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Topic Starter

F1r3tar wrote:

lazyboy007 wrote:

Sure thing :D thanks! Dunno if I should give kudos, gonna do so up to modders to decide if it's fair or not

EDIT: mods*
I can't mod these types of maps. If you don't think it's fair, go ahead and get a bn to deny kds.
No no it's prefectly fine, I don't mind giving kds for even a little help like this, but I just wasn't sure if a moderator would find this acceptable or whatnot
Hello~ M4M from my queue

  1. Storyboard image file dimensions and the BG dimensions are not up to good state, try finding one that is at least 1366x768
  2. Unused hitsounds:
  3. Unused files: SB\white.png

  1. 00:55:170 (1) - 00:57:808 (1) - for such sounds, I really don't see any proper emphasis. 00:55:170 (1) - for this one, you could say you added more distance but then again, 00:53:852 (3,4) - this has a larger spacing than that so it wouldn't be really called emphasis. Keep in mind
  2. 00:57:808 (1,1,5,1) - I think it would give more emphasis if these were kicksliders, it would be really good to give a jump to reflect the finish
  3. 01:15:610 (1,2,3,4) - I see that you tightened the spacing to let the players know that it is a 1/6 stream, but I think it would be nice to have a separate combo color for it. It may be a really big thing to ask for since you already finished your map but I think it would be a nice thing for players. Have a BN to check with this though, I'm not really sure if it's necessary either.
  4. 02:04:401 (1) - What's up with the storyboard going full black suddenly here? Maybe make it fade starting from 02:03:082 (1) - and that would make it look more natural.
  5. 02:13:631 (1) - From here the storyboard has some unnatural effects going on, it's like lights flickering(?)
  6. 02:33:411 (1) - better solution for the storyboard: make the fade effect start from here so it starts off with the original bg and slowly dims into the a black screen upto 02:36:049 (1) - here and add white.jpg here?
  7. 03:18:906 (1,2,3,4) - this really confused me into thinking it was a 1/3 or something..

I really loved the streams here, not bad overall. Just a little more polishing of the map would be really nice.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

ProEzreal wrote:

Hello~ M4M from my queue

  1. Storyboard image file dimensions and the BG dimensions are not up to good state, try finding one that is at least 1366x768 Found higher res image (need to update SB still)
  2. Unused hitsounds:
    normal-sliderslide.wav Fixed
  3. Unused files: SB\white.png

  1. 00:55:170 (1) - 00:57:808 (1) - for such sounds, I really don't see any proper emphasis. 00:55:170 (1) - for this one, you could say you added more distance but then again, 00:53:852 (3,4) - this has a larger spacing than that so it wouldn't be really called emphasis. Keep in mind Personally don't think it needs a special emphasis, the guitar sound is low here and the finish is weak in the actual song, my finish just makes it an emphasis point, but it's not in the song itself I'd say
  2. 00:57:808 (1,1,5,1) - I think it would give more emphasis if these were kicksliders, it would be really good to give a jump to reflect the finish Yeah messed around with it, it's not jumpy but it has kicksliders now
  3. 01:15:610 (1,2,3,4) - I see that you tightened the spacing to let the players know that it is a 1/6 stream, but I think it would be nice to have a separate combo color for it. It may be a really big thing to ask for since you already finished your map but I think it would be a nice thing for players. Have a BN to check with this though, I'm not really sure if it's necessary either. Hm I honestly don't like doing that too much. I think it's perfectly readable as is, most of the playtesters read it flawlessly, they just mostly couldn't stream 270 bpm :^)
  4. 02:04:401 (1) - What's up with the storyboard going full black suddenly here? Maybe make it fade starting from 02:03:082 (1) - and that would make it look more natural. Nah I like the sudden black there
  5. 02:13:631 (1) - From here the storyboard has some unnatural effects going on, it's like lights flickering(?) Fixed, it was supposed to do stepwise gray colors
  6. 02:33:411 (1) - better solution for the storyboard: make the fade effect start from here so it starts off with the original bg and slowly dims into the a black screen upto 02:36:049 (1) - here and add white.jpg here? Hm nah I like it as is
  7. 03:18:906 (1,2,3,4) - this really confused me into thinking it was a 1/3 or something.. Yeah I know it's confusing but I settled with it not being spaced unlike all of my 1/3's, it's not optimal but i have no better solution

I really loved the streams here, not bad overall. Just a little more polishing of the map would be really nice. Thanks :D

Good luck!
M4M from my queue
Some of this mod will be quite general, since the map is pretty consistent but it could be much better.
You use a smaller CS, which can work out quite well, for maps like this, but when combined with the low playfield usage, it creates a cramped experience.
01:00:444 (1) to 01:08:357 (1) - From this section, you use basically the same patterning as what you did before, which wouldn't be a problem if you moved around the playfield more. For reference, this is what it currently looks like: If you can find patterns that keep your spacing and angles though, combined with more playfield usage, you will get a much better result here.
02:04:401 (1,2,3) - I think this pattern (and the many similar ones) would work better if 2 was stacked at some point in the stream (like on 02:05:059 (5)).
02:22:532 (1,2,3,4,1) - Considering your 1/6 spacing earlier on, this is kinda hard to read. Not only that, but due to the guitar here, I'd imagine this deserves higher spacing rather than lower.
03:02:422 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Pretty similar to what i mentioned above. Just use normal stacking or some more distinct spacing, these are very easy to misread with your 1/6 spacing.
03:08:357 (1) - If you want to put pressure on this, move this towards the bottom right corner and increase the spacing more.
03:09:016 (1) - This could work better in the bottom left corner, especially if you take the suggestion above. Pretty important note here so you'd want to emphasize it.
03:16:433 (10) - Switching to the guitar makes more sense here than a 1/1 gap, since intensity isn't really dropping here and it's a good place to do so.
03:39:675 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Why is this much lower spacing when intensity hasn't decreased? You were just building up intensity and your spacing reflected that before, so why is this so much lower?
03:41:543 (3,5) - Fix stack.
03:43:191 (4,2) - Overlap.
04:40:170 (2,3,4,5,6) - Try mapping more of this to 1/4 sliders, since you're following the guitar here.
05:35:390 (1) - There are notes on the red ticks after these 1/1 notes, why not try mapping sliders? You still get the emphasis needed since the red ticks aren't clicked and you can also use this chance to incorporate more variety.

Playfield usage and variety is holding this map back. It's very consistent and uses good rhythms, and has some cool ideas (I loved this 03:45:280 (3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3)), but it needs some work in making it feel different.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Halfslashed wrote:

M4M from my queue
Some of this mod will be quite general, since the map is pretty consistent but it could be much better.
You use a smaller CS, which can work out quite well, for maps like this, but when combined with the low playfield usage, it creates a cramped experience. Never thought about that, I tend to hate corners tbh
01:00:444 (1) to 01:08:357 (1) - From this section, you use basically the same patterning as what you did before, which wouldn't be a problem if you moved around the playfield more. For reference, this is what it currently looks like: If you can find patterns that keep your spacing and angles though, combined with more playfield usage, you will get a much better result here. Fixed that section, will look at the rest and see what I can manage without breaking the map
02:04:401 (1,2,3) - I think this pattern (and the many similar ones) would work better if 2 was stacked at some point in the stream (like on 02:05:059 (5)). My intention there was to create a halt in the motion of the player, since there's no sound between 2 and 3. So no this wouldn't fit the idea I'm going for
02:22:532 (1,2,3,4,1) - Considering your 1/6 spacing earlier on, this is kinda hard to read. Not only that, but due to the guitar here, I'd imagine this deserves higher spacing rather than lower. Agreed, I reshaped the stream
03:02:422 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Pretty similar to what i mentioned above. Just use normal stacking or some more distinct spacing, these are very easy to misread with your 1/6 spacing. Disagree on these, I think they're easy to read, and even when misread, the slider below makes it so a mistimed hit isn't that penalizing
03:08:357 (1) - If you want to put pressure on this, move this towards the bottom right corner and increase the spacing more. Definitely
03:09:016 (1) - This could work better in the bottom left corner, especially if you take the suggestion above. Pretty important note here so you'd want to emphasize it. Agreed
03:16:433 (10) - Switching to the guitar makes more sense here than a 1/1 gap, since intensity isn't really dropping here and it's a good place to do so. Dislike this idea, I like the fact that they're a small sense of hanging after the snare, like it doesn't drop intensity, it's more like a waiting for it to continue a tiny bit later, def keeping this 1/1
03:39:675 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Why is this much lower spacing when intensity hasn't decreased? You were just building up intensity and your spacing reflected that before, so why is this so much lower? Lack of drums in the song itself, so I lowered spacing
03:41:543 (3,5) - Fix stack. Fixed
03:43:191 (4,2) - Overlap. Fixed
04:40:170 (2,3,4,5,6) - Try mapping more of this to 1/4 sliders, since you're following the guitar here. Messed around with that, good idea
05:35:390 (1) - There are notes on the red ticks after these 1/1 notes, why not try mapping sliders? You still get the emphasis needed since the red ticks aren't clicked and you can also use this chance to incorporate more variety. Yeah plays way better, I like that ^^

Playfield usage and variety is holding this map back. It's very consistent and uses good rhythms, and has some cool ideas (I loved this 03:45:280 (3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3)), but it needs some work in making it feel different. Thanks for the feedback, good mod :3 and ye variety was something I intentionally don't go for a lot when the song's repetitve like this one tbh. Playfield usage is something I seem to have struggles with, I never actually notice it and don't know how to fix it most of the time :P

Good luck!
Hey ( sorry for little mod )

05:12:148 (4,6) - fix this overlap
05:12:313 (5,6) - also Why you make less a jump if compare with last jumps
05:22:368 (2,5) - maybe blanket
05:55:829 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - until this moment you don't use jumps on streams
01:17:835 (2,6) - pls make blanket and stack with end of slider 01:17:588 (1,6) -
01:46:187 (5,1) - stack ?
03:22:697 (6,8) - bad overlap
03:30:774 (1,1) - ^
05:05:225 (2,1) - ^
02:24:840 (4,2) - pls fix overlap
02:28:466 (3,4) - 02:30:115 (6,7,8) - compare this jumps and 02:25:829 (2,3) - 02:27:312 (5,6,7,8) - Why you are changing spacing in jumps in one kiai ?

Also there are some places in a map with bad flow. For example 05:27:971 (6,1) -

I think that you can to find same moments
GL :)
Topic Starter

Fanteer wrote:

Hey ( sorry for little mod ) Nah np, all mods are welcome :3

05:12:148 (4,6) - fix this overlap Nah 6 is equisdistant to 4 and 5, that's on purpose
05:12:313 (5,6) - also Why you make less a jump if compare with last jumps Guitar pitch gets lower
05:22:368 (2,5) - maybe blanket Hm I like this as is tbh
05:55:829 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - until this moment you don't use jumps on streams yeah there's a few but they're weaker, like 04:02:422 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - or 03:12:972 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - which are also jumpstreams, but I just did a serious one at the end because it's really intense and because it's the most justifiable jumpstream imo
01:17:835 (2,6) - pls make blanket and stack with end of slider 01:17:588 (1,6) - Yeah never noticed that one :3
01:46:187 (5,1) - stack ? Fixed
03:22:697 (6,8) - bad overlap Moved 8
03:30:774 (1,1) - ^ moved a bit
05:05:225 (2,1) - ^ Fixed
02:24:840 (4,2) - pls fix overlap 2 is stacked on 4's end
02:28:466 (3,4) - 02:30:115 (6,7,8) - compare this jumps and 02:25:829 (2,3) - 02:27:312 (5,6,7,8) - Why you are changing spacing in jumps in one kiai ? Notes drop in tone so I drop the spacing, there's also something like a double guitar note in the bigger jumps. At least they feel more intense to me :p

Also there are some places in a map with bad flow. For example 05:27:971 (6,1) - Bad flow is sometimes on purpose but there it's not even really bad flow, it circles a bit weird but you can reach 1 by continuing the stream's cirular motion pretty easily imo

I think that you can to find same moments
GL :) Thanks :D
Checkback IRC mod
17:47 Hysteria: im gonna start now
17:47 Hysteria: ill do irc mod
17:47 Hysteria: and then just post that
17:47 lazyboy007: oh
17:47 lazyboy007: xD
17:48 Hysteria: 00:59:786 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - this looks iffyu
17:48 Hysteria: iffy*
17:49 lazyboy007: hm I like it
17:49 lazyboy007: imma rotate the second part a bit
17:49 Hysteria: 01:08:522 (2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11) - could do something else than just copy pasta on these 3
17:49 Hysteria: like take the first one
17:49 Hysteria: 101:08:522 (2,3,4) -
17:49 Hysteria: and ctrl+h
17:49 Hysteria: for the second
17:49 Hysteria: would look better imo xd
17:50 lazyboy007: ye
17:50 lazyboy007: it does
17:50 lazyboy007: haha
17:50 Hysteria: 01:09:676 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - should be lower spacing, and then increase more drastically when the guitar does it souund
17:50 Hysteria: but that's my opinion
17:50 Hysteria: :p
17:51 lazyboy007: hm I like that spacing as there's the snare roll before
17:51 lazyboy007: so it is intense
17:51 lazyboy007: just less intense than the guitar
17:51 lazyboy007: so keeping that ^^
17:51 lazyboy007: I like it too much
17:51 lazyboy007: one of my fav streams in the map hehe
17:51 Hysteria: yea if someone else asks or points it out just telling them you're focusing on the drums makes it valid
17:52 lazyboy007: ye
17:52 Hysteria: 01:13:632 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - should space it depending on the pitch imo
17:52 Hysteria: now it's like the same spacing all the time
17:52 Hysteria: kinda dull
17:53 Hysteria: 01:18:907 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - same here but to the other side
17:53 Hysteria: more spaced
17:53 lazyboy007: hm I could but it would break the pattern I have throught the entire part
17:53 Hysteria: bcs intense guitar
17:53 Hysteria: Yea ik that's why i said what i said in steam xd
17:53 lazyboy007: ye :D
17:53 Hysteria: that the mods ill point out are too much work
17:53 lazyboy007: it's not aboutt oo much work
17:54 lazyboy007: i don't mind putting all the time necessary to make this perfect
17:54 lazyboy007: I just prefer the current pattern
17:54 Hysteria: 01:31:104 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - lower the first two parts in spacing
17:54 lazyboy007: I could ctrl+g some sliders
17:54 Hysteria: last one is fine
17:54 lazyboy007: uh sure
17:54 lazyboy007: good idea
17:54 Hysteria: could make the stream jump be bigger too
17:54 Hysteria: jumps*
17:54 Hysteria: as a compromise
17:55 Hysteria: this is nice 01:41:654 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) -
17:56 lazyboy007: thanks ^^
17:56 lazyboy007: nah I'm leaving the streamjump at 1.4x spacing
17:56 lazyboy007: it works well now that I changed spacing
17:57 Hysteria: 02:17:422 (9,1,2) - iffy movement
17:57 Hysteria: 02:42:477 (6,1,2) - ^
17:57 Hysteria: 02:44:126 (2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11) - same as i said before about copy pasta
17:57 lazyboy007: you don't like it when jumps do >90° haha
17:58 lazyboy007: fixed the first
17:58 Hysteria: nah i personally hate it
17:58 Hysteria: it works when you have something in the music that supports it
17:58 lazyboy007: ye
17:58 lazyboy007: I know
17:58 Hysteria: but just having it here and there is weird
17:58 lazyboy007: I usually don't do it intentionally
17:58 lazyboy007: so it's good that you mention
17:59 lazyboy007: 02:44:126 (2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11) - I'm keeping since they're parallel
17:59 lazyboy007: looks ok imo
17:59 Hysteria: yea it was better than the last one by far
17:59 Hysteria: 02:47:258 (9,9,9) -
17:59 Hysteria: should redo these sliders
17:59 Hysteria: the anchors are too close to each other
17:59 Hysteria: makes it look like a wubwub sliderbump in a metalmap
18:00 lazyboy007: eh it's a small change why not
18:00 lazyboy007: well changed the first one
18:00 Hysteria: 02:49:895 (9) - this one is great
18:00 lazyboy007: and the 3rd
18:01 lazyboy007: oh
18:01 lazyboy007: you should probably link them individually
18:01 Hysteria: yea
18:01 Hysteria: i noticed it fucked up
18:01 lazyboy007: this links some random kickslider too
18:01 Hysteria: roflll
18:01 Hysteria: yea
18:01 Hysteria: i saw that now
18:01 Hysteria: peppy wtf
18:01 Hysteria: 02:47:258 (9) -
18:01 lazyboy007: xD
18:01 lazyboy007: ye
18:01 Hysteria: 02:52:532 (9) -
18:01 Hysteria: 02:55:170 (9) -
18:02 Hysteria: those 3
18:02 lazyboy007: I made them all look like the one you said was good
18:02 Hysteria: nice
18:03 Hysteria: that should touch up that entire section
18:03 Hysteria: 03:12:972 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -
18:03 Hysteria: i see what you're doing
18:03 Hysteria: but it's inconsistent
18:03 Hysteria: 03:14:291 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -
18:03 Hysteria: why is this
18:03 Hysteria: not a sliderjump
18:03 Hysteria: streamjump*****
18:03 Hysteria: in the middle
18:03 Hysteria: when everything before it is
18:03 lazyboy007: cuz intensity was low so I thought eh
18:03 lazyboy007: but I guess youre right
18:03 Hysteria: consistency brooo
18:03 Hysteria: is more imprtant
18:04 lazyboy007: ye
18:04 lazyboy007: fixed
18:04 lazyboy007: it's a small jump
18:04 Hysteria: 03:22:697 (6) -
18:04 lazyboy007: ye
18:04 lazyboy007: understood
18:05 lazyboy007: o7
18:05 lazyboy007: metalstep 2k16
18:05 Hysteria: 03:39:675 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - spacing is weird
18:05 Hysteria: haha
18:05 lazyboy007: weird=
18:05 lazyboy007: ?*
18:05 Hysteria: you've followed the intensity of the guitar
18:05 Hysteria: for the rest of the section
18:05 lazyboy007: ye but there's no drums thee
18:05 lazyboy007: there
18:05 lazyboy007: so I wanted to lower spacing
18:05 Hysteria: yea but you're still following the guitar on the rest mostly
18:06 lazyboy007: ye def
18:06 Hysteria: so this one even tho there's not drums, should be a part of that
18:06 lazyboy007: I don't like spacing that one more
18:06 Hysteria: 03:39:675 (1,2,3,4,5) - should be more spaced
18:06 lazyboy007: I did it in my first version of teh map
18:06 Hysteria: 03:40:004 (5,6,7,8,9) - is ok
18:06 Hysteria: more spaced again
18:06 Hysteria: is what i think personally
18:07 Hysteria: 03:45:280 (3) -
18:07 Hysteria: 03:45:718 (4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - hard to read and inconsistently spaced
18:07 lazyboy007: I increased spacing
18:07 lazyboy007: don't judge that stream
18:07 lazyboy007: that's my proudest creating
18:07 lazyboy007: creation
18:07 Hysteria: haha
18:07 lazyboy007: xD
18:07 lazyboy007: it's a jumpstream
18:07 lazyboy007: in 1/3
18:08 Hysteria: 03:47:258 (1) -
18:08 lazyboy007: I like it so much
18:08 Hysteria: 03:48:576 (1) -
18:08 Hysteria: you coulda done it like
18:08 Hysteria: uuh
18:08 *Hysteria is editing [ BABYMETAL - KARATE [Kyacchi Ni-Ju Ni]]
18:08 Hysteria: 02:15:902 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) -
18:09 lazyboy007: boring
18:09 lazyboy007: jk
18:09 lazyboy007: xD
18:09 lazyboy007: I really like what I have tbh
18:09 Hysteria: aight, just be prepared to get a shit ton of suggestions regarding it
18:10 lazyboy007: yep
18:10 Hysteria: I would argue that it's unrankable in it's current state, but you can try and keep it
18:10 Hysteria: 03:48:576 (1) -
18:10 lazyboy007: I'll keep it :3
18:10 lazyboy007: rohulk played it hdhr
18:10 lazyboy007: and aimed
18:10 Hysteria: yea but if a good player can hit it or not doesnt really matter
18:11 lazyboy007: well I don't see what would make it unrankable if it's playable
18:11 lazyboy007: I can aim it
18:11 lazyboy007: :p
18:11 lazyboy007: w/o hr
18:11 Hysteria: the inconsistency compared to the rest of the map
18:11 Hysteria: nothing to do with how hard it is
18:11 Hysteria: xd
18:11 Hysteria: it looks not structured
18:11 lazyboy007: hm
18:11 lazyboy007: I'll keep it in mind
18:12 lazyboy007: but I really really like that stream
18:12 Hysteria: i cant figure out how you managed to get that pattern in the first place
18:12 Hysteria: all i can see is that you used the first 3 notes
18:12 lazyboy007: magic
18:12 Hysteria: or the slider end and two notes
18:12 Hysteria: and copy pastad it with different rotations
18:12 Hysteria: that's what i see xD
18:12 lazyboy007: basically
18:12 lazyboy007: but with rotating movement
18:12 lazyboy007: :p
18:12 Hysteria: 04:00:444 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - could make something more out of this
18:12 Hysteria: 04:00:691 (4) - after that hit
18:13 Hysteria: it goes up and pitch, and the drums change
18:13 Hysteria: 04:01:433 (5) - same here
18:13 lazyboy007: I could
18:13 lazyboy007: and ye it'd make sense
18:13 Hysteria: 04:02:998 (8,1) - is nice
18:13 lazyboy007: dunno if I want to do it
18:13 lazyboy007: ^^
18:14 Hysteria: 04:26:159 (3) -
18:14 Hysteria: 04:36:708 (2,3,4) - should manually stack these 3
18:15 lazyboy007: nah the guitar's too high pitched
18:15 lazyboy007: to stack
18:15 Hysteria: that's the thing
18:16 Hysteria: the noise the guitar makes at
18:16 Hysteria: 04:36:872 (4) -
18:16 Hysteria: is special
18:16 lazyboy007: ooh
18:16 Hysteria: and you show no sign of emphasis on it
18:16 lazyboy007: I never heard it
18:16 Hysteria: by manually stacking the first 3 notes
18:16 Hysteria: and then letting it space out
18:16 lazyboy007: ye will stack
18:16 Hysteria: you put emphasis on it
18:16 Hysteria: :D
18:16 lazyboy007: well I'll go low spacing
18:16 Hysteria: 04:40:170 (2,3) - doesnt fit
18:16 lazyboy007: how did I never notice that sound
18:16 lazyboy007: wtf
18:17 Hysteria: haha
18:17 Hysteria: well
18:17 Hysteria: mb it fits
18:17 Hysteria: but it's awkward
18:17 Hysteria: bcs double
18:17 lazyboy007: ye
18:17 Hysteria: meh
18:17 lazyboy007: it's to have the kickslider on the guitar note
18:17 Hysteria: keep it
18:17 Hysteria: yea
18:17 Hysteria: i kno
18:17 Hysteria: was thinking of another option
18:17 Hysteria: but the only thing that works is a repeat slider
18:17 lazyboy007: I could've done repeats
18:17 Hysteria: and that's dull
18:17 Hysteria: af
18:17 lazyboy007: ye
18:18 lazyboy007: yep
18:18 lazyboy007: that was my thought too
18:18 Hysteria: 04:44:620 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
18:18 Hysteria: lets see
18:18 Hysteria: if you spot what i spot
18:18 Hysteria: at some point in the stream it changes
18:18 lazyboy007: ya want more spacing on 5-6-7-8
18:18 Hysteria: yeaaa
18:19 Hysteria: you're getting the hang of it now
18:19 lazyboy007: ^^
18:19 Hysteria: since it's a snare roll it should be more emphasis
18:19 Hysteria: so either a) stream jump it
18:19 Hysteria: or b) just space it more
18:20 lazyboy007: spaced the beginning less actually lol
18:20 lazyboy007: works ok since it's the same spacing as other streams from before
18:20 Hysteria: 05:01:104 (1,2,3,4,5) - the 5th combo is put weirdly, since if you look at the pattern as a whole it's a star, and then combo 5 is like (nah i dont wanna be a star)
18:20 Hysteria: aight sounds good
18:21 lazyboy007: 5 is special
18:21 Hysteria: his circly mommy told hims so
18:21 lazyboy007: I was going for spacing that gets progressively lower
18:21 lazyboy007: but I failed
18:21 Hysteria: yea but all other jumps are same spacing
18:21 Hysteria: haha
18:21 Hysteria: 05:06:214 (6,1,2) - awkward movement
18:21 lazyboy007: ye
18:21 lazyboy007: xD
18:21 lazyboy007: you're also an awkward movement :|
18:22 lazyboy007: fixed ^^
18:22 Hysteria: 05:17:422 (4) -
18:22 Hysteria: nah im straight
18:22 Hysteria: so that's not awkward
18:22 lazyboy007: x)
18:23 Hysteria: 05:30:114 (1,2,3,4,5) -
18:23 lazyboy007: btw did you re-dl at the beginning?
18:23 lazyboy007: or do you not have a sb? :p
18:23 Hysteria: 05:30:609 (1,2,3,4,5) -
18:23 Hysteria: 05:31:433 (1,2,3,4,5) -
18:23 lazyboy007: cuz you had a super old version
18:23 Hysteria: all of those are too low spacing
18:23 Hysteria: yea i have updated it
18:23 lazyboy007: ye gonna change spacing
18:24 Hysteria: that's it i think
18:24 Hysteria: the rest are biased changes
18:24 Hysteria: so changes i would prefer, but that change the core of the map
18:25 Hysteria: which is bad
18:25 lazyboy007: hm ok :3
18:25 lazyboy007: thanks for the mod then m8
18:25 lazyboy007: ^^
18:25 Hysteria: np
rock time
gonna be honest wow NICE MAP
not a whole lot i can mod here so i dont expect kudosu

03:07:368 (1,2,3,4,1) maybe make this a curved stream? looks kinda out of place

not gonna lie wow why do u even need modding at this point man
unless im just really dumb, i see almost nothing wrong with this map
great spacing, great HS, great storyboard, great consistency, fun too
good luck ranking!
Topic Starter

FuruSatori wrote:

gonna be honest wow NICE MAP Thanks a lot <3
not a whole lot i can mod here so i dont expect kudosu kds anyways, if moderators think it's not justified, just deny it :p I think it is since you took the time to look at my map

03:07:368 (1,2,3,4,1) maybe make this a curved stream? looks kinda out of place I like it going straight tbh, will curve it if it's mentionned in more mods I guess ^^

not gonna lie wow why do u even need modding at this point man xD idk there's always trash to fix in maps
unless im just really dumb, i see almost nothing wrong with this map <3
great spacing, great HS, great storyboard, great consistency, fun too Thanks so much haha
good luck ranking!

from #modreq for M4M

I'll mod your map by tomorrow too~
:) :)
hello there! m4m from #modreqs

You should uncheck the 'Widescreen Support' as the storyboard is not supported in widescreen. Unless you want to change the storyboard to make it compatible with widescreens users, which would be better, to be honest.
  1. 03:05:720 (7) - I would add a new combo here since there's a jump with the previous note just like you've done at 02:18:247 (1) -
  2. 03:16:104 (6) - A new combo wouldn't be bad here, same reason as mentioned above. Do the same thing for 03:17:422 (6) -
  3. 03:42:972 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - I am not really sure you should do something like this for the spacing. You're breaking the consistency and the jump looks weird. I would suggest you to move these objects in a way that the spacing will be consistent.
There is nothing pretty much I could say, I really enjoy your beatmap! You'll have to work the storyboard a bit, but else, I believe the beatmap is ready to be qualified.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

hello there! m4m from #modreqs

You should uncheck the 'Widescreen Support' as the storyboard is not supported in widescreen. Unless you want to change the storyboard to make it compatible with widescreens users, which would be better, to be honest. I have no clue how to do that, this was my first time messing with the storyboard features ;p Toggled off widescreen support
  1. 03:05:720 (7) - I would add a new combo here since there's a jump with the previous note just like you've done at 02:18:247 (1) - Yeah makes sense, done
  2. 03:16:104 (6) - A new combo wouldn't be bad here, same reason as mentioned above. Do the same thing for 03:17:422 (6) - Yep
  3. 03:42:972 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - I am not really sure you should do something like this for the spacing. You're breaking the consistency and the jump looks weird. I would suggest you to move these objects in a way that the spacing will be consistent. Not really 100% sure what you meant by this, but I moved the streams around a bit to have a more uniform spacing
There is nothing pretty much I could say, I really enjoy your beatmap! You'll have to work the storyboard a bit, but else, I believe the beatmap is ready to be qualified. I have no clue what I'm doing with the stroyboard tbh xD Thanks a lot though <3

Good luck! Ty
De~!page turning complete




02:39:181 (4,6) - not blanket

02:22:861 (1,2,3,4,2,3,4,5) - I think this way the same rhythm So maybe use the same distance's note.

03:18:906 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - this way some conflicts with music..maybe change to 1/3 03:18:906 (1,2,3,4) - Especially here

OK;; that's all;;

The BGMBPM is quick, so I can not hold this beatmap, maybe my mod is not good. :o :o because already to rank

Topic Starter

[Kamiya] wrote:

De~!page turning complete




02:39:181 (4,6) - not blanket Stacked 6 and 4

02:22:861 (1,2,3,4,2,3,4,5) - I think this way the same rhythm So maybe use the same distance's note. ye makes sense

03:18:906 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - this way some conflicts with music..maybe change to 1/3 03:18:906 (1,2,3,4) - Especially here Pretty sure the drums and guitars are in 1/4th here :p

OK;; that's all;;

The BGMBPM is quick, so I can not hold this beatmap, maybe my mod is not good. :o :o because already to rank it's not THAT quick doe :3

GL~! Thx ^^
as requested.

good map in general
ur 1/6 may be kinda hard to determine though, it would be nice if u could find a way to help determine the 1/6 such as through the usage of colorhaxing
Hey, M4M from my modding Q~
I'll be waiting for your mod
I regret that I didn't look at the SR before I accepted this...
Let's see if I can mod properly (seemingly no)

Red : unrankable (or might be unrankable) issue
Blue : highly suggested to fix
Black : normal suggestion
Green : random comment
Bold : slightly more important than others

  1. 00:52:121 (2,3) - Minor stuff, the appearance here is not really appealing imo since (1) and (3) is almost touching. The flow is look kinda pointy as well. Maybe you could try to move these kinda upward so it would look better and flow better as well.
  2. 00:59:786 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - I don't know if you're trying to form something but I think if this is just "random" shape you better stack these 00:59:786 (1,1) - to make a closed pattern. Would look neater that way imo.
  3. 01:10:994 (1,3) - Almost touching. The flow here 01:11:242 (2,3) - is also pointy. Try to move (3) slightly upward. Maybe try to make a triangle pattern too or maybe just stack (3)'s tail with 01:10:664 (5) -
  4. 01:14:126 (3,5) - Almost touchinnggg (I'm totally going nazi). Move (5) further to the right. If you don't want to make the space to far, just curve (5) a bit.
  5. 01:21:215 (5) - NC here? Just like Kibbleru said, to distinct it from 1/6 pattern.
  6. 02:24:840 (4,1) - I think they are should be placed further away because (1) is a start of kiai thus a very big sound yet it has less jump from 02:25:499 (1,2) -
  7. 02:57:148 (1) - Point the reverse slightly downward to make a better flow from previous note and make them 02:57:148 (1,2) - less touchy.
  8. 05:23:521 (1,2) - Why is this tho.... I think you better map this part like you usually do... This is not really fitting, especially here 05:24:016 (2) - where the big sound land on reverse...
  9. 05:30:032 (8,1) - Make a space stream like here 05:31:269 (3,4) - because of music change maybe... ?
  10. 05:31:433 (4) - NC? The sound here is pretty big tbh.
  11. 05:33:411 (1,2) - No spacing between them? Usually you make them spaced.
  12. 05:35:390 Actually I think you better use full 1/2 slider for this verse because there's no really change in the music so there's no really reason to map one with slider and other with circle.
  13. 05:42:971 (6,7) - They are too close imo .-. You usually don't place notes this close.

That's all I guess, I'm not good at modding hard maps and your map is already good afterall.
...your storyboard almost killed me, lol, jk
Good luck~
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

as requested.

good map in general
ur 1/6 may be kinda hard to determine though, it would be nice if u could find a way to help determine the 1/6 such as through the usage of colorhaxing
Thanks! Not sure if I should give kds, did it, remove it if you think it's unfit.

Will change combo colors on 1/6 then since you're not the first to mention it ^^

hanyuu_nanodesu wrote:

Hey, M4M from my modding Q~
I'll be waiting for your mod
I regret that I didn't look at the SR before I accepted this...
Let's see if I can mod properly (seemingly no)

Red : unrankable (or might be unrankable) issue
Blue : highly suggested to fix
Black : normal suggestion
Green : random comment
Bold : slightly more important than others

  1. 00:52:121 (2,3) - Minor stuff, the appearance here is not really appealing imo since (1) and (3) is almost touching. The flow is look kinda pointy as well. Maybe you could try to move these kinda upward so it would look better and flow better as well. Sure looks better
  2. 00:59:786 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - I don't know if you're trying to form something but I think if this is just "random" shape you better stack these 00:59:786 (1,1) - to make a closed pattern. Would look neater that way imo. Done ^^
  3. 01:10:994 (1,3) - Almost touching. The flow here 01:11:242 (2,3) - is also pointy. Try to move (3) slightly upward. Maybe try to make a triangle pattern too or maybe just stack (3)'s tail with 01:10:664 (5) - Moved 3
  4. 01:14:126 (3,5) - Almost touchinnggg (I'm totally going nazi). Move (5) further to the right. If you don't want to make the space to far, just curve (5) a bit. Moved 5 accordingly
  5. 01:21:215 (5) - NC here? Just like Kibbleru said, to distinct it from 1/6 pattern. Yeah I did that while applying Kibbleru's mod ^^
  6. 02:24:840 (4,1) - I think they are should be placed further away because (1) is a start of kiai thus a very big sound yet it has less jump from 02:25:499 (1,2) - ctrl+h on 1 and moved
  7. 02:57:148 (1) - Point the reverse slightly downward to make a better flow from previous note and make them 02:57:148 (1,2) - less touchy. Done, almost offscrceen tho
  8. 05:23:521 (1,2) - Why is this tho.... I think you better map this part like you usually do... This is not really fitting, especially here 05:24:016 (2) - where the big sound land on reverse... Did that because the bass sound I was mapping on spots like here 05:02:422 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - wasn't there, so there was no reason to put streams there. The repeats are there to have the player hold the button during the prolonged guitar notes w/o ignore the drums ^^
  9. 05:30:032 (8,1) - Make a space stream like here 05:31:269 (3,4) - because of music change maybe... ? Made it a slight jump, but no kickslider because these were used to represent the end of guitar notes in that section
  10. 05:31:433 (4) - NC? The sound here is pretty big tbh. agreed
  11. 05:33:411 (1,2) - No spacing between them? Usually you make them spaced. Moved up so it has 1.34x DS between both surrounding notes
  12. 05:35:390 Actually I think you better use full 1/2 slider for this verse because there's no really change in the music so there's no really reason to map one with slider and other with circle. hm disagree here, the slidertails are there for the softer guitar melody, and on the places I put simple notes that melody isn't present ^^
  13. 05:42:971 (6,7) - They are too close imo .-. You usually don't place notes this close. Well tension in that part is pretty low, that was on purpose

That's all I guess, I'm not good at modding hard maps and your map is already good afterall. Thanks ^^ helpful mod though :)
...your storyboard almost killed me, lol, jk All according to plan
Good luck~ thx ^^
An IRC for M4M \o/
16:48 _DT3: Hey o/
16:48 lazyboy007: oy!
16:48 lazyboy007: \o
16:48 lazyboy007: doing goood?
16:48 _DT3: Yep, and you?
16:49 lazyboy007: ye pretty good ^^
16:49 _DT3: About this
16:49 *_DT3 is editing [ Demetori - Yumeshoushitsu ~ Lost Dream [Insomniac]]
16:49 lazyboy007: aha modding my map I see
16:49 _DT3: Can we IRC it?
16:50 lazyboy007: sure
16:50 lazyboy007: :3
16:50 _DT3: Oky
16:52 _DT3: So first off
16:53 _DT3: Your bg dimensions are unrankable
16:53 lazyboy007: oh? :o
16:53 _DT3: As well as some of your sb pics' dimensions
16:53 _DT3: They have the dimension 1777x1191
16:53 _DT3: Will double check that
16:54 lazyboy007: hm actually rankable
16:54 lazyboy007: Storyboard images must not exceed a width of 1920 pixels and a height of 1200 pixels
16:54 _DT3: They have a non-rankable ratio though
16:55 lazyboy007: I don't see anything about ratio in the ranking criteria unless I'm mistaken
16:55 _DT3: It's neither 4:3 nor 16:9
16:55 _DT3: Was recently added I think
16:56 lazyboy007: it's maybe in one of the suggestions for new ranking criteria
16:56 lazyboy007: but it's not in the final version
16:56 lazyboy007: if you check
16:56 lazyboy007:
16:56 _DT3: Yeah true
16:57 _DT3: Ok, then lets move on
16:58 lazyboy007: yep ^^ I'm always confused with bg sizes and so on so it's cool that you checked :p
16:58 _DT3: To understand a bit better, what was your intention with stacks like these 00:50:060 (2,3) - ?
16:58 lazyboy007: hm I was spacing according to the high notes
16:58 lazyboy007: but on 3 there was no high note
16:59 lazyboy007: so I stacked them in order to represent that
16:59 _DT3: Ok
16:59 lazyboy007: I still needed to put a click there in order to not ignore the other sounds at that same time
16:59 _DT3: Yeah
17:00 _DT3: My main issue though is how it ruins the movement of the map since you stop moving your cursor although the song still is rather intense
17:00 lazyboy007: ye that's intentional
17:01 lazyboy007: I like making movement stop when the melody's absent
17:01 lazyboy007: unless I can justify a slider
17:02 _DT3: Well, if your intention was to make 00:50:225 (3) - less emphasized because the melody was absent then I think a slider fits better here to represent that absence by not making it clickable
17:03 lazyboy007: I don't like a slider in that spot because the sound in 2 is not prolonged
17:03 lazyboy007: unlike 00:51:874 (1) -
17:03 lazyboy007: where I did use a slider
17:04 _DT3: Ok, it's up to you
17:05 _DT3: But wait
17:05 _DT3: I do hear higher pitched sounds on the second note of the stacks
17:07 lazyboy007: very faint yes
17:07 _DT3: At first I wasn't sure but when I set the volume higher I could hear higher pitched sounds which carried onto the whole pwrt
17:07 lazyboy007: but it's because it's just so much weaker that I don't space it
17:07 lazyboy007: the melody is pretty much absent there
17:07 lazyboy007: it's the same pitch as 1
17:07 lazyboy007: but weaker volume
17:08 _DT3: True but then I wouldn't space it too less because you can hear it if not also faintly
17:09 _DT3: Doesn't have to be even much of a difference, it's just to bring in some movement
17:09 lazyboy007: I really like killing the momentum on that note
17:09 lazyboy007: plus it's consistent
17:09 _DT3: Ok then
17:11 _DT3: 01:02:423 (1,2,3) - This has different movement than most of the patterns like this: The other patterns have circular like flow while this has some sort of antiflow
17:11 _DT3: And that makes it a bit inconsistent
17:11 lazyboy007: ye
17:11 lazyboy007: will rotate 1 and 2 to be vertical maybe
17:11 lazyboy007: should work
17:12 lazyboy007: ye makes it better ^^
17:12 _DT3: Good ^^
17:16 _DT3: 01:13:632 (1) - Here, why use that fancy slider when you barely use it for other strong guitars?
17:16 lazyboy007: uh idk tbh
17:16 lazyboy007: should've been the same as 2
17:17 _DT3: I guess same goes for here 01:24:181 (1) -
17:17 lazyboy007: ye
17:17 lazyboy007: fixed both
17:18 _DT3: Btw, how did you achieve the 0% volume green lines?
17:18 lazyboy007: changin the .osu
17:19 lazyboy007: not sure it's allowed
17:19 lazyboy007: if any BN mentions it I'll put it back to 5
17:19 _DT3: That is unrankable, definitely
17:19 lazyboy007: ye thought so
17:19 lazyboy007: k I'm changing them all lol
17:20 lazyboy007: Do not manually edit anything in an .osu file that cannot be changed through the Editor
17:20 lazyboy007: indeed
17:23 _DT3: 01:21:544 - For this part I noticed you didn't use the 1/4 sliders like 01:16:764 (3) - anymore. Was intentional probably but could I still have an explanation? :o
17:24 lazyboy007: because intensity is higher so I wanted to increase the spacing
17:24 lazyboy007: and replace the kickslied + circle with jumps
17:24 lazyboy007: also the fact that it would've been very repetitive otherwise
17:24 _DT3: But then you could still use the kickslider
17:25 lazyboy007: limits my freedom on jumps and also makes it harder
17:25 lazyboy007: 01:22:038 (3) -
17:25 lazyboy007: this if I had as a kicklider pointing to 4
17:25 lazyboy007: it'd overlap with 1
17:25 _DT3: True
17:27 _DT3: 01:24:428 (2,3,4) - This flow is very weird imo since it is very wide in comparison to the previous patterns like 01:15:198 (2,3,1) - . Plus, it doesn't emphasize 01:24:676 (3) - as much as previously imo
17:28 lazyboy007: oh right
17:28 lazyboy007: that section is in higher angle jumps
17:28 lazyboy007: from 01:24:181 - to 01:26:159 -
17:28 lazyboy007: because of the intensity increase
17:29 lazyboy007: so to create a bit of discomfort it goes in counter-flow
17:29 lazyboy007: not much but a little
17:29 _DT3: But higher angles kinda underemphasize notes, there are other ways to create discomfort
17:30 _DT3: Like a different unexpected transition to 01:24:841 (4) - which has a sharper angle
17:31 _DT3: I mean, I like the concept of creating discomfort on higher intensity but the notes shouldn't get unemphasized like that
17:31 lazyboy007: hm
17:32 lazyboy007: move 3 to...227 44
17:32 lazyboy007: or so
17:32 _DT3: Yeah
17:33 lazyboy007: ye works better
17:33 lazyboy007: actually I'll move it to blanket with 1
17:33 _DT3: Ok sure
17:33 lazyboy007: and ctrl+g 2
17:34 _DT3: 01:28:137 (1,2) - Why suddenly this kinda antiflow here when you don't use it other times?
17:35 lazyboy007: 01:26:819 (1,2) -
17:35 lazyboy007: is the same?
17:35 lazyboy007: no?
17:35 lazyboy007: like in that higher pitch section it is all anti flow
17:35 _DT3: Well, not visually
17:35 lazyboy007: ah
17:35 _DT3: That's what I mean
17:35 lazyboy007: I can ctrl+h 1
17:35 _DT3: Yeah, would work better
17:36 lazyboy007: ^^
17:36 lazyboy007: I tend to be bad at visual stuff tbh slider design and such :p
17:37 _DT3: Well, it is fine with this song I would say
17:40 _DT3: 01:45:527 (2,3,4) - Having this rather linear transition doesn't fit in with the previous patterns imo
17:41 lazyboy007: oh and I should change 1's shape
17:41 _DT3: Ah yes
17:42 lazyboy007: imma ctrl+j 3
17:42 lazyboy007: and move the rest down
17:42 _DT3: Yep
17:44 _DT3: 02:15:280 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Ok, this hard reading was intended but it is a bad combination with antiflow imo
17:45 lazyboy007: umm
17:45 lazyboy007: that wasn't intended
17:45 lazyboy007: actually
17:45 lazyboy007: how'd that happen
17:45 _DT3: Oh
17:46 lazyboy007: cuz when I do hard reading patterns I repeat them usually
17:46 _DT3: Ah ok
17:46 lazyboy007: but
17:46 lazyboy007: 02:16:927 (6,7,8) -
17:46 lazyboy007: so that was def not intended
17:46 _DT3: Yeah
17:46 lazyboy007: moved 8 to 194 275
17:46 lazyboy007: should work better
17:48 _DT3: 02:19:894 (5) - Might wanna NC this because you did sth similar here 02:22:203 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - but I'm not sure
17:49 lazyboy007: oh shoot
17:49 lazyboy007: color coding on the 1/6
17:50 lazyboy007: I'll have to change all the combo colors xD
17:50 lazyboy007: nc is correct there
17:50 lazyboy007: but ye
17:50 _DT3: Oh god xD
17:50 lazyboy007: rip me
17:52 _DT3: 02:30:608 (10,1) - This transition doesn't fit here imo since 02:30:774 (1) - is rather weak so I don't think it deserves this sharp of an angle
17:52 _DT3: *weak in comparison to other doenbeats
17:52 _DT3: *downbeats
17:53 lazyboy007: agreed
17:53 lazyboy007: will flip the triplle
17:53 lazyboy007: triple
17:53 lazyboy007: 90 degree
17:55 _DT3: 02:33:741 (3,4) - I know that you wanted to represent the same sound here by stacking them but here at this point I think stopping momentum really is a bit off since nothing really stops here
17:55 _DT3: Could maybe use linear flow instead
17:56 _DT3: Like
17:56 lazyboy007: moved to the left of 4
17:56 lazyboy007: oh
17:56 lazyboy007: linear
17:56 _DT3:
17:56 _DT3: Up to you if you don't want
17:56 lazyboy007: hm
17:56 lazyboy007: no I prefer the stacking
17:56 _DT3: Ok
17:57 lazyboy007: it doesn't kill much momentum since it's low intensity anyways
17:57 _DT3: Actually, maybe lowering spacing could work
17:57 _DT3: Again, up to you but I did sth like
17:58 lazyboy007: well tbh
17:58 lazyboy007: later in the song I didn't stack
17:58 lazyboy007: 04:55:829 (1,2,3,4) -
17:58 lazyboy007: :p
17:58 lazyboy007: so I'll change this one
17:58 _DT3: Oh ok
18:00 lazyboy007: I'm still changin the combo colors
18:00 lazyboy007: oh goodness
18:00 _DT3: :o
18:05 _DT3: 03:18:906 (1,2,3,4) - I am not sure about the snapping of these but might just be me
18:06 lazyboy007: hmm I checked on 25% speed
18:06 lazyboy007: pretty sure it's correct
18:06 _DT3: Ok
18:07 lazyboy007: ^^
18:07 _DT3: 03:30:774 (1,2,1) - I think these should be spaced out more because this is rather low spacing for the intensity of the song
18:07 _DT3: Or at least for 03:31:433 (1) -
18:08 lazyboy007: I like this because the drums are missing
18:08 lazyboy007: that one makes sense
18:08 lazyboy007: ye
18:10 _DT3: And we're back to the next part
18:10 _DT3: 04:07:038 (1,2) - Same about what I mentioned before
18:11 _DT3: 04:08:357 (1) - And same about this what I mentioned for the fancy sliders xd
18:11 lazyboy007: oh right
18:11 _DT3: Oh and btw
18:11 lazyboy007: yep
18:12 _DT3: 04:01:763 (1) - Not sure if you only want to do this for clickable objects but do you also want the red for the 1/6 here?
18:12 lazyboy007: oh that was only for 1/6 streams
18:12 lazyboy007: I am NOT changin everything again
18:12 lazyboy007: xD
18:12 _DT3: Ok xD
18:13 lazyboy007: I'm almost done
18:13 lazyboy007: lol
18:13 _DT3: Wooo
18:13 lazyboy007: still 10 seconds of combo colors left
18:13 lazyboy007: for one NC 15 minutes of recoloring haha
18:14 _DT3: A am getting a bit lazy so I am probably missing do much lol
18:14 lazyboy007: ah possible haha
18:14 lazyboy007: but most mods on the map don't point out many mistakes
18:14 lazyboy007: just mistakes that take 50 minutes of fixing each
18:14 lazyboy007: x)
18:14 _DT3: x)
18:15 _DT3: 04:16:269 (1,2) - Oh and same about this too x)
18:15 lazyboy007: that one's fine no?
18:16 _DT3: Still has that same different visual thing which doesn't fit in
18:16 _DT3: It's just cause you fixed the others
18:16 lazyboy007: I think it's ok
18:16 lazyboy007: maybe not perfect
18:16 lazyboy007: well I fixed the other to look like this
18:16 lazyboy007: lol
18:17 _DT3: lol
18:17 lazyboy007: others*
18:19 _DT3: Well, because of my laziness, that's it xD
18:19 _DT3: Cause I literally can't find much anymore
18:19 lazyboy007: oh ok haha
18:19 lazyboy007: well you're one of the best mods i've had tho
18:19 lazyboy007: lol
18:19 _DT3: :
18:19 _DT3: :o
18:19 lazyboy007: made me change more than anyone besides hysteria haha
18:19 _DT3: :xD
18:19 lazyboy007: hysteria's mod was the biggest
18:20 lazyboy007: yours would be second biggest
18:20 lazyboy007: well if that's all you can find ^^
18:20 lazyboy007: you can post the log on the forum
18:20 lazyboy007: I will kds you
18:20 _DT3: Oky
18:20 _DT3: Maybe just something in general, I didn't point out much of this issue, just at the start, just check that you are using the flow for some objects intentionally
18:21 _DT3: Because I noticed how much it varied
18:21 lazyboy007: tbh the start is almost 6 months old
18:21 lazyboy007: xD
18:21 _DT3: xD
18:21 lazyboy007: so ye didn't know much about flow or such back then
18:21 lazyboy007: it's suboptimal
18:22 _DT3: Oky, then posting on the forum~
DeRandom Otaku
M4M , sorry for delay
  1. BG dimenstions are so weird lo , probably resize , wont take much time zz
  1. 00:50:060 (2,3) - 00:51:049 (2,3) - You used these everywhere so i can tell that thats how u wanted to make patterns for these sounds but at 00:50:225 - 00:51:214 - etc , these are the downbeats and melody sounds are intenser and an antijump ... uh its just not so fine for emphasis tbh
  2. 01:05:060 (1,2,3) - well i can clearly tell that this pattern follows consistency properly but only the same sounds are supposed to have consistent rhythms and patterns , right? here the song is different , There are cymbals at end of both of those sliders 01:05:060 (1,3) - and therefor they should rather be clickable for proper emphasis and on top of that using something different will represent the change in song aswell.Same goes for the rest of these
  3. 01:21:544 - ok so before this section u have used kick sliders everywhere for the sounds at 01:22:038 - but in this whole sections the kick sliders are replaced with circles only. why? tbh this section is actually intenser than the previous section , about 5% more intenser but still , Intenser parts should have more complexer rhythms and instead of doing that u just made them simpler here.Or if u are trying make some kind of variation in both sections than i would suggest u to use circles in first section and kicksliders in second.Same for other sections zzz
  4. 01:41:324 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - you should rather use a unique combo color for these 1/3's aswell like u did for those 1/6 since it would nicer and it will make the 1/3's much easier to read
  5. 01:42:890 (2,3) - Really meh flow. Plays really awkwardly since the movement between 01:42:890 (2,3,4) - is totally linear which just doesnt feel fun to play actually
  6. 01:56:489 (4,1) - Tbh this overlap is really sucky ,like more than 50% of their bodies overlap with each other . is it really necessary to do that?
  7. 02:04:401 - Maybe the SB is wip , maybe not but i m getting a totally black screen here on bg which is not so cool
  8. 02:11:983 (9,1) - well i know you have used 1.8 spacing for these notes everywhere in this section but it would be cooler if you increase the spacing to emphasize the cymbal more
  9. 02:25:087 - Try lowering down hs volume here because it sounds really loud currently while the song gets twice as faint
  10. 02:33:082 (5) - would rather be cool if you use circles instead, i mean its the kiai afterall and u even used circles for 1/6 in non-kiais and kiai is indeed supposed to be (Mostly) Harder
  11. 03:16:433 (5) - oh please dont execute that snare at 03:16:598 - with a slider end , its rather an important one , DO make it clickable
  12. 03:17:752 (5) - Same with that cymbal at 03:17:917 - .Should be cool if u remove the repeat of the slider and use a circle at downbeat instead.will be much much better
  13. 03:18:906 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i listened to the song here very carefully about 20 times with 25% and i think that these circles are supposed to be snapped on 1/3 but i m still not sure cuz it also sounds close to 1/4 lol . Maybe get someone to confirm it
  14. 03:43:631 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - No dont do this. It indeed is supposed to have a circle at 03:43:851 - and the 3 sliders should start from 03:43:961 - till 03:44:510 - since thats how the song suggests and thats how you are supposed to make that rhythm
  15. 03:49:236 (4) - NC from emphasis
  16. 04:54:510 (1) - Try Ctrl+g to continue the circular flow , plays much better
  17. 05:24:016 (2) - ok i m guessing that making consistent rhythms made u bored but the rhythm you used here is really bad as u can hear the melody sound and cymbal sound at 05:24:181 - really emphasized in the song and executing them on slider repeat is really one of the worse things to do
  18. 05:42:313 (2,3) - overkill spacing , u never used such high spacing for 1/4 where u have a repeat slider with a circle after it
Good map
Topic Starter

DeRandom Otaku wrote:

M4M , sorry for delay
  1. BG dimenstions are so weird lo , probably resize , wont take much time zz Maybe
  1. 00:50:060 (2,3) - 00:51:049 (2,3) - You used these everywhere so i can tell that thats how u wanted to make patterns for these sounds but at 00:50:225 - 00:51:214 - etc , these are the downbeats and melody sounds are intenser and an antijump ... uh its just not so fine for emphasis tbh I like these, they represent the melody well imo (if you look at the beginning of _DT3's mod you'll see my justification)
  2. 01:05:060 (1,2,3) - well i can clearly tell that this pattern follows consistency properly but only the same sounds are supposed to have consistent rhythms and patterns , right? here the song is different , There are cymbals at end of both of those sliders 01:05:060 (1,3) - and therefor they should rather be clickable for proper emphasis and on top of that using something different will represent the change in song aswell.Same goes for the rest of these The cymbal is extremely weak in the actual song, my hs shouldn't be taken as reference here
  3. 01:21:544 - ok so before this section u have used kick sliders everywhere for the sounds at 01:22:038 - but in this whole sections the kick sliders are replaced with circles only. why? tbh this section is actually intenser than the previous section , about 5% more intenser but still , Intenser parts should have more complexer rhythms and instead of doing that u just made them simpler here.Or if u are trying make some kind of variation in both sections than i would suggest u to use circles in first section and kicksliders in second.Same for other sections zzz Did that to allow bigger jumps without making it uncomfortable (big jumps with kicksliders imo would've been worse) + it restricts my liberty in mapping and it makes for a repetitive map
  4. 01:41:324 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - you should rather use a unique combo color for these 1/3's aswell like u did for those 1/6 since it would nicer and it will make the 1/3's much easier to read 1/3 are readable by the fact that there's always a few 1/3 sliders before the stream, plus these streams are always spaced
  5. 01:42:890 (2,3) - Really meh flow. Plays really awkwardly since the movement between 01:42:890 (2,3,4) - is totally linear which just doesnt feel fun to play actually should be better now
  6. 01:56:489 (4,1) - Tbh this overlap is really sucky ,like more than 50% of their bodies overlap with each other . is it really necessary to do that? Fixed, probably
  7. 02:04:401 - Maybe the SB is wip , maybe not but i m getting a totally black screen here on bg which is not so cool the sb sucks c: Gonna remove it I think
  8. 02:11:983 (9,1) - well i know you have used 1.8 spacing for these notes everywhere in this section but it would be cooler if you increase the spacing to emphasize the cymbal more As said earlier, cymbals are an aretfact from my hs, they're really weak in the song
  9. 02:25:087 - Try lowering down hs volume here because it sounds really loud currently while the song gets twice as faint Done
  10. 02:33:082 (5) - would rather be cool if you use circles instead, i mean its the kiai afterall and u even used circles for 1/6 in non-kiais and kiai is indeed supposed to be (Mostly) Harder I did it initially but removed it because of a few reasons, 1) only 1/6 in the kiai 2) destroys flow 3) the song is about to lower intensity and you can clearly hear it dropping, so no need to push difficulty
  11. 03:16:433 (5) - oh please dont execute that snare at 03:16:598 - with a slider end , its rather an important one , DO make it clickable ye
  12. 03:17:752 (5) - Same with that cymbal at 03:17:917 - .Should be cool if u remove the repeat of the slider and use a circle at downbeat instead.will be much much better oke
  13. 03:18:906 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i listened to the song here very carefully about 20 times with 25% and i think that these circles are supposed to be snapped on 1/3 but i m still not sure cuz it also sounds close to 1/4 lol . Maybe get someone to confirm it Pretty sure it's 1/4 but just about everyone I ask has another opinion on this
  14. 03:43:631 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - No dont do this. It indeed is supposed to have a circle at 03:43:851 - and the 3 sliders should start from 03:43:961 - till 03:44:510 - since thats how the song suggests and thats how you are supposed to make that rhythm No the guitar actually goes offbeat there, that's what mapping
  15. 03:49:236 (4) - NC from emphasis not needed
  16. 04:54:510 (1) - Try Ctrl+g to continue the circular flow , plays much better Sure
  17. 05:24:016 (2) - ok i m guessing that making consistent rhythms made u bored but the rhythm you used here is really bad as u can hear the melody sound and cymbal sound at 05:24:181 - really emphasized in the song and executing them on slider repeat is really one of the worse things to do That's not the actual reason haha, I was mapping to the bass guitar before and it's missing here, so I used repeats to make the user hold the button for the length of the guitar note, as well as not ignoring the snare kick patterns
  18. 05:42:313 (2,3) - overkill spacing , u never used such high spacing for 1/4 where u have a repeat slider with a circle after it Agreed
Good map Thanks ^^ useful mod, sorry if I rejected a lot of it :p

  • 01:11:242 (2) - Think about emphasizing the white tick more.
    01:13:879 (2) - ^ its okay here because you put a red anchor in the slider
    01:15:198 (2) - Red anchor feels to early placed, could be more emphasised with moving the red anchor, more to the start of the slider(the sound seems to be 1/6, before the white tick)
    01:16:516 (2) - Maybe putting a Anchor here
    03:34:071 (1) - I feel pretty wierd about it, feels like you stoped following your sliders on this sound but you just do it here.
    04:30:115 (4,5,1,2,3) - Maybe change the rythm choice here I think it doesnt fit to well. (I know you dont follow the the lound sound here, but I think if you would, it would be way better)
    04:45:279 (1,4,7,1) - I would use slideres here to follow the sounds I marked, feels a bit undermapped imo.
    04:59:455 (5,1) - Flow is really really uncomfortable.
awesome map :) wish you good luck with it.


PS: Its pure personal pref. what I did here, because imo. there is not much needed to change, maybe just some small tweaks here and there, but all in all this map is really nice enjoyed testplaying it xD.
even so I failed horribly
Topic Starter

Lucyyyyyyy wrote:


  • 01:11:242 (2) - Think about emphasizing the white tick more. I don't hear a sound on the white tick tbh
    01:13:879 (2) - ^ its okay here because you put a red anchor in the slider Maybe c:
    01:15:198 (2) - Red anchor feels to early placed, could be more emphasised with moving the red anchor, more to the start of the slider(the sound seems to be 1/6, before the white tick) I honestly don't really understand what sound you're referring to here, since to me this sounds like a continuous sound :/ I just changed between the slider shapes for variety ^^
    01:16:516 (2) - Maybe putting a Anchor here
    03:34:071 (1) - I feel pretty wierd about it, feels like you stoped following your sliders on this sound but you just do it here. The kicksliders were used to represent another sound, the high pitch of the guitar, but this being a crash I stuck with a change in direction, felt more fitting :)
    04:30:115 (4,5,1,2,3) - Maybe change the rythm choice here I think it doesnt fit to well. (I know you dont follow the the lound sound here, but I think if you would, it would be way better) Having a single continous slider here would be really boring imo and wouldn't represent the song correctly so I stuck with that, a slider on each beat and it fits ok imo
    04:45:279 (1,4,7,1) - I would use slideres here to follow the sounds I marked, feels a bit undermapped imo. I could, but the drum really is way louder here than the melody, if it gets mentionned more I'll change it ^^
    04:59:455 (5,1) - Flow is really really uncomfortable. Moved 4 and 5
awesome map :) wish you good luck with it. Thanks a lot ^^


PS: Its pure personal pref. what I did here, because imo. there is not much needed to change, maybe just some small tweaks here and there, but all in all this map is really nice enjoyed testplaying it xD. Thanks :D glad to hear ^^
even so I failed horribly I can't clear it consistently tbh
Hey, from our modding queue

I will mod in English for more transparency.

  1. You should upscale your background using waifu2x, crop it to a 16:10 ratio and scale it down to 1920x1200
  2. drum-hitfinish.wav has a 3-4 ms lag
  3. SB:
    02:33:411 - 04:55:829 - 05:16:928 - are those fades to black intentional? they seem a bit weird to me, looks like you wanted to revert to the normal bg instead
    02:04:401 - maybe a softer fade that would begin on 02:03:906 - ?
    05:56:488 - seems like it'd be more appropriate to begin the fade to black here and end it on 05:57:148 -
    also the bg mysteriously reappears on 06:08:377 -
  4. 02:15:774 (7,9) - the spacing seems relatively too big on those compared to the other stronger notes, also it isn't consistent (02:17:422 (9) - etc), this applies to the other similar patterns
  5. 02:29:785 (3,7) - slight bad overlap
  6. 02:33:741 (3,4) - spacing too short, how about placing (3) somewhere aounrd x230 y384
  7. 03:18:988 (2) - this is overmapped, moreover, due to the previous 1/3 repeat sliders and the spacing, i read 03:18:906 (1,2,3,4) - as 1/3s
    i think it'd help to map a 1/2 slider on (1) that will not only prevent the overmap but help with reading that the stream goes back to 1/4s
  8. 03:20:719 (2,1) - the spacing seems awfully small for such a strong beat
  9. 03:22:697 (6,1) - bad overlap
  10. 04:09:263 (5,2) - gnnnn just barely
  11. 04:09:510 (6,3) - i'm not sure how i should feel about this, it's not that bad but surely could be better
    also bad overlap on 04:10:170 (3,4) -
  12. 04:18:906 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - everywhere else in the map the circle is behind the second slider except for those, and since they don't play the same i believe you should stay consistent and change them to fit the others
  13. 04:38:686 (1,6) - bad overlap
  14. 05:01:104 (1,2,3,4,5) - the spacing is very tight here both aesthetically and practically, just putting (4) a bit farther up fixes it
  15. 05:10:005 (5,3,4) - bad overlap
  16. 05:23:521 (1,2,3) - the rhythm seems to make more sense like this:
Mostly focused on spacing and flow, the latter being rather fine but the spacing feels a bit rushed, you should probably review it a bit.
Otherwise good map that looks nice and plays well.

Good luck with the rest, I hope this was useful!
Topic Starter

Alheak wrote:

Hey, from our modding queue

I will mod in English for more transparency.

  1. You should upscale your background using waifu2x, crop it to a 16:10 ratio and scale it down to 1920x1200
  2. drum-hitfinish.wav has a 3-4 ms lag Ok fixing
  3. SB: I'm dropping the SB anyways, I don't like it :P
    02:33:411 - 04:55:829 - 05:16:928 - are those fades to black intentional? they seem a bit weird to me, looks like you wanted to revert to the normal bg instead
    02:04:401 - maybe a softer fade that would begin on 02:03:906 - ?
    05:56:488 - seems like it'd be more appropriate to begin the fade to black here and end it on 05:57:148 -
    also the bg mysteriously reappears on 06:08:377 -
  4. 02:15:774 (7,9) - the spacing seems relatively too big on those compared to the other stronger notes, also it isn't consistent (02:17:422 (9) - etc), this applies to the other similar patterns Actually the first one you linked has its reason, it's because of the super high pitch on the guitar, I fixed 02:21:049 (7,8,9) -
  5. 02:29:785 (3,7) - slight bad overlap Fixed
  6. 02:33:741 (3,4) - spacing too short, how about placing (3) somewhere aounrd x230 y384 Changed the entire jump
  7. 03:18:988 (2) - this is overmapped, moreover, due to the previous 1/3 repeat sliders and the spacing, i read 03:18:906 (1,2,3,4) - as 1/3s
    i think it'd help to map a 1/2 slider on (1) that will not only prevent the overmap but help with reading that the stream goes back to 1/4s Fixed
  8. 03:20:719 (2,1) - the spacing seems awfully small for such a strong beat fixed, also flows better to the next stream
  9. 03:22:697 (6,1) - bad overlap Now with 100% more stacking
  10. 04:09:263 (5,2) - gnnnn just barely Rip
  11. 04:09:510 (6,3) - i'm not sure how i should feel about this, it's not that bad but surely could be better
    also bad overlap on 04:10:170 (3,4) - Fixed this and the previous point by moving some stuff
  12. 04:18:906 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - everywhere else in the map the circle is behind the second slider except for those, and since they don't play the same i believe you should stay consistent and change them to fit the others ye I hope it's good
  13. 04:38:686 (1,6) - bad overlap Fixed
  14. 05:01:104 (1,2,3,4,5) - the spacing is very tight here both aesthetically and practically, just putting (4) a bit farther up fixes it changed it all a bit
  15. 05:10:005 (5,3,4) - bad overlap fixed too
  16. 05:23:521 (1,2,3) - the rhythm seems to make more sense like this: the objective of this was for the note to be held on the guitars ^^ so I'm probably keeping this
Mostly focused on spacing and flow, the latter being rather fine but the spacing feels a bit rushed, you should probably review it a bit.
Otherwise good map that looks nice and plays well. Thanks ^^

Good luck with the rest, I hope this was useful! Very much so :D
it's a me

These hitsounds are much longer than necessary, so here are some cleanly cut version of them:
drum-hitclap.wav (plus soft-hitclap aswell)
drum-hitnormal.wav (so 2,3 & 4, plus soft-hitnormal aswell)
And this one has a 3ms delay that should also be cut, as here:

you could add ZUN to tags

  1. 01:05:060 (1,2,3) - I'm guessing you purposely ignored those 1/6s, but considering the guitar is going along with it and there are crash cymbals after each 1/6, it would feel more impactful if you mapped them, even as sliders, or you could also space this pattern a bit more, altough that would be a bit weird since they would look consistent with the others yet their spacing wouldn't, so imo replacing the 1/2s sliders with 1/6s repeat sliders with higher spacing between each would feel more impactful here
  2. 01:09:840 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - those are toms, not snares, not sure if you intended to hitsound them that way but they would definitely sound better if you use the available toms you have, be sure to check for every drumrolls in the song as you did that a lot, and not consistently (which is why I'm not sure you intended it that way)
  3. 01:30:775 (1,2) - did you intend to use that normal-sliderwhistle? They sound kinda random (and imo awful, I hate the normal whistle ;_;)
  4. 01:40:005 (1,2) - clap on those snares? 01:40:169 (3,4,5,6) - and then use some of those beautiful toms you have, 01:40:500 (1) - and you're definitely missing a cymbal here
  5. 01:41:654 (2) - the normal whistle again ;_; and 01:41:983 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - if you want to make the proper distinction here, it's 2 high toms then 2 mid and finally 2 low toms, which you have all of them (well technically the last one is a floor tom, but your low tom should be good enough eh)
  6. 01:50:555 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - I find that pattern pleasant to look at
  7. 01:52:533 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - these should be snares, but I get the feeling you intended it that way here, not too sure if it sounds better though
  8. 02:02:423 (1) - so here, it's probably fine that you skip the long 1/6 as it would be just repeat slider so sticking to the guitar is prolly better, but! 02:03:082 (1,2,3,4,5) - I have an alternative to this pattern here, because you did map the 1/6s quads before and here you are skipping on a 1/6 triplet, which I think you could map it with 2 circles followed by 2 sliders, which is then followed by 5 circles on 1/3 (that has the advantage of being more comfortable to play than 4), something alike in this example (feel to reorganize the objects around as you wish ofc, this was just a quick quirky example)
  9. 02:14:950 (1,2) - personally I'm not a fan of those 3/4 long sliders leading into streams, I find them awkward to play, which is a pay-off bigger than what the longer sliders provides imo
  10. 02:24:840 (4) - I'd suggest using a default soft-hitnormal for those notes, as there is no drums here and I feel like it would add a nice soft touch before going into the chorus
  11. 02:44:950 (9,10,11) - not sure if intentionnal, but there is a 1/6 triplet here in the middle of the beat which I feel like you could map it about the same way as the example I gave above, although this one may not work as well
  12. 02:48:576 (9,10) - I think extending those to 1/2s sliders and making a slight jump between the two would feel more impactful than this
  13. 03:02:422 (1,2,3,4,1) - This rhythm feels weird, because you first start using circles on the guitar's accent, then a 03:02:587 (3) - 1/4 slider comes in on no accent, which is then 03:02:752 (4) - followed by another 1/4 slider but on the guitar's accent, and then rinse and repeat. This pattern is inconsistent within itself and feels awkward to play aswell, because of that. Moving the 1/4 sliders onto the accents and filling the inbetween with circles would feel much better, as it would properly emphasize the guitar here.
  14. 03:15:609 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - I don't agree with mapping the background drums, in the guitar solo, when you've been following the guitar up until now, even following the 1/3 guitar over 1/4 drums. It is neither consistent nor does it make more sense to map the drums here imo.
  15. 03:18:906 (1) - Same goes for that whole stream here.
  16. 03:26:818 (1) - As with before, I feel like you focus the drums too much during that guitar solo, which doesn't do it justice.
  17. 03:33:740 (5) - Since you've been using 1/4 sliders on the accents before, why not using it here aswell?
  18. 03:45:718 (4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - So, difficulty spike aside (since this is much above everything else you have in the map) the guitar is playing 16th notes starting from 03:45:774 - here, which again takes emphasis away from it, altough it isn't as bad here since the spacing is following the guitar's pitch, but tbh following the guitar would feel much better, along with nerfing that difficulty spike lol
  19. 03:49:236 (4,5) - this should be 1/4, as the drums are switcing from 1/3 to 1/4 here
  20. 04:00:773 (5,6,7,8) - those 4 notes could use some special emphasis instead of being a part of that compressed stream
  21. 04:03:082 (1) - this feels better with the slider being ctrl+h'd and moved slightly to the right, like so
  22. 04:24:181 (1,2,3) - Why using full on 3/4 sliders here? It isn't consistent with the way you mapped them before, and they don't cover a 1/6 drumroll either, would make more sense if you mapped them the same way as you did in all other instances
  23. 04:44:949 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I believe you could make this stream look nicer, as you did before
  24. 05:12:313 (5) - this slider feels a bit too close from the previous circle, I know you're kinda trying to stack the sliderend with another previous circle but I don't think it's worth it lol
  25. 05:23:521 (1,2) - that slowdown feels quite out of place, I don't really see a justification for it in the song
  26. 05:30:032 (8,1) - I don't this is necessary, especially since you haven't been using these for the whole map (except with that slider in the solo, which is really easy to play and since it led into a slider the leniency made it much more forgiving). Introducing jumpstreams this late into the map is a bad idea, as the player was not prepared for it. It also isn't really justified by the song either.
  27. 05:33:411 (1) - the 1/6 drumroll keeps on going until the red tick here, there two 1/4 notes on the red and blue ticks, and then there is a 1/6 triplet
  28. 05:33:741 (2) - here, which I feel you could map as circles, using the example I gave earlier, which would also make the following 1/3 stream odd number'd too. Also that stream could use some hitsounding lol
  29. 05:35:390 (1) - imo this section should be more emphasized than it is now, using faster sliders and using only 1/2 sliders you could make some more visually interesting patterns
  30. 05:50:554 (1,2,3) - again those are 1/6, they repeat the same point I made earlier, just pointing it out in case you didn't notice them
  31. 05:55:829 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - yeah... remember what I said about introducting jumpstreams this late into the map? that's basically asking players to get mad at you for this lol
aight that's about it I think, I didn't point out every hitsounds mishaps, as I don't know if they are all intentional or not, but I believe you should go check all of them by yourself

Overall I'd say it is a nice map that has potential, with some more cleanup work on it you could very well get it ranked, good luck!
Topic Starter

GoldenWolf wrote:

it's a me

These hitsounds are much longer than necessary, so here are some cleanly cut version of them:
drum-hitclap.wav (plus soft-hitclap aswell)
drum-hitnormal.wav (so 2,3 & 4, plus soft-hitnormal aswell)
And this one has a 3ms delay that should also be cut, as here:

you could add ZUN to tags yep

  1. 01:05:060 (1,2,3) - I'm guessing you purposely ignored those 1/6s, but considering the guitar is going along with it and there are crash cymbals after each 1/6, it would feel more impactful if you mapped them, even as sliders, or you could also space this pattern a bit more, altough that would be a bit weird since they would look consistent with the others yet their spacing wouldn't, so imo replacing the 1/2s sliders with 1/6s repeat sliders with higher spacing between each would feel more impactful here
  2. 01:09:840 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - those are toms, not snares, not sure if you intended to hitsound them that way but they would definitely sound better if you use the available toms you have, be sure to check for every drumrolls in the song as you did that a lot, and not consistently (which is why I'm not sure you intended it that way) it was very well intended but I guess it does sound better if replace anything past 3 with toms
  3. 01:30:775 (1,2) - did you intend to use that normal-sliderwhistle? They sound kinda random (and imo awful, I hate the normal whistle ;_;) My skin has no sliderwhislte haha so I didn't notice, but not on purpose (it's just that I selected the slider and added whistle on all the parts :p)
  4. 01:40:005 (1,2) - clap on those snares? 01:40:169 (3,4,5,6) - and then use some of those beautiful toms you have, 01:40:500 (1) - and you're definitely missing a cymbal here That sounds way better indeed
  5. 01:41:654 (2) - the normal whistle again ;_; and 01:41:983 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - if you want to make the proper distinction here, it's 2 high toms then 2 mid and finally 2 low toms, which you have all of them (well technically the last one is a floor tom, but your low tom should be good enough eh) fixed
  6. 01:50:555 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - I find that pattern pleasant to look at #patternmagic
  7. 01:52:533 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - these should be snares, but I get the feeling you intended it that way here, not too sure if it sounds better though changed, it was intended since I loved the toms so much but yes it is better with snare
  8. 02:02:423 (1) - so here, it's probably fine that you skip the long 1/6 as it would be just repeat slider so sticking to the guitar is prolly better, but! 02:03:082 (1,2,3,4,5) - I have an alternative to this pattern here, because you did map the 1/6s quads before and here you are skipping on a 1/6 triplet, which I think you could map it with 2 circles followed by 2 sliders, which is then followed by 5 circles on 1/3 (that has the advantage of being more comfortable to play than 4), something alike in this example (feel to reorganize the objects around as you wish ofc, this was just a quick quirky example) Fits better indeed, took a while to have it fit tho
  9. 02:14:950 (1,2) - personally I'm not a fan of those 3/4 long sliders leading into streams, I find them awkward to play, which is a pay-off bigger than what the longer sliders provides imo I personally think they represent the song better than anything else, even though a bit awkward to play (since you have to alternate on 6 notes) but this map is filled with 4 streams, so 6 streams aren't a huges step-up in difficulty
  10. 02:24:840 (4) - I'd suggest using a default soft-hitnormal for those notes, as there is no drums here and I feel like it would add a nice soft touch before going into the chorus yep sounds good
  11. 02:44:950 (9,10,11) - not sure if intentionnal, but there is a 1/6 triplet here in the middle of the beat which I feel like you could map it about the same way as the example I gave above, although this one may not work as well Nah indeed doesn't really work that well imo ^^
  12. 02:48:576 (9,10) - I think extending those to 1/2s sliders and making a slight jump between the two would feel more impactful than this Prefer keep these I find they represent the song nicely ^^ Though 1/2's fit too I guess
  13. 03:02:422 (1,2,3,4,1) - This rhythm feels weird, because you first start using circles on the guitar's accent, then a 03:02:587 (3) - 1/4 slider comes in on no accent, which is then 03:02:752 (4) - followed by another 1/4 slider but on the guitar's accent, and then rinse and repeat. This pattern is inconsistent within itself and feels awkward to play aswell, because of that. Moving the 1/4 sliders onto the accents and filling the inbetween with circles would feel much better, as it would properly emphasize the guitar here. yeah makes sense
  14. 03:15:609 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - I don't agree with mapping the background drums, in the guitar solo, when you've been following the guitar up until now, even following the 1/3 guitar over 1/4 drums. It is neither consistent nor does it make more sense to map the drums here imo. idk I like what I have but I changed it, hopefully it fits now ^^
  15. 03:18:906 (1) - Same goes for that whole stream here.
  16. 03:26:818 (1) - As with before, I feel like you focus the drums too much during that guitar solo, which doesn't do it justice. i just can't bring myself to ignore those though ;_; it just feels so fitting like it is to me
  17. 03:33:740 (5) - Since you've been using 1/4 sliders on the accents before, why not using it here aswell? no clue
  18. 03:45:718 (4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - So, difficulty spike aside (since this is much above everything else you have in the map) the guitar is playing 16th notes starting from 03:45:774 - here, which again takes emphasis away from it, altough it isn't as bad here since the spacing is following the guitar's pitch, but tbh following the guitar would feel much better, along with nerfing that difficulty spike lol Well many people complained about this so it's nerfed x) Though I'm keeping the rhythm
  19. 03:49:236 (4,5) - this should be 1/4, as the drums are switcing from 1/3 to 1/4 here I thought so but I got contradicted a few times oh well fixed
  20. 04:00:773 (5,6,7,8) - those 4 notes could use some special emphasis instead of being a part of that compressed stream Fixed but I'm not sold on my own stream shape I'll recheck tomorrow or so
  21. 04:03:082 (1) - this feels better with the slider being ctrl+h'd and moved slightly to the right, like so Definitely
  22. 04:24:181 (1,2,3) - Why using full on 3/4 sliders here? It isn't consistent with the way you mapped them before, and they don't cover a 1/6 drumroll either, would make more sense if you mapped them the same way as you did in all other instances well in all the other instances it was mapped differently and none of the others had any similar pattern between them either :/ the drum just feels different, and I think this is fine, but idk tbh. I'll change it if mentionned again
  23. 04:44:949 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I believe you could make this stream look nicer, as you did before (implying it doesn't look nice hmpf) changed a bit idk if that's what you wanted:p
  24. 05:12:313 (5) - this slider feels a bit too close from the previous circle, I know you're kinda trying to stack the sliderend with another previous circle but I don't think it's worth it lol I didn't know it was stacked on another note xD But that pattern is actually consistent with other instances of this melody, since 4 was always closer to 5 than the other notes
  25. 05:23:521 (1,2) - that slowdown feels quite out of place, I don't really see a justification for it in the song Well I wanted the player to hold the notes of the guitar w/o ignoring the 1/2 drum. Also couldn't map it like the rest since the bass guitar I've been following is missing here
  26. 05:30:032 (8,1) - I don't this is necessary, especially since you haven't been using these for the whole map (except with that slider in the solo, which is really easy to play and since it led into a slider the leniency made it much more forgiving). Introducing jumpstreams this late into the map is a bad idea, as the player was not prepared for it. It also isn't really justified by the song either. well it's the same spacing as 03:12:972 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - but I nerfed it a bit
  27. 05:33:411 (1) - the 1/6 drumroll keeps on going until the red tick here, there two 1/4 notes on the red and blue ticks, and then there is a 1/6 triplet How do you even hear that ._. I've been stuck on that for so long
  28. 05:33:741 (2) - here, which I feel you could map as circles, using the example I gave earlier, which would also make the following 1/3 stream odd number'd too. Also that stream could use some hitsounding lol Hitsounded the stream, but I kept the slider since the strong beat is after that slider, plus I can't make it really nice to read without that one slider
  29. 05:35:390 (1) - imo this section should be more emphasized than it is now, using faster sliders and using only 1/2 sliders you could make some more visually interesting patterns I felt this represented the guitar melody the best, while making the strong kicks the main focus, and so I don't think I'm chaning it :p
  30. 05:50:554 (1,2,3) - again those are 1/6, they repeat the same point I made earlier, just pointing it out in case you didn't notice them yep
  31. 05:55:829 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - yeah... remember what I said about introducting jumpstreams this late into the map? that's basically asking players to get mad at you for this lol c:
aight that's about it I think, I didn't point out every hitsounds mishaps, as I don't know if they are all intentional or not, but I believe you should go check all of them by yourself I'll go through the map again a few times anyways and fix stuff on my own ^^

Overall I'd say it is a nice map that has potential, with some more cleanup work on it you could very well get it ranked, good luck! Thanks a lot for the great mod :D
Longest mod I've ever applied ;_; all worth tho
First, indicate on map description than 1/6 are red, it could help.

[Insomniac :]
  1. Maybe do your 1/2 stacks like 00:50:060 (2,3) - a bit more visually different from spacing of your 1/4 streams.
  2. And I died so will continue tomorrow ^^'
  3. You don't have any SB so disable epilepsy warning.
  4. 02:03:412 (4,1) - Would be nice to have same spacing than rest of the stream to be coherent with rhythm all along.
  5. 02:57:477 (2,3) - The next circle is super hard to catch with the different rhythm + due to end of the reverse slider who is not on the good side, making the restart of your flow at the opposite and break totally the movement of your pattern.
  6. 03:06:214 (6,7,1) - I would rather stack them totally tbh.
  7. 03:12:972 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I kinda get your idea, but I think you should make the spacing decreasing more progressively instead of grouping by 2 your 4 notes like 03:13:302 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - .
  8. 03:41:324 (1,2) - Imo to keeping the movement from previous reverse, the 1/3 stream should go in top direction.
  9. 03:43:302 (1,2) - Spacing pls
  10. 04:02:998 (8,1) - Spacing pls²
  11. 04:19:813 (5,1) - Overlapping triggered.
  12. 04:22:368 (5,6,7,1) - Nice diffspike, clearly too different from others before.
  13. 04:52:697 (7,8) - Shouldn't be like 04:52:038 (2,3) - or at least 04:52:532 (6,7) - ?
  14. 05:33:659 (2,3) - Wut ? Is that supposed to be like that ? That's suuuper weird for a 1/3 no ?
  15. 05:57:148 - Soft hitsound pls.
  16. Also I think you should try to improve some of your stream shapes (03:55:170 (1,2,3,4,5) - / 03:35:060 (1,2,3,4,5) - for example) who could be a bit more clean.
I hope I didn't forget smth :thinking:

Topic Starter

Nozhomi wrote:

First, indicate on map description than 1/6 are red, it could help. Will do.

[Insomniac :]
  1. Maybe do your 1/2 stacks like 00:50:060 (2,3) - a bit more visually different from spacing of your 1/4 streams. Sure I'll reduce spacing to lower than any of the streams.
  2. And I died so will continue tomorrow ^^' May your soul rest in peace. Amen.
  3. You don't have any SB so disable epilepsy warning. Yup I forgot that
  4. 02:03:412 (4,1) - Would be nice to have same spacing than rest of the stream to be coherent with rhythm all along. yep
  5. 02:57:477 (2,3) - The next circle is super hard to catch with the different rhythm + due to end of the reverse slider who is not on the good side, making the restart of your flow at the opposite and break totally the movement of your pattern. Moved the entire 1/3 to the left some
  6. 03:06:214 (6,7,1) - I would rather stack them totally tbh. Wasn't sure if I should initially, since this would be the only autostack in the map, but I guess it fits
  7. 03:12:972 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I kinda get your idea, but I think you should make the spacing decreasing more progressively instead of grouping by 2 your 4 notes like 03:13:302 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - . I do believe this fits nicely though, since the guitar sound decreases in pitch a lot more suddenly than a continuous sound. Also, with the intensity of the snare in this part, it makes sense to streamjump like I did imo. And I don't quite understand what you mean by groupings of 2? unless you wanted me to decrease the spacing of the jumps in between the streams progressively, which would indeed make sense in this part EDIT: nvm I misunderstood :P fixed
  8. 03:41:324 (1,2) - Imo to keeping the movement from previous reverse, the 1/3 stream should go in top direction. I wanted to break flow here, just like I did on 03:41:653 (4) - because the pitch of the guitar shifts up by a few notes
  9. 03:43:302 (1,2) - Spacing pls fixed
  10. 04:02:998 (8,1) - Spacing pls² yeah I knew that was coming hehe, fixed
  11. 04:19:813 (5,1) - Overlapping triggered. Whoops fixed
  12. 04:22:368 (5,6,7,1) - Nice diffspike, clearly too different from others before. I guess i derped yesterday when moving that (or 2 days ago idk) fixed
  13. 04:52:697 (7,8) - Shouldn't be like 04:52:038 (2,3) - or at least 04:52:532 (6,7) - ? yep another derp, fixed
  14. 05:33:659 (2,3) - Wut ? Is that supposed to be like that ? That's suuuper weird for a 1/3 no ?yeeee it's supposed to be, as GoldenWolf pointed out, the battery does first 1/6, then a single 1/4 then into full 1/3 :P this is the most reasonable way to map I found EDIT: changed to kickslider, should be better on readability
  15. 05:57:148 - Soft hitsound pls. oke
  16. Also I think you should try to improve some of your stream shapes (03:55:170 (1,2,3,4,5) - / 03:35:060 (1,2,3,4,5) - for example) who could be a bit more clean. I like the 2 you pointed out, although the kickslider could be aligned better. I'll take another look through the map then ^^
I hope I didn't forget smth :thinking:

Thanks a lot :P

EDIT: also did some more cleanup on stacks and spacing, and noticed one of my normal 5 streams was accidentally made into a streamjump yesterday when fixing stuff
We did some more cleaning on patterns / streams.

Let's give it a try for that young mapper~
Topic Starter

Nozhomi wrote:

We did some more cleaning on patterns / streams.

Let's give it a try for that young mapper~
Thanks a lot ^.^
15:15 Haganenno: played through ur bubbled map
15:15 Haganenno: I think there are a few things you could fix
15:15 Haganenno: are you willing to pop d bubble for a few things?
15:15 lazyboy007: depends what :3
15:15 lazyboy007: I want my map to be up to good quality
15:15 lazyboy007: not just to be ranked
15:16 Haganenno: 05:44:620 (1,2) - I mistook this for 1/2
15:17 lazyboy007: yeah
15:17 lazyboy007: that part is awkward on purpose
15:17 lazyboy007: because the song is also awkward in that spot
15:17 Haganenno: but the song is not
15:17 Haganenno: it just transfers to 1/3
15:17 lazyboy007: hm
15:17 lazyboy007: 2/3
15:17 Haganenno: isnt really awkward
15:18 lazyboy007: but the sheer spacing of the jump should indicate it
15:18 lazyboy007: I haven't reached anything even close to that big in 1/2
15:18 lazyboy007: in the entire map
15:18 Haganenno: 01:15:610 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I suggest you make the first one a buzz slider so ppl would understand the concept, you could leave the others be
15:18 Haganenno: well if it was 1/2
15:18 lazyboy007: hm
15:18 Haganenno: you could argument "ye but it is the end and almost the peak of a song"
15:18 Haganenno: the player doesnt know whats comin
15:18 lazyboy007: I wrote in desc red combo's are 1/6 bursts and noz said it was perfect
15:18 lazyboy007: how should I map it otherwise
15:19 lazyboy007: if I do 1/3 kicksliders it's gonna be worse
15:19 Haganenno: anyone plays with map colours?
15:19 lazyboy007: ye
15:19 lazyboy007: I know a few who do
15:19 Haganenno: nah Im just talking about
15:19 Haganenno: 01:15:610 (1,2,3) - this for one time
15:19 lazyboy007: yeah I know ^^
15:19 lazyboy007: but I wanna keep it consistent
15:19 Haganenno: 04:10:335 (1,2,3) - mayb this also
15:20 lazyboy007: i will keep the 1/6's there as is
15:20 Haganenno: 01:33:412 (3) - would argue this should be on top of 4
15:20 lazyboy007: I don't wanna change one without changing them all
15:21 lazyboy007: 01:33:412 (3) - is the same as all the others before tho
15:21 lazyboy007: and 4 is a snare hit
15:21 lazyboy007: I don't wanna do it 0 spacing
15:21 Haganenno: idk why but this feels unintuitive to me
15:21 lazyboy007: plus the reason I stack the 2/3's like that is that 3 has a drum sound but barely any audible guitar
15:22 lazyboy007: the bass plays on it but on the same note as 2
15:22 Haganenno: like repeating the same 2xstack-hitcircle-stream feels odd in two measures in a row
15:23 Haganenno: anyway thats what Ive noticed in the editor and didnt seem like a big deal when playing
15:23 lazyboy007: well I don't see any reason from a mapping point of view to change it though
15:23 Haganenno: I think there was one more spot where it was weird cuz of spacing but 1sec
15:23 lazyboy007: sure ^^
15:23 Haganenno: jst gotta find it
15:24 Haganenno: 03:02:587 (2,3,4) - these could very well be 1/6 cuz spacing seems the same
15:25 Haganenno: 03:10:005 (1,2,3,4) - especially this, because it is also straight like all other 1/6
15:25 lazyboy007: true
15:25 lazyboy007: i'll talk it over with noz/xexxar
15:26 lazyboy007: good point actually :P
15:26 lazyboy007: I didn't think of it
15:26 Haganenno: at least thats what I felt at first playthrough
15:26 Haganenno: it did trigger me
15:27 Haganenno: well, if you have BNs by your side who could bubble anytime
15:27 Haganenno: then ye you could change it and ask for insta rebubble so ez stuff
15:27 lazyboy007: I'm relatively sure that if noz agrees with you here I can just change it and rebubble
15:27 lazyboy007: I'll ask him though
15:28 Haganenno: why the black sb screen now
15:28 lazyboy007: oh the sb got deleted
15:28 lazyboy007: it's probably a rest from my old version I sent you a few months back
15:28 lazyboy007: a rest lol
15:28 lazyboy007: that's french
15:28 lazyboy007: a residue if you will
15:29 Haganenno: 05:12:313 (5,6) - meh aesthethiccs
15:30 lazyboy007: hm maybe
15:30 lazyboy007: I find it fine as is
15:30 Haganenno: 05:30:774 (3) - is it just me or is this where the next kickslider should be
15:31 lazyboy007: nope
15:31 lazyboy007: it's actually a kickslider at the end of every guitar note
15:31 lazyboy007: 05:30:115 (1,2,3,4,5) - one note
15:31 lazyboy007: 05:30:609 (1,2,3,4,5) -
15:31 lazyboy007: 05:31:104 (1,2,3) -
15:31 lazyboy007: etc
15:31 lazyboy007: 05:32:093 (3,4) - this is different because of the snare
15:31 lazyboy007: ^^
15:32 Haganenno: why not emphasise the drums here
15:32 Haganenno: that 3 beat is hella strong
15:33 lazyboy007: remove my hitsounds :P
15:33 lazyboy007: you'll notice it's pretty weak
15:33 Haganenno: 05:50:225 (5,6,7,8,1) - this could also be mistaken for 1/6 but I guess here it would be totally the player's fault
15:33 Haganenno: I did remove hitsounds
15:33 Haganenno: its strong af
15:34 Haganenno: just as strong as these 05:31:104 (1,1) - and you give em proper emphasis
15:34 lazyboy007: not compared to the guitar imo
15:34 lazyboy007: 05:31:104 (1,1) - are the start of guitar notes
15:34 lazyboy007: which is why the get the emphasis
15:35 Haganenno: 05:30:609 (1,2,3,4) - why not this doe (ignore the placement, look at the rhythm)
15:36 lazyboy007: because it doesn't emphasize the guitar like a want it to
15:37 lazyboy007: if I wanted to focus on the drums the entire section would be triples with kicksliders
15:37 Haganenno: ok thats it
15:37 Haganenno: I will post this for free kds ok?
15:38 lazyboy007: sure thing
Can a bn deny my kudos?

Literally what I did back then was an NC mod, and not even a good one at that.
Topic Starter

F1r3tar wrote:

Can a bn deny my kudos?

Literally what I did back then was an NC mod, and not even a good one at that.
Nah you took the time to go through my map, and the fact that you didn't find much doesn't mean you don't deserve the kds imo :P
Well, it's up the GM to decide anyways ^^
Actually, gonna reply with a proper mod instead. Don't give kudos when I'm done.
grats on the bub lazyboy, you've come a long way dude!
Topic Starter

Hobbes2 wrote:

grats on the bub lazyboy, you've come a long way dude!
Thanks a bunch man :D
don't give kudos
  1. Just let auto stacking do its job instead of trying to do this inconsistent-manual stacking. Stuff like x, y, and z get really annoying.
  2. 01:55:665 (7) - Fix your structure. It isn't forming a star with the pattern.
  3. 01:59:786 (1) - The orientation of this slider creates uncomfortable movement in 01:59:456 (6,7,1). The way you had 01:58:961 (3,4,5,6,7) arranged means every jump is an acute angle. Thus, you indicated that every jump in the pattern will have sharp angle flow, but as this shows, you're creating a wide angle, which breaks that logic.

    I would recommend to stack (7) underneath (3) to fix this.
  4. 02:44:126 (2,3,4) - This is the climax from the buildup, so why use much lower spacing? Also, shouldn't you follow spacing emphasis in accordance to the guitar dropping in strength for this combo?
  5. 03:05:060 (1) - Shouldn't you use a slider instead to emphasize this instrument?
  6. 03:17:258 - I don't think you should just completely ignore this percussion sound outright. At least with the other sounds, you had a slider body passing through them to at least acknowledge those instruments.
  7. 03:21:378 (5,6) - For some reason, I find it hard to tell that this is a 1/2 gap; playfield spacing doesn't seem to make it obvious. Perhaps NC to make this more clear?
  8. 03:41:653 (4) - NC
  9. 04:01:763 (1,2) - 1/4, not 1/6
  10. 04:24:181 (1,2,3) - Increase the sv per slider. There's a quick buildup, but you're not really emphasizing it.
  11. 05:11:653 (1,2,3,4,5) - 05:12:313 (5,6,7) - 05:44:620 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Fix your structure.
  12. 05:22:862 (5,6) - Don't do this. It doesn't fit with the way you've been angling sliders in relation to each other.
Topic Starter

F1r3tar wrote:

don't give kudos
  1. Just let auto stacking do its job instead of trying to do this inconsistent-manual stacking. Stuff like x, y, and z get really annoying. I don't like auto-stacks, they don't allow me to control where movement flows (since even the almost stacked notes in my map have some kind of flow to them)
  2. 01:55:665 (7) - Fix your structure. It isn't forming a star with the pattern. It wasn't supposed to form a star either, I wanted 4 and 6 to be somewhat separate from 3 5 7 because the sounds are different (just like I do on all other 3-4-5-6-7 patterns of the section)
  3. 01:59:786 (1) - The orientation of this slider creates uncomfortable movement in 01:59:456 (6,7,1). The way you had 01:58:961 (3,4,5,6,7) arranged means every jump is an acute angle. Thus, you indicated that every jump in the pattern will have sharp angle flow, but as this shows, you're creating a wide angle, which breaks that logic. My intention is different on these patterns. Flow is decent ( But I need to differenciate 01:59:786 (1) - just like I did every time before. Take 01:53:687 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - or 01:55:005 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - where 1 always breaks the logic of the jump ^^

    I would recommend to stack (7) underneath (3) to fix this.
  4. 02:44:126 (2,3,4) - This is the climax from the buildup, so why use much lower spacing? Also, shouldn't you follow spacing emphasis in accordance to the guitar dropping in strength for this combo? Hm, I feel like tension drops at that point, since the kickdrum stops playing, and the pitch of the guitar actually drops. Doesn't feel like a climax and I won't map it like one. Also since the triples are mapped to the drums, and are already pretty low spacing, I don't find that changing spacing within the triples was worth it. It would be a very minor change, and not very noticeable either (I also don't want it to look like the 1/6 streams)
  5. 03:05:060 (1) - Shouldn't you use a slider instead to emphasize this instrument? I'm following the bass guitar so no, would break my logic.
  6. 03:17:258 - I don't think you should just completely ignore this percussion sound outright. At least with the other sounds, you had a slider body passing through them to at least acknowledge those instruments. Nah my focus on that section is on the lead guitar, I originally mapped it to the drums, but this is way more fitting imo
  7. 03:21:378 (5,6) - For some reason, I find it hard to tell that this is a 1/2 gap; playfield spacing doesn't seem to make it obvious. Perhaps NC to make this more clear? Well idk what else it could be but a 1/2 gap. I don't use streamjumps that big nor do I have any 1/1 gaps in intense sections like this. Also, it's spaced exactly like other 1/2 jumps. NC'ing it would also completely break my NC rules, so I'm keeping this as is.
  8. 03:41:653 (4) - NC If I NC this, there's a lot of NC's I'd have to change. This fits in my logic, it's not an especially strong sound, just the guitar changing pitch. 03:40:335 (5) - is the same, or this 03:57:477 (5) - and many others in the map.
  9. 04:01:763 (1,2) - 1/4, not 1/6 That's definitely 1/6
  10. 04:24:181 (1,2,3) - Increase the sv per slider. There's a quick buildup, but you're not really emphasizing it. Doesn't seem needed imo. The buildup is felt through the fact that 1 can be held, but 2 has a quick 1/4 gap at the end and 3 has an even bigged jump following it into 1/6 sliders, seems enough to me ^^
  11. 05:11:653 (1,2,3,4,5) - 05:12:313 (5,6,7) - 05:44:620 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Fix your structure. I don't want them to be perfect stars/triangles. I don't use any perfect stars in the map at all. If this was an edm or more electronic song I would, but this more organic structure is something I like in metal ^^ Also, it allows me to play with spacing more freely, which I did here in all those examples.
  12. 05:22:862 (5,6) - Don't do this. It doesn't fit with the way you've been angling sliders in relation to each other. 05:20:225 (4,5) - what about this? and a few others. It's one of the few ways I used to place my sliders in the sections and doesn't really feel out of context.
Thanks a lot for your mod and time ^^ Won't give kds then since you already got some for your NC mod from before. And yes, in the end, no changes applied.
hey nice map buddy, i just wanted to say that i don't really like the rhythm used here 05:23:521 (1,2) - maybe you can change it.
Topic Starter

Genjuro wrote:

hey nice map buddy, i just wanted to say that i don't really like the rhythm used here 05:23:521 (1,2) - maybe you can change it.
Hey thanks a lot :)

Considering the change, no this is just like I want it to be, since I was usually mapping the 5 streams to the bass guitar, but they're lacking here, so I put repeats in order for the player to hold the note during the guitar sound and for it to still play the sounds for the drums ^^
04:10:335 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -

The map is really cool though
04:10:335 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
04:10:335 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
Topic Starter
Somebody help me please! D:

00:52:698 (2,3) - Why are these sometimes so weirdly stacked? Is there a sense behind that or nah o.o Please doublecheck those
00:56:654 (4,5) - Why is the spacing here so low? In the patterns before it never was so small.
00:57:808 - Just a question here. Why exactly do you cover the strong beat with a slider here? And why is the jump not on the strong finish? As of right now, I think it would make more sense if the rhythm was like this: (I've done changes to 4 and 5 6 in this picture). If you agree, please adjust it in every following pattern which is like this too. I do feel like this makes more sense like this.
01:19:154 (2) - Nothing major but any reason for that one not being round? Kind of breaks the consistency haha - the inconsistency actually happens in quite a lot of areas, so it would be cool if you could use those slidershapes a bit more thoughtfully!
01:50:802 (2,3,4) - The blankets here look different everytime. Please make that a bit more consistent for visuals.
01:54:511 - What i'd find actually quite cool would be if you could use the sosaid slidershapes for higherpitched parts like this. You could also use them to get out of this snappy movement, whenever there is such a highpitch. How about something like this? I mean it'd need some restructure, but I believe that it could be beneficial for your map.
01:55:005 (3,4,5,6,7) - Not necessary but I could see a starpattern fitting here xD
02:17:258 (8) - AGain rather aesthetical, but how about 328 116?
02:28:796 (5,6) - 6 is quite emphasized in the song but underemphasized in the map here. Could you please raise the distance?
02:33:576 (2,4) - Obviously, not everyone has to like blankets but in this map it seems like you accidentally missed out some. Would be neat if you could add it here, nevertheless.
02:40:169 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - I suggest smoothing out these curves a bit like this. AT the moment it plays pretty flowless and weird for no real reason in the song
02:44:126 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Why did you hitsound in doubles here?
03:48:466 (3,1) - blanket
04:03:082 (1) - As i told you already in discord, that slider is done pretty sloppily. I can't really do it well too now, so we'll do that later (unless you can fix it by yourself already)
04:05:829 (1) - If any issues from above repeat, please fix them up
05:27:642 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - Similar to above, I think you should work on the flow here. Siimply by putting the second stream to another spot will already help a lot (consult screen from above, it's similar)
05:35:719 (2) - Use the same shape as 05:35:390 (1) - ? (you did it too 05:36:379 (1,2) - )

Alright, so that's it for the mod now. Even though this is bubbled, I don't think that some more mods would hurt, as sometimes simply some polishing of the map is missing (main concern of the mod). Rhythm was fine more or less, placement too, but sometimes it looked yet a bit sloppy. So if you could work on that first, that'd be great!

I'll pop the bubble for now, but if I see improvement we'll call the bubbler to rebubble (if he's still willing to) and then I will do a recheck.

Until then~

Irreversible wrote:

00:52:698 (2,3) - Why are these sometimes so weirdly stacked? Is there a sense behind that or nah o.o Please doublecheck those
I asked the same thing too.

lazyboy007 wrote:

I don't like auto-stacks, they don't allow me to control where movement flows (since even the almost stacked notes in my map have some kind of flow to them)
Ah I see, alrighto
Topic Starter
Gonna complete the reply when back from work this evening :P

Irreversible wrote:


00:52:698 (2,3) - Why are these sometimes so weirdly stacked? Is there a sense behind that or nah o.o Please doublecheck those ayy as f1r3tar said above, tho I must admit it's one of my most contested patterns in the map
00:56:654 (4,5) - Why is the spacing here so low? In the patterns before it never was so small. Uh no clue why I did that, fixed
00:57:808 - Just a question here. Why exactly do you cover the strong beat with a slider here? And why is the jump not on the strong finish? As of right now, I think it would make more sense if the rhythm was like this: (I've done changes to 4 and 5 6 in this picture). If you agree, please adjust it in every following pattern which is like this too. I do feel like this makes more sense like this. True I've even done that for all the streams in the solo, redid the stream entirely
01:19:154 (2) - Nothing major but any reason for that one not being round? Kind of breaks the consistency haha - the inconsistency actually happens in quite a lot of areas, so it would be cool if you could use those slidershapes a bit more thoughtfully! uh nope no reason indeed :P I used some of those in the higher pitch part because it looks like it'd fit higher intensity but doesn't fit here
01:50:802 (2,3,4) - The blankets here look different everytime. Please make that a bit more consistent for visuals. I don't quite get what you mean here, they're all blanketted ar 2x spacing
01:54:511 - What i'd find actually quite cool would be if you could use the sosaid slidershapes for higherpitched parts like this. You could also use them to get out of this snappy movement, whenever there is such a highpitch. How about something like this? I mean it'd need some restructure, but I believe that it could be beneficial for your map. I don't want to have linear flow in those parts but I could replace all the rounded sliders with the red anchor ones, would probably make more sense indeed
01:55:005 (3,4,5,6,7) - Not necessary but I could see a starpattern fitting here xD I have actually intentionally refrained from using any geometrical patterns as those feel more fitting for edm while metal feels nicer with wild organic patterns :3
02:17:258 (8) - AGain rather aesthetical, but how about 328 116? ye looks nicer
02:28:796 (5,6) - 6 is quite emphasized in the song but underemphasized in the map here. Could you please raise the distance? Hm I feel the lower spacing here is justified as pitch goes much lower and even the next note has higher pitch
02:33:576 (2,4) - Obviously, not everyone has to like blankets but in this map it seems like you accidentally missed out some. Would be neat if you could add it here, nevertheless. Definitely
02:40:169 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - I suggest smoothing out these curves a bit like this. AT the moment it plays pretty flowless and weird for no real reason in the song Fixed :3
02:44:126 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Why did you hitsound in doubles here? I'm decently sure these are doubles. Might be wrong :P
03:48:466 (3,1) - blanket Smoothed out I hope
04:03:082 (1) - As i told you already in discord, that slider is done pretty sloppily. I can't really do it well too now, so we'll do that later (unless you can fix it by yourself already) ye I'll try but tbh, I don't quite know how to improve it x)
04:05:829 (1) - If any issues from above repeat, please fix them up Donezo!
05:27:642 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - Similar to above, I think you should work on the flow here. Siimply by putting the second stream to another spot will already help a lot (consult screen from above, it's similar) Fixed! flow on the jump afterwards might be awkward now though, I'll try and mess around
05:35:719 (2) - Use the same shape as 05:35:390 (1) - ? (you did it too 05:36:379 (1,2) - ) Redid the shapes, they didn't make much sense before tbh

Alright, so that's it for the mod now. Even though this is bubbled, I don't think that some more mods would hurt, as sometimes simply some polishing of the map is missing (main concern of the mod). Rhythm was fine more or less, placement too, but sometimes it looked yet a bit sloppy. So if you could work on that first, that'd be great! Sure thing!

I'll pop the bubble for now, but if I see improvement we'll call the bubbler to rebubble (if he's still willing to) and then I will do a recheck. Aight thanks a lot :D

Until then~
hi i was forced to post this dont kd you dont need sp anymore :v
box with aes in it
21:43 Arutsuki: so let's get all formal now 
21:43 lazyboy007: *ahem*
21:43 Arutsuki: jk
21:45 Arutsuki: mind that
21:45 Arutsuki: a lot of these will prolly look ugly to you
21:45 lazyboy007: do say it
21:45 lazyboy007: any feedback is welcome
21:45 Arutsuki: 00:51:874 (1,2,3) -
21:45 Arutsuki: something like this would look better
21:46 lazyboy007: oh
21:46 Arutsuki: when the slidertail of the first is in the middle of the second
21:46 lazyboy007: I could've done that
21:46 Arutsuki: 00:54:511 (1,2,3) - if you're gonna blanket do it properly :v
21:46 Arutsuki: also keeping the same shape for the same section wouldn't hurt
21:46 lazyboy007: not supposed to be blanketted
21:46 lazyboy007: I'm alternating between the shapes
21:47 lazyboy007: or
21:47 lazyboy007: i was
21:47 lazyboy007: I'm not anymore
21:47 lazyboy007: hm
21:47 lazyboy007: will put straights
21:47 Arutsuki: yea there was potential for alternating but it ended up on only one of the ocassions
21:47 lazyboy007: yep
21:47 Arutsuki: same as above goes for all the straight sliders with the sliderend middle
21:48 Arutsuki: 01:10:994 (1,3) - why not blanket these for the sake of the pattern?
21:49 Arutsuki: and with all the 3/4s the shapes feel kinda random
21:49 Arutsuki: they do alternate but not consistently enough for it to make sense
21:49 lazyboy007: 3/4?
21:50 Arutsuki: this is 3/4 rhythm unless i'm completely retarded and i remember it wrong
21:50 lazyboy007: oh
21:50 lazyboy007: it is
21:51 lazyboy007: the sliders are 1/2's tho
21:51 Arutsuki: the shapes are a really personal thing tho at least you're keeping the same visual distance
21:52 Arutsuki: 01:34:071 (1,3) - same as the sliders at the beginning
21:52 lazyboy007: oh and
21:52 lazyboy007: the round ones on the lower pitch
21:53 lazyboy007: and angled on higher pitcj
21:53 lazyboy007: also I'm not changing the alignment as you showed it
21:53 lazyboy007: due to the way I want it to flow
21:53 lazyboy007: 01:34:071 (1,3) - on these
21:53 lazyboy007: and all others :P
21:53 lazyboy007: I do change all to straights tho
21:54 lazyboy007: your other points are all good so far
21:54 Arutsuki: I think it would flow the same either way :v
21:54 lazyboy007: hm not quite
21:55 lazyboy007: I either have to change the 1/4's spacing
21:55 lazyboy007: or remove the linear from 2-3
21:55 Arutsuki: not visuals but why not bigger spacing on 01:42:314 (6,7,8) -
21:55 Arutsuki: you could just change the overlap's angle
21:55 lazyboy007: 1/3's are all same spacing outside of the solo for reading
21:55 lazyboy007: basically
21:56 Arutsuki: 02:13:878 (4,1) - this kinda overlap does look good on mini jumpstreams but
21:57 Arutsuki: 02:14:208 (4,1) - this is like
21:57 Arutsuki: a weird line between spaced and not spaced
21:57 Arutsuki: 02:14:538 (4,1) -
21:57 Arutsuki: same here
21:57 lazyboy007: hm
21:58 lazyboy007: I like that stream's shape
21:58 lazyboy007: and those spacings are used a lot
21:58 Arutsuki: the shape is fine I just don't like when it's like half overlapped and half spaced
21:58 Arutsuki: just makes it seem untidy
21:59 lazyboy007: eeh I don't feel the same about that
21:59 lazyboy007: i like the almost spaced
21:59 Arutsuki: 02:16:269 (1) - even it out?
21:59 lazyboy007: nah
21:59 lazyboy007: I like that
21:59 lazyboy007: ;3
22:00 lazyboy007: also I'm about to eat so I might interrupt
22:00 lazyboy007: I'll tell ya
22:00 Arutsuki: sure
22:00 Arutsuki: also
22:01 Arutsuki: 02:17:752 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - this flows terribly
22:01 Arutsuki: both visually and gameplay wise
22:01 lazyboy007: ye
22:01 lazyboy007: I'll fix that
22:01 Arutsuki: 02:19:071 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - this for example is way better
22:03 lazyboy007: ye
22:04 Arutsuki: maybe instead of 02:22:203 (1,2,3,4,1) - you could just ctrl+h the previous one
22:05 Arutsuki: could move 02:25:994 (3) - a bit up and 02:26:159 (4) - a bit up so it flows better
22:05 Arutsuki: and makes the visual spacing between 02:26:159 (4,5) - look more spaced which it kinda deserves at this part of the song
22:06 lazyboy007: hm doesn't look nice on 2:22:203
22:06 lazyboy007: hm
22:07 lazyboy007: I don't think that'd be better
22:07 Arutsuki: the slider visual spacing goes for the whole kiai pretty much
22:07 lazyboy007: the spacing is consistent
22:07 Arutsuki: 02:40:169 (2,3,4,5,6) - I don't like these shapes idk why
22:07 lazyboy007: the sliders aren't on the loudest/highest pitch sounds tho
22:08 lazyboy007: that one's fine tho
22:08 Arutsuki: just something about them :v
22:08 Arutsuki: yeah I just meant the overal intensity of the kiais
22:08 lazyboy007: eh
22:08 lazyboy007: the solo is the real intense part
22:08 lazyboy007: the rest of the song's intensity isn't very variable
22:09 lazyboy007: like
22:09 lazyboy007: the intro isn't much less intense than the kiai
22:10 Arutsuki: 04:02:998 (8,1) - this does deserve the space tho :<
22:11 lazyboy007: many asked to reduce spacing
22:11 lazyboy007: so I did
22:13 Arutsuki: 05:08:357 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - reversed spacing emphasis LUL
22:14 lazyboy007: or rather
22:14 lazyboy007: drum emphasis
22:14 lazyboy007: lol
22:14 lazyboy007: 05:07:697 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - has drums
22:14 lazyboy007: 05:08:357 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - only has toms
22:15 Arutsuki: 05:33:576 (2,3) - maybe keep this the same distance as 05:32:752 (1,2,1,2) -
22:16 lazyboy007: I want it slightly more spaced since it's not the same rhythm
22:17 Arutsuki: 05:33:411 (1,2) - are different rhythm from 05:32:752 (1,2) - as well tho :thonk:
22:18 lazyboy007: spacing between 1 and 2 is a 1/6
22:18 lazyboy007: between 2 and 3 is a 1/4
22:18 lazyboy007: :3
22:18 lazyboy007: spacing between objects determines the spacing
22:18 Arutsuki: alright that's all I can say
22:19 lazyboy007: aight
22:19 lazyboy007: thanks a lot :D
22:19 lazyboy007: post on the forums pl0x
22:19 Arutsuki: all that isnt repeating the same thing over
22:19 lazyboy007: ye everything you said I applied over
00:54:703 (2,3) -
Topic Starter

Stoof wrote:

00:54:703 (2,3) -

EDIT: Fixed, thanks :3
Nao Tomori
as requested


00:58:797 (1,2,3) - to me this kind of thing looks a bit odd as other streams lead into the curve of the slider and this one goes other way

01:15:610 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - not aes but i think making this 2 bursts would actually be better, more comfortable to play

01:41:324 (1) - shouldnt these be red too cuz not 1/4

01:45:939 (4,5,6) - this visual spacing can be improved by equalizing 5-6 and 4-6

01:51:874 (1,2,3) - same kinda deal here

02:09:181 - weird not to do something on this finish - kicksliders might work better

02:18:247 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - the visual spacing of 5 looks a bit meh, you could put it in the middle of the blanket instead?
obviously the mtion would be different but it might look better >.>

02:18:906 (1,2,3) - also moving 1 down a bit might look nicer so it leads into the burst better

02:26:488 (5,2,3) - equal spacing ?

02:28:796 (5,6,7) - equal spacing, also making 5 go the other direction like might look better so the follow points lead into the curve

02:39:346 (5,6) - not aes but i feel like ctrl g on 5 (and subsequently 6) would be a nicer pattern since 5 looks really underspaced atm

02:47:401 - personal preference but there were cute 1/3 pianos you could randomly switch to to fuck people up

02:56:406 (4,1) - and 02:56:735 (4,1) - are basically the same thing but the transition angle is very different, the 1st one has a sharp anle change 2nd one doesn't, kinda weird.

03:18:906 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - this should definitely be 1/3? following the guitar

03:23:521 (1,2,3,4) - looks kinda weird cuz the follow points don't go into the curve

03:24:428 (4,5,6) - this sharp angle seems a bit unsupported by the song imo

03:44:071 (2,3) - ddude these 2 finishes on slider ends lmao

04:18:576 (6,1) - seems like 1 is a bit underspaced

04:19:813 (5,6,1) - omg visual spacing plz

anyway out of time but this is basically same few issues: sliders randomly have uneven visual spacing sometimes and follow points not really leading into streams. pm me if you have any questions!
Topic Starter

Naotoshi wrote:

as requested


00:58:797 (1,2,3) - to me this kind of thing looks a bit odd as other streams lead into the curve of the slider and this one goes other way Tru fixed

01:15:610 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - not aes but i think making this 2 bursts would actually be better, more comfortable to play It was 2 bursts originally and was actually a lot more painful hehe, I like the slider leniency on this.

01:41:324 (1) - shouldnt these be red too cuz not 1/4 Hm I only marked 1/6 with red, 1/3 are readable through spacing ^^

01:45:939 (4,5,6) - this visual spacing can be improved by equalizing 5-6 and 4-6 Blanketting 5 to 4 works too

01:51:874 (1,2,3) - same kinda deal here Yep, did the same thing

02:09:181 - weird not to do something on this finish - kicksliders might work better I find them weak enough in the song to actually ignore, but my hitsounds do make it stand out more. May come back on this tho

02:18:247 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - the visual spacing of 5 looks a bit meh, you could put it in the middle of the blanket instead?
obviously the mtion would be different but it might look better >.>

02:18:906 (1,2,3) - also moving 1 down a bit might look nicer so it leads into the burst better Fixed both the above at once (hopefully)

02:26:488 (5,2,3) - equal spacing ? ye

02:28:796 (5,6,7) - equal spacing, also making 5 go the other direction like might look better so the follow points lead into the curve Ya does look and play better

02:39:346 (5,6) - not aes but i feel like ctrl g on 5 (and subsequently 6) would be a nicer pattern since 5 looks really underspaced atm I do find it good to have 5 on lower spacing as the pitch is much lower than previous notes ^^ Will keep in mind might apply later anyways

02:47:401 - personal preference but there were cute 1/3 pianos you could randomly switch to to fuck people up I don't think I wanna trip up players even more xD

02:56:406 (4,1) - and 02:56:735 (4,1) - are basically the same thing but the transition angle is very different, the 1st one has a sharp anle change 2nd one doesn't, kinda weird. True but in both cases it flows well so idk if it's really major. Also, upon closer listeningification you can notice second snare is much weaker than the first.

03:18:906 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - this should definitely be 1/3? following the guitar Always been a major point of hesitation for me :/ there's both 1/3 and 1/4's playing there

03:23:521 (1,2,3,4) - looks kinda weird cuz the follow points don't go into the curve moved some stuff

03:24:428 (4,5,6) - this sharp angle seems a bit unsupported by the song imo 03:24:510 (5,5) - both notes here have a dip in pitch, hence the sharp angle

03:44:071 (2,3) - ddude these 2 finishes on slider ends lmao Hard descision to take but guitar > finishes, didn't want a radom 2+2 streamjump either :P

04:18:576 (6,1) - seems like 1 is a bit underspaced Fixed

04:19:813 (5,6,1) - omg visual spacing plz Visual spacing is but a figment of your imagination :^) Fixed

anyway out of time but this is basically same few issues: sliders randomly have uneven visual spacing sometimes and follow points not really leading into streams. pm me if you have any questions! Gonna take another look this weekend
Thanks a lot!

  • [Insomniac]
  1. 00:54:511 (1,3) - i think it should be straight sliders since you use mostly straight sliders at the beginning. 00:58:137 (5) - and here too but also because 1/4 sliders with curves looks strange. this applies to all same sliders so just keep it in mind while you go through the map
  2. 01:15:993 (5,6,7) - it's minor but for me (7) stands out too much because of that little difference in spacings
  3. 01:16:269 (1) - should be a slider with curve, i suppose. because you use it in a previous similar part
  4. 01:35:885 (2,3) - that looks different from other stacks you did in that way or it's just me
  5. 01:40:939 (3,4) - strange spacing but i can assume that you did it for a sake of emphasis (you can check all similar patterns on spacing problems because i don't want to spam with it)
  6. 01:49:236 (1) - if you accepted my previous point about slider with curve - you can change it here as well (and in next part too)
  7. 01:58:191 (5,6,7) - there's some really strange differences in spacing
  8. 02:30:115 (6,1) - 04:32:587 (2,4) - 04:58:961 (3,5) - broken stacks, there's some other so don't forget to check all your stacks. you may ignore it if it's just a problem with my monitor
  9. 02:47:258 (9) - wha, i dunno but something like that looks better
  10. 02:58:357 (8,2) - pain
  11. 03:18:906 (1) - straight slider would be better
  12. 03:41:983 - follow points in streams in that part not really attractive, you can change some spacing manually to remove them or do nothing, it's up to you anyway
Topic Starter

tokiko wrote:


  • [Insomniac]
  1. 00:54:511 (1,3) - i think it should be straight sliders since you use mostly straight sliders at the beginning. But that has been changed from aru's mod :P 00:58:137 (5) - and here too but also because 1/4 sliders with curves looks strange. this applies to all same sliders so just keep it in mind while you go through the map I use some curved kicks works well imo in the flowy streams 03:31:428 - f.ex.
  2. 01:15:993 (5,6,7) - it's minor but for me (7) stands out too much because of that little difference in spacings Fixed
  3. 01:16:269 (1) - should be a slider with curve, i suppose. because you use it in a previous similar part Fixed
  4. 01:35:885 (2,3) - that looks different from other stacks you did in that way or it's just me Nah same snapping
  5. 01:40:939 (3,4) - strange spacing but i can assume that you did it for a sake of emphasis (you can check all similar patterns on spacing problems because i don't want to spam with it) How do you even see that. Nah that's not on purpose :P Fixed
  6. 01:49:236 (1) - if you accepted my previous point about slider with curve - you can change it here as well (and in next part too) I'm guessing you meant 01:47:912 (1) - and I'm fixing
  7. 01:58:191 (5,6,7) - there's some really strange differences in spacing Again how? xD Thanks and fixed
  8. 02:30:115 (6,1) - 04:32:587 (2,4) - 04:58:961 (3,5) - broken stacks, there's some other so don't forget to check all your stacks. you may ignore it if it's just a problem with my monitor ye none are broken on my side,
    probably just res stuff ^^
  9. 02:47:258 (9) - wha, i dunno but something like that looks better Tru
  10. 02:58:357 (8,2) - pain 05:34:285 (3,5) - such horrible pain :3
  11. 03:18:906 (1) - straight slider would be better Indeed
  12. 03:41:983 - follow points in streams in that part not really attractive, you can change some spacing manually to remove them or do nothing, it's up to you anyway Nah won't change spacing because of followpoints,
    I'm stronger than they are! (tbh not needed, I want it to be more spaced than the other 1/3's)
Thanks! Useful stuff ^^
Just a side note about the tags:

This is not Yumemi Okazaki's theme. It is Kana Anaberal's one.
Both character's come from the same game "東方夢時空 ~ The Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream", but have different themes. Okazaki's theme is
"Strawberry Crisis!!" ... .27s_theme
Topic Starter

OnosakiHito wrote:

Just a side note about the tags:

This is not Yumemi Okazaki's theme. It is Kana Anaberal's one.
Both character's come from the same game "東方夢時空 ~ The Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream", but have different themes. Okazaki's theme is
"Strawberry Crisis!!" ... .27s_theme
Oh right gonna fix when I'm not at work :p Thanks! (Do I kd or not)
Don't have to kd for this.
Topic Starter

OnosakiHito wrote:

Don't have to kd for this.
Ok :)
23:03 Realazy: d
23:04 lazyboy007: e
23:04 Realazy: à vue d'oeil c'est pas vraiment récurrent les overlaps dans ta map mais
23:04 Realazy: 00:50:550 (5,6,7,8,1,4) - ça me ddddddddddd
23:05 lazyboy007: y'en a qqsuns je sais
23:05 lazyboy007: ah
23:05 lazyboy007: j'avais pas vu
23:05 Realazy: tu map avec les hit animations?
23:05 lazyboy007: fix
23:05 lazyboy007: ye
23:05 lazyboy007: uh
23:05 lazyboy007: enfin
23:05 lazyboy007: avec les cercles blancs qui restent
23:05 Realazy: les stacks manuels jsp si c'est une bonne idée parce que tu m'as l'air un peu inconsistent avec
23:05 lazyboy007: mais je fais que ca récemment
23:05 lazyboy007: les stacks manuels j'y touche pas ils ont tous leur flow c.
23:06 lazyboy007: c:*
23:06 Realazy: enfin je vois pas ce qu'ils représentent
23:06 Realazy: a
23:06 lazyboy007: c'est ce que j'aime
23:06 Realazy: okthen
23:06 lazyboy007: ^^
23:06 lazyboy007: aussi la raison du stack c'est que la 2eme note est une basse sans mélodie de la guitare
23:06 lazyboy007: donc je stack
23:06 Realazy: ah c'est pas le fait d'être stacké qui me dérange
23:06 Realazy: c'est le stack manuel
23:06 lazyboy007: pour saccader le mouvement sur la note sans melodie
23:06 Realazy: au lieu de stack auto
23:06 lazyboy007: ouais
23:07 lazyboy007: le manuel c'est pour avoir un peu de flow
23:07 lazyboy007: visuel
23:07 lazyboy007: je déteste les autostacks c:
23:07 Realazy: sinon j'ai pas l'impression de voir une grosse structure dans les angles vers tes quintuplets
23:07 Realazy: enfin jveux dire
23:07 Realazy: les angles changent bcp
23:08 lazyboy007: quintuplets?
23:08 Realazy: ya
23:08 Realazy: 00:51:374 (4,5) - vs 00:53:022 (4,5) -
23:08 Realazy: vs 00:54:011 (4,5) -
23:08 Realazy: enfin j'imagine que c'est pour de la variété mais
23:08 Realazy: ça a plus l'air random qu'autre chose :/
23:08 lazyboy007: bah en fait
23:09 lazyboy007: c'est probablement parce que c'est random plus qu'autre chose
23:09 lazyboy007: :thonk:
23:09 Realazy: a
23:09 lazyboy007: c'est plus consistent après
23:09 lazyboy007: xD
23:09 Realazy: 00:58:297 (1,2,3,4,5) - jvois ce que tu veux faire là
23:09 Realazy: mais ça fait une courbe vraiment chelou avec le slider
23:09 Realazy: donc ça serait bien de faire une courbe un peu plus lisse imo
23:10 Realazy: genre
23:10 Realazy: brb
23:11 lazyboy007: ouais mais ca lead mal vers le suivant
23:12 Realazy: mm sinon tu peux changer la courbe du stream
23:12 Realazy: enfin
23:12 Realazy: je vois ce que tu veux dire jdis juste que c'est un peu maladroit
23:12 lazyboy007: ouais
23:13 lazyboy007: pas tout a fait la meme courbe je sais
23:13 Realazy: parce que si on prend ton raisonnement
23:13 Realazy: 00:59:451 (5,1) - ça lead pas super bien visuellement
23:13 lazyboy007: le 5 est pointé vers le haut mais
23:13 lazyboy007: y'a une raison pour laquelle je break le flow la
23:14 lazyboy007: le dernier stream a des différences sonores
23:15 Realazy: ouais mais
23:15 Realazy: pas sur 00:59:616 (1,2,3) - si?
23:15 lazyboy007: hm j'ai plus considéré le stream en entier qui est plus remplie de snares et de crash
23:16 lazyboy007: mais ouais 1,2 non
23:16 lazyboy007: 3 si
23:16 Realazy: oui j'ai sélectionné le 3 par reflèxe
23:16 Realazy: à ce moment là ça pourrait être sympa de NC 3 pour montrer la différence?
23:16 lazyboy007: bah je peux lower ca coute rien
23:16 lazyboy007: je ne NC rien ca va ruiner tous mes combos rouges xD
23:16 lazyboy007: aled
23:16 Realazy: a
23:16 Realazy: aled
23:17 lazyboy007: après je pense pas trop que ce soit nécessaire de le NC
23:17 Realazy: pas faux
23:17 Realazy: je suis pas top player mais 01:00:275 (9,1,2) -
23:17 Realazy: c'est pas un peu chaud à snap?
23:17 lazyboy007: je fix ca tout juste c:
23:18 Realazy: 01:02:088 (5,6,7,8,1) - jsais que tu veux blanket mais ça ruine pas un peu la consistance avec les quintuplets qui sont toujours en ligne?
23:18 lazyboy007: ils ne le sont pas toujours mais c'est le premier en effet
23:19 lazyboy007: il y avait une raison je sais plus laquelle
23:19 lazyboy007: bon je rends linéaire
23:19 Realazy: xD
23:19 lazyboy007: aucune raison de pas le faire
23:19 Realazy: 01:05:055 (1,2,3) - pas de combo rouge?
23:20 Realazy: quoique
23:20 Realazy: mmmm
23:20 Realazy: sliders 1/6 mais rythme 1/4
23:20 Realazy: d
23:20 lazyboy007: nah les sliders non
23:20 lazyboy007: comme tu dois pas snap du 1/6 manuellement
23:20 Realazy: ouais je viens de remarquer
23:20 Realazy: 01:06:209 (4,5) - le spacing est assez bas non?
23:21 lazyboy007: fix
23:21 Realazy: 01:07:198 (4,5,6,7,8) - courbe + flow visuel plutôt meh
23:21 Realazy: même si ça se joue normalement le visuel indique pas ça
23:21 lazyboy007: fix
23:22 Realazy: 01:08:846 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - j'aime bcp
23:22 lazyboy007: merci :3
23:23 Realazy: 01:12:967 (4,5,6) - t'aurais pu faire un triangle parfait xD
23:23 Realazy: 01:13:297 (6) - déplace le à 238 232 si tu veux un triangle parfait
23:24 lazyboy007: screw triangle
23:24 lazyboy007: sache juste
23:24 lazyboy007: je fais exprès de pas faire de géometrie en metal
23:24 Realazy: a
23:24 lazyboy007: je veux un peux de sauvagerie
23:24 lazyboy007: :3
23:24 Realazy: mm c'est un choix
23:24 lazyboy007: dans mon edm je fais bcp de 60° et de polygones
23:24 lazyboy007: c'est voulu
23:24 lazyboy007: ^^
23:25 lazyboy007: de meme que les quasi étoiles
23:27 Realazy: 01:39:340 (1,2,3) - j'ai mal à mon flow
23:27 Realazy: :^)
23:27 lazyboy007: j'ai mal au mien
23:27 lazyboy007: pq lazy
23:27 Realazy: :^)
23:28 lazyboy007: en vrai
23:28 lazyboy007: avec les 2 crash
23:28 lazyboy007: ca peux passer
23:28 lazyboy007: lul
23:28 lazyboy007: fix
23:29 Realazy: 01:44:781 (5,7) - vs 01:44:616 (4,6) -
23:29 Realazy: j'ai mal à mon visual spacing
23:29 lazyboy007: vas voir le médecin
23:29 lazyboy007: jsp te guérir
23:30 Realazy: :^)
23:30 Realazy: alors on sait pas faire un visual spacing égal? ? ? ?
23:30 lazyboy007: cette map a plus d'un an
23:30 lazyboy007: xD
23:30 Realazy: :^)
23:30 lazyboy007: surtout la first part
23:30 lazyboy007: lol
23:31 Realazy: 01:53:434 (2,3,4) - c'est,,,,,,,,,, très linéaire ça
23:31 lazyboy007: ui
23:31 lazyboy007: les parts avec angles aigus utilisent du counter flow
23:31 lazyboy007: sur les sliders
23:31 lazyboy007: parce que intensity
23:32 Realazy: oui mais
23:32 Realazy: 02:00:028 (2,3,4) - c'est pas un angle aigu ça
23:33 Realazy: 02:03:627 (1) - et là je me pose la question
23:33 Realazy: pourquoi ce NC quand c'est du 1/3 et ça pourrait fit avec l'autre combo?
23:34 lazyboy007: je ne red combo que le 1/6
23:34 lazyboy007: le 1/3 est lisible par spacing et parce qu'il est précéde de repeats/kicksliders
23:34 Realazy: bah imo ça change pas grand chose de 01:41:319 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
23:34 lazyboy007: et dans ce cas aussi pour le début de stream
23:34 lazyboy007: simplement
23:34 Realazy: qui est en un seul combo
23:34 Realazy: enfin
23:35 Realazy: au moins 02:03:407 (4) - aurait pu être dans le même combo imo
23:35 Realazy: je trouve ça un peu bizarre de mettre un NC à cet endroit en particulier
23:35 lazyboy007: ue y'a quand meme une différence niveau son
23:35 lazyboy007: comme le 01:41:319 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - est le meme son qui change de notes
23:35 Realazy: 02:05:385 (9,3,4,5,6,7,8) - :japanese_goblin:
23:36 lazyboy007: 02:03:627 (1) - ici le son de guitarre allongé s'arrête
23:36 lazyboy007: meme pas visible en meme temps wesh
23:36 Realazy: en fait ça se tient pas qu'à ce combo mais
23:36 lazyboy007: abaissé de 5px
23:36 Realazy: plutôt cette part en entier
23:37 Realazy: a l'air plutôt trop resserrée sur le centre de l'écran
23:37 lazyboy007: ouais bah
23:37 Realazy: si tu vois ce que je veux dire
23:37 lazyboy007: tant pis
23:37 lazyboy007: :c
23:37 lazyboy007: oui
23:37 Realazy: 02:09:175 (7,11) - pas de kicksliders pour l'emphase?
23:37 lazyboy007: c'est une gimmick kappa
23:37 lazyboy007: et puis quand on change de section hep 02:14:945 (1) -
23:37 lazyboy007: bord de l'écran
23:37 lazyboy007: nao m'a dit la meme mais
23:37 Realazy: :thonk:
23:38 lazyboy007: enlève le hs et dis moi quels son sont a hl
23:38 lazyboy007: :p
23:38 lazyboy007: imo la guitare est plus imposante
23:38 Realazy: bah au moins 02:09:176 (7) - peut être un kickslider non?
23:38 Realazy: jveux dire
23:39 Realazy: enfin perso j'entends la lead guitar qu'à partir de 02:09:340 (9) -
23:39 Realazy: donc ça peut être un moyen d'emphase aussi
23:39 lazyboy007: si je mets un kickslider la je dois sur le 11
23:39 lazyboy007: c'est la le soucis
23:39 lazyboy007: :/
23:39 lazyboy007: et ca je veux pas
23:39 Realazy: bah pas forcément
23:39 Realazy: tu peux justifier ça en voulant mettre de l'emphase sur la lead guitar
23:40 lazyboy007: eeeh j'aime pas du tout
23:40 lazyboy007: tbh
23:40 Realazy: okay
23:40 Realazy: 02:14:533 (4,1) - ça me titille vraiment ce genre de presque overlap :^)
23:40 lazyboy007: ui bah
23:40 lazyboy007: il reste :|
23:40 lazyboy007: spacing progressif
23:41 Realazy: ui ou alors
23:41 Realazy: tu les overlap pas
23:41 Realazy: :D
23:41 lazyboy007: si
23:41 lazyboy007: :v
23:41 lazyboy007: dans le stream ca me dérange pas
23:41 lazyboy007: lul
23:41 lazyboy007: en dehors d'un jumpstream comme ca ca m'embêterait aussi
23:41 lazyboy007: ici j'aime bien je trouve ca fit
23:41 Realazy: j'aurais tenté D:
23:42 Realazy: 02:14:862 (4,1) - et ça aussi?
23:42 Realazy: ça tu pourrais plus le space pour l'emphase
23:42 Realazy: !
23:42 Realazy: !!!
23:42 lazyboy007: ye
23:42 lazyboy007: nan
23:42 lazyboy007: ye
23:43 lazyboy007: bon ok
23:43 Realazy: :D
23:44 Realazy: 02:17:253 (8,9) - le pitch descend oué
23:44 Realazy: mais ça fait pas un peu overkill comme contraste?
23:45 lazyboy007: ou?
23:45 lazyboy007: le stream?
23:45 Realazy: nan
23:45 Realazy: le spacing
23:45 Realazy: de 8/9
23:45 Realazy: comparé à 7/8
23:45 lazyboy007: eh?
23:45 Realazy: [ :japanese_goblin:]
23:46 Realazy: ah et ekoro est d'accord avec moi pour le bg :^)
23:46 lazyboy007: j'ai aucune idée quelle notes tu as sélectionnées
23:46 lazyboy007: ._.
23:46 Realazy: 02:17:253 (8,9) -
23:46 Realazy: mon msg s'est pas envoyé?
23:46 lazyboy007: oh
23:47 lazyboy007: apparemment non
23:47 lazyboy007: irre m'a dit de move ca la lul
23:47 lazyboy007: ou nao
23:47 lazyboy007: jsplus
23:47 Realazy: a
23:47 Realazy: soit
23:47 lazyboy007: et puis la diminution de spacing se vaut
23:47 lazyboy007: mais un peu extrême ouais
23:47 Realazy: 02:29:286 (7,1,2) - linear spacing! !!! !
23:48 Realazy: euh flow*
23:48 lazyboy007: fix
23:48 lazyboy007: ouais j'ai pigé
23:49 Realazy: 02:28:791 (5,6) - que nous vaut ce spacing aussi bas?
23:49 lazyboy007: un joli stack
23:49 lazyboy007: lul
23:49 Realazy: a
23:49 lazyboy007: et la diminution de pitch
23:50 Realazy: 02:35:385 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
23:50 Realazy: le spacing tellement bas!!!!!
23:50 lazyboy007: genre le 6 a le pitch quasi le plus bas de la musique
23:50 lazyboy007: ui
23:50 Realazy: tu mets plein d'emphasis sur les snares
23:50 Realazy: et quand c'est un roll 1/4 dessus
23:51 lazyboy007: écoute les notes de guitare wesh
23:51 lazyboy007: c'est ca qui détermine le spacing dans toute la map
23:51 Realazy: oui bah
23:51 lazyboy007: :P
23:51 Realazy: la guitare reste intense là
23:51 Realazy: quand même
23:52 Realazy: genre je vois pas pourquoi le spacing est aussi bas
23:52 Realazy: t'as la crash
23:52 Realazy: le son de guitare
23:52 Realazy: les snares
23:52 lazyboy007: la guitare?
23:52 lazyboy007: elle meurt quasi
23:52 lazyboy007: :p
23:52 Realazy: :thonk:
23:52 lazyboy007: c'est d'ailleurs pq 05:18:901 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - a un plus gros spacing
23:53 Realazy: 02:59:011 (6,7) - omoide kakera?
23:54 lazyboy007: plus de place
23:54 lazyboy007: xD
23:54 lazyboy007: et le jump est justifiable
23:54 Realazy: c'est pas le jump le problème
23:54 Realazy: c'est le changement de direction sur un tick violet
23:54 Realazy: - _ -
23:54 lazyboy007: pour jump sur un bland ouais
23:54 lazyboy007: ca passe
23:54 lazyboy007: :p
23:54 lazyboy007: a la streamjump
23:55 Realazy: :japanese_goblin:
23:55 lazyboy007: :japanese_TARACE:
23:55 lazyboy007: :^)
23:56 Realazy: 03:24:505 (5,6,7,8,1) -
23:56 Realazy: quelle est ton excuse now???????????????
23:56 lazyboy007: avec?
23:56 lazyboy007: l'angle?
23:56 Realazy: le changement de direction wé
23:56 lazyboy007: le spacing?
23:57 lazyboy007: l'angle est la a cause du dip de pitch
23:57 Realazy: btw 03:29:945 (9) - y u no kickslider
23:57 lazyboy007: 03:24:505 (5,5) - ont un pitch bien plus bas
23:57 lazyboy007: pq 9 aurait un kickslider?
23:57 lazyboy007: y'a pas de 1/4 :o
23:58 Realazy: y'a du 1/4 sur 03:30:027 -
23:58 Realazy: et même
23:58 Realazy: c'est pour emphasize la note de guitare qui est tenue
23:58 Realazy: comme sur 03:29:615 (7,8) -
23:58 Realazy: + emphasis sur 03:30:110 (1) -
23:59 lazyboy007: je n'ai pas mis les kicks sur 7 et 8 pour emphasise :P
23:59 lazyboy007: mais parce que il y'a des drums en 1/4
23:59 Realazy: c'est pas ça que je veux dire
23:59 lazyboy007: mais la drum fait une pause
23:59 lazyboy007: le 9 n'est pas suivi de kick/snare ^^
00:00 Realazy: le problème c'est que
00:00 Realazy: tes kicksliders là
00:00 Realazy: donnent plus l'impression qu'ils sont là pour emphasize la guitare
00:00 lazyboy007: bah ma seule autre option c'est un 2+2 streamjumo
00:00 lazyboy007: ou un stream de 5
00:01 lazyboy007: les sont nope
00:01 lazyboy007: et je ne veux pas de kickslider sur un son inxistant
00:01 lazyboy007: dans ce cas
00:02 lazyboy007: Surtout que je n'ai pas jusqu'ici représenté les sont de guitare par des kicks a muted end
00:02 lazyboy007: sauf les sections a 3/4 mais ca a sa raison la aussi
00:02 Realazy: oui enfin après faut aussi penser à l'impression que la map donne outre ton raisonnement pour le faire
00:02 Realazy: mais bon np
00:03 lazyboy007: ouais mais bon avec les drums hs et tout
00:03 lazyboy007: jsp
00:03 lazyboy007: j'ai pas mute les sliderends précédents etc.
00:03 lazyboy007: :P
00:04 Realazy: 03:45:604 - je suis le seul à entendre du 1/4 là?
00:04 Realazy: surtout à partir des red ticks
00:05 lazyboy007: euh
00:05 lazyboy007: personne d'autre ne me l'a déjà point out
00:05 lazyboy007: meme pas géwé
00:05 Realazy: j'ai peut-être pas un bon mp3?
00:05 lazyboy007: tu devrais
00:05 lazyboy007: j'ai jamais changé
00:06 Realazy: a
00:06 lazyboy007: depuis que j'ai submit
00:06 Realazy: enfin
00:06 Realazy: je parle de la lead guitar hein
00:06 lazyboy007: ouai
00:06 Realazy: parce que j'ai pas l'impression qu'elles font le même rythme
00:06 lazyboy007: je sais
00:06 Realazy: les 2 guitares
00:07 lazyboy007: selon moi si
00:07 lazyboy007: :P
00:07 Realazy: wtf
00:07 Realazy: mais je suis pas fou pourtant j'entends bien 3 notes à partir du blue tick
00:07 lazyboy007: toi?
00:08 lazyboy007: pas fou?
00:08 lazyboy007: hahaha
00:08 Realazy: alo
00:08 lazyboy007: xD
00:08 lazyboy007: non meme en 25%
00:08 Realazy: jklhnqslk!hnfql!ksh
00:08 lazyboy007: je compte pas
00:08 lazyboy007: xD
00:08 Realazy: ça me tilt beaucoup trop
00:08 Realazy: je redl
00:08 Realazy: :rage:
00:08 lazyboy007: lul
00:08 lazyboy007: noraj
00:09 Realazy: enfin
00:09 Realazy: le pire c'est que
00:09 Realazy: osef parce que
00:09 Realazy: l'autre guitare fait du 1/3
00:09 lazyboy007: et les drums aussi
00:09 Realazy: oui
00:09 lazyboy007: ^^
00:11 Realazy: 04:01:428 (5,6,7,8) - pas de changement de spacing?
00:11 Realazy: vu que
00:11 Realazy: tu fais ça selon le pitch
00:11 lazyboy007: je pourrais a cause de la guitarre
00:11 lazyboy007: oui
00:11 lazyboy007: ale pq pas
00:11 Realazy: 04:03:077 (1) - la courbe au début me
00:11 Realazy: jnxklsjqf!
00:12 Realazy: tu pourrais au mois essayer de blanket le début du slider :^)
00:12 Realazy: au moins faire un truc plus arrondi
00:13 lazyboy007: J'ARRIVE PAS A FAIRE CE SLIDER
00:13 lazyboy007: OK
00:13 lazyboy007: xD
00:13 lazyboy007: IL ME TILT
00:13 lazyboy007: DEPUIS QUE J'AI SUBMIT LA MAP
00:13 lazyboy007: 1 AN DE TILT
00:13 lazyboy007: jk
00:13 lazyboy007: mais oui
00:13 lazyboy007: j'arrive pas
00:13 lazyboy007: xD
00:14 Realazy: baisse le 3e et le 4e point
00:14 Realazy: un peu
00:14 Realazy: pour faire un truc plus arrondi
00:14 Realazy:
00:15 lazyboy007: oki
00:15 Realazy: 04:16:511 (2,3,4) - là ici ça fait out of place
00:15 Realazy: parce que les autres patterns sont pas aigus comme ça
00:15 Realazy: en termes d'angles
00:16 lazyboy007: toi aussi tu es out of place
00:16 Realazy: :^)
00:16 lazyboy007: ca va être du a fix
00:16 lazyboy007: aled
00:17 Realazy: ta faute :^)
00:17 lazyboy007: bon
00:17 lazyboy007: juste en dessous de 90°
00:18 Realazy: 04:40:165 (2,3,4,5) - imo tu peux les space un peu plus
00:18 Realazy: 04:44:120 (2,3,4,5) - same
00:18 Realazy: 04:51:209 (5,7) - FIX BLONKET
00:19 lazyboy007: ouais ale
00:19 lazyboy007: nan
00:19 lazyboy007: same shape > blanket
00:19 Realazy: ou alors
00:19 Realazy: MOAR spacing
00:19 lazyboy007: et je veux pas increase spacing pour un blanket
00:19 lazyboy007: :P
00:19 lazyboy007: lel
00:19 Realazy: 05:05:714 (1,2,3,4,5) - jsais ce que tu veux faire mais
00:19 Realazy: c'est ignoble à jouer xD
00:19 lazyboy007: moi aussi je sais ce que je veux faire
00:20 Realazy: a
00:20 Realazy: 05:23:516 (1,2) - pourquoi un rythme aussi faible dans le kiai?
00:21 Realazy: 05:23:928 - ça c'est skip
00:21 lazyboy007: uh le bass disparaît
00:21 Realazy: 05:24:011 (2) - ça cercle+slider ça fit tellement mieux
00:21 Realazy: oui mais l'intensité reste la même
00:21 Realazy: jveux dire
00:21 Realazy: les 2 main instruments restent là
00:22 lazyboy007: nan
00:22 lazyboy007: le bass part tout juste complètement
00:22 lazyboy007: sur ces notes
00:22 lazyboy007: donc y'a une sorte de vide
00:22 lazyboy007: je n'ai aucun 1/4 a suivre
00:22 lazyboy007: donc je me suis arrangé pour suivre les drums tout en ayant une held note sur le lead
00:22 lazyboy007: ^^
00:22 Realazy: il en reste que 05:24:011 (2) - y'a 2 notes sur la lead guitar
00:23 lazyboy007: ah?
00:23 lazyboy007: j'entends qu'une seule?
00:23 Realazy: retire ton slider et écoute xD
00:23 lazyboy007: ou tu parles du fait que la meme note repète sur 05:24:176 -
00:23 Realazy: oui
00:23 Realazy: d'où faire un stack
00:23 Realazy: ce qui follow mieux la musique
00:23 Realazy: d'autant plus que y'a une crash sur le tick blanc
00:24 lazyboy007: stack nan mais j'ai préféré l'interpréter comme une note continue avec une petite variation de volume
00:24 Realazy: le manque d'intensité se ressent beaucoup trop ici imo mais bon
00:25 lazyboy007: bah tout juste y'a un vide
00:25 lazyboy007: fin
00:25 lazyboy007: vla l'intensité ca reste un peu subjectif
00:25 lazyboy007: ^^
00:25 Realazy: il se sent pas vu l'intensité de la guitare et des drums
00:25 Realazy: mouais
00:26 Realazy: 05:55:494 (1) - cette wave me trigger
00:26 Realazy: scale la encore
00:26 lazyboy007: vla l'intensité ca reste un peu subjectif
00:26 lazyboy007: ^^
00:26 Realazy: en playfield centre
00:26 Realazy: et ça fera un truc bcp plus symétrique
00:26 lazyboy007: ah att
00:26 lazyboy007: je croyais avoir delete toutes les waves
00:27 lazyboy007: je les aimais pas
00:27 lazyboy007: sur les notes de guitare :P
00:27 lazyboy007: du coup
00:27 Realazy: et voilà
00:27 Realazy: c'est tout pour moi :^)
00:27 lazyboy007: si le screen veut upload...
00:28 lazyboy007: pas du tout
00:28 lazyboy007: xD
00:28 lazyboy007: bon
00:28 lazyboy007: sliders typique 2 red ticks
00:28 lazyboy007: + white
00:28 Realazy: ça me va
00:29 Realazy: je poste le log donc? :^)
00:29 lazyboy007: ok :3
00:29 lazyboy007: merci bcp
Topic Starter

Realazy wrote:

23:03 Realazy: d
23:04 lazyboy007: e
23:04 Realazy: à vue d'oeil c'est pas vraiment récurrent les overlaps dans ta map mais
23:04 Realazy: 00:50:550 (5,6,7,8,1,4) - ça me ddddddddddd
23:05 lazyboy007: y'en a qqsuns je sais
23:05 lazyboy007: ah
23:05 lazyboy007: j'avais pas vu
23:05 Realazy: tu map avec les hit animations?
23:05 lazyboy007: fix
23:05 lazyboy007: ye
23:05 lazyboy007: uh
23:05 lazyboy007: enfin
23:05 lazyboy007: avec les cercles blancs qui restent
23:05 Realazy: les stacks manuels jsp si c'est une bonne idée parce que tu m'as l'air un peu inconsistent avec
23:05 lazyboy007: mais je fais que ca récemment
23:05 lazyboy007: les stacks manuels j'y touche pas ils ont tous leur flow c.
23:06 lazyboy007: c:*
23:06 Realazy: enfin je vois pas ce qu'ils représentent
23:06 Realazy: a
23:06 lazyboy007: c'est ce que j'aime
23:06 Realazy: okthen
23:06 lazyboy007: ^^
23:06 lazyboy007: aussi la raison du stack c'est que la 2eme note est une basse sans mélodie de la guitare
23:06 lazyboy007: donc je stack
23:06 Realazy: ah c'est pas le fait d'être stacké qui me dérange
23:06 Realazy: c'est le stack manuel
23:06 lazyboy007: pour saccader le mouvement sur la note sans melodie
23:06 Realazy: au lieu de stack auto
23:06 lazyboy007: ouais
23:07 lazyboy007: le manuel c'est pour avoir un peu de flow
23:07 lazyboy007: visuel
23:07 lazyboy007: je déteste les autostacks c:
23:07 Realazy: sinon j'ai pas l'impression de voir une grosse structure dans les angles vers tes quintuplets
23:07 Realazy: enfin jveux dire
23:07 Realazy: les angles changent bcp
23:08 lazyboy007: quintuplets?
23:08 Realazy: ya
23:08 Realazy: 00:51:374 (4,5) - vs 00:53:022 (4,5) -
23:08 Realazy: vs 00:54:011 (4,5) -
23:08 Realazy: enfin j'imagine que c'est pour de la variété mais
23:08 Realazy: ça a plus l'air random qu'autre chose :/
23:08 lazyboy007: bah en fait
23:09 lazyboy007: c'est probablement parce que c'est random plus qu'autre chose
23:09 lazyboy007: :thonk:
23:09 Realazy: a
23:09 lazyboy007: c'est plus consistent après
23:09 lazyboy007: xD
23:09 Realazy: 00:58:297 (1,2,3,4,5) - jvois ce que tu veux faire là
23:09 Realazy: mais ça fait une courbe vraiment chelou avec le slider
23:09 Realazy: donc ça serait bien de faire une courbe un peu plus lisse imo
23:10 Realazy: genre
23:10 Realazy: brb
23:11 lazyboy007: ouais mais ca lead mal vers le suivant
23:12 Realazy: mm sinon tu peux changer la courbe du stream
23:12 Realazy: enfin
23:12 Realazy: je vois ce que tu veux dire jdis juste que c'est un peu maladroit
23:12 lazyboy007: ouais
23:13 lazyboy007: pas tout a fait la meme courbe je sais
23:13 Realazy: parce que si on prend ton raisonnement
23:13 Realazy: 00:59:451 (5,1) - ça lead pas super bien visuellement
23:13 lazyboy007: le 5 est pointé vers le haut mais
23:13 lazyboy007: y'a une raison pour laquelle je break le flow la
23:14 lazyboy007: le dernier stream a des différences sonores
23:15 Realazy: ouais mais
23:15 Realazy: pas sur 00:59:616 (1,2,3) - si?
23:15 lazyboy007: hm j'ai plus considéré le stream en entier qui est plus remplie de snares et de crash
23:16 lazyboy007: mais ouais 1,2 non
23:16 lazyboy007: 3 si
23:16 Realazy: oui j'ai sélectionné le 3 par reflèxe
23:16 Realazy: à ce moment là ça pourrait être sympa de NC 3 pour montrer la différence?
23:16 lazyboy007: bah je peux lower ca coute rien
23:16 lazyboy007: je ne NC rien ca va ruiner tous mes combos rouges xD
23:16 lazyboy007: aled
23:16 Realazy: a
23:16 Realazy: aled
23:17 lazyboy007: après je pense pas trop que ce soit nécessaire de le NC
23:17 Realazy: pas faux
23:17 Realazy: je suis pas top player mais 01:00:275 (9,1,2) -
23:17 Realazy: c'est pas un peu chaud à snap?
23:17 lazyboy007: je fix ca tout juste c:
23:18 Realazy: 01:02:088 (5,6,7,8,1) - jsais que tu veux blanket mais ça ruine pas un peu la consistance avec les quintuplets qui sont toujours en ligne?
23:18 lazyboy007: ils ne le sont pas toujours mais c'est le premier en effet
23:19 lazyboy007: il y avait une raison je sais plus laquelle
23:19 lazyboy007: bon je rends linéaire
23:19 Realazy: xD
23:19 lazyboy007: aucune raison de pas le faire
23:19 Realazy: 01:05:055 (1,2,3) - pas de combo rouge?
23:20 Realazy: quoique
23:20 Realazy: mmmm
23:20 Realazy: sliders 1/6 mais rythme 1/4
23:20 Realazy: d
23:20 lazyboy007: nah les sliders non
23:20 lazyboy007: comme tu dois pas snap du 1/6 manuellement
23:20 Realazy: ouais je viens de remarquer
23:20 Realazy: 01:06:209 (4,5) - le spacing est assez bas non?
23:21 lazyboy007: fix
23:21 Realazy: 01:07:198 (4,5,6,7,8) - courbe + flow visuel plutôt meh
23:21 Realazy: même si ça se joue normalement le visuel indique pas ça
23:21 lazyboy007: fix
23:22 Realazy: 01:08:846 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - j'aime bcp
23:22 lazyboy007: merci :3
23:23 Realazy: 01:12:967 (4,5,6) - t'aurais pu faire un triangle parfait xD
23:23 Realazy: 01:13:297 (6) - déplace le à 238 232 si tu veux un triangle parfait
23:24 lazyboy007: screw triangle
23:24 lazyboy007: sache juste
23:24 lazyboy007: je fais exprès de pas faire de géometrie en metal
23:24 Realazy: a
23:24 lazyboy007: je veux un peux de sauvagerie
23:24 lazyboy007: :3
23:24 Realazy: mm c'est un choix
23:24 lazyboy007: dans mon edm je fais bcp de 60° et de polygones
23:24 lazyboy007: c'est voulu
23:24 lazyboy007: ^^
23:25 lazyboy007: de meme que les quasi étoiles
23:27 Realazy: 01:39:340 (1,2,3) - j'ai mal à mon flow
23:27 Realazy: :^)
23:27 lazyboy007: j'ai mal au mien
23:27 lazyboy007: pq lazy
23:27 Realazy: :^)
23:28 lazyboy007: en vrai
23:28 lazyboy007: avec les 2 crash
23:28 lazyboy007: ca peux passer
23:28 lazyboy007: lul
23:28 lazyboy007: fix
23:29 Realazy: 01:44:781 (5,7) - vs 01:44:616 (4,6) -
23:29 Realazy: j'ai mal à mon visual spacing
23:29 lazyboy007: vas voir le médecin
23:29 lazyboy007: jsp te guérir
23:30 Realazy: :^)
23:30 Realazy: alors on sait pas faire un visual spacing égal? ? ? ?
23:30 lazyboy007: cette map a plus d'un an
23:30 lazyboy007: xD
23:30 Realazy: :^)
23:30 lazyboy007: surtout la first part
23:30 lazyboy007: lol
23:31 Realazy: 01:53:434 (2,3,4) - c'est,,,,,,,,,, très linéaire ça
23:31 lazyboy007: ui
23:31 lazyboy007: les parts avec angles aigus utilisent du counter flow
23:31 lazyboy007: sur les sliders
23:31 lazyboy007: parce que intensity
23:32 Realazy: oui mais
23:32 Realazy: 02:00:028 (2,3,4) - c'est pas un angle aigu ça
23:33 Realazy: 02:03:627 (1) - et là je me pose la question
23:33 Realazy: pourquoi ce NC quand c'est du 1/3 et ça pourrait fit avec l'autre combo?
23:34 lazyboy007: je ne red combo que le 1/6
23:34 lazyboy007: le 1/3 est lisible par spacing et parce qu'il est précéde de repeats/kicksliders
23:34 Realazy: bah imo ça change pas grand chose de 01:41:319 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
23:34 lazyboy007: et dans ce cas aussi pour le début de stream
23:34 lazyboy007: simplement
23:34 Realazy: qui est en un seul combo
23:34 Realazy: enfin
23:35 Realazy: au moins 02:03:407 (4) - aurait pu être dans le même combo imo
23:35 Realazy: je trouve ça un peu bizarre de mettre un NC à cet endroit en particulier
23:35 lazyboy007: ue y'a quand meme une différence niveau son
23:35 lazyboy007: comme le 01:41:319 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - est le meme son qui change de notes
23:35 Realazy: 02:05:385 (9,3,4,5,6,7,8) - :japanese_goblin:
23:36 lazyboy007: 02:03:627 (1) - ici le son de guitarre allongé s'arrête
23:36 lazyboy007: meme pas visible en meme temps wesh
23:36 Realazy: en fait ça se tient pas qu'à ce combo mais
23:36 lazyboy007: abaissé de 5px
23:36 Realazy: plutôt cette part en entier
23:37 Realazy: a l'air plutôt trop resserrée sur le centre de l'écran
23:37 lazyboy007: ouais bah
23:37 Realazy: si tu vois ce que je veux dire
23:37 lazyboy007: tant pis
23:37 lazyboy007: :c
23:37 lazyboy007: oui
23:37 Realazy: 02:09:175 (7,11) - pas de kicksliders pour l'emphase?
23:37 lazyboy007: c'est une gimmick kappa
23:37 lazyboy007: et puis quand on change de section hep 02:14:945 (1) -
23:37 lazyboy007: bord de l'écran
23:37 lazyboy007: nao m'a dit la meme mais
23:37 Realazy: :thonk:
23:38 lazyboy007: enlève le hs et dis moi quels son sont a hl
23:38 lazyboy007: :p
23:38 lazyboy007: imo la guitare est plus imposante
23:38 Realazy: bah au moins 02:09:176 (7) - peut être un kickslider non?
23:38 Realazy: jveux dire
23:39 Realazy: enfin perso j'entends la lead guitar qu'à partir de 02:09:340 (9) -
23:39 Realazy: donc ça peut être un moyen d'emphase aussi
23:39 lazyboy007: si je mets un kickslider la je dois sur le 11
23:39 lazyboy007: c'est la le soucis
23:39 lazyboy007: :/
23:39 lazyboy007: et ca je veux pas
23:39 Realazy: bah pas forcément
23:39 Realazy: tu peux justifier ça en voulant mettre de l'emphase sur la lead guitar
23:40 lazyboy007: eeeh j'aime pas du tout
23:40 lazyboy007: tbh
23:40 Realazy: okay
23:40 Realazy: 02:14:533 (4,1) - ça me titille vraiment ce genre de presque overlap :^)
23:40 lazyboy007: ui bah
23:40 lazyboy007: il reste :|
23:40 lazyboy007: spacing progressif
23:41 Realazy: ui ou alors
23:41 Realazy: tu les overlap pas
23:41 Realazy: :D
23:41 lazyboy007: si
23:41 lazyboy007: :v
23:41 lazyboy007: dans le stream ca me dérange pas
23:41 lazyboy007: lul
23:41 lazyboy007: en dehors d'un jumpstream comme ca ca m'embêterait aussi
23:41 lazyboy007: ici j'aime bien je trouve ca fit
23:41 Realazy: j'aurais tenté D:
23:42 Realazy: 02:14:862 (4,1) - et ça aussi?
23:42 Realazy: ça tu pourrais plus le space pour l'emphase
23:42 Realazy: !
23:42 Realazy: !!!
23:42 lazyboy007: ye
23:42 lazyboy007: nan
23:42 lazyboy007: ye
23:43 lazyboy007: bon ok
23:43 Realazy: :D
23:44 Realazy: 02:17:253 (8,9) - le pitch descend oué
23:44 Realazy: mais ça fait pas un peu overkill comme contraste?
23:45 lazyboy007: ou?
23:45 lazyboy007: le stream?
23:45 Realazy: nan
23:45 Realazy: le spacing
23:45 Realazy: de 8/9
23:45 Realazy: comparé à 7/8
23:45 lazyboy007: eh?
23:45 Realazy: [ :japanese_goblin:]
23:46 Realazy: ah et ekoro est d'accord avec moi pour le bg :^)
23:46 lazyboy007: j'ai aucune idée quelle notes tu as sélectionnées
23:46 lazyboy007: ._.
23:46 Realazy: 02:17:253 (8,9) -
23:46 Realazy: mon msg s'est pas envoyé?
23:46 lazyboy007: oh
23:47 lazyboy007: apparemment non
23:47 lazyboy007: irre m'a dit de move ca la lul
23:47 lazyboy007: ou nao
23:47 lazyboy007: jsplus
23:47 Realazy: a
23:47 Realazy: soit
23:47 lazyboy007: et puis la diminution de spacing se vaut
23:47 lazyboy007: mais un peu extrême ouais
23:47 Realazy: 02:29:286 (7,1,2) - linear spacing! !!! !
23:48 Realazy: euh flow*
23:48 lazyboy007: fix
23:48 lazyboy007: ouais j'ai pigé
23:49 Realazy: 02:28:791 (5,6) - que nous vaut ce spacing aussi bas?
23:49 lazyboy007: un joli stack
23:49 lazyboy007: lul
23:49 Realazy: a
23:49 lazyboy007: et la diminution de pitch
23:50 Realazy: 02:35:385 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
23:50 Realazy: le spacing tellement bas!!!!!
23:50 lazyboy007: genre le 6 a le pitch quasi le plus bas de la musique
23:50 lazyboy007: ui
23:50 Realazy: tu mets plein d'emphasis sur les snares
23:50 Realazy: et quand c'est un roll 1/4 dessus
23:51 lazyboy007: écoute les notes de guitare wesh
23:51 lazyboy007: c'est ca qui détermine le spacing dans toute la map
23:51 Realazy: oui bah
23:51 lazyboy007: :P
23:51 Realazy: la guitare reste intense là
23:51 Realazy: quand même
23:52 Realazy: genre je vois pas pourquoi le spacing est aussi bas
23:52 Realazy: t'as la crash
23:52 Realazy: le son de guitare
23:52 Realazy: les snares
23:52 lazyboy007: la guitare?
23:52 lazyboy007: elle meurt quasi
23:52 lazyboy007: :p
23:52 Realazy: :thonk:
23:52 lazyboy007: c'est d'ailleurs pq 05:18:901 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - a un plus gros spacing
23:53 Realazy: 02:59:011 (6,7) - omoide kakera?
23:54 lazyboy007: plus de place
23:54 lazyboy007: xD
23:54 lazyboy007: et le jump est justifiable
23:54 Realazy: c'est pas le jump le problème
23:54 Realazy: c'est le changement de direction sur un tick violet
23:54 Realazy: - _ -
23:54 lazyboy007: pour jump sur un bland ouais
23:54 lazyboy007: ca passe
23:54 lazyboy007: :p
23:54 lazyboy007: a la streamjump
23:55 Realazy: :japanese_goblin:
23:55 lazyboy007: :japanese_TARACE:
23:55 lazyboy007: :^)
23:56 Realazy: 03:24:505 (5,6,7,8,1) -
23:56 Realazy: quelle est ton excuse now???????????????
23:56 lazyboy007: avec?
23:56 lazyboy007: l'angle?
23:56 Realazy: le changement de direction wé
23:56 lazyboy007: le spacing?
23:57 lazyboy007: l'angle est la a cause du dip de pitch
23:57 Realazy: btw 03:29:945 (9) - y u no kickslider
23:57 lazyboy007: 03:24:505 (5,5) - ont un pitch bien plus bas
23:57 lazyboy007: pq 9 aurait un kickslider?
23:57 lazyboy007: y'a pas de 1/4 :o
23:58 Realazy: y'a du 1/4 sur 03:30:027 -
23:58 Realazy: et même
23:58 Realazy: c'est pour emphasize la note de guitare qui est tenue
23:58 Realazy: comme sur 03:29:615 (7,8) -
23:58 Realazy: + emphasis sur 03:30:110 (1) -
23:59 lazyboy007: je n'ai pas mis les kicks sur 7 et 8 pour emphasise :P
23:59 lazyboy007: mais parce que il y'a des drums en 1/4
23:59 Realazy: c'est pas ça que je veux dire
23:59 lazyboy007: mais la drum fait une pause
23:59 lazyboy007: le 9 n'est pas suivi de kick/snare ^^
00:00 Realazy: le problème c'est que
00:00 Realazy: tes kicksliders là
00:00 Realazy: donnent plus l'impression qu'ils sont là pour emphasize la guitare
00:00 lazyboy007: bah ma seule autre option c'est un 2+2 streamjumo
00:00 lazyboy007: ou un stream de 5
00:01 lazyboy007: les sont nope
00:01 lazyboy007: et je ne veux pas de kickslider sur un son inxistant
00:01 lazyboy007: dans ce cas
00:02 lazyboy007: Surtout que je n'ai pas jusqu'ici représenté les sont de guitare par des kicks a muted end
00:02 lazyboy007: sauf les sections a 3/4 mais ca a sa raison la aussi
00:02 Realazy: oui enfin après faut aussi penser à l'impression que la map donne outre ton raisonnement pour le faire
00:02 Realazy: mais bon np
00:03 lazyboy007: ouais mais bon avec les drums hs et tout
00:03 lazyboy007: jsp
00:03 lazyboy007: j'ai pas mute les sliderends précédents etc.
00:03 lazyboy007: :P
00:04 Realazy: 03:45:604 - je suis le seul à entendre du 1/4 là?
00:04 Realazy: surtout à partir des red ticks
00:05 lazyboy007: euh
00:05 lazyboy007: personne d'autre ne me l'a déjà point out
00:05 lazyboy007: meme pas géwé
00:05 Realazy: j'ai peut-être pas un bon mp3?
00:05 lazyboy007: tu devrais
00:05 lazyboy007: j'ai jamais changé
00:06 Realazy: a
00:06 lazyboy007: depuis que j'ai submit
00:06 Realazy: enfin
00:06 Realazy: je parle de la lead guitar hein
00:06 lazyboy007: ouai
00:06 Realazy: parce que j'ai pas l'impression qu'elles font le même rythme
00:06 lazyboy007: je sais
00:06 Realazy: les 2 guitares
00:07 lazyboy007: selon moi si
00:07 lazyboy007: :P
00:07 Realazy: wtf
00:07 Realazy: mais je suis pas fou pourtant j'entends bien 3 notes à partir du blue tick
00:07 lazyboy007: toi?
00:08 lazyboy007: pas fou?
00:08 lazyboy007: hahaha
00:08 Realazy: alo
00:08 lazyboy007: xD
00:08 lazyboy007: non meme en 25%
00:08 Realazy: jklhnqslk!hnfql!ksh
00:08 lazyboy007: je compte pas
00:08 lazyboy007: xD
00:08 Realazy: ça me tilt beaucoup trop
00:08 Realazy: je redl
00:08 Realazy: :rage:
00:08 lazyboy007: lul
00:08 lazyboy007: noraj
00:09 Realazy: enfin
00:09 Realazy: le pire c'est que
00:09 Realazy: osef parce que
00:09 Realazy: l'autre guitare fait du 1/3
00:09 lazyboy007: et les drums aussi
00:09 Realazy: oui
00:09 lazyboy007: ^^
00:11 Realazy: 04:01:428 (5,6,7,8) - pas de changement de spacing?
00:11 Realazy: vu que
00:11 Realazy: tu fais ça selon le pitch
00:11 lazyboy007: je pourrais a cause de la guitarre
00:11 lazyboy007: oui
00:11 lazyboy007: ale pq pas
00:11 Realazy: 04:03:077 (1) - la courbe au début me
00:11 Realazy: jnxklsjqf!
00:12 Realazy: tu pourrais au mois essayer de blanket le début du slider :^)
00:12 Realazy: au moins faire un truc plus arrondi
00:13 lazyboy007: J'ARRIVE PAS A FAIRE CE SLIDER
00:13 lazyboy007: OK
00:13 lazyboy007: xD
00:13 lazyboy007: IL ME TILT
00:13 lazyboy007: DEPUIS QUE J'AI SUBMIT LA MAP
00:13 lazyboy007: 1 AN DE TILT
00:13 lazyboy007: jk
00:13 lazyboy007: mais oui
00:13 lazyboy007: j'arrive pas
00:13 lazyboy007: xD
00:14 Realazy: baisse le 3e et le 4e point
00:14 Realazy: un peu
00:14 Realazy: pour faire un truc plus arrondi
00:14 Realazy:
00:15 lazyboy007: oki
00:15 Realazy: 04:16:511 (2,3,4) - là ici ça fait out of place
00:15 Realazy: parce que les autres patterns sont pas aigus comme ça
00:15 Realazy: en termes d'angles
00:16 lazyboy007: toi aussi tu es out of place
00:16 Realazy: :^)
00:16 lazyboy007: ca va être du a fix
00:16 lazyboy007: aled
00:17 Realazy: ta faute :^)
00:17 lazyboy007: bon
00:17 lazyboy007: juste en dessous de 90°
00:18 Realazy: 04:40:165 (2,3,4,5) - imo tu peux les space un peu plus
00:18 Realazy: 04:44:120 (2,3,4,5) - same
00:18 Realazy: 04:51:209 (5,7) - FIX BLONKET
00:19 lazyboy007: ouais ale
00:19 lazyboy007: nan
00:19 lazyboy007: same shape > blanket
00:19 Realazy: ou alors
00:19 Realazy: MOAR spacing
00:19 lazyboy007: et je veux pas increase spacing pour un blanket
00:19 lazyboy007: :P
00:19 lazyboy007: lel
00:19 Realazy: 05:05:714 (1,2,3,4,5) - jsais ce que tu veux faire mais
00:19 Realazy: c'est ignoble à jouer xD
00:19 lazyboy007: moi aussi je sais ce que je veux faire
00:20 Realazy: a
00:20 Realazy: 05:23:516 (1,2) - pourquoi un rythme aussi faible dans le kiai?
00:21 Realazy: 05:23:928 - ça c'est skip
00:21 lazyboy007: uh le bass disparaît
00:21 Realazy: 05:24:011 (2) - ça cercle+slider ça fit tellement mieux
00:21 Realazy: oui mais l'intensité reste la même
00:21 Realazy: jveux dire
00:21 Realazy: les 2 main instruments restent là
00:22 lazyboy007: nan
00:22 lazyboy007: le bass part tout juste complètement
00:22 lazyboy007: sur ces notes
00:22 lazyboy007: donc y'a une sorte de vide
00:22 lazyboy007: je n'ai aucun 1/4 a suivre
00:22 lazyboy007: donc je me suis arrangé pour suivre les drums tout en ayant une held note sur le lead
00:22 lazyboy007: ^^
00:22 Realazy: il en reste que 05:24:011 (2) - y'a 2 notes sur la lead guitar
00:23 lazyboy007: ah?
00:23 lazyboy007: j'entends qu'une seule?
00:23 Realazy: retire ton slider et écoute xD
00:23 lazyboy007: ou tu parles du fait que la meme note repète sur 05:24:176 -
00:23 Realazy: oui
00:23 Realazy: d'où faire un stack
00:23 Realazy: ce qui follow mieux la musique
00:23 Realazy: d'autant plus que y'a une crash sur le tick blanc
00:24 lazyboy007: stack nan mais j'ai préféré l'interpréter comme une note continue avec une petite variation de volume
00:24 Realazy: le manque d'intensité se ressent beaucoup trop ici imo mais bon
00:25 lazyboy007: bah tout juste y'a un vide
00:25 lazyboy007: fin
00:25 lazyboy007: vla l'intensité ca reste un peu subjectif
00:25 lazyboy007: ^^
00:25 Realazy: il se sent pas vu l'intensité de la guitare et des drums
00:25 Realazy: mouais
00:26 Realazy: 05:55:494 (1) - cette wave me trigger
00:26 Realazy: scale la encore
00:26 lazyboy007: vla l'intensité ca reste un peu subjectif
00:26 lazyboy007: ^^
00:26 Realazy: en playfield centre
00:26 Realazy: et ça fera un truc bcp plus symétrique
00:26 lazyboy007: ah att
00:26 lazyboy007: je croyais avoir delete toutes les waves
00:27 lazyboy007: je les aimais pas
00:27 lazyboy007: sur les notes de guitare :P
00:27 lazyboy007: du coup
00:27 Realazy: et voilà
00:27 Realazy: c'est tout pour moi :^)
00:27 lazyboy007: si le screen veut upload...
00:28 lazyboy007: pas du tout
00:28 lazyboy007: xD
00:28 lazyboy007: bon
00:28 lazyboy007: sliders typique 2 red ticks
00:28 lazyboy007: + white
00:28 Realazy: ça me va
00:29 Realazy: je poste le log donc? :^)
00:29 lazyboy007: ok :3
00:29 lazyboy007: merci bcp
Longest mod, I'm dead ._.
Fixed some unsnapped notes, adjusted some NC and added "Yumejikuu" in the tags.

Bulle !
I'll qualify in 22 hours, seems better now!

05:29:697 (4) - could you move that one a bit down, so a proper wave is created?
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:

I'll qualify in 22 hours, seems better now! \:D/

05:29:697 (4) - could you move that one a bit down, so a proper wave is created? Eh it'd ruin spacing and this is straight on purpose ^^
I'm sad now Irre

I actually can't even remember that I posted this 2 days ago, felt like yesterday. . . weird lol
And finally the most Lazyboi did it
Nao Tomori
gratz, good stuff
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:


I actually can't even remember that I posted this 2 days ago, felt like yesterday. . . weird lol
Thanks a lot :D
offset+16 tbh
Topic Starter

Mirash wrote:

offset+16 tbh
Timing is goldenwolf approved ;3
tbh I gotta agree with mirash, I had to at least have +20 to get decent acc on this while I usually stick to 0 on every single map
Topic Starter

Delis wrote:

tbh I gotta agree with mirash, I had to at least have +20 to get decent acc on this while I usually stick to 0 on every single map
Goldenwolf confirms, I'll dq req to fix this :P Sorry for not trusting you mirash :x
DQ to fix offset

Please reconfirm this with the previous Nominators before proceeding back to Qualification!
Topic Starter
All should be fixed now! Gonna get asking for rebubble/requalification
Okay just did a small spacing adjusment on 00:54:442 (8,1) - and Lazyboy did a quick hitsound check.

let's try again~
^ :3
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