earlier part of this section accenting the synth here, this LN stands out like a sore thumb and should be removed

02:12:577 - you continue to miss this pretty clear note in the melody
//i wouldnt use "pretty clear" on this sound, i didnt map it because there is a break on the melody, and as the 1/2 slowly comes in, then i mapped them fully

02:14:885 (134885|2) - according to your structure, this should be a double to follow the melody; if your doubles are supposed to only be following kicks (which i’m sure they’re not), then this structure is very much incorrect in terms of layering

02:16:270 (136270|2) - more proof that you’re missing the note at 02:12:577, among other areas; again, why is this not a double?

From this point to the end, it’s basically the same stuff as mentioned in the beginning as it’s a direct copy/paste/rotation with the exception of the tail end not having the barrage of 1/4 streaming for the kicks, which comes with it, all of the issues mentioned earlier on.

02:48:116 (168116|0) - this section has some percussion that can be accounted for; you went through “hassle” to make this map hard, you might as well take the time to accommodate for everything that you can
//the music start to calm down right after the kiai, making some high intense pattern whouldnt do anything good to this section

02:50:193 (170193|1) - make a double, it’s got the quiet snare and the piano, both of which seem to be doubles at random points, so you might as well at least give your randomness some merit

02:52:039 (172039|1) / 02:53:885 (173885|1) / 02:54:231 (174231|2) - ^

02:56:308 (176308|1,176308|0,176308|3,176308|2) - oh look more lazy copy/paste/rotate stuff and with it comes the errors as well, so i’m gonna mirror the laziness and tell you to look at my note for 01:10:846 and apply it accordingly since there’s no musical reason to have triples in this section outside of the crash
//funny enough here is like the less copy paste i've done in this map, if you understand it just say the word, instead of calling it a mistake, can also look at my respond for 01:10:846

03:00:000 (180000|3,180000|1,180000|0,180000|2) - quad here? If you’re so concerned about separating the previous LN, make them doubles so that your triple for the kick + synth + crash cymbal keep your structure consistent
//they are already quad here

03:01:616 (181616|0,181616|1) - this note is less important musically than the upcoming crash cymbal, shorten this LN so you can make the next note a triple/quad to give the accent it deserves

OK SO WITH THAT OUT OF THE WAY - I’m going to give you my thoughts from both a high-level player, and a mapper.

Player: this map is not really fun to play through. It’s literally a massive difficulty spike in two short sections of the map, and that’s about it. The redundancy of the melody makes the song play a lot longer than it really should, and the map does nothing to provide me something to keep me interested in the second half - when I got to the repeat of the opening melody and basically repeated exactly what I played for the first part of it (I double-checked, it was damn near a copy paste for the bridge into the second repeat of the chorus), I basically assumed that the actual melody itself was going to play almost exactly the same as it did the first time, which is a bad thing — I have low expectations to begin with because you didn’t even try to differentiate the patterns beyond pretty noticeable rotation.

Mapper: in my personal opinion, this map is absolutely awful, and for a lot of the reasons I mentioned on the player side. The song has some repetition to it, and you couldn’t even be bothered to give the player something new in the second repeat of the melody — yes, I get that it’s the same, but if you were going to just waste the player’s time by literally repeating the same exact construction with the same exact mistakes, you would have been better off cutting the song and making it so that the player gets only the things that differ, not more of the same. There are many noticeable issues with the map just looking at your structure. I didn’t even base most of my notes off of what I thought, I literally analyzed your structure and inferred what was going on, and often times it was unclear as to what you were doing. That’s why I took the time to say “if you’re doing x, then you should be accenting y, because you did this and this to z, etc.”

There’s no room for you to say “no change” anymore. Take a look at your map, figure out how to construct it in a way that is actually coherent and enjoyable, and stop rejecting legitimate and viable suggestions from people who are taking the time to actually mod your map. I’ve scrutinized this map from start to finish, and I’ll say this: if you think this is even remotely good, or ready for rank, you’re wrong.
No reply = Fixed, thx for your time

Still working on HS
will respond when i get home from work, but i'm not particularly satisfied w/ your response to my mod, so i'll be responding to your mod given that you've rejected some pretty obviously incorrect stuff still
Topic Starter
5 days later

YaHao wrote:

5 days later
i've got a full time job, go to school, have two kids, and other various responsibilities outside of arguing with an inconsiderate beatmapper who wants to have their way and no one else's way, sorry that i put my response to you on the backburner - tbh, you're barely worth the time as it is.


YaHao wrote:

//do you really think i care about people's attention at this point?
you're a beatmap nominator. you should understand the process of submitting a beatmap through the system and that you're going to get critiques from people to make your map better. not giving a shit about what anyone thinks is the exact opposite of that, you're basically admitting that you're incapable of accepting change - if you wanted to defend yourself, you should be using logic, not your own opinion.

YaHao wrote:

//they are for synth sound, similar with with what i did in Normal, only the catchy part are been doubled
"only the catchy part are doubled" - so basically an excuse to cover your inconsistencies; you have a LN + double for the "catchy" part in the first half of the section at 00:24:923 (24923|2,24923|3,24923|1,25154|3,25154|1,25385|2,25385|3) - but you just decide arbitrarily, mid-section, to not do it at 00:25:731 (25731|3,25731|0) - when the music is still presented in the same way; you're also saying that this random note at the end of the section is "catchy" 00:26:539 (26539|0,26539|1) - your structure is not sound and you don't want to admit it.

YaHao wrote:

//no to this, as i'm not doubling the hihat
i'm more than aware you're not doubling the hi-hat, that's why i mentioned this in my note ("however, I doubt that was the purpose here"); you're doing no favors trying to tell me that you're not doubling the hi-hat when I'm already aware of that. what i'm telling you is that your structure is inconsistent because you're accenting arbitrary notes with jumps and not sticking to a coherent sequence

YaHao wrote:

//pitch is not the focusing here, if i place the short LN all pitch relevant, the pattern will be quite hard to play
... this is like, a total example of you just refusing things because you want to. the LN in question is on a 2 when i'm telling you to move it to a 1, and the previous LN is also on a 1. this would make the pattern easier to read and easier to play, not harder. reminder that i'm a very high level 4-key player that has been judging content here and on other games for a long time, and can easily tell you what works and what doesn't, if you're willing to listen.

YaHao wrote:

//i'm sure here got no main sound which i was following
you're leaving out a main component of the melody. by the way, here's all the relevant notes:
(i mean, if you want to argue more i could export the mp3 of the synth that i used and you can play it side-by-side if you want incontrovertible evidence)

YaHao wrote:

//like my last explanation, i'm sure 00:40:731 - got no synth sound, there is clearly a break in between, and the triple was used for double for kick + one LN for the synth sound
like i'm saying, you're wrong and you're arguing with someone who not only has made content for a while but also takes the time to produce music once in a while, i already disproved your point about the melody so let's stop dancing around that, fix it to be two triples so it's more accurate; any responses to my notes about you missing a note in the melody are correct and you're not hearing it. apply the notes as I listed or come up with a fix that includes the note in those gaps filled.

YaHao wrote:

//then there will be so little room for the next note, i will have to place two 1/2 jack on the same hand
... are you serious? your whole layering sequence is into and out of triples, there are implicit 1/2 jacks everywhere. if you're legitimately concerned about that, the 1/4 that you're using are for kicks, which are in this instance atonal and don't have a pitch. switch the pattern to [14] 2 4 3 [124], then it's not only separated but also avoids the additional chaining of 3.

YaHao wrote:

//how is this become the main sound, like my LN part, they are the 100% same rhythm and you were fine with it not being LN (00:43:962 - )
i implied on my note at 40:731 - that you were missing a LN there and then reiterated that it was a result of you missing a note for the melody in your entire structure; i wasn't ok with it, i just wasn't going to hold your hand and tell you every single time that you're missing a note for the melody, you're capable of putting things together and realizing that you have to correct repeated instances of things, come on now. you're putting your laziness clear on display and you're being defensive over a point that was covered; drop it.

YaHao wrote:

//to me the double on the previous 1/4 line is more important
so, you’re saying the double which only represents a kick and nothing else is more important than the note that has a cymbal crash, bass kick, and a melodic element that you clearly represent as triples in this same combination earlier. got it.

YaHao wrote:

//can hear the sound on left channel, not hihat but like wub/echo sound, the notes are added so player can have a "continuing" feeling on the pattern unlike 00:52:270 - which can easily hear the break on the rhythm
there's no sound here on either channel at all. there's no hi-hat, there's no kick, there's not even really any sort of granularity that merits you even putting a sound here; the only thing that even gives you any sort of defense is that the synth notes hold out that long, but there's nothing else here. there's literally no difference between 00:52:270 - and 00:52:673 (52673|0) or 00:52:904 (52904|0) or even 00:53:135 - where you actually opt into a break. yet again, you're just making stuff up rather than taking suggestions. there's no need for continuation here at all.

YaHao wrote:

//the first sound of the repeated melody
so again, no real reason. you're subjectively choosing the first note of the melody as more important than the rest of the melody when every individual note is being played at the same volume, with the same instrumental backing (that backing being pretty much nothing aside from the occasional cymbal). structurally, your triples make no sense at all. you're implying another musical/layering element or some sort of accenting within your current musical element, neither of which are happening.

YaHao wrote:

//the kick sound (which mapped as 1/4 trill) are stopped 1/4 ahead of the [14], if i'm keeping the double and make them [34], that will be so wrong because the sounds are totally different, a 1/4 jack here is to show that sudden break on the rhythm, plus the pattern around it are quite easy, shouldnt be hard to play
you didn't read my note properly. i said it should be a single note after the [12][34] jumptrill; you have your [12][34] for your kicks, but the next note at 01:27:231 (87231|3,87231|0) - is barely audible at normal rate as it is, and is not a kick, either. it shouldn't hold the same representation. the reasoning behind having this as a [14] is indefensible because there's only one sound (one layer = one note) and the sound in question is comparatively quiet to the previous blast of kicks you just had (if your super loud kicks are doubles, then this super quiet, single instrument has literally no reason to be anything but a single note).

YaHao wrote:

//you can hear cymbal sound on both timing
fair enough, this one I did actually get wrong; I can definitely hear them. I'm not sure why I didn't hear them the first time.

YaHao wrote:

//i only used 1/8 3 times in this diff as 1/8 with high BPM like this are usually plays really bad, the least thing i want to do here is to mix the 1/4 with 1/8
fair enough, i didn't say this was a required change, it was a suggestion

YaHao wrote:

//smth thats playable is better than pattern that only looks fancy but less enjoyable, at least for me, this part is remapped, will see how that work
still a pretty lame, pseudo-rolly jumpstream. not fun to play through but if that's how you want to approach it, that's your subjective opinion - it's acceptable objectively.

YaHao wrote:

//there are all triple now after i remapped it yesterday
your response to this note and what i'm seeing in the map shows that you might not have understood what I was saying... but what you changed it to is actually ok. the doubles for the accented buzzes at 01:40:212 (100212|1,100212|0,100327|0,100327|1) - are a good choice

01:41:539 (101539|0) - you create an entry that requires you to use the same hand as the previous jump - not sure if this was intentional or just not changed, but something i figured i'd tell you

YaHao wrote:

//change to 1/6 which i feel more accurate
it's 3/16 but if you want to approximate to 1/6, that's on you; 1/6 is not the correct rhythm but it's close enough that most people won't notice anyway

YaHao wrote:

//i wouldnt use "pretty clear" on this sound, i didnt map it because there is a break on the melody, and as the 1/2 slowly comes in, then i mapped them fully
see screenshot above

YaHao wrote:

//the music start to calm down right after the kiai, making some high intense pattern whouldnt do anything good to this section
what exactly is the structure here starting at 02:48:923 (168923|0,168923|3) - ? what are you following and what are your doubles - are you arbitrarily picking notes from the melody to follow? if so, I can... kinda see what you're going for, I guess

YaHao wrote:

//funny enough here is like the less copy paste i've done in this map, if you understand it just say the word, instead of calling it a mistake, can also look at my respond for 01:10:846
ok fine, not copy/paste but it's still the same arbitrary concept of utilizing triples in a way that it isn't needed, and you're still wrong about the melody as well (see screenshot).

YaHao wrote:

//they are already quad here
mmmmmk. my bad.


so yeah, you've still got work to do.
Topic Starter

Halogen- wrote:

YaHao wrote:

5 days later
i've got a full time job, go to school, have two kids, and other various responsibilities outside of arguing with an inconsiderate beatmapper who wants to have their way and no one else's way, sorry that i put my response to you on the backburner - tbh, you're barely worth the time as it is.

You are the one who said will be back respond my mod, and I respect that so i didnt do any update in the past 5 days. Then here you are saying I'm not worth the time, maybe i should just ignore you and move on my map, save more time for both of us.


YaHao wrote:

//do you really think i care about people's attention at this point?
you're a beatmap nominator. you should understand the process of submitting a beatmap through the system and that you're going to get critiques from people to make your map better. not giving a shit about what anyone thinks is the exact opposite of that, you're basically admitting that you're incapable of accepting change - if you wanted to defend yourself, you should be using logic, not your own opinion.

Like i'm not familiar with the ranking process that i need you to remind me. I reject mod because they are wrong, and i even explain why i didnt change it, not like i just leave a big No Change and thats it. Too bad your mod were rejected

YaHao wrote:

//they are for synth sound, similar with with what i did in Normal, only the catchy part are been doubled
"only the catchy part are doubled" - so basically an excuse to cover your inconsistencies; you have a LN + double for the "catchy" part in the first half of the section at 00:24:923 (24923|2,24923|3,24923|1,25154|3,25154|1,25385|2,25385|3) - but you just decide arbitrarily, mid-section, to not do it at 00:25:731 (25731|3,25731|0) - when the music is still presented in the same way; you're also saying that this random note at the end of the section is "catchy" 00:26:539 (26539|0,26539|1) - your structure is not sound and you don't want to admit it.

"Inconsistencies", the two part 00:24:923 - and 00:25:731 - are totally different, thats why the pattern is different, 00:26:770 - Here however has the same sound so i used same pattern structure. Ofc i wouldnt admit something thats not even there

YaHao wrote:

//no to this, as i'm not doubling the hihat
i'm more than aware you're not doubling the hi-hat, that's why i mentioned this in my note ("however, I doubt that was the purpose here"); you're doing no favors trying to tell me that you're not doubling the hi-hat when I'm already aware of that. what i'm telling you is that your structure is inconsistent because you're accenting arbitrary notes with jumps and not sticking to a coherent sequence

YaHao wrote:

//pitch is not the focusing here, if i place the short LN all pitch relevant, the pattern will be quite hard to play
... this is like, a total example of you just refusing things because you want to. the LN in question is on a 2 when i'm telling you to move it to a 1, and the previous LN is also on a 1. this would make the pattern easier to read and easier to play, not harder. reminder that i'm a very high level 4-key player that has been judging content here and on other games for a long time, and can easily tell you what works and what doesn't, if you're willing to listen.

Like i cant play this section or judge the playability of this pattern. Again, the pitch is not the focusing here, and the current pattern plays fine and not hard to read

YaHao wrote:

//i'm sure here got no main sound which i was following
you're leaving out a main component of the melody. by the way, here's all the relevant notes:
(i mean, if you want to argue more i could export the mp3 of the synth that i used and you can play it side-by-side if you want incontrovertible evidence)

Feel free to do so, I'm not adding the LN because the sound is not significant enough, we are making a map not a music sample note

YaHao wrote:

//like my last explanation, i'm sure 00:40:731 - got no synth sound, there is clearly a break in between, and the triple was used for double for kick + one LN for the synth sound
like i'm saying, you're wrong and you're arguing with someone who not only has made content for a while but also takes the time to produce music once in a while, i already disproved your point about the melody so let's stop dancing around that, fix it to be two triples so it's more accurate; any responses to my notes about you missing a note in the melody are correct and you're not hearing it. apply the notes as I listed or come up with a fix that includes the note in those gaps filled.

Using things like "i make music" "i'm pro at playing 4k blah blah blah" doesnt make your mod/point more value to me.

YaHao wrote:

//then there will be so little room for the next note, i will have to place two 1/2 jack on the same hand
... are you serious? your whole layering sequence is into and out of triples, there are implicit 1/2 jacks everywhere. if you're legitimately concerned about that, the 1/4 that you're using are for kicks, which are in this instance atonal and don't have a pitch. switch the pattern to [14] 2 4 3 [124], then it's not only separated but also avoids the additional chaining of 3.

Because its 1/2 jacks everywhere, so avoiding unnecessary 1/2 jacks is more important instead of abusing them, the new pattern suggestion seems good for me, changed

YaHao wrote:

//how is this become the main sound, like my LN part, they are the 100% same rhythm and you were fine with it not being LN (00:43:962 - )
i implied on my note at 40:731 - that you were missing a LN there and then reiterated that it was a result of you missing a note for the melody in your entire structure; i wasn't ok with it, i just wasn't going to hold your hand and tell you every single time that you're missing a note for the melody, you're capable of putting things together and realizing that you have to correct repeated instances of things, come on now. you're putting your laziness clear on display and you're being defensive over a point that was covered; drop it.

Then why you didnt point out the LN first in the earlier section, I dont hear any melody here

YaHao wrote:

//to me the double on the previous 1/4 line is more important
so, you’re saying the double which only represents a kick and nothing else is more important than the note that has a cymbal crash, bass kick, and a melodic element that you clearly represent as triples in this same combination earlier. got it.


YaHao wrote:

//can hear the sound on left channel, not hihat but like wub/echo sound, the notes are added so player can have a "continuing" feeling on the pattern unlike 00:52:270 - which can easily hear the break on the rhythm
there's no sound here on either channel at all. there's no hi-hat, there's no kick, there's not even really any sort of granularity that merits you even putting a sound here; the only thing that even gives you any sort of defense is that the synth notes hold out that long, but there's nothing else here. there's literally no difference between 00:52:270 - and 00:52:673 (52673|0) or 00:52:904 (52904|0) or even 00:53:135 - where you actually opt into a break. yet again, you're just making stuff up rather than taking suggestions. there's no need for continuation here at all.

00:52:270 - 00:52:846 - They are different in so many way, the synth is different, the kick clearly has a break in between. And its the last section of the kiai, using continuation here can build the intensity up as the song itself goes up

YaHao wrote:

//the first sound of the repeated melody
so again, no real reason. you're subjectively choosing the first note of the melody as more important than the rest of the melody when every individual note is being played at the same volume, with the same instrumental backing (that backing being pretty much nothing aside from the occasional cymbal). structurally, your triples make no sense at all. you're implying another musical/layering element or some sort of accenting within your current musical element, neither of which are happening.

The triple are not randomly added, yes i do think its more important than other same sound because its the first sound of the repeated melody

YaHao wrote:

//the kick sound (which mapped as 1/4 trill) are stopped 1/4 ahead of the [14], if i'm keeping the double and make them [34], that will be so wrong because the sounds are totally different, a 1/4 jack here is to show that sudden break on the rhythm, plus the pattern around it are quite easy, shouldnt be hard to play
you didn't read my note properly. i said it should be a single note after the [12][34] jumptrill; you have your [12][34] for your kicks, but the next note at 01:27:231 (87231|3,87231|0) - is barely audible at normal rate as it is, and is not a kick, either. it shouldn't hold the same representation. the reasoning behind having this as a [14] is indefensible because there's only one sound (one layer = one note) and the sound in question is comparatively quiet to the previous blast of kicks you just had (if your super loud kicks are doubles, then this super quiet, single instrument has literally no reason to be anything but a single note).

Are you serious about the sound not audible? Its not kick thats what make it special compare with the previous [12][34] trills which for kick. Mapping is not just about kick double cymbal triple and others just using single

YaHao wrote:

//you can hear cymbal sound on both timing
fair enough, this one I did actually get wrong; I can definitely hear them. I'm not sure why I didn't hear them the first time.

YaHao wrote:

//i only used 1/8 3 times in this diff as 1/8 with high BPM like this are usually plays really bad, the least thing i want to do here is to mix the 1/4 with 1/8
fair enough, i didn't say this was a required change, it was a suggestion

YaHao wrote:

//smth thats playable is better than pattern that only looks fancy but less enjoyable, at least for me, this part is remapped, will see how that work
still a pretty lame, pseudo-rolly jumpstream. not fun to play through but if that's how you want to approach it, that's your subjective opinion - it's acceptable objectively.

YaHao wrote:

//there are all triple now after i remapped it yesterday
your response to this note and what i'm seeing in the map shows that you might not have understood what I was saying... but what you changed it to is actually ok. the doubles for the accented buzzes at 01:40:212 (100212|1,100212|0,100327|0,100327|1) - are a good choice

01:41:539 (101539|0) - you create an entry that requires you to use the same hand as the previous jump - not sure if this was intentional or just not changed, but something i figured i'd tell you


YaHao wrote:

//change to 1/6 which i feel more accurate
it's 3/16 but if you want to approximate to 1/6, that's on you; 1/6 is not the correct rhythm but it's close enough that most people won't notice anyway

YaHao wrote:

//i wouldnt use "pretty clear" on this sound, i didnt map it because there is a break on the melody, and as the 1/2 slowly comes in, then i mapped them fully
see screenshot above

YaHao wrote:

//the music start to calm down right after the kiai, making some high intense pattern whouldnt do anything good to this section
what exactly is the structure here starting at 02:48:923 (168923|0,168923|3) - ? what are you following and what are your doubles - are you arbitrarily picking notes from the melody to follow? if so, I can... kinda see what you're going for, I guess

YaHao wrote:

//funny enough here is like the less copy paste i've done in this map, if you understand it just say the word, instead of calling it a mistake, can also look at my respond for 01:10:846
ok fine, not copy/paste but it's still the same arbitrary concept of utilizing triples in a way that it isn't needed, and you're still wrong about the melody as well (see screenshot).

YaHao wrote:

//they are already quad here
mmmmmk. my bad.


so yeah, you've still got work to do.
Is that so
5 hours later

YaHao wrote:

Is that so

YaHao wrote:

You are the one who said will be back respond my mod, and I respect that so i didnt do any update in the past 5 days. Then here you are saying I'm not worth the time, maybe i should just ignore you and move on my map, save more time for both of us.
"Then here you are saying I'm not worth the time, maybe I should just ignore you and move on my map, save more time for both of us."

You're basically proving why you're not worth the time. You're responding with "is that so" in a condescending matter when I stated that there were plenty of noticeable things that were identified. You're saying "maybe I should just ignore you and move on my map, save more time for both of us" as a defensive response, as opposed to considering things for the betterment of your map that I'm willing to bet anyone out of your little circlejerk would agree with. I present things in a way that doesn't require me to have any backup/defense from anyone else - and I present things in a way that anyone who has an understanding of content creation/mapping would likely understand in terms of thought process. You don't do that.

You're not saving time for both of us, I've already taken the time to create two really long responses to you. You'd be saving yourself time by being lazy and refusing to do anything. Sitting there and say "maybe I should ignore you" is exceptional proof that you are hard-set in your ways and not willing to make your map better.

YaHao wrote:

Like i'm not familiar with the ranking process that i need you to remind me. I reject mod because they are wrong, and i even explain why i didnt change it, not like i just leave a big No Change and thats it. Too bad your mod were rejected
Put up or shut up, then. Find another beatmap nominator who isn't Fresh Chicken, considering he came into this thread and bubbled something AFTER people said there were noticeable issues, and have them look at the things that I've mentioned. I've given them all of the stuff they need to look for and identify as potentially erroneous (hell, I could have easily come up with much more but I didn't really spend all that much time working on it, and it's a good thing that I didn't given the way you're responding). I'm willing to bet that they'll hear the melodic elements that I'm identifying, and if not, I'm willing to bet that they would make a coherent response with analysis of your structure.

YaHao wrote:

"Inconsistencies", the two part 00:24:923 - and 00:25:731 - are totally different, thats why the pattern is different, 00:26:770 - Here however has the same sound so i used same pattern structure. Ofc i wouldnt admit something thats not even there
- 00:24:920 to 00:32:308
This structure is very unclear; you have repeating doubles for repeating notes in the melody at 00:25:154 and 00:25:385, but then the rest of the section has no doubles at all until the melody restarts. If the doubles are for the purpose of layering hi-hats, then there are doubles missed at 00:25:962 and 00:26:077 - however, I doubt that was the purpose here. Your incorrect representation of the melody continues until the end of the section.

Halogen- wrote:

[...] but then the rest of the section has no doubles at all until the melody restarts. [...]
To anyone else who has been reading my mods, does my first mod somehow not make it clear that I understand that the structures are separated? Because I'm starting to feel like I'm being treated as if I don't comprehend the map's structure at all when I've made it super clear that I have more than analyzed and scrutinized this stuff. I will repeat myself again with the issue of this section: you are arbitrarily assigning precedence to pieces of melodic elements and not the whole thing. Your double placement in the earlier section makes no sense at all. If you can't follow through with a layering structure for a section in a way that is coherent, you should be changing it. You can sit here and argue all you want, and you can sit here and say "no change" to this all you want, but realize that this section of the map is being interpreted as erroneous through objective analysis of your own structure, not of my opinion about how it should be done.

YaHao wrote:

Like i cant play this section or judge the playability of this pattern. Again, the pitch is not the focusing here, and the current pattern plays fine and not hard to read
Nowhere did I say that you could or couldn't. What I'm saying is that I'm high enough level of a player to tell you that your pattern selection could be improved to better accommodate for a melodic element of the song, and therefore be intersubjectively improved, and you're just settling with what you have. Realize that if you're accommodating for a melodic element of a song, opportunities for pitch relevance should be taken because it makes the map carry more of a resemblance to the music itself.

YaHao wrote:

Feel free to do so, I'm not adding the LN because the sound is not significant enough, we are making a map not a music sample note
"We are making a map not a music sample note"

What I provided in the screenshot above was an identification of the main melody that you were following with your LN; I did it to show you that I had literally transcribed the melody for you, so that you could actually see that the note was in fact there. Yet again, you're hyper-defensive and going "we're making a map not a music sample note." I put that in there to defend my modding decision because I'm trying to help you make the map better. If you don't want your stuff to be more representative of the music, that is entirely on you. And something else that I'd like to point out, actually:

"Because the sound is not significant enough" - so, you've gone from saying that there's no sound at all for the melody to it being "not significant enough." Thanks for basically saying "well, it's here but I don't want to accommodate for it anyway." Modding is to help improve your map - I was able to identify that you were targeting the synth lead in the song and offered a suggestion while informing you that you mispresented the melody. If you want to sit here and ignore something that would make your structure more clear, that's on you, but do us all a favor and don't pretend like it was intentionally avoided, considering you basically admitted in your words that it wasn't. You've made mistakes in representing melodies in this song before; both Protastic and I nailed you for the same thing.

YaHao wrote:

Using things like "i make music" "i'm pro at playing 4k blah blah blah" doesnt make your mod/point more value to me.
I'm offering myself as someone who has expertise in both playing the game, and as someone who has an extremely well-trained ear to help you identify things that you've missed. You're refusing it. That is entirely your choice and if an expert's opinion isn't more valuable to you, that's to your detriment.

Given that there are constant discussions about beatmap nominators and their capability of playing the content that they are qualifying/creating, I figured it would be worthwhile to say "hey, I'm able to play your stuff without trouble, if people are saying this is stupid/hard, let me tell you whether or not it is a viable selection." If you want to see that as flaunting my skill around, be my guest.

YaHao wrote:

Then why you didnt point out the LN first in the earlier section, I dont hear any melody here
You don't hear it, but it is in fact there. I don't know how else I can convey it to you.

YaHao wrote:

Halogen- wrote:

so, you’re saying the double which only represents a kick and nothing else is more important than the note that has a cymbal crash, bass kick, and a melodic element that you clearly represent as triples in this same combination earlier. got it.
There you have it, guys. This is the kind of thing that I'm talking about with regards to people just doing what they want and not listening to reason.

To those of you mappers who utilize a direct layering structure and base your note placement off of the number of instruments playing, does my note above make sense to you? And to those of you who are more accent-oriented, and base your structures based off of instrumental volumes and overall precedence in their instrumentation? Does my note make sense to you? I'd like to think that regardless of the situation here, this is a perfect example of an indefensible error being ignored simply because they want what they want, and that's it.

YaHao wrote:

00:52:270 - 00:52:846 - They are different in so many way, the synth is different, the kick clearly has a break in between. And its the last section of the kiai, using continuation here can build the intensity up as the song itself goes up
There's no synth at 00:52:270 (52270|2,52270|1) - , the note itself plays at 00:52:154 (52154|0,52154|1) - and continues playing once every 1/1 with a melody that goes down one pitch, up two pitches, rinse and repeat, until 00:53:077 (53077|3,53077|2) - . Nothing else happens. Just because it's the last section of the kiai doesn't give you the ability to just add notes wherever you feel like it in this current ranking criteria.

YaHao wrote:

The triple are not randomly added, yes i do think its more important than other same sound because its the first sound of the repeated melody
Well, at the very least, now I've gotten you to admit that you are giving random notes more precedence within their given phrase when there is no other merit for adding layering at all. As I've mentioned before (for anyone else who wants to follow along without opening the editor/game), you have these notes in a section where there's literally nothing going on aside from an occasional cymbal crash + bass kick, which would give you the justification for triples/quads with direct and accent-oriented layering, given that you have doubles for every other melodic element in the section aside from the clearly erroneous and arbitrary triples added "just because they're the first notes of the melody." Players that are playing your map might be able to detect pattern sequences that indicate pitch relevance through your double placement, but they're not going to understand why you've gone from doubles to triples when nothing has been added/changed.

YaHao wrote:

Are you serious about the sound not audible? Its not kick thats what make it special compare with the previous [12][34] trills which for kick. Mapping is not just about kick double cymbal triple and others just using single
I never said the sound wasn't audible, I said that it was barely audible, i.e. it's quiet. And by the way:

YaHao wrote:

Mapping is not just about kick double cymbal triple and others just using single
In my mod, and my responses to you, I've mentioned that "if you are doing x, then y should be this, this and this, based off of your structure." I'll tactlessly tell you one more time: stop treating me and other people like we don't know what you're talking about. When you're making obvious mistakes like misrhythms of easily noticeable melodic elements in your first pass, you're in no place to tell me how to mod your map.

To everyone that is reading this mod: as tactless as I am in my responses to people, my aim is to typically aid/assist in the map's progress. I hope that this at least open's some of your guys' eyes about the kind of mapper that you're dealing with here.
holy shit, wait

i just realized that you're SanadaYukimura - i thought that SY had like, gone inactive - i didn't know that you changed names at some point

i didn't realize you were this arrogant, holy shit. you were actually one of the beatmappers i had respect for when you came around; Creutz=Wilknare (Short Ver.) was one of my favorite maps back in 2015 and i thought you were quite good at the time

amazing how opinions of people can be changed so quickly, wow.
Topic Starter

Halogen- wrote:

"Then here you are saying I'm not worth the time, maybe I should just ignore you and move on my map, save more time for both of us."

You're basically proving why you're not worth the time. You're responding with "is that so" in a condescending matter when I stated that there were plenty of noticeable things that were identified. You're saying "maybe I should just ignore you and move on my map, save more time for both of us" as a defensive response, as opposed to considering things for the betterment of your map that I'm willing to bet anyone out of your little circlejerk would agree with. I present things in a way that doesn't require me to have any backup/defense from anyone else - and I present things in a way that anyone who has an understanding of content creation/mapping would likely understand in terms of thought process. You don't do that.

You're not saving time for both of us, I've already taken the time to create two really long responses to you. You'd be saving yourself time by being lazy and refusing to do anything. Sitting there and say "maybe I should ignore you" is exceptional proof that you are hard-set in your ways and not willing to make your map better.

If i'm being lazy, i will just add/delete few notes to satisfy you guys, instead of replying this long mod and repeat myself day after day.

Put up or shut up, then. Find another beatmap nominator who isn't Fresh Chicken, considering he came into this thread and bubbled something AFTER people said there were noticeable issues, and have them look at the things that I've mentioned. I've given them all of the stuff they need to look for and identify as potentially erroneous (hell, I could have easily come up with much more but I didn't really spend all that much time working on it, and it's a good thing that I didn't given the way you're responding). I'm willing to bet that they'll hear the melodic elements that I'm identifying, and if not, I'm willing to bet that they would make a coherent response with analysis of your structure.

Now you start attacking the BN huh? The "Noticeable issue" were replied by me, either i agree with them or not, i explain myself well enough and wait for 7days for people who wants drop mod or any farther feedback. No one show up then i asked FC to recheck the map

- 00:24:920 to 00:32:308
This structure is very unclear; you have repeating doubles for repeating notes in the melody at 00:25:154 and 00:25:385, but then the rest of the section has no doubles at all until the melody restarts. If the doubles are for the purpose of layering hi-hats, then there are doubles missed at 00:25:962 and 00:26:077 - however, I doubt that was the purpose here. Your incorrect representation of the melody continues until the end of the section.

"Inconsistencies", the two part 00:24:923 - and 00:25:731 - are totally different, thats why the pattern is different, 00:26:770 - Here however has the same sound so i used same pattern structure. Ofc i wouldnt admit something thats not even there
Just gonna copy paste what i said and put it here again

Halogen- wrote:

[...] but then the rest of the section has no doubles at all until the melody restarts. [...]
To anyone else who has been reading my mods, does my first mod somehow not make it clear that I understand that the structures are separated? Because I'm starting to feel like I'm being treated as if I don't comprehend the map's structure at all when I've made it super clear that I have more than analyzed and scrutinized this stuff. I will repeat myself again with the issue of this section: you are arbitrarily assigning precedence to pieces of melodic elements and not the whole thing. Your double placement in the earlier section makes no sense at all. If you can't follow through with a layering structure for a section in a way that is coherent, you should be changing it. You can sit here and argue all you want, and you can sit here and say "no change" to this all you want, but realize that this section of the map is being interpreted as erroneous through objective analysis of your own structure, not of my opinion about how it should be done.

Nowhere did I say that you could or couldn't. What I'm saying is that I'm high enough level of a player to tell you that your pattern selection could be improved to better accommodate for a melodic element of the song, and therefore be intersubjectively improved, and you're just settling with what you have. Realize that if you're accommodating for a melodic element of a song, opportunities for pitch relevance should be taken because it makes the map carry more of a resemblance to the music itself.

You were imply that I didnt test the map and have no knowledge about the pattern playability.

"We are making a map not a music sample note"

What I provided in the screenshot above was an identification of the main melody that you were following with your LN; I did it to show you that I had literally transcribed the melody for you, so that you could actually see that the note was in fact there. Yet again, you're hyper-defensive and going "we're making a map not a music sample note." I put that in there to defend my modding decision because I'm trying to help you make the map better. If you don't want your stuff to be more representative of the music, that is entirely on you. And something else that I'd like to point out, actually:

"Because the sound is not significant enough" - so, you've gone from saying that there's no sound at all for the melody to it being "not significant enough." Thanks for basically saying "well, it's here but I don't want to accommodate for it anyway." Modding is to help improve your map - I was able to identify that you were targeting the synth lead in the song and offered a suggestion while informing you that you mispresented the melody. If you want to sit here and ignore something that would make your structure more clear, that's on you, but do us all a favor and don't pretend like it was intentionally avoided, considering you basically admitted in your words that it wasn't. You've made mistakes in representing melodies in this song before; both Protastic and I nailed you for the same thing.

Because you provide the sample note of that section so i assume its correct so i change my word from "There is no sound" to "Not significant enough". The sound was not intentionally ignored as I didnt hear it in the first place not gonna lie, the sound really soft

I'm offering myself as someone who has expertise in both playing the game, and as someone who has an extremely well-trained ear to help you identify things that you've missed. You're refusing it. That is entirely your choice and if an expert's opinion isn't more valuable to you, that's to your detriment.

Given that there are constant discussions about beatmap nominators and their capability of playing the content that they are qualifying/creating, I figured it would be worthwhile to say "hey, I'm able to play your stuff without trouble, if people are saying this is stupid/hard, let me tell you whether or not it is a viable selection." If you want to see that as flaunting my skill around, be my guest.

Mod is mod, its not about who you are. If a #10k player give me a value mod, i will still consider and reply properly

You don't hear it, but it is in fact there. I don't know how else I can convey it to you.

There you have it, guys. This is the kind of thing that I'm talking about with regards to people just doing what they want and not listening to reason.

To those of you mappers who utilize a direct layering structure and base your note placement off of the number of instruments playing, does my note above make sense to you? And to those of you who are more accent-oriented, and base your structures based off of instrumental volumes and overall precedence in their instrumentation? Does my note make sense to you? I'd like to think that regardless of the situation here, this is a perfect example of an indefensible error being ignored simply because they want what they want, and that's it.

You pointed out that i'm using triple for synth, but pls be aware that i'm also keeping the double for the kick thru this section. Just because our priority on sound are different, doesnt mean which one is correct which one is not. There is no right or wrong on this.

There's no synth at 00:52:270 (52270|2,52270|1) - , the note itself plays at 00:52:154 (52154|0,52154|1) - and continues playing once every 1/1 with a melody that goes down one pitch, up two pitches, rinse and repeat, until 00:53:077 (53077|3,53077|2) - . Nothing else happens. Just because it's the last section of the kiai doesn't give you the ability to just add notes wherever you feel like it in this current ranking criteria.

will take a step back on this, change to LN, see how that work out

Well, at the very least, now I've gotten you to admit that you are giving random notes more precedence within their given phrase when there is no other merit for adding layering at all. As I've mentioned before (for anyone else who wants to follow along without opening the editor/game), you have these notes in a section where there's literally nothing going on aside from an occasional cymbal crash + bass kick, which would give you the justification for triples/quads with direct and accent-oriented layering, given that you have doubles for every other melodic element in the section aside from the clearly erroneous and arbitrary triples added "just because they're the first notes of the melody." Players that are playing your map might be able to detect pattern sequences that indicate pitch relevance through your double placement, but they're not going to understand why you've gone from doubles to triples when nothing has been added/changed.

Like i said, "Just because our priority on sound are different, doesnt mean which one is correct which one is not" You get my idea, so at least keep a open mind on this

I never said the sound wasn't audible, I said that it was barely audible, i.e. it's quiet. And by the way:

In my mod, and my responses to you, I've mentioned that "if you are doing x, then y should be this, this and this, based off of your structure." I'll tactlessly tell you one more time: stop treating me and other people like we don't know what you're talking about. When you're making obvious mistakes like misrhythms of easily noticeable melodic elements in your first pass, you're in no place to tell me how to mod your map.

You also in no place to tell me how to make my map, smth that you cant understand doesnt mean its wrong

To everyone that is reading this mod: as tactless as I am in my responses to people, my aim is to typically aid/assist in the map's progress. I hope that this at least open's some of your guys' eyes about the kind of mapper that you're dealing with here.
And yea, my map got nothing to do with who i am or who i was, thats totally a different topic
Just making my last response with a couple of things:

I didn't attack Fresh Chicken at all, I stated the exact situation that happened - he bubbled the map when there were still pretty clear issues with it, issues that were suggested by other BNs and by myself that you ended up fixing.

That's why I said to ask another BN that is actually impartial to you. If I were in a situation where I was a BN and didn't want a map to go any further in the judgment process, that's what I would do: I would defend myself with someone that is 100% impartial and has no particular affinity towards me to back up my expert opinion (as a BN). The reason why I mentioned FC in my post is because I don't know if there's impartiality there given the way it was bubbled. That's all.

Regardless of whether or not you make any changes that you should, I've already done my job. I dissected your map, scrutinized it impartially/objectively (again, based off of your own structure, not my opinion - believe me, you don't want to hear my actual opinion about this structure/chart/etc), and I guess you could say my posts served an additional purpose: in addition to actually providing you with ways that your own structure seems to conflict with itself on numerous occasions, I've also gotten to basically put your condescending tone to public light - and this is far from the first time you've done this.

But yeah, this is just going to be another example of a map that everyone will play - not because they particularly enjoy it, and not because it's good/fun, but because it's super easy for it's SR. I'm willing to wager that your target demographic for your Ultra difficulty will have mixed opinions (at absolute best) and you'll have a number of people who just outright hate it for the reasons that DD mentioned in the previous post.

Halogen- wrote:

ask another BN that is actually impartial to you.

Litharrale wrote:

Halogen- wrote:

ask another BN that is actually impartial to you.
Go right ahead, please - I'll be the bigger person and ask someone who is objectively qualified to respond in this situation, rather than hiding in a bubble.

DDMythical wrote:

* who is also competent and able to play this chart
Being that some of the issues transcend playability and are likely incorrect within YaHao's own structural concept, Lith's ability to play the map isn't that important in this case. I'd like to hope that questions could be generally asked about playability if there's uncertainty.

At this point, I'm really only following the thread to see what transpires anymore. I refuse to make anymore mods/detailed discussion.

Lith committing to taking a look at something this contentious shows that he's willing to take a risk at delivering an unsatisfying response to a particular party. All that anyone can hope for is that the reasoning behind what is done is actually valid.
At the end of the day, this is a game. If you want to argue about one map out of hundreds of thousands of maps that will pass through the system, I find that to be quite sad and hard to agree with.

Please just learn to agree and disagree, not get into a heated argument over it.
hi sy how are you
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