The Chinese/Japanese on your background and your song setup are wrong! You just typed the 4th character as [魔] but it should be [摩].
Song name: 感情の摩天楼
Romanised name: Kanjou no Matenrou
#3859628 see your note
and this:
I'm a Chinese and can speak a little japanese, maybe I could recognise that it's a wrong character because [魔天楼] is not a word but [摩天楼]. When you type [Matenrou] in Japanese input tool, it should be 「摩天楼」too.
Right but we're using the character that is given on Demetori's website - if there is a spelling mistake in the title metadata, that is not something we can correct (for example, Camellia's Exit This Earth's Atomosphere
instead of Atmosphere
) as we need to follow song metadata from the primary source 100% unless other primary sources state otherwise.
I appreciate you taking the time to point this out though - I unfortunately can't read chinese so I'm always thankful for help from native speakers. This is just one of those cases where if the artist fudged, we just have to go with it though.
We can add 感情の摩天楼
to tags though for those who search for it using the correct spelling.
General (mania) check
Metadata: Source here is good. #2081013. Source is good cause song is based from 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind which is from 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object.
Tags: 東方 project touhou japanese video game 感情の摩天楼 ~ ~ Cosmic Mind 曼衍珠汝華 manenjushaka nada upasana pundarika emotional skyscraper byakuren hijiri zun comiket77 th12 Kanon Matsubara yassu- track 6 DECD-0006 metal instrumental
Audio: 192kbps mp3, looks good
BG: 1.56mb, 2560x1440, good.
HS: There are a lot of double hitsounds in both 4K and 7K diffs. I would recopy the hitsounds from the HS diff after applying mods and it should ideally fix these issues.
Not taiko BN, but did you have an offset change before my mod? Cause all of the green lines in yassu's diff are 10ms ahead. Please select all green lines and apply -10ms to them so they're aligned properly with the downbeats.
Couple other things:
感感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind
was supposed to be put in tags. Please revert the unicode title back to 感情の魔天楼 ~ World's End
. For the tags, please just copy what is in the code block in my original general check and replace your tags with that.8/8.8
-> 8.3/8
is better.7.6/8
-> 7.6/8.8
Sorry, I made a typo, 4K OD/HP should be 8.3/8.8
(raise HP back to 8.8). Also, please delete the hitsound difficulty in the next update. Lastly, the timing point at 02:40:889 - still has not been moved to 02:39:540 - .
04:26:056 - Resnap your kiai in 4K diff. Also, recopy over the hitsounds as you have some inconsistencies (lmk if you need help with this). Here is the updated hitsound diff with the timing changes so there's no problems: updated HS diff
Background: good
-> Quality: 2560 x 1440
-> Size: 1,56 MB
Audio: good
-> Quality: 192kbps
-> Size: 9,95 MB
Song Folder: fine
-> unused files: none
Timing: fine
-> Offset and Timing: correct
HP and OD values (mania only): suggestion
Radiance of Eternity // 4K: 8,8 / 8,3
Saint of The White Lotus // 7K: 8,8 / 7,6
° OD is okayyy for 7k diff, but I highly suggest to nerf the HP to at least 8,3 because it's really easy too loose HP on LNs in general, so the FLN section will probably cause a lot of players to fail, especially without percy, since this is quite the diffspike in the map
Hitsounds: fine
-> Under 5ms delay: yeah
-> Volume: good
Metadata: suggestion
-> Artist: Demetori
-> Title: Kanjou no Matenrou ~ World's End | unromanised: 感情の魔天楼 ~ World's End
-> Current Tags: 東方 project touhou japanese video game 感情の摩天楼 ~ ~ cosmic mind 曼衍珠汝華 manenjushaka nada upasana pundarika emotional skyscraper byakuren hijiri zun comiket77 th12 kanon matsubara yassu- track 6 decd-0006 metal instrumental
° could add: team shanghai alice (creator of touhou, also mentioned in a ranked set with this song)
-> Source: 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object.
Other: almost ready to nom mania diff
General Check:
Sources seem fine: 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object.
Genre: should be Metal
Here's some tags you can add: 東方 project touhou, japanese, video game
(if you decide to remove all HS, take off kanon matsubara off tags)
Hitsounds: Under5msdelay: no
Crash2.wav at 14ms
Ride.wav at 10ms
soft-hitclap.wav at 8ms
soft-hitfinish.wav at 10ms
soft-hitnormal.wav at 2ms (this is fine)
soft-hitwhistle.wav at 2ms (this is fine)
Splash.wav at 7ms
Tom1.wav at 10ms
Tom2.wav at 8ms
Tom3.wav at 9ms
Tom4.wav at 9ms
My suggestion, is to either find hitsounds under a load time of 5ms, or cut all HS and keep soft-hitnormal.wav which will make your chart rankable.
Audio: fine 192kbps at 9.93MB
Background: 2560x1440 with a size 1.57M MB at JPG so already small
Song Folder: fine with no unused files
Timing and Offset: fine
HP 9 OD 8.2: works with a consistent rice map
I'm unsure then where Alter is getting these hitsound delays from. Maybe an old version of the map. Regardless, the hitsounds had no noticeable delay last I checked them (in my screenshot).
I've been checking the hitsounds delay using spectro. here's ride.wav
I thought it Load 10ms
Since I presumed it takes 10ms to start the .wav
Unless I'm wrong about all of the HS xD
for the mania diffs:
01:14:175 (74175|2,74175|1,74344|2,74344|3) - both doubles should be 1/3 at 01:14:147 - and 01:14:372 -
nih banner nya [img][/img] ganbatte ranked:v
i came with different things. timing, in particular.
(!) 04:49:990 - I think you put the new red point too far off. From what i heard, and if i'm not mistaken, the new musical phrase ultimately start here. not - 04:54:035 - there
(o) 04:48:304 - unsure about this but i think this is, too, need a new red line with 5/4 metronome (i think bpm doesnt change here, but do correct me if i'm wrong though)
currently those new musical phrase doesnt fall exactly on downbeat.
I'd thought the issue was going to be minor, but it isn't so I'm vetoing the map for an unwarranted difficulty spike as discussed in #1300590
most prominent issue with your usage of minijacks in those two sections is not necessarily the intention of using the minijacks, but rather the context of the entire map as a whole in which the minijacks are in
the entire map is pretty much streams at an already decently high bpm of 178
minijacks do not play at the same difficulty scale as streams - to give you an example, the minijacks in galaxy collapse itself is 150 bpm which is 28 bpm SLOWER than this map ( sure there are other factors such as stamina, but it is still easier to hit than this map regardless of how overrated the map is )
there comes to a point where you have to consider playability over musical relevancy and this is one of those places where you have to account playability considering that the rest of the map is miles easier than those two spots alone
also mentioned in that discussion was whether or not the LNs are a difficulty spike - it is not
if you are implementing consistent LNs throughout the entire map, the difficulty is still constant regardless of how difficult the LNs are
you can literally have biased skillsets, but that still doesn't deter from the minijacks being ridiculous difficulty spikes
this topic itself is a bit silly, but that can't be helped if you are stubborn about these changes
Oh is that so.
After seeing this main problem over and over, then i make my last decision about this beatmap, I'm giving up on this map.
Will do last update for timming.
Might applied some suggestion, will resolve all problem, but i won't to push this map to next section even the all problem has resolved.
Thanks to all contributor who help me from the beginning until now
This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmaps for new issues. If you are the mapper, please comment in this thread on what you changed.