
Rameses B - Dream Catcher (ft. Charlotte Haining)

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He is ready 4 mods. :>

Buenas, vengo desde la queue de #spanish. Veo a ErunamoJAZZ en todos los mapas que modeo. xD

Bueno aquí vamos


  1. Si bien tienes tres bgs diferentes, ¿por qué no tener una bg distinta para cada dificultad?
  2. Aquí hay una lista de cosas que hacen falta en la carpeta del mapa.

    AIBat v3.1 wrote:

    Missing SB Elements
    sb/lyrics/2 pt1.png
    sb/lyrics/2 pt2.png
    sb/lyrics/5 pt1.png
    sb/lyrics/5 pt2.png
    sb/lyrics/6 pt1.png
    sb/lyrics/6 pt2.png
  3. Y aquí hay una lista de los elementos que el mapa no usa (curiosamente son los mismos que faltan) lol

    AIBat v3.1 wrote:

    Unused Image Files
    sb\lyrics\2 pt1.png
    sb\lyrics\2 pt2.png
    sb\lyrics\5 pt1.png
    sb\lyrics\5 pt2.png
    sb\lyrics\6 pt1.png
    sb\lyrics\6 pt2.png
  4. Ey! Dígale a Eru que los colores que el maneja no son exactamente los mismos que el de los demás, please. Copie y pegue el código de los demás.
    Combo1 : 173,192,211
    Combo2 : 255,255,121
    Combo3 : 255,111,111
    Combo4 : 172,89,255
    Combo5 : 34,145,255
    Combo6 : 21,255,80
    Combo7 : 29,248,199
  5. También hay una inconsistencia en el preview point. Estoy seguro que debe ser el mismo en todas las dificultades.

    AIBat v3.1 wrote:

    General and Metadata

    Inconsistency in PreviewTime:
    - [Dreams] : 54807
    - [EruJazz's Easy] : 54797
    - [Hard] : 54807
    - [Milan-'s Insane] : 54797
    - [Normal] : 54807
  6. También con lo del kiai, la dificultad de Milan- y la de Eru... demasiado rebeldes. ¿O esto no tiene nada que ver?
  7. En el storyboard del break que comienza aquí 02:02:048 considero que muevas un poco más a la izquierda las letras porque, al parecer, las últimas tres o cuatro letras están comidas. Lose your h... xD

EruJazz's Easy

  1. AR +1. ¿Para que tengas los 4 tres en el CS, AR, OD y HP? /me runs
  2. 00:15:842 (4) Este slider no sé, se ve raro. No sería mejor un slider curvo sencillo para seguri el flujo del slider que le sigue 00:16:531 (1). Como esto.
  3. 00:18:600 (2) ^
  4. 00:22:048 (1,3) Este pequeño detalle no es importante pero es para que se vea más bonito. :o
  5. 00:24:117 (2,4) Almost se tocan. ¿No se vería mejor si haces un stack? O tal vez, sólo mueve 00:26:186 (4) un poquito más arriba.
  6. 00:46:186 (4,5,6,7) Este patrón lo podrías hacer simétrico con el de arriba 00:44:117 (1,2,3) para que quede algo como así o puedes intentar la forma de un hexágono aquí también. :o
  7. 02:01:359 (4) NC aquí para consistencia.
  8. 02:21:014 (1,2) WOW! La super blanket aquí. xD buen trabajo.
  9. 02:53:773 (6) NC aquí para consistencia de los patrones siguientes. :>
  10. 03:06:186 (1,1) El NC es para enfatizar qué?
  11. 03:11:704 (7) NC para consistencia. Cada dos palitos blancos "debería" ir NC.
  12. 03:13:083 (1) Remueve el NC.
  13. 03:15:842 (5) NC
  14. 03:17:221 (1) Remueve NC


  1. Para qué el Beat Snap divisor en 1/16? lol
  2. 00:22:048 (1,2) Nuu... esto se ve feito. Asegúrate que el tail del slider 00:23:428 (2) Termine en el tail de este slider 00:22:048 (1)
  3. 00:16:359 (2) Sólo un detalle con este slider Blanket
  4. 00:44:807 (2,3,4) La distancia no es la misma entre estos sliders, por ello te sugiero ubicar el slider 00:46:186 (4) aquí x=288| y=184
  5. 00:46:876 (1,2,3) El ritmo está bien, pero no sé, considero que está un poco aburrido el flujo aquí.
  6. 01:46:186 (4,1) Meja el blanket de estos dos objetos.
  7. 02:15:152 (1) Bueno, este slider no es del todo simétrico, pero podrías dejarlo así. :>
  8. 03:06:186 (2) NC aquí para un patrón épico (?)


  1. 00:11:014 (1) NC aquí cómo las otras dificultades.
  2. 00:12:221 (3,4) Podrías hacer un overlap decente cómo lo hiciste al principio para seguir secuencia.
  3. 00:15:842 (1,2) Definitivamente arregla este blanket. ugh Quizás esto podría funcionar Aquí
  4. 00:16:359 (2,1) Podrías evitar overlap moviendo la cola del slider hacia la izquierda.
  5. 00:19:117 (2) No se ve mal, pero es mejor que intentes hacer sliders dónde sea más sencillo seguir los sliderticks ya que las estrellas no encajaría para este tipo de sliders. (aunque los he visto en este tipo de canciones dubstep pero en las dificultades mayores)
  6. 00:37:911 (2,2) Sólo una sugerencia nazi para evitar el overlap. esto
  7. 01:21:186 (4,2) Stack them maybe? o fue intencional?
  8. 01:36:531 (1,2,3,4,5) Deberías de manejar el mismo patrón de NCs aquí para consistencia con este 01:14:462 (1,2,1,2,1,2)
  9. 01:43:945 (5) No encaja bien, ya que no suenan streams y recomendaría que siguieras los piticos de la canción. Así, podrías agregar notas aquí 01:43:945 - 01:44:117 - 01:44:290 y 01:44:462 .
  10. 01:46:186 (5,6,7) Al menos deberías de conservar el spacing porque el cambio de polaridad se hace muy repentino y confunde.
  11. 02:25:842 (5) Ubícalo aquí x=396| y=216 para hacer un sliderbow con este 02:24:807 (3) .

Milan-'s Insane

  1. ¿Por qué será que esa imagen de fondo se me hace conocida? :>
  2. A decir verdad, diría que esta dificultad esta perfecta, sólo debo puntualizar unas cositas qué son sugerencias a mi criterio.
  3. 00:13:083 (4,5,1) Por ejemplo eso lo siento arrítmico ya que no sigue las lyrics, quizás si el slider empezara aquí 00:13:600 Y no tuviera revese y fuera larguito encajaría perfectamente. A esto me refiero. :>
  4. 00:37:221 (6) NC para consistencia.
  5. 00:42:738 (5) ^
  6. 00:48:255 (6) ^
  7. 01:35:152 (5) ^
  8. 01:36:531 (1,2,1,2,1,2) Personalmente, este patrón me confundió demasiado, porque el stack entre estos 01:36:704 (2,1) no suplía la diferencia de spacing que quería para saber cuando clickear. Quizás podrías arreglarlo o sólo se deba a un error mío de jugabilidad.
  9. 02:05:842 (6) NC no quedaría mal aquí.
  10. 02:16:531 (3) ^
  11. 02:27:566 (7) ^
  12. 02:41:359 (6) ^
  13. 02:55:152 (1) Remueve el NC, para consistencia.
  14. 03:14:462 (5) NC aquí. :>
No sé modear dificultades mayores a cuatro estrellas. Bien sea porque no puedo pasar y no sé que decir sobre ellas. lol Mimod termina aquí.

Aquí una estrella. Mucha suerte con el mapa. o.o7
Topic Starter

HappyRocket88 wrote:

Buenas, vengo desde la queue de #spanish. Veo a ErunamoJAZZ en todos los mapas que modeo. xD

Bueno aquí vamos


  1. Si bien tienes tres bgs diferentes, ¿por qué no tener una bg distinta para cada dificultad? porque es un bg por persona (la diff de eru tiene un bg diferente porque la diff la hizo eru, al igual que con la de mis diff y la de Milan- :p)
  2. Aquí hay una lista de cosas que hacen falta en la carpeta del mapa.

    AIBat v3.1 wrote:

    Missing SB Elements
    sb/lyrics/2 pt1.png
    sb/lyrics/2 pt2.png
    sb/lyrics/5 pt1.png
    sb/lyrics/5 pt2.png
    sb/lyrics/6 pt1.png
    sb/lyrics/6 pt2.png
  3. Y aquí hay una lista de los elementos que el mapa no usa (curiosamente son los mismos que faltan) lol

    AIBat v3.1 wrote:

    Unused Image Files
    sb\lyrics\2 pt1.png
    sb\lyrics\2 pt2.png
    sb\lyrics\5 pt1.png
    sb\lyrics\5 pt2.png
    sb\lyrics\6 pt1.png
    sb\lyrics\6 pt2.png
    no deberias confiar en lo que el AIBat dice acerca de esto, te esta troleando, porque todos esos elementos son los que conforman el SB lol.. (y obvio todos los estoy usando :p )
  4. Ey! Dígale a Eru que los colores que el maneja no son exactamente los mismos que el de los demás, please. Copie y pegue el código de los demás. Eru Witch!! D: (?
    Combo1 : 173,192,211
    Combo2 : 255,255,121
    Combo3 : 255,111,111
    Combo4 : 172,89,255
    Combo5 : 34,145,255
    Combo6 : 21,255,80
    Combo7 : 29,248,199
  5. También hay una inconsistencia en el preview point. Estoy seguro que debe ser el mismo en todas las dificultades. ups, thx~

    AIBat v3.1 wrote:

    General and Metadata
    Inconsistency in PreviewTime:
    - [Dreams] : 54807
    - [EruJazz's Easy] : 54797
    - [Hard] : 54807
    - [Milan-'s Insane] : 54797
    - [Normal] : 54807
  6. También con lo del kiai, la dificultad de Milan- y la de Eru... demasiado rebeldes. ¿O esto no tiene nada que ver? no en realidad :3
  7. En el storyboard del break que comienza aquí 02:02:048 considero que muevas un poco más a la izquierda las letras porque, al parecer, las últimas tres o cuatro letras están comidas. Lose your h... xD de hecho cuando lo ves por completo en 1366x768 se ve el resto lol... porque seguramente lo estas viendo en 1024x768 :p


  1. Para qué el Beat Snap divisor en 1/16? lol wat?
  2. 00:22:048 (1,2) Nuu... esto se ve feito. Asegúrate que el tail del slider 00:23:428 (2) Termine en el tail de este slider 00:22:048 (1) cambiado todo el pattern
  3. 00:16:359 (2) Sólo un detalle con este slider [url=blanket (?)][/url] no, para mantener una longitud simetrica
  4. 00:44:807 (2,3,4) La distancia no es la misma entre estos sliders, por ello te sugiero ubicar el slider 00:46:186 (4) aquí x=288| y=184
  5. 00:46:876 (1,2,3) El ritmo está bien, pero no sé, considero que está un poco aburrido el flujo aquí. no para mi :3
  6. 01:46:186 (4,1) Meja el blanket de estos dos objetos. un tanto nazi pero oki lol..
  7. 02:15:152 (1) Bueno, este slider no es del todo simétrico, pero podrías dejarlo así. :>
  8. 03:06:186 (2) NC aquí para un patrón épico (?) no porque lo quiero dejar en morado (soy muy flojo para cambiar el color por el .osb looool)


  1. 00:11:014 (1) NC aquí cómo las otras dificultades.
  2. 00:12:221 (3,4) Podrías hacer un overlap decente cómo lo hiciste al principio para seguir secuencia. no porque el stack significa un espacio de polaridad mas grande, en cambio el anti-jump significa uno mas pequeño :3
  3. 00:15:842 (1,2) Definitivamente arregla este blanket. ugh Quizás esto podría funcionar Aquí
  4. 00:16:359 (2,1) Podrías evitar overlap moviendo la cola del slider hacia la izquierda.
  5. 00:19:117 (2) No se ve mal, pero es mejor que intentes hacer sliders dónde sea más sencillo seguir los sliderticks ya que las estrellas no encajaría para este tipo de sliders. (aunque los he visto en este tipo de canciones dubstep pero en las dificultades mayores)
  6. 00:37:911 (2,2) Sólo una sugerencia nazi para evitar el overlap. esto el overlap es intencional :p
  7. 01:21:186 (4,2) Stack them maybe? o fue intencional? ^
  8. 01:36:531 (1,2,3,4,5) Deberías de manejar el mismo patrón de NCs aquí para consistencia con este 01:14:462 (1,2,1,2,1,2) no me parece necesario :3
  9. 01:43:945 (5) No encaja bien, ya que no suenan streams y recomendaría que siguieras los piticos de la canción. Así, podrías agregar notas aquí 01:43:945 - 01:44:117 - 01:44:290 y 01:44:462 . encaja muy bien para mi, ademas de que si suena un stream (indiscretamente, pero suena :p )
  10. 01:46:186 (5,6,7) Al menos deberías de conservar el spacing porque el cambio de polaridad se hace muy repentino y confunde. no lo veo confuso imo, pero si alguien mas me lo dice lo cambio :3
  11. 02:25:842 (5) Ubícalo aquí x=396| y=216 para hacer un sliderbow con este 02:24:807 (3) . hice un sliderbow, pero cambie el pattern un poco
No sé modear dificultades mayores a cuatro estrellas. Bien sea porque no puedo pasar y no sé que decir sobre ellas. lol Mimod termina aquí.

Aquí una estrella. Mucha suerte con el mapa. o.o7
no reply or replied in green = aplied
replied in red = no aplied
replied in blue = aplied another thing

thx for the mod and the stars :D

HappyRocket88 wrote:

Milan-'s Insane

  1. ¿Por qué será que esa imagen de fondo se me hace conocida? :> nuse, cldsdmmds la elijio xd
  2. A decir verdad, diría que esta dificultad esta perfecta, sólo debo puntualizar unas cositas qué son sugerencias a mi criterio.
  3. 00:13:083 (4,5,1) Por ejemplo eso lo siento arrítmico ya que no sigue las lyrics, quizás si el slider empezara aquí 00:13:600 Y no tuviera revese y fuera larguito encajaría perfectamente. A esto me refiero. :> sigo el piano aca, o en casi toda la cancion practicamente
  4. 00:37:221 (6) NC para consistencia. uh yo no NC'd acorde un patron, lo hice acorde a la musica. Por eso no añadi nc cuando la musica es como mas suave por asi decirlo w
  5. 00:42:738 (5) ^
  6. 00:48:255 (6) ^
  7. 01:35:152 (5) ^
  8. 01:36:531 (1,2,1,2,1,2) Personalmente, este patrón me confundió demasiado, porque el stack entre estos 01:36:704 (2,1) no suplía la diferencia de spacing que quería para saber cuando clickear. Quizás podrías arreglarlo o sólo se deba a un error mío de jugabilidad. te entiendo, pero esta bien.. a algunos le costara y a otros no
  9. 02:05:842 (6) NC no quedaría mal aquí. uh lo mismo que antes
  10. 02:16:531 (3) ^
  11. 02:27:566 (7) ^
  12. 02:41:359 (6) ^
  13. 02:55:152 (1) Remueve el NC, para consistencia.
  14. 03:14:462 (5) NC aquí. :>

para dreams, cosas que personalmente cambiaria:
00:47:911 (3) - cola deberia ser clickable y tambien seria bueno que añadas ritmos para 00:48:428 - y 00:49:117 - . Algo asi
01:02:393 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - este tipo de jumps son super molestos porque los pones de manera super cerrada. que te parece algo asi?
01:10:324 (1) - extiendes el slider pero la musica es siempre 1/2 aca. Suena super mal por eso ;w;.
01:11:100 - seria bueno iugla que mapearas el stream o almenos triple. Por que es raro ver que añadas triples despues para sonidos que apenas se escuchan como lo es 01:11:962 (2) -
01:23:342 (4,5) - este 1/4 salto se siente sobre hecho (y todos los que hiciste en este verso igual) por que la musica es super debil, de hecho, por ejemplo yo ni siquiera lo mapie ppor que se siente sobremapeado de lo debil que son los sonidos . lo mimso con la seccion esta 03:14:462 -
01:26:876 (8,9) - estos deberian terminar en 1/2. Recuerdo que te dije que una parte era en 1/3 pero solo me referia a 01:26:531 (6,7) - xd por que los intrumentso no son claros ahi, pero la mina que canta sip. En adicion, yo haria ese 1/3 repeater asi es mas facil de leer. Un 1/3 circulo entre puro 1/2 es raro.
01:34:117 (2,3,4) - plz no. se vera super bonito y todo pero no ahi nada en la musica que llame por ese tipo de pattern
01:35:669 (4) - lo moveria mas abajo y correria 01:35:842 (5) - mas cerca, esto aun sigue siendo la parte lenta de la cancion. como asi por ejemplo
01:36:186 (7) - similar aca. los saltos terminan siendo aleatorios por que la musica es aun lenta
01:36:790 (3) - 01:37:307 (7) - 01:37:824 (2) - uhuh nose, como que suena decente pero aun asi no ahi nada.. sacaria almenos 01:37:824 (2) - ya que el stream es claro ahi
01:49:635 (1,1) - despues de tal rapidez en el sliders, yo esperaria que 01:50:324 (1) - estuviera mas lejos que lo que esta ahora, se siente como si pararas la music de golpe o algo asi. 02:55:842 (1,1) - lo mismo aca
01:55:497 (11) - cola deberia ser clickable. ocupa 2 circulos en ves de un slider. se siente mejor
02:14:462 (4) - 02:48:255 (1) - 03:11:186 (4) - nose si esto se sale en 4:3, ahi te fijas tu w
02:18:945 (3) - elimina esta nota ya que estas siguiendo las vocales. se siente super raro asi..
03:01:704 (13) - la cosa de la cola. podrias hacerlo 1/2 este y añadir un circulo. aca lo mismo 03:12:738 (7) -
03:07:566 (1) - se ve mejor stackeado /w\
03:26:876 (1) - podrias añadir un repeat aca 03:27:307 -
ahi otros pattern que sienten sobre hechos igual, como este 01:47:566 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - o 01:57:221 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - o triples donde no ahi mucho como 02:47:135 (7) - , pero supongo que esas cosas son pasables uhm

cambia mi AR a 8.4 >(
Topic Starter

Milan- wrote:


HappyRocket88 wrote:

Milan-'s Insane

  1. ¿Por qué será que esa imagen de fondo se me hace conocida? :> nuse, cldsdmmds la elijio xd
  2. A decir verdad, diría que esta dificultad esta perfecta, sólo debo puntualizar unas cositas qué son sugerencias a mi criterio.
  3. 00:13:083 (4,5,1) Por ejemplo eso lo siento arrítmico ya que no sigue las lyrics, quizás si el slider empezara aquí 00:13:600 Y no tuviera revese y fuera larguito encajaría perfectamente. A esto me refiero. :> sigo el piano aca, o en casi toda la cancion practicamente
  4. 00:37:221 (6) NC para consistencia. uh yo no NC'd acorde un patron, lo hice acorde a la musica. Por eso no añadi nc cuando la musica es como mas suave por asi decirlo w
  5. 00:42:738 (5) ^
  6. 00:48:255 (6) ^
  7. 01:35:152 (5) ^
  8. 01:36:531 (1,2,1,2,1,2) Personalmente, este patrón me confundió demasiado, porque el stack entre estos 01:36:704 (2,1) no suplía la diferencia de spacing que quería para saber cuando clickear. Quizás podrías arreglarlo o sólo se deba a un error mío de jugabilidad. te entiendo, pero esta bien.. a algunos le costara y a otros no
  9. 02:05:842 (6) NC no quedaría mal aquí. uh lo mismo que antes
  10. 02:16:531 (3) ^
  11. 02:27:566 (7) ^
  12. 02:41:359 (6) ^
  13. 02:55:152 (1) Remueve el NC, para consistencia.
  14. 03:14:462 (5) NC aquí. :>

para dreams, cosas que personalmente cambiaria:
00:47:911 (3) - cola deberia ser clickable y tambien seria bueno que añadas ritmos para 00:48:428 - y 00:49:117 - . Algo asi
01:02:393 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - este tipo de jumps son super molestos porque los pones de manera super cerrada. que te parece algo asi? no, se arruina el efecto de expansion
01:10:324 (1) - extiendes el slider pero la musica es siempre 1/2 aca. Suena super mal por eso ;w;.
01:11:100 - seria bueno iugla que mapearas el stream o almenos triple. Por que es raro ver que añadas triples despues para sonidos que apenas se escuchan como lo es 01:11:962 (2) -
01:23:342 (4,5) - este 1/4 salto se siente sobre hecho (y todos los que hiciste en este verso igual) por que la musica es super debil, de hecho, por ejemplo yo ni siquiera lo mapie ppor que se siente sobremapeado de lo debil que son los sonidos . lo mimso con la seccion esta 03:14:462 -
01:26:876 (8,9) - estos deberian terminar en 1/2. Recuerdo que te dije que una parte era en 1/3 pero solo me referia a 01:26:531 (6,7) - xd por que los intrumentso no son claros ahi, pero la mina que canta sip. En adicion, yo haria ese 1/3 repeater asi es mas facil de leer. Un 1/3 circulo entre puro 1/2 es raro.
01:34:117 (2,3,4) - plz no. se vera super bonito y todo pero no ahi nada en la musica que llame por ese tipo de pattern
01:35:669 (4) - lo moveria mas abajo y correria 01:35:842 (5) - mas cerca, esto aun sigue siendo la parte lenta de la cancion. como asi por ejemplo wat?
01:36:186 (7) - similar aca. los saltos terminan siendo aleatorios por que la musica es aun lenta esto junto con lo anterior da una sensacion de aumento de intensidad, el cual me parece apropiado
01:36:790 (3) - 01:37:307 (7) - 01:37:824 (2) - uhuh nose, como que suena decente pero aun asi no ahi nada.. sacaria almenos 01:37:824 (2) - ya que el stream es claro ahi no, arruina la intensidad
01:49:635 (1,1) - despues de tal rapidez en el sliders, yo esperaria que 01:50:324 (1) - estuviera mas lejos que lo que esta ahora, se siente como si pararas la music de golpe o algo asi. 02:55:842 (1,1) - lo mismo aca
01:55:497 (11) - cola deberia ser clickable. ocupa 2 circulos en ves de un slider. se siente mejor
02:14:462 (4) - 02:48:255 (1) - 03:11:186 (4) - nose si esto se sale en 4:3, ahi te fijas tu w
02:18:945 (3) - elimina esta nota ya que estas siguiendo las vocales. se siente super raro asi..
03:01:704 (13) - la cosa de la cola. podrias hacerlo 1/2 este y añadir un circulo. aca lo mismo 03:12:738 (7) - <= este si que no D:<
03:07:566 (1) - se ve mejor stackeado /w\
03:26:876 (1) - podrias añadir un repeat aca 03:27:307 - no, quiero que el slider complete el sonido sin reverse, da un mejor efecto imo
ahi otros pattern que sienten sobre hechos igual, como este 01:47:566 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - o 01:57:221 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - o triples donde no ahi mucho como 02:47:135 (7) - , pero supongo que esas cosas son pasables uhm

cambia mi AR a 8.4 >(
damn, me arruinaste la diff D: (? okno pero creo que le quitaste lo interesante u.u
thx for modding~
edit: no me mandaste el update :p

HappyRocket88 wrote:

EruJazz's Easy

  1. AR +1. ¿Para que tengas los 4 tres en el CS, AR, OD y HP? /me runs nope xD
  2. 00:15:842 (4) Este slider no sé, se ve raro. No sería mejor un slider curvo sencillo para seguri el flujo del slider que le sigue 00:16:531 (1). Como esto. hice otra cosa... la idea era seguír el sonido que va a la mitad del slider, pero en fin, así queda bien también.
  3. 00:18:600 (2) ^ acá si no u.u
  4. 00:22:048 (1,3) Este pequeño detalle no es importante pero es para que se vea más bonito. :o done
  5. 00:24:117 (2,4) Almost se tocan. ¿No se vería mejor si haces un stack? O tal vez, sólo mueve 00:26:186 (4) un poquito más arriba. no se tocan, están a un pixel xD
  6. 00:46:186 (4,5,6,7) Este patrón lo podrías hacer simétrico con el de arriba 00:44:117 (1,2,3) para que quede algo como así o puedes intentar la forma de un hexágono aquí también. :o La intención es no hacerlo simetrico xD
  7. 02:01:359 (4) NC aquí para consistencia. emm... se hace dificil de leer si no le dejo la guía de las flechas.
  8. 02:21:014 (1,2) WOW! La super blanket aquí. xD buen trabajo. jejeje ;)
  9. 02:53:773 (6) NC aquí para consistencia de los patrones siguientes. :>
  10. 03:06:186 (1,1) El NC es para enfatizar qué?
  11. 03:11:704 (7) NC para consistencia. Cada dos palitos blancos "debería" ir NC.
  12. 03:13:083 (1) Remueve el NC.
  13. 03:15:842 (5) NC
  14. 03:17:221 (1) Remueve NC
Organicé los NC del final también, pero no como lo sugeriste en todos :P
Muchas gracias!! n.n

Offset shouldn't be in the negatives, try to avoid that, set offset to 324.
Most of the SB ripples and effects aren't actually on the notes, and the beginning of Milan-'s Insane is out of time and out of place also. The design tab places everything a bit higher and to the right I think, try to compensate for that.
SB font is not very good quality, try to get some better quality versions to use.
02:16:530 - Ripple here in sb doesn't make any sense imo, I suggest removing it.

[Milan-'s Insane]
01:17:738 (2,4) - Fix blanket.
01:36:186 (10) - Ctrl-G perhaps.
01:54:980 (7) - NC?
02:09:635 (1) - Grid snap to fix stack.
02:16:531 (3,4) - Blanket looks off, try to fix..
03:27:566 - Map a note here perhaps.

00:42:048 (1) - NC?
02:45:842 (1,2,3) - Even out spacing perhaps.
03:29:635 (9) - Perhaps stack this on 03:29:548 (8) -
Topic Starter

Kuki wrote:

Offset shouldn't be in the negatives, try to avoid that, set offset to 324. isn't completly neccesary put the point in a positive offset, in fact it's better, 'cause cover more sound :3
Most of the SB ripples and effects aren't actually on the notes, and the beginning of Milan-'s Insane is out of time and out of place also. The design tab places everything a bit higher and to the right I think, try to compensate for that. it should be higher, when i play it's in the note
SB font is not very good quality, try to get some better quality versions to use. mmm, not completly neccesary, it's fine how it is
02:16:530 - Ripple here in sb doesn't make any sense imo, I suggest removing it. fit the part of the song, no changes :3

00:42:048 (1) - NC? no, it ruins the effect of NCs what i'm giving
02:45:842 (1,2,3) - Even out spacing perhaps.
03:29:635 (9) - Perhaps stack this on 03:29:548 (8) - why?
thx for modding~
Deberías hacer caso a las sugerencias de Kuki con respecto al SB. Just sayin' . . .
No encaja

Topic Starter

XinCrin wrote:

Deberías hacer caso a las sugerencias de Kuki con respecto al SB. Just sayin' . . .
No encaja

Juegalo, y vas a ver q si encaja
El fondo de mappeo no es el mismo q el d juego, y tu deberias saber eso xin.
- Milhofo -
Hi M4M from my queue, sorry about the delay, my schedule changed a lot recently ^^

  1. 00:19:290 - the change in the vocals could be highlighted, matter of choice though
  2. 00:23:428 (3,4) - the part where the slider start of (4) overlaps with (3)'s body looks ugly, even in game, could be centered better, while keeping the blanket
  3. 00:27:566 (1,2) - the storyboard thing in those sliders is not centered correctly, I'm a complete newb at sb's, but it's clearly noticeable
  4. 00:35:842 (5) - NC
  5. 00:41:359 (7) - ^
  6. 00:49:635 (1) - ok nevermind the last point, I think the whole storyboard might be incorrectly cenetered
  7. 01:19:462 (3) - ctrl+j?
  8. 01:33:342 - I don't think this note is necessary, there's no main beat here
  9. 01:33:428 (7) - if you changed the above reposition this note
  10. 01:49:635 (1) - a bit too sudden, since the players comes pretty slow from the last stream, imo you should never have an increase in SV larger than 0.5 speed
  11. 02:13:773 (3,4) - like at the beginning, the overlap looks ugly
  12. 02:19:290 (4,5,6) - this change of rhythm is really confusing, either make all these 3 notes a NC, or use a slider to represent them
  13. 02:55:842 (1) - same as before as well
  14. In general flow could be a little bit better in some patterns, but besides that I loved the map ^^
[Milan's Insane]
  1. This style of background is so overused ahah (it's not bad though)
  2. 01:48:255 (2) - make this a triple so that it doesn't confuse players when getting into 01:48:945 (1) - which has more reverses
  3. 01:54:980 (7) - slider fits a lot better in the end of the stream, starting at 01:55:324 -
  4. 01:59:980 (1) - slight SV decrease?
  1. 01:13:083 (1) - remove NC, I know the song kind of asks for it, but try to keep the pattern for NC's throughout the diff
  2. 01:15:152 (1) - even if you don't use the above point, you should remove this one, only start NC's in ticks like 01:17:221 (1) -
  3. 01:15:842 (1) - also remove from here
  4. 01:21:186 (4,2) - ugly and confusing overlap, also be careful with the spacing in this pattern
  5. 01:26:531 (4,5,6,7) - this change of rhythm in a hard is not advised, though not illegal you should use sliders instead
  6. You should check if the spacing change in the last chorus is rankable or not, some spacings seem a little overkill, just to be sure
  1. 00:16:359 (2,3,4) - should have the same spacing
  2. 01:39:635 - a note or slider should be mapped here
  3. Like in the hard diff, but more so on this one, I'm not sure if the spacing increase in the second chorus is rankable, I think you need to keep spacing consistent on a normal diff, and it did change a lot in that part
Yes I suck at modding diffs lower than insane ;c hope it helps though, good luck!
Topic Starter

- Milhofo - wrote:

Hi M4M from my queue, sorry about the delay, my schedule changed a lot recently ^^

  1. 00:19:290 - the change in the vocals could be highlighted, matter of choice though naah, it's ok
  2. 00:23:428 (3,4) - the part where the slider start of (4) overlaps with (3)'s body looks ugly, even in game, could be centered better, while keeping the blanket
  3. 00:27:566 (1,2) - the storyboard thing in those sliders is not centered correctly, I'm a complete newb at sb's, but it's clearly noticeable in-game it's centered
  4. 00:35:842 (5) - NC no
  5. 00:41:359 (7) - ^ ^
  6. 00:49:635 (1) - ok nevermind the last point, I think the whole storyboard might be incorrectly cenetered the same thing what i said before
  7. 01:19:462 (3) - ctrl+j?
  8. 01:33:342 - I don't think this note is necessary, there's no main beat here
  9. 01:33:428 (7) - if you changed the above reposition this note
  10. 01:49:635 (1) - a bit too sudden, since the players comes pretty slow from the last stream, imo you should never have an increase in SV larger than 0.5 speed for that it's the red color :p
  11. 02:13:773 (3,4) - like at the beginning, the overlap looks ugly not for me :3
  12. 02:19:290 (4,5,6) - this change of rhythm is really confusing, either make all these 3 notes a NC, or use a slider to represent them
  13. 02:55:842 (1) - same as before as well
  14. In general flow could be a little bit better in some patterns, but besides that I loved the map ^^
  1. 01:13:083 (1) - remove NC, I know the song kind of asks for it, but try to keep the pattern for NC's throughout the diff no. 1) the patterns are different 2) make a transition of NCs, first 2 stanzas, then 1 stanza and after 1/2 stanza
  2. 01:15:152 (1) - even if you don't use the above point, you should remove this one, only start NC's in ticks like 01:17:221 (1) - ^
  3. 01:15:842 (1) - also remove from here ^
  4. 01:21:186 (4,2) - ugly and confusing overlap, also be careful with the spacing in this pattern why is this confusing?
  5. 01:26:531 (4,5,6,7) - this change of rhythm in a hard is not advised, though not illegal you should use sliders instead
  6. You should check if the spacing change in the last chorus is rankable or not, some spacings seem a little overkill, just to be sure i hope, 'cause they're fit very well with that part of the song imo
  1. 00:16:359 (2,3,4) - should have the same spacing
  2. 01:39:635 - a note or slider should be mapped here that would be unrankeable
  3. Like in the hard diff, but more so on this one, I'm not sure if the spacing increase in the second chorus is rankable, I think you need to keep spacing consistent on a normal diff, and it did change a lot in that part
Yes I suck at modding diffs lower than insane ;c hope it helps though, good luck!
no reply = fix~
thx for the mod~
Hi, here as requested by CSLM~

  1. You may want to add "dnb" "d&b" "remix" "vocal" "mix" to tags
  2. Great SB!
  1. I found this diff very incosistent from the beginning to the end, I'm sorry but, the jumps at kiai are too easy for this Extra, and at some other parts it's an overkill. The kiai feels more a Light Insane than an Extra and in fact it was supposed to be the hardest part of the song, besides that, the diff is quite decent
  2. 00:13:599 (5) - This shape is very strong , flows really bad and the vocals doesn't ask such wiggy shape
  3. 00:13:599 (5) - 00:15:841 (1) - 00:16:359 (2) - 00:13:083 (4) - I know you're following the vocals here but couldn't you make the sliders follow the drums too? Feels very awkward to have stuff like 00:13:255 -00:13:773 - 00:16:014 - 00:16:531 - 00:16:876 - 00:17:221 - 00:17:566 - 00:18:255 - unmapped
  4. 00:21:359 (9) - Poor shape, the tail looks really weird imo
  5. 00:22:738 (2) - Poor overlap, I recommend you fixing it or overlap a bit more because it's odd to have this small part of the tail overlapped
  6. 00:22:048 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This section is very boring in my opinion, what do you think of making it a bit more intense?
  7. 00:30:669 (2) - Very boring, the rhythm is groing up and this slider plays like the song was dieing, stream here or make slider jumps?
  8. 00:44:807 (2,3,4,1,2) - Finish on every head
  9. 00:49:635 (1,3,1,3,1) - Finish
  10. 01:02:393 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - This jump pattern looks a mess imo, and you're jumping on the wrong places, like 01:03:083 (6) - why constant spacing in this jump?
  11. 01:35:497 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think you know what I mean here, wtf those jumps, all the song looks like a light insane and this is the only kind of Extra pattern I could really find in this diff
  12. 01:49:635 (1,2) - Use this rhythm:
  13. 01:58:600 (1,2,3,4) - Here too
  14. 02:43:428 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ doesn't really make sense because right b4 the jump was very small and the rhythm was the same, consider this too
  15. I'll stop here, jumps are very awkward and most of them don't fit the song.
[Milan-'s Insane]
  1. 00:33:773 (3,1) - Poor blanket, just minor thing
  2. 00:36:876 (4,5) - Can you notice that it looks like a DS error? In fact everything is fine here, uuh. But this triangle with a note after doesn't looks so good imo, like try linear flow?
  3. 01:07:566 (1) - Is there need of the white anchor near the tail?
  4. 01:17:738 (2,4) - Could you blanket a bit better here?
Good map overall, Milan's diff is very good!
Call me if you want me to take a look at the other diffs, I don't have time today
Topic Starter
remapped some parts of the Dreams diff for make it more consistent
nice n.n
Ender Lain
Hi there :)

Here's my mod

[EruJazz's Easy]01:00:669 (1) - This slider should be like this 01:02:048 (3) - This slider should be like this 01:09:980 - Add a note
01:23:083 - ^
01:23:773 - ^
01:33:773 (1,2) - Those slider should be like this 01:34:807 - Add a note

[Normal]01:26:186 (6) - This slider should be like this 01:28:255 (2,3) - Those slider should be like this 01:39:635 - Add a note
03:18:600 (1,2) - Those slider should be like this
[Hard]01:00:669 (1) - This slider should be like this

Good Luck ;)

Izect Ztenz wrote:

Hi there :) hi o/

Here's my mod

[EruJazz's Easy]01:00:669 (1) - This slider should be like this Why?, i just notice this rhythm is correct, so, nope.
01:02:048 (3) - This slider should be like this ^ I changed this in my way.
01:09:980 - Add a note Nope
01:23:083 - ^ Nope
01:23:773 - ^ Nope
01:33:773 (1,2) - Those slider should be like this lol, why? this looks ugly imo.
01:34:807 - Add a note Nope

Good Luck ;)
About your note suggestion... remember this is the low diff in the mapset. So... "Easy to play > Follow all rhythms". Keep setion without notes is fine here.

Thanks :)
What a good mod.

Hello CSLM!


  1. You seem to use a negative offset for the timing, which we don't suggest you do that. Since all the difficulties have nothing in the intro, it's best you start on the first object of the map. Because Milan's difficulty started early compared to the others, the offset will then be on 00:09:635 (or 9635).
  2. The BG filesize is quite big for the beatmap. I would compress the image and get at least 640 KB. Just go for this image file. I don't really see the difference with the current and the one I compressed.

Loved the SB! I've something that could optimize the filesize for the SB, and opinions on stuffs.

  1. You can compress PNG files into smaller files and get transparent results (still in its original state). When I compressed your sprites, you could save 172 KB. Might not be lots, but could save some KBs. Here's a ZIP file containing the new files:
There's things that's been a little bothering me. This may or not be subjective.
  1. For the background on each difficulty, there seem to have lots of numbers for the fade event, but they could be reduce I think. Fade-ins and fade-outs like 00:44:117 could be under a loop event. The fades have a similar opacity, but the values feel random to me, unless they're intended. In my opinion, it's best if you stick on a same value so it doesn't look random, but that's your choice. If you need help with looping, try this thread and go to the looping scetion, or I can help you (if I remember it well...).
  2. 02:44:117 - The background disappears INSTANTELY and I don't like that. You might want replace the lines:
    into something simple that would fade out quick, like:
  3. Lyrics that stops moving on a point like "Seize the fear..." on 00:17:911 and "Don't look back" on 02:07:911 are really to weird see; I fell all "tangling" in my body. Honestly, I don't like when they stop like that. I expected that they'll still move until the end of the. I would really want to see some motion going on for these lyrics.
[EruJazz's Easy]

Nothing to say for this difficulty, like Milan-'s.

  1. 00:43:773 (4) - I don't know why but it looked like a 1/2 rhythm. The overlap is ugly to be honest. Also another thing is, it would be best if a hitcircle or a slider starts on 00:44:117 . That object will then emphasize the strong beat.
  2. 00:49:635 (1,2,1,2) - Woooh! You do want to tone down with the spacing. It's pretty big for Normal. If I was you I'd stick with the same distance.
  3. 01:03:428 (1,2) - Because 01:04:290 (2) is next to the head of 01:03:428 (1) -, the flow is not quite good. The first slider goes down, but the following slider goes also down, but gets out of the line. Perhaps the pattern in the image below will solve the problem:
  4. 02:45:497 (2) - Since this object is on the beginning of a kiai time, a new combo would likely be added.

  1. 00:39:290 (2,3) - The distance went suddenly low after the previous patterns, and it plays really weird. You might want to put some more.
  2. 02:23:773 (1) - Maybe delete this note? You did this before 00:33:428 which could be for consistency, and having two beats of recovery is better for Hard in my opinion, as you have more time to get back to place. I also typed something in Dreams about the hitcircle, so you can check later or now (I don't want to copy and paste honestly. I want to have variety in the sentences).
  3. 02:25:842 (5) - Sounds pretty weird to me. It skips the main beat on 02:26:186 and I wouldn't do that. Clickable objects are better on emphasizing the strong beats. So for this beat, you have the opportunity to start a slider or a hitcircle, but my option would be having a circle on 02:25:842 and start a 1/1 slider on 02:26:186 .
  4. 02:28:255 (4,1) - Something similar like 00:39:290 (2,3) : the distance is low, but you have starting from 02:24:117 until 02:28:945 objects that have a bigger and (almost) constant spacing. The other reason is that it doesn't play well.
  5. 02:45:497 until 02:55:842 - The spacing is larger than on the two previous kiai sections and 02:56:531 until the end of the kiai. This looks really weird, because normally the end or the section that contains "raver" beats (maybe not the right choice of word, but I mean something that has more sound) gets something tense. But what you did in this section is the opposite. I however recommend you go with a spacing of 1.0x ~ 1.1x. It would keep a similar way you did for the second kiai section.
[Milan-'s Insane]

Honestly, there's really nothing I can say for this difficulty. The only things I found are objects touching (or almost) the bar or outside of the playfield.
  1. 01:17:221 (1) -
  2. 01:19:635 (4) -
  3. 01:25:497 (1) - Quite out of the playfield
  4. 01:26:359 (4) -
  5. 01:31:014 (1) -
I might lied a little, but
  1. 02:46:186 (3) - The shape looks ugly to me. Looks like in the old times. Maybe a simple curve will go better.

  1. 00:19:290 (4) - How about you add a new combo on this hitcircle? It feels useful after you have an alteration in the rhythm: the 3/2 gap starting from 00:18:773 .
  2. 00:33:428 (1) - Remove this hitcircle perhaps? In my view, after completing the spinner, I get that little intensity when I go to that note, and I get a little off when I go to 00:33:773 (2) . This may be also due to the obejcts before the spinner. It's pretty much subjective.
  3. 00:35:152 (4) - Sounds weird, but I don't know why honestly. I think it's because the downbeat doesn't have the same sound as 00:34:462 that makes it weird to hear.
    Okay, onto another point. If you did rhythms like 00:37:566 (7,8) - 00:39:980 (3,4,5) in the following, then why not for 00:35:152 (4) ? I think it sounds better that way (reason maybe on my previous point of this) and it could keep consistency through the rhythms. Something like a circle and a 1/2 slider is fine to me.
  4. 00:37:221 (7,8) - Bring the distance to 1.0x, I felt uncomfortable to play this.
  5. 00:48:255 (3,4) - In my opinion it would sound nice if you only stick with drums. Which means that those repeat sliders should only be a simple 1/1 slider. It would concentrate the drums better and emphasize the drums better if the section 00:44:117 to 00:52:393 is mostly following that instrument.
  6. 00:55:669 (3,4) - Might want to lower the distance there. The beat on (4) is less strong than the one on 00:56:186 . Lowering the distance will also let 00:56:186 (5) be more emphasized. For placement, what you can do is flip 00:56:014 (4,5,6) horizontal (Ctrl + H) and move them wherever you feel like it.
  7. 01:05:842 (7) - I think the flow will get better if you switch the head and tail (Ctrl + G). There's jumps in the kicksliders pattern, so if you put the head close to its previous object while there was jumps, it makes the jumps stops, and it makes an uncomfortable movement for that pattern.
  8. 02:18:945 (3) - There's nothing in the music that makes the hitcircle could hit on something. It's pointless so you should delete it. On the other hand, you can add a repeat on 02:18:428 (2) if you want to hit the vocal on 02:18:773 .
I think this is it. If you have any questions you want to ask, don't hesitate!

Good luck on your map!
Topic Starter
i really sorry, but i lost the Izect Ztenz's mod reply, i don't know how, i really sorry
i fixed some things in the Normal diff and fixed that point in the hard diff but maked Ctrl - H for follow better the flow

sheela901 wrote:

Hello CSLM!


  1. You seem to use a negative offset for the timing, which we don't suggest you do that. Since all the difficulties have nothing in the intro, it's best you start on the first object of the map. Because Milan's difficulty started early compared to the others, the offset will then be on 00:09:635 (or 9635).
  2. The BG filesize is quite big for the beatmap. I would compress the image and get at least 640 KB. Just go for this image file. I don't really see the difference with the current and the one I compressed.

Loved the SB! I've something that could optimize the filesize for the SB, and opinions on stuffs.

  1. You can compress PNG files into smaller files and get transparent results (still in its original state). When I compressed your sprites, you could save 172 KB. Might not be lots, but could save some KBs. Here's a ZIP file containing the new files:
There's things that's been a little bothering me. This may or not be subjective.
  1. For the background on each difficulty, there seem to have lots of numbers for the fade event, but they could be reduce I think. Fade-ins and fade-outs like 00:44:117 could be under a loop event. The fades have a similar opacity, but the values feel random to me, unless they're intended. In my opinion, it's best if you stick on a same value so it doesn't look random, but that's your choice. If you need help with looping, try this thread and go to the looping scetion, or I can help you (if I remember it well...). i know how work with the code and the looping :3
  2. 02:44:117 - The background disappears INSTANTELY and I don't like that. You might want replace the lines no, i like it because bring up the player instantly in where the calm down it's:
    into something simple that would fade out quick, like:
  3. Lyrics that stops moving on a point like "Seize the fear..." on 00:17:911 and "Don't look back" on 02:07:911 are really to weird see; I fell all "tangling" in my body. Honestly, I don't like when they stop like that. I expected that they'll still move until the end of the. I would really want to see some motion going on for these lyrics. no because the point it's stop the lyrics when the vocals stop.
  1. 00:43:773 (4) - I don't know why but it looked like a 1/2 rhythm. The overlap is ugly to be honest. Also another thing is, it would be best if a hitcircle or a slider starts on 00:44:117 . That object will then emphasize the strong beat.
  2. 00:49:635 (1,2,1,2) - Woooh! You do want to tone down with the spacing. It's pretty big for Normal. If I was you I'd stick with the same distance.
  3. 01:03:428 (1,2) - Because 01:04:290 (2) is next to the head of 01:03:428 (1) -, the flow is not quite good. The first slider goes down, but the following slider goes also down, but gets out of the line. Perhaps the pattern in the image below will solve the problem the idea it's what both slider go down. Rised up the pattern for avoid getting out of the line but not used that pattern:
  4. 02:45:497 (2) - Since this object is on the beginning of a kiai time, a new combo would likely be added.

  1. 00:39:290 (2,3) - The distance went suddenly low after the previous patterns, and it plays really weird. You might want to put some more.
  2. 02:23:773 (1) - Maybe delete this note? You did this before 00:33:428 which could be for consistency, and having two beats of recovery is better for Hard in my opinion, as you have more time to get back to place. I also typed something in Dreams about the hitcircle, so you can check later or now (I don't want to copy and paste honestly. I want to have variety in the sentences).
  3. 02:25:842 (5) - Sounds pretty weird to me. It skips the main beat on 02:26:186 and I wouldn't do that. Clickable objects are better on emphasizing the strong beats. So for this beat, you have the opportunity to start a slider or a hitcircle, but my option would be having a circle on 02:25:842 and start a 1/1 slider on 02:26:186 . added to 02:24:807 (2) - a reverse, added a circle in 02:25:841 - and leaved that 2/1 slider. I want leave it for emphatize the sound of 02:26:186 -
  4. 02:28:255 (4,1) - Something similar like 00:39:290 (2,3) : the distance is low, but you have starting from 02:24:117 until 02:28:945 objects that have a bigger and (almost) constant spacing. The other reason is that it doesn't play well.
  5. 02:45:497 until 02:55:842 - The spacing is larger than on the two previous kiai sections and 02:56:531 until the end of the kiai. This looks really weird, because normally the end or the section that contains "raver" beats (maybe not the right choice of word, but I mean something that has more sound) gets something tense. But what you did in this section is the opposite. I however recommend you go with a spacing of 1.0x ~ 1.1x. It would keep a similar way you did for the second kiai section. no, this part for being a bigger climax than the kiai of before it's better imo rise up the SV (i did the same in the Normal diff :p )

  1. 00:19:290 (4) - How about you add a new combo on this hitcircle? It feels useful after you have an alteration in the rhythm: the 3/2 gap starting from 00:18:773 .
  2. 00:33:428 (1) - Remove this hitcircle perhaps? In my view, after completing the spinner, I get that little intensity when I go to that note, and I get a little off when I go to 00:33:773 (2) . This may be also due to the obejcts before the spinner. It's pretty much subjective.
  3. 00:35:152 (4) - Sounds weird, but I don't know why honestly. I think it's because the downbeat doesn't have the same sound as 00:34:462 that makes it weird to hear. true, but it's better than take it off the HS or change it, if i do something like that will be unconsistent with the next ones, so i'll leave it how it is now
    Okay, onto another point. If you did rhythms like 00:37:566 (7,8) - 00:39:980 (3,4,5) in the following, then why not for 00:35:152 (4) ? I think it sounds better that way (reason maybe on my previous point of this) and it could keep consistency through the rhythms. Something like a circle and a 1/2 slider is fine to me.
  4. 00:37:221 (7,8) - Bring the distance to 1.0x, I felt uncomfortable to play this.
  5. 00:48:255 (3,4) - In my opinion it would sound nice if you only stick with drums. Which means that those repeat sliders should only be a simple 1/1 slider. It would concentrate the drums better and emphasize the drums better if the section 00:44:117 to 00:52:393 is mostly following that instrument. not imo, the pitch it's too strong for ignore it
  6. 00:55:669 (3,4) - Might want to lower the distance there. The beat on (4) is less strong than the one on 00:56:186 . Lowering the distance will also let 00:56:186 (5) be more emphasized. For placement, what you can do is flip 00:56:014 (4,5,6) horizontal (Ctrl + H) and move them wherever you feel like it. i had a battle with this pattern, but i win xD fix~
  7. 01:05:842 (7) - I think the flow will get better if you switch the head and tail (Ctrl + G). There's jumps in the kicksliders pattern, so if you put the head close to its previous object while there was jumps, it makes the jumps stops, and it makes an uncomfortable movement for that pattern.
  8. 02:18:945 (3) - There's nothing in the music that makes the hitcircle could hit on something. It's pointless so you should delete it. On the other hand, you can add a repeat on 02:18:428 (2) if you want to hit the vocal on 02:18:773 .
I think this is it. If you have any questions you want to ask, don't hesitate!

Good luck on your map!
no reply or reply in green = fix~
thx a lot for the mods!
i didnt forget
im just really really really gay

00:15:842 (4) - UH could you not squish sliders to the point that their sliderbodies are distorted blobs thanx

00:13:600 (4) - that 1/4 snapping for the tail tho. like why
00:16:359 (2) - when a reverse slider's tail doesn't line up with anything that means you just dont use a reverse slider. forcing it in where it isn't supported by the song is what
01:26:186 (6) - didn't every difficulty use 1/3 for the reverse of this inconsistent snappings within a set pourquoi
01:35:152 (3,4,1) - do i really have to say why this is bad don't do that overlap stuff within such a short period of timety
01:40:669 (2,1) - similar amount of ew as the previous thing. cleaner placements are possibly with legit anything else
02:36:014 (4,5,6) - 02:38:773 (4,5,6) - hello misleading placement. spacing doesnt indicate 5 or 6 being the next object cuz they're both underneath 4 the same amount the the the
ok then it switches to spaced 1/2. you're really better off using one type of spacing throughout the whole diff (overlapped or spaced 1/2). tbh the whole "objects barely touching" thing youve got going now is super gross, but at least they're all touching (except this one kiai part)
03:26:876 (1) - seriously isn't a clear sound on the tail here. following vocals for some random voice sample that's not meant to be snapped to beats is pretty lol

00:33:773 (1) - awesome this whole section has every slider tail without exception on the downbeats what is rhythm
01:48:600 (4,1) - uh nothing really to click on the blue tick where 1 is starting. would be better to start it on the downbeat and make 4 a 3/4 slider
02:17:221 (1) - do people really make spammy reverse sliders to express increasing volume on a single pitch
02:38:773 (4,5,6) - is this a mistake of some kind i really am not understanding the logic behind it at all
02:51:704 (3,4,5,6) - or is it supposed to be something mapped for the sake of visuals cuz it plays like balls
03:26:876 (1) - sucks just as much on hard as normal:(

pkhg wrote:

's insane
00:36:531 (2,3,4,5,6) - consistent spacing in the same circlepattern is a good idea right
01:35:152 (5,6) - 01:35:842 (8,9) - repeatedthing painful to read like less perfect stack = hot
01:39:204 (7,1) - spac ing
02:56:273 (5) - u fucked up rhythms and the storyboard follows it lolnice

00:37:566 (8,9,10,1) - 00:39:980 (3,4,5,6) - what is consistent distance if you're gonna do overlaps do overlaps or if you're gonna do spaced stuff do spaced stuff switching between them barely is ew
00:55:669 (3,4,5) - i dunno how capable you are of playing stuff like this, but as far as i know aiming patterns with large spacing differences yet low change of angle are way harder to hit than large spacing changes with sharper angles. something about momentum being harder to control = reason
00:56:186 (5,6) - like wahts with the huge spacing even tho 6 has nothing worth huge spacinging
01:49:635 (1,2) - pseudorhythm tho there's nothing even on the white tick. 1/2slider+3/4 slider is what the music's doing
01:57:393 (2,3,4) - 01:58:083 (6,7,8) - ya these are the same as the other ew momentum htings
02:17:221 (4) - hard diff tho
03:28:083 (2,1,2) - 1/4 sliders like these are played in nearly the same way as circles so the wtf impossible momentum thing applies here too

only 5 months late nbd
Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

i didnt forget
im just really really really gay you? that's so strange ¬.¬

00:13:600 (4) - that 1/4 snapping for the tail tho. like why
00:16:359 (2) - when a reverse slider's tail doesn't line up with anything that means you just dont use a reverse slider. forcing it in where it isn't supported by the song is what
01:26:186 (6) - didn't every difficulty use 1/3 for the reverse of this inconsistent snappings within a set pourquoi
01:35:152 (3,4,1) - do i really have to say why this is bad don't do that overlap stuff within such a short period of timety which is the problem of this? there's not such confusion at all
01:40:669 (2,1) - similar amount of ew as the previous thing. cleaner placements are possibly with legit anything else
02:36:014 (4,5,6) - 02:38:773 (4,5,6) - hello misleading placement. spacing doesnt indicate 5 or 6 being the next object cuz they're both underneath 4 the same amount the the the
ok then it switches to spaced 1/2. you're really better off using one type of spacing throughout the whole diff (overlapped or spaced 1/2). tbh the whole "objects barely touching" thing youve got going now is super gross, but at least they're all touching (except this one kiai part) not for me :3
03:26:876 (1) - seriously isn't a clear sound on the tail here. following vocals for some random voice sample that's not meant to be snapped to beats is pretty lol but at least it follow something, for finish this a beat before of the last slider

00:33:773 (1) - awesome this whole section has every slider tail without exception on the downbeats what is rhythm
01:48:600 (4,1) - uh nothing really to click on the blue tick where 1 is starting. would be better to start it on the downbeat and make 4 a 3/4 slider 3/4? do you mean 1/2 :p fixed~
02:17:221 (1) - do people really make spammy reverse sliders to express increasing volume on a single pitch
02:38:773 (4,5,6) - is this a mistake of some kind i really am not understanding the logic behind it at all but i do, and i like it :3
02:51:704 (3,4,5,6) - or is it supposed to be something mapped for the sake of visuals cuz it plays like balls i like that overlap, it's for variety
03:26:876 (1) - sucks just as much on hard as normal :(

00:37:566 (8,9,10,1) - 00:39:980 (3,4,5,6) - what is consistent distance if you're gonna do overlaps do overlaps or if you're gonna do spaced stuff do spaced stuff switching between them barely is ew but the overlaps are for know which are 1/2, i can't see the problem
00:55:669 (3,4,5) - i dunno how capable you are of playing stuff like this, but as far as i know aiming patterns with large spacing differences yet low change of angle are way harder to hit than large spacing changes with sharper angles. something about momentum being harder to control = reason
00:56:186 (5,6) - like wahts with the huge spacing even tho 6 has nothing worth huge spacinging
01:49:635 (1,2) - pseudorhythm tho there's nothing even on the white tick. 1/2slider+3/4 slider is what the music's doing
01:57:393 (2,3,4) - 01:58:083 (6,7,8) - ya these are the same as the other ew momentum htings
02:17:221 (4) - hard diff tho
03:28:083 (2,1,2) - 1/4 sliders like these are played in nearly the same way as circles so the wtf impossible momentum thing applies here too

only 5 months late nbd 5 months deserves a icon don't you think? ;w;
soo, can you mod 01:39:290 (1) - to x213y341 pls
rest was pishi being pishi

@sheela: i have never cared about sliders touching hp bar cuz hp bar is transparent is most skins and also cuz you'll never break cuz there's a little part of the slider slide touching it xd. Also my slider is a copy of one of Yauxo's maps o

alsoaslo remove rossonero like wtfdplz aqaaaaaaaaa
Milan... By instance, i use default skin...

No siento que esa sea una razón valida para dejarlo. Ademas arreglar esas cosas es demasiado facil. Dont be lazy!

igual a nadie le importa la barra xd
dejen que el rossonero sea rossonero
What happen with this?? :/
Topic Starter

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

What happen with this?? :/
laziness of me for search BNs lol
check, not kudo.

[ultima diff]
  1. 01:05:324 (4,5,6) - eso fue dificil de preveer lol, sí le has hecho testplays?
  2. 01:39:980 (3) - esto queda un poco confuso al jugarlo, te recomiendo que lo inclines un poco hacia la derecha:
  3. 02:25:324 (4) - 02:30:842 (4) - por qué los overlaps?, no sería mejor evitarlos?
  4. 02:34:462 (1,2,3,4,5) - 02:37:221 (1,2,3,4,5) - ponles en el head, el sample normal (y no el drum como está ahora). Así como está es super raro al jugarlo xD
  5. 02:55:842 (1,2) - lol, no lo había visto, te quedó genial.
  6. 03:06:186 (1,2,3) - esto es muuuy dificil de leer.. no sé si sea por el espaciado
  7. 03:22:221 (4) - En 03:22:393 - hay un tambor, es super raro que quede a mitad del slider.
  8. 03:28:255 (1,2,3,4) - no es un poco largo el spacing? con mouse saqué puros 100 xD
  1. 01:46:704 (6,7) - es la unica parte donde usas eso xD
  2. 02:34:462 (1,2,3,4,5) - 02:37:221 (1,2,3,4,5) - lo mismo que en otro mapa. Ponle sample normal a la cabeza de los sliders.
  3. 03:22:221 (3) - Lo mismo que en el otro mapa.
02:34:462 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - same like before.

No olvides decirme el nombre del font que usaste para las lyrics, :D
Topic Starter

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

check, not kudo.

[ultima diff]
  1. 01:05:324 (4,5,6) - eso fue dificil de preveer lol, sí le has hecho testplays? no :o pero hay mapas con patterns mas dificiles de preveer, esto mas bien es una pequeña dificultad lol
  2. 01:39:980 (3) - esto queda un poco confuso al jugarlo, te recomiendo que lo inclines un poco hacia la derecha:
  3. 02:25:324 (4) - 02:30:842 (4) - por qué los overlaps?, no sería mejor evitarlos? overlap = 1/2, y hasta donde yo se no es confuso
  4. 02:34:462 (1,2,3,4,5) - 02:37:221 (1,2,3,4,5) - ponles en el head, el sample normal (y no el drum como está ahora). Así como está es super raro al jugarlo xD
  5. 02:55:842 (1,2) - lol, no lo había visto, te quedó genial. gracias o3o
  6. 03:06:186 (1,2,3) - esto es muuuy dificil de leer.. no sé si sea por el espaciado mmm, yo no veo tan dificil de leer
  7. 03:22:221 (4) - En 03:22:393 - hay un tambor, es super raro que quede a mitad del slider. mmm, usualmente estaba siguiendo mas el sonido melodico, pero tienes razon, no puedo dejar sin mappear un beat asi de fuerte, fix~
  8. 03:28:255 (1,2,3,4) - no es un poco largo el spacing? con mouse saqué puros 100 xD nop :3
  1. 01:46:704 (6,7) - es la unica parte donde usas eso xD
  2. 02:34:462 (1,2,3,4,5) - 02:37:221 (1,2,3,4,5) - lo mismo que en otro mapa. Ponle sample normal a la cabeza de los sliders.
  3. 03:22:221 (3) - Lo mismo que en el otro mapa.
02:34:462 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - same like before.

No olvides decirme el nombre del font que usaste para las lyrics, :D
Thx you Eru :3

Pregunta: Por qué tenías las letras a blanco y negro??, me imagino que lo hiciste tratando de que pesaran menos o algo así, pero, me temo que eso era el culpable de que se viera tan mal el borde. Espero que te gusten y perdón por la demora, n.n
Topic Starter

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:


Pregunta: Por qué tenías las letras a blanco y negro??, me imagino que lo hiciste tratando de que pesaran menos o algo así, pero, me temo que eso era el culpable de que se viera tan mal el borde. Espero que te gusten y perdón por la demora, n.n
thx for the lyrics Eru-chan
Respuesta: me gustaban mas de ese modo lel
ademas, el borde se veia asi porque no lo habia suavisado xD
estos estan mucho mejor, (aunque pesan mas x.x) thx :D

CSLM wrote:

thx for the lyrics Eru-chan
ahora eru es mujer :x
placeholding the placeholder
ahora eru es mujer :x

  1. No estoy seguro del título actual del mapa. Busqué varias versiones y encontré que el feat no debería abreviarse en ft. Ejemplos de este aquí:
    SoundCloud | Facebook | Bandcamp

    Incluso en el folder del mapa la canción está con feat
    Al parecer la canción fue publicada a través Monstercat, entonces le corresponde usar feat en vez de ft.
  2. Honestamente no sé por qué los dos últimos kiais están separados y el primero. Si la intensidad es la misma, deberías de slit up on two el primer kiai también.
  3. El BG de la muchacha de anime, honestamente no tiene relación directa o indirecta de lo que se trata la canción o el contexto de las lyrics. Intenta encontrar una bg que encaje más con esto dado que ahora es una razón de DQ por irrelevant bgs. xd
  4. La velocidad de bits del mapa está por el rango de 128 - 192 kbps, pero... no estoy seguro que 167 sea la adecuada. Para más información, consulte a Wafu
[EruJazz' Easyj Hype Hype por las moe things /o/
  1. El OD y el HP están algo altos comparados con los de la Normal. Dejarlos en 2 ambos tendría más sentido dada la menra como se incrementa este en las dificultades mayores. Por lo tanto, la normal teniendolo en 4 | 4 y la hard en 6 | 6, permitiría que esta Easy lo ubicase sobre 2 | 2
  2. Honestamente, el tick rate de esta dificultad debería ser mayor dado a la forma como las dificultades mayores enfatizan los 1/2 beats en su composición. Es un poco aburrido manejar 1/1 ticks en toda la dificultad sabiendo que hay partes dónde los ticks rojos juegan perfectamente como estos 00:53:773 (1) - 01:48:945 (1) con el tick rate en 2.
  1. Primer punto 00:24:807 (3) NC aquí, de esta manera guardas consistencia en la amnera como ubicas el NC cada dos ticks blancos grandes.
  2. 00:12:393 (3) El offbeat que el slider-tail está creando juega un poco raro ya que es un strong beat del piano. Realmente sugiero que este beat 00:13:772 fuese clickeable.
  3. 00:30:497 Aquí podrías agregar un break para darle más énfasis a las siguientes notas, dado a que el tiempo entre ellas es algo grande, un mini break no le haría daño a nadie. :)
  4. 00:46:876 (5) Esto debería tener NC por la misma razón que el primer punto. Tener combos tan largos es algo fastidioso en las easys.
  5. 00:48:945 (8) Aquí deberías de seguir el ritmo del zig zag que manejaste en los círculos anteriores ubicándolo en el medio. Con eso, además, los jugadores estarán más en el centro para seguir mejor el spinner.
  6. 01:07:566 (3) Ctrl + G, Ctrl + H y Ctrl + J para mejorar el flujo que dirije el slider-tail a la próxima nota.
  7. 01:09:979 Agrega un círculo. Los patrones anteriores también lo tienen así que tendría sentido si guardas esa consistencia. Considera aplicar lo mismo aquí 02:56:186
  8. 01:22:393 (4) NC aquí y aquí 01:24:117 (1) remueve el NC aquí 01:24:117 (1) y aquí 01:26:876 (1) . De esta manera, no rompes la manera como manejaste el NC aquí 01:26:876 (1,2,1)
  9. 01:58:600 (3) NC aquí también.
  10. 02:19:290 (2,3,1) Honestamente el flujo entre esas notas es demasiado complicado debido al zig zag que el blanket genera. Hay mucha diferencia para los jugadores cuando siguen este flujo

    No necesariamente debes de hacer lo mismo, pero considera intentar algo menos complicado allí.
  11. 03:04:807 (5,1) Swap NC y quita el NC de este 03:06:186 (1)
General Things
  1. La línea final del tercer kiai no está snapeada. Debería de estar aquí 01:59:979 . 0:00:001 segundos de diferencia, pero es mejor evitar unranked things
  1. 00:19:980 (7,1) - 01:04:290 (2,3) - 02:55:842 (4,1) - 02:36:531 (5,1) - 02:39:290 (5,1) Spacing problem here. Hay otros pero estos son las más notables hasta el momento.
  2. 00:18:600 (5) El slider-tail honestamente no está siguiendo el ritmo apropiadamente. Deberías de eleminar el reverse dado que la nota fuerte del piano reside aquí 00:18:772
  3. 00:33:773 (3) Ctrl + G, Ctrl + H y Ctrl + J para mejorar el flujo de este segmento. No te olvides de reposicionarlo adecuadamente luego.
  4. 00:34:462 (4) Ctrl + H aquí. No veo la necesidad de causar flujos invertidos con los slider-tails.
  5. 00:37:221 (3) Ctrl + J aquí para evadir usar la misma forma del slider inmediatamente anterior.
  6. 00:39:290 (2) Este slider está creando un ritmo particularmente innecesario debido al offbeat del slider-tail. No deberías de ubicar slider's ends sobre downbeats tan eminentes como 00:39:979 dado que esto podría afectar la jugabilidad de los jugadores. Para más información aquí t/58959 Altamente sugiero que intestes este ritmo para este patrón 00:39:290 (2,3) -
  7. 00:49:635 (1,2) El blanket de estes objectos podría ser sútilmente mejorado. Intenta seguir el approach rate para mejorarlo. Considera hacer lo mismo con los siguientes sliders 00:50:324 (2,1) - 00:51:014 (1,2)
  8. 00:51:014 (1) Sé que este NC es intencional, pero honestamente no tiene mucho sentido ya que quebrar la manera como manejas el NC aquí se ve un poco desordenado.
  9. 01:02:738 (6) Ctrl + J
  10. 01:03:428 (1,2) El 1/1 sldier con reverse crea un ritmo incómodo ya que creas un offbeat con el slider (2) empezandolo en el tick rojo. Sería mejor que reemplazaras este por 2 círculos para evadir eso. Considera aplicar lo mismo en los sigientes casos 01:09:807 (2) - 01:13:945 (5) - 01:16:704 (5) - 01:47:048 (5) -
  11. 01:44:462 (5) Misma razón a cerca de los downbeats donde este beat 01:44:807 debería ser clicleable dado a que es sun trong beat que no debería ser emfatizado con un slider-tail como lo hace este slider.
  12. 01:58:255 (5) ^ No es mi intención dañar la simetría que tienes con este 01:57:221 (3) pero particularmente juega mal ese slider. Sería mejor que intentaras este ritmo para subrayar los drums como lo veniste haciendo anteriormente en este segmento 01:58:255 (5,1)
  13. 02:26:186 (1) Remueve el Nc aquí y agrega NC aquí 02:27:566 (3) para guardar consistencia con el patrón de nc cada dos ticks grandes, Ahora, remueve el NC aquí 02:28:945 (1) y agrega NC acá 02:30:324 (3) y así sucesivamente.
  14. 02:41:359 (1) Remueve el NC aquí.
  15. 02:49:462 (3) Este slider esta saltándose beats importantes que deberáis enfatizar con whistles así como lo hiciste en llos patrones anteriores. Se ve feo como omites el beat de aquí 02:49:635 y este 02:49:979 con ese 1/1 slider. Tendría más sentido si intentaras algo como esto aquí
  16. 02:51:014 Este beat debería ser clickeable por las misma razones anteriormente expuestas.
  17. 02:52:393 (3,4) Ctrl + G aquí para mejorar el ritmo y evitar crear opffbeats innecesarios.
  18. 02:53:083 (5) Quita el reverse de este slider y ubica este slider 02:53:945 (1) aquí 02:53:772 para enfatizar de uan manera más pertienente ese beat. Considera agregar una nota aquí 02:54:290 después de eso.
  19. 02:54:979 (4) Aquí este slider juga particularmente mal porque no encaja con la batería or el ritmo de lso whistles que manejas. Sería mejor que remplazases el (4) con círculo y ubicar un 1/1 slider aqui 02:55:152 y agregar una nota acá 02:55:669
  20. 03:24:117 (1,2,1,2,1,1) NC spam aquí, considera usar el mismo patrón de NC de cada tos ticks aquí también. No veo la necesidad de quebrarlo en el último segmento.
  1. 00:35:841 (3) Este tipo de overlaps es un nonono en esta dificultad debido al AR, ya que probablemente sería un problema para los jugadores leerlo correctamente. Es mejor que evites eso para mejorar el flow también. como esto
  2. 00:42:393 (5) NC aquí.
  3. 00:49:635 (1,2,3,4) Por favor, ya que el SV es lentico aquí, considera usar el mismo DS para todas las notas, el actual es demasiado random desde 2 - > 3 Aplica lo mismo para el próximo pattern 00:51:014 (1,2,3,4)
  4. 01:02:738 (7,8) Spacing problem here. idk why you set it such as a big jump with 2.0x DS here.
  5. 01:36:531 (1,2,1,2,1,2) Este patrón es demasiado confuso ya que el DS se quiebra cada vez que el 2 hace transición al nuevo 1; tendría más sentido si siguieras el DS en esta parte para discriminar el espaciado entre las notas.
Hay un problema en general con los NC. Hay tiempos donde viaja cada dos ticks grandes como en el kiai 01:00:669 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) y otras veces cada 1 tick balnco grande 01:17:221 (1,2,3,4) Honestamente eso se ve raro y para nada intuitivo. considera hacerlo uniforme en toda la dificultad.
Topic Starter

HappyRocket88 wrote:

ahora eru es mujer :x

no sabia que el -chan era de mujer D:

  1. No estoy seguro del título actual del mapa. Busqué varias versiones y encontré que el feat no debería abreviarse en ft. Ejemplos de este aquí:
    SoundCloud | Facebook | Bandcamp

    Incluso en el folder del mapa la canción está con feat
    Al parecer la canción fue publicada a través Monstercat, entonces le corresponde usar feat en vez de ft. No, porque en el soundcloud oficial de Rameses B el titulo lo tiene con ft. en vez de feat:
    El soundcloud del artista tiene mas autoridad que el de la discografica o el de la plataforma de compra/venta de musica (por ejemplo, itunes no es valido ya que en todas las caniones las colaboraciones las tiene con feat. ya sea que se haya dicho en ft.). Los mapas de Milan- de Rameses B van es por el titulo del soundcloud del artista, no de la discografica
  2. Honestamente no sé por qué los dos últimos kiais están separados y el primero. Si la intensidad es la misma, deberías de slit up on two el primer kiai también. No porque la intensidad de entrada de 01:06:186 - no me parece suficiente, a diferencia de los dos que le siguen lel
  3. El BG de la muchacha de anime, honestamente no tiene relación directa o indirecta de lo que se trata la canción o el contexto de las lyrics. Intenta encontrar una bg que encaje más con esto dado que ahora es una razón de DQ por irrelevant bgs. xd ese bg lo saque del mapa viejo de Neku xDDD mmm, la verdad no creo que sea una causa para DQ, ya que el bg no muestra algo especifico. Hatsune abarca un campo mas amplio que solo Vocaloid ademas de que el bg encaja muy bien con los sonidos y la vibra de la cancion. Pero lo pensare...
  4. La velocidad de bits del mapa está por el rango de 128 - 192 kbps, pero... no estoy seguro que 167 sea la adecuada. Para más información, consulte a Wafu voy a consultar con el
General Things
  1. La línea final del tercer kiai no está snapeada. Debería de estar aquí 01:59:979 . 0:00:001 segundos de diferencia, pero es mejor evitar unranked things
  1. 00:19:980 (7,1) - 01:04:290 (2,3) - 02:55:842 (4,1) - este no, ya que hace que la transicion no sea tan brusca 02:36:531 (5,1) - 02:39:290 (5,1) Spacing problem here. Hay otros pero estos son las más notables hasta el momento.
  2. 00:18:600 (5) El slider-tail honestamente no está siguiendo el ritmo apropiadamente. Deberías de eleminar el reverse dado que la nota fuerte del piano reside aquí 00:18:772
  3. 00:33:773 (3) Ctrl + G, Ctrl + H y Ctrl + J para mejorar el flujo de este segmento. No te olvides de reposicionarlo adecuadamente luego. no, el flujo esta bien para mi o.o
  4. 00:34:462 (4) Ctrl + H aquí. No veo la necesidad de causar flujos invertidos con los slider-tails. porque son agradables :P
  5. 00:37:221 (3) Ctrl + J aquí para evadir usar la misma forma del slider inmediatamente anterior. esa es la idea xD
  6. 00:39:290 (2) Este slider está creando un ritmo particularmente innecesario debido al offbeat del slider-tail. No deberías de ubicar slider's ends sobre downbeats tan eminentes como 00:39:979 dado que esto podría afectar la jugabilidad de los jugadores. Para más información aquí t/58959 Altamente sugiero que intestes este ritmo para este patrón 00:39:290 (2,3) -
  7. 00:49:635 (1,2) El blanket de estes objectos podría ser sútilmente mejorado. Intenta seguir el approach rate para mejorarlo. Considera hacer lo mismo con los siguientes sliders 00:50:324 (2,1) - 00:51:014 (1,2)
  8. 00:51:014 (1) Sé que este NC es intencional, pero honestamente no tiene mucho sentido ya que quebrar la manera como manejas el NC aquí se ve un poco desordenado. de hecho, el NC en esa parte va acercandose cada ves mas, hasta llegar al punto de cada 1 measure, lo cual me parece muy agrable imo
  9. 01:02:738 (6) Ctrl + J no
  10. 01:03:428 (1,2) El 1/1 sldier con reverse crea un ritmo incómodo ya que creas un offbeat con el slider (2) empezandolo en el tick rojo. Sería mejor que reemplazaras este por 2 círculos para evadir eso. Considera aplicar lo mismo en los sigientes casos 01:09:807 (2) - 01:13:945 (5) - 01:16:704 (5) - 01:47:048 (5) - no, hace mas dificil la dificultad
  11. 01:44:462 (5) Misma razón a cerca de los downbeats donde este beat 01:44:807 debería ser clicleable dado a que es sun trong beat que no debería ser emfatizado con un slider-tail como lo hace este slider. yo no siento la necesidad de enfatiza ese downbeat tbh, ademas mi mapping esta mas basado en los sonidos idelicos (los que sigue el whistle)
  12. 01:58:255 (5) ^ No es mi intención dañar la simetría que tienes con este 01:57:221 (3) pero particularmente juega mal ese slider. Sería mejor que intentaras este ritmo para subrayar los drums como lo veniste haciendo anteriormente en este segmento 01:58:255 (5,1) tuve que cambiar todo el pattern por el pinshe DS ;w;
  13. 02:26:186 (1) Remueve el Nc aquí y agrega NC aquí 02:27:566 (3) para guardar consistencia con el patrón de nc cada dos ticks grandes, Ahora, remueve el NC aquí 02:28:945 (1) y agrega NC acá 02:30:324 (3) y así sucesivamente. nay! 02:28:945 (1) - tiene que tener un NC
  14. 02:41:359 (1) Remueve el NC aquí. no por lo mismo que dije anteriormente
  15. 02:49:462 (3) Este slider esta saltándose beats importantes que deberáis enfatizar con whistles así como lo hiciste en llos patrones anteriores. Se ve feo como omites el beat de aquí 02:49:635 y este 02:49:979 con ese 1/1 slider. Tendría más sentido si intentaras algo como esto aquí el beat que sigue ese slider es mas fuerte que seguia anteriormente, seria mucho peor imho si siguera los whistles
  16. 02:51:014 Este beat debería ser clickeable por las misma razones anteriormente expuestas. no, ya que siguendo los whistles asi es como queda el pattern
  17. 02:52:393 (3,4) Ctrl + G aquí para mejorar el ritmo y evitar crear opffbeats innecesarios. nay! por lo mismo que dije en 02:49:462 (3) -
  18. 02:53:083 (5) Quita el reverse de este slider y ubica este slider 02:53:945 (1) aquí 02:53:772 para enfatizar de uan manera más pertienente ese beat. Considera agregar una nota aquí 02:54:290 después de eso. nay! imo es mas necesario enfatizar 02:53:945 - que el que tu sugieres
  19. 02:54:979 (4) Aquí este slider juga particularmente mal porque no encaja con la batería or el ritmo de lso whistles que manejas. Sería mejor que remplazases el (4) con círculo y ubicar un 1/1 slider aqui 02:55:152 y agregar una nota acá 02:55:669 no, se haria un tanto dificil el hacr un pattern agradable con 02:55:842 (4) - y soy muy flojo para volver a editar esos codigos xD
  20. 03:24:117 (1,2,1,2,1,1) NC spam aquí, considera usar el mismo patrón de NC de cada tos ticks aquí también. No veo la necesidad de quebrarlo en el último segmento. es agradable ;w;
  1. 00:35:841 (3) Este tipo de overlaps es un nonono en esta dificultad debido al AR, ya que probablemente sería un problema para los jugadores leerlo correctamente. Es mejor que evites eso para mejorar el flow también. como esto
  2. 00:42:393 (5) NC aquí. no por lo mismo que dije en la diff "Normal"
  3. 00:49:635 (1,2,3,4) Por favor, ya que el SV es lentico aquí, considera usar el mismo DS para todas las notas, el actual es demasiado random desde 2 - > 3 Aplica lo mismo para el próximo pattern 00:51:014 (1,2,3,4) nay! la intensidad va aumentando, lo que hace que el DS tambien lo haga
  4. 01:02:738 (7,8) Spacing problem here. idk why you set it such as a big jump with 2.0x DS here. pattern, ya en los hards el DS no es tan estricto :P
  5. 01:36:531 (1,2,1,2,1,2) Este patrón es demasiado confuso ya que el DS se quiebra cada vez que el 2 hace transición al nuevo 1; tendría más sentido si siguieras el DS en esta parte para discriminar el espaciado entre las notas.
Hay un problema en general con los NC. Hay tiempos donde viaja cada dos ticks grandes como en el kiai 01:00:669 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) y otras veces cada 1 tick balnco grande 01:17:221 (1,2,3,4) Honestamente eso se ve raro y para nada intuitivo. considera hacerlo uniforme en toda la dificultad. no para mi, ademas mantiene mas sentido en 01:17:221 (1,2,3,4) colocar 1 gran tick blanco que 2
HR88 mod: 5% applied xDDDD
no reply = fix~
thx for modding!
faltan las diffs altas ;w;
No puedo pasar las dificultades mayores así que no. :/ al menos la de dreams, good luck with the set.
Cslm, consigue más BNs ;_;
No seas lazy (?)
Topic Starter

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

Cslm, consigue más BNs ;_;
No seas lazy (?)
Yo no soy el lazy, son los BNs ;www;
ahoi, my part of m4m! :3

  1. why different backgrounds for the diffs? :/
    The one in Easy doesn't work well with the SB; in Milan's diff it looks okay, but it's still weird to use different backgrounds with this SB.
    I don't really get the relation to the standard bg either, why don't you just use one of a dreamcatcher? Like the one from the monstercat release ( I found two versions, don't know which is the original .. and ; both resized )
EruJazz's Easy
  1. AR2 doesn't match with how the diff is mapped imo, considr increasing to 3 or 3.5
    Also HP und OD could be decreased by 1, so missing something isn't too punishing for beginners
  2. If this diff keeps the background, the combocolour should probably be changed, they don't quite fit the background. Also colourhax missing
  3. 00:19:290 (1,1) - would be nice if the second slider was reversed, that works a lot better with flow. (DS would be broken but since there are 4 beats in-between that shouldn't be a problem, you also did that at 01:22:393 (4,1) - . And 00:18:600 (2,1) - could be move to match DS again, both would be fine.)
  4. 00:24:807 (3) - and 00:30:324 (3) - should have NCs to match with the rest of the NC pattern (NC on each second downbeat, or did I get that wrong?)
    also 00:46:876 (5) - , then 01:50:669 (2) - and 01:58:600 (3) - and 02:01:359 (4) - too, and 02:15:152 (3) -
    03:04:807 (5,1) - here should be on (5) instead
  5. 01:03:773 (2,3,4) - stack of (2,4) is too confusing, imo. s: They're visible at the same time while playing, so would be better to unstack them
  6. 02:19:290 (2,3,1) - this rhythm feels a little off to me, because you're following the vocals with the 1/2s, but then you can't follow the "lieve" completely. I suggest changing to a rhythm like It doesn't match the vocals 100% either, but you have the beats emphasized and the vocals at least covered by slidertracks, you'd have to reworks NCs afterwards, tho. (The NCs in that part look a little random anyway. >: )
  7. 02:28:945 (1,2,3) - very minor; imo the slidershape of (3) looks off compared to the previous two, might be worth to change it, maybe like or ?
  8. 02:34:462 (1,2,1) - the two reverses on (1,1) are too hard for the easiest diff, I think. There's not enough time for beginner players to read the second reverse, so it would be better to split this up. Since there are stronger beats you could map this part to I'd prefer if you follow them.
  1. 02:45:497 - I don't think 1.25x SV is a good idea in a Normal diff. You already have a lot of speed changes and in the beginning they work quite well. The slow increase from 0.75 to 1. SV at the beginning of the first Kiai is a little high, but still okay-ish, this one from 1. to 1.25 is too much, tho. :/
  2. 00:18:600 (5) - this should be 1/1, because the vocals go on and you ignored the sound on the red tick before, so it doesn't fit well that you emphasize it suddenly.
  3. 00:27:566 (1,1) - the break feels a little awkward, it's so long and you ignore the vocals starting at 00:32:048 - and the downbeat, that plays more interesting if clickable. Consider changing rhythm to
  4. 00:34:462 (4,5) - the circle doesn't fit here, there's no beat or vocals to have a clickable object there. Imo would be better to delete it and extend the slider or just leave it blank
    similar here 00:39:979 (3,4) -
  5. 00:55:152 (1,2,3) - and 00:56:531 (4,5,6) - are two completely different rhythms but mapped the same, which feels a little weird, imo. Consider changing the first pattern up, maybe to emphasize the strongest beats at 00:55:669 - and 00:56:186 -
  6. 00:57:911 (1,2) - the short reverse slider doesn't fit, because the strong beats are on the reverse and the tail. It would be nice if at least one of them was clickable, so how about extending (1) to 00:58:428 - (since it doesn't end on any important beat) and using a 1/2 slider or two circles at 00:58:772 - ?
    similar here 01:00:669 (1,2,3) -
  7. 00:59:290 (3,4,5) - a little weird that you have the same sound on (3)'s end, on (4) and on head of (5), but all mapped differently. How about removing the reverse from (3) and adding a circle?
  8. 01:26:876 (3) - touches HP bar very slightly, but even if minor, still better to avoid it. Just move it down ~3px?
  9. 01:15:842 (3,4,5) - would make more sense, as there's a new sound starting at 01:16:531 - and atm there's (4)'s tail
  10. 01:26:876 (3) - feels weird that you ignore strong beats just to follow weak vocals, I'd prefer if you change this to match the beat
  11. 01:37:738 (1) - are you missing an objct before the spinner? öö
    also 01:40:324 (1,2) - (1) feels off because the melody it's mapped to starts at 01:39:635 - . Since you need at least a two beat break between spinner and object and can't map that beat, I suggest just deleting the circle
    Or you can replace the spinner with other objects and map this melody completely
  12. 02:34:462 (1,2,3,4,5) - and 02:37:221 (1,2,3,4,5) - I really dislike how this rhythm overpowers the song completely. Can you explain how you came up with that? Because it's not supported by the song.
  13. 02:49:462 (3) - consider replacing this with two circles on the white ticks, they're slightly stronger than the ones on the red ticks and don't throw players off like the 1/2 beats
    similar here 02:53:945 (1) - just that's it's only one white tick
  14. 02:52:393 (3,4) - kinda similar here, maybe try two 1/2 sliders instead
  15. 02:53:083 (5) - should be similar to 02:46:876 (4,5) - cause it's the same rhythm
  16. 02:54:980 (3) - sounds more like 02:53:945 (1) - to me?
    -- The first part of this Kiai really feels off to me. It feels a little like you couldn't decide what you wanted to map this to, because sometimes it's the 'man melody' and then just any other sound :c
    The second part is cool tho. I just miss a circle at 03:03:255 -
  17. 03:18:255 (4,1) - you didn't stack anything else before, so it looks weird to suddenly have one at the end on the map. Unstack?
  1. 00:13:600 (4,5,6) - why are you following teh vocals with (4) and ignore the beats on the downbeat and the 2nd beat and then map the other two? Feels off, imo, either map the beats or do the same like you did here 00:16:359 (2) -
  2. 00:18:428 (1,2) - consider unstacking this, it feels a bit weird while playing cause both are visible
    also same about vocals/beats as ^
  3. 00:41:359 (4) - missing NC?
  4. 00:43:255 - this sound is similar to 00:43:945 (8) - so it should be mapped too, imo
  5. 00:59:635 (6,7,8) - it plays a little weird when the 1/4 start on the blue tick, just doesn't feel intuitive. Consider starting the reverse slider on the white tick to simplifiy the rhythm (even if there is a sound on the blue tick)
    Also, how about ending it at 01:00:238 - and turning (8) into a 1/2 slider? The circle is on a very weak sound atm, whereas the end on the reverse is on a strong one, so try maybe
    similar here 01:05:152 (6,7,8) - and 01:10:669 (6,7,8) -
  6. 01:14:462 (1,2,1,2,1) - why so many NCs here?
  7. 01:16:359 (2,1) - stack feels a little awkward to me because the vocals go on and remaining at one place for the whole time is a bit boring, imo
  8. 02:50:669 (8) - should be snapped to 1/2 because of the sound there
  9. 03:28:945 (3) - to give the last soud more impact you could remove one reverse and add a circle at the end
Milan-'s Insane
  1. 00:13:083 (4,5,1) - hmmh, feels off to have very weak beats like on (1)'s head clickable and very strong ones like on the downbeat only with the reverse, I'd prefer
    and 00:13:428 (1,2,3) - (2,3) should be spaced just like (1,2), imo, there's no change in-between?
  2. 00:37:221 (6) - and 00:42:738 (5) - and 00:48:255 (6) - missing NCs?
  3. 00:55:669 (2) - did you try replacing this with two circles? Cause it's not one sound, but two sperate ones.
    Would play nice like this imo
  4. 00:59:204 (7,1) - and 00:59:807 (3,4,5) - Might be a little confusing to see them spaced differently when it's the same distance, but might be just me. I'd prefer if (3,4,5) were spaced similarly, but eh.
    similar here 01:04:721 (6,1,2,3,4,5) -
    and 01:10:238 (7,1,2,3,4,5) - etc
  5. 01:03:428 (1,2,3,4) - flow could be better, I think. ?
  6. some more missing NCs on 01:24:117 (5) -
    and maybe 01:35:152 (5) - 01:40:669 (6) - 01:43:428 (5) - 01:46:186 (5) -
    01:51:704 (5) - 01:54:462 (5) -
    I think I missed some, you should check them again yourself. D:
  7. 01:50:842 (2,3) - stack feels weird to me, because (3) is stronger. Consider unstacking them?
  8. 01:54:462 (5,6) - very similar to 01:51:704 (5,6) - would be nice if it were mapped similar, too
  1. 00:13:083 (4) - did you consider splitting this into circle + 1/2 slider yet? Imo the soud on the reverse is way too strong to ignore it
    same for 00:18:600 (3) -
  2. 00:51:359 (2,3,4,5) - feels weird and when I slow down sounds more like to me, but I'm not sure.
    also, if you mapped the weaker beats there ^ , you should probably also add a circle here 00:52:307 -
  3. 02:12:911 (2) - circle instead of the reverse? Because it's the same sound on head and tail and both should be clickable, imo, just like 02:14:290 (4,5) -
  4. 02:41:014 (4,1) - They feel too close because of the prev increased DS, consider switching 02:41:359 (1,2) - and then 02:42:048 (3,4) - ?
Can't say much about the Insanes, cause I can't play them right now. x:

Anyway, hope I could help. Good luck!
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