01:18:954 (1,1) - Leaving a note here of potential spinner trap, but imo later part of spinner makes "a C-shape curve on left part", leaving follow middle-right, and next object on a walkable/readable distance so should be fine.
00:44:442 (1) & 00:46:247 (1) - Optional, could be much more C to make curve obvious in game (currently tend to standing)
DQ for replacing bloated audio: 1464061#4867076/12888179
Related spek (on discord cache, might unavaliavble soon):
excuse me what
I get what Kukkai means. Using: 00:51:151 (3,4,5) as example, Kukkai thinks 00:51:151 (3) is double HDash while isn't a 1/2 slider, and 00:51:451 (4,5) shall be changed as one 1/2 slider, not currently double HDash. He thinks this fits music structure better and I am agree with him.
Current structure kinda works, but may lead to some confusion on 00:51:151 & 00:51:751 kick emphasize, where they are similar on structure but different in pattern.
01:28:500 (4,5,6) - Since snap structure is changed now I would suggest make this triple fully left horizental for final climax
I get what Kukkai means: For every two note selected by Kukkai, could u nerf them into one x1.0 speed slider? Currently these are x1.3 big antiflow walk after a jump, with no slider small fruit for visual guidance. nerfing them to x1.0 slider would be eaiser on Rain difficulty and also have visual guidance.