
Keitaro Takanami - Dark Chii Theme (Fuuma Dialogue Mix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on miércoles, 01 de julio de 2009 at 15:58:14

Artist: Keitaro Takanami
Title: Dark Chii Theme (Fuuma Dialogue Mix)
Source: Chobits
Tags: chobits chii
BPM: 140
Filesize: 4682kb
Play Time: 02:53
Difficulties Available:
  1. Agka's Nightmare (4,9 stars, 377 notes)
  2. Dark (4,71 stars, 360 notes)
  3. Light (3,49 stars, 130 notes)
Download: Keitaro Takanami - Dark Chii Theme (Fuuma Dialogue Mix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Well... My first beatmap, a song from Chobits OST

Three diffs, Light (normal/hard), Dark (hard/insane) and Agka's Nightmare (insane)

Thanks to Leeg for the skin.
Thanks to Agkaemon for his diff
Thanks to StarrodKirby86 for the Storyboard

I wish one day this could be ranked... Help me modders!! ^w^ RANKED!

- 7 June (15:16): Fixes by Agkaemon
- 8 June (02:15): Fixes by StarrodKirby86. HP Drain time increased and changed combo colours on [Dark]. Lowed hitsounds volume on both diffs
- 9 June (01:34): Added skin by Leeg and Agkaemon's dif
- 9 June (18:40): Fixes by sesito71 and Mafiamaster. Added hitsounds on [Light] and [Dark]
- 13 June (02:07): Fixes by blissfulyoshi and Sir Minelli. Changed background of [Agka's Nightmare]
- 18 June (02:15): Fixes by blissfulyoshi (again) and 0_o.
- 18 June (04:21): Fixes by StarrodKirby86 via IRC.
- 19 June (22:02): Fixes by SacroiD and Saturos-fangirl. Added more hitsounds and made a so long spinner on [Agka's Nightmare] a bit shorter.
- 20 June (19:24): Added a "warning" for the slow sliders on [Dark] storyboarded by StarrodKirby86.
- 21 June (21:37): Added another "warning" point on the "spiral part" on [Dark] by StarrodKirby86 again.
- 01 July (15:58): Fixes by Skyripper and Doomsday93.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
cool! I love this song :P You should put sounds in the notes to not make it repetitive ^^ But it's a really good job ;)

One star for you!
great job beu ^^ is a cool map
01:11:12(1) : Inicia Kiai y termina en 01:31:43(1)
01:59:07(1): Agrega Hitsound de finish y de aquí a 02:08:556(1) agrega unos cuantos hitcircle mas.
02:08:55(1): Intenta cambiar el patrón personalmente no me gusta mucho.
02:40:16(1): Mueve este hitcircle al beat blanco hacia la derecha.
02:53:98(1): Inicia Kiai y termina en 02:54:41

Aumenta el drenado de HP, asi como algo adicional.

01:11:07(2): Inicia Kiai y termina en 01:31:649
01:25:27(1, 2, 3): Mueve estos a 1/4 de beat snap mas temprano.
01:31:64(1): Hitsound de Finish

star, buen map :P
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Buen map^^
good work , I can only enjoy ( ^.^ ojala se entienda algo xd )
Nice work, lovely that song. Want more like that to enjoy myself 8-D

Star for Beu~~ =D.

Kisses~~ ^^
Omg x3 post, sorry... don't know why but...
Omg x3 post, sorry... don't know why but...
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Hola? XD

00:07:67 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Awesome design, but it's confusing at first play. D:
00:30:65 (1) - Remove new combo?

Menos 66ms en todos secciones. Como? :o Vas a 'Timing Setup Panel', eleges todos secciones y menos 66ms. o:

^Hahaha bad Spanish.

Make Light's timing the same as Dark's. (the 2500 thing)

At this moment, you're using some strange timing ... or it wasn't resnapped. It's hurting me inside. ;-;

Uh...Make the dark blue and black on [Dark] lighter...And add hitsounds! Lower the hitsound volume too, just by a bit.

I think this is a good map. Star~ (Comment on my horrendous Spanish!)
Topic Starter

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

00:07:67 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Awesome design, but it's confusing at first play. D:
I'm trying to change it, but by the moment I'll leave it that way (i like that "confusion" xD)
00:30:65 (1) - Remove new combo?
Lol, stupid mistake, done xD
Menos 66ms en todos secciones. Como? :o Vas a 'Timing Setup Panel', eleges todos secciones y menos 66ms. o:
Done :3
Make Light's timing the same as Dark's. (the 2500 thing)
Done :3
At this moment, you're using some strange timing ... or it wasn't resnapped. It's hurting me inside. ;-;
I think it's the offset, but i don't know exactly :S
Uh...Make the dark blue and black on [Dark] lighter...And add hitsounds! Lower the hitsound volume too, just by a bit.
Done :3
Thank you Kirby! :) :) And good spanish ;) ;) I will lend you my "yogur jar" for a while xD :P :P

Kudosu for you~ :D
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
  1. Change offset to 2,517
    Inherit your timing sections, then resnap.
  2. Hitsounds please


  1. Inherit all your timing sections.
    Then resnap your notes to the 1/4 divisor.
  2. 01:14:19 (1,1,1,1) - Stack under slider 1's endpoint.
  3. Hitsounds please
Topic Starter

sesito71 wrote:

On Agka's Nightmare:
New Combo (9) (01:00:796)
Done :3
and the hitsounds!! xD
Now updating it~ xD
Thanks sesito ^^ Kudosu~ :)
Topic Starter

Mafiamaster wrote:

  1. Change offset to 2,517
    Done :3
    Inherit your timing sections, then resnap.
    Done :3
  2. Hitsounds please
Updating it~


  1. Inherit all your timing sections.
    Done :3
    Then resnap your notes to the 1/4 divisor.
  2. 01:14:19 (1,1,1,1) - Stack under slider 1's endpoint.
    Done :3
  3. Hitsounds please
Done :3
Thank you, Mafiamaster, i didn't think you would answer so fast o_O Kudosu for you~
Vaya, vaya... Pensaba que el map no tenía tantas estrellas O_o. Yo lo veo perfecto, contribuyo con otra estrella. Rank the map now!
01:17:30 (1) - this is a little annoying for an easy difficulty
01:17:94 (1) - align with the start of the slider 2 combos ago
01:50:51 (3,4) - make these vertical reflections of 1,2 (probably would want to change 1 and 2 not 3 and 4)

00:07:65 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - y do you have constant spacing when the places on the timeline are different. Also, could you try redoing this section. It does not sound like any of these notes fall on an eight note.
01:04:23 (1) - can you make this section have a BPM that 140 is divisible by and get out a multiple of 2 (such as 17.5)
Nazi post: these notes are too close together 01:53:06 (5,6), 01:54:34 (3,4), 01:54:77 (5,6,7), 01:56:49 (5,6), and 01:56:91 (7,8)
01:59:32() - might want to insert a break, and you might want to add a break to all these sections with long gaps
02:28:20 (2) - might want to make a vertical reflection of 1
02:40:25 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - at worst, auto lost half its bar in this section (add some breaks)

not too sure about the amount of eighth notes.

00:17:08 (2) - make a horizontal reflection of 1
01:04:23 (1) - 7s spinner + high difficulty = tired arm
01:12:15 (4) - might want to align with 2
01:14:03 (7,8) - make vertical reflections of 5,4 respectively
01:14:89 (1,2,3) - y is the spacing seem so even here
01:15:32 (3,4,5,6,7) - " "
01:16:39 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - " "
okay from this point onward, there seems to be a lot of awkward spacing that does not fit where the beat is on the timeline, this needs to be fixed. (I won't point out anymore of these)
01:50:67 (1) - 9s spinner pain
02:40:17 (22) - new combo color
02:41:89 (1) - same problem as Dark

Nightmare needs to be fixed on spacing, but besides that, a decent beatmap. Star.
Sir Minelli
Overall Offset/timing is ok.


I managed to notice that there are some minor spacing issues through out the beatmap, along with some spacing changes.
To fix spacing issues choose 0.9 spacing (Because it seems that you worked with it the most. Even though choosing 1.0 or 1.1 might be a good idea in order to avoid beat collapsing later on) and click drag every beat while having distance snap active. This will fix the position of the beats.
Don't change the spacing value unless a new combo is starting and you want a tiny mini jump.
This is supposed to be an Easy/Normal difficulty, so spacing should be solid and constant.
After you have done all this, your map will improve about an 80%.
Will now mod the mayor issues i find~

00:24:80 (1) - Compare spacing here with previous slider's end. It differs with 00:26:51 (1) - and with 00:28:23 (1) -
00:32:08 (3) - Different spacing, same pattern, easy to follow yes, but i think you should new combo this.
00:35:51 (3) - same here
01:09:37 (4) - new combo
01:12:80 (1) - too far away from (2), approach (2) to it.
01:15:80 (2) - too far away from slider, spacing issue here is tough. You have to be careful here, because after this beat, a pattern of "fast returning arrow sliders" appear. So you want to have a perfect spacing before it.
Also, the distance between the returning arrow sliders is too big. Make sure to fix it with 0.9 spacing, or the one you chose
01:17:94 (1) - Spacing here again, you need to approach this to the last returning arrow slider which is actually longer (more returns) than the previous sliders.
01:22:87 (5) - new combo
01:25:23 (1) - approaching this to 01:24:80 (1) - is a must. The pattern before this slider is quite a challenge for an "easy" difficulty, actually i personally don't think you should use it. But from what i'm noticing here, is that this difficulty works more as a "normal". If this is the case, then stick with it.
01:49:23 (5) - new combo
01:49:65 (1) - undo new combo
01:51:37 (6) - new combo


Once again, in this difficulty you have spacing inconstancies. They are easy to follow, so i'm guessing it doesn't matter because this is after all "Dark". But still, once the spacing changes here: 00:23:08, i start to notice spacing issues again.
Make sure to stick with one spacing value at all times. If you want to change the spacing on a particular pattern, then you change it, stick with it, and then go back to normal again if you wish so.

Change beat snap divisor to 1/8
00:08:24 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Select all these beats and move them to the next following tick
In other words, make them start right here: 00:08:30 -
01:04:23 (1) - About this slider, i suggest inheriting the timing section and using 0.5x Slider speed will increase, but you can make it longer. In addition, by doing this, you wont face any problems regarding the next timing section offset.
And if find that the next timing section, starting here: 01:45:34 (1) - loses timing.
01:28:25 (1) - right here, notice the purple closing circle of the spinner. The fact that there is a beat placed just below it makes the players confuse it with that beat's approach circle. Try putting that beat somewhere else.
02:27:66 (3) - this beat here overlaps this 02:28:84 (5) - Try putting the (3) on top of (5)
02:28:41 (3) - new combo, 02:28:84 (3) - new combo
02:32:16 (1,1,1) - Even if this was meant to be a jump, it is too far from (6)

[Agka's Nightmare]

I suggest changing bg.
00:21:37 (9) - end this slider at red tick here: 00:22:65 -
01:01:44 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1,2,3,4,5,6) - i don't feel there is a need for using streams here. This part of the song is relaxing. Keep it that way.
01:26:51 (3) - I don't think this sounds good at all, too loud compared to previous hit sounds.
The following part of the beatmap needs to be checked and fixed.
The beat placement is wrong. Doesn't follow the rythm of the song at all.The intentions are good, but the beats need to be placed correctly, or else timing will be affected directly.
There are too many beats to fix, so i wont fix every single one of them. I will let you know what to check though.
Start from here:
01:45:53 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Check beat placement
01:59:24 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Move these one tick to the right. In other words, make the pattern start here: 01:59:30-
02:01:01 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - Check beat placement
02:18:90 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - hit sounds are way too loud. Please, if you are using normal hit sounds, then lower the volume
From this point i just noticed everything else has issues, so check every single upcoming pattern, place the beats so they go along with the rythm AND do NOT forget to snap the notes once you do so. I have noticed the beats are missplaced but still the distance snap doesn't change. You NEED TO DISTANCE SNAP the beats.


I liked the song.
Just make sure to fix the last part of [Agka's Nightmare] and then you will be one step closer to getting it ranked.
Good job.
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Download: Keitaro Takanami - Dark Chii Theme (Fuuma Dialogue Mix) (Beuchi-chan) [Agka's Nightmare].osu
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blissfulyoshi wrote:

01:17:30 (1) - this is a little annoying for an easy difficulty
Hmmm... but it isn't only "easy"... it's something between easy and normal... so i don't see it annoying :S
01:17:94 (1) - align with the start of the slider 2 combos ago
Done :3
01:50:51 (3,4) - make these vertical reflections of 1,2 (probably would want to change 1 and 2 not 3 and 4)
Done :3

00:07:65 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - y do you have constant spacing when the places on the timeline are different.
I know it, but i can't find a pattern that i like on that part :?
Also, could you try redoing this section. It does not sound like any of these notes fall on an eight note.
Done :3
01:04:23 (1) - can you make this section have a BPM that 140 is divisible by and get out a multiple of 2 (such as 17.5)
Ehm... sorry, but i can't understand exactly what you are saying... x_xU
Nazi post: these notes are too close together 01:53:06 (5,6), 01:54:34 (3,4), 01:54:77 (5,6,7), 01:56:49 (5,6), and 01:56:91 (7,8)
Changed :3
01:59:32() - might want to insert a break, and you might want to add a break to all these sections with long gaps
I think it loses it's "dark side" if i add so many breaks :?
02:28:20 (2) - might want to make a vertical reflection of 1
Done :3
02:40:25 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - at worst, auto lost half its bar in this section (add some breaks)
Same as before... it loses the "dark side" :twisted: (xD)
not too sure about the amount of eighth notes.
Now it's fixed :3

I guess Agkaemon has fixed all :D
Thank you blissfulyoshi!! :) Kudosu for you~
Topic Starter

Sir Minelli wrote:

To fix spacing issues choose 0.9 spacing (Because it seems that you worked with it the most. Even though choosing 1.0 or 1.1 might be a good idea in order to avoid beat collapsing later on) and click drag every beat while having distance snap active. This will fix the position of the beats.
Done :3
00:24:80 (1) - Compare spacing here with previous slider's end. It differs with 00:26:51 (1) - and with 00:28:23 (1) -
Fixed :3
00:32:08 (3) - Different spacing, same pattern, easy to follow yes, but i think you should new combo this.
Done :3
00:35:51 (3) - same here
Done :3
01:09:37 (4) - new combo
Done :3
01:12:80 (1) - too far away from (2), approach (2) to it.
Done :3
01:15:80 (2) - too far away from slider, spacing issue here is tough. You have to be careful here, because after this beat, a pattern of "fast returning arrow sliders" appear. So you want to have a perfect spacing before it.
Done... i think xD
Also, the distance between the returning arrow sliders is too big. Make sure to fix it with 0.9 spacing, or the one you chose
Done :3
01:17:94 (1) - Spacing here again, you need to approach this to the last returning arrow slider which is actually longer (more returns) than the previous sliders.
Done :3
01:22:87 (5) - new combo
Done :3
01:25:23 (1) - approaching this to 01:24:80 (1) - is a must. The pattern before this slider is quite a challenge for an "easy" difficulty, actually i personally don't think you should use it. But from what i'm noticing here, is that this difficulty works more as a "normal". If this is the case, then stick with it.
Exactly, so i will leave it like that xD
01:49:23 (5) - new combo
Done :3
01:49:65 (1) - undo new combo
Done :3
01:51:37 (6) - new combo
Done :3

00:08:24 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Select all these beats and move them to the next following tick
Done :3
01:04:23 (1) - About this slider, i suggest inheriting the timing section and using 0.5x Slider speed will increase, but you can make it longer. In addition, by doing this, you wont face any problems regarding the next timing section offset.
But... i have to make that slider too much longer... and i don't like it :S
And if find that the next timing section, starting here: 01:45:34 (1) - loses timing.
Offset problem is fixed i think, i put the timing section on the end of the slider, and i realized that almost all of the circles were bad timed, so i moved all of them... and i think it is fixed now o.o
01:28:25 (1) - right here, notice the purple closing circle of the spinner. The fact that there is a beat placed just below it makes the players confuse it with that beat's approach circle. Try putting that beat somewhere else.
Done :3
02:27:66 (3) - this beat here overlaps this 02:28:84 (5) - Try putting the (3) on top of (5)
Done :3
02:28:41 (3) - new combo, 02:28:84 (3) - new combo
Done :3
02:32:16 (1,1,1) - Even if this was meant to be a jump, it is too far from (6)
Done, i approached it to (6) :3

[Agka's Nightmare]
I guess Agkaemon fixed all :?
Well, thank you Sir Minelli, i wish the offset problem on "Dark" is fixed... and i changed the background of "Agka's Nightmare" :3

Kudosu for you~
muy buen mapa beuchi! ^^, espero que lo rankeen pronto :D
muy buen mapa beuchi! ^^, espero que lo rankeen pronto :D
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