
[Official Specifications] Storyboarding by Scripting

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Storyboarding by Scripting

In the .osu file, under [Events]:
Note: underscores can be replaced with spaces.

Sprites and Animations

The size of the active playfield is 640 pixels wide by 480 pixels high. For static background images/effects, it is best to limit images to these dimensions.

Static Sprite:
_event, easing, starttime, endtime, [params]
_event, [...]
_event, [...]

_event, [...]
_event, [...]

For animations, specify a filename like "sliderball.png", and name your files "sliderball0.png" to "sliderball9.png" for a 10 frame animation.

frameCount: number of frames in the animation
frameDelay: delay in milliseconds between each frame.
looptype: LoopForever by default
LoopForever - Loops over and over again
LoopOnce - Loops once and stops on last frame.

Z-order (back to front) is determined by the order the files appear in the .osu file. The first storyboard event will be behind everything else, ie. if storyboard event 'A' is above storyboard event 'B', 'B' will be on top of 'A'.

Note: Background and Foreground are always visible.


All Rotations and Size changes (Including Vector Scaling) are affected by origin.

filepath: relative path of the image file (should be in the same directory as the .osu file)
Note: file path must be in double quotes if it has spaces in the filename

x, y: the position of the image
Note: (0,0) is the top left corner while (640,480) is the bottom right corner.

For each of the event types below, the initial value(s) of that event will assume the first assignment given to that event.

event type:
F - fade
M - move
S - scale
V - vector scale (width and height separately)
R - rotate
C - colour
L - loop
T - Event-triggered loop
P - Parameters

0 - none
1 - start fast and slow down
2 - start slow and speed up

starttime, endtime: the times in milliseconds between which the event will be animated

startopacity: the opacity at the beginning of the animation
endopacity: the opacity at the end of the animation
0 - invisible, 1 - fully visible

startx, starty: the position at the beginning of the animation
endx, endy: the position at the end of the animation
Note: the size of the play field is (640,480), with (0,0) being top left corner.

startscale: the scale factor at the beginning of the animation
endscale: the scale factor at the end of the animation
1 = 100%, 2 = 200% etc. decimals are allowed.

startx, starty: the scale factor at the beginning of the animation
endx, endy: the scale factor at the end of the animation
1 = 100%, 2 = 200% etc. decimals are allowed.

startangle: the angle to rotate by in radians at the beginning of the animation
endangle: the angle to rotate by in radians at the end of the animation
positive angle is clockwise rotation

r1, g1, b1: the starting component-wise colour
r2, g2, b2: the finishing component-wise colour

sprites with (255,255,255) will be their original colour. sprites with (0,0,0) will be totally black. anywhere in between will result in subtractive colouring. to make full use of this, brighter greyscale sprites work very well.


startx: the x position at the beginning of the animation
endx: the x position at the end of the animation


starty: the y position at the beginning of the animation
endy: the y position at the end of the animation

p: the effect parameter to apply
H - horizontal flip
V - vertical flip
A - additive-blend colour (as opposed to alpha-blend)

using the shorthand below with parameters is possible. the applied parameters will take effect during the duration specified only.

This notation can be used to quickly script a large number of the same kind of event over the same time span.
would create events:
_event,easing,starttime + duration,endtime + duration,val2,val3
_event,easing,starttime + 2duration,endtime + 2duration,val3,val4

This notation can be used when the start and end time of the event is the same.
Please note the blank space in the endtime field - this is required.

This notation can be used when the start and end values of the event are the same.


Standard Loops:
Loops can be defined to repeat a set of events constantly for a set number of iterations.

__event, [...]
__event, [...]

starttime: the time of the first loop's start.
loopcount: number of times to repeat the loop.

Note that events inside a loop should be timed with a zero-base. This means that you should start from 0ms for the inner event's timing and work up from there. The loop event's start time will be added to this value at game runtime.

__event, [...]
__event, [...]

Trigger Loops:

Trigger loops can be used to trigger animations based on play-time events. Although called loops, trigger loops only execute once when triggered.

__event, [...]
__event, [...]

start: When the trigger is valid
end : When the trigger stops being valid

Current triggers supported are:
Passing (transition from fail state to pass state)
Failing (transition from pass state to fail state)

Trigger loops are zero-based similar to normal loops. If two overlap, the first will be halted and replaced by a new loop from the beginning.
If they overlap any existing storyboarded events, they will not trigger until those transformations are no in effect.

Sound effects


time: the time in milliseconds to start playing the sound effect

Background = 0
Fail = 1
Pass = 2
Foreground = 3

filepath: relative path of the sound file (should be in the same directory as the .osu file)
Note: file path must be in double quotes

volume: volume of the sound file. (1-100) Can be left off for 100.


Primitive support for variables is now available. You can define any number of variables by includin a [Variables] section in the .osb file (currently not supported in .osu-specific storyboarding).


Once you define variables, you can use them *anywhere* in the storyboard. This means you can have a variable containing as much as a whole line.
Please don't make variable too small for the moment (ie. don't assign $var=1) because the editor is not smart enough to know where to put variables when it saves. All occurrences of the variables will currently be replaced at save time (so if you have one place you used $white and another you used 255,255,255 they will both become $white after a save in the editor).
looking forward on it. Waiting for the release
I have no idea what this means, but somebody do some storyboard pls.

Rolled wrote:

I have no idea what this means, but somebody do some storyboard pls.
afaik peppy's working on one, and I will be when I find the time.
I'm bit of an artist myself and once I find out how to work this storyboard thing, I'll get to work on making storyboards for my beatmap, maybe sometime later, I'll may volunteer to make some for the folks as well!
This is my DA account where I upload some of my artwork on. ---->

~Ao Tenshi
Maybe since there's more beatmaps than artists out there, you could pick what songs you like and ask the creator if it's ok to make a storyboard for it. I'm sure most will be pretty happy to have you storyboard for them.
*pops a dunce cap on my head*
Anyone mind splainin' what a storyboard for Osu! is?
But no group?! Ooh...

Well.. I think there should be many clip to made. Like this:

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There's not really a point in making all that available because no one will be bothered to make it. Afaik, the original only has 'passing-excellent', 'passing-average', failing (these three during gameplay), pass/fail animations for each break/section, and good/bad endings.

With the current system, the only thing missing is the distinction between 'passing-excellent' and 'passing-average'.


The animations on the top screen in the original games for DS.
Updated specs to include looping and shorthand.
One other question...
What do I have to do to be able to write script or where to start, Is there anything special I need to before I can begin writing the script?

~AO Tenshi
Just a text editor. Open up your .osu file and type away!
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You'll need test build to be able to see the storyboard, I think... not sure if public has it implemented yet.

Ask peppy for test on irc if public doesn't work, I'm sure he'll give it to you.

Echo49 wrote:

You'll need test build to be able to see the storyboard, I think... not sure if public has it implemented yet.

Ask peppy for test on irc if public doesn't work, I'm sure he'll give it to you.
Public has all but looping and shorthand events. But yeah - contact me for test build.
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This is an example of what you can achieve with storyboarding (+ a lot of time):
Good job on the intro echo ;).

* Added colour events to specs.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Added parameters event to specification (for horizontal and vertical flipping only at the moment).

Hey can you add video in just like the .png files?



I just checked and it won't work.. can you add video though?
Best not to - video currently has issues on a lot of people's systems and therefore i would like to keep it totally independent of storyboarding
Better checking Loop Saving
An example of what goes wrong would be great :).
Call me an idiot for not being able to figure this out...anyone wanna help me?

I'll right down what I want, and hopefully one of you can script it for me. Below I will post 3 times at which I want an image to pop up briefly and then disappear. It's the same image.

[pop up - disappear]
02.27.02 - 02.27.28
02.27.53 - 02.27.79
02.28.05 - 02.28.31

So script this, how would it be done?

EiJi wrote:

Call me an idiot for not being able to figure this out...anyone wanna help me?

I'll right down what I want, and hopefully one of you can script it for me. Below I will post 3 times at which I want an image to pop up briefly and then disappear. It's the same image.

[pop up - disappear]
02.27.02 - 02.27.28
02.27.53 - 02.27.79
02.28.05 - 02.28.31

So script this, how would it be done?
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

awp wrote:

you can leave x and y in the sprite's instantiation and it won't throw a parse error? Did not know that. I just sometimes threw in spurious numbers, myself.
uh, that was just a template.
Added animation specs.
Flipping doesn't work, and rotating while moving = Cerebral Pares-attack.
Also, Weegee versus Michael Jackson. Who will win this battle of crappy animations? Is Weegee truly just another part of MJ? Stay tuned to find out.

Loginer wrote:

Flipping doesn't work, and rotating while moving = Cerebral Pares-attack.
Flipping does work because Echo and I have both tested successfully. Can you give a specific example?

Rotating while moving should also be fine - as long as you set the sprite to centre-based origin.

peppy wrote:

Loginer wrote:

Flipping doesn't work, and rotating while moving = Cerebral Pares-attack.
Flipping does work because Echo and I have both tested successfully. Can you give a specific example?

Rotating while moving should also be fine - as long as you set the sprite to centre-based origin.
Oh. :/
How will the storyboards be implemented? Will they be playing during all the song or only during the pauses? (I want the 3D dancers! :P )

3d images? If you got them...
ooooOOOO! This looks very nice (a little complicated tho....-_-) We CAN use video witht his it's just not recommended right? I'm thinking of trying storyboarding with my beatmap (Believe)
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Afaik video doesn't work. You can use multi-image animation though.
You can storyboard on top of a video. Loginner did a little bit of that with his Dodongo map, and peppy did it with his m-flo one.
awwwww....I hope that gets implemented in the future, I was going to use the videos from the actual ouendan and storyboard them.....o well....
Loading videos during gameplay is something I'd REALLY like to avoid. This will likely cause lag as ffdshow/insertcodecnamehere reads the video into memory, and will then need to re-seek to get the syncing correct.
sigh, guess i'll have to learn how to do all those funky animations that they have on ouendan (oh gosh)
The scripting language is a little complicated tho?
Eh, it's not that complicated. Just a lot of copypasta.

meh, we'll see


LuigiHann wrote:

You can storyboard on top of a video. Loginner did a little bit of that with his Dodongo map, and peppy did it with his m-flo one.
NONE mispells my mame and getts away wit it. :[ *charges lasorz*
Calm down, lolginer. Save it for the battlefield. The battlefield in which you will end them all.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
1. Can I storyboard "fail" only?
2. Can I add strobes during fail part of storyboard?
3. If the answer to 1 and 2 are both "yes", brief explanation pls.

James wrote:

1. Can I storyboard "fail" only?
2. Can I add strobes during fail part of storyboard?
3. If the answer to 1 and 2 are both "yes", brief explanation pls.
Yes and yes. The second digit of any object is the "layer" digit. "Fail" is layer 1. So just make sure your strobe starts something like this (notice that the second number is 1):


And follow the rest of the strobe tutorial normally. That'll put your strobe in the "fail" layer.
Got it working now.

Got one question.

Can the "fail" storyboard be activated whenever the player reaches x hp instead of having it activated whenever a player got a 100/50/X?

James wrote:

Got it working now.

Got one question.

Can the "fail" storyboard be activated whenever the player reaches x hp instead of having it activated whenever a player got a 100/50/X?
Currently no, it'd have to be a feature request if you want that option.
How do I kick the video back a second, because the music and the video to it aren't matching up correctly?
open your .osb or .osu file, find the entry with the video, and edit the second field.

awp wrote:

open your .osb or .osu file, find the entry with the video, and edit the second field.
Partly incorrect. Check the design mode panel for a slidebar which will let you adjust the offset.
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