I really like the diffspike from 04:42:706 onwards but it almost makes the entire thing before it look like futsuu (apart from the obvious exceptions such as 03:54:703 - and 02:43:397 - )
For example why cant the pre-kiai intense parts use more cool concepts such as and 02:43:397 -, i think this part is wonderfully made and it seems like its the only one in the pre-drop
01:11:629 - here you except an epic start to the map and all this 10,5* offers here is just a bunch of relatively easy streams, wouldnt some 1/6 improvs here make a lot of sense, maybe at places like 01:12:575 - , 01:13:656 - and so on. This could especially be done on the second half of the streams starting at 01:28:927 - since this part only differs in featuring longer (although still 1/4 only streams)
02:54:669 - and 03:06:306 - is alright density but i feel like you ought to make it more dense for reasons mentioned above
this is just what stood out to me the most while playing the map personally and i would love to see this map try out more, i also think the map would greatly benefit from at least some degree of consistent difficulty but if you disagree with the modpost then just resolve it
btw if you feel like im not expressing myself clearly enough i can elaborate more
what strikes me the most here is the inconsistent usage of 1/6 and seemingly random sv changes when the pace of the music stays the same
you could go heavier on the improvisation and possibly even mix in some 1/8 on the loud buzzes, also i would reconsider mapping a full stream at 01:33:453 - because youre sacrificing a lot of improvisation possibilities for the sake of difficulty
tldr: this section could use more improvs
(mv conflicting lines, change red vol to green vol)
01:44:821 - Conflicting line settings. Green: 66% volume. Red: 40% volume. Green overrides red.
01:46:154 - Conflicting line settings. Green: 70% volume. Red: 60% volume. Green overrides red.
05:14:050 - Conflicting line settings. Green: 80% volume. Red: 75% volume. Green overrides red.
06:04:419 - Conflicting line settings. Green: 78% volume. Red: 80% volume. Green overrides red.
00:37:874 - to 01:18:295 - ok so i find the first and the second portion of this section of the map wayyyy too similar in density, definitely nerf some longer patterns in the first one
the third and fourth portion are more balanced but i would personally make the fourth part a stream split in half instead of 4 parts or maybe there could even a full stream?
as far as coloring goes instead of constatly using patterns on the comfy side i suggest coloring the patterns more faithfully to the neverending 1/2 sounds, patterns like 00:40:558 - , 00:46:400 - and 00:48:295 - are good at getting the job done, try to utilize unconventional patterns in the streams too
1,3x sv in the final section feels overdone, dont you think 1,05x -> 1,1x -> 1,15x -> 1,2x would suit this section better?
these volumes are also too quiet, raising each greenline by like 15-20% should fix the issue
00:57:453 - kkkkd?, 01:07:558 - could improvise a 1/6 kddk/kkdk here
00:37:848 - I suggest looking for all of these similar green lines that are put backwards by a little and putting them back by 1/4 as opposed to 1/12 because the hitwindow for a 100 is +-64,5ms, if a player were to hit early, the old volume would still play so this is definitely something you should look out for imo
this map has absolutely no place in the current ranked section because of its abusive nature and being mapped in bad faith. in october 2024, the taiko community united to fix the absolute atrocity of the live pp algorithm, and people seemed to be fairly happy with it, only for you to instantly try to break the new pp system again and rush the map to the ranked section.
by no means is this map bad, but if i can just hop on and get 1500pp on it on my second try theres something seriously wrong about the map. this map is a solid 2* overweight on nomod and 3* overweight on dt, quite the feat i have to admit, although absolutely no one and i mean no one wants to see this map ranked at this time, yet it still got qualified. this really shows that the arbiters of quality truly have the best communitys interests at heart!
also, one more thing, where is the drawn line going forward? i thought we stopped ranking egregious farm maps after the symbol fire incident! none of this was necessary had you waited to qualify this map after the sr dropped
most of this applies to 01:48:896 and 02:10:839 - too. Sounds like 01:53:354 - and 02:04:411 - just dont get enough love
Also while were at it, dont you think it would be better to just use the same "NSV" style you used before? i mean clearly the intention of this map is not to be an SV marathon but to be difficult skillcap-wise, what do you think @bns?
02:10:839 - 1/8 patterns could use some variety because theyre all just ddk and kkd mostly, also apply the improvisation mod to this section too