was just a bit curious about the svs:
• 00:00:408 - the svs looks cutted, you should try to make the speedup/slowdown smoother
• 00:09:741 - avoid using speedup/slowdown when there's nothing happening in the song, especially when you use the same exact sv in the previous part for contrast purposes
• 00:21:741 -, 00:25:907 -, 00:56:407 - and more: i've noticed a lot of transitions having overlaps like these, these can cause reading issues and does not really look nice, you should be careful about that (don't go speedup then very sudden sv decrease generally, you would prefer doing the opposite most of the time)
while fixing those issues can improve the sv themselves, i don't think the way you used the sv is fitting, because the speedup/slowdown doesn't represent anything meaningful in the song currently (best usage of that could be for a buildup or a very specific instrument to emphasis/highlight for example)
even if it may sound weird to ignore the percussion on the white ticks to follow the 3/4 instrument, it really help differentiate the emphasis from the 1/1 vocals like 01:34:220 (213,214,215) -, 01:35:875 (219,220) - for example
also the reason why the rhythm is different from the first half is simply for variety, i didn't want to have the same rhythm 4 times in a row (the first half is also following those 3/4 sounds, even if it may look like it is used to emphasize the drum)