Eminence: My あにき (brother) IRL (Even though I'm the big brother, heh) is a single tap (keyboard) + mouse god! Always a pleasure to compete with. <3
[ CK ]: My original arch-nemesis. You are an amazing friend I always look forward to competing with you. :3 <3 my aussie homies.
[ Kathy ]: Another wonderful aussie friend of mine! :3 Always an amazing person to talk to AND YOU MAKE THE BEST TAIKO SKINS <3
SkylXTumn & ryuujikun: The Malaysian homies. Always a good company for speccing each other and multi! Happy I got to meet you guys.
djjsixpack: Always playing tons of sh*tmaps late at night with the homie. Streams crazy things, I can't even! Glad we met! ^_^
AIiceXD: Always calling me a HD god...please stop! xD The no mod god right here; stuff that I cannot comprehend. Always have fun speccing you~
Zetera: This is the true HD god....and plays taiko well, too! せんぱい, please notice me. xD
[ SRHD ]: Even though you don't play anymore I appreciate the skin I've been using pretty much my entire time on this game! ありがとう
Mutsu: Really cool person to always talk to! It's always cool to have your company whether we're spectating each other or on other games or chillin on skype!