you probably want to silence a lot of the 3/4 sliderends having drum hitnormal on by default (this is for all diffs)
the real headache is bad feedback, and boy the feedback does sound pretty messy at times currently. To begin with, if the current state is not your intention, why would you not fix it
to go thru one diff by hand fixing the greens takes maybe 30 mins, then copying that ready hs to other diffs takes maybe few mins
wouldnt say thats a headache worth avoiding when it has notable effect in the whole set
"more feedback" does not mean "better feedback", there's a reason silienced sliderends and -ticks are a thing.... Having strong feedback that doesn't match the song on passive parts like sliderends is "more" feedback", but it's not "better" feedback. I don't see how this would be confusing by any means, it's common practice for a reason
unless you have some specific reason why you think doing things like this is a good idea, I don't think you should do it
if you want to have more feedback in the sliderends, you should put softs or similar then, don't put your fat kicks that are quite simply not a good fit for this kind of thing feedback-wise
while at it, make sure hitsounds are made to accommodate possible changes. Currenlty top diff has snare at 01:34:238 (1) - which is quite teh dumpsterfire in terms of feedback there
did I really never suggest kiais? Or maybe someone else did and that's why they ain't visible in "mine" filter...
anyhow, song has some solid fit sections for kiais, yet only couuple diffs really have em. It doens't really matter that much either way, but couldn't you add some? (choruses, solos)
this track is arranged by L.G.C (Last Governed Connector), which I think was Rib's solo project or alias or something like that back in the day (was also a song by Imperial Circus during the early days). Originally when this EP released, I remember some sources even stating (L.G.C cover) after the title, and the physical still attributes arranging to L.G.C instead of ICDD like with the other two tracks
anyhow, could add "L.G.C." and "Last Governed Connector" to tags
shouldn't the romanised title be "Seishin no Kairi no, Sakebi to Nageki."?
current title is going demon mode with capitalising particles. Under hepburn romanisation you're supposed to not capitalise them, and fa metadata should not be taken for granted.
"Official romanisations and translations are preferred for romanised fields so long as they are easily found and commonly recognised." but if you're only fixing capitalisation, I doubt it makes sense to stick with this allowance
afaik ICDD ones are given by the band, which is why some ...interesting romanizations have seen the light of day in the ranked section in the past
I would rather use the standardized systems used for most stuff, but it is what it is ig
(whether this current form actually is official or not should of course be checked prior to any judgment here of course)
Tags suggestions: "Fushoku Ressentiment, Fushi Yoku No Sarugakuza" (album name)
"Symphonic Melodic Death Metal" (genre)
"Japanese" (language)
"精神ノ乖離ノ、叫ビト嘆キ" (song with no romanization)
"腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座" (album with no romanization)
"featured artist fa"
"mappers guild mpg" in case you are doing mpg quest
Also add all GDers and Hitsounder, in case you had one
also, song name should not be in tags, it's literally the unicode title field
EDIT: doesn't look like it is in tags. Carry on soldiers
afaik website or in-game, don't remember which, doesn't do this inclusivity in searching, which is why people always add these kinda stuff in tags. It's better to be safe than sorry, and I doubt that it has been fixed yet anyways, since "it's just the way it works" I'd imagine
unless you literally just tried it out and it works? maybe I'll check the current status quo myself actually if I remember also includes mapsets that ONLY have " mappers' "
same in-game
I think what you mentioned applies to apostrophes that are in the middle of the word (singular possessive for example) if you type "clover days" lecana's mapset won't show up, because I specifically told Rage quit to add "days" to tags for searchability
seems like it has been updated then, since I'm talking of stuff like "deathmetal" vs "death metal" and the like, which is the same case of "it is in the string, but it is not the string" we have here with mappers' and mappers;
singular possessive apostrophe cases and the like will of course not be caught, since the search string doesn't even exist in the meta anymore, and vice versa
in any case sounds great, means some "duplicate" bloat here and there can be dropped from tags
Fushoku Ressentiment, Fushi Yoku No Sarugakuza -> Fushoku Ressentiment, Fushi Yoku No Sarugakuza.
腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座 -> 腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座。
i posted a suggestion about wrong snare somehwere in valxblood diff
for starters, that seems to be in all diffs
but also, same thing happens around 04:09:579 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - (link from sharqs diff), with distinctly different snare compared to the usual being used here, probably not intentional? At the very least it sounds pretty off, and the snare in the song does not change
since you have this set on mpg, it would be cool if you provided a note where the artist of the BG allows non-commercial use of their works. I glanced over a few icdd maps that have nanomortis bgs, and they were not mapper for mpg
ok. That map doesn't have a note for it though, it doesn't even credit the artist you could've linked this instead, where it says that reposting if credited is allowed. So the map you linked is actually breaking rules and shouldn't have got ranked under mpg without crediting the artist, even if it's a 5 second fix
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