00:03:495 (1,1) - and 00:03:969 (1,2) -
Itching my nerves, can you make the spacing equal across the blankets and parallels? it would kind of give a nice feel of quality
nice stuff, but are you sure its https://puu.sh/I463O/a6a76538f1.jpg is okay? I mean maybe I missed something or you can now enforce players to interact with SB elements even when they dim the screen on 100%? (without turning the sb off). feel free to close if so!
Basically found that map by accident in quali and tried to play, some rhythms/spacing there seemed questionable:
00:20:396 (4) - 00:25:449 (4) - well, stuff like this, the sound there is non-existent, if you take a closer look its a just a vague vibration, without the particular pitch. On practice it appears like a note without a reason behind it (what the duck am I playing, I dont hear any tangible stuff), similarly to this sound 00:10:764 - 00:10:764 - which is not mapped at all, despite being in the top diff (my suggestion for that is a slider end 00:20:396 - here etc)
00:22:133 - at the same time, you practically neglect these (as well as 00:10:764 - 00:12:027 - 00:15:817 - etc), yeah some of them are quite hard to apply rhythm filtering at but still quite possible to not have overmapped notes on empty places and empty places on strong beats 00:27:185 - haha.
00:40:370 (5) - same comes for this, cant really imagine why this happening but I guess the sound isnt there at all?
00:46:449 - questionable as well, like, its probably a mistake? (00:46:370 - is on empty sounds, 1/4 before the actual beat, which isnt mapped). 00:48:975 - same is happening over here but its less visible since the 1/4 isnt mapped, its a slider end instaead.
:02:396 - same thing, no sound.
01:02:712 (2) - no sound, relatively big jump, a mistake I guess? AN OBVIOUS ONE, HELLO BNS, WHERE ARE YOU LOOKING AT?
01:07:449 - similar stuff is happening over here, 6 is a strong sound, 7 is weaker. But on practice you put 6 on a weaker spacing that 7, making 7 look stronger than 6. Which is a clear textbook mistake.
01:09:580 - no sound, 01:08:975 - , but such slight overmapping is ok since otherwise you would be left with gaps and dull gameplay, this synthetic rhythm is good, since it doesnt draw such attention as the other phantoms you made.
next up the rhythm consistency:
8) 00:13:843 - slide end, then on a similar sound phrase you put a note 00:23:870 (3) -
00:48:896 - slider end, 00:46:370 - a note (empty sounds on both). (00:56:475 - 00:59:080 - you did the same, nice, but it still doesnt make sense difficulty-wise, since it neglects the structure of the song in favor of the structure of the synthetic rhythm made up by a mapper). 01:16:764 - 01:19:291 - here you break your consistency (2 notes, then kickslider like you did above).
9) 01:03:659 - I believe 01:03:817 - skipping this sound is a mistake, my suggestion is to make 01:03:659 - a reverse slider till 01:04:133 - or 01:04:212 - . Here is whats about this place: voice layer 01:03:659 - till 01:04:054 - , the synth (or w/e it is) 01:03:975 - till 01:04:291 - consists of 3 sounds, and these two layers overlap each other. So to not break the tactile response, I would smooth out the intersection by putting a reverse slider that cover them both.
well, similarly 01:05:080 - place
Ok some ending words. I know you guys ranked this out of your friendship and stuff, but, like, at least CHECK THE STUFF URE RANKING. This only diff is full of phantom rhythms that doesnt make much sense. The guy clearly lacks the basic rhythm filtering understanding, and Im not even touching the visuals, since its a taboo topic nowadays.
CollieCube, if you want a lesson on rhythm filtering im down for help, since Ive been digging into this topic for a while and usually know what Im talking about, even on much more complex level than here.
asked a21 for testpay
02:56:926 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - and 03:10:319 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - doesnt seem right in terms of hitsoundsing, check that plz, rhythm is the same but the hs is different for some reason
oh also, the important topic "why is this ranked, how is that ranked" thing
yeah I was among these guys too (on both sides, I ranked some ??? stuff, and also was shitposting on the other's maps questioning how did they rank their stuff i was angry about), so in regards of that the actuality is pretty straight:
if the controversial map gets ranked without a drama, thats because it slid under the attention of the people who actually care about mapping ethics (for example https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1296266#osu/2689496 what in a hell is that, wait, just found out that mapper is a mentor of CallieCube, what a coincidence)
in a case where the ??? map gets attention, the mapper still can abuse lots of things to get it thru (Cheri got a PhD in that kind of science if you will), that would include - endless essays, exhausting the modders, rebubbling the map after hiatus where the attention of the community is drawn by something else, and just by arguing that "its subjective thing and why ur so toxic :("-kind of approach
Basically if you got 2 bns (in what ever way), there is little to no chance to stop the map from the rank, its just a question of in what state would it be ranked, will the mapper actually come forward and change something for the sake of common sense and Jesus Christ.
Yep so my intention in these cases was always to try and bring the reason before the map gets in rank, so I wouldnt need to post "why is this ranked" or "nice song lol".
Ps: people also get into the impression that in these cases of a map that got slid thru the radars, the overall standards are getting in shift towards that map in question (so they say, "if X map is ranked, why cant Y be too?") Well, the answer is simply luck, some are getting under the radars, some doesnt, it deosnt mean we should just stop caring.
Its like if we would change the rules of football after Diego Maradona's hand goal against England in 1988, which he did in quarter finals of world cup under the attention of millions of people.
"Hey he did it with his hand, lets change the rules so everyone can do the same!"-type of logic.
I'm pretty sure that the original poster is making a sly attempt to get under my skin, and the skin BNs involved in nominating as well (which doesn't sit very well with me)
false, i honestly have zero idea who you guys are
tbh, if you really want to speedup the process just dm me w/e u want, i would even delegate some time to explain stuff in vc if you find it more convenient
@calliecube yeah well... i have nothing to say, its like talking into an entropy here. if you are in care of standards then i guess the standards are dead.
How come we are in a mindset of "its fine, the map has some flaws but no need to dq", the strive for perfection is basically gone huh? How come the mapper never replied to any of the concerns I brought up? Literally osu's mapping state went to "mineral oil" sate, its not even "ashes" state anymore.
However, I can kinda see why it is that way, the standards are morphed in a way that tends to avoid any possible drama or clashes, seems like Ephemeral the old man got tired so he allowed all the shit possible just not to read walls of essays on mapping threads. I never touched meta maps in 2-3 years and all I can say is an abomination. gg
Oh yeah, nice song, cant wait to see a good map out of it!
unbiased support
osu community
Pick one.
Anyway, its not about support or what ever, people have to bring logical arguments, thats how it works. The only one who actually took a look at the map and responded with timestamps is Vinxis (and kinda agreed on some points, and disagreed on the others tho), others just showed up for memes.
Hello, the ranking works in a way that it should pass the quality standards, yeah, im sorry ;(
@sajinn @Aakki and to other "Le 2021 bns XD"
That stuff 01:02:712 (2) - breaks both fundamentals of emphasis and rhythm filtering. Not sure what mentors or what ever you had, but its a painfully obvious mistake, and there are more of it if you would actually look in the map. Even goddam Vinixis (jk i luv u) agreed on this one Like, cmon.
I feel like most of the people who commented in this thread never actually looked at the map.
Oh yeah, inb4 you guys start bringing the anti-jump card, and anti-flow and anti-whatever you invented in your discord servers.
Anti-jump is a stacked (or close to) note on a strong beat that keeps the cursor static during that strong beat.
Here we got A JUMP in a proper FLOW (movement). It is just a mistake, not fine, not ok, its a stuff that gotta be fixed like the other things (or some of them) I brought up above.
"- 00:10:764 - 00:12:027 - is left out in the 00:09:501 - section
Ok, can kinda see what you mean, doesnt mean I agree that its great but ok.
"see the first paragraph of This reply, both instances of timestamp comparison is focusing on more active clicking for more impact for things with higher intensity, 00:46:133 (1,2,3,4,5) - and similar are now also doing the same thing, more active clicking for more impact for things with higher intensity, main focus is the vocals, so vocals have the more attentive-grasping rhythm thats required, this is also carrying over the overmapping aspect as well so i dont think its fundamentally broken or anything currently (also @Secre on this paragraph, there isnt really anything on those notes, its just overmapping)"
I completely disagree on that, 00:46:291 (2,3,4,5) - stuff like this completely ignores the rhythm of both layers, like, its not even overmapped, its just a made up rhythm. Vocals arent there, same for instruments.
"01:02:396 (9) - also following the notion of keeping intensity up, this is the case for most of the overmapping and undermapping timestamps that have been mentioned"
same here, the overmapping could be done in way more precisely and thoughtfuly. its just a note out of nowhere.
"my points are really only about missed intention, third paragraph of my Previous reply is a question asking u to explain what u mean exactly as overmapping that is "okay" and overmapping that is "too much" and how they are one or the other"
Okay, lets talk a bit about this. The over/undermapping thing is mostly about the balance. Its meant to balance the concepts in a way that no one stands out way too much.
You can overmap rhythms (just artificially create a new one that serves multiple layers of the song and keeps the tactile feedback intensity on a proper level).
Spacing, hitsounds, some gimmicks and so on, just to balance the map. Its like a medicine to be used when its only really needed.
I absolutely am ok with overmapping/undermapping when its needed and can be explained with common sense. Here is a clear example of when its used wrongly.
@Net0 aw that was rude :(
I dont think Im the one you can say that to, and you totaly aware of that. My maps breaks the boundaries of whats possible without violating RC, so not giving you on that.
Your entire line is "its 2021, I do whatever I want", whereas I am arguing that "its a rhythm game where the player expects the BEATS to be matched with the OBJECTS", and thats it, the entire game is built around this simple concept that you want to argue against using some nonsense. And I got no idea why you came up here at all since your point of view is like... pointless to argue with.