00:30:573 (6) - keep it straight like the previous triple circles, it feels really weird. Or just make the whole triple 00:30:234 (4,5,6) - straight and rotate by a few degrees if you want to show something in terms of contrast.
00:30:920 (8,1) - Here it is better to keep away from the previous distance because a bigger sound is ringing
00:30:581 (6,7) - More than the distance here
00:34:980 (11,1) - make the distance between these objects longer, it would be easier to read and. I don't really get why this circle must be overlapped with the previous stream because you have 2 different sounds, so 2 different approaches, so they should be independant from each other
You could make for example a 1/6 burst slider here http://puu.sh/Cc647/0332e1023e.jpg that seems to work pretty well
00:36:513 - this is the same as 00:35:496 (3) - . I think you should put a circle also there if you did it before
00:38:717 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - this is 1/6 but has the same spacing as 00:34:479 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - and the second one is 1/4 so this isn't really a good introduction to rather what is a 1/4 stream and what is a 1/6 stream in this map/diff I would increase the spacing of the 1/4 stream to maybe something like you did here 00:37:191 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - so its way more clear
00:39:726 (4,5) - Why the spacing is so low for those ones ? I would say maybe the piano notes that become really similar, but this is kind of a weird way to go from a really harsh pattern (really fast streams into jumps) to giving a really low spacing between those two. Maybe upping it a bit would make the pattern better to play ? There is also those notes 00:39:217 (1,2) - that are really similar from 00:39:726 (4,5) - and can also make a similar spacing
00:40:573 (9,10) - Why the sudden wide angle between these two after the neat sharp angled pattern? I don't see anything big happening and if you still wanted to emphasize that in the same fashion wouldn't it be more proper if the wide angle was between 8 and 9 since 9 is the beginning of a new measure? The most impactful note should be 9 in my opinion and it looks like it's 10 here instead because it turns back to sharp angles after 11 till 15. (See 00:43:285 (9) - here the wide angle is on the right note)
00:43:624 (11,13) - you had this nice piano emphasis going with all the previous things but mapping the drum in the here really ruins that
00:48:031 (6,7) - the vocal ends on 00:48:539, so if you're planning to follow the vocal you should extend the slider to 00:48:539.
My main focus is the vocals but im not doing a strong focus to it. i think it makes more sense to have the 2 beats be clickable here since they are pretty intense 00:53:963 (6,7) - and with the spacing usage here, still ultimately give more emphasis towards the vocals
00:48:039 (19) - There is no sound actually in the blue line. you need to shrink the slider downbeat
00:48:624 (21,22) - Is there a reason for that spacing ? To be more logic, it would be better to decrease spacing instead of increase it just as you did there for example 00:53:963 (19,20,21) - to show that the vocals seems to be slow & calm
00:55:827 (2,3,4,5,6) - what was the thought process behind this pattern? we have a pretty dramatic and unusual change in cursor movement but the vocals or drum beat aren't different from the surroundings
00:56:852 (9,10) - 00:55:496 (1,2) - Because these are the same combo, players will get confused if the distance difference changes. It is better to avoid large changes
01:03:462 (17,18) - In this combo, it is better to perform Ctrl + G because it is only three consecutive hits away from here
01:05:488 (30,31,32,33,34,35,1) - can you tell me what exactly justifies the stream jump / huge spacing here, I fail to hear anything remotely strong enough, there isn't even anything like vocal intensity or similar
I disagree with pretty much every other ultra spaced streams or whatever but at least I can somewhat understand why you did it for those, not here however
01:06:844 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Could you explain me how you managed the distance between objects here ? Because you could make things pretty simpler, without being frustrated to "hit and miss". Make the distance equal with the object before and after 01:07:014 (6) - , same goes for 01:07:522 (9) - and 01:10:064 (8) -
I thought it was clear each intense snare sound = each more spacing and low spacing for anything less intense than that. it truly is simple to understand while i can adjust the spacing i don't understand what is the issue that lies with this since this on the side of the more simple patterns in the entire map. Now the only thing i see a problem with this entire section is that while that is the thing i tried to do, i see that the spacing is inconsistent now looking at it so ill make will adjust to make more sense and less illogical as it appears currently
01:09:895 (7,8,9) - Jump's spacing are decreasing there as the notes decrease too, but there 01:13:624 (13,14) - the jump seems kinda big if we compare to (7)-(8), maybe decreasing it a bit ?
01:11:081 (15,16,17) - having a consistent distance between circles looks out of place compared to what you do, and the song can allow you to alter the distance.
01:14:056 (16) - Since the sound is more prominent in the next stream, it is better to delete only this sound which is clearly heard by deleting this circle
01:16:513 (14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21) - A stream that sounds clearly like the sound here
01:17:183 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4) - i love this repeating section and the way the map pulls repeatedly diagonally topleft, then back to the bottomright, then there and back again. i almost wish you did this type of thing more. of course, once you express a sound with a certain pattern, it's absolutely not required that you continue to express all similar sounds later on in the song with that exact pattern. that particular brand of "consistency" is of course viable and sometimes effective, but for anyone to demand that you adhere to it would be silly, and certainly a retrograde mindset. however, when you've come up with a great pattern like you have here, it doesn't hurt to repeat it so the player gets more of it.
01:22:268 (29,30,31,32,1) - Does that shape have a reason to be there ? To be honest, this is nice visually, but in term of playability, this burst have no reason to be different if we compare them to something such as 01:05:488 (30,31,32,33,34,35,1) - 01:11:420 (18,19,20,21,1) - 01:13:963 (15,16,17,18,19,20,1) - 01:16:505 (14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,1) -
the other section you mention of course the song is the least intense so the streams are more normal i guess you would call it. But later I thought this is a nice way to get the player prepared for similar streams down the line and i do that a lot later. also I don't wish to get rid of this as the next stream at 01:30:403 (13,14,15,16,17) - would feel a lot more out of nowhere especially being this is harder than the 1st time around so having it would make it easier for the player to get gradually used to the overall stream designs basically
01:23:963 (8,9) - Hailie this is misleading because of the angle after the slider, I always seem to think it is a jump because the flow doesn't lead into it somehow like other extended sliders with this kind of spacing. I can't explain why it just makes you think that's a jump.
What is misleading on this? just because come after a extended slider doesn't mean it still isn't a jump ?_? the spacing is small enough for the player to considered this to be a 3/4 jump and with slider len and all shouldn't be as hard to read/play. this is something that maps has done and not this 1 alone so i honestly don't know what to tell ya hear other than the fact that if a player struggles with this which is 1 of the more simple patterns to read, then they shouldn't be playing the map is all im saying.
01:26:683 (26) - Even if it is intentional, it is better to equalize distances here. Three consecutive hits appear in succession, so players will not think of triple strikes due to the difference in distance
01:29:302 (8) - there is nothing audible on this tick, keep doing what you did with 01:18:370 (7,8) - instead. Same goes for 01:34:641 (8) -
but all the other notes 01:30:403 (13,14,15,16) - have no spacing so even if its not supposed to be perfect this example of not perfect is just plain bad
01:33:370 (35,1) - Spacing seems kind of weird there, in terms of flow, the player doesn't have a reason to accelerate that much compared to those ones 01:34:641 (8,9) - , moving those ones 01:33:115 (32,33,34,35) - a bit down can make the burst in front of the slider and can feel way better in terms of playability
01:35:658 (13,14,15,16,17,18,19) - The spacing between (18) and (19) feels really unintuitive there, a normal player can easily think it's an 1/2 rythm there, while it's an 1/4
judging by ur way of ncing i am quite sure u messed up here and the nc should in fact be on 2 because of the vocal 01:38:370 (1,2) -
there is in fact literally no vocal on 1, there's a silent sssss in between 1 and 2 but it's obvious the actual vocal starts on 2. also, i do actually think it is a problem when there's a mistake with your concept (that being the long nc's to fit the vocals), so sorry about that i guess
01:38:370 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - why does the combo have to start on the previous beat like that? why not put it on 01:38:878 (6) ?
i accidently said song lol; new vocals appear on 01:35:827 (15) so you should put it on that note
01:38:378 (1) - NC here does not really make sense. Vocal emphasizes the next 2. It is 6 that the song becomes intense
01:43:963 (1,2,3,4,5) - move the whole pattern slightly on the left, to not make the objects play closely. Make things more airy, by using a maximum of space the editor can provide you at this time.
01:48:963 (15,16) - Spacing feels unintuitive to play, maybe make them 01:48:709 (14,15,16) - look like a smaller triangle, it would way easier to read it
01:49:387 (1,2,3) - this is the most intense part of this section, use a longer spacing to give a proper impression.
01:51:929 (8,9,1) - this looks like it is the other way round of what you had to do here, i mean the distance between these circles should be crescent instead, to emphasize nayuta's vocals.
01:52:098 (1,2) - here is a building up that you tried to represent it with a progressive of fast mouvement, doesn't stacking obj randomly (u never did something like this before) is against your ideas ? it just looks like its stacked to try emphasizing vocals only. you could try using a sharp mouvement with 1 instead like in the picture : https://i.imgur.com/nCFXiSp.jpg
01:53:886 - and 01:54:225 - feels very empty compared with the collab diff so maybe changing 01:53:801 (14) - and 01:54:140 (17) - into kickslider wouldn't feel empty anymore since it's a very sudden stop and the drumroll is still going
01:54:217 - dont rly see a reason to skip this drumbeat, change 01:54:132 (17) - into a 1/4 slider?
01:55:835 (5,6) - 01:58:547 (5,6) - I think that there is no major change in these. It is better to keep the apparent distance the same as much as possible
01:55:997 (6) - the voice isn't high pitched anymore, so a circle can fit there, it would moreover make the high pitched vocal more distinguishable, same for 01:58:709 (6) - 02:01:420 (6) - 02:04:132 (6) - 02:12:268 (6) - 02:14:980 (6) - 02:17:692 (6) - 02:20:403 (6) - 04:06:166 (6) - 04:08:878 (6) - 04:11:590 (6) - 04:14:302 (6) -
02:00:742 (2) - move this to x117 y133 somehow, the flow gets 100 times better, right now the movement in 02:00:742 (2,3,4) - is very awkward and doesn't fit your other stuff, even the awkward stuff at times is there for a reason but this will fit much better up there than to the right, fits with the music and with your style, right now it really strains the hand because of the movement to the right fast, feels like a middle note without purpose that separates 2 patterns.
your suggestion makes this completely out of place with the entire pattern way more than the current pattern which i dont see the point of you saying it makes no sense with other stuff (it has more cohesion than the suggestion i can say) the pattern itself playing comfortable enough to achieve the affect i wanted for vocals and i dont see how this doesn't fit with everything else
02:00:742 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this sounds wrong in term of rhythm or emphasis, especially this slider 02:01:420 (6) - which is out of place, to emphasize vocals better and the most intense vocals, only these sliders 02:00:912 (3,5) - should stay. Just replace 02:01:420 (6) - with a simple circle (the current 1/4 slider emphasises something quiet compared to the same vocal notes at the next section)
02:04:302 (7,8,9) - vs 01:58:878 (7,8,9) - and 01:57:861 (1,2,3) - vs 02:03:285 (1,2,3) - you keep switching between wide and sharp angles for the same thing, because you dont have any other elements except rhythm that show similarity between parts you should really try and pay more attention to this as it just makes the entire map feel disconnected.
like shani's part in the collab actually pays attention to this so it feels like the movements actually fir the map
I would love to tell u that this is not copy pasting at all and i don't quite what u wish for me to do here so ill just say that the reason the pattern is the way it is was suppose to feel harsh to express the vocals and give a nice build up to the next section. 1/4 jumps i felt was a nice way to getting the player more into that and know of more patterns to come so while i can make it less harsh i don't mind agreeing to that, the pattern itself has it purpose in the map
I will re-open this one as this is effectively not copy paste. Then I will try to just give a few suggestions I have there : So. 02:05:997 (1,1,2,3,1,2,3) - First we can hear that the sounds (vocals) go to low pitched, so maybe making their SV lower & lower could fit the song and make them higher on those 02:08:539 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - to emphasize the high pitch even more. The vocals feels also repetitive and could be represented by sliders that get less and less curved. Example with some screens : https://puu.sh/CbTs0/b81844fd76.png https://puu.sh/CbTvb/514d4622b2.png https://puu.sh/CbTy8/2f84801938.png https://puu.sh/CbTzd/d31d72fe58.png , It would make the SV loss to be felt after some time and would follow the song imo, but still a suggest
02:27:183 (8,9,10,11,12) - the thing i exaplained you in my long wall of text. Handly made if you want, but the spacing difference is noticeable, and for a 177 BPM 1/4 it's just a few ms and pixels, enough to make you miss or get a 100 while playing from my own experience. Make the spacing uniform. (and many more pentagons)
And ill say it to you again that the ds is barely noticable unless someone plays with a ruler. i dont mind polishing the streams a bit more but this is too extremely nickypicky when i do not see how it is going to hurt in gameplay. the only ones ill will adjust is the more obvious ones to change cause u can't seriously tell me 1.31 and 1.36 (just a random stream i was checking out i forgot which 1 but all of them is similar to that) is that noticeable in gameplay because it isn't that noticeable and this was the least of my worries when people had testplayed the map
02:31:675 (22,23) - I know you had a circles into vocal slider pattern going but I think this is a little excessive (the circles are too close)
02:38:878 (2,3) - this flow goes against what you usually do, clockwise would be much better, counter clockwise is very random and I don't see the point, plays bad too to be honest
02:41:081 (18,19,20) - vs 02:46:505 (19,20,21) - why is the movement on these so different, one of them flows nicely into the slider while the other one makes you have a sharp turn
seems like a mistake cause 04:56:675 (19,20,21) - in the second kiai is also the same thing and moves into the next slider nicely
02:49:895 (4,5,6,7,8) - extremely confusing placement as it does not read like 1/4, but rather a grouping of a double and a triple with a gap in the middle
I don't see how this is confusing placement since the stream is still all close together to make it clear that it is 1/4. There is no patterns in the song that would suggest a type of grouping you describing and if it were like that in the map then it would be another problem altogether (such as no cohesion and out no where) There has been plenty of times similar to this enough to where the player would be aware of my attentions of how these type of stream patterns works and how i emphasis the song
02:52:607 (6,7,8) - (7)-(8) transition is kinda abrupt, maybe moving 7 a bit towards 8 can help
02:52:692 (7,8) - adjust the distance here, there's no reason why there should be a lower distance than 02:51:336 (7,8) - when they follow the same notes.
should prob match the directions 02:55:319 (2,3,4) - and 02:56:675 (2,3,4) - travel, rn the first one is the only triple in this section that has a directionchange in it
think the jump to 02:59:726 (17) - is p unnecessary, there isn't a strong instrumental or vocal beat here, and this whole part is winding down in intensity
03:05:658 (1) - I understand why you placed this here (to coincide with the wooshing noise at that point), but why the break afterwards? The noise feels like rippling out, so it would make more sense to place a slider. Same applies to 03:08:370 (1).
03:16:505 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - change in rhythm from the surrounding measures seems rly random here
03:19:895 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - should not have more spacing than 03:15:149 (7,8,9,10,11) - because you are going after the pitch of the voice, the first mentioned part is much less intense pitch than the other, and you go after pitch as seen 03:14:980 (6,7) - for example, so I'd adjust it, it really makes no sense now.
I don't see why it shouldn't be and even the spacing difference is not that large to be considered non-nonsensical. yea it is going by the pitch of the voices but i felt that the voices for the 2nd half was slightly more intense. for the other point 03:14:980 (6,7) - the other part does the same thing 03:20:403 (6,7) - the only thing is the spacing difference which i gave my reason for
03:21:259 (26,1) - I'm pretty sure that this will be misread as a 1/2 rhythm since the actual 1/2 rhythm youre using is a bit lower than the 1/4 one but still could be misread as a 1/2 one
03:23:801 (12,13) - I think that the sound that is follo this slider is not 12
The follo note is ringing from 13
03:23:971 (13) - 03:29:395 (13,15) - you can use 1/4 slider here as well as you used it for such sounds
03:25:997 (25) - should prob just be a circle since that synthbeat isn't here, vocal is already prominently shown enough by the spacing increase
03:34:132 (1,2,3) - these should be 1/3 for violin, there is absolutely nothing in these extended 3/4 sliders in blue tick
I gave my reasons above. the map has a semi-strong vocals focus, my intentions here is to not follow the violin but to express the vocals which i said extended to the blue tick which is why i use 3/4 sliders to express the vocals 2/3 would feel awkward to me and give me a less strong vocals focus than i intended
03:42:098 (8,9,10,11,12,13) - while you have stuff like this which is much more spaced and counterflow, which I can only assume is a matter of trying to emphasize the white tick of a triple - you also have stuff like 03:38:031 (7,8,1) -, 03:32:522 (33,34,35,1) - in which you've even emphasized the white tick through hitsounding yet it plays and is spaced in a much easier way
03:49:895 (5,6,7) - same as i said for 01:51:929 (8,9,1), this sound here 03:50:064 (7) - is more instense than everything else. And you perfectly did it here 03:59:048 (14,15,16) -
04:02:268 (9) - I get that you don't want to put a nc in the middle of a stream, but to be consistent with 04:00:912 (1) (where a similar feat happens), it would be better to represent the beginning of the conflicting voices with a nc there rather than on 04:02:607 (1).
04:05:997 (5,6,7) - and 04:08:709 (5,6,7,8) - is so different spacing wise but they are the same thing, could you somehow make them similar in how they play because I don't see the reason why the kicksliders go linear and close with each other in 1st one and the 2nd one goes left right left right
04:34:988 (11,12,13) - 04:35:666 (14,15,16) - these are way more linear motions than the other times you mapped this section (like 02:08:547 (11,12,13,14,15,16) - and others). I think using an arrange similar to http://prntscr.com/lfh37d or what you did before will keep things more consistent
04:37:276 (24) - you could map this sound to make 04:37:191 (23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30) - one spaced stream thing here, as those have related sounds
04:37:776 (29,1) - vs 02:27:607 (29,1) - again completely different concepts of movement used here one of the circle streams has its movement going into the slider while the other one breaks it for the same thing in the song
04:42:946 (29,1) - given the previous pattern of pentagon streams in drum fills, I feel like this is easily misread since the player isn't expecting it. so don't have 29 and 1 overlap
there is enough time for the player to not misread and considering this is not the 1st time this has happen ( it happens at least twice later in this chorus and once before in the 2nd chorus) the gap here should make it easy enough to read and i prefer to keep for the sake of consistency with the rest of the map
04:47:183 (21,22,23,24,25) - why do you use a pentagon on every other attempt at emphasis yet you just puke all over this one for whatever reason
Because its not the same intenseness as most of the pentagon stream is in the map. (21) (22) is quite weak and only following the drum here (23) (24) (25) however the song is more intense and the vocals is intense here so separate the streams the way i did was a nice way to emphasis that and make it a constant pentagon stream would follow the song in a less logical fashion to the point of me not following the song at all
why not stack (21) and (22)? it's better to play, and you stacked weak sounds in the intro. sorry if it makes no sense. i mean something like this http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/12257795
04:47:191 (21,22,23,24,25) - This movement can not react very much. The first two circles that are distinguished are better to be 1/4 sliders
04:48:709 (1) - move it a little upward, because the player is more focused on the slider than 04:48:624 (10) - . And he might miss the last circle of the stream because the movement isn't natural and sharpened, and the circle looks far when it's really not.
04:51:759 (21,22,23,24,25,26,27) - vs 05:13:454 (21,22,23,24,25,26,27) - why is the movement here so different again, the first one is pretty uncomfortable with 04:52:183 (25,26,27) - not really aligning with the previous circular movement and then later for the same thing in the song you have 05:13:454 (21,22,23,24,25,26,27) - which just keeps going clockwise
05:07:353 (18,19,20,1) - this has no place in your map whatsoever, new angle, new flow, this will catch anyone off guard even if they fc rest of the map. this pattern should be redone to resemble your style, right now it looks you spurted something completely new. even if its the 1-2 into far spaced slider the flow and angle and movement is completely different to others.
05:17:869 (17) - you just kept pentagon shape movement for the rest of such shaped streams but this one is quite confusing and I think there's no reason to do this just for that
05:30:573 (9,10) - fix the distance which isn't same as 05:29:895 (5,6) - and i really doubt it is intentional.
05:32:776 (5,6,7) - triangle pattern outta nowhere is unreasonably hard for players to read after we've established pentagonal streams
05:36:675 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - is also just a very sudden change in pattern that is quite hard to hit.
05:34:810 (1,2,3,4,5) - vs 05:32:098 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - exactly the same thing in the song but mapped completely differently in rhythm and spacing
well after going through quite an intense section that goes on for like 30s and not a single break i felt that leading the player into the instrumental section with a bit of some rest without being ultimately straining considering this section is harder to player to some than others was the best solution to the problem while still giving emphasis to the instrument as well enough to still follow it and not be out right too variety to cause a different problem
but thats the problem i have with it, its too much variety, if you just kept the rhythm or the general patterning that would be ok but you changed up everything and it doesnt even feel remotely the same.
Also players that have played the entire kiai already get a break from 05:33:115 (8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - cause thats relatively easy so you dont need any simplifying after you followed the intense section up with 05:32:098 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
05:37:183 (9,10,11,1) - this is overkill, these objects should be nerfed in term of distance because these objects play more difficult than everything else in the map, and that kind of diff spike is out of place in my opinion.
05:40:573 (2,3,4) - this is a complete 180 degree change in direction that is extremely hard to read and doesn't even match the previous or proceeding triangle pattern streams. So please change this
05:43:285 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - here we get a different direction pattern and the player has no idea how to react
05:41:420 (9,10,1) - nothing in the song to advocate for such a dramatic movement at all, no vocals even so just keep flow like you do before, just going normally forward with a bit sketchy flow but not the one that makes you move drastically 05:41:420 (9,10,1) - down - up - more down. Makes no sense in this moment of the music
Are we listening to the same song? clearly the song is doing that has only occur once so that alone is a reason for such movement because the song itself intense here in a weird way before heading to the vocal section and just because there isn't vocals here doesn't mean i can't used this type of movement here