00:02:983 (1,2,3) - Those walks are really rough I strong suggest to reduce those to a 1.0x~ distance. We are still in the intro so making strong walks is something you should avoid
00:05:695 (1,2,3) - Bit strange to make the walk between 00:05:695 (1,2) - stronger then 00:06:034 (2,3) - , 00:06:373 (3) - is a pretty unique sound and should have more emphasizing
00:06:373 (3,1) - The violin sound at 00:07:221 - is really gentle so making this a much easier walk is highly recommended, while you keep the jump between 00:07:221 (1,2) -
00:13:238 (1,2,3,4) - correct snapping but ugly. consider resnapping notes with ds 1.8-2.0x
00:14:170 (1,2) - Why is this a hyperdash? The strong sound is at 00:14:509 (3) - which you made a normal jump instead. Making 00:14:170 (1,2) - a normal jump would be good enough for this kind of drum
00:14:848 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - could you make it more vertical, like this
00:16:034 (1,2,3,4) - Bit strange what you follow here, it would make much more sense to follow the drums in this section like you did in the other parts as well, this way you stay way more consistent all around the map and this way you can emphasize the downbeats propperly because you are skipping the one at 00:16:882 - for example
00:19:085 (1,2,3) - No reason to put a double hdash here, the sound isn't strong at all if you would compare it to the sound at 00:18:577 (2,3) - for example. I suggest keeping this just as a normal jump
00:20:102 (2) - If you're trying to follow the guitar + piano then ending this at 00:20:272 - and adding a circle at 00:20:441 - to emphasize this sound would make much more sense
00:20:611 (3,4,1) - Consider reducing the distance (3,4), without cancelling the hyperdash (4,5). A rather unexpected edge dash followed by a hyperdash is an easy spot to get random misses
00:20:950 (1,2) - I don't like the flow on this sliders, maybe curved them like this? https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13936580/601f
00:24:848 (1) - Instead of putting a spinner here placing a circle to add a jump would make much more sense, the sound at 00:24:848 - is pretty strong and short and the spinning sound you can hear at which starts at 00:25:526 - is very minimal and should be ignored imo
so this 00:26:373 (1) - whole section to 00:32:983 (3) - had no hyperdashes and then 00:32:983 (3) - is a hyperdash that emphasizes literal nothing
00:26:882 (2,3) - Current flow isn't the best between those two objects. You can try shaping those sliders like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14084132/7e1c to have a more natural movement. Also tried to increase a bit the distance (2,3) to about 1,5-1,6x
00:27:729 (1,2) - Why is this walk so far, there is nothing strong to emphasize at all so keeping a walk of around 1.0x~ would play much nicer
00:27:983 (2,3) - not ugly but not cute either distance between objects. don't forget that ctb has aesthetics too :)
00:30:272 (3,1) - Intentional antiflow between those objects? Since it's a rather calm section, I'd try curving the slider the other way around (first vertical, then horizontal). You can also add a hyperdash between (3,1) as you did in other similar spots in this section where the new stanza starts
00:32:305 (3,1,2,3) - Having 4 times the same distance plays very strange to me 00:32:644 (1,2) - This could be made into a hyperdash because 00:32:814 - is a stronger vocal
00:38:577 (1) - Overmap this should only be a circle, the buzzing sound you can hear is very short and is better expressed with a single circle imo
00:41:119 (4,1) - Following partially #1251320 you can also add a hyperdash there. If you do so, try to adjust the new distance 00:41:289 (1,2) - since that'd become a quite tight jump
00:42:305 (3,4) - Why is this a hyper? the sound is very minimal and not special at all so this should be a walk imo
you emphasized a SNARE with a hdash, a SNARE. there are plenty of snares why won't you add hypers there?
00:45:356 (1,2) - The sound at 00:45:611 (2) - is very minimal and not strong so making making this fully walkable is much better, This way you make The sound at 00:45:695 (3) - much more important
00:45:865 (1,2,3,4) - Putting this many jumps make it feel play very strange, it would make much more sense to put only a jump at 00:46:204 (2,3) - for the strong vocal
00:48:407 (2,1) - Could add a hyperdash here for the strong drum sound which is pretty unique in this section
00:49:085 (3,1) - Missing hyperdash, the vocal is very strong at 00:49:255 (1) - so adding a hdash here is a must
In a similar way as explained on #1251320 I'd rather go with another kind of curve for 00:49:255 (1) - to have a better flow (first vertical, then horizontal)
00:51:289 (3) - Bit strang to ignore the strong drum sound at 00:51:458 - you mapped similar sounds like this at 00:50:102 (2) - and 00:48:746 (1) -
00:56:204 (4,5) - There is no reason to put the hyperdash on the strong jump at 00:56:373 (5) - it should be placed on the strong downbeat at 00:56:204 (4) - which has vocal drum and piano
00:56:543 (6) - I would made this into a 1/2 slider, this way you can emphasize the strong drum at 00:56:543 (6) - with a hyper or jump
00:57:390 (2) - The slider end isn't really properly timed on that 1/6 snap divisor. Maybe the ms difference to simplify this beat to the 1/1 divisor 00:57:560 - is quite noticeable, so better try to end it at the 1/8 snap divisor 00:57:602 - instead
01:00:780 (1,2) - No need to add this kind of intense jumps, the vocal is pretty calm and the strong vocal at 01:01:119 (3) - feels very unemphasized right now. Using this kind of pattern http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13753531/ec99 would play much better
01:10:102 (1,2,3) - Why are those notes so far apart from each other. 01:10:102 (1,2) - is a edge dash and 01:10:441 (2,3) - is a hyperdash which should all be walkable because the start of the kiai at 01:10:611 (3,1) - feels very unemphasized because you put so many intense jumps on the calm part
01:15:695 (4,5,6) - Those jumps are very harsh and 01:16:034 (5,6) - is even a edge dash, I highly suggest to reduce the distance here
01:16:543 (1,2) - Why is this a hyperdash? There is almost no sound at 01:16:712 - having a 1.0x distance to make this walkable should be good enough
01:16:543 (1) - yeah this one itself is a strong one and also 01:16:712 (2) - this one is the one which prepares for the vocals which i switched to
01:17:814 (2,3) - aesthetics check!@@ please change distance between (1,2) and (3) so it looks cuter
01:20:950 (1,2,3) - actually you could go for some simple streams for example like that https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13936634/cef9 ofc with hyper dash to next note
01:24:085 (2,3) - The vocal at 01:24:170 (3) - is very strong and should be emphasized with a hyperdash for sure 01:23:831 (1,2) - should be made walkable instead because the sound at 01:24:085 - is not special and not strong at all.
01:27:729 (2,1) - There is a strong vocal at 01:27:899 (1) - so emphasizing this with a hyperdash would make sense. 01:27:899 (1,2) - Instead should be made walkable because the sound at 01:28:238 - is not strong at all
01:27:390 (1,2,1) - this vocal is not a stronger one comparing to the other vocals so im keeping this and about 01:27:899 (1,2,3,4) - i wanted to switch from the vocals to the piano thats why here is hyper
01:29:255 (3,4) - gross pattern. if you wanted to make both hdash then you could've moved (4) more to the right (and do the same to (5)) or just move (4) closer to (3)
01:29:678 (4,5) - Should be a hyperdash because the drum is pretty strong, 01:29:255 (3,4) - should be made fully walkable because the sound at 01:29:678 (4) - is not strong.
01:32:051 (1) - This spinner doesn't fit at all imo, mapping the vocals at 01:32:136 - and 01:32:305 - would make much more sense
01:32:983 (2,3) - There is a strong sound at 01:33:153 (3) - which should be emphasized with a hyperdash for sure
01:42:983 (3) - ctrl-h because of how objects before flow you literally miss the half of this slider