Mapping has always been a fun hobby for me. Even when I first started osu I tried to learn the editor and make my own maps to play. It never went well but it was still a nice creative outlet for me. If I hadn't met my close friend Gazrek, I don't think I would've ever come this far in mapping, let alone continue to play osu. After almost 4 months of playing casually, he and our friend Zureff basically told me that this game wasn't only for anime openings. There was a lot more including pp, rank, mapping, communities, medals, profiles, and so much more. Without them I probably would've never competitively played osu nor would I have been motivated to become better. They taught me that offset in maps actually did matter and that you can upload your map to the world for everyone to play. We all learned how to map together and wouldn't have been as great as we are without each other. They both have been there for me through thick and thin in this game and I couldn't wish for better friends. Seriously they are the best <3
This was originally on the front of my me! page but here, this should explain everything: My birthday is literally727. I was born July 27th sometime at 7pm. I am not aware of the second I was born but it was probably7:27pm. I was born for this community