If you wanna have me take a look at your map, send me a message, and what kind of look do you want me to take. Options include: improving what's already there, checking patterns that dissatisfy you, checking patterns according to what I think, a general review, or a playtest (with or without commentary if appropriate -- note that I might not be able to play your chart if it's too hard. I'm not very good.)
I can check timing, though I'm not Pope Gadget, and I generally hate hitsounds, so please don't ask me to check them. I can check 4k, 6k or 7k - though 6k/7k is far more likely to yield a positive response from me. Music matters, but I can overlook it for a good chart. I can check your SVs, though I'm not Evening or Nivrad00. I can check your patterns, but I'm not Vortex-, April, Blocko, Jinjin, or -MysticEyes, or many of the other masters that are too many to count. I'm an alright all-rounder charter with a style, that's not too nitpicky when checking, though.
(If I didn't name you, but you know you're good, please forgive me -- these are only example names to make the point that I don't consider myself to be the best.)
I respect the fact that your map is yours and you are the one ultimately choosing what to do with it. If you do ask, please don't be rude in your response and we'll probably be friends.