Reminder: - Always check video position on hybrid set. - Don't say the "u" word or sth related.
map long time traveler, 1st love story, hoshi ga hajimaru, floria, redial, rewind, ai o chikaishi hime kazari, seishun kippu, garakuta innocence, seija no koushin probably, yellow, decide, world trigger project, strength., namae no nai kaibutsu
Hip Hop - DISLOYAL - BROTHERHOOD EQUALITY [Easy! Easy! Easy!!!!!] Disloyal - DISLOYAL - BROTHERHOOD EQUALITY [Easy] Veritas Unae - ~DISK 1~ [Taiko] [Normal, Aspire] Jinjin - pi [Easy, Dream] <- First image used for profile cover when i get my first supporter (2020) Jonas Blue is a banger <3 I love WALKUERE
If you want mutual, ask me in osu! PM. if somedays you noticed me disappeared for 1-2 months then you probably know what happened. Don't hesitate to talk with me in Indonesian language if you're Indonesian
Thank you so much [- -] for the 1 month osu! supporter gift!! (22/07/20) Thank you so much wowcake for the 1 month osu! supporter gift!! (Giveaway) (02/06/22) Thank you so much Leups for the 4 months osu! supporter gift!!!! I really need this right now <3 (30/09/22) Thank you so much Yui Funami for the 1 month osu! supporter gift!! (04/02/23) Thank you so much Mikurio for the 1 month osu! supporter gift!! (29/03/23) Thank you so much Mikurio for the 1 month osu! supporter gift!! (17/10/23)
You have mapped: - Any Indonesian song - Anything from Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku - Anything from Kagerou Project/Mekakucity Actors (will be picky if vocaloid) - Owl City - Kana Nishino - Maon Kurosaki - LiSA - Sangatsu no Phantasia - nanawoakari - halca - Ito Kashitaro - DIALOGUE+ - WALKUERE - Horie Yui - TrySail - Aoi Eir - fhána - fripSide - ClariS - ZAQ - Amatsuki - ONE OK ROCK - nano - yuikonnu - ayaponzu* - Wakeshima Kanon - MAN WITH A MISSION - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - STEREO DIVE FOUNDATION - MY FIRST STORY - SPYAIR - UVERworld - HoneyWorks - Kano - Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Suzuki Konomi - ASCA - Ikimonogakari - soraru - syudou - mafumafu - Rib - BLUE ENCOUNT - ARAKI - Akiyama Kiro (List might be updated from time to time)
Note: - Keep in mind that i most likely wouldn't accept map of the song that already ranked in taiko before. (Exception: if the short ver is ranked already then yours should be full ver and vice versa, also it should be mapped differently with the ranked one). - If i aren't explicitly said "accepted" or "i can take" or "ok" or sth that indicates me accepted, please don't count me as bn on your map yet, you may ask me once again for confirmation.
AKB48 - Kokoro no Hane (TV Size) FIELD OF VIEW - DAN DAN Kokoro Hikareteku (TV Size) Ungu - Seperti Bintang (Cut Ver.) supercell - My Dearest (TV Size) (timing issue, so nope) little by little - Kanashimi o Yasashisa ni (TV Size) (done) Aqua Timez - Alones (TV Size) JKT48 - Aitakatta (Short Ver.) Otsuki Maki - memories (TV Size) Dua Lipa - New Rules Dimitri Vegas, Martin Garrix, Like Mike - Tremor