
Hyadain - Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
2015-11-13 17:25 -GriM-: hey
2015-11-13 17:25 Setz: hi
2015-11-13 17:26 -GriM-: I'm here to ask I guess for a GD? xD I'm just going to come out and say it
2015-11-13 17:26 -GriM-: i'm shy ;-;
2015-11-13 17:27 Setz: hmm, sorry I am actually very busy these days, i have other GDs i need to finish also
2015-11-13 17:27 -GriM-: I know you're rather picky about GDs, and you can even check it out real quick
2015-11-13 17:27 -GriM-: alright
2015-11-13 17:27 -GriM-: thank you ;3
2015-11-13 17:27 Setz: np, sorry
2015-11-13 17:27 -GriM-: its fine
2015-11-13 17:28 -GriM-: well
2015-11-13 17:28 -GriM-: I guess while im at it
2015-11-13 17:28 -GriM-: can you take a quick look at it?
2015-11-13 17:28 -GriM-: just tell me some things that could be fixed etc
2015-11-13 17:28 Setz: uh sure
2015-11-13 17:28 -GriM-: alright
2015-11-13 17:28 -GriM-: ACTION is listening to [ Hyadain - Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou (TV Size)]
2015-11-13 17:29 -GriM-: nichijou is life :3
2015-11-13 17:29 Setz: if you are actaully trying to rank this, you need to avoid overmapping like this 00:07:738 (4,5) -
2015-11-13 17:29 Setz: there's no sound for a triple there
2015-11-13 17:30 -GriM-: ok
2015-11-13 17:30 -GriM-: I am definetly going for rank
2015-11-13 17:30 -GriM-: love this song
2015-11-13 17:30 Setz: 00:14:638 (1,2,3,4) - same here
2015-11-13 17:31 -GriM-: well here^
2015-11-13 17:31 -GriM-: I made that
2015-11-13 17:31 -GriM-: to empthasize that instrument in the background
2015-11-13 17:31 -GriM-: chimes? idk xD
2015-11-13 17:31 Setz: i guess that one could work
2015-11-13 17:31 Setz: anyway
2015-11-13 17:32 -GriM-: is the triple around
2015-11-13 17:32 -GriM-: 26:938
2015-11-13 17:32 -GriM-: ok?
2015-11-13 17:33 Setz: should work on the map's aesthetics too, that is also considered when people look to nominate them, your map is kinda like, a big box in the center of the screen for the most part
2015-11-13 17:33 Setz: uhh
2015-11-13 17:33 Setz: you could get away with that one
2015-11-13 17:34 -GriM-: I dont exactly agree with the aesthetics problem you just described
2015-11-13 17:34 -GriM-: plenty of parts in the map that aren't robotic
2015-11-13 17:34 -GriM-: I guess you would call it
2015-11-13 17:34 Setz: well thats the impression i get from looking it, its not all of it, which is why i said for the most part
2015-11-13 17:35 Setz: 01:20:038 (3,2,3) - also these types of overlaps look really bad while playing
2015-11-13 17:35 -GriM-: alright
2015-11-13 17:35 -GriM-: I will definetly look in to that
2015-11-13 17:36 -GriM-: I agree with that
2015-11-13 17:36 Setz: not a bad map, but it still would need a great amount of work before it is in a condition where it can be ranked
2015-11-13 17:37 -GriM-: thank you
2015-11-13 17:37 -GriM-: also
2015-11-13 17:37 -GriM-: I am confused on the whole kudosu/star priority thing
2015-11-13 17:37 -GriM-: I read on it
2015-11-13 17:37 -GriM-: still just kind of confused
2015-11-13 17:38 Setz: star priority doesnt really matter after 12, and you give kudosu to people who help with your map on the map's thread
2015-11-13 17:38 -GriM-: ok
2015-11-13 17:39 -GriM-: so for now on
2015-11-13 17:39 -GriM-: when im getting mods
2015-11-13 17:39 -GriM-: I should link my map thread
2015-11-13 17:39 -GriM-: ?
2015-11-13 17:39 Setz: yeah, i can post the irc log from this in the thread and you can give me kd
lets go


things you should change

00:01:588 (4) - remove it, doesnt fit the rhythm
00:03:388 (2) - remove it, and place the folowing slider on this time, then copypaste this slider and place it on 00:03:838 , 00:03:988 (3,4) - delete it
00:34:738 (5,6) - remove it and copypaste 00:34:138 (3) and place on this time 00:34:738 , because the single reverse slider here looks strange
00:44:638 (5) - remove it 00:47:038 (6) - same 00:49:438 (7) - same
00:55:588 - you should make here green time section with 5%volume, because spinner hitsound is like another unnecessary note with the folowing jumps, then set green section with 95% volume here 00:55:738, also why 94% volume of green sections? it is more common to use numbers which can be divided by 5
01:14:938 (2) - better use a couple of sliders
01:24:388 (1) - unnecessary spinner, better use a few reverse sliders, because you are missing a few strong beats
01:26:938 - 01:28:138 - and here is good place for spinner

basically it's all for now

things you should move

in general flow in this diff is bad, so all i can help you is giving a few advices

read this thread t/86329 when you finished - read again, for better understanding
open your favourite ranked(thats important) maps in editor and attentively look through all map noticing all you can notice in note and sliders placement, then try to copy it in your map

basically practice, and never give up

heres the list of most bad sections where you should replace notes for sure

00:01:738 (1,2,3,4,5) - bad jumps, better make them small star-form jump, and try to avoid spacing like this 00:02:188 (4,5)
00:04:288 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - these should be stacked or smth
00:07:288 (1,2,3) - this is not good, dunno how to change though, because whole map requires changes, so..
00:14:638 (1,2,3,4) - inaccurate stream
00:23:488 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - this is not bad, but last note is strange
00:30:988 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - - bad jumps with unconstant spacing
00:35:638 (2,3) - this is not good, move 3 somewhere
00:50:938 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - this part is interesting, it's not bad but can be done better, the main problem is still spacing
00:55:738 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - another strange jumps with bad spacing
00:57:838 (1,2,3,4) - same
01:00:838 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - same
01:02:638 (1,2,3,4) - same
01:05:488 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - same
01:10:138 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same
01:20:938 (1,2,3,4,5) - this is actually good, because this is almost perfect star-form pattern
01:23:338 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - but this jumps is not good
01:25:888 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - not that bad but could be better

other things

your map definitely needs hitsounds, try to set it by yourself, i can just advice you to use

00:02:938 - 00:04:138 - drum sampleset here
00:12:538 - 00:12:538 - and here
00:23:488 - 00:24:388 - and here
00:33:838 - 00:43:138 - and here
00:50:938 - 00:55:588 - and here
01:05:488 - 01:06:388 - and maybe here

your map needs background (yeah, my second name is captain obvious), all i can say about it - better find a 1366x768 picture and be sure that this is what you want, or else you can have problems with thumbnail nwm, you updated, while i was writing mod

also add kiai
00:00:538 - 00:05:338 - here
00:56:938 - 01:01:138 - and here
01:01:738 - 01:05:338 - and here
01:06:538 - 01:11:338 - and here
01:17:188 - 01:21:988 - and here
01:22:138 - 01:24:388 - and here
01:25:888 - 01:26:938 - and here
some of them might be unnecessary, we'll found out later

also set preview point here 00:56:938 i think

well i think this is it

peace and never give up

PS mod for extra will be later


N i c h i j o u

things you should change

00:02:488 (4) - unnecessary note, imo, maybe remove
00:06:913 (7) - this is overmapping, remove; also, if this triple is important, than set a note here 00:09:763
00:20:338 (2) - beter split to 2 sliders
00:31:588 (1,2) - im not sure about triple here
00:32:938 (3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - stream is too long should ends here 00:33:838 , so remove 00:33:913 (13,14)
00:36:088 (1) - remove this note and move 3 folowing sliders 2 ticks left

things you should move

the flow and the spacing in this diff is still not reaaly good

heres the list of most bad sections where you should replace notes for sure

00:01:738 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - could be better, and the spacing between 3 and 4 is reaaly strange
00:02:938 (1,2,3,4,1) - bad flow
00:04:288 (2,3,1,2,1,2,3) - the dpacing is not good, also better use different pattern, this is too hard for beginning of the song
00:10:438 (2,3,4) - looks strange
00:11:938 (1,2,3,4) - this one is almost good
00:13:138 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - and this one is not (yep, the spacing, also pattern is strange)
00:21:388 (1,2) - this is bad flow
00:22:438 (1,2,3,4,5) - strange pattern
00:23:488 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - but this one is good
00:35:338 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - strange jumps, bad spacing
00:50:938 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - it is good idea to make expanding triangles here, keep it to the end, also dont change the direction of aiming like this 00:51:538 (1,2,3,1,2,3), basically pattern needs changes, you should check maybe Jenny - Cry Thunder map to see how to make triangle jumps, but in your map better do first triangle small, second a little bigger and so on, hope you understand
00:55:738 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - this is actually good
00:59:638 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this jumps are waaaaay too random
01:05:488 (2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - spacing and pattern is not good
01:10:138 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - same
01:23:338 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - same
01:25:888 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - could be better

and again: practice makes perfect Do it with flare!

other things

still hitsounds there are big parts in your map without hitsounds, but they are needed

and use drum samplesets as i wrote before in insane diff except this moment
00:23:488 - 00:24:388 - i think thats good actually

also dont set green sections like this 00:00:549 - and this 00:50:956 - set them on ticks (not on 1/16)

also i think in extra diff it is important to complicate the map by using different slider velocity oftenly, so think about it

well teh end for now

if you have any questions - pm me ingame

sorry for late xoxo

ok so basically this is a mod of both difficulties, most if not all of the things i say will apply to those two diffs and even all of your maps to help you improve.

one really good tip i can give you (apart from reusing things to create structure as i've said below) is to reuse placement! if you've put down a few notes, and want to know where to place the next note, put it where one of those notes were! Check some of my maps or relatively any good quality map to see this (and the reusing notes to create structure) method used almost 100% of the time.

make sure you consistently check to see if something flows right. If it's comfortable for you, it's comfortable for the player (most of the time). you need to watch out though, because the more you play your own map you'll get used to bad flow and won't notice it, so make sure you only check once or twice! you don't even need to go into test mode, just play the song in editor and glide your cursor through parts of the map to check them. Also, if you're not already, don't use grid snap, it really limits what you can do creatively.

Reusing (copying and pasting things you've used before in a map) may seem like a lazy way to map, but it actually adds some really nice structure to your map and makes it much better looking overall. Check any good map and you'll see what I mean, it's used often to create symmetrical patterns and just patterns in general.

try to have consistent spacing! the only reason you should change the spacing is for emphasis. if something is quiet and soft, lower the spacing. if something is loud and heavy, make the spacing higher. You should try to find a consistent distance snap to use throughout the whole diff. You don't even need to use distance snap, just use it as a guideline for what to do. check the upper right corner when you have a note selected to see the spacing between the note ahead of it and the note behind it.

00:00:538 (1,2,3) - For parts like this you should reuse sliders!
00:01:138 (3,4) - Try to avoid overlaps like this, it may not seem like a big deal but overlaps are a real problem and they really affect your map if they're not done well and on purpose. consider placing it on the sliderend of 00:01:138 (3) -.
00:06:238 (6) - This slider is messed up, just needs fixing.
00:32:938 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - You've got a massive gap here that makes 0 sense, make sure it's filled in.
00:33:538 (7) - this is 1/8? it doesn't fit the music at all. make it 1/4 or remove this from the insane.
00:33:538 (7,1) - 15x distance snap. clearly you've accidentally messed this part up, just fix it and you should be fine.
00:50:938 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - this section of the song is 1/6. remap this section in 1/6.

[N i c h i j o u]

00:01:438 (4,5,6) - This is called overmapping. it's what happens when you make a rhythm that isn't there, and put notes in places where there is literally no sound to back them up, which is what you've done here. very unrankable and something to get in the habit to avoid if you ever want to have your maps ranked.
00:14:713 (2,3,4) - overmapped.
00:14:938 (2) - fix this slider.
00:19:513 (2,3) - overmapped.
00:26:938 (5,6,7) - veeeery bad overmap, remove 00:27:013 (6,7) - and just make it one slider from 00:26:938 - to either 00:27:088 - or 00:27:238 -.

now i think you have a good idea of what needs fixing and what doesn't.

So overall, this isn't bad, you've got a lot of basics down which really make mapping easier which is good. I didn't fully mod most things in these diffs because most of them will be fixed when you remap, combine your current knowledge with what i've told you above, and remap both difficulties, then i'll come back and mod when that's done 8-)
Topic Starter

Kuki wrote:

sorry for late xoxo

ok so basically this is a mod of both difficulties, most if not all of the things i say will apply to those two diffs and even all of your maps to help you improve.

one really good tip i can give you (apart from reusing things to create structure as i've said below) is to reuse placement! if you've put down a few notes, and want to know where to place the next note, put it where one of those notes were! Check some of my maps or relatively any good quality map to see this (and the reusing notes to create structure) method used almost 100% of the time.

make sure you consistently check to see if something flows right. If it's comfortable for you, it's comfortable for the player (most of the time). you need to watch out though, because the more you play your own map you'll get used to bad flow and won't notice it, so make sure you only check once or twice! you don't even need to go into test mode, just play the song in editor and glide your cursor through parts of the map to check them. Also, if you're not already, don't use grid snap, it really limits what you can do creatively.

Reusing (copying and pasting things you've used before in a map) may seem like a lazy way to map, but it actually adds some really nice structure to your map and makes it much better looking overall. Check any good map and you'll see what I mean, it's used often to create symmetrical patterns and just patterns in general.

try to have consistent spacing! the only reason you should change the spacing is for emphasis. if something is quiet and soft, lower the spacing. if something is loud and heavy, make the spacing higher. You should try to find a consistent distance snap to use throughout the whole diff. You don't even need to use distance snap, just use it as a guideline for what to do. check the upper right corner when you have a note selected to see the spacing between the note ahead of it and the note behind it.

00:00:538 (1,2,3) - For parts like this you should reuse sliders!
00:01:138 (3,4) - Try to avoid overlaps like this, it may not seem like a big deal but overlaps are a real problem and they really affect your map if they're not done well and on purpose. consider placing it on the sliderend of 00:01:138 (3) -.
00:06:238 (6) - This slider is messed up, just needs fixing.
00:32:938 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - You've got a massive gap here that makes 0 sense, make sure it's filled in.
00:33:538 (7) - this is 1/8? it doesn't fit the music at all. make it 1/4 or remove this from the insane. hmmm? I've listened to this in %25 speed and it sounds fine and well fitting, please check this out
00:33:538 (7,1) - 15x distance snap. clearly you've accidentally messed this part up, just fix it and you should be fine.
00:50:938 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - this section of the song is 1/6. remap this section in 1/6. I've had alot of trouble with this part. I attempted at remapping in 1/6 but im afraid I still need a little help, please check this out in the full mod :)

[N i c h i j o u]

00:01:438 (4,5,6) - This is called overmapping. it's what happens when you make a rhythm that isn't there, and put notes in places where there is literally no sound to back them up, which is what you've done here. very unrankable and something to get in the habit to avoid if you ever want to have your maps ranked.
00:14:713 (2,3,4) - overmapped. No? do you hear the background? I agree with the other sections where you pointed out overmapping but I dont agree with this.
00:14:938 (2) - fix this slider.
00:19:513 (2,3) - overmapped.
00:26:938 (5,6,7) - veeeery bad overmap, remove 00:27:013 (6,7) - and just make it one slider from 00:26:938 - to either 00:27:088 - or 00:27:238 -.

now i think you have a good idea of what needs fixing and what doesn't.

So overall, this isn't bad, you've got a lot of basics down which really make mapping easier which is good. I didn't fully mod most things in these diffs because most of them will be fixed when you remap, combine your current knowledge with what i've told you above, and remap both difficulties, then i'll come back and mod when that's done 8-)
All overmapping is fixed (I think :? ) and other things were fixed ( I think :? ) thank you! :D
couple testplays so you can look at the flow and fix some/all of it in your map 8-)

insane testplay

n i c h i j o u testplay
Topic Starter
wow, the diffs are looking pretty solid, thanks for the test plays!
What did you think of the new extra?
honestly, again I think you need to focus more on the spacing aspect, cause i feel that you really got the rest of the things down

imo, or for me personally, I think it's ideal to work on new maps all the time, if you linger on one you may find you lose skill/make improvement slower, but that's just me

gl with the set boi 8-)
Hi~ from ingame request

I guess I'll tell you here, I'm technically modding this map, but I suggest you to listen carefully to what I say, and remap according to what you learned. I cannot point every single problems out, since the problems get repeated over and over again throughout the map.

* I think we prefer the BG size 1366x768 than 1024x768, so consider find one.
* Also 128kbps mp3 is bad lol, try to find a 192kbps one.
* Add combo colours if possible.
* Uncheck Widescreen Support for all diffs.

First of all... the patterns you made seems to be pretty much 'random', in other words, 'unpolished'. This is something you cannot learn in a single day, so keep practicing to make your own style and make it better.
Also try to use a consistent spacing for regular beats, not just putting them randomly. I'll point out some of them as well.
Let me give you some examples of making 'polished' patterns. These are just suggestions, so it would be better to try to make your 'own' ones.
* 00:00:538 (1,2) - If you ever had heard or 'blankets', you can try that here. It usually makes a clean appearance. Just in case you don't know what it is, here's an example:
* 00:00:538 (1,3) - You can just copy 1 and paste at 3. Do you think it's a lazy thing? Actually, copy&paste makes consistency and give structure to the map. Since 00:00:538 (1,2,3,4) - this works as a whole part, it's good to make their own structured pattern.
* 00:01:738 (1,2,3,4) - One way to make this cleaner is to place 00:01:888 (2,4) - with the same shape of 00:01:738 (1,3) - . Well it's just a suggestion.
* 00:02:188 (4,5) - If you hear this, the music is especially stronger at 5, which means you'd like to emphasize it. But you made the spacing even smaller than 00:01:738 (1,2,3,4) - .
* 00:04:288 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - This spacing is too much random. You see, they don't have an oustanding beat, so all the beats should have similar effect. Or you can make a rule there, as you bound them with 2 combos. Like having the distance between the same comboset small, then have the distance between other comboset big. The pattern you used doesn't have any, it's just random spacing. Also you see, only 00:04:888 (1,2) - these two have the opposite direction, which make it inconsistent as well. So how to fix this in one go? Just copy&paste 00:04:288 (1,2) - to all the three sets and give a rotation of -30 degree or something! It's just a suggestion.
* 00:05:788 (4) - I don't recommend this rhythm. You can hear that there is the big sound at 00:05:938 - but you put a slider end there. People feel it much stronger when they have to click on them than when it's a slider end. So try to put a circle on 00:05:788 - and put a 1/2 slider on 00:05:938 -
* 00:06:388 - Same for this beat as well. You gotta make players click this.
* 00:05:338 (2,3,4) - Also for here, if there's any stronger beat, it should be (3), not (4). If you use the same distance for them, then it's okay (I actually suggest to fix the distance for the whole map basically and put jumps only on the emphasized beats). But the one you used is just reverse.
* 00:06:538 (7) - Try to put NCs on downbeats like this. Do not put them in random place, because NCs also represent the music (or at least the patterns)
* 00:08:938 (3,4) - Like I said before, the beats that can be emphasized are on the slider end. Keep in mind that slider head, tail, and circles have different impacts.
* 00:08:638 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Look through this combo, the distance gets different as they're going. There's no reason to do this.
* 00:10:438 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - The song is pretty consistent here, but the distance got smaller from 00:11:188 - . You see that it's 1/1 gap for 00:11:188 (1,2,3) - 00:11:938 (4,5,6,1) - and 1/2 gap for 00:10:438 (1,2,3) - . So the 1/1 gaps should have much bigger scale than 1/2 gaps.
* 00:14:488 (5) - This beat isn't something really need to be emphasized, so using a big spacing isn't a good idea.
* 00:14:638 (1,2,3,4) - This is overmapped, since there are no sound at 00:14:713 (2,3,4) - . Mapping is about following the music, not creating your own beats.
* 00:14:938 (5) - Just giving you another example. This beat is a downbeat AND it's clearly a start beat of a new section, so it's very preferably to be NCed.

Ok I'm finishing it here, since these are the most critical problems and it's getting repeated all over the map. So yeah... modding can only provide you suggestions, and there's very little you can fix with mods only. If you learned some good techniques from mods, it's way way better to remap with what you learned. Take a look through your map, and find which one of my mod applies to them. You'll find out that it would take much less time and much better quality to remap than just fixing each parts. You can always call me back when you think your map is ready to get further mods.

Also one information: Extras are extremely harder to be ranked. Even experienced mappers still get DQs with trivial issues. If you want to rank a map I suggest to learn the basic mapping skills first, and try it with an easier song and diffs. This song is lol even I am not confident with Extras.

Good luck and hope this mod was helpful :D
Topic Starter

Doyak wrote:

Hi~ from ingame request

I guess I'll tell you here, I'm technically modding this map, but I suggest you to listen carefully to what I say, and remap according to what you learned. I cannot point every single problems out, since the problems get repeated over and over again throughout the map.

* I think we prefer the BG size 1366x768 than 1024x768, so consider find one. I thought that 1024x768 was the rankable bg size?
* Also 128kbps mp3 is bad lol, try to find a 192kbps one. ??? ;-;
* Add combo colours if possible. I dont know how to do
* Uncheck Widescreen Support for all diffs. ???

First of all... the patterns you made seems to be pretty much 'random', in other words, 'unpolished'. This is something you cannot learn in a single day, so keep practicing to make your own style and make it better.
Also try to use a consistent spacing for regular beats, not just putting them randomly. I'll point out some of them as well.
Let me give you some examples of making 'polished' patterns. These are just suggestions, so it would be better to try to make your 'own' ones.
* 00:00:538 (1,2) - If you ever had heard or 'blankets', you can try that here. It usually makes a clean appearance. Just in case you don't know what it is, here's an example:
* 00:00:538 (1,3) - You can just copy 1 and paste at 3. Do you think it's a lazy thing? Actually, copy&paste makes consistency and give structure to the map. Since 00:00:538 (1,2,3,4) - this works as a whole part, it's good to make their own structured pattern.
* 00:01:738 (1,2,3,4) - One way to make this cleaner is to place 00:01:888 (2,4) - with the same shape of 00:01:738 (1,3) - . Well it's just a suggestion.
* 00:02:188 (4,5) - If you hear this, the music is especially stronger at 5, which means you'd like to emphasize it. But you made the spacing even smaller than 00:01:738 (1,2,3,4) - .
* 00:04:288 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - This spacing is too much random. You see, they don't have an oustanding beat, so all the beats should have similar effect. Or you can make a rule there, as you bound them with 2 combos. Like having the distance between the same comboset small, then have the distance between other comboset big. The pattern you used doesn't have any, it's just random spacing. Also you see, only 00:04:888 (1,2) - these two have the opposite direction, which make it inconsistent as well. So how to fix this in one go? Just copy&paste 00:04:288 (1,2) - to all the three sets and give a rotation of -30 degree or something! It's just a suggestion.
* 00:05:788 (4) - I don't recommend this rhythm. You can hear that there is the big sound at 00:05:938 - but you put a slider end there. People feel it much stronger when they have to click on them than when it's a slider end. So try to put a circle on 00:05:788 - and put a 1/2 slider on 00:05:938 -
* 00:06:388 - Same for this beat as well. You gotta make players click this.
* 00:05:338 (2,3,4) - Also for here, if there's any stronger beat, it should be (3), not (4). If you use the same distance for them, then it's okay (I actually suggest to fix the distance for the whole map basically and put jumps only on the emphasized beats). But the one you used is just reverse.
* 00:06:538 (7) - Try to put NCs on downbeats like this. Do not put them in random place, because NCs also represent the music (or at least the patterns)
* 00:08:938 (3,4) - Like I said before, the beats that can be emphasized are on the slider end. Keep in mind that slider head, tail, and circles have different impacts.
* 00:08:638 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Look through this combo, the distance gets different as they're going. There's no reason to do this.
* 00:10:438 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - The song is pretty consistent here, but the distance got smaller from 00:11:188 - . You see that it's 1/1 gap for 00:11:188 (1,2,3) - 00:11:938 (4,5,6,1) - and 1/2 gap for 00:10:438 (1,2,3) - . So the 1/1 gaps should have much bigger scale than 1/2 gaps.
* 00:14:488 (5) - This beat isn't something really need to be emphasized, so using a big spacing isn't a good idea.
* 00:14:638 (1,2,3,4) - This is overmapped, since there are no sound at 00:14:713 (2,3,4) - . Mapping is about following the music, not creating your own beats.
* 00:14:938 (5) - Just giving you another example. This beat is a downbeat AND it's clearly a start beat of a new section, so it's very preferably to be NCed.

Ok I'm finishing it here, since these are the most critical problems and it's getting repeated all over the map. So yeah... modding can only provide you suggestions, and there's very little you can fix with mods only. If you learned some good techniques from mods, it's way way better to remap with what you learned. Take a look through your map, and find which one of my mod applies to them. You'll find out that it would take much less time and much better quality to remap than just fixing each parts. You can always call me back when you think your map is ready to get further mods.

Also one information: Extras are extremely harder to be ranked. Even experienced mappers still get DQs with trivial issues. If you want to rank a map I suggest to learn the basic mapping skills first, and try it with an easier song and diffs. This song is lol even I am not confident with Extras.

Good luck and hope this mod was helpful :D
This helped alot, but I let some things stay due to personal prefrence, thank you!
1. 1024x768 is rankable, but it seems that 1366x768 is more prefered. idk why though.
2. Also 128kbps is rankable, but if you can find a better mp3, then why not? I'm pretty sure there exists an mp3 with at least 192kbps (if not 320, but you need to reduce it to 192kbps becuase of the ranking criteria).
3. Widescreen Support is on on all diffs except Nichijou diff. It's not necessary if you don't have a storyboard.
4. Mapping is your preference, but in the same time, there are basics you should follow because osu! is a rhythm game. My suggestions are suggestions, but I still have mostly pointed out the critical ones. If you don't really like my suggestions, then try to put some meanings on your patterns, like you need to be able to explain "Why these have jumps while not on here?" "Does this rhythm feel good when you're playing? Couldn't be there a better way?"
Just a few things i noticed:
00:40:138 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - the rhythm here is wrong. You mapped this:

whereas this would follow the rhythm of the song:


01:21:538 (5) - Slider end is off screen :O

N i c h i j o u
00:40:138 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same as insane

Hopefully it was helpful!
My Normal. Ended up on the harder end, but should be acceptable.

i am fox
osu file format v14

AudioFilename: Hyadain no Jo-Jo-Yuujou (TV-Size).mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: -1
Countdown: 1
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

Bookmarks: 538,5338,14938,33688,43738,50938,56938,66538,74938,88138
DistanceSpacing: 1
BeatDivisor: 2
GridSize: 16
TimelineZoom: 1.3

Title:Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou (TV Size)
TitleUnicode:Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou (TV Size)
Version:Shiro's Normal


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Should of done this ingame but whatever xd
First mini mod and forum don't judge me

00:14:638 (1,2,3,4) - I don't hear anything that would make you put a stream here.

00:33:463 (8) - Did you intend for this to go off the other circles?

00:33:538 (9) - slider border goes off screen

00:52:738 (1) - should be a quarter beat longer.

00:55:738 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Don't kiai time this part. I'm pretty sure this is buildup to kiai time but what do i know

01:21:538 (5) - slider border goes off screen (and its ugly)

01:17:188 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - and everything else after it that's kiai doesn't sound like it should.

N i c h i j o u

00:00:538 (1) - Why is there an inherit point in this? it should be placed at the same time as the timing point.

00:32:938 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - This looks very weird. I'm pretty sure some of the notes aren't curving right (or something)

00:55:738 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - same thing as insane. dont kiai this part

01:21:538 (1) - nice1 dude. fix it

Sorry for crap mod you know its my first time anyways :(
Hoping to see this qualified :)
00:01:438 (4,1) - anti spacing, stack them
01:01:438 (9) - DS 1.8x
00:02:338 (5) - crash here, increase DS above 2.3x
00:31:738 (6) - nc or increase ds of 00:32:038 (7) -
00:44:038 (2) - increase DS
01:01:438 (7) - DS

ok, I will stop here because I think your diffs might need a rework. you need practice more before you want to rank a map like this. this song is really hard and not good for a new mapper to learn about mapping. your rhythm catch is not too bad for a new mapper, but not good enough to handle a song like this hard. I understand that many new mappers want to rank a hard map and get high play counts, but it is not that easy. I suggest you focus mapping a good song with 140bpm kappa and simply rhythm(strong drums), and understand why would RC require mappers mapping Normal diffs with Distance Snap Lock. not only Easy/Normal, all harder diffs need a reasonable crash sound to break the DS consistency. remember you are 1. catch the rhythem; 2. placing your obj depend on the rhythm strength (spacing); 3. use your creativity or experience to build patterns and flows.
I am writting this because I don't think any further suggestions could help this map. it need a remap at certain time (my first ranked map remapped more than 3 times and a lot bug fixes and a lot practices on rhythm catching)
some other hints:

try not start sliders on red stick unless you have no ther option
try not end slider on a big white stick
NC is used to help player understand the crash and DS change, and normally the big white stick will be a crash, so you normally nc big white sticks(or every two)
anti spacing is good to stop the high speed flows and could be use in non kiai sections
"copy is the best way to learn mapping" if you find a style you like, try to manipulate it to your mapping style

00:42:688 - fill vocal maybe
01:03:538 (3) - try blanket this if you can

nice diff
Topic Starter

Shad0w1and wrote:

00:01:438 (4,1) - anti spacing, stack them
01:01:438 (9) - DS 1.8x thank you for these tips!
00:02:338 (5) - crash here, increase DS above 2.3x
00:31:738 (6) - nc or increase ds of 00:32:038 (7) -
00:44:038 (2) - increase DS
01:01:438 (7) - DS

ok, I will stop here because I think your diffs might need a rework. you need practice more before you want to rank a map like this. this song is really hard and not good for a new mapper to learn about mapping. your rhythm catch is not too bad for a new mapper, but not good enough to handle a song like this hard. I understand that many new mappers want to rank a hard map and get high play counts, but it is not that easy. I suggest you focus mapping a good song with 140bpm kappa and simply rhythm(strong drums), and understand why would RC require mappers mapping Normal diffs with Distance Snap Lock. not only Easy/Normal, all harder diffs need a reasonable crash sound to break the DS consistency. remember you are 1. catch the rhythem; 2. placing your obj depend on the rhythm strength (spacing); 3. use your creativity or experience to build patterns and flows.
I am writting this because I don't think any further suggestions could help this map. it need a remap at certain time (my first ranked map remapped more than 3 times and a lot bug fixes and a lot practices on rhythm catching) just got finished with a remap, should be a lot better now!
some other hints:

try not start sliders on red stick unless you have no ther option
try not end slider on a big white stick
NC is used to help player understand the crash and DS change, and normally the big white stick will be a crash, so you normally nc big white sticks(or every two)
anti spacing is good to stop the high speed flows and could be use in non kiai sections
"copy is the best way to learn mapping" if you find a style you like, try to manipulate it to your mapping style thank you for the tip!

00:42:688 - fill vocal maybe
01:03:538 (3) - try blanket this if you can
nice diff

Shad0w1and wrote:

00:42:688 - fill vocal maybe Nah, it would feel forced, there is only a really quiet "tsu"
01:03:538 (3) - try blanket this if you can Would hurt flow a bit
Thanks for checking!
I keep forgetting to mod this
I'm bad at modding but let's see

  1. First of all, the combos, they feel placed randomly. Try adding a new combo each downbeat (Large white line on the timeline)
  2. 00:01:138 (3,4,5) - i feel like this should be a biggger jump, try moving 4 around here it would follow a similar pattern to 00:01:738 (1,2,3,4,5) - so it works nicely
  3. 00:03:688 (2,1) - Place the slider like the other ones, (these 00:02:938 (1,1) - ) because it follows the same sound as the other ones, a similar placement makes sense (oh and remove the new combos)
  4. 00:04:288 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - The spacing variation makes this a bit uncomfortable to play, i think you need to redo this pattern. 00:04:438 (2,1) - This spacing is too low for the rest of the pattern and the angle of this 00:04:888 (1,2,3) - is too wide.
  5. 00:06:388 (6,7) - This should be made a 1/1 slider, it would follow the song better since 00:06:538 - there is no beat here.
  6. 00:06:988 (2,3) - ^ There are a lot of cases like this, this will give more variety to the map and avoid 1/2 spam
  7. 00:09:838 (1) - Make the slider end clickable to emphasize the cymbal crash 00:10:138 - , use 1/2 slider + circle.
  8. 00:11:638 - You should add a circle here, you're skipping a beat.
  9. 00:24:238 (3,1,2) - Why stop the jumps here? Nothing changed on the song so keep making jumps
  10. 00:25:588 (6,7) - The stack on slider end interrupts the flow, it's not very fun to play and it's confusing on hidden.
  11. 00:41:938 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - These triples should start on the red line, like this
  12. 00:52:738 (1) - Why the sudden slider? keep the 1/3 rhythm going
  13. 00:53:338 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - These squares are uncomfortable to play, it worked better arranging the circles by three like you did before using triangles since it's a 1/3 rhythm
  14. 00:55:738 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Dat spacing increase :o you should decrease it. I know it's the buildup but it's the highest spacingg on the map.
  15. 01:03:538 (1,2) - Why stack? I would do the contrary and make a small jump, the vocalists switch so stacking makes no sense
  16. 01:05:488 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - You need to redo this pattern flow wise, it's really unintuitive to play. This transition is too forced 01:05:038 (1,1) - and also the transition to the second triangle. A way to make the secongg triangle work is to ctrl+g these 01:05:938 (1,2) -
  17. 01:09:538 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - This needs more structure, redo this one as well.
  18. 01:14:938 (2,3,4) - I think something more exciting can be mapped here, try some 1/2 slider jumps?
  19. 01:22:138 (1,3) - Stacking sliders like that looks weird and it's confusing on hidden (at least for me)
  20. 01:24:538 (1,2) - Instead of repeats use circles like at the beginning of the map, it's more fun
  21. 01:26:638 (6,7) - Higher spacing please, it's the last part of the map :(
I think you might have to remap yeah, when doing that try making the map have more structure, use the polygon circle creator (ctrl+shift+d) and making the sliders better looking (a small guide: t/208596). Other thing is your rhythm and spacing choice for some parts, listen more closely to the song and emphasize the most important beats/sounds.
Oh, and the flow, when making jumps avoid wide angles and stuff, they don't work too well for some reason :v
Topic Starter

Atsuro wrote:

I'm bad at modding but let's see

  1. First of all, the combos, they feel placed randomly. Try adding a new combo each downbeat (Large white line on the timeline)
  2. 00:01:138 (3,4,5) - i feel like this should be a biggger jump, try moving 4 around here it would follow a similar pattern to 00:01:738 (1,2,3,4,5) - so it works nicely fixed
  3. 00:03:688 (2,1) - Place the slider like the other ones, (these 00:02:938 (1,1) - ) because it follows the same sound as the other ones, a similar placement makes sense (oh and remove the new combos) Didn't really understand what you meant here, I tried...
  4. 00:04:288 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - The spacing variation makes this a bit uncomfortable to play, i think you need to redo this pattern. 00:04:438 (2,1) - This spacing is too low for the rest of the pattern and the angle of this 00:04:888 (1,2,3) - is too wide. redid the pattern, should be ok
  5. 00:06:388 (6,7) - This should be made a 1/1 slider, it would follow the song better since 00:06:538 - there is no beat here. its the ending of the trumpet/saxaphone, 1/1 sounds awful.
  6. 00:06:988 (2,3) - ^ There are a lot of cases like this, this will give more variety to the map and avoid 1/2 spam I honestly think that there is no problem with that
  7. 00:09:838 (1) - Make the slider end clickable to emphasize the cymbal crash 00:10:138 - , use 1/2 slider + circle. color=#0000FF]fixed[/color]
  8. 00:11:638 - You should add a circle here, you're skipping a beat.fixed
  9. 00:24:238 (3,1,2) - Why stop the jumps here? Nothing changed on the song so keep making jumps the flow would change for the worse if I continued the jumps, It still is a jump to the circle+slider..
  10. 00:25:588 (6,7) - The stack on slider end interrupts the flow, it's not very fun to play and it's confusing on hidden. f i x e d
  11. 00:41:938 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - These triples should start on the red line, like this Fixed
  12. 00:52:738 (1) - Why the sudden slider? keep the 1/3 rhythm going its the only think that fits tbh
  13. 00:53:338 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - These squares are uncomfortable to play, it worked better arranging the circles by three like you did before using triangles since it's a 1/3 rhythm fixed
  14. 00:55:738 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Dat spacing increase :o you should decrease it. I know it's the buildup but it's the highest spacingg on the map. nerfed/fixed
  15. 01:03:538 (1,2) - Why stack? I would do the contrary and make a small jump, the vocalists switch so stacking makes no sense fixed
  16. 01:05:488 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - You need to redo this pattern flow wise, it's really unintuitive to play. This transition is too forced 01:05:038 (1,1) - and also the transition to the second triangle. A way to make the secongg triangle work is to ctrl+g these 01:05:938 (1,2) - I tried my best on this..made another triangular pattern with a better transition
  17. 01:09:538 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - This needs more structure, redo this one as well. fixed
  18. 01:14:938 (2,3,4) - I think something more exciting can be mapped here, try some 1/2 slider jumps? Its sort of a cool down/rest part of the song and map... its fine.
  19. 01:22:138 (1,3) - Stacking sliders like that looks weird and it's confusing on hidden (at least for me) Its fine....
  20. 01:24:538 (1,2) - Instead of repeats use circles like at the beginning of the map, it's more fun fixed
  21. 01:26:638 (6,7) - Higher spacing please, it's the last part of the map :(

I think you might have to remap yeah, when doing that try making the map have more structure, use the polygon circle creator (ctrl+shift+d) and making the sliders better looking (a small guide: t/208596). Other thing is your rhythm and spacing choice for some parts, listen more closely to the song and emphasize the most important beats/sounds.
Oh, and the flow, when making jumps avoid wide angles and stuff, they don't work too well for some reason :v
Topic Starter
just thought I would make an announcement.

I have finally decided to delete extra and add a light insane.
You may be wondering: why?
Well, for my first serious set an extra wouldn't work out very well. It's just holding the set back with remap after remap, problem after problem.
I personally don't think I am skilled enough as a mapper to include an extra in my most serious set going for ranked. I need more practice in general even though making light insanes/insanes/extras are my specialty. I feel bad about wasting modders' time but its for the best... thank you freebird42 and more for the support.


Hello , M4M for the two hardest diff, as we said :P
i could do all of it but it's 2AM here x_X

Before I start I'd like to say I'm doing my best to not look offensive ! Some people told me I was sometimes offensive in my mods and that's really not how I want it to be ! So if you feel like I'm offensive or negative in some way don't hesitate to say it , but all the things I write are purely suggestions anyways !

Collab Light Insane :

Overall : I don't really understand why AR 8.7 :P If you have a good reason then fair enough but since it's 200 bpm and contains some jumps i'd say ar9 is better for this diff too, same for the Hard one , i'd say ar8 is fair enough (but it's just my way of thinking)

00:00:538 (1) - I think this might look a bit neater if you make a blanket with the next circle like this
00:01:888 - Here also a small adjustment upwards makes this jump look way more beautiful :D
00:05:338 (1) - maybe this slider would look better curved (just suggestion)
00:14:938 (1,2) - again here a blanket looks good imo ^^
00:16:588 (3) - you should try to make these kind of sliders more regular this way :
00:18:238 (4,1) - here is also a small blanket mistake, but i'll stop pointing them out like a nazi, i trust you'll fix it where you can :p
00:34:738 (3,4,5,6) - i would suggest you to space them out some more because a bit later you use higher spacing and there isn't any notable difference in music intensity or anything, but it's just a suggestion :)
00:44:338 (3,4) - i think the spacing here is also a bit too small, when i testplayed i went too fast and missed ... (rip) but you could fix that by repeating (3), so it would also match with 00:46:888 (3,4) - (where there is no interruption)
00:50:938 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - this spacing feels very odd also, because just few secs ago you used similar spacing for 1/2 jumps :s i'd recommend to space them out a bit more like 00:53:338 (1,2,3,1,2,3) -
00:52:738 (1) - this one's ending should be 1/3 snapped : like this
01:05:488 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - just a suggestion here, i think the flow is a bit better like this, you don't have to change if you don't like it :) this for the jumps and this to keep the flow after that
00:54:538 (1) - also i forgot, here i think a long slider might fit more than a spinner, but meh i'm not sure :P do as you wish

Insane :

Overall : same as previous diff, there are some blankets to fix but i'm sure you can do that by yourself :)

00:20:788 (3) - hmm a normal curve would look nicer but it is only my opinion 8-)
00:50:938 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - again i suggest a higher spacing here ^^
01:05:038 (4) - the lack of notes after this is a bit disturbing during gameplay, especially as there is still music, i'd say you could make a slider from this circle to make it less awkward
01:06:088 (2,4) - it's better to space up those two just a bit , imo
00:54:538 (1) - same suggestion as previous diff, well more like something to think about :P

Really cool map , I enjoyed playing it and wish you the best to get it ranked !
Topic Starter
Got a bit tired, going to look over this mod tommorow, ty!
Topic Starter

SKAIII wrote:

Hello , M4M for the two hardest diff, as we said :P
i could do all of it but it's 2AM here x_X

Before I start I'd like to say I'm doing my best to not look offensive ! Some people told me I was sometimes offensive in my mods and that's really not how I want it to be ! So if you feel like I'm offensive or negative in some way don't hesitate to say it , but all the things I write are purely suggestions anyways !

Collab Light Insane :

Overall : I don't really understand why AR 8.7 :P If you have a good reason then fair enough but since it's 200 bpm and contains some jumps i'd say ar9 is better for this diff too, same for the Hard one , i'd say ar8 is fair enough (but it's just my way of thinking) Both fixed, I agree.

00:00:538 (1) - I think this might look a bit neater if you make a blanket with the next circle like this
00:01:888 - Here also a small adjustment upwards makes this jump look way more beautiful :D
00:05:338 (1) - maybe this slider would look better curved (just suggestion)Yeah, I was thinking about that. The slider art isnt very good on that lol. fixed
00:14:938 (1,2) - again here a blanket looks good imo ^^is this a compliment? I dont really understand lol
00:16:588 (3) - you should try to make these kind of sliders more regular this way : It looks fine, in the picture it barely changed anyway.
00:18:238 (4,1) - here is also a small blanket mistake, but i'll stop pointing them out like a nazi, i trust you'll fix it where you can :p I dont get whats wrong here?
00:34:738 (3,4,5,6) - i would suggest you to space them out some more because a bit later you use higher spacing and there isn't any notable difference in music intensity or anything, but it's just a suggestion :) fixed, but didnt space it out a whole bunch
00:44:338 (3,4) - i think the spacing here is also a bit too small, when i testplayed i went too fast and missed ... (rip) but you could fix that by repeating (3), so it would also match with 00:46:888 (3,4) - (where there is no interruption) tried to make it a bit better I guess. In my opinion it was fine but if it flows better im all for it
00:50:938 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - this spacing feels very odd also, because just few secs ago you used similar spacing for 1/2 jumps :s i'd recommend to space them out a bit more like 00:53:338 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Going to leave this the same. The spacing is fine in it and the reason it increased is because the end of the buildup got more intense than the previous few seconds.
00:52:738 (1) - this one's ending should be 1/3 snapped : like this wow, thanks! this really fits alot better
01:05:488 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - just a suggestion here, i think the flow is a bit better like this, you don't have to change if you don't like it :) this for the jumps and this to keep the flow after that fine imo
00:54:538 (1) - also i forgot, here i think a long slider might fit more than a spinner, but meh i'm not sure :P do as you wish Its fine, the slider would be huge if I added one.

Insane :

Overall : same as previous diff, there are some blankets to fix but i'm sure you can do that by yourself :)

00:20:788 (3) - hmm a normal curve would look nicer but it is only my opinion 8-) fixed
00:50:938 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - again i suggest a higher spacing here ^^fixed, just a little bit though. the spacing was a bit small to begin with.
01:05:038 (4) - the lack of notes after this is a bit disturbing during gameplay, especially as there is still music, i'd say you could make a slider from this circle to make it less awkwardfixed
01:06:088 (2,4) - it's better to space up those two just a bit , imofixed
00:54:538 (1) - same suggestion as previous diff, well more like something to think about :PJust keeping it a spinner

Really cool map , I enjoyed playing it and wish you the best to get it ranked !
thanks for the mod! so was your map :D
you should think about placing some notes or even sliders! hue

00:02:938 (1,2) - this seems is kinda hard to read for an normal,dont you think so?
the sv in this is diff is maybe a bit to high imo

pretty flawless

[Light Insane Collab]
00:35:188 (6,1) - overlap
01:10:738 (5) - move this a bit down so its in a straight line with the previous notes
00:06:388 (6) - move it a bit down maybe?
00:10:738 (4) - curve this slider more so it points to the next slider
00:42:838 (3) - make this a slider? v:
rest looks p solid
Topic Starter
Will also do this mod in a bit, ty! Rafis is streaming :D
Topic Starter

Mazziv wrote:

you should think about placing some notes or even sliders! hue

00:02:938 (1,2) - this seems is kinda hard to read for an normal,dont you think so? not at all, it just looks weird in editor.
the sv in this is diff is maybe a bit to high imo well, the normal turned out to be a bit higher diff so I think the sv is fine for the star rating..

pretty flawless yay

[Light Insane Collab]
00:35:188 (6,1) - overlap fixed
01:10:738 (5) - move this a bit down so its in a straight line with the previous notes fixed
00:06:388 (6) - move it a bit down maybe? fixed
00:10:738 (4) - curve this slider more so it points to the next slider
00:42:838 (3) - make this a slider? looks and sounds bad
rest looks p solid
Hi, mod as requested.

  1. Check AIMod, there's lots of metadata and preview point inconsistencies.

  1. 00:00:838 (2,3) - The spacing here is inconsistent, this is 1.30 whilst most other notes are 1.00. This is bad for normal difficulties because normal players need a clear distance snap in order to know when to hit the notes.
  2. 00:17:638 (2,4) - I'm not fond of this overlap. Although it won't interfere with reading, it still doesn't look or flow nice as the player will be moving their cursor to an area they've just been. You should rearrange the notes to be more like the other patterns in the diff.
  3. 00:26:638 (5,1) - Again, jumps should be avoided in normal because players still getting used to distance snap.
  1. 00:34:588 (3,4,5,1) - Not a fan of this 90° flow, you should make it a bit more sharp or curvier, that way it'll flow and look nicer, as well as being more interesting.
  2. 00:54:338 (5,6) - Ctrl+g these notes. I don't like how the transition from (4,5) is at much less steep of an angle than the other notes in the pattern, despite the music being pretty much the same; so ctrl+g on (5,6) will maintain the zig-zag flow, making it more faithful to the music.
[Light Insane]
  1. 00:14:938 (1,2) - You could improve this blanket a bit, as it looks untidy in it's current state.
  2. 00:52:138 (1,2,3,1) - Make the spacing equal through all four of these notes, as the 1/3 beats they're on are just as powerful as each other in terms of emphasis; it doesn't change. So your map should reflect on that.
  1. 00:27:688 (4,5,6) - This flow could be sharper, to be consistent with the rest of the jumps in this pattern. The music doesn't change to justify this being any different, does it? An increase in spacing could also help, for the same reasons.
  2. 00:28:588 (2,1) - You could blanket these two notes for a neater appearance overall.
  3. 00:42:838 (3,4) - The spacing here can be a bit confusing, because it hardly increases at all. This makes players assume that the note is a 1/2 like the others in this pattern, but they'll end up missing. If you're not going to increase the spacing then at least add an NC at (4) so players can notice the spacing change easily and inform them that they have to wait.
  4. 00:46:588 (3,4) - Again, this blanket could also use some work, atm it looks messy imo.
  5. 01:01:138 (3,4) - Much like 00:42:838 (3,4) -, you really need to increasing the spacing here or else people will think it's a jump and hit 1/2 early.
Overall, your map had solid rhythms and hitsounding, but I feel that flow and aesthetics need a bit of work. I shot a star, good luck!

Mazziv wrote:

00:02:938 (1,2) - this seems is kinda hard to read for an normal,dont you think so? hmm I can see where you're coming from, I'll change the pattern
the sv in this is diff is maybe a bit to high imo nah it's fine, i needed it somewhat high to avoid 1/2 overlaps
Thanks for the mod !

-Faded- wrote:

  1. 00:00:838 (2,3) - The spacing here is inconsistent, this is 1.30 whilst most other notes are 1.00. This is bad for normal difficulties because normal players need a clear distance snap in order to know when to hit the notes. I'll disagree with that one. I've seen people at a Normal level (or under) play this properly. The rhythm is clear and easy, and the pattern makes it easy to sightread.
  2. 00:17:638 (2,4) - I'm not fond of this overlap. Although it won't interfere with reading, it still doesn't look or flow nice as the player will be moving their cursor to an area they've just been. You should rearrange the notes to be more like the other patterns in the diff. I see where you're coming from, I reworked the pattern
  3. 00:26:638 (5,1) - Again, jumps should be avoided in normal because players still getting used to distance snap. see above
Thanks for the mod !

i am fox
osu file format v14

AudioFilename: Hyadain no Jo-Jo-Yuujou (TV-Size).mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: -1
Countdown: 1
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

Bookmarks: 538,5338,14938,33688,43738,50938,56938,66538,74938,88138
DistanceSpacing: 1
BeatDivisor: 2
GridSize: 16
TimelineZoom: 1.3

Title:Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou (TV Size)
TitleUnicode:Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou (TV Size)
Version:Shiro's Normal


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 206,49,72
Combo2 : 2,171,253
Combo3 : 242,231,13
Combo4 : 248,128,7

Topic Starter
ahhhh going to do this mod tommorow
family is over... ty!
will mod soon
Topic Starter

-Faded- wrote:

Hi, mod as requested.

  1. Check AIMod, there's lots of metadata and preview point inconsistencies.

Going to skip Normal and Hard mod as they are not my diffs. I will make sure the mapper see them though, ty!
  1. 00:00:838 (2,3) - The spacing here is inconsistent, this is 1.30 whilst most other notes are 1.00. This is bad for normal difficulties because normal players need a clear distance snap in order to know when to hit the notes.
  2. 00:17:638 (2,4) - I'm not fond of this overlap. Although it won't interfere with reading, it still doesn't look or flow nice as the player will be moving their cursor to an area they've just been. You should rearrange the notes to be more like the other patterns in the diff.
  3. 00:26:638 (5,1) - Again, jumps should be avoided in normal because players still getting used to distance snap.
  1. 00:34:588 (3,4,5,1) - Not a fan of this 90° flow, you should make it a bit more sharp or curvier, that way it'll flow and look nicer, as well as being more interesting.
  2. 00:54:338 (5,6) - Ctrl+g these notes. I don't like how the transition from (4,5) is at much less steep of an angle than the other notes in the pattern, despite the music being pretty much the same; so ctrl+g on (5,6) will maintain the zig-zag flow, making it more faithful to the music.
[Light Insane]
  1. 00:14:938 (1,2) - You could improve this blanket a bit, as it looks untidy in it's current state. made it look a bit better
  2. 00:52:138 (1,2,3,1) - Make the spacing equal through all four of these notes, as the 1/3 beats they're on are just as powerful as each other in terms of emphasis; it doesn't change. So your map should reflect on that.

  1. 00:27:688 (4,5,6) - This flow could be sharper, to be consistent with the rest of the jumps in this pattern. The music doesn't change to justify this being any different, does it? An increase in spacing could also help, for the same reasons. fixed, I think?
  2. 00:28:588 (2,1) - You could blanket these two notes for a neater appearance overall. fixed
  3. 00:42:838 (3,4) - The spacing here can be a bit confusing, because it hardly increases at all. This makes players assume that the note is a 1/2 like the others in this pattern, but they'll end up missing. If you're not going to increase the spacing then at least add an NC at (4) so players can notice the spacing change easily and inform them that they have to, nice job pointing that out :o
  4. 00:46:588 (3,4) - Again, this blanket could also use some work, atm it looks messy imo. fixed Ithink
  5. 01:01:138 (3,4) - Much like 00:42:838 (3,4) -, you really need to increasing the spacing here or else people will think it's a jump and hit 1/2 early.

Overall, your map had solid rhythms and hitsounding, but I feel that flow and aesthetics need a bit of work. I shot a star, good luck!
thanks for the star! :D

-Faded- wrote:

  1. 00:34:588 (3,4,5,1) - Not a fan of this 90° flow, you should make it a bit more sharp or curvier, that way it'll flow and look nicer, as well as being more interesting. I'm a fan :c
  2. 00:54:338 (5,6) - Ctrl+g these notes. I don't like how the transition from (4,5) is at much less steep of an angle than the other notes in the pattern, despite the music being pretty much the same; so ctrl+g on (5,6) will maintain the zig-zag flow, making it more faithful to the music. Ok
hi as request and late


Enable Countdown ×

[Collab Light Insane]

00:01:138 (3) - why not try a 1/2 reverse slider?

00:02:338 (5,6) - looks a little unreasonable or unnecessary, keep the similar pattern like 00:01:738 (1,2,3,4) - is good, don't changed its spacing, in the other word, this slider appear at 393,224 and 282,214 maybe better. if you still want to make some change, my suggest is fix this 2 sliders blanket and let 00:02:188 (4) - & 00:02:338 (5) - slider's start & 00:02:638 (6) - slider's start to be a equilateral triangle maybe like this

00:04:288 (1,2,3,4,5) - about this 7 " NA", in my opinion they are the same, the same volume & tone, so maybe use 7 circles to instead this pattern maybe better, and i think the second choice can be 2 1/2 reverse sliders and one circle. i think use twice pattern like a 1/2 slider and a circle is more suitable in thythm like " strong(crrcle)-strong(slider's start)-weak(slider's end)", not in this place because i think this place have no weak point

00:09:838 (1) - consider change this slider's speed to make this diff more fun and more interesting

00:32:938 (1) - this reverse slider...i think not very necessary...but i can't find somgthing better to replace that sorry...

00:42:838 (2) - this slider can be slower because you see the vocal, i think it become slower than before and music in background disappeared finally, right?

00:52:738 (1) - this slider i think you can still use one 2/3 slider and one circle or one 2/3 reverse slider to keep the pattern...because rhythm not changed so obviously, 00:52:938 - i think this place should be used something to reflect that but you not, and this slidertick make this slider awful because this slidertick means nothing should be appeared here, finally i think this slidertick is redundant and useless

01:05:788 (1,1) - consider remore NC because it's not very necessary and 01:05:488 (1,2) - 01:05:788 (1,2) - 01:06:088 (1,2) - what about inrcease this jump's spacing by every group? maybe you can have a try

01:09:688 (1) - unnecessary NC yes

01:21:238 (1) - this NC more should used at 01:21:538 (3) - this place

01:26:938 (1) - too loud volume in this spinner's end...normal finish are you serious?

about hitsounds i think you need more work in that, try to find some more mods in hitsounds


00:01:138 (3) - why not try 2 circles to instead that and why full overlap with 00:00:538 (1) - ? you use twice drum finish in this slider so i think 2 circles is more suitable and can reflect the vocal and rhythm and music better

00:11:788 (1) - unnecessary NC

00:11:938 (2,3) - maybe use 2 slider to instead this 2 corcles can be better?

00:32:938 (1) - i think this stream should constitute by 8 or 12 notes not 10...and the last reverse slider can use NC and reverse twice not 3 times

00:36:538 (2,3,4) - why change this place's spacing? i think distance between 00:36:088 (1,2) - 00:36:538 (2,3) - 00:36:688 (3,4) - should be the same

00:43:138 (4) - 00:52:738 (1) - this place, my opinion the same as light insane

00:56:038 (1) - unnecessary NC and 00:56:338 (1) - also can remove

01:13:738 (1,1,1) - speed up slider by slider, you see the tone higher and higher, right?

01:25:888 (1) - you can use one NC, if you still want to use multi NC, you can consider NC by 3+4 not 2+2+3

01:26:938 (1) - this spinner's end hitsounds different with light insane...

i think this diff better than light insane but still need more work in hitsounds...good luck

find nothing in other diff
Topic Starter

T-Mac wrote:

hi as request and late


Enable Countdown ×

[Collab Light Insane]

00:01:138 (3) - why not try a 1/2 reverse slider? fine imo

00:02:338 (5,6) - looks a little unreasonable or unnecessary, keep the similar pattern like 00:01:738 (1,2,3,4) - is good, don't changed its spacing, in the other word, this slider appear at 393,224 and 282,214 maybe better. if you still want to make some change, my suggest is fix this 2 sliders blanket and let 00:02:188 (4) - & 00:02:338 (5) - slider's start & 00:02:638 (6) - slider's start to be a equilateral triangle maybe like this eeeh didnt exactly agree with this too much but fixed how you want it

00:04:288 (1,2,3,4,5) - about this 7 " NA", in my opinion they are the same, the same volume & tone, so maybe use 7 circles to instead this pattern maybe better, and i think the second choice can be 2 1/2 reverse sliders and one circle. i think use twice pattern like a 1/2 slider and a circle is more suitable in thythm like " strong(crrcle)-strong(slider's start)-weak(slider's end)", not in this place because i think this place have no weak point a 7 circle pattern may be a bit hard for the difficulty and I personally think the pattern is find but if this is pointed out more I will fix

00:09:838 (1) - consider change this slider's speed to make this diff more fun and more interesting chaged

00:32:938 (1) - this reverse slider...i think not very necessary...but i can't find somgthing better to replace that sorry... unfortunately theres not much I can do here without bumping up the difficulty a lot, with a stream.

00:42:838 (2) - this slider can be slower because you see the vocal, i think it become slower than before and music in background disappeared finally, right? fixed

00:52:738 (1) - this slider i think you can still use one 2/3 slider and one circle or one 2/3 reverse slider to keep the pattern...because rhythm not changed so obviously, 00:52:938 - i think this place should be used something to reflect that but you not, and this slidertick make this slider awful because this slidertick means nothing should be appeared here, finally i think this slidertick is redundant and useless chose the reverse slider

01:05:788 (1,1) - consider remore NC because it's not very necessary and 01:05:488 (1,2) - 01:05:788 (1,2) - 01:06:088 (1,2) - what about inrcease this jump's spacing by every group? maybe you can have a try pattern looks awful without the nc and its supposed to look like that.. any more notice about this and I will change it but its fine imo

01:09:688 (1) - unnecessary NC yes fixed

01:21:238 (1) - this NC more should used at 01:21:538 (3) - this place fixed

01:26:938 (1) - too loud volume in this spinner's end...normal finish are you serious?

about hitsounds i think you need more work in that, try to find some more mods in hitsounds hitsounds are fine, some may have been deleted in process of modding however


00:01:138 (3) - why not try 2 circles to instead that and why full overlap with 00:00:538 (1) - ? you use twice drum finish in this slider so i think 2 circles is more suitable and can reflect the vocal and rhythm and music better fixed

00:11:788 (1) - unnecessary NC fixed

00:11:938 (2,3) - maybe use 2 slider to instead this 2 corcles can be better? fine imo

00:32:938 (1) - i think this stream should constitute by 8 or 12 notes not 10...and the last reverse slider can use NC and reverse twice not 3 times fixed

00:36:538 (2,3,4) - why change this place's spacing? i think distance between 00:36:088 (1,2) - 00:36:538 (2,3) - 00:36:688 (3,4) - should be the same fixed

00:43:138 (4) - 00:52:738 (1) - this place, my opinion the same as light insane both fixed

00:56:038 (1) - unnecessary NC and 00:56:338 (1) - also can remove fixedcolor]

01:13:738 (1,1,1) - speed up slider by slider, you see the tone higher and higher, right?

01:25:888 (1) - you can use one NC, if you still want to use multi NC, you can consider NC by 3+4 not 2+2+3
01:26:938 (1) - this spinner's end hitsounds different with light insane... fixed

i think this diff better than light insane but still need more work in hitsounds...good luck hitsounds fine imo just need to add the deleted ones

find nothing in other diff
not even late
2016-01-08 18:05 -GriM-: hi
2016-01-08 18:05 Spaghetti: hi
2016-01-08 18:05 -GriM-: hi
2016-01-08 18:06 Spaghetti: ok
2016-01-08 18:06 -GriM-: ok
2016-01-08 18:06 Spaghetti: there's some fundemental issues ive gotta cover
2016-01-08 18:06 Spaghetti: on this
2016-01-08 18:06 Spaghetti: ACTION is editing [ Hyadain - Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou (TV Size) [Insane]]
2016-01-08 18:07 Spaghetti: which you find not even two seconds into the map
2016-01-08 18:07 Spaghetti: which is spacing
2016-01-08 18:07 Spaghetti: 00:01:138 (3,4,5) -
2016-01-08 18:07 Spaghetti: how come 4 and 5 is spaced out more than 3 and 4?
2016-01-08 18:08 -GriM-: eeeeh
2016-01-08 18:08 -GriM-: fixing
2016-01-08 18:09 -GriM-: ok were giid
2016-01-08 18:11 Spaghetti: the entire map is pretty bland, but normal for a new mapper
2016-01-08 18:11 Spaghetti: there isnt much uh
2016-01-08 18:11 Spaghetti: dynamic spacing
2016-01-08 18:12 Spaghetti: and thers no patterns at all
2016-01-08 18:12 Spaghetti: you need that to make a map more enjoyable
2016-01-08 18:12 -GriM-: bland aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
2016-01-08 18:12 -GriM-: where could there be patterns
2016-01-08 18:12 -GriM-: where there isnt already
2016-01-08 18:12 Spaghetti: like these could be spaced out more to emphasize the downbeat
2016-01-08 18:12 Spaghetti: 00:06:388 (6) -
2016-01-08 18:12 Spaghetti: 00:07:738 (1) -
2016-01-08 18:12 Spaghetti: 00:08:788 (5) -
2016-01-08 18:13 Spaghetti: 100:11:038 (5,1) - this double is pretty odd, and kills that sliders energy
2016-01-08 18:13 Spaghetti: 00:11:038 (5,1) -
2016-01-08 18:13 -GriM-: 100:11:038
2016-01-08 18:13 Spaghetti: real quick
2016-01-08 18:13 Spaghetti: ima show u an example of how a map is structured using patterns
2016-01-08 18:13 Spaghetti: my favorite example is this one
2016-01-08 18:13 Spaghetti: ACTION is listening to [ Infected Mushroom - The Pretender]
2016-01-08 18:14 Spaghetti: take a look at these patterns
2016-01-08 18:14 Spaghetti: you will find them in most maps today
2016-01-08 18:14 Spaghetti: they make everything funner to play and cleaner
2016-01-08 18:14 Spaghetti: 00:47:973 (1,2) -
2016-01-08 18:15 -GriM-: but theres no points in spacing out unimportant parts of the song
2016-01-08 18:15 Spaghetti: 00:48:662 (3,8) -
2016-01-08 18:15 Spaghetti: those parts are very important
2016-01-08 18:15 Spaghetti: its the hardest beat of each bar
2016-01-08 18:15 Spaghetti: 00:49:697 (1,2) -
2016-01-08 18:15 Spaghetti: 00:50:731 (1,2,3) -
2016-01-08 18:15 Spaghetti: 00:52:455 (1,2) -
2016-01-08 18:15 Spaghetti: 00:53:490 (1,2) -
2016-01-08 18:16 Spaghetti: 00:55:214 (1,2,3,4,1,2) -
2016-01-08 18:16 Spaghetti: 00:57:110 (4,5,6,7,8) -
2016-01-08 18:16 Spaghetti: 00:58:662 (4,5,1,2,1,2,1) -
2016-01-08 18:16 Spaghetti: 01:00:386 (4,1,2) -
2016-01-08 18:16 Spaghetti: i think u get my point
2016-01-08 18:16 -GriM-: yes
2016-01-08 18:16 -GriM-: so pretty much remap?
2016-01-08 18:16 -GriM-: ;p
2016-01-08 18:17 Spaghetti: i would say yes, but do whatever you want
2016-01-08 18:17 -GriM-: I mean
2016-01-08 18:17 Spaghetti: i dont want to rain on your parade, but i dont think this map can get ranked in its current state
2016-01-08 18:17 -GriM-: if the map is boring to play
2016-01-08 18:17 -GriM-: of course it cant
2016-01-08 18:17 -GriM-: no easy gd
2016-01-08 18:17 -GriM-: as of now
2016-01-08 18:17 Spaghetti: i mean like
2016-01-08 18:18 -GriM-: and I guess I probaly have to remap insane now
2016-01-08 18:18 Spaghetti: the insane cant
2016-01-08 18:18 Spaghetti: 00:11:188 (1,2,3) -
2016-01-08 18:18 Spaghetti: add a note on the white tick after the slider?
2016-01-08 18:18 Spaghetti: to remove weird rhythm gaps?
2016-01-08 18:18 Spaghetti: it can be kinda hard to read there
2016-01-08 18:19 Spaghetti: 00:13:138 (3,4,5) - id ctrl g these rhythms
2016-01-08 18:19 -GriM-: fixed
2016-01-08 18:19 Spaghetti: aka slider first two notes after
2016-01-08 18:19 Spaghetti: to end with a bigger bang
2016-01-08 18:20 Spaghetti: 00:14:638 (6) - moving this somewhere like here
2016-01-08 18:21 Spaghetti:
2016-01-08 18:21 -GriM-: dont see the difference in the screenshot
2016-01-08 18:21 Spaghetti: would emphasize that little bell repeat slider by making it a sharper angle and put more ephasis on 00:14:938 (1) - since its coming back into the main melody
2016-01-08 18:22 Spaghetti: wha
2016-01-08 18:22 Spaghetti: the repeat slider is moved back
2016-01-08 18:22 -GriM-: `oh
2016-01-08 18:22 -GriM-: alright
2016-01-08 18:22 Spaghetti: this is where it was before
2016-01-08 18:23 Spaghetti: 00:17:038 (3,4,1) -
2016-01-08 18:23 Spaghetti: good job on this
2016-01-08 18:23 Spaghetti: this is the kind of emphasis u need to use
2016-01-08 18:24 -GriM-: hold on just want to point this out
2016-01-08 18:24 -GriM-: want to know why my map seems bland?
2016-01-08 18:24 Spaghetti: uh sure
2016-01-08 18:24 -GriM-: I know if I make a pattern
2016-01-08 18:24 -GriM-: its going to be pointed out for "bad flow" or "random" or some other sht
2016-01-08 18:24 -GriM-: every time
2016-01-08 18:24 -GriM-: I make a pattern
2016-01-08 18:24 Spaghetti: who said that
2016-01-08 18:24 Spaghetti: lol
2016-01-08 18:24 -GriM-: there is at least 1 thing wrong with it
2016-01-08 18:24 Spaghetti: well
2016-01-08 18:24 Spaghetti: it is trial and error
2016-01-08 18:25 Spaghetti: you need to learn what patterns would fit where
2016-01-08 18:25 Spaghetti: if you never use patterns youll never learn
2016-01-08 18:25 Spaghetti: and you wont be able to create a proper beatmap
2016-01-08 18:25 Spaghetti: even HW and shiirn use patterns
2016-01-08 18:27 Spaghetti: i just wanna point out that i love this pattern on helix lol
2016-01-08 18:27 Spaghetti: 00:54:860 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
2016-01-08 18:27 Spaghetti: 00:19:738 (1,2,3) -
2016-01-08 18:27 Spaghetti: for these sliders
2016-01-08 18:27 Spaghetti: itd be better if you made each slider end face directly to the next slider head
2016-01-08 18:28 Spaghetti: if the curve is all the same
2016-01-08 18:28 -GriM-: ok
2016-01-08 18:29 Spaghetti: something more like this?
2016-01-08 18:29 Spaghetti: 00:21:688 (2,3,4,1) -
2016-01-08 18:29 Spaghetti: the spacing here is really weird
2016-01-08 18:30 -GriM-: I settled for this
2016-01-08 18:30 Spaghetti: the distance between 00:21:688 (2,3,4) - should also apply to 00:21:988 (4,1) -
2016-01-08 18:30 Spaghetti: so everything flows well
2016-01-08 18:30 Spaghetti: and yeah ok perfect
2016-01-08 18:31 Spaghetti: 00:23:488 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - another example of a GREAT pattern
2016-01-08 18:31 Spaghetti: i only ask you to polish it a bit mor
2016-01-08 18:31 Spaghetti: e
2016-01-08 18:31 Spaghetti: so the triangles are prefect
2016-01-08 18:31 Spaghetti: if you ever need perfect shapes, hit ctrl+shift+d
2016-01-08 18:32 -GriM-: how to do ctrl shift d?
2016-01-08 18:32 Spaghetti: hm?
2016-01-08 18:32 Spaghetti: just press them all at the same time
2016-01-08 18:33 -GriM-:
2016-01-08 18:34 Spaghetti: look at the options it gives you when you press it
2016-01-08 18:34 Spaghetti: you can make it bigger
2016-01-08 18:34 Spaghetti: and rotate it
2016-01-08 18:34 Spaghetti: see what i mean>
2016-01-08 18:36 -GriM-: i gues
2016-01-08 18:36 Spaghetti: 00:26:638 (4,1) - good spacing'
2016-01-08 18:36 Spaghetti: 00:27:538 (3,4,5,6) - not so good spacing :P
2016-01-08 18:37 Spaghetti: 00:27:838 (5,6) - should be spaced out as much as 00:27:688 (4,5) -
2016-01-08 18:38 Spaghetti: 00:29:338 (1,2) -
2016-01-08 18:38 Spaghetti: this is ok, due to the movement that someones cursor would make to hit it makes more sense
2016-01-08 18:38 Spaghetti: but 00:29:938 (2,3) - should be slider end to slider head
2016-01-08 18:39 -GriM-:
2016-01-08 18:39 Spaghetti: 00:32:338 (3,4,5,6,1) - goooooooood job with spacing, this time you did it right
2016-01-08 18:39 -GriM-: ^ bad?
2016-01-08 18:39 Spaghetti: its good
2016-01-08 18:41 Spaghetti: 01:02:038 (3,4) - weird stack since you dont do it anywhere else before this
2016-01-08 18:42 Spaghetti: 01:14:938 (1,2,3,4) -
2016-01-08 18:42 Spaghetti: same as usual
2016-01-08 18:42 Spaghetti: 01:16:138 (3,4) - is fine tho
2016-01-08 18:42 Spaghetti: 01:19:738 (1,2,3) - really weird curves, they look very ugly imo
2016-01-08 18:43 Spaghetti: try not to curve sliders too much
2016-01-08 18:43 Spaghetti: thats all i have to say about insane issue wise
2016-01-08 18:43 -GriM-: tfw you think the curve sliders are edgy
2016-01-08 18:43 -GriM-: but they're bad :^(
2016-01-08 18:44 Spaghetti: the map can use some SUPER huge amount of polishing
2016-01-08 18:44 Spaghetti: for that i reccomend you ask Arphimigon for a nazi mod
2016-01-08 18:44 Spaghetti: he really helped me with stargazer
2016-01-08 18:44 Spaghetti: tell him i sent you
2016-01-08 18:44 -GriM-: ok
Topic Starter
arphimigon here we come
brief irc mod
02:26 -GriM-:
02:28 grumd: ohhhhh this song lolooool
02:28 grumd: love this anime
02:29 -GriM-: I agree!
02:30 grumd: okay i have a few general suggestions for insane
02:31 grumd: first is my personal preference but it makes almost all maps look more solid and structured
02:31 grumd: 00:09:388 (2,3) - when you are using curved sliders try to keep the same radius for them. or almost the same. i mean, they are too different, these sliders. better to use same amount of curviness :D
02:32 grumd: like this
02:32 grumd: 00:28:588 (2) - bad overlap
02:32 -GriM-: better?
02:32 grumd: no :D
02:33 grumd: totally different still
02:33 -GriM-: may I ask where the overlap is
02:33 grumd: overlap
02:33 -GriM-: omg is barely touching waa
02:33 grumd: that's what's bad
02:33 grumd: if it was overlapping with a solid portion i would assume it's intentional
02:34 grumd: this is just unpolished and meh
02:34 -GriM-: fixed
02:34 grumd: 00:34:138 - next general suggestion is to make this section slower a bit. something average between previous fast section and next slow section. maybe 0.8x? would fit how the music is more quiet
02:35 grumd: 00:41:938 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - this is wrong, the rhythm should be like this
02:35 -GriM-: imo the song doesnt really slow down
02:35 -GriM-: just the vocals change
02:35 grumd: yeah they are a lot lower
02:35 grumd: oh
02:35 grumd: no
02:36 grumd: well that was just a suggestion
02:36 grumd: do what you want
02:36 -GriM-: ok
02:37 grumd: and the last i think general suggestion
02:37 grumd:
02:37 grumd: see this?
02:37 -GriM-: ok fixed the rythm issue
02:37 grumd: that's from a different map but will work
02:37 grumd: basically when you place a curved slider it suggests an arc figure
02:37 -GriM-: 10/10 mspaint sketch
02:38 grumd: and if you want to get the best flow you should follow this arc with next and/or previous objects
02:38 grumd: you can see on the screenshot how (4) circle is outside of the red circle
02:38 grumd: that makes the flow worse
02:38 grumd: circles should be on the red line/ inside of the circle to make it flow the best
02:38 grumd: that's not a rock solid rule but it's good to follow
02:39 grumd: 01:07:138 (3,4,5,1) - this doesn't flow
02:39 -GriM-: ok
02:39 grumd: 00:22:138 (1,2) - this isn't great too
02:40 grumd: 00:35:938 (5,1) - this too
02:40 grumd: 00:36:688 (3,4) - this
02:40 grumd: 00:39:388 (3,4) - this
02:40 -GriM-: what would be the best option for 1;07
02:40 grumd: 00:50:038 (1,2) - and so on
02:41 grumd: best 1:07
02:41 grumd: but it's really hard to fix when your map is already done
02:41 grumd: so better just remember this for future
02:42 grumd: 01:08:788 (7,1) - and same stuff again, i'm not going to link all of them though, there are a lot
02:42 grumd: 01:26:488 (2,3) - i'd better not stack this one
02:42 -GriM-: Im confused on what you want me to do with these
02:42 grumd: seen my screenshot?
02:43 -GriM-: yes, but I still dont understand what your implying
02:43 grumd: 01:08:788 (7,1) - for example this, i'll show you on this example how this works
02:44 grumd: so first of all we see that the circle doesn't fit in the slider curve
02:44 grumd: we can either move the circle or remake the slider
02:44 grumd: remaking slider is easier in this case
02:45 grumd:
02:46 grumd: now the circle fits the curve
02:47 grumd: before the movement would have an uncomfortable edge making the flow worse
02:47 -GriM-: ah
02:47 grumd: but after the fix it's smooth
02:48 grumd: there are a lot of same things there
02:49 -GriM-: yeah
02:49 -GriM-: i was going to ask for a nazi mod from arphi
02:50 -GriM-: spaghetti said it was the best way LOL
02:50 grumd: 00:26:188 (2) - this is one of the worst here
02:50 -GriM-: holy fk wtf
02:50 -GriM-: insane is 4.99 star now
02:50 -GriM-: eww
02:51 -GriM-: ok should be ok now
02:51 -GriM-: redid the slider
02:51 grumd: and this is better
02:53 grumd: and so on
02:53 grumd: i guess you'll do it on your own
Topic Starter
Hello, I know you asked for a mod, but these diffs look pretty good already. Anyways, here's a few things:

[Shiro's Normal]
Kind of hard for a normal, so not sure how to judge about it.
00:04:738 (6) - Could this be extended to the next red tick? Seems like it would be more intuitive that way with the vocal.
00:08:338 (2,3) - Feel like there should be something on the red tick between these circles.
00:09:238 (5) - This slider seems like it would make more sense a tick later.

[Atsuro's Hard]
No problems found. Good diff.

[Collab Light Insane]
01:14:938 (2,3,4,5) - I think these sliders would feel better extended to the blue tick.

01:11:038 (6) - This jump could be bigger.
01:14:938 (1,2,3) - Extend these to blue tick also?

Sorry for not much to say, but hope it helps. Good luck on getting ranked!
Topic Starter

Kradfiz wrote:

Hello, I know you asked for a mod, but these diffs look pretty good already. Anyways, here's a few things:

[Shiro's Normal]
Kind of hard for a normal, so not sure how to judge about it.
00:04:738 (6) - Could this be extended to the next red tick? Seems like it would be more intuitive that way with the vocal.
00:08:338 (2,3) - Feel like there should be something on the red tick between these circles.
00:09:238 (5) - This slider seems like it would make more sense a tick later.
going to ignore this as this is not my diff :3

[Atsuro's Hard]
No problems found. Good diff.

[Collab Light Insane]
01:14:938 (2,3,4,5) - I think these sliders would feel better extended to the blue tick. probaly going to keep the same, its fine without the blue tick.

01:11:038 (6) - This jump could be bigger. nah, its fine
01:14:938 (1,2,3) - Extend these to blue tick also? Same as above, it also sounds pretty weird...

Sorry for not much to say, but hope it helps. Good luck on getting ranked!

Kradfiz wrote:

[Shiro's Normal]
Kind of hard for a normal, so not sure how to judge about it. It is, but it's difficult to do otherwise given the song :/
00:04:738 (6) - Could this be extended to the next red tick? Seems like it would be more intuitive that way with the vocal. I don't think it'd be good to extend it. Sliders with multiple repeats (especially short ones) are confusing, so I'd rather keep this simple.
00:08:338 (2,3) - Feel like there should be something on the red tick between these circles. hmm ok
00:09:238 (5) - This slider seems like it would make more sense a tick later. I'll disagree with this one. I'm mostly following the drums here (because they have simpler rhythms), so changing midway would be confusing.
Thanks for the mod!

@mapper add Odaril to the tags of all difficulties (my previous name)

i am fox
osu file format v14

AudioFilename: Hyadain no Jo-Jo-Yuujou (TV-Size).mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 55738
Countdown: 1
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

Bookmarks: 538,5338,14938,33688,43738,50938,56938,66538,74938,88138
DistanceSpacing: 1
BeatDivisor: 2
GridSize: 16
TimelineZoom: 1.3

Title:Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou
Version:Shiro's Normal
Tags:Nichijou nichijo opening second 2 前山田健一 Maeyamada Kenichi atsuro shiro happyrocket88


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 206,49,72
Combo2 : 2,171,253
Combo3 : 242,231,13
Combo4 : 248,128,7

Topic Starter
going to update hitsounds real quick

EDIT: ok were good now
Hi, from #modreqs

  1. Nothing to say
Collab Light Insane
  1. 00:02:338 (5,6) - Blanket?
  2. 00:05:338 (1) - 00:05:938 (3) - ^
  3. 00:09:688 (7,1) - Rotate it a bit for better flow
  4. 00:11:788 (1,2,3) - Maybe make it into a straight line
  5. 00:14:938 (1,2) - Blanket
  6. 00:15:538 (3) - 00:15:988 (1) - ^
  7. 00:18:238 (4,1) - Blanket maybe too
  8. 00:21:388 (4,5,1) - ^
  9. 00:24:838 (1,2) - ^
  10. 00:29:338 (1,2,3) - ^
  11. 00:35:638 (2,3) - ^
  12. 00:52:138 (1,2,3) - 00:53:938 (1,2,3) - Kinda hard to aim for a Light Insane
  13. 01:14:938 (2,3) - Blanket
  14. 01:16:138 (4,5) - That would be much better if 5 was "blanketed" into 4 imo
  15. 01:22:438 (2,3,4,5) - Blanket
  16. Omg so much nazi blankets
Can't mod Insane since you updated it when I was modding, rip :(
Nice map, good luck! :D
Topic Starter

Shyotamaze wrote:

Hi, from #modreqs

  1. Nothing to say
Collab Light Insane
  1. 00:02:338 (5,6) - Blanket? nah wouldnt really work with DS
  2. 00:05:338 (1) - 00:05:938 (3) - ^ fixed
  3. 00:09:688 (7,1) - Rotate it a bit for better flowfixed
  4. 00:11:788 (1,2,3) - Maybe make it into a straight line fine imo
  5. 00:14:938 (1,2) - Blanket nah its ok
  6. 00:15:538 (3) - 00:15:988 (1) - ^ made a bit better,
  7. 00:18:238 (4,1) - Blanket maybe too fixed
  8. 00:21:388 (4,5,1) - ^ fixed
  9. 00:24:838 (1,2) - ^ wouldnt really work with DS
  10. 00:29:338 (1,2,3) - ^nah its ok
  11. 00:35:638 (2,3) - ^ nah, wasn't supposed to be a blanket
  12. 00:52:138 (1,2,3) - 00:53:938 (1,2,3) - Kinda hard to aim for a Light Insane not really
  13. 01:14:938 (2,3) - Blanket is ok
  14. 01:16:138 (4,5) - That would be much better if 5 was "blanketed" into 4 imo fixed
  15. 01:22:438 (2,3,4,5) - Blanket nah
  16. Omg so much nazi blankets
Can't mod Insane since you updated it when I was modding, rip :(
Nice map, good luck! :D
thanks for mod!
Topic Starter
Insane remap nearly done!
Sorry for the late. /w\

osu file format v14

AudioFilename: Hyadain no Jo-Jo-Yuujou (TV-Size).mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 55738
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

DistanceSpacing: 1.5
BeatDivisor: 2
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1

Title:Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou
Version:Rocket's easy
Tags:Nichijou nichijo opening second 2 前山田健一 Maeyamada Kenichi atsuro shiro happyrocket88 odaril


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 206,49,72
Combo2 : 2,171,253
Combo3 : 242,231,13
Combo4 : 248,128,7

Topic Starter
thank you happy! :D
Topic Starter
Btw Insane remap is done!
You're lucky!
from #modreq. c:

-skips easy-

Feels a bit like an Hard.. mh.
It's so fast. ;;
Maybe redo it or call it.. Normal+?.. Idk. But i never said it's bad! ;w;

00:06:388 (1) - Place it like that More playable.
00:14:938 (1) - Put it to x:384 y:176 Looks better.
00:24:838 (2,3,4,1) - How about that?
Not more to change i guess. ~

Insane and Light Insane are oki. ~
Meow meow gud luck. ~
Topic Starter

CookieKivi wrote:

You're lucky!
from #modreq. c:

-skips easy-

Feels a bit like an Hard.. mh.
It's so fast. ;;
Maybe redo it or call it.. Normal+?.. Idk. But i never said it's bad! ;w; It doesnt need a rename or anything infact.. Its fine how it is. Normal+ would be awkward since theres no regular normal

00:06:388 (1) - Place it like that More playable.
00:14:938 (1) - Put it to x:384 y:176 Looks better.
00:24:838 (2,3,4,1) - How about that?
Not more to change i guess. ~ skipping because this is Atsuro's diff :)

Insane and Light Insane are oki. ~
Meow meow gud luck. ~
thank you!

00:01:738 (1,3) - displace those a bit more
00:03:838 (5) - i belive a 1/2 slider fits here best (or even a repeat slider if you want no breaks in the playflow)
00:05:038 (6,7,1) - slight curve movement completely breaks the intensity build up for the pay off on 00:05:338 - . Consider changing this pattern.
00:07:738 - this sv change is wierd to play (was very wierd on the first play)
00:10:438 (2,3,4) - let this flow move this 00:10:738 (3) - to around 156|200 or smth
00:11:038 - add another note here or make this a slider , those suden stops are rly killing the play :/
00:14:488 (5) - no need for this
00:26:038 (2,3,4) - the flow on this is really messed up. mb smth like this
00:30:988 (4,5,6,7,8) - this changing spacing w/o any angle jumps plays wierd. keep it consistent!
00:30:988 (4,5,6,7,8) - dont space them so far apart. It puts way mroe stress than there shold be
00:35:338 (1,2) - can you turn this into a blanket or smth? It looks very arbitrary and uninspired like this
00:39:838 (5,6,7,8) - thats wierd. Can you let the triple direction be the jump direction?
00:55:738 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Dont switch from high spaced to low spaced like that! Let there be a buildup. 00:56:338 (5,6,7,8) - These trouble me the most
01:06:388 (3,1) - why stack?
01:17:638 (2) - atleast blanket this propperly
01:26:188 (3,1) - whats the deal with this sudden drop in spacing?

Im sorry man this is nowhere near ready. I coul write down even more but i dont want to discourage you. You need more experience!!!

[Collab insane]

00:01:738 (1,2,3,4,5) - you make this to a star so the drop out to the slider occurs more natural
00:02:938 (1,2,3) - this 90° angle is rly wierd to play
00:06:988 (2) - make this linear or less curved (let the slider follow the flow of the two objects before it)
00:07:738 (1) - make this a propper "S" shape
00:07:738 (1) - smth like this would put more variety into this part (and look better w/o all those sharp curved sliders)
00:27:988 (6) - make this a propper shape
00:31:288 (2,3,4,1) - this is very wierd to play aswell. Mostly because of the angle from 2 to 3 since 2 is not well put into the flow of the slider before it.
00:52:338 (2) - put this between 3 and 2 with equal distance between them (208|240)

[Atsuro's Hard]

01:16:138 (1,3) - blanket those a bit better

[Shiro's Normal]

Why 1,6 sv ?

00:01:138 (3,4,5) - put those on a line?
00:02:938 (1,2) - 200bpm single taps on a normal.. damn son chill. I think this overlap and the 1/2 snap is WAY too much for a normal
00:08:338 (2,3,4,5) - damn.. same
00:10:138 (8) - NC ? It geta bit too red :^)
00:12:838 (2,4) - move the note and sldier end a bit more apart from 00:11:938 (10) - so they dont "nearly touch"
00:14:938 (1) - almost doubled the apsurdly high spacing...
00:26:938 (1) - same
00:35:938 (4,1) - cant you make the transition a bit more natural. Jumping from 2/1 to 1/2 is quite a hit for a new player..
00:38:938 (1,2) - this aswell..
01:05:038 (4) - move this a bit more away from 01:04:438 (2) -
01:04:738 (3,4,5) - sudden ds increas on a nearly linear patrn... ok
01:21:538 - you could put here and here 01:21:838 - notes for those aggressice vocals
01:24:538 (1) - thats a cheap spinner...

i thought normals should be this boring thing for newer players to get used to this game...
being creative doesnt mean breaking the norm...

[Rocket's Easy]

01:22:138 (1) - cant you map this Q_Q the mapped looked rly good.

only atsuro's and Rocket's dif looked good to me. Rest needs work..
Topic Starter

Smokeman wrote:


00:01:738 (1,3) - displace those a bit more fixed
00:03:838 (5) - i belive a 1/2 slider fits here best (or even a repeat slider if you want no breaks in the playflow) fixed
00:05:038 (6,7,1) - slight curve movement completely breaks the intensity build up for the pay off on 00:05:338 - . Consider changing this pattern. lmao nothing is wrong with it
00:07:738 - this sv change is wierd to play (was very wierd on the first play)fixed
00:10:438 (2,3,4) - let this flow move this 00:10:738 (3) - to around 156|200 or smth fixed
00:11:038 - add another note here or make this a slider , those suden stops are rly killing the play :/ fixed
00:14:488 (5) - no need for this yes there is, just listen lol
00:26:038 (2,3,4) - the flow on this is really messed up. mb smth like this fixed
00:30:988 (4,5,6,7,8) - this changing spacing w/o any angle jumps plays wierd. keep it consistent! its fine
00:30:988 (4,5,6,7,8) - dont space them so far apart. It puts way mroe stress than there shold be nerfed a bit
00:35:338 (1,2) - can you turn this into a blanket or smth? It looks very arbitrary and uninspired like this blanket doesnt fit
00:39:838 (5,6,7,8) - thats wierd. Can you let the triple direction be the jump direction? its fine
00:55:738 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Dont switch from high spaced to low spaced like that! Let there be a buildup. 00:56:338 (5,6,7,8) - These trouble me the most You are completely wrong here, there is no significant change in spacing here at all
01:06:388 (3,1) - why stack? it fits best
01:17:638 (2) - atleast blanket this propperly its fine, no blanket was even intended lmao
01:26:188 (3,1) - whats the deal with this sudden drop in spacing? fixed

Im sorry man this is nowhere near ready. I coul write down even more but i dont want to discourage you. You need more experience!!! Or are you just too lazy to point out more and just want kudosu? :o

[Collab insane]

00:01:738 (1,2,3,4,5) - you make this to a star so the drop out to the slider occurs more natural its fine
00:02:938 (1,2,3) - this 90° angle is rly wierd to play fixed somewhat
00:06:988 (2) - make this linear or less curved (let the slider follow the flow of the two objects before it) fixed
00:07:738 (1) - make this a propper "S" shape its fine
00:07:738 (1) - smth like this would put more variety into this part (and look better w/o all those sharp curved sliders) flows bad
00:27:988 (6) - make this a propper shape fixed
00:31:288 (2,3,4,1) - this is very wierd to play aswell. Mostly because of the angle from 2 to 3 since 2 is not well put into the flow of the slider before it. dont exactly agree with this but fixed a bit
00:52:338 (2) - put this between 3 and 2 with equal distance between them (208|240) no

[Atsuro's Hard]

01:16:138 (1,3) - blanket those a bit better

[Shiro's Normal]

Why 1,6 sv ?

00:01:138 (3,4,5) - put those on a line?
00:02:938 (1,2) - 200bpm single taps on a normal.. damn son chill. I think this overlap and the 1/2 snap is WAY too much for a normal
00:08:338 (2,3,4,5) - damn.. same
00:10:138 (8) - NC ? It geta bit too red :^)
00:12:838 (2,4) - move the note and sldier end a bit more apart from 00:11:938 (10) - so they dont "nearly touch"
00:14:938 (1) - almost doubled the apsurdly high spacing...
00:26:938 (1) - same
00:35:938 (4,1) - cant you make the transition a bit more natural. Jumping from 2/1 to 1/2 is quite a hit for a new player..
00:38:938 (1,2) - this aswell..
01:05:038 (4) - move this a bit more away from 01:04:438 (2) -
01:04:738 (3,4,5) - sudden ds increas on a nearly linear patrn... ok
01:21:538 - you could put here and here 01:21:838 - notes for those aggressice vocals
01:24:538 (1) - thats a cheap spinner...

i thought normals should be this boring thing for newer players to get used to this game...
being creative doesnt mean breaking the norm...

[Rocket's Easy]

01:22:138 (1) - cant you map this Q_Q the mapped looked rly good.

only atsuro's and Rocket's dif looked good to me. Rest needs work..
skipped these 3 as they are not my diffs
Ok Insane remap is done so I can mod it now?
still havent done it wtf is wrong with me
Topic Starter
yeah its done

CookieKivi wrote:

00:06:388 (1) - Place it like that More playable. Nah, the 1/1 gap would be less visible.
00:14:938 (1) - Put it to x:384 y:176 Looks better. Breaks the distance snap
00:24:838 (2,3,4,1) - How about that? I made the flow here non-linear on purpose, it just feels better for me

Smokeman wrote:

01:16:138 (1,3) - blanket those a bit better I think it's better... lol
Thank yous
The idea of mapping that point was to follow vocals mostly. I dont think it would be a big deal if I don't map it. /w\ thanks for modding!
So like, you asked so I'm here I guess? ._.

You should probably snap some of the green points
00:08:938 (4,2) - I dunno, the slider tracks not being completely on top of each other kinda just ends up looking gross imo, I don't really think there would be too much visibility issues since it would still be there and stuff plus 4 would disappear by the time 1 would be done, so reposition slider end of 1 to do this maybe?
00:18:538 (5,6) - In your latest post, you state "The idea of mapping that point was to follow vocals mostly", so in that case, why is this different from 00:16:138 (2) - then? Since 2 is made to follow vocals while the one pointed out (5,6) isn't a 3/2 repeat is just inconsistent
00:43:738 - Just person preference I guess, but I would have made the spinner end here, strong sound where it is at the moment, but still the place pointed out is where first vocal is so that's just up to you
00:44:938 (1,2) - Don't like pointing out blankets, but this one is off
00:59:338 (1) - I kinda disagree with this although it repeats itself during the map, mainly because 00:56:938 (1,2,3,4,5) - is so dense, that when this is thrown into it, it just feels like you needed it to be easier. Although I disagree with keeping it since it just feels awkward to have a dense part followed by like a 3/1 or something like that slider, at least make it have some curves or something like 01:08:938 (1) - so vocals feel somewhat "expressed"
01:07:738 (3,1) - Overlapppppp
01:19:738 (3,4,5) - 3,5 overlap, move 4 to right so blanketing 5 will look cleaner
01:22:138 (1) - I for one am kinda just opposed to this spinner, I mean it's kinda just there, the part could be mapped, which I highly suggest, and at the same time there's also the fact that the spinner itself is 6 whole seconds long, which is basically exhausting I would assume to newer players, so yeah, please map it

Not really going to say anything too specific, but the map itself seems very tricky to read, which I find probably not a good thing, since right off the bat I saw something like 00:07:738 (1,2,3,4) - and it's pretty easy to assume 3 would go after 1 rather than 2 or even 4 look like it can go before it, it just seems like most of the diff is hard to read. You're on modhelp often so if you actually want things pointed out you know where to find me lol

00:10:138 (1,2,3) - Maybe try to make 2,3 similar to like 00:09:388 (2,3) - in terms of flow, since it's kinda awkward to go forward then just a sharp turn back or w/e, it doesn't really feel expected since the way you had flow previous to this was perfectly fine
00:39:838 (5,6,2) - Slight repositioning on 2 so they don't overlap?
01:01:439 (4,2) - Perfectly stack (slightly off right now)

Guess I'll just end it here for now
From my queue

the straight jumps like 00:07:288 (4,5,6,1) - , 00:17:038 (5,6,1) - , 00:19:438 (5,6,1) - , 00:40:888 (4,5,6,1) - , 00:42:538 (1,2,3) - , 00:56:338 (5,6,7,8) - , 01:00:238 (2,3,1) - , 01:13:438 (6,7,1) - , 01:20:638 (6,7,1) - , 01:26:038 (2,3,1) - , these jump is really hard to play when you are playing, avoid these kind of jumps when you are mapping as much as possible
00:08:338 (2) - NC
00:31:438 (7,8) - why the DS here is smaller then
00:39:988 (6,7,8) - stick together
00:42:538 (1) - move to 476 276
00:43:738 (2) - NC
00:48:538 (1) - move to 268 288
01:01:138 (5,6) - suggest 1/1 slider here
01:14:638 (1) - NC off

GL ;)
Topic Starter

SnowNiNo_ wrote:

From my queue

the straight jumps like 00:07:288 (4,5,6,1) - fixed , 00:17:038 (5,6,1) - fixed , 00:19:438 (5,6,1) - fixed , 00:40:888 (4,5,6,1) - fixed , 00:42:538 (1,2,3) - , fixed 00:56:338 (5,6,7,8) - nah , 01:00:238 (2,3,1) - fine imo, fixed a bit tho , 01:13:438 (6,7,1) - made a bit better , 01:20:638 (6,7,1) - fixed , 01:26:038 (2,3,1) - keeping, its not that big of a jump anyway , these jump is really hard to play when you are playing, avoid these kind of jumps when you are mapping as much as possible
00:08:338 (2) - NC fixed
00:31:438 (7,8) - why the DS here is smaller then fixed
00:39:988 (6,7,8) - stick together nah, I just turned it so its facing better tho
00:42:538 (1) - move to 476 276 fixed
00:43:738 (2) - NC fix
00:48:538 (1) - move to 268 288 fixed
01:01:138 (5,6) - suggest 1/1 slider here fixed
01:14:638 (1) - NC off fixed

GL ;)
thank youuuuu foor modding! (imagine this in meltina's amazing voice :^) )
Hi, mod for the new insane~

  1. 00:05:038 (6,7,1) - This jump could be sharper, because it has the same issues as the jumps the other modder pointed out. Also, it can be pretty jarring due to how it's right after a jump pattern full of sharp angles.
  2. 00:14:488 (5) - Is there any need for this note? There isn't a sound here that would justify another hitcircle here, so I would just remove it.
  3. 00:21:838 (3,4,1) - The flow here could be improved, as (1) curves pretty harshly. Move it a bit to the left, so it's around 4|224.
  4. 00:52:738 (1) - Why is this a slider? The music doesn't change to justiify this, so just have another set of circles here instead. There isn't a need to worry about intensity since the jumps do a great job at building up to the kiai.
  5. 00:53:938 (1,2,3) - This jump could also be a bit sharper. All the jumps before it have been at acute angles, so having this so different would be inconsistent. Also, the singer is putting much more energy into singing at this part, so sharp angles would do a better job at emphasizing it.
  6. 01:06:538 (1,2,3) - These notes need a lot more emphasis as this is the most intense part of the song, so space them out a bit or change the pattern (ctrl+g on (2) would do this well)
  7. 01:16:738 (4,2) - A minor suggestion, but make sure the edges of (2) perfectly overlap the rim of (4). It should look like this
  8. 01:25:288 (2,3) - (3) also needs much more emphasis as these beats are incredibly powerful. I would move it much further away.
  9. 01:26:188 (3,1) - Again, you could have more emphasis on (1) if you made the angle sharper, because right now it plays a bit awkward considering how it's surrounded by sharp jumps.
So um yeah, Not bad at all, you just have to remember to give notes the proper emphasis. Strong notes require sharp, well spaced jumps, while weak notes can be stacked or expressed with small jumps. The sharper the angle, the more emphasis the note gets.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

-Faded- wrote:

Hi, mod for the new insane~

  1. 00:05:038 (6,7,1) - This jump could be sharper, because it has the same issues as the jumps the other modder pointed out. Also, it can be pretty jarring due to how it's right after a jump pattern full of sharp angles. Fixed
  2. 00:14:488 (5) - Is there any need for this note? There isn't a sound here that would justify another hitcircle here, so I would just remove it. its the start of the chimes
  3. 00:21:838 (3,4,1) - The flow here could be improved, as (1) curves pretty harshly. Move it a bit to the left, so it's around 4|224. fixed
  4. 00:52:738 (1) - Why is this a slider? The music doesn't change to justiify this, so just have another set of circles here instead. There isn't a need to worry about intensity since the jumps do a great job at building up to the kiai. its a slider because circles wouldn't fit due to vocals
  5. 00:53:938 (1,2,3) - This jump could also be a bit sharper. All the jumps before it have been at acute angles, so having this so different would be inconsistent. Also, the singer is putting much more energy into singing at this part, so sharp angles would do a better job at emphasizing it. fixed
  6. 01:06:538 (1,2,3) - These notes need a lot more emphasis as this is the most intense part of the song, so space them out a bit or change the pattern (ctrl+g on (2) would do this well)
  7. 01:16:738 (4,2) - A minor suggestion, but make sure the edges of (2) perfectly overlap the rim of (4). It should look like this fixed i guess lol
  8. 01:25:288 (2,3) - (3) also needs much more emphasis as these beats are incredibly powerful. I would move it much further away.
  9. 01:26:188 (3,1) - Again, you could have more emphasis on (1) if you made the angle sharper, because right now it plays a bit awkward considering how it's surrounded by sharp jumps.
I tried my hardest to make this better ;-;

So um yeah, Not bad at all, you just have to remember to give notes the proper emphasis. Strong notes require sharp, well spaced jumps, while weak notes can be stacked or expressed with small jumps. The sharper the angle, the more emphasis the note gets.

Good luck!
zank u 4 mod
Here to bring forth my judgement about map yay.
Mainly just modding for Insane though since that's what I was asked for and put it off for like 2 weeks xd

00:00:538 (1,2) - Fix ur blankets Rocket xd
00:26:038 (3,5) - Am I the only one who thinks these just seem a little too close? Just me? Ok. But all other sliders/notes had breathing space so far.
00:58:138 (3,4) - Going by really strict rhythmical standards (you know me enough) this feels nicer as slider then note. Just switch the rhythm and see how it feels! (same at 01:07:738 (3,4) - ) also the ends of the sliders are on somewhat more important vocals/stronger ones.
01:14:938 (4) - This is quite obviously assymettrical!
01:19:738 (3,5) - These touch pls no touchie

00:08:788 (5,6) - These feel really out of place, this 00:08:338 (2,3,4,5) - makes sense but skipping the sound at 00:09:388 - and mapping to sounds which are hardly noticeable here is offputting
00:10:138 (8) - tbh NC here cus it gets a little long

00:07:438 (3,4) - Not much need for a stack at this point in particular, especially when there are two different pitches here this just removes all the feelings you get from motion. Later stacks are okay as they are usually on drum-based things with similar sounds, this feels like a small opportunity for more nice movement.
01:16:438 (2,3) - Fix this.

[The Collab Diff]
00:04:288 (1,2) - If you are gonna do this, make SURE that white tick is not a slider-end, as it is very important to tap for metronome and rhythmical simplicity. Try adding either three notes or note then slider.
00:26:488 (3,4,5,1) - This linear play here is really hard to snap correctly, I'd make some sharper angles here so it's not so easy to slip offtrack or get lost.
00:27:538 (3,4,5,6) - Arguably the vocals get stronger per syllable here, so making the last jump (to slider 6) being the lowest spacing is the opposite of logical. I'd either make it the highest, or make each jump here get higher per hit.
00:35:188 (6,1) - Give a little more space between them? Aesthetic purposes.
00:35:338 (1,2) - Perhaps make their curves similar, I prefer the feel of having two short curves played here as well as the improvements to looks.
00:40:138 - this important sound is being missed by 00:39:988 (1) - if you dont want a triple then try for a 1/4 slider with a very low spaced note after, like so:
00:44:338 (3) - Two notes because two words?
00:50:938 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Very hard to tell that these are 1/3 as the spacings are interchangable with the 1/2 and blegh. Either increase the spacing or use more sliders.
01:14:338 (3,1) - Awkwardly low spacing!
01:14:938 - Useless inherit point
01:20:938 (1,2,3,4,1) - Can you emphasize the start of this more as the vocal on here is pretty outstanding compared to most the other vocals? I'd definitely distance it more than the distance from 3 to 4.
01:23:938 (3,1) - Kinda sucks to have a stack here because that means no movement and that means that sweet downbeat and finish sound get little emphasis.

I was told to be nazi.
00:02:188 (4,5) - Why make this so weird to hit after the last jumps? There was a lot of back and forth momentum being made here and that is lost to this stack, not only that but it's less awkward for the player if they continue the jump spree back downwards, abuse this momentum while you have it! Also, stacking strong beats (downbeats mainly) is usually a bad idea because they are the most important beats to hit as they help keep rhythm but also have the most power.
tl;dr remove stack
00:05:038 (6,7,1) - Refer to 00:26:488 (3,4,5,1) - on collab insane, this plays awkward and increases the chances for silly shitmisses for a part which isn't meant to be gimmicky in any way. Linear jumps in this format usually suck.
00:06:238 (5,1) - again with the st- yknow what I'll let you deal with them. Let's just say stacks pretty much remove the joy of motion from the note being pressed. Spacing is pretty much the ONLY thing that shows "how intense" each beat is, stacks ruin this, there is no tension, just tapping.
00:07:288 (4,5,6,1) - Can you try being more abusive of the pitches here? 6 is a higher pitch than 5 and 7 is a lower pitch than 6, then you have the slider which is a high(ish) pitch and a downbeat. An appropriate pattern would be of low -> high -> low -> high spacings. Like so:
00:09:688 (3,4) - I can see now you are trying to pressure the sound, but an almost full 180 degree slider usually feels bad since the song doesn't call for a particular "darty" moment or such, I'd make the angle on this fairly easier to catch, or perhaps a curve.
00:11:188 (1) - Personal opinion here, but since this is a hardest diff I'd like to see pretty much all extra syllables mapped to a new hit as it makes me more in sync and in the same feel as the vocalists. You can equally argue that the vocal at the start and the end of this slider are almost identical, but I'm just saying to abuse the fact this is meant to be the hardest diff to make all the vocals clickable as it makes the player feel more tuned in with the vocals, which this map is based off.
00:11:938 (4,5) - A bit low? Sounds odd I know but this is relatively high pitch AND there is gap, so there is more recovery time. I'd make it around 1.5x DS, your call here.
00:13:888 (1,2,3,4) - THIS IS TOO OP and feels wayyyyyyyyyyyy out of place since it has no drum beat or claps and plays with a really soft, transitional instrument, so the spacing is really sudden and out of place. Also, this could be made into either a perfect square using ctrl-shift-d tool, or a pattern where the spacing increases per note due to the pitches increasing. Here's a simple idea.
That also uses a triangle on one end and is symettrical, and each note has higher spacing, so the pitches play well with it and it looks good! (pls try I love seeing this pattern omff)
00:15:538 (3) - Two notes cus two different syllables?
00:17:038 (5,6,1) - Again with the linear angles being not nice to play, even making slider 1 point left makes this a lot nicer, but as of now it feels plain weird.
00:19:288 (4,5,6,1) - Emphasize 00:19:738 - more, it is way more impactful than the previous noises before it or you can nerf the notes before the slider but that sucks
00:21:388 (1) - A little offputting offbeat slider as it ends on a downbeat and a new vocal. You can remove this slider and make one start 00:21:538 - instead, or remove all the sliders completely as there are vocals at all the sounds here.
00:23:488 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - This is all good, but can you space the slider at the end further or such in a way so that it doesn't feel so much like it is in the same pattern? It's got a finish and it's definitely more pressuring than the sounds before it, so give it a boost in spacing!
00:26:938 - I realise I've gone into my usual "emphasize all your downbeats" route but wow there is an interesting sound... add more spacing! Also this can call for a non-normal slider shape, to give more of an "edge" to the sound
00:32:338 (3,4,5,6,1) - Is it just me or:
1) that note 00:32:938 (1) - feel really hard to catch cus the angle is weird after linear play again
2) the stream 00:32:938 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - seems to go in a completely weird direction to the notes which makes it even harder to stabilise on.
00:36:988 (3,4) - Meh I dont wanna be TOO picky but this doesn't feel right (not PERFECT) cus well... ye its pretty obvious
00:37:438 (5,6) - You see? This is a GOOD stack! Pretty much exactly the same noise, and the vocals heren't emphasised or don't feel like much movement is going on in the first place
00:38:038 (2,3,4,5) - Firstly I wanna say that having a reverse slider for that is really dull, you got 3 high pitched interesting vocals to play around with in jumps but they end up being passive holds with little spacing, so try making them decently spaced jumps. Next of all if you DO make it into three notes, you can turn 00:38:038 (2,3) - into a slider to avoid too many notes in succession.
00:39:538 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is actually pretty nice! I would however make the triple face slightly to the right since there is still some left-right momentum in that jump, makes it easier to catch the triple like that. (also if you moved the triple more right that wouldnt hurt)
00:42:238 (4,5,1) - Please don't start 1/4 on slider end!
00:42:838 (3) - I feel as though this would be much better represented as two notes of very small spacing, almost stacking or even stacking. There isnt really any pressure here so a small or no movement here would work, but you can still hit the second word!
00:48:088 (3,4,5,1) - Having 3-4-5 in a line is great, however keeping the emphasized sound at the same distance AND in the same direction kinda sucks. Make same angling to the slider!
00:49:888 (2) - Also two vocals here, two notes pls!
00:50:938 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Hey, I don't actually have much against this actually, but I always found that triangles seem to make more people read 1/3 correct when it comes up randomly, especially if you have a map with a lack of triangles. Maybe consider adding some triangles that increase spacing per triangle? (pitch increases)
00:55:738 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - The spacings in here all seem way too odd, try making each increase in spacing as there is only one instrument going on and that increases in pitch every sound. Right now you have emphasis on 3 and 5 when really they all should get more than the previous. Also, like 00:13:888 (1,2,3,4) - the spacings at first seem too high for a relatively low pressure part. Start low, end medium then add a snap from 8 to the kiai, it'll serve as a wonderful transition into the kiai!
01:00:538 (1,2,3,4,5) - Is it just me or does this sound like the guy is trying to shout? Idk but it feels like one of the more intense vocals, I'd notch up the spacing a bunch for this and also 01:10:138 (1,2,3,4,5) -
01:10:138 (1,2,3,4,5) - Also, 5 is way too close to 4, low spacings like this should be in the kiai! This kiai should be all jumpy and epic! This spacing feels like it should be in the non-kiai, paired with the downbeat and finishes, it really needs a notch up in spacing. I'd make 4 higher too. Idk why I highlighted 1 2 and 3 xd
01:13:438 (6,7,1) - This angle and spacing paired together is mean! ;-;
01:16:738 (4,1) - Whoa are you sure about this angling and spacing after those sliders just before this? The spike and direction here both seem really misleading. The difficulty spike is in a way justified (albeit slightly high to me) but the direction of both going to the slider and hitting it correctly, following it, and getting off the big curved slider without getting a sliderbreak in order to hit that slider seem wayyyyyyyy too pressuring put all together.
I think I worded that confusingly... so tl;dr spacing is okay but the directions and angling of the sliders are very VERY misleading
01:26:188 (3,1) - Space this more cus it feels like a stronger vocal! (cus downbeat amirite i mean you put a NC there so u must agree with me). If you move 01:26:338 (1,2,3,4) - all this to the right by 100 pixels it will fulfill that effect and still feel good whilst maintaining your current patterning.

Topic Starter
Jesus Christ this will take a bit to do, thanks arphi for nazi mod
BN time after this yayA
Topic Starter
Practically everything was applied to my diffs, thanks arphi!
Topic Starter
Everything should be good to go by tommorow 8-)
Noice triple post.
You can edit ur old posts yknow

Battle wrote:

00:10:138 (1,2,3) - Maybe try to make 2,3 similar to like 00:09:388 (2,3) - in terms of flow, since it's kinda awkward to go forward then just a sharp turn back or w/e, it doesn't really feel expected since the way you had flow previous to this was perfectly fine Did it like that to emphasize the finish on the small slider
00:39:838 (5,6,2) - Slight repositioning on 2 so they don't overlap? Can't do that without moving a lot of stuff, for such a simple and small thing i think it can stay like that
01:01:439 (4,2) - Perfectly stack (slightly off right now) Oke

Arphimigon wrote:

00:07:438 (3,4) - Not much need for a stack at this point in particular, especially when there are two different pitches here this just removes all the feelings you get from motion. Later stacks are okay as they are usually on drum-based things with similar sounds, this feels like a small opportunity for more nice movement. U are right
01:16:438 (2,3) - Fix this. Lol why is it like that
Topic Starter
zank uuu
Fixed everything from Battle and Arphi's mods. Thank yoou so much guys, I hope I addressed the things as suggested.

osu file format v14

AudioFilename: Hyadain no Jo-Jo-Yuujou (TV-Size).mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 55738
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

DistanceSpacing: 1.5
BeatDivisor: 2
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1

Title:Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou
Version:Rocket's Normal
Tags:Nichijou nichijo opening second 2 前山田健一 Maeyamada Kenichi atsuro shiro happyrocket88 odaril


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 206,49,72
Combo2 : 2,171,253
Combo3 : 242,231,13
Combo4 : 248,128,7


Smokeman wrote:

[Shiro's Normal]

Why 1,6 sv ? It fits the song (arguably) and allows for 1/2 spacing without overlapping.

00:01:138 (3,4,5) - put those on a line? okay
00:02:938 (1,2) - 200bpm single taps on a normal.. damn son chill. I think this overlap and the 1/2 snap is WAY too much for a normal
00:08:338 (2,3,4,5) - damn.. same
Both are fine.
00:10:138 (8) - NC ? It geta bit too red :^) Oh, good catch!
00:12:838 (2,4) - move the note and sldier end a bit more apart from 00:11:938 (10) - so they dont "nearly touch" they don't nearly touch o.o
00:14:938 (1) - almost doubled the apsurdly high spacing... Considering the context, the new combo and the rhythm, this is fine to play and read. I've had newer players test this and none of them missed this part.
00:26:938 (1) - same ^
00:35:938 (4,1) - cant you make the transition a bit more natural. Jumping from 2/1 to 1/2 is quite a hit for a new player.. hmm okay I'll change this part a bit
00:38:938 (1,2) - this aswell.. This will be fine, don't worry!
01:05:038 (4) - move this a bit more away from 01:04:438 (2) - done
01:04:738 (3,4,5) - sudden ds increas on a nearly linear patrn... ok changed it
01:21:538 - you could put here and here 01:21:838 - notes for those aggressice vocals I purposely ignored those two notes to give players a short break and separate the two parts of the outro more obviously
01:24:538 (1) - thats a cheap spinner... yeah, but it works, so does that really make it cheap !

i thought normals should be this boring thing for newer players to get used to this game...
being creative doesnt mean breaking the norm... actually that's more or less the definition of being creative

Arphimigon wrote:

00:08:788 (5,6) - These feel really out of place, this 00:08:338 (2,3,4,5) - makes sense but skipping the sound at 00:09:388 - and mapping to sounds which are hardly noticeable here is offputting hmm changed
i am fox
osu file format v14

AudioFilename: Hyadain no Jo-Jo-Yuujou (TV-Size).mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 55738
Countdown: 1
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

Bookmarks: 538,5338,14938,33688,43738,50938,56938,66538,74938,88138
DistanceSpacing: 1
BeatDivisor: 2
GridSize: 16
TimelineZoom: 1.3

Title:Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou
Version:Shiro's Advanced
Tags:Nichijou nichijo opening second 2 前山田健一 Maeyamada Kenichi atsuro shiro happyrocket88 odaril


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 206,49,72
Combo2 : 2,171,253
Combo3 : 242,231,13
Combo4 : 248,128,7

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