mapped by sxy62146214
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※ Song Title : 웰컴 투 코리아(Welcome to Korea)
※ Artist : 채하나
※ Game : 카트라이더 (KartRider)
※ Release Dates : 2021. 07. 15

[카트라이더 OST : 코리아]
한국의 정서를 고스란히 담은 카트라이더의 신규 테마, 코리아
우리 나라 고유의 전통문화를 느낄 수 있는 고전적인 음악부터 세련된 도심 속 야경이 절로 떠오르는 일렉트로닉 & 시티 팝 장르까지.
시대를 넘나드는 다양한 한국의 모습을 그린 곡들을 지금 바로 만나보자

01 웰컴 투 코리아(Welcome to Korea)
현대적인 느낌의 곡에 국악기가 절묘하게 어우러져 현대와 전통의 조화가 나타나는 한국의 미를 떠올리게 하는 곡이다.
Composed by 채하나
Arranged by 유종호, 채하나
Keyboard 유종호, 채하나

※ Official OST description says "카트라이더" only. Please check if "크레이지레이싱 카트라이더" should be as source.


this needs -26 offset, its very off right now


Yep u r right, now moved to offset 89

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214


mp3 feels not so good, I suggest re-encode this mp3 to 128kbps for reducing file's size.
reduced one

I wanted to give you better quality mp3 file but I couldn't find, so sent re-encoded one.


I am one who would use 192k if possible, so reject this :(

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

Can I ask why you are insisting on 192? If there is no difference between 128 and 192 in terms of quality, then using 192 currently is just increasing the size of the file for no reason.

If you use Spek, you can see the current audio quality. 192kbps usually maxes out around 18kHz, and 128 maxes out at 16kHz. 192kbps usually maxes out around 18kHz, and 128 maxes out at 16kHz. This means that you have the exact same audio quality as 128 kbps.

I really don't recommend increasing the size meaninglessly when there's no difference in quality, or if you really want to use 192kbps, you should find a better quality audio yourself (or ask other mp3 encoders at least).

Murumoo gave me a better quality ogg file for me, so I think it should be fine if you use it. Thanks @murumoo

Reopened by Affirmation

There are two reason for me to insist, but seems not that reasonable:

  1. I would usually think saving size is no reason since if I could use a better option then why use a lower one. Yet you spek is showing that they are the same. However I would doubt other's would come to say I should use 192k since it is able and allowed then that would be another discuss.
  2. I am worrying the potential offset problem so I tend to insist on one file. #3689946 this mods shows that the file's offset is in fact a little tricky to judge and we currently (finally) meet an agreement on this so I tend to not change anything.

However I would leave this open now so that others would see and discuss.


the reason affirmation suggests different audio is cuz "u r using audio with a cutoff and kbps of audio that dont match the conditions"

fundamentally, the audio u rusing is wrong, which is why in a state of RC violation. would u be okay with a BN checking with another player being harmed by your stubbornness?


mp3 quality

spek :

  1. In accordance with RC (...not be encoded upwards from a lower bitrate.), using 128kbps quality MP3 at 192kbps is prohibited.
  2. mapper should change if a better mp3 is offered.

Based on these two reasons, the current MP3 is unsuitable for use.
Therefore you need to use the other mp3 suggested.

suggest mp3 :
suggest spek :

offset : 106 -> 115

How to change:
Change from .mp3 to .ogg


@DenYi I am not harming anyone. I had my reason to stay on old file since this original suggestion didn't convinced me. If it is an RC violation then it's better showing the line here like Murumoo did but not yelling the mapper is stubborn or attacking. If this could be called harming then idk if mapper have the right to keep or reject mods.
@Murumoo Yes got this oki would do. seems that my original vedio's audio was 128k in the beginning huh......



Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

I think the current combo colours don't fit with the bg so i suggest this

combo 1: you can keep it is nice
combo 2: i like but it can change a bit to something like, 85 170 255
combo 3: some green like > 113 225 0

and combo 4 i prefer delete it because don't fit


I prefer to keep since from the beginning the combo color is not fit the BG, it is a metaphor of South Korea national flag.
But I will keep this open to listen others' idea if others insist


oh i don't know that but is prefer to keep open for opinions


combo colors do not have to follow the bg, current is fine


yep thank zero owo

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

might be just me but isnt offset too late ? i would do something around -5ms from the current one.


I will keep this open but I think right now it is fine


from a quick look sounds a bit off for me too but not sure.


yeah agree, -5ms seems fitting here


ok, going to apply this Let me upload first in case I messed up every thing



Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

i think it should be +10 trying it sounds more comfortable

Reopened by -Joni-



current one feels fine as is


Yep think current is fine too.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

ranked gogogo


On the road!


white combo color is luminosity = 215, which is pretty close to the recommended limit of 220. since the color is already kinda bright (its white), you can probably afford to decrease this to less than 200


emmmmmmm I kinda want to keep it bright white since it's the bottom color of South Korea national flag. As it already fit RC #3666583 I don't want to darken it any more otherwise it become grey.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

cool set, take the praise!


Thank you for giving me courage owo


Lets get this Ranked!!!


Thank you owo


Very nice map :)
Hit sound is gold.


In fact I think this hitsound is a little too noisy ;w;


good luck with this, is so fun


Thank you owo


Can add "videogame" "Original Soundtrack" for more searchability


added owo

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

Added to the note although this won't affect map

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

I think you should remove that metadata. The Korean service has ended, and it is no longer possible to access that site.


Sad :/


ayt my general concern is density spread between salad and platter, they look pretty much similar, only a few notes different, more like platter is a salad with a few 1/4 notes here and there, and salad feels a bit too dense for having a lot of repetitive 1/2s

i would recommend to adjust salad density since i find some spot is a bit too dense and buff platter a little bit

i.e in salad
you could make 00:04:911 (1,2,1,2) - a 1/1 slider + circle for simpler rhythm
maybe removing 00:06:711 (2,4) - to make interesting buildup rhythm
also 00:43:311 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is way too much for salad imo, try remove 00:43:511 (2,5,8,2,5) - , you would get simpler rhythm w/o being too dense by following that kind of string instrument

you can experiment with those long sliders


I remember looking pretty quickly at your platter and having issues with the rhythm choices too (despite not modding it)

without looking at it (to check myself) most likely what he's saying here is right, unfortunately, he didnt provide as much examples as he could or how it should be fixed despite mentioning something that affects certain diffs widely, nonetheless his point should be about right if I remember correctly

above all since the song itself goes on a few loops/repetition (like you did by mirroring patterns) making sure you maintain a similar rhythm and rhythm gaps same for these repetitions would be good 👍


Doing rythem changes in repetive music
TL;DR For Salad: Simplified as suggestion except I kept 00:44:711 (6) since I want a dash.
For Platter: Split 00:36:911 (1) and 00:40:111 (1).
Free to reopen if any more spesific rythem change ideas owo

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

( i posted some stuff on #3695142 which should help with this )




I'll try owo


00:07:711 (4,1) - imo platter has a good idea for this sound, stopping after mapping this sound plays great however you're using this only in platter, in salad you have to move a little bit, in both rain/odose you have to dash to a completely opposite side of the screen, i'd like to see you be consistent with this sound throughout the whole mapset as it's nice


yup I did have this feeling too owo
Cup - spinner so skip this
Salad - applied as suggestion
Platter - the example
Rain - applied as a part of #3637898/9864507
Overdose - The only diff I tend to keep since this is a intended design and as part of difficulty changes. Also another reason to keep this is all parts behind this are strong pattern connected (many of them are Ctrl+H or very similar, design as intended) and I don't want to Ctrl+H whole rest map for just this one.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

cup/salad/platter utilise the same rhythm choice in the beginning which makes it indistinguishable whether you're playing a lower diff or a higher diff, i would suggest changing emphasis on cup/salad diffs (first 8 seconds)


I really REALLY REALLY can't change this much, since the first 8 seconds the most obivious sounds for lower diff are just 1/1 drums and 3/4 zithers. Those 3/4 zithers are much more obivous for me, too obivious to be ignored. I think it's not proper to introduce that twist changing flute (which is 1/8+3/16 stuff) in these three lower diffs.
Still I did some simple simplify on Cup diffs to make changes, and hoping the appearing of dashes in Platter is enough for emphasising difficulty changes.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

Your Combo1 is too bright currently, RC says:
Avoid using combo colours with ~220 luminosity or higher if Kiai time is used. Light colours create bright pulses during Kiai time, which can be unpleasant to the eyes.
Combo1 has luminosity of 228, which is too much and it genuinely looks like you used pure white in that place. Same goes for Combo4, but instead it's too dark, in fact, you're on the edge of breaking RC, as Combo4 has luminosity of 50. I'd bump that up to 60 at least


Changed C1 to 215 and C4 to 59 (it rounded 60 up to 59 idk why)

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

Seems that you didn't fully apply this. Combo colour 1 still uses 228, so please lower this.

You can also just copy over the combo colours in the .osu file to the following

Combo1 : 63,63,63
Combo2 : 228,228,228
Combo3 : 30,144,255
Combo4 : 234,21,21
Reopened by Greaper

oops fixed

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

Source should be from 크레이지레이싱 카트라이더 as that is the official full name of the game. The ranked version of kartrider ost also uses the full name so this set should use it as well.


Denied. Reason already mentioned in metadata notes.
Since the official metadata is given by the Music subsidiary of the Game develop company (NECORD music for Nexon) I think their metadata is reasonable enough to show that "카트라이더" is the official name of the game while "크레이지레이싱" is only a sub-title.
I will keep this source unless a BN says no.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

NECORD is a subdivision of Nexon so getting metadata from their YouTube description doesn't mean that it is right. I looked up the official game tag that they have to submit for the korean government and the official name is 크레이지레이싱 카트라이더. 크레이지레이싱 is not a subtitle for the title. It is part of the actual game name.

Source 1:

Source 2:

Reopened by GiGas

Source 2 for some reason didnt fully hyperlink the whole thing so if you wanted to check just copy paste the whole thing instead of clicking plz


Seems much more reasonable that I couldn't deny. Applied.
Still personally I don't think 크레이지레이싱 should be part of name so BN check would be nice on this.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

크레이지레이싱 카트라이더 is indeed correct as it is the full name of the Korean name of Crazyracing Kartrider. Here 카트라이더 would be the Kartrider part of the name of the game, so it would make sense to include it as other games under the 크레이지레이싱 franchise exist as well.


I don't understand the AR spread of this mapset, the gap between rain and top diff is huge (0.9) and the usage of lower ar throughout lower diffs concerns me. I suggest that you use the following ar spread: 6>7>8>9>9.4, as the current one doesn't make sense


Lower diff AR suggestion all applied. The only small question I met is on Rain since I think 9 is a little too quick for this song. As I mentioned in #3633968 this song combines traditional and modern so I think it should neither be too slow or too quick. Set it as AR8.9

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

Cup and Salad should be able to have a spinner added in the end. the sound dimming feels empty on those diffs


Reason why didn't add before is the last tone begin at 00:57:911 and that will violate RC's spinner interval rule. Now spinner begin at 00:58:111.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

-Tag suggestions-

vgm, traditional, main, ost, casual
Popkart, 跑跑卡丁车, 跑跑卡丁車
gugak <- (Traditional Korean music is referred to as gugak(국악), which literally means "national music.")
yu jong ho <- (Romanised name of "유종호" tag)


Remove "korea" tag! The word "korea" is already included in the title.


Adjusted thank you owo

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214





Thank you owo
Btw would you plz give some metadata & tag suggestion for me since I know nothing about korean owo


ok please wait


good map,good music, but I can only play the "salad" difficulty :(


skill issue lol


good map
but too short lol





R.I.P KartRider


