If you want a mutual just message me in osu or register here so I'll see that you added me. My mutual list is full so I won't be adding everyone :/ don't ask me for mutual unless I have a supporter
Thank you tokaku for an osu!supporter (june 2018) You're the best e-girl playing osu <3
Thanks anonymous person for osu!supporter (may 2020)
Thanks Gerni for 4 month osu!supporter!!! (august 2020) osu!direct helped me find maps that were missing in beatmappacks or just disappeared from my PC
Thank you Emilly for a 7$ donation and 3 months osu!supporter! (december 2020 + march 2021 + april 2021)
Thank you Woxiu for a 10$ donation and an osu!supporter! (may 2021)
Thank you Ailhay for 2 months osu!supporter! (july 2021)
Thank you Yurukane for osu!supporter! (september 2021)
Thank you [-Marlon-] for osu!supporter! (december 2021)
Thank you RilayOsu for 2 months osu!supporter! (april 2022 + march 2023)
Thank you [Yoshino] for osu!supporter! (april 2022)
Thanks anonymous person for 6 months osu!supporter (july 2022)
Thank you Trinoline for 4 months osu!supporter! (january 2023)
Thank you Ewelina for 6 months birthday osu!supporter! (march 2023)
End life goals 1. 10 trillion ranked score (8.5% done; July 2023) 2. 500,000 leaderboard scores (9.4% done; July 2023) 3. 1 million FCs (7.8% done; July 2023) 4. hold #1 score (holding; July 2023) 5. hold #1 in leaderboard scores (holding; July 2023)
[28/11/2020] Gain 200b ranked score in a given year - DONE in 332 days (~602,000,000 ranked score/day throughout the year). Done a week after Momo's 200b in 2020. There is no rush to beat this record in 2021 so let it stay as a completed long term goal. EDIT: I did it (barely) in 2021 xD
My history of score farming / map leaderboards farming 2017-08-23 I started my goal to play every newely ranked map and get as much leaderboard scores as is it possible (I was playing mostly tv size maps and skipping 4min+ ones) 2018-06-29 I created a spreadsheet (used to be updated daily) with a lot lot lot lot of cool leaderboard/score farming data. Since 2021 I'm not using it/puting data in it anymore cuz it is too time consuming :v
Mutuals in alphabetic order: 174 _Kaczek_ - discord; score farming 95 _Shield - leaderboards; owc player; one of the best stream players 143 _starry (starry_night) - leaderboards; HDHRDT SS great spin; ghost collab 364 yumenoshima - twitter 99 - aesthetic - - old maps player 103 - Flamy Ice - - leaderboards; 4 mod; gud spin 52 - Pieruk - - osu chat; leaderboards; easy diffs 407 -Chubby- - leaderboards; HDDT 142 -ExGon- - leaderboards; ctb score farmer; osu spectating; discord 199 -felicia - leaderboards; SS farmer 408 -Koyuki- - leaderboards; discord; HT 326 -Nenu- - HR player, osu chat 85 -Purple (Duskyui2) - leaderboards; discord; XD; 2021 ranked maps project 32 _reina - leaderboards; HDHRDTFL 231 -Scorch- - leaderboards; HDHRDTFL #1 farmer; twitter fan? 135 Ciuriya - leaderboards; StreaminDemon vol2 lol 314 -Sylvari - mapper, EZ player, tournaments host 380 -TsuKi- (ITKY) - leaderboards 38 [ Misiek ] - twitch; discord 362 [-ALETHEA-] - leaderboards; FL 66 [-Griffin-] - leaderboards; twitch; top1 global in amount of #1's on osu; 4 mod specialist and fastest spin in the world 463 [-Marlon-] - twitter 184 [Foxu] - discord; osu quiz 7 [Heexxto] - discord; twitch 50 [Lucky] (ScoreFarmer69) - leaderboards; score-farming discord; always high acc; top tier ranked score; come back to osu pls 243 [Moonlight] (Moonlight1343) - leaderboards 81 [Nii-san] - discord; tournament opponent (He won 4-3) gg 106 141 - leaderboards 370 1th Grader - leaderboards 360 227 - discord, nya 8 rrhine - leaderboards, HRDTFL 403 a bat (PorgDEITY) - leaderboards 14 Afrodafro - twitch; I bought mutual using exp form watching his livestream LUL 423 Salamat - leaderboards; SS; discord 443 Ailhay - osu chat; supporter funder 266 Aireu - highly respected DT-old maps player; OWC winner 2019 & 2020 342 AitorAmu - leaderboards, NM 105 akire - leaderboards; FL and old maps; firework guy 348 Akshiro - leaderboards; HDDT 302 Alduric - leaderboards; HDHRDT, FL, old maps NM SS player; amazing PL #1 rush in 2021 185 AlosS - discord; osu quiz; unbanned 493 Alwxif - osu chat 329 alyhisa - osu chat 500 Ambixious - ctb; twitch 484 amea - osu leaderoards; 10k pp gaming 462 Amik - leaderboards 409 Amnesia Haze - leaderboards; NM; good score efficiency 357 Amnezzia - osu chat 21 Angelfeels - leaderboards; leaderoard rival in 2019/20; pls come back ;c 26 Apache - leaderboards; very good at HDDT 214 Apteka (RobieWAptece, smutny chlopiec) - discord; twitch; tournaments; chess; NM aim; osu quiz 216 Arakii - leaderboards; high skilled score farmer; NM and HR; road to osu completionist 248 Aranel - leaderboards; high ar; face collab 509 arm foot - leaderboards; HDDT 93 Aronix 104 - osu chat, twitch 353 Arraxey - osu chat 459 arutama - osu chat 478 Arutairu - leaderboards; NM; climbing in score 289 Arx Alveria - leaderboards; the most S-ranks in osu!std title holder; FC>acc; NM player; crazy amount of played maps; score farmer 410 Asrasz - polish meme maps; fajnefilmikixd; najebany kolo pisze do mnie, bo czemu nie 349 asterllia- - leaderboards, face collab 365 Auxitly - leaderboards 333 Azekoru - osu chat 411 azke - discord; Azazel, sylwester 22/23 151 b0bas - leaderboards; HDHR, HDDT, ar11; osu chat 469 Rainbow Dash 15 (Fafa) - leaderboards 107 BadAimBoi - discord; collab 19-03-2020 125 Jayson Todd - leaderboards 312 BadGadgetStew (BlackMidgetJew) - leaderboards; HD/HDDT 120 Bartek22830 (BartekNumerki) - twitch; discord; top 1 Polish player 2019; fonderman 173 Bartus (Mroczny Bartek) - discord; leaderboards HDDT 440 Basherman - twitch; osu chat; good mapper (mapped Stardew - the best 2021 map so far) 313 Bass - ancient mapper, leaderboards, discord, bass' sliders, warszawiak 366 Beard - twitter 472 beef wellington - leaderboards, FL 296 Belfast (Belfast-chan, Rita Tenoiji) - leaderboards; HDHR; good acc; tournament opponent 475 believer_i - leaderboards 172 Bethanya (Contagion) - discord; youtube - osu quiz with friends series 79 Bidoof - leaderboards 161 big boob - leaderboards; HR player 97 Big Mugi Fan - leaderboards; WMT 2 team; HDHR 88 billie eilish (StreaminDemon) - leaderboards; score-farming discord; creator of osu!alternative bot (various score/learderboard farming stats for free!) which is the best community-driven thing in osu; HD god; if I'm holding #1 on a new map, it's going to get sniped usually by him; FC all insanes in this game soon - this is so cracked; good moding system, because it's almost just as mine 132 Bittshrooms - leaderboards 276 blejd (BLADE69) - leaderboards; old maps completionist; DT/HR main; Oliwia; discord; twitch; lejd 451 BlueChinchompa - leaderboards, twitter 40 alimentaire (bartekran456) - tournament opponent; whoa top1000 pp ranking; leaderboards 108 bobiak (ChomikBox3) - discord; twitch; tournaments; collab 19-03-2020; FL tryhard; sąsiad murzyn 447 BonziiBuddy - leaderboards 448 Amayakase (Amayakase, Misaki Nakahara) - twitter; SS farmer 94 Borsuk664 - discord; twitch; tournament opponent (I won 4-1) gg 183 Bqnaan - leaderboards; HDDT HDHRDT SS; face collab; ghost collab 334 Breona (Breona) - leaderboards 249 brandwagen - leaderboards 372 bsuch83 - leaderboards 86 bunnymasta - rising star 118 Buster - leaderboards; FL guy; top15 in number of #1s o_0 367 Buzdygan - leaderboards; discord; twitch; analny buzdygan 368 byeah - twitter 207 Caelan (Caelxn) - discord; HDHR good acc; only 300pp plays in topplays (as me c:) 259 calKU - osu chat 412 Chalwa - tournament opponent; the best polish mapper; PSL; twitter 341 Chitoge4321 - leaderboards, HDHRDT 219 Choilicious - leaderboards; HR HR and HR; great HR FC consistency; score farmer 80 Chubery - osu chat; leaderboards; HDHR 189 sphere2008 - leaderboards 251 Columbina - leaderboards; HDHRDT; 2021 ranked maps project 127 Corruptyouth - Adamqs back 257 CrankyBluey - osu chat 369 CreepyGar - leaderboards 388 nightlywind (Nightlywind) - twitter 140 Crossie - osu chat 230 Cthuko - leaderboards; HDHRDTFL/HDHRFL #1 farmer 434 cyanai (_Haveen_, trollfaceMLG) - leaderboards; tournament; chomik pl 175 OpenGL - twitter; Bulgaria; just had sex; banned 2x 315 DaelJji - leaderboards 311 Dakser - leaderboards; HD 235 eloto_ - leaderboards; high ar player; face collab; host of 2nd collab on a face collab discord 171 DarkestMagi - leaderboards; osu chat 270 darknessofUwU - leaderboards 356 DarkScrap - leaderboards 265 Darrile - leaderboards; cool HDHR scores 4 DawidJasper - youtube; I discovered osu by his youtube videos; we played as a team in tournament as 6 digits 168 DeadZoNeD - leaderboards; NM 180 DefiantJ - leaderboards; HRDTFL S bro; face collab; ghost collab 47 Denk (Yumemi Riamu) - osu chat; leaderboards 102 Dess555 - leaderboards; osu chat 57 Diamux (GOATKY) - discord; twitch; Portal 2 pro player; There are 3 kinds of people; "4st" SS on Sore ga Ai deshou; wolni od 5G; chomik pl; high ar player; high rank CS:GO player 53 Dipper Pines (bawbeekawaii) - osu chat; leaderboards; easy diffs 45 Dode - leaderboards; HDHRDT; HDDT 238 doman - discord; twitter; osu multi 100 Domi - leaderboards; 2* player; HDHRDT(FL) SS; ghost collab 285 Dr Birb - leaderboards; FL; 2021 ranked maps project 87 Dragbit 2 (Em1ru) - leaderboards; score-farming discord; score farmer; 20k playcount while 100b ranked score lol 450 Harumiii - leaderboards 59 Dream Fire - winnie the pooh bros; top100 pp ranking Pog 375 Drowsy - leaderboards 335 Dusalty - leaderboards 49 Duskyui - leaderboards; score-farming discord; HD specialist - sniping all my possible #1 HD; amazing grind in 2019 (top 1 ranked score from 2019 maps ;D); great spreadsheet that I use to make sure if I don't skip any newely ranked map; ghost collab; 2021 ranked maps project 27 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (MomoHD) - leaderboards; twitter; the only twitch content I regularly watch; NM/DT/HR/DTHR; score-farming discord; motivation for farming score; creator of Bernie collab; big cursor gang; streams>jumps; all 2020 maps challange; 1st xasuma sniper; 2021 ranked maps project 23 Emilily (Haxor) - leaderboards; osu chat; 3 mod & top1 spin PL; long fight for #4 PL in amount of top50-s 239 Emilly (Queenling) - leaderboards; HDDT #1; Denmark country #1 farmer; ghost collab; donator 2$; drukn enillky; out of context Emilly on twitter 401 emixel3279 - leaderboards; HDHRDTFL 11 EMPNUTS - leaderboards; we keep on getting same acc or (if SS) same spin points There are hundrets of maps that we are one by one on leaderboards; he's a good motivation to play 3,5* HDDT because I used to suck at this; Finally, big motivation to learn alternate aim 165 EncoreW - leaderboards; score farmer; NM 218 Filippu (Filippu) - osu chat; chomik pl 511 Errxr - osu chat 473 Es Kepok (icefox711) - osu chat 343 Espeon - leaderboards, HDHRDT(FL), good spin 6 Ewelina - discord; collab with her cats 17-12-2021; leaderboards; HDHRDT(FL); HD(HR) jump player; snipe event; Kaufland mouse; composed and helpful 76 Falco (Mr_Falco) - leaderboards; twitch; nomod main; old maps; twitch; he sets amazing scores on new 5-6* alt-tech maps; amazing at low ar 31 Famme_ - twitch; discord 51 Fat Whale - leaderboards; amazing HDHRDT->HRDTFL evolution in 2020; lot's of global and country #1s 42 FeriOP - osu spectating 477 FishySquidMan - leaderboards 186 Fixr - leaderboards; HDHR; NM 234 fjw - leaderboards; HDHRDT; ghost collab 344 Flami - osu chat; unbanned 282 FreeRealEstate - osu leaderboard 295 Fsjallink - leaderboards; 2021 ranked maps project 217 Fuwzie - leaderboards; SS player; crazy scores on old maps; owc Sweden team 378 fybeth (Juliuzzs, mizhalas43) - twitter 363 gabercat - leaderboards, FL tournament 390 gakorr - leaderboards 197 Ganondorf - leaderboards; HDHRDT SS; ghost collab 215 Garden - leaderboards; always better acc with HDDT/HD/NM than me; probably the best mapper out of all my mutuals 201 Gaz - leaderboards 252 Genki1000 - leaderboards 240 gnahus (ChomikBox2, gnahus) - discord; tournaments; DT farming; POLSKA IMAGINACJA 897PP 283 go off oomfie (Ushiwakamaru) - leaderboards; FL; 2021 ranked maps project 492 gogos - tournament opponent (OPM 2021); good stream player; 1st polish 900pp loved 513 gommemode - leaderboards 210 Gracidea - leaderboards; HDHRDT 9 Gryzus24 - leaderboards; osu chat; one of the best HDHR players; poradniki do Anki 316 Gussix - leaderboards, HRDTFL 121 Haadez - leaderboards; HDDT and HDHRDT; Adamqs back; sick HDDT plays and tournament performance (carried 4k combo on tiebreaker against UK) 337 Halliday - osu chat 261 TEAM BARD - leaderboards; HD and HDHR; singer 413 Hammer (Metagross) - leaderboards; NM SS; twitch 449 Hare_CFJ - leaderboards 157 HAUNTE (venoxia) - leaderboards; osu chat; twitter; HT spaced streams 400pp; finger control acc 458 HDMI - leaderboards; HDHRDT 37 Hecate - leaderboards 268 Hecatia - leaderboards; HDHR; talented drawer - osu drawing contests 198 hedayo - discord; tournament player 134 Heist - osu chat 317 Helfy0 - leaderboards, osu chat 152 vingolobuna (Kempele) - leaderboards; osu chat 414 hivno - leaderboards; HD 253 honque - twitch; leaderboards; SS farmer 114 Hranolka - leaderboards; score-farming discord; universal player; SS farmer; ghost collab; 2021 ranked maps project 379 hurrikate - leaderboards; Der Wald labirynth HDFL 188 ianski - discord 158 ieu- (shaddz, gatama344, estellia) - leaderboards; HDDT SS everything DTable; osu chat; host of face collab; ghost collab; 2021 ranked maps project 328 pregnant (pregnant, SpaghettiKink) - leaderboards; SS farmer; thanks for a gifted twitch sub, drunk Spaghetti 272 ihungoutwithjoe - leaderboards 130 ikasu - leaderboards 96 ImMyyrh - leaderboards; skilled in HD; SS farmer; ghost collab 194 Inoculum - leaderboards 15 innocentmercy - discord; alt is cheating; daily reminder that I'm slow af 287 shinitaichan - leaderboards; osu/ctb/taiko/mania score farmer 494 itbelikedat - leaderboards 225 ITheQwertyI - leaderboards 260 jehlp - leaderboards; HDHR; old maps; twitter 373 Jossfr - leaderboards 395 Juharo - leaderboards; ar11 HDHRDT #1s 468 Juicy - leaderboards 18 Jvsny - youtube; we fought in pp ranking when we were 6 digits; mapper of "spierdalaj" 495 K A G A - leaderboards; HRDTFL 48 KaczkaLodowka - leaderboards; sniped me on a map that I had #1 for 9 days 247 KaedeharaKazuha (Addy2607) - leaderboards 442 Kalanluu - osu chat; 1000pp Unforgiving FL FC 115 tomasz chic (invesis, requzerr) - discord, bobiak's brother, unbanned 281 Kayrem - discord; TFT tournament organization; leaderboards; retry farmer; 84% acc harumachi HDHRDTFL topplay 271 KazakhstanTop1 (Jeflex, cya l8r) - discord; PL/USA; "NARA"; tech maps player; buga buga chewchew in topplays; autograph collector; testoviron's son 497 KEFRMO - leaderboards 505 KeplerSync - leaderboards; HDHRDTFL 376 Ketamintherapie - leaderboards 351 Kheops - osu chat 133 KierownikCzolgu - leaderboards; old maps; HDHRDT SS 75 kiir0chii (SonGokuPL) - osu chat; tournaments; discord 1 kikuczio - discord; śląsk meetup; co ja kurwa powiedziałem? nagram se shadowplaya 206 Kilgar - leaderboards; twitch 466 Kingling - leaderboards; HDHR, marathons, top tier acc; 1500+ SS ranks in 24h; twitch 339 kitorei - leaderboards, HDDT 441 Kolmas - leaderboards; discord; NFSO score farming 154 konaa - leaderboards; HDDT/HDHRDT SS; twitter; ghost collab; 2021 ranked maps project 256 Kondi - leaderboards; polish tournaments 291 Kootek - discord; HD & HDHR aim player; chess enjoyer; tournament opponent 63 Kotoki - leaderboards. HDHRDTFL 319 Kosa - discord, twitch, tournaments, top 1 public speaker and writer in osu 322 Kudou Chitose (mrrrk) - leaderboards; new maps; NM and HD; global moderator 137 Kusiu - tournament; weird match tbh 64 Kyttis - leaderboards 141 Kyumi - leaderboards 250 Lancien (Paper) - leaderboards; FL 294 Lappland_ - leaderboards; HDHRDTFL #1 farmer 44 LastKiss - discord; twitch 431 Leftoverss - leaderboards; HDDT/HDHR; old maps; pro 325 lepinja77 - leaderboards; HDDT; many #1s 277 Les Fleurs - leaderboards; HDHRDTFL 454 Apsychos - leaderboards 501 LewusekX44 - tournament team 456 LIL 7241 (boxed by dark) - osu chat 195 Lilily - leaderboards; HDDT/NM; marisa 340bpm stream FL Pog; score farmer 320 LimeDimeNine - leaderboards, march 2021 score grind, rising star on leaderboard farming scene 445 Putin CtB (haruhikkooo) - twitter 279 Liswiera - leaderboards; HD & mindblowing HDFL/HDDTFL #1s 321 Lixarious - DT speed player; discord; twitch; Top Polish players 2019/20; Country #1 sniping event; seal mp4; tournament opponent and tournament host; kanister pod prysznicem; egzamin z excela po pijaku xD 439 girls kissing (Tarantemo) - leaderboards; discord; twitch; S-rank and score farming competition 155 Lokra - leaderboards; score-farming discord 486 lolman533 - they favourited my map 182 LosingCrayon - leaderboards; face collab; ghost collab 301 Louise Zero - leaderboards; HRDTFL 340 loveGirls - leaderboards, HDHRDTFL 113 Sayians - leaderboards 402 sir googoo (BronyNL 2) - twitter; 14k pp gamer 512 Luszer - leaderboards 90 luxcent - leaderboards; 3 mod player 74 LwL (tuyunara) - leaderboards; HDHR 491 Madafii - leaderboards 54 Madcore - leaderboards; NM 17 MagBlood - discord; twitch; tournament master; we had a very good match against each other (he won) 359 MainGod - leaderboards; S-rank farmer 299 MALISZEWSKI (ristel, ChomikBox, DISCOMAREK) - osu spectating; tournament black horse; fast progress in 2021; the best polish player ever; chomik pl 2 Malolat - twitch; I currently use keyboard that I bought from him (summer 2018); One of 2 people from osu that I met IRL 35 Marcin w Osu - We took part in tournament in june 2018 and we won groups as a D-tier; SSed big brother PogChamp 91 Marquez - leaderboards; NM acc player 488 mashihunter - leaderboards; SS farming; 4-mod and 3-mod 385 Mason289 - twitter 416 Massimo99 - leaderboards; HDHR/HDDT/HDHRDT 62 Mastasz - twitch; discord; osu multi; very fast singletap; should've been in owc19 team; Mastasz 800pp Pog 61 MasterAnimit - twitch; discord; one of 3 creators of osu!Noob Cast (with Gerwazus and me); gówno w herbacie; pokaż jak się kręcisz cover 355 MatheusHsD - leaderboards; HDHR & HDDT on new maps 460 maurcyc - osu chat and spectating 417 MidasPL1 - leaderboards; FL; Adam Gessler MidasPL restauratorstwa 418 Mikayla - leaderboards; ar11; #1 leaderboards farmer 116 Miles_Naismith - the best osu streamer; road to 3 digit; half-man-half-legend; can't get even 1xTop50 on a map (fame issue); interviews 465 big snag (big snag) - leaderboards; DT; HR; Australian Shield 474 Mindwaves - leaderboards 496 APRL02 - leaderboards 126 Mister Osu - leaderboards 144 Mizuhika - score; leaderboards; NM; playing every 2021/22 map 336 mjmoshi - leaderboards 60 mmi - leaderboards; score-farming discord; NM main; FC every 4* challange; kb geek 89 Moegi - leaderboards; osu spectating; score-farming discord; fast climber in score ranking in 2020; NM 242 molneya - leaderboards 229 MONTBLANC_heart - leaderboards; NM good acc 70 moosepi - leaderboards; HD/HDHR; osu skill: owc level 33 mort (L0liL0vingLad) - leaderboards; new maps 191 MouseR - WMT 2 team 84 mqx - leaderboards; osu chat; HDHRDTFL 400 Muetze - leaderboards 332 Muscle Man - osu chat 381 MyAngelLutfiann - leaderboards 382 MyAngelNero - leaderboards 148 MystExi - leaderboards; HDHRDT SS; HD SS; osu chat; ghost collab 331 Mystoline (Akroma) - leaderboards, FL player 358 Namazu - discord 202 Natsuo (NatsuYT) - leaderboards; HDHRDT; amazing spin; deliberatively gets 50's and snipes almost all SS ranks with their A rank lmao - big props for it 222 ncrohawk (apple_) - leaderboards 323 Ness_Okey - stomp box enjoyer; discord; chomik us 58 Aeren (Xanzure, Azureheart) - leaderboards; better in HDHR and NM than me despite worse rank 41 NieTheDie - discord; leaderboards 386 Hobeeyz - leaderboards 480 NinjaFish - leaderboards; HDDT all [Insane]s from 2021; fast climb in number of #1s; many unique scores 30 noemly - twitch; He's getting ranks every day, what a consistency 452 Noercy - leaderboards; HDDT; SS farming 274 Neoh - leaderboards 223 Neco-Arc - leaderboards; discord 389 nonentity - leaderboards 220 Noob - leaderboards, (HD)HRDTFL 164 novaaa - score farmer 129 nugeclicksheads - leaderboards 221 O Estranho - leaderboards 510 okappi - leaderboards; HDHRDTFL 78 Olib - leaderboards; score-farming discord; NM 29 Olinek - leaderboards 236 olusia - osu chat. trolling 192 OnlyJacob - leaderboards 308 OnniS6 - leaderboards; HD, good acc 112 Origam1 (Enchalupa) - osu chat; leaderboards 499 Orofil - leaderboards 393 OskaRRRitoS - leaderboards; the only HT player in the game back in like 2018 when I started playing HT; playing Because Maybe with HT is the best thing in the game 374 Mloah (diorytt) - leaderboards 254 PainTensei - discord; host of ghost collab 19 PAJWOJ - twitch; invited me on discord serwer where I met a lot of cool guys from polish community 481 pannadela - twitter; discord; jebac tą zjebaną "grę" i jej zjebanych fanów chuj wam w dupska kurwy!! 508 paprunia - leaderboards; osu chat 419 Pareo - leaderboards; FL 145 Patience - leaderboards; HD player, high acc 444 Pawlok - twitter; tournaments 273 pemy (tittiter) - leaderboards; HDDT 179 Pemlory - leaderboards; HDDT; face collab 166 Peppermint - leaderboards; osu chat 506 perich - leaderboards; S-rank farmer 233 pewdekz - leaderboards; HDHRDT and HDDT good acc 300 PFFFFFFFFFFFFFT - leaderboards; HDHR and HDDT; one of the most skilled 5-digit players 104 Piixers - leaderboards; 4 mod 177 Piquante - leaderboards, easy diffs 92 Piro13 - leaderboards; easy diffs 502 Pixelz - leaderboards 384 Pkups - leaderboards 387 plebanka - leaderboards; HDHRDTFL 119 plejser - osu multi 77 PolishedSlav - osu chat; leaderboards; easy diffs 162 ponaar - discord; tournament enemy (I won 5-2) 404 PossessedRabbit - leaderboards 209 PostScr1pt - leaderboards 405 Prade - leaderboards 293 Praw - leaderboards; NM 307 Prin - leaderboards; HRDTFL gang 255 Pristine - leaderboards; NM mostly; new maps 65 kitten8097 - leaderboards; osu chat; progress of the year 2019 in terms of leaderboards appeariences; HD + good acc which i always respect; he'll be 2nd xasuma no joke; 1000 SS-ranks in like 30h HOW CAN YOU EVEN PLAY 1000 MAPS WTF; I wish I had unlimited internet so I could watch his stream :c 455 psychoku - leaderboards, HDHRDTFL 205 Query - leaderboards; score-farming discord; NM good acc 213 R e d - leaderboards; HD; Zalaria 2 0 169 r o c k k - leaderboards; HDHRDT(FL) 420 R4isu - leaderboards; FL; twitch 306 Rachild (Kanata Konoe) - leaderboards; HRDTFL gang 20 Rammu - leaderboards; HD/HDDT; pro 264 RamzesKOKS2004 - discord 150 randomizer89 - leaderboards; HDHR on the new maps 170 Reds - leaderboards 482 renrenpon (RENREN1203, StylishRENREN) - leaderboards; started HDHR leaderoard farming on the new maps around when I started that; HDDT; creator (deliberately?) of "the worst avatar" collab - https://twitter.com/Maklovitz_osu/status/1431346935252848643 377 RilayOsu - osu chat; thank you for supporter 193 rikka - leaderboards 483 Rill 0 (Suprawn) - leaderboards; very hard HD maps; low ar 421 Rinsa - leaderboards; ar11; #1 leaderboards farmer 147 Rlsc - leaderboards; NM, HT and SS GOD 160 respektive (respektive) - leaderboards; NM, DT; Momov2; osu chat; osu spectating; crazy score grind in 2020; 2021 ranked maps project 124 ronaldonater - Adamqs back 453 RoseYoshino - leaderboards; twitter; osu spectating 392 Rurudesu - leaderboards 190 SampIe - leaderboards 212 sanghaaaa (Garbage Kun) - leaderboards, HDHRDT(FL), amazing spin 258 Psiki (Psiki, pies gps) - osu chat; chomik pl 5 scarlettiramisu (Avter) - discord; twitch 503 SCOER - osu chat 345 nairu115 (nairuzu) - leaderboards 406 sdd2cxz - leaderboards 25 Serizawa Haruki - leaderboards; 3 mod and better spin than me 263 Sevelik - leaderboards; good top50 grind in 2020 82 Seven - leaderboards 457 SevenEnd7 - leaderboards; HDHRDTFL good spin; 500+ global #1s 122 Shaper - #1 farmer HDHRDTFL; free Shaper; Adamqs back 391 shi no hana - leaderboards 338 Shigeru22 - leaderboards; HDHR 68 Shiox - leaderboards; osu chat; reading player; HD and EZ; tournament rager; unbanned 167 shun2yu - leaderboards; discord; chad collab 153 Shutterstock (Meikl Jorden) - osu chat 318 [Yoshino] (Segami, Konoe Kanata, [Yoshino]) - leaderboards; (HD)HRDTFL on almost every map; amazing grind in 2021; thank you for supporter 383 sigmadroid - leaderboards 479 siina (haga1115) - leaderboards; the definition of HDDT leaderboard farming; always incredily high acc; over 1700 #1s; very cool mouse+tap playstyle; the most respected 2021 player 424 Sil - leaderboards; HD 110 silver tail - leaderboards 487 SimonDiamond - leaderboards 244 Sinedd - leaderboards; FL #1 farmer 136 sinn - leaderboards; spectating; HD main 446 Sinyan - osu chat; leaderboards 346 Sirek - leaderboards, HD/HDDT 156 Skimberly Milk (Skimble) - leaderboards; score-farming discord; close to him at leaderboards on NM/HD/HDDT but he also plays older maps 394 skrimore - leaderboards 117 Skydiver - discord; high ranked player with universal skillset; reversed indonesia vs reversed poland 461 slayerxsz - osu chat 22 Sleepteiner - leaderboards; twitch; discord; the kindest twitch streamer; this guy can SS everything mouse only I'm out; gratz for 50 000 SS-ranks! 101 Snow Ripple - leaderboards; NM player 56 SourOsu - leaderboards 10 Sowisty - leaderboards; osu chat; discord; one of my 1st mutuals, give me your acc!!!; osu quiz XD; ghost collab; tournament opponent; 2021 ranked maps project 203 Spagyrie - leaderboards 507 splitty - leaderboards; FL 432 spring ephemera - leaderboards; FL 352 SS is hard (Kusare) - leaderboards; HD; Przegrany v2 72 Furudo Erika - leaderboards 504 Stravez0r - leaderboards; HDHR; high acc 290 stefgast13 - leaderboards; HDDT; 2021 ranked maps project 55 maciek (Banakorrrr, Steven Naismith) - discord; twitch; high ranked player; some time ago an opponent in tournament ;D 286 Stezii - WMT 2 team; keayboard donation 269 beaw - osu chat 278 Stoneybeans - leaderboards; score 476 Sublime - osu chat 16 Subskrybent - discord; twitch; notprom 464 Supa Dupa Fly - osu chat 241 sut_son - leaderboards; HDDT and HDHR 73 sweetnht - leaderboards; osu chat; HDDT and HDHRDT 192 t0nik - osu chat; twitch 262 TableRaw - leaderboards; twitch 305 Tactic - leaderboards; SS HDHRDTFL/HDHRDT/HDDT; good spin 267 Tam- - leaderboards; S-rank farmer; spectator 149 TB 358 - leaderboards; score-farming discord; epic HDHR marathons 284 Terandr - leaderboards; HDHR; 2021 ranked maps project 304 Tesla Roadster - leaderboards; SS HDHRDT; good spin 34 THAT_otaku - leaderboards 433 theez - leaderboards; HDHR; good acc; pokemon speedrun 485 TheDoggo - leaderboards; HDHRDTFL 178 SynnerStar - leaderboards; face collab 83 TheMasterx5 - leaderboards; 4 mod 275 TheShadowOfDark - leaderboards; HDHRDT & HDHRDTFL every easy/normal; the best spin; LARGE top50 map leaderboards count; haxor + shadow 138 Thirty30 - osu spectating; holy shit he spectates a lot 36 best acc player - leaderboards 208 tobus - leaderboards; osu chat; HDHRDT good spin 13 tokaku (Jolene) - twitch; youtube; I won osu!supporter on a raffle and she mutualed me as well 425 Tomou - leaderboards; FL 470 TomotakeYoshino (user50) - leaderboards; HDHR; new maps; HRDTFL 146 Torveld - leaderboards 228 Trail Mix - leaderboards; very active in 2020; high skilled leaderboard farming 224 Trigonoculus - leaderboards; osu chat; HDHRDT; ghost collab 67 Trinoline - leaderboards; score-farming discord; HD main; impressive ar7+HDHRDT FC's; and FL too; 2021 ranked maps project 303 Tripl3A - leaderboards; SS HDHRDT/HDDT; good spin 211 tsuba - leaderboards 435 Tuteru - leaderboards; SS 347 Tuttelli (TiltBoi)- leaderboards, NM/DT, every 2021 map challange 426 Bogus z R400 - leaderboards; HDDT 471 up44 - leaderboards; NM; 10k pp gamer 396 Vector5g - twitter 237 Vello - leaderboards 397 MejiroMcQueen - twitter 200 Sobriquet (Sobriquet) - leaderboards; good acc on HD 232 Vernien - leaderboards; HDHRDTFL #1 farmer 245 Veron - BDT tournament teammate; DT player; discord; twitter; pizza Verona 427 Vespi - discord 436 Vespirit - leaderboards; HDHRDT/HDDT/HDHR; good spin 398 VirtualMuffin - twitter 354 Viyy - osu chat 297 VROUM CV VITE - leaderboards; highly skilled HR player; GOOD NICKNAME 28 vjkckkw - leaderboards; 3 mod & 4 mod 415 VW GOLF MK4 TDI (Kaprik) - leaderboards; HDHRDT/HDDT 139 wagon - leaderboards; #1 FL spin farmer 187 wamu (wamutatata) - leaderboards; HDHR 490 westtle - leaderboards; FL, SS player; unbanned 226 biduf (TrainerBidoof) - osu chat 422 WHYHELLOTHERE69 - leaderboards 292 Willy - leaderboards; old maps; score farmer among youtube/twitch content creators; discord; bobaski; I really enjoyed him reviewing my profile on stream 71 WiMpN - leaderboards; score-farming discord; NM main; It's so damn hard to snipe his acc; zts marathon score incident; great progress in DT in 2020; The WiMpN method - completing osu from the lowest star ratings to highest; HRDTFL SS leaderboards farmer; Living Things SS + Alternator Comp 1st perfect combo; underrated score farmer 12 Wispy - leaderboards; HD/HDDT/HDHR; finger control, speed and consistency; twitch; discord; osu chat; very kind person; HDHR leaderboard farming in 2021; really good motivation to grind maps with HDHR 350 Witherfied - osu chat 98 WitherFlower - leaderboards; cool spreadsheet; extrapolated completionist in 2025 246 wiuuuh - leaderboards; FL and HDHRDT player; #1 farmer 437 wonko - leaderboards 280 Woxiu - discord; creator of "Rozmowy z Woxiem" interview series; PC specialist; "proste!" 310 Wsad - leaderboards 46 WubWoofWolf - leaderboards; old maps specialist; the most universal skillset; tournament expert; youtube; twitch; owc 204 Wutever - leaderboards; HDHR 159 xasuma - leaderboards; God of score farming; HDHR, HDDT, HDHRDT; score-farming discord; api specialist; quietly observing us, foolish people who think that can get more ranked score than him; complete the game once again in 2021? PauseChamp; trolled Momo and then me trying to pass him in score 428 FELIZ JUEVES - leaderboards; HDHRDT 429 byo - leaderboards; HDHRDT 176 y0c - leaderboards, HDHR 430 Y9shi - leaderboards; FL 399 yamaro - twitter 186 yifflord_UwU - leaderboards 330 YOOKA (Akooy) - osu chat 324 Yurukane (xjulczaq) - leaderboards, HDHRDT(FL) SS player; twitter; osu spectating; ctb; T.A.T.U. fanclub; 0-spinner 4 mod requests :> 196 YuuNT041 - leaderboards 163 ZaboX - leaderboards; NM; osu chat 3 Zain Sugieres (dokidokiloIixx) - twitch; moderator on his chat 371 ZaBoo - leaderboards 24 Allistayrian (KlederxoL) - leaderboards, FL as a topplay owo 227 Zelq - leaderboards 467 Zman840 - leaderboards; all new maps; HDHR
BANNED mutuals: 327 [BANNED] Barnabas - leaderboards, osu chat 123 [BANNED] aqurin - leaderboards 498 [BANNED] Daishko - osu chat 514 [BANNED] DawcioNOOB - osu chat 131 [BANNED] FLAYY - Adamqs back; banned 2x 69 [BANNED] Magnus Cosmos - leaderboards; FL God; deleted user 111 [BANNED] My aim is fast - discord; collab 19-03-2020 39 [BANNED] osu gameur - minecraft; one day he just wrote to me and now he's doing 700pp scores wtf (top10 Poland when?); 3x banned and 2x unbanned since then 438 [BANNED] Repulles - leaderboards 43 [BANNED] salvia palth (David2k14, Kijoszi) - osu spectating 361 [BANNED] Shirayokii ([ Velinda ]) - leaderboards; HD 298 [BANNED] Synaelle - osu chat 309 [BANNED] Umiko - leaderboards; HDHRDTFL 288 [BANNED] Vernirn - osu chat 489 [BANNED] William Adler - osu chat; ctb 181 [BANNED] WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW (meaningality) - leaderboards; face collab; ghost collab 109 [BANNED] Xhyal - leaderboards 128 [BANNED] xpig - Adamqs can be 4 digit now, but is #1 in his heart
514 mutuals / 706 mutuals if no limit / 1133 people that added me (as of 02-02-2023)