00:09:424 (3,1,2) - this pattern is so hard for a cup, you can try this https://imgur.com/a/1Fn0YkQ
00:18:916 - I'd move this slider a little closer to 00:18:238 (1) - and make it diagonal. Then flip 00:19:594 (1) - to the left and put 00:19:933 (2) - in the same spot as the sliderhead of 00:19:594 (1) - for a cleaner pattern there.
00:19:594 (1,2,3) - you want to keep a low density on a cup but here you've overmapped, a simple hit circle instead of (2) and a bit more distance to 3 will fix this and honestly make it more fun for newer players
00:57:221 (3,1) - the "e/i" sound here starts on 00:57:390 - . If youre mapping vocals here you should make 00:57:221 (3) - a single note and start 00:57:560 (1) - on 00:57:390 -
00:57:560 (1) - feels very weird to have this follow the piano when you follow the sounds on 00:57:899 - and 00:58:238 - for the rest of the map
i'd change this up to follow those 2 sounds
01:01:628 (1,2) - another case where you can get better flow by flipping these, the inverse shape of the slider feels really weird for new players to play most of the time
try something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13916225/89b8
01:04:339 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1) - too much consistent 1/2 usage in cup
simplify this rhythm and reduce density
for future reference, usually above 6 1/2 notes in a row at a medium range bpm (like 160-180) is starting to get a bit much for a cup, but is sometimes ok
01:07:051 (1,2,3,4) - the 1/2 density with the wiggle movement would cause issues for cup players, https://i.imgur.com/n78J7UJ.jpg either angle the sliders up like this, or replace the sliders with 1/1 hitcircles (this area is relatively dense already)
01:18:407 (2,1,2) - alot of direction changes here, a fix would be to make 01:18:407 (2) - horizontal left, and 01:19:255 (1) - repeat right like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13916243/3f34
much easier to play and flows better
still a bit hard and awkward here, a nice way to make this easier is to try to only emphasize the vocals, you can try a rhythm like this http://puu.sh/EnCm9/74a93dd828.jpg (starting at 01:30:102 - )
this rhythm is alot less dense and fits the vocals very well
01:35:695 (2,2) - streams like this usually feel really weird in a cup, I suggest going for streams shaped like a C. They play much smoother and easier for cup players and dont have as many wiggly movements
screenshot for reference https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13916260/8b25