18.06.2016 — Started the game 13.07.2018 — Started the game again Remastered 21.03.2021 — Started the game AGAIN the Trilogy 28.04.2021 — First 5* pass on Pika Girl 18.05.2021 — First 6* pass on Kakushigoto 05.06.2021 — First 7* pass on Airman ga Taosenai 30.06.2021 — First 200 pp on Last Goodbye 26.09.2021 — First 9* pass pn Hidamari no Uta remake ver. 30.10.2021 — First Tourney Experience as a Player 19.11.2021 — 5 digit achieved 25.11.2021 — First 8* pass on Deadly Force 24.12.2021 — Started mapping 09.06.2022 — Zan’ei incident (410 pp) 06.07.2022 — First 300 pp on Kakurenbo 03.09.2022 — First 400 pp on Genryuu Kaiko 28.10.2022 — First 10* pass on Xeroa 30.10.2022 — 4 digit achieved 16.11.2022 — Uta [Redemption] FC 08.01.2023 — The Medley of Pokemon RGBY + GSC -3PBs- [Marathon] FC 14.02.2023 — First 500 pp on Sidetracked Day 05.04.2023 — Honesty [Dishonest] FC 08.05.2023 — Started staffing in tournaments 01.06.2023 — Because Maybe! [- Nogard Marathon v2 -] Pass 08.06.2023 — goreshit Songs Compilation: Part 1 [Marathon] Pass 27.07.2023 — Top 5000 achieved 31.07.2023 — osu!tr Open’23 Custom Grandfinals Tiebreaker 24.09.2023 — First 600 pp on Dawn of the Dragonstar 12.10.2023 — 10k pp achieved 07.11.2023 — 4 Aliens at Work [CM vs. N vs. NB vs. T : Fourth day nonstop working in demand] Pass
Don’tyougetnervouswhileplayinglongmaps? ~ My whole osu! life is based on consistency. Most of my milestones or top plays were usually 5+ minute marathon maps with high accuracy because it feels right to play those maps. I enjoy listening long songs and playing them at the same time, so its a win-win situation.
Howmuchdoyouplaythegame? ~ I don’t usually play the game too much, I might be online but usually I am just checking the chat or mapping some songs that I like. Nowadays, I usually play 2-3 hours and check the chat for the rest.
Whatothergamesdoyouplay? ~ I used to play a lot of MinecraftandRocket League, but nowadays I mostly playCeleste,Stardew Valley,Lethal League Blazeand"Iwanna"Series.
Whatareyourfavouritegames? ~Celeste,Persona 3 FESandMega Man Zero 3