00:10:102 (4) - I think this would play better as this https://icebearbestbear.s-ul.eu/YIuQVAbU and putting the sliderhead of 00:10:102 (4) - on the same x as 00:09:678 (2) - so you'll have equal distance between 00:09:678 (2,3,4) -
00:45:865 (1,2,3,4) - to catch this whole thing i gotta hold hdash, which is uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~kinda unrankable~ so it has to be changed
00:57:390 (4) - maybe rotate this by -90 degrees? having 00:58:407 (1) - start so close to the sliderend of 00:57:390 (4) - plays kinda awkward
01:17:221 (2) - moving this one to the same x as sliderend of 01:16:882 (1) - and moving 01:17:390 (3) - a bit further to the right makes this pattern cleaner
01:19:255 (1) - maybe move this closer to 01:19:594 (2) - and make it diagonal? this slider is just too close to the ending of 01:18:407 (3) - so it feels awkward not having to move here
01:32:644 (1,1) - i don't really think the sound here is strong enough for a dash here. maybe move 01:34:000 (1) - to x115?
01:37:560 (1,2,1) - moving 01:37:560 (1) - to x130, 01:37:729 (2) - to x220 and 01:38:068 (1) - to x400 would play better