you probably want to silence a lot of the 3/4 sliderends having drum hitnormal on by default (this is for all diffs)
the real headache is bad feedback, and boy the feedback does sound pretty messy at times currently. To begin with, if the current state is not your intention, why would you not fix it
to go thru one diff by hand fixing the greens takes maybe 30 mins, then copying that ready hs to other diffs takes maybe few mins
wouldnt say thats a headache worth avoiding when it has notable effect in the whole set
"more feedback" does not mean "better feedback", there's a reason silienced sliderends and -ticks are a thing.... Having strong feedback that doesn't match the song on passive parts like sliderends is "more" feedback", but it's not "better" feedback. I don't see how this would be confusing by any means, it's common practice for a reason
unless you have some specific reason why you think doing things like this is a good idea, I don't think you should do it
if you want to have more feedback in the sliderends, you should put softs or similar then, don't put your fat kicks that are quite simply not a good fit for this kind of thing feedback-wise
Fushoku Ressentiment, Fushi Yoku No Sarugakuza -> Fushoku Ressentiment, Fushi Yoku No Sarugakuza.
腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座 -> 腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座。