01:26:781 (1,2,3,1,2,3) throughout the map, you've used this kind of stack only once, and towards the end, it repeats twice, which feels a bit odd
perhaps it’s better not to complicate it further and use a regular stack instead of a long one?
01:24:495 (1,2,3,4,5,6) this could definitely be simpler, especially considering the issues mentioned in the general posts
00:57:067 => 01:15:352 the rhythms on the kiai are completely lost; it feels like you've lost focus on what you were following earlier, and it's unclear what the emphasis is supposed to be
00:58:924 (5,6) - 01:00:495 (1,2,3) kind of follow the vocals but feel disconnected from reality, especially the second point
there’s often an emphasis on 1/2 kick sliders, but it doesn't seem to follow the rhythm. instead, it feels like a deliberate complication with an out-of-context emphasis on the vocals, creating a jagged feel when combined with the 1/1 and 3/2 sliders
as one of the examples with the kick sliders I mentioned, 01:03:495 (5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3) here. while you speed up the player with 1/2 rhythms at 01:03:495 (5,6,7), you then slow them down with 1/1 rhythms at 01:03:924 (7,8,9,1), and speed up again at 01:05:067 (1,2,3) — the music doesn’t change tone or intensity, yet the map does this three times, which creates discomfort
an example where 1/2 kick sliders could really work well is the vocal peak, like at 01:05:067 here. that's exactly what you're doing, but again, in places where there is no vocal peak like at 01:03:638 or an increase in pitch, the 1/2 rhythms feel out of context
this affects the entire section. below, i will provide a few examples for improving the rhythm
01:03:924 (7,1,2,3) overlaps like this can be confusing for new players, it would be nice to change the direction of the patterns to avoid it
00:47:924 => 00:55:924 as in the previous general mod for this section, i would recommend avoiding excessive 1/2 rhythms for the passive parts
stuff like 00:48:781 (2) - 00:49:924 (4) - 00:52:210 (9) - 00:53:352 (2) - 00:54:495 (6) could definitely be simplified in rhythm to just circles
additionally, you can still place more emphasis on the vocals by using 1/1 sliders, splitting some of the 2/1 into them. for example, the 00:49:067 (3) slider, which contains two vocal parts, could be adjusted this way
00:43:352 (1,2,3,4,5) the current rhythm feels unnatural; you've lost track of the vocals
adjust the accents on the vocals, and it will work much better
00:40:067 (3,4) it would be great to emphasize the vocals on the 00:40:495 white tick, and the rhythm allows for it as well
00:20:495 => 00:29:638 the rhythm in this part is much more active than it really should be, especially in contrast to the more active part after and before it
stuff like 00:23:067 (2) - 00:23:924 (4) - 00:24:781 (6) they create unnecessary complexity in the passive parts, especially compared to the 2/1 sliders mixed with active 1/2 on passive sounds
i understand you want to emphasize the vocals, but for the easiest difficulty and a calm section, a simplified rhythm would be better to highlight the vocals and sections, making the gameplay smoother and more accessible
try using more 1/1 and 2/1 rhythms with reversals for the vocal sections
00:05:352 (6,7,8,9,10) - 00:08:781 (4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) there’s no need to complicate the rhythm with 1/2 here, especially when the music doesn’t have anything prominent or active to justify it
Keeping a 2/1 rhythm would maintain clarity and consistency, especially for new players and passive intro part
01:08:495 (1) => simplify it to 1/1
01:09:638 => compared to the previous, this works much better and almost matches the suggested rhythm above. you can just simplify 01:10:210 (6) to 1/1 and add a circle at 01:10:638 here
01:11:067 => the same applies to 01:01:924 for this part
01:13:210 => https://i.imgur.com/y2a449L.png
^ the rhythm should also be simplified here. additionally, i strongly recommend avoiding long sliders, as sliders are more difficult for beginners to play than circles, especially long ones, which can easily confuse them
01:06:209 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) this rhythm stands out as it doesn’t fit with the overall flow of the map, especially 01:07:924 (6,7). while 01:07:352 (4,5) somewhat follows the vocals, (6,7) feel completely disconnected
overall, the rhythm here repeats similarly to 00:57:067, so if you apply my suggestions, you can repeat it here 1:1
00:57:067 => https://i.imgur.com/eslFOwM.png
^ focus more on the vocals and remove the excessive 1/2 kick sliders by replacing some rhythms with 1/2 followed by a circle. the effect is similar, but the rhythm becomes cleaner
01:01:924 => https://i.imgur.com/bK0fqw9.png
^ remove 1/1 reversal, which only simplifies the rhythm in the fully active part. make the rhythm more consistent with the vocals and keep the 1/2 kick sliders to emphasize the vocal peak
01:05:067 (1,2,3) also such 1/2's are quite unexpected considering that such patterns are always staked and not continued in the movement
00:47:924 => https://i.imgur.com/zItryjD.png
^ as a possible alternative, which puts more emphasis on the vocals while still preserving the tone of the music and conveying it