mapped by nevqr
This beatmap was ranked on 22 September 2024!
nominated by Hivie and iRedi
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dq on request to adjust combobreak sound and a couple patterns



Marked as resolved by nevqr

The custom miss sound effect on this map is at such a low pitch that I can't even hear it when playing, I'd consider removing it or replacing it.


(problem stamps are meant for unrankables or severe overarching problems)

idk personally i find it fine during gameplay so I'd leave it up to the mapper. if it bothers you, you can just disable beatmap hitsounds.


Sorry for stamping it as a problem that's my mistake I haven't modded something in quite a while

While I could put disable beatmap hitsounds, I think it's a bit of waste and a lazy solution tbh. You could maybe compare to in standard having black combo colours, yes you could disable the skin, but why make the player go through the effort of figuring out what's wrong?

After doing quite a few testplays I still have not managed to hear it once, and with the only custom bits being the miss and fail sound, at this point you could just remove it all together to fix the issue.


black combo colours is an unrankable in standard
having a custom miss hitsound that sounds audible to me is not an unrankable

I map both gamemodes and I'm experienced enough on this field trust me :thumbs-up:


I am also pretty good with both gamemodes :thumbs_up: , and it's not unrankable, I'm giving up with this map lmaoo


but if mapper wants to change this then sure


its pretty audible, what do you want me to do about it, make it louder?


yeah it needs to be louder, you can use audacity if you want but I don't recommend that

otherwise find a higher pitched sound effect that is less camoflaged in the music


is this like an actual problem


in-game it is pretty much silent unless your effects volume is way higher compared to the music volume, and that is not something everyone does, nor should it be something expected of players to do

while it may technically be rankable, I personally don't believe it is good for the player experience


I think it's funny that black cc was called out as unrankable when the ranked map of this song literally has a black cc for the ending slider lol


It's fine. ig if u want skidooskei u can provide a louder version? but eitherway its up to nevqr


I don't see why I need to find another version, I mentioned that it couldn't be heard the mapper should be free to choose what sound they want


i can hear it fine on 20% music effect master although it is a little quiet


i know im not known in the community for having the best hearing, but i agree with skidooskei here. i didn't even know i missed because it blends in with the music too much


I was able to hear it. Even if I was not paying attention specifically to it. If it's an issue for Skidooskei then just upper the miss sounds be a few dz


i will be adding 5 dB to the combobreak sound as a compromise



Marked as resolved by nevqr

while we talk about hs feedback and Uncanny Long Hands be like chilling at 5% and 10% hs vol


just kinda something that bothered me while playing, was how the drumroll on 00:57:987 - felt really off. unlike 00:57:514 - , which makes perfect sense, 00:57:987 - ignores sounds before the start of the drumroll starting around here 00:57:829 - , that could be mapped. either incorporated within the drumroll, or using circles. furthermore, I think using circles instead here would make good sense because the highlighted sound seems to be 00:57:987 - , which I think sounds best when emphasized with a circle.

let me know what you think


difficulties muzukashii and up


i mustve missed that, ill probably end up moving the slider earlier, but i also think current is fine?


hmmm I think both are valid interpretations of the song

If it's mapped as a slider, I think it makes sense because both sliders are kept short and focused on the 2 "main" sounds of the gun trigger loading sound, given how the SV was done on the 2 sliders I think it made sense why it was mapped that way for consistency for the 2 similar sounds, so it was not 100% necessary to follow the slightly muffled sound b4 the slider

On the other hand, using notes kinda fully represents the sound so its also valid

Tho viewing from the point of intention it made sense why the notes are not mapped. Still, its up to nevqr to decide


i agree, but seems like both works so up to mapper


Oh yeah totally, both are a viable option. Just personally would prefer a different approach here, since the 2nd slider isn't catching as much as it could right now ^^.


keeping current cuz this is the only variant that seems to be working with the sv for me

Marked as resolved by nevqr

00:28:566 (1) - Remove this spinner for Shokyuu and Kantan its too short for beginner players to react to honestly


removed for shokyuu, kept for kantan because its at the start of the map its fine imo

Marked as resolved by nevqr

Add finishers on low diffs whenever necessary some super huge sounds are not finishered like 00:58:411 01:12:887


okay did for skf

Marked as resolved by nevqr

01:33:569 onwards can u just keep volume at 21% lowing it further more seems too much esp i can't hear feedback for 01:35:698 etc


ill keep it at 20 onwards

Marked as resolved by nevqr

00:34:886 is this really on 1/8 :thinking: 1/12 might fit better? Other ones are kinda whatever to me. Funny how std just simplified everything to 1/4

rmb to move the greenline too


i took the idea out of maxies set but interpreted it in my own way, 1/9 with gap -> normal vocals, 1/6 -> more intense vocals, 1/8 -> most intense vocals

Marked as resolved by nevqr

aren't the od/hp inverted?


yes for top diff, ty for noticing

Marked as resolved by nevqr