05:03:198 (33,34,35,36,37,38,39) - the spacing on this particular pattern seems slightly harsher and a bit more inconsistent compared to previous and following iterations of the pattern (examples: 02:43:019 (31,32,33,34,35,36,37) ; 05:14:884 (33,34,35,36,37,38,39) ) despite few variations of the song (be it vocals-wise or instrument-wise) during the chorus. Changing the position of 37 to somewhere like 406;202 or 407;203 could be better in this case.
00:18:668 (1,2) - rhythm suggests a circle at 00:18:668 then a circle at 00:18:816 (to line up with the percussion in this section)
02:21:843 (10) - isn't this circle misplaced? I don't hear a clear sound, just the fadeout of the previous drum sound at 02:21:736 (that isn't mapped)
02:22:329 (2) - pretty sure the note is supposed to begin on a grey tick there instead of a pink one (so it would begin on 02:22:311 instead).
00:49:135 (1,2,3) - A few suggestions
On 1, I would make the slider slightly more angled to face the head of 2.
On 2, I would reverse the slider and make it more angled to face the head of 3.
On 3, I would angle slightly the head.
It would look something like this:
but probably smoother
01:03:030 (8) - maybe reverse the direction of the slider? it makes for a smoother transition between 7, 8 and 1