Known from the description, the 1st kiai is made by YuEast, 2nd and 4th are made by Hatsuki. I feel the three parts a little different. Maybe there are some problems.
In the 1st kiai, the long notes grace: 01:06:009 (66009|3,66009|2,66085|1,66161|0) - 01:06:918 (66918|3,66918|2,66994|1,67070|0) - (sample) toward the same direction, and they all lined up as triple grace, while in the same part of the 2nd and 4th kiai toward the opposite direction, and they all lined up as quad grace. Maybe to adjust the lineup should be a good idea.
The Chinese/Japanese on your background and your song setup are wrong! You just typed the 4th character as [魔] but it should be [摩].
Song name: 感情の摩天楼
Romanised name: Kanjou no Matenrou
近日,一名中国osu!玩家AelSan在游戏官网上传了一组以Together Again为背景音乐、以“新闻联播”为背景图片的下落式4键谱面,引起圈内玩家关注。据了解,该图的10张4键谱面分别由10名谱师制作而成,且另有1名谱师制作了1张9键谱面作为打击声样式图。据观察得到,10张4键谱面难度均不高于3.28星,总体低于常规1段整体难度及长条1段整体难度,是面向下落式玩家大众的良谱,旨在为萌新玩家提供提升能力的机会、为高段位玩家提供练习准度的动力、为各路谱师提供该难度区间谱面制作的参考。现已有超过“谱面推荐”指标5倍的推荐数,后续提名过程敬请关注。本台记者报道。