00:14:847 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - I would simplify this pattern by making hyper chain from 1 to 3 instead 3 hypered doubles https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15872491/9b84
00:34:890 - add 1/8 note here, triplet fits for piano sound and extendend slider at 00:35:017 (1) - to 1/1 as note at 00:35:356 - works better for slider tail instead single note https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15872517/0dd9
00:38:915 (4,1) - sharp direction change after strong 1/4 hyper is very awkward. I would use 1/2 notes instead of slider as vocal is weak and doesnt need to be emphasized by slider. https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15872532/b2ef
00:48:746 (1) - this slider shape is very random, just use same as on 00:48:237 (2) - (you could use sliders with one kwadrat)
00:58:110 (1,2,3) - dash (2,3) is awkward for no reason and also 00:58:576 - doesn't call for reversed slider. I would recommend moving (2) closer to (1) and place 1/1 slider on the left side of (2) - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15872573/68db
00:59:424 (2,3) - use hyperdash for that then use 1/2 slider instead 00:59:932 (4,5) - for vocal line https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15872601/9f00
01:00:695 (4) - note is overmapped
01:00:949 (2) - slidertail is overmapped
01:01:288 (2) - use note instead 1/5 slider
timeline should be https://puu.sh/GSqn8/c271557dff.png