mapped by sxy62146214
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00:00:111 - to 00:04:911 - i really dont feel like the rain should have hyperdashes in this section, only dashes
there are no sounds that are strong enough to emphasize with the hdashes you're using
(and much less with 00:01:711 (1,2,3) - this kind of antiflow patterning)


Removed the three HDash during 00:00:111 to 00:04:911. Now they are 2.1x big dash.
About 00:01:711 (1,2,3), I'd like to make some pattern varity here so I changed pattern to antiflow. If I just copypaste and Ctrl+H 00:00:111 (1,2,3) it seems strange since players just need to stand between 00:00:711 (3,1). Free to reopen on 00:01:711 (1,2,3)'s pattern design.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

I will keep this one temporarily 'cause #3637896/9766346 and I thin there's no better idea to avoid pattern repetition except antiflow. I assume under Rain using a little antiflow is not that uncomfortable.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:03:236 - If you are gonna use the flutes noise you should probably also add a note @ 00:03:236 since the flute noise starts there.



Marked as resolved by sxy62146214
Reopened by skill issue lol
Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:03:261 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Wrongly snapped should be the correct snapping if im not deaf


00:03:311 (2,3,4,5,6) - These 5 flute did hapen on white 1/1 tick, meaning they did begin 1/16 earlier. Tend to keep.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:03:311 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - all of thoose are 1/16 and i think u can use 1/5 instead


00:14:511 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - is the same as 00:03:311 (1,2,3,4,5,6) but you used 1/6 instead


Rejected. These two parts are different as in my ears they are 3/16 and 1/6 seperatedly.
Yes I can't believe it when I hear them first but it did different. They ARE 3/16 and 1/6

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

It turns out you are right on 00:14:511 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) and 00:27:311 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) as 1/5.
See #3666579/9844887


00:07:706 (8) - Nc here to be consistent with the finish and the odose


did (but is that little strange for one-object combo?)

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

Did and removed some similar NC

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:12:906 (1,2,1,2) - 00:16:106 (1,2,1,2) - 00:25:706 (1,2,1,2) - 00:28:906 (1,2,1,2) - Feels kinda underwhelming considering this seection's intensity. Considering 00:12:906 (1) - , it feels awkward to give 00:13:306 (2) - a 1/1 gap, because they shares similar sound intensity. Avoiding gaps of at least 1/1 will help to make the rhythm more natural. My personal suggestion


Yup did

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:13:811 I think this should be mapped


also this 00:17:011


Fair. Applied.
Also applied to Overdose diff.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

Undoed because of #3666574


00:14:111 (3,1) - This empty gap between these notes lead up to failure on represeting the distance for 00:14:511 (1) correctly. I would add a slider that extends to the red tick for 00:14:111 (3) to make this gap disappear. If you do apply this, apply this at 00:13:311 (2) as well.


00:17:311 (3,1) - same issue


00:26:911 (3,1) - same issue


00:30:111 (3,1) - same issue


Keep. I tend to keep this empty gap as a halt and players well experience a sudden stop of backdround zither. So I'd like to keep all of these.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:14:511 (1,2,3) - this is also wrongly snapped, i think it applies to every diff that has this sound mapped, refer to #3666579


(will reslove until I figure out what snap this is here, background zither here is very confusing)


Currently applied as #3666579/9844911
May be simplified since this is Rain diff? Free to reopen on simplfying suggestions.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:14:811 (5,6) - imo (6) deserves some movement because right now it's a standstill but (6) is a loud sound


Now this is a 1.80x gap. Also moved 00:15:111 (7) little lefter.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:18:906 (1,1) - Swap NC here, the strong pitch is in 00:19:306 (1) -



Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:23:111 (3,1) - this hdash kinda off, 00:23:511 (1) - is kinda weak and doesnt rly deserve a hyper, would change it to dash


nerfed to dash and rearranged a little pattern

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:27:306 (1,2,3) - this antiflow is really weird, would do something like this


It looks always weird 'cause this weird snap. I did some try on pattern but decide to keep this in the end.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:27:631 (5) - not 100% sure but this seems like a ghost note, since i dont hear any mapable sound


nvm saw this post #3666579

Marked as resolved by Quix

Welcome to the snapping hell
But btw this note is somehow simplify-able. Free to reopen this if you or others think this note could be deleted in Rain diff (For rythem simplify reason)


I mean personally i dont hear a noticeable sound. I would say remove it on rain, but leave for more opinion first owob


Did this while recieving Mniam's suggestion here :D


00:34:311 I can understand why this is ignored but you should consider mapping the melody at 00:34:311 + 00:34:411 + 00:34:611


The reason I ignored these is that during the first kiai part, the main pattern is those 4 strong 1/2 slider HDash swing. I don't want to map some 1/4 here to exceed following main part's role. You may mention I mapped more 1/4 on begin from 00:46:511 because 2nd kiai is becoming stronger, both intro and main pattern.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:35:111 (1) - this is too strong to be mapped by repeated slider


00:38:311 (1) - this is still okay since the melody is not on the downbeat


Applied on 00:35:111, 00:38:311 and 00:41:511 for consistency during 1st kiai.
Keep reverse sliders in 2nd kiai since music downbeat becomes stronger and I think it's enough to support the strong mapping.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:37:906 (3,4) - 00:41:106 (3,4) - Unlike 00:34:706 (3,4) - , pitch is descending. So giving same hyperdash feels kinda overdone. As the pitch goes down, so does the intensity of the note, so I think it would be nice to remove the hyperdash from this section.


yep owo

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:41:111 (3) - distance should reduced compared to previous sections as intensity is decreasing


I moved VERY little closer until the minmum 1/2 HDash trigger distance of 00:41:111 (3,4) and moved 00:40:911 (2) closer. If you are meaning HDash here should be cancelled plz tell me (I don't think you are meaning this tho)

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:43:306 (1,2,3) - 00:44:906 (1,2,3) - Compared to 00:46:506 (1,2,3) - 00:49:706 (1,2,3) - , I couldn't find specific difference between them, even though the intensity of the notes were very different. I suggest increasing 00:43:306 (1,2,3) - 00:44:906 (1,2,3) - for giving contrast.



Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:44:711 (6,1) - move more to left to reduce 00:44:511 (5,6) -'s spacing, currently looks like a dash eventho its still walkable

you can buff spacing between 00:44:711 (6,1) - too so that the dash between them more clear or even make it a hyper


Both do as suggestion a little.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:44:506 (5,6) - i think these two circles can buff to 1.0x its very close so far

Reopened by Tachibana Gekka

Changed 00:44:506 (5,6) to 0.9x. Before this mod it's 1.1x so I won't let it bigger than 1x since I accept this mod

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:48:906 (3,4,5,6) - The pattern looks weird, put 5 in x:321 and 4 in x:457 should be fine



Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:49:306 (5) - 00:52:506 (5) - Considering the previous 00:36:506 (4) - 00:48:506 (2) - 00:48:906 (3) - these things, you can add a hyperdash here to represent the strong melody sounds.


Related mods: #3655459
Since I decided to use wiggle-like pattern here under the reason of more pattern variety and other experienced mapper not showing objection for this pattern design I would tend to keep.
Also doing HDash here would be a total rearrange for map which is hard for this part of this kiai qwq

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:49:311 (5,6) - Would reduce distance between these two to show song is decreasing in intensity


same with 00:52:511 (5,6)


Both on their minmun HDash trigger and I think there's no space to do this so sadly no :(

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

switch the distances between 00:48:911 (3,4) - and 00:49:311 (5,6) - because sadegg's suggestion makes sense, 00:49:311 (5,6) - flute has a way lower pitch here and it's rather strange that you're giving it more distance

Reopened by skill issue lol

Although this will cancel the HDash 00:49:111 (4,5) (Which in my opinion before this would be against of pattern consistency), I decide to apply this mod since two modders' opinion. I moved 00:49:311 (5) same place as 00:48:911 (3) so that I think this will represent music well.
Also applied same stuff on 00:52:111 (3,4,5,6).

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:49:311 (5,6) - I would suggest you to change this to a 1.00x walk, since currently this feels like a standstill, but will be expected as a walk.



Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

maybe could put something at 00:52:011, 00:52:411, 00:52:811 to signal the next section (already I can hear the triples there)


Since main pattern of kiai is 1/2 HDash swing I'd like to keep this rythem for consistency. Also I'm thinking 1/4 on these may a little tricky for Rain players.

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:52:911 ~ 00:56:111 - You were following majority of the flutes melody for the whole map then at the end you just do with the drums that were present this whole time. Yes, they are louder but the flute melody is much more interesting than the drums. Would map this section to the flute.


hm, After consideration I tend to keep following the drums here since players are reaching the final end. And I think --Although I following drums and players press keys by drums-- the movement here did represent flute well. For example:
00:52:911 (1,2) and 00:53:311 (3,4) - First and the longger flute with lower tune, now players just wiggle a follow flow.
00:53:711 (1,2) - Second flute time with a tune twist, so player comes to a C-shape stand.
00:54:111 (3,4) - Third and the highest flute so players meets an antiflow.
So I tend to keep the pattern now. If others think following flute would be better I may change but I would just cancel HDash between 00:53:211 (2,3) (and familiar) and rearrange 00:53:611 (4).

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:54:406 (4) - 00:56:006 (4) - Not so audible sounds compared to other circles and feels too dense. Can be removed them.


Has synth background sound to support

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214

00:57:306 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - in my opinion i think only (5,6,7) should be 1/8 because the song accompanies the 1/8 notes during 00:57:703,, consider chaning (1,2,3,4) into two 1/4 notes


Yep reasonable, applied owo

Marked as resolved by sxy62146214