NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP BNs: (pishi/Amateurre) ENHIXX+ diff hardcore/future bass solo spread with a CS5 top diff and slightly higher than CS4 insane/expert diffs to be modded
XNOR XNOR XNOR BNs: (fllecc/NeKroMan4ik) ENHIX spread of one of my favorite songs of all time. made for December 2024 MBC because I was really feeling this song at the time and saw the contest happening so I said screw it and jumped at the (albeit foolish) opportunity qualified
Shoujo Alice to Hakoniwa Gensou Concerto BNs: (Firika/aiyoko) PDC2018 set I gathered permissions before in 2022 when I was essentially a no-name mapper without anything ranked at the time, was my first attempt at ranking a serious set (do not attempt it in the way I did lol), learned a lot about other aspects of mapping I wouldn't have gleaned from just in the editor (how to communicate, how to set up a huge spread, how to make aspects of that spread consistent as to not trip up MV or AiMod, etc.) recheck phase is essentially 95% done, just waiting on final verdict regarding BPM + last minute stuff
Picayune BNs: (Embo/Gordon) my first attempt at a priority quest, didn't make the deadline because unfortunate circumstances. oh well, still holds up, the gds are pretty stacked waiting on a Gordon recheck, considering replacing as a possibility
Caverns (FA) BNs: (Embo/Cris-) found pishi's unfinished map of this in the grave a long time ago in 2022 and decided to finish out the rest in 2023, died because of timing shenanigans lol. trying to fix it though by getting help getting Cris- to mod
Somewhere in the Between (Cut Ver.) BNs: (enneya/AirinCat) love letter to pishi's Streetlight Manifesto mapset spreads <3 once again, died cause of timing lmao having someone from Boden's timeland discord server check the timing, think its modded already
The Abyss BNs: (?/?) probably my most popular graved mapset rn and it died cause of timing yet again lolol (and also a scuffed spread) woey's top diff on this is hella cool, sidenote. really want to pick this back up again intiaz insane nerf pending, then bn hunt begins again
as of march 15 2025 im trying to play on lower volume to preserve my ear health (ive had tinnitus for as long as i can remember and i think ive been on the louder side of the dB range using external/internal audio devices for too long)
also i think i should return to using f.lux more often for the sake of my eye health as well
also i really think i should go on more walks, maybe i'll use my userpage as a habit tracker or something lol. changing it up/experimenting every now and then in reasonable ways is a great way to keep the routine from going stale
A message to all you aspiring creators out there; keep making things, learn to love the craft, get your hands dirty with the process. Push yourself a healthy amount, and never stop trying to learn new things, because there are always new things for experts, just as much as there are for beginners. There are always new bits and pieces of inspiration, information, and general ideas to be explored and understood. No matter what facet of creativity you dabble in, be sure to appeal to your inner wonder and never stop going for the unknown, no matter how intimidating it may be. There are whole worlds out there waiting to be discovered!