hello people with power,
I'm not sure if anyone will end up seeing this anyways should the situation come to pass, but if you see issues please preferably post a suggestion or get in touch with me before posting problems (-> disqualifications).
The map is planned to be ranked on Finland's independence day on 6th Dec, and any direct disqualification could immediately ruin that, so I'd like to be able to salvage the timing if possible even if issues arise
About combo colors:
Pretty straightforward, but in case someone misses the memo, here you go
heyo, you asked me to give the outro timing a look so here goes
For the most part it sounds alright to me, though one thing to mention is that the drums and guitars / others may not always be in same timing, so making it "perfect" isn't possible to begin with
Anyhow 05:19:009 (2,3) - is maybe a bit late
Could try 145 at 05:18:787 -
119 at 05:18:993 -
128 at 05:19:245 -
sounds a bit better to me (about 10-20ms on the couple hits there)
Kyu is barely around these days and gave me a permission to do the updates. I'll leave him do whatever points he wants to do himself, but generally I will be working on his diff in his stead
i think you should change your snare to something slightly less overpowering (or just make it bit quieter), since it feels a bit obnoxious at the moment in any parts that have lots of snare (like snare rolls like right in the beginning, or many blast sections)
if you're changing sample, just pick smth from prominent mappers / hitsounders of this kinda stuff ig
i dont like long diffnames in general so there's bias, but you should really cut this diffname
this long will likely cause issues for someone due to the sheer length
title dropping in diffname feels weird imo
as result, at least something like only the part from comma onward. Personally id make a new diffname, but thats just me ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
05:28:561 (1,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - id map this part the same as 04:38:977 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - so the triples are on whites instead of reds. This would allow you to have a slider leading to 05:29:820 (3) - instead, aka nothing overlapping the sliderart like these circles currently do. I think that would be more aesthetic, as well as clear the slider from any obstructions reading-wise
05:07:734 (5,6) - woudnlt it feel fit for this to be a slider too, what with it having the same sound as 05:07:939 (7) -
04:44:424 (2,3) - 04:24:399 (2,3) - and so on, these parts seem to be chronically late in timing
not unexpected really, since it sounds like these two sounds are off teh grid each time with the drummer rushing with them
it follows the phrase from the woodwinds in this part
or maybe you meant to link 10:27:599 (1,1) - ? Where I basically break the violin sound into half with the "additional" slider, but that's because the part / beat where the woodwinds come in at 10:27:757 (1) - is so important that it feels awkward skipping it, especially at playing speeds, so it took priority over the violin line which just sounds like it's a bit misaligned from the measure there
mm true, did some adjusting to buff the spacing, kind of between current stacking and ctrl+g (basically, the following heads now branch from around the middle of the short sliders instead of the head - or tail). Results in a small burst of movement, but not a lot (but anything is a lot more than nothing)
I think that's fine now, considering the previous stacks and also that it's basically 185bpm 1/4
did same at 30:15:315 (6) -
while I wasn't able to get that much feedback from players, I got couple runaway comments along the lines of "it's cheesable", "bit surprising but manageable" and such. Don't think players are big fans of it, but they also don't seem to think it's terrible or undoable (maybe)
With those in mind, and the comments here leaning slightly towards "well, it's okay" in numbers, I would like to keep it for the thematics. Hopefully that's alright
to add here for what it's worth, the file is directly ripped from my CD so as high quality as you can get for this (other than making it ogg but hey it's from 2017 cut me some slack)
did some additional processing while downgrading (like a bit of compression) because the high dynamic range is otherwise not ideal for osu! gameplay. Has no bearing on the frequency range itself though, but just for anyone's information
one additional comment on the level of expected SV that Mattay mentioned
while it does not have a immediate predecessor like the 1st movement example, phrase-wise 33:54:615 (1) - directly corresponds to 33:50:235 (1) - and 33:52:248 (1) - , both of which are fast sliders (SV 6), so it should be very expected to face a very fast slider in here. Of course 10 is a clear increase over something like 6-7 still, but I don't think it's excessive enough to cause jumpscares so to say
I think playing just the 3rd movement would be sufficient context for this, so I'll try to maybe nab couple players to play it via editor for opinions on that last slider. Also I'd imagine one more BN opinion incoming when maxie mods this next weekend
if nothing else, I'll do something else here when resolving stuff at that point then
(in the meanwhile, if anyone has any comments feel free to share of course)
oh good catch, it's from few days back when I fixed some MV stuff like some sliders around here being potentially offscreen lol