00:03:261 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - i really have a feeling that this stack might be wrongly snapped and its not giving an proper emphasize here. I would just stay consistent with the previous patterns that you made which would lead to some simplification and a bit more safety than trying to be accurate with the flute sound
00:06:511 (1,2,1,2) - space those two 4 1/4 stacks in between because right now it is pretty lame to play and its not giving proper emphasization imo , especially i prefer to space the 2nd 1/4 stack in between
Yep this part was weak before.
I don't like the idea to put 1/4 sliders in between evenly since I only introduced 1/4 tapdash at nearly end of beatmap but I'll change this into obvious wiggle.
00:06:711 (2) - this little antiflow makes the movement feels awkward imo, would just go for wiggles like how 00:06:911 (1,2) - do since the sound is support to do so
00:07:311 (1,2,3,4) - 00:20:511 (1,2,3,4) - these patterns should not be visually similar, the 2nd one contains a different layer (the flute or whatever is called) and is more lower pitched, whereas the first one is more higher-pitched with sort of an held sound with buildup effect
Yep agree with this, second part is on a different lower mood.
I think these two parts has same rythem support so that using 1/8 sliders itself on second part is fine, but yes it should be a different kind of pattern. Applied.
00:07:311 (1,2,3,4) - the more natural playability for such pattern is for it to be walkable (and already is walkable) just that the walk itself through the pattern seems to be more stronger than necessary at the moment.
select and do ctrl+s and decrease some spacing a bit, currently this pattern requires the player to dash midway/near the end a bit sometimes
00:07:711 (1) - i think you can easily do 1/8 slider here instead of this note. The sound that you are actually following with 1/8's are ending after this note on 1/8 snap (i think) so might also look cool in gameplay doing that
hmm but 00:07:311 (1,2,3,4) is using 1/8 mainly on hitsound strengthen, 00:07:711 (1) do not have a lasting drum stream sound, it's already end here. And 1/8+1/1 reverse HDash is already a grand opening
00:09:111 (1,2,3) - 00:15:511 (1,2,3) - 00:21:911 (1,2,3) - 00:28:311 (1,2,3) - 00:37:911 (1,2,3) - 00:41:111 (1,2,3) - I would make these normal dashes since the sound you mapped them on isnt that intense OR the sound repeats after 5-10 secs and its more intense that time 00:50:711 (1,2,3) - This pattern gradually gets more intense so i think Walk to the first note Dash to the second Hdash to the 3rd will be better than walk hdash hdash [Also the map doesnt that many normal dashes this change will bring variety]
Yep this indeed make map strengthen much better owo
TL;DR: First three changed to 1.9x dash and second three changed to 2.0x. Might a little edged but I think this represent well.
now after seeing the 2nd one 00:18:711 (5) - here i saw that you tried to follow the woop sound with those sliders where for 2nd one seems to be fine but for 1st i would do thing mentioned and reasoned above . You can remove the sliderend for the 2nd one too if you want but imo its optional
The reason to keep this slider is that this 3/4 slider is representing the 3/4 piano. the 3/4slider+1/4slider happens three times so I will keep HDash for consistency instead of inconsistency.
00:11:906 (3) - The stronge pitch is in 00:12:106 - and is inconsistent with the other diffs, keep it as a 1/2
Changed and changed lots of similar 3/4 sliders. Some of them changed to 1/2 while most of them split into 1/2slider+3/4circle since 3/4 zither sound did exist and I want to express it.
00:13:511 (3,1) - this without having a hyper feels so underrated especially when you properly followed the other simillar sound to this. Try to do a dash here at least , preferably hyper
I'm lacking space ;w; I want to keep 00:13:711 (1,2) is the ctrl+H version of 00:12:911 (1,2). Due to HDash trigger distance I'm already at the edge of screen ;w;
he is right.
00:13:711 (1) 00:16:911 (1) - both should be hdashed considering all your previous and afterwards hdash emphasis choices 00:12:911 (1) - 00:11:911 (3) - 00:11:311 (1) - 00:10:911 (1) - 00:09:711 (1) - etc
having "no space" is not a valid reason to break this consistency, you simply have to adjust what gotta be adjusted in order to make it happen
00:14:511 (1) - this is genuinely snapped wrong, should be 1/9 + 1/12 (or something else instead of 1/12, however it most likely sounds like this)
gigas, i am sure this is not correct because the first slider genuinely sounds like 2/9 and it ends perfectly on that tick
After listening myself I tend to these snap following:
I had my doubts on this pattern too, beside the desicion on not using a reverse slider for 00:14:511 (4) - which I strongly suggest, I feel like 00:14:811 (6) - is just mapping the beginning of the sound which ocurrs strongly here 00:14:831 (7) - as appears on rocma's picture
The very annoying thing here is that this part is a combination of piano and zither. Piano sounds appearing a 1/2+1/4 as usual, while zithers turned out into a 1/5. Hitsounds still focusing on Piano stuff while zithers appears, leading to a 00:14:811 (4,5) 1/20 (how) small interval.
If I did decide to delete some note, I will delete 00:14:831 (5) but not 00:14:811 (4) since hitsounds strengthen should be appeared at 3/4 piano but not the 4/5 zither.
I've replayed countless times to try and hear 00:14:811 (4) - but the only sound I can hear is the sound that started on 00:14:671 (2) - . the sound on 00:14:831 (5) - even though it may feel as a double because it's basically a low+note, you've mapped this sound before here 00:14:311 (3) - as a single note.
yep...00:14:831 (4) - is too strong that it is overloading the existence of 00:14:811 (3). I decide to delete note on 00:14:811 and move its hitsound to 00:14:831 (4).
Still, the most reason I hestitate about this is that this will lead to a 1/20 time interval and I think this can't be ignored. Free to reopen if you (or others) have greater plan to combine piano and zither together.
00:14:811 (3) - this one is still wrongly snapped and sound way too late , imo right now its just 1/4
00:14:831 (3) - <- meant this one , previous one i mentioned was after changing in editor and checking the snap + cant edit the previous message so im leaving this here
00:27:611 (3) - same here
Keep due to the reason of #3666579/9863875.
As mentioned before it is really tricky to judge here since piano start at 3/4 while zither start at 4/5. Now I think Zither sound is strongger so I keep 4/5. Lower diff which didn't introduce 1/5 snap here is using 1/4.
holy, this long wall of discussion about snap :o
current snap sounds okay to me but only for 00:14:591 - is not imo
its too early, i believe that zither isnt even equal for 1/5 triplet
as fayew said and your confirmation, it should be 2/9 and the third object is 1/5
would like to hear timing specialize for confirmation for sure
I tend to keep it 1/5 since I simply don't believe composer would do such complex snap for only once or twice in music. This is just a game bgm and I think composer won't do so much.
1/5 and 2/9 had only 1/45 difference which is reasonable for lots of modders having different opinions. Maybe it's in fact an issue on offset plz check #3689946
00:16:511 (2,3) - & 00:17:311 (2,3) - i suggest you switch this directional emphasis around cause 00:17:311 (2,3) - has the stronger piano sounds
Have to mention that after appling the gap between 00:16:711 (3,1) becomes small so I moved 00:16:911 (1,2) a little. Yet still not very satisfied but acceptable for me.
00:16:911 (1,2,3) - to be quite fair i don't get the idea behind this rhythm choice because it genuinely feels so out of place and it's hard to grasp what you're emphasizing, especially with the (2) on the blue tick.
if you were to emphasize the background piano, then it would make more sense to utilise this tick 00:16:711 aswell, however if you're emphasizing the other instrument, it doesn't make sense to add (2) and instead it would make more sense to remake this pattern as
00:19:911 (4,1,2,3,4) - actually now that i think about it, i think the most awkward thing about this section is that 00:19:911 (4) - is placed where it is, without any kind of dash or direction change into 00:20:111 (1) - , so repositioning yourself to properly catch the wiggle is very uncomfortable
A strange thing is that I played this naturally...And I analyzed the reason, thinking it deserves a keep:
So 00:19:711 (3) is a HDash, I hold left and dash to reach 00:19:911 (4). During this time, 00:20:111 (1,2,3,4) are already in the screen so I‘m subconsciously preparing for it. When I reached 00:19:911 (4). I released dash key but hold left key still, and the distance between 00:19:911 (4,1) made me reach 00:20:111 (1) perfectly. Also the time interval of 00:19:911 (4,1) is 1/2, enough for light overdose player to spare. That's why I think this is fine and tend to keep.
I think the shape is awkward though so I modded it as #3637900
00:20:106 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Looks you wanted to intend ascending intensity here, but 00:20:106 (1,2,3,4) - 's movement feels more difficult than 00:20:506 (1,2,3) - because 00:20:106 (1,2) - requites movement unlike 00:20:506 (1,2) - .
I suggest swapping 00:20:206 (2,3) - to make consistent movement here ex
00:20:111 (1,2,3,4) - maybe you can equalize the distance between these four objects to be 1.4x overall? the increasing nature of them is kind of awkward to catch
I changed distance of 00:20:211 (2) as 1.3x and 00:20:411 (4) 1.4x to give some slight visual differences. But yes, the design before is awkward.
00:20:506 (1,2,3,4) - The pattern here can be so intense for this song i think, atleast 00:20:706 (3,4) - should be nerfed to other pattern
Yep Mniam mentioned this too
Nerfed distance of 00:20:406 (4,1) and make 00:20:706 (3) a stand reverse slider. Still HDash hope this is not that tence
00:20:711 (3,4) - move 4 a bit closer. For now while walking it there is a possibility that you can easily miss the start of the 4th slider without making a randomly timed dash
Keep. This is mirrored version of 00:07:311 (1,2,3,4) and I think players tend to added a dash when first seeing this. I myself cannot play this walkable but adding a dash at anytime I could deal all of these so I tend to keep this design I like.
00:23:111 (3,4) - Emphasis on the wrong note here. Should be a hyper between 00:23:311 ~ 00:23:411 if you are following the flute.
00:25:711 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't quite understand what you're trying to emphasize here mostly, it feels like a huge mix of whatever is being heard. i'd focus on emphasizing either flute or piano, because right now 00:26:611 (4) - this emphasizes piano, 00:26:111 (2) - while this emphasizes flute (whilst there's also a piano sound)
In fact what emphasized here is zither. Zither sonuds appears every 1/1 just like what they appeared from 00:16:111 (1,2,1,2) for example and this four sliders still emphasizing zither sounds. I'm ignoring the flute for a long time until 00:30:511.
However due to #3666617 I'm considering changing this too. Will claim changing or keeping this pattern later.
00:28:311 (1,2,3) - the sound on 3 is pretty faded out and this is the least strongest of those all sounds that are emphasized like this. Would nerf at least the distance from 2 to 3 to at least dash
00:30:556 (2,3) - Quite underwhelming considering other parts' overall intensity. Suggestion
Keep since current is fine for build-up reason. well your suggestion is acceptable tho I am not a fan to spilit a whole flute here
00:32:111 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - cool stream, but movement through it is a bit too stale especially towards the beginning, to fix that you can select all + ctrl+R and rotate it a bit
dont forget to adjust the following objects keeping same hdashes etc
00:32:511 (5,6,7,8) - the whistling sound actually starts on 5 so you can change those all 4 notes to a left rights that you did after those
After hearing background I think you are right on background tunes. What I heard is during the 1st kiai, these parts mentioned are three 1/4, missing the forth 1/4 (except 00:43:211, I could catch this 1/4 tick).
But on the other hand, I think it's proper to slightly overmap all 1/4 here for the reason of keeping pattern consistency and some hitsound strengthen.
I'd like to keep these pattern unchanged but leave this open since I also needs more opinions on this.
i agree with gigas, these (00:35:711 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - aswell as other streams) streams currently emphasize nothing and are mapped to nothing aswell, i'd change the rhythm choice to something simpler
Yep after two modders' opinion I decided to simplfy these rhythm as what I mentioned in #3655467/9813169 and I think this now should be able to resloved. Free to reopen if modders think this is still not enough.
00:44:306 (2) - I felt if this was a tiny bit more spaced it would allow for consistent dashing through the slider into (00:44:506 (3)) (it can be hit holding dash but felt inconsistent)
Tend to keep due to following reason:
00:44:511 (3,4) - this spacing is too huge that makes the following downbeat at 00:44:911 (1) - feels underwhelmed, actually their spacing should get swapped for better buildup or atleast make sure that (4,1) spacing is bigger than (3,4)
00:47:511 (1,2,3,1) - ayt this one is p much better than previous one but could you move 00:47:711 (2) - a bit closer, current spacing is too similar that their emphasis feels like the same, 2.4~2.5x seems good enough imo
00:48:106 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - Well, rhythm feels really off. 00:48:506 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - doesn't have stream sounds so feels really overdone and dense. 00:48:106 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this rhythm can be adjusted to be more intuitive. ex
00:52:111 (3) - i feel more of these could be used across the kiai, as it stands right now this is the only instance of quick turnarounds being used for it and it stands out like a sore thumb, using it more in the same way could make it be more consistent and spruce up the kiai considerably since right now it mostly feels like purely left-right patterns
The 1st kiai is intended right-left desighed only. wiggle like this is designed only appearing in 2nd kiai so that the difficulty will grow harder.
Did some little movement added in same pattern of 2nd kiai. I also think 00:52:111 (3) is a kind of punchline but seems no more space for me to added an exactly same wiggle :(
00:56:311 (2,2,2) - Unless you tap dash during the middle of the streams. You will end up missing parts of the slider that I mentioned. I would lay down the slider in a more horizontal way in order to make this stream more straight forward.
00:56:711 (2,1) - buff spacing, there is p much strong drum at 00:56:911 (1) - but you give the lowest emphasis among the other
00:57:111 (2) - u could buff this to like ~x:353 for a stronger climax emphasis cause 00:56:111 (1,2,1,2) - dominates playfield already
00:57:311 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - could've split this stream into 2 parts and putting hyperdash between it for a better flow
00:57:311 (1,2,3,4) - the curve looks a bit ugly, would like do something like
00:57:511 (5,6,7,8) - move more to right to buff spacing, current spacing is kinda low for a climax ending