mapped by S_Saika
This beatmap was ranked on 29 September 2024!
nominated by Resona and Gorou
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Fushimi Rio made contributions in hitsound so keep this Tag


omg nayuta


in tags add space between 花徒めとmeto -> 花徒めと meto



Marked as resolved by S_Saika

crazy good song


unsure the reason why, but I've deleted an redownloaded the set several times and rio's diff keeps showing up lol


Seems a bancho issue. I tried redl from webpage imported to stable, and directly dl from lazer's osu!direct, in both situations the diff is still there. Pretty sure it's a bancho bug, I've met similar things even for ranked or qualified maps that the set includes extra diffs (in most cases every diffs have another copy). idk how to resolve tho, maybe ask for help from GMTs or develop team?


idk why but i tried to reupload the whole mapset and the issue seems disappear. maybe try again and if the situation appears plz reopen the problem

Marked as resolved by S_Saika

I tried again as a double check and it seems resolved (at least for me)


强烈不建议ranked Fushimi Rio的gd。

Fushimi Rio至今仍未正面回应owc开挂事件以及与fia的关系,并将此类恶劣事件作为自己的吸粉手段。且在账号被ban后使用名为"edit"的小号参加新人做图比赛。此人一切的行为都是为了炫耀其存在感,继续将他的图ranked只会助长此人的不良品行,成为社区风评变得更差的帮凶。




Strongly advise against ranking Fushimi Rio's guest difficulty.

Fushimi Rio has yet to address the cheating allegations in owc or clarify his relationship with fia and hehas used these controversial incidents as a way to gain followers. After his account was banned, he used an multi account named "edit" to participate in a mapping contest for newmappers(NPC cup). All of his actions seem to be focused on showing off and boosting his own presence. Continuing to rank his maps will only encourage his negative behavior and contribute to the community's worsening reputation.

Solution: Remove gd.

Some might argue that ranking a map is solely about the quality of the map and not the mapper’s personal conduct. However, I want to remind you that banned account lose all their rights in the osu community, including the ability to rank maps, because they don’t have an active account. The only reason he can get his map ranked as a guest difficulty is by exploiting a loophole in the RC, as there are no rules specifically preventing it.


epic i cant agree more


epic i cant agree more


epic i cant agree more


epic i cant agree more


epic i cant agree more



Edit: I'm glad to see serious discussions towards this problem since was ranked without real notice and discussion. The rules on this problem is simply "ok" but in fact we see some people (no matter they're top or common players, mappers or not, BNs or not etc.) thinking it's fine while others stand on the opposite side strongly. And of course the majority's attitudes are highly related to who the GDer is and what they did, but these factors are all ignored in the RC.


historically we allow gds from restricted users because they have no other way of interacting with the community and the devs have no motivation to prevent users from contributing to the game (in the way of maps)

i don't want to remove the diff because i think it's good, and don't really care that he did xyz in the past

i also don't think that this line of thinking has any negative outcomes -- as you said he has no way of interacting in the community on an official level apart from making maps, and if they're good then there is no abuse here

the last thing i'd like to see is to have this exception revoked because there are many good older maps that were made under multis etc. that could be made unrankable if we stopped allowing unranked users from ranking gds


I feel like the argument here is more specifically about Fushimi Rio / Fia / Edit / [...] as he is far more severe than other restricted users (cheating in owc, multiacc and infiltrating (afaik, two) contests for new players and mappers after being restricted, behaviours in certain Chinese chat groups, and so on, all without any even slightest apology). I am not against having his gd in this set because it is up to the mapper, but I personally treat it as a permanent stigma to build any further connection with him after all these incidents.

People might have done things wrong out of any reason, but if they apologise and face their past, then it is okay. However, Fushimi Rio / Fia / Edit / [...] fails to meet the prerequisite of any forgiveness.


A banned player, who had several multiaccounts and used them to participate in tourney and mapping contest, CHEATED IN OWC and never apologize or even explain anything to his teammates, can rank a map just like other ordinary players, IS A SHAME OF THE ENTIRE OSU COMMUNITY


wanna say allowing a cheater who refuse to realize and admit their terrible behaviours is absolutely negative to the whole community.

if devs think a cheater can still contribute with ranking maps, why they dont stay the right of uploading maps?

Many banned users are willing to try to restore their account with a sincere application, but Fia just used a multi account and broke the community rules once again.

According to what he did after banned, I dont think we should regard him as a simple banned user.


Before this gets any more heated than it needs to, I'd like to say this decision should be made by the osu!team themselves. If you find that ranking their diffs is abuse or wrong, trying sending an e-mail to osu!team about this.

Problem timestamps should be for real Ranking Criteria and mapping related issues, not to acuse anyone of being a bad/immoral person...

I understand why the CN Community might be upset and sad about this, but the correct approach should be to foward this to the responsible people for accounts and stuff, not creating a drama in a map thread or harassing BNs for pushing maps (not a person) that they like foward.



Restricted accounts cannot play online, set scores, chat with other users and are for all intents and purposes "banned" from interaction with the community.

ranking guest diff is also "interaction with the community" ig?
The problem post is based since the stuff can be further discussed.


not creating a drama in a map thread or harassing BNs for pushing maps (not a person) that they like foward

I don't think there is a drama going on in this thread.


Unless peppy specifically steps in and prevents this we have to default to what the standard has always been which is to allow restricted GDers.

My personal stance would be to never push a map of theirs ever though - they can step on a LEGO forever for all I care.


Stepping on a LEGO?! That's going too far, Dada. bonk

I personally wouldn't want to rank their maps, but I don't think it is in our authority to keep the difficulty from being ranked.

If it is allowed, it is allowed.


After internal discussion, we (NAT) will not specifically exclude imoutosan / Fushimi Rio / etc. from the general rule allowing restricted mappers to rank guest difficulties; we'll leave it up to the mapper and BNs to decide if they want to push the difficulty to the ranked section or not.

Marked as resolved by Nao Tomori

@saika i'd still be happy to push this with rio diff, like i said earlier i don't care as long as the map is good
@everyone thanks for raising concerns in a legitimate way instead of just trying to spam issues on the map to block it from rank because you don't like him or the things he did, even though i don't agree i do honestly appreciate it


Would recommend to remove too since @s_saika you are not losing potential nominates. (also ok for keeping tho)
Additionally I do think it's necessary to have more detailed rulesets about similar situations. It does feel a bit weird and controversal that restricted accounts can't submit any map but if another person submitted for them it's rankable.


Sorry about Resona, but I decided to remove Rio's diff from this set after communicating with him. I will upload it as a separate set and put its URL in this set's description. Here are some additional words I want to say:

Imoutosan, Pinkheart, Rio, and Fia is my favorite mapper from several years ago. I could see a kind of unique imagination in their maps when I was just a 3000 pp player, which made me try mapping my first beatmap. Almost every song he chose to map also suits my taste. In 2021, when I just started mapping, he ranked Limelight no Zanka, which is the opening of 冥契のルペルカリア, a new work by ウグイスカグラ, one of our favorite galgame companies.
At that time, I made a promise with him: when ウグイスカグラ publishes its next game, usually in 3 years, I would do a guest diff for his opening set. Three years have passed, The process of my growth in mapping is the process of making my maps more and more similar to his. However, ウグイスカグラ dissolved, Fia and Rio's accounts were banned due to cheating in OWC, which is one of the biggest scandals in osu! history.
In this reality that not ideal at all, we made THIS set as my response to our promise: my guest diff for him became his guest diff for me. ウグイスカグラ became トトメトリ, a new company founded by the same scriptwriter and concept artist as the old one. That's all about why I wanted to make THIS set with him. In a sense, it's essentially his set, not mine.


If the story ended here, I would certainly appeal Gust's issue: many other banned users have uploaded their guest diffs in other sets, so why can't I do the same? However, it's important to recognize that he, Imoutosan/Pinkheart/Fushimi Rio/Fia/Edit/etc., has indeed committed more serious offenses than other banned users.

As we know, if a banned person wants to be unbanned, they must write an email to ppy explaining how and why they cheated/multi account, and promising how they will prevent such behavior in the future to be considered for reinstatement. however, In Rio's case, as Gust said, he has yet to address the cheating allegations in owc or clarify his relationship with Fia and he has used these controversial incidents as a way to gain followers. After his account was banned, he used an multi account named "edit" to participate in a mapping contest for newmappers(NPC cup). He is repeating what made his account banned, which shows no intention of repentance. Here, after a communication with Gust, Firika, pw384, Another Flower and others, I agreed Firika's opinion that according to what Rio did after banned, I dont think we should regard him as a simple banned user.
As a result I decided to drop his diff in this set at this time. If one day he retrieves his account, i will be willing to collaborate with him again.


@resona clearly fuishimi rio shows no sign of remorse I'd suggest you don't give him any attentions he doesn't deserve


Rio's destructive behavior is mostly evident in the Chinese community, and I could write a hundred thousand words describing it, though it's unnecessary. I also understand that others may not fully empathize, especially those who have been positively influenced by him in the past.
I have no objections to the NAT's discussion results—ranking standards should remain consistent.


giving my 2c on the situation from what i know (as myself, not as a member of the GMT) :

to my knowledge this kind of issue has been settled when such first case arose in 2011 with this map, where the mapper (Ignacio) went restricted just as the map was about to be given its second nomination.

back then people was also as confused as to what to do, and there was quite a stir among the opposing voices as well. however, ultimately it was decided that if the nominators thought that the map is ready then the map should be Ranked just fine — a consensus that i believe still holds true to this day re: whether maps from restricted users can be pushed into Ranked.

therefore, i believe that this map should follow the above as well and not be given any exception. but still, in the end, if Gorou/Resona choose not to push this map w/ the imoutosan diff due to one concern or another, then that's completely fine as well as it's fully within their prerogative.


@Niva the map I nom'd a while ago got qualified but mapper got restricted during that and led to a dq so i dont think its the same now


The owner of this map is the one who was banned, so I think the situation is different from the gder's case


I can't see any reason that a banned user that can't upload maps can rank a gd tho.
What's the original intention of the restriction?
Stop the user's online activity but allow them rank guest diffs?

it's kinda off-topic in the discussion thread, maybe the related rules can be more specific in the future.

Moreover, I believe the post is not only a simple argument about whether a banned user can rank a gd or not, what the more is protecting the host from the unpredictable animus from the CN / whole osu! community.

Hope it can be ranked soon, good luck :)


#4576404/12160864 huh, i didn't know about this before lol, all this time i was assuming that everything's okay because the one time it happened the map actually went through and i wasn't aware of this Elyna map or any other maps that was in a similar situation...

...oh well '-')


the “can’t host” rule makes sense to me because ranking a set requires a lot more community participation than tossing a .osu at someone externally and calling it a day

if we allowed restricted users to host sets there would be 0 downsides to any mappers that no longer submit scores just making a bunch of multis for shits, etc.


Great song


dont forget to remove fushimi rio in tags

Marked as resolved by S_Saika

Remove underscore _ in tags for "another_flower mayoi_shigure fushimi_rio", cannot search for them using spaces on web



why u choose him as example pog


oh its just the example i can show easiest since less results lol



Marked as resolved by S_Saika
Reopened by S_Saika

underscores only apply for 1 letter cases XD
unnesscrary for underscores

Marked as resolved by S_Saika

add all gders to tags (replace spaces to underscores "_" e.g another_flower)



Marked as resolved by S_Saika

好像不用下划线就用空格就行 我跟什么玩意记混了可能

Reopened by Another Flower

下划线没错啊 你搜a_r_m_i_n

Marked as resolved by S_Saika

我不知道 我最近几个ranked gd的set好像都是空格


就是需要下划线。最近metadata rc规则改了。在tags里面的gder名字带了空格的都要用下划线。




use offset 2723 for correct 4-measure timing
remove first greenline on Shigure's Insane after applying


also regarding end timing [!]

copy paste this into Timing Setup Panel, remove 168 BPM line


changed all diff and tried to fix the slider pass through red line. maybe having several 1~2ms offset error, please check

Marked as resolved by S_Saika

actually try this timing


thx to Kaedeharakazuha

Reopened by Gorou

good timing

Marked as resolved by S_Saika

much better than the previous one lol




use title case for the romanized title
wasureji no saihate -> Wasureji no Saihate


as for source, the official site says プトリカ 1st.cut:The Reason She Must Perish

but also literally everything else says プトリカ 1st.cut (with space) or プトリカ1st.cut (without space)

given it's obvious that The Reason She Must Perish is a subtitle i think it's fine to just do プトリカ 1st.cut as long as the subtitle is in tags

so tl;dr add a space i think


changed romanised title and source

Marked as resolved by S_Saika

As a person who likes watching maps with ''eroge'' tags in pending section this is very misleading.

If you look at this this is all ages, if you don't mind, please remove eroge from tags, because it's very misleading.


oops i missed"全年齢向け" removed eroge tag

Marked as resolved by S_Saika



齐了兄弟们 点个hype













