Geoxor - our elephant, firetruck those who think N-word is offennsive in his case, the cancel culture is a cancer of the internet, i hope it dies out eventually.
The thing is that Geoxor apologized for all of this. Whether his apology is sincere is up to each individual to decide, but in any case, it does not deprive him of the fact of the apology itself. Cancel culture is such that no matter what the artist does in response to accusations, people will still find a reason not to forgive and leave the accusations hanging, ignoring his talent in EDM music, his apology, and his repentance. People forget that everyone makes mistakes and sometimes deserves a second chance. If something like this happens again, then questions should arise about the artist’s character, not the music itself. In my opinion, it would have been more rational to warn Geoxor first, rather than interfering with his creativity or forcing him to change his musical style, which he had been building for years. Creativity deserves freedom. Actions like removing content from platforms should only happen if the behavior repeats and lessons aren’t learned. No one should destroy someone’s creation based on their character alone. But no, the masses wanted to finish off the already downed man with their cancel culture, leaving the artist no other choice but to change his music style - the style he put his soul and efforts into this tracks over the years. Unsurprisingly, Geoxor hid his apology video. As a public figure, who would want to leave something like that visible in their feed? I generally don't like that society sometimes decides to judge other people by themselves as if they know better. I'll return to geoxor: No one knows himself better than you. And that means changing the style of music that you personally built for years because of your mistake and indulging your fans, most of whom will forget about that mistake in a year or a year and a half, well, personally, in my opinion, it is not very rational and reasonable in relation to yourself. Are you making music for yourself or for your fans, thereby killing yourself as an original creative person and your initial enthusiasm? Geoxor, despite his age, seems to me to be rather weak and bending in terms of his character. Since he decided not to continue his own path, making music without changes, but most likely because of noticeable reductions in the fee for his work, to listen to people from the outside, who are unlikely to differ in good intelligence and understanding of him as a person, his desires, creative impulses and goals. In any case, we have lost that special, individual, creatively ambitious person who drives himself and rules over himself, and not his fans rule ove. In this case, lost the music that his soul commanded. Geoxor’s older tracks were made with more soul and effort than his recent releases. I’ve seen the questionable correspondences, and he’s not a saint, but what does that have to do with his work? Canceling music because of personal flaws person destroys his creative spirit. Creativity should be judged separately from personality. Original creators are special because they inspire and lead others, but when society limits them, this kills their originality and enthusiasm. I regret that the conflict between Geoxor and others wasn’t resolved privately, leading to his public cancellation. Ultimately, we lost a unique and ambitious artist who let his fans dictate his music style instead of staying true to himself. In essence, Geoxor in 2022 failed to defend his inner vision in creating music and caved in to loud, vocal minority, stupid fans and haters, and also most likely due to the reduction in royalties for his music in and outside of streaming and music platforms, thereby killing himself as an original creative person. His inconsistent releases this year show how hard it is for him to find inspiration. Geoxor’s 2022 cancellation restructured his view of his music he values music more as a source of income than as a creative outlet. Listening to his old tracks, I hear genuine passion, effort, and soul - qualities missing from his recent work, which feels restricted. Society’s inability to separate an artist’s personality from their creativity means we’ll continue losing talented individuals to this toxic pattern.
энивей во первых он всё ещё человек, во вторых нворд действительно в его случае не был использован с целью оскорбить кого-то, плюс неурядица такая, твит с обвинениями то делся куда-то:(
Не, ну серьёзно, эти все <<пруфы>> про педо... легко подделать, а то что он гомофоб, так вообще уважаю. Н ворд используют в шутку, и эти мелкие школьники плачут, что кто-то его сказал.
I have a love hate relationship with this map. I'm doing the 4* version and the map itself is very well built and satisfying. However, I hate that the hp drain is on 6. I feel like it's very much too high for this type of beatmap. I find myself failing way too often and sometimes for no good reason. There are not enough notes or long enough sliders for the hp bar to go up. It's infuriating when you fail in the middle of a 50x combo. So great map, but man that hp is atrocious and ruins my whole experience.
And it's not because I don't like it when the hp drain is slightly high: The Hero 4* has an hp drain of 7 and I absolutely love the map. I find it fair and tense. The difference is that the type of gameplay in that beatmap fits the hp drain of 7 and not the Stardust 4* beatmap.
Finally something from Geoxor is being ranked, I remember downloading all his songs as soon as I started playing osu, that basically an unranked 4* version of this map became my obsession, and I still love his music, I am so glad he became a featured artist.