00:00:111 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - it will be better if you put the higher distance (1.20x/1.30x) between (2) to (1) instead of (1) to (2), since it's the downbeats and will makes more sense
I prefer higher distance because 00:00:106 (1,2) - feel stacked, can move the pattern a bit to the left and give it 1,4x ds to have it clean
00:01:006 (2,1) - should not be antiflow this whole intro is pretty smooth so doesnt seem like fit, you should keep same rhythm but just adjust gameplay and remove antiflow
00:01:706 (1,2) - don't feel antiflow is needed here, sound is pretty the same as 00:00:106 (1,2) - so no need to emphasize imo
00:03:306 (1) - consider making this slider shape different than 00:00:106 (1) - or 00:01:706 (1) - as it maps different instrument/noise
00:03:311 (1,2) - walk from 1 -> 2 seems off. Make sure to tilt the 2 more down (can be like 00:02:611 (2) ) to achieve a cleaner walk.
00:04:211 (2) - I'd personally make this one flow to the left instead of anti-flow (basically CTRL+H it and fix the distance to 1.2x as your the patterns before)
00:04:911 (1,2,3,4) - these sounds are of the same intensity, why is the distance suddenly increasing? i'd keep it 1.00x
00:05:506 - you can map the 1/2 here its 150 bpm and theres buildup, there will also be rhythm progression just fine with salad so it should be fine.
(make sure to make it a comfortable walk and adjust 00:06:106 (5) - for a comfortable flow)
00:06:506 (1) - Only as a suggestion but for the spread i sugges to map the spinner, feels so empty compared to the other diff and you can map the rythm like this to regard the spread
I prefer the spinner rn, since I want to express these 1/8 drums in Cups I decide to use a spinner. Mapping 1/1 like suggestion feels same with the beginning part and that's not I wanted
00:08:106 (1,2,1) - Can move to the left and make 00:09:106 (2,1) - more horizontal for a better and clean walk
idk what 'move to the left' mean but I make every slider like 00:08:106 (1) pure horizontal
00:08:106 (1,2) - Don't you think the density in that section is a bit low? I feel like this section has a similar density to the preceding section, 00:00:106 (1,2) - , but I don't feel like the intensity of the music is quite the same.
I suggest adding more notes to give some contrast to the density of the previous section. ex-considering piano sounds on 00:09:306 - 00:09:506 -
00:11:306 (1,2) - 00:14:506 (1,2) - same.
00:09:706 (1,2) - u can make this 1.0x spacing if u want since u stick with that spacing for non-emphasis needed notes for this diff
00:10:606 (2,3,1) - I don't like the movement here, is a bit weird for the style of the map, suggest to do something like this https://i.imgur.com/t9Icz0P.png or something like this https://i.imgur.com/cmK4L6v.png to give more emphasis to 00:11:306 (1) -
hmm I kinda like this sudden vertical stand stop, it combines well with following patterns and hitsounds. Player's surprised feeling here is intended and imo moving at 1/2 like 00:10:906 (3) is a little too tense for players in music's beginning part. Tend to keep.
00:10:906 (3,1) - can buff spacing between this to be around or over 1.0x to emphasize movement onto white tick
00:12:306 (2,1,2) - The movement here feels a bit boring and static, suggest to make something with more variety like this > https://i.imgur.com/Ld5d4Cf.png to have a better movement and clean walks between 1 and 2
00:12:306 (2) - slight slant here feels unnecessary considering map aesthetic is pretty clean. also feels weird how this triplet has almost no movement when 00:09:106 (2) - has alot of movement. i guess u can try to use something similar to https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18617396/61e3
00:20:106 (2) - Prefer to make it full horizontal to have a better walk with 00:20:906 (1) -
00:20:911 (1) - Making it flow wouldn't be a bad idea here so CTRL+H then move accordingly if you do decide to take this mod.
00:25:706 (1) - why long slider here then u do apart on 00:28:906, i suggest change 00:25:706 (1) to 2 sliders
00:26:506 (2,1) - spacing between these can be nerfed to maybe 1.3x or 1.4x like 00:22:506 (1,1) - , its a bit big for something that id argue only needs normal amount of emphasis
00:26:506 (2) - Considering that the pitch of 00:25:706 (1,2) - is ascending, I'd like to see 00:26:506 (2) - 's notes be more active like 00:12:906 (1,2) - .
The current vertical slider isn't providing any movement in play, so it's not a good representation of the pitch ascending.
00:28:906 (1,2) - As as similar reason, 0.08x ds between notes feels a bit static. So Can be give more spacing between them.
00:28:706 (3,1,2) - standstill makes flow kinda weird to me, maybe try something like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18619724/e303
Horizoned 00:28:906 (1) and did related rearrangement. also introduce 
00:28:711 - map this instrument since you mapped it in the other parts [00:22:111 (2,3) - and 00:25:311 (2,3) - ]
the difference would be too noticeable if you skipped this one but mapped the other parts
00:28:911 (1) - imo adding a 1/1 wiggle here would be too unexpected for cup players, i'd use this pattern and then move 00:30:511 (1) - a little to the left so there's more space between sliders
00:30:506 (1) - can change to 2 1/1 sliders at 00:30:506 - and 00:31:306 - , prefer to have 00:31:306 - to 00:31:706 - mapped since there is continuous instrument sound
Rejected due to music simplify reason. A long stright slider is already very tense for cup.
00:32:111 (2) - this sliders plays too wrong to me, specially cuz it finishes on the start of the kiai. I'd suggest doing a spinner that ends on 00:33:311 then adding a note on 00:31:711 (2) - for that snare on the back.
This enables you to put a note, or even a slider, at the start of the kiai and it won't feel akward to finish the slider into a kiai
00:33:706 (1,1) - Here you can make 00:34:706 (1) - horizontal and move a bit to the left like this > https://i.imgur.com/hVRsdQz.png and made 00:33:706 (1) - a bit vertical for better flow
00:33:706 (1) - would extend this to 00:34:306 - if u want since i think ending pattern on that noise is much more fitting but up to u
u can consider extending 00:46:506 (1) - as well and remove 00:47:306 (2) - if u want for consistency but up to u
I don't want change for these following reasons:
Changed 00:33:706 (1) shape and position btw since spinner changed due to former mods.
00:40:106 (1,2,3) - This is only a esthetic change, can change 00:41:306 (2) - to x:211 and the end of the slider 00:40:106 (1) - to x:273 > https://i.imgur.com/GDf5Vmf.png and visual it looks better
00:42:511 (4,1) - higher up the distancing? you put 1.4x for 00:36:111 (3,1) - although it has a similar type of downbeat
00:43:306 (1,2,3) - Compared to not having a strong sound, I think it's a pretty active movement. I think you could adjust the angle of the slider to consider a less active slider movement. ex
00:44:906 (2,1) - for transition of new kiai section, this has kinda low emphasis compared to some other patterns. u can buff spacing to 1.3x - 1.4x
00:48:106 (1,2,3,4) - i don't really love how the notes slightly slant to the screen edge rather than just like this? idk how to explain it lol
same goes for 00:51:306 (1,2,3,4) -