
supercell ft. NicoNico Chorus - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari

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T_T revisare lo que pueda ahora es muy larga como para revisar todo.

-Ajusta el tamaño del fondo a 800x600 o 1024x768

-01:45:292 veo algo raro en los lyrics de esta parte, es intencional?
-Corta la transparencia innecesaria please.
-Opino que deberian sacar el video, se ve demaciado mal xD.

-Quiza usar normal-hit sound para complementar el soft-whistle, o podrian ser claps.

-01:17:292 (2,3,4) arregla este fail de sliders xD
-01:36:928 (3) empezar en 01:36:746
-02:05:656 (1) empezar en 02:06:019?
-Sugiero mejorar la forma de gran parte de los sliders se ven mal terminados =(
-Tambien un poco mas de spacing se ven demaciado juntos los circles.

-05:16:565 mover el timing point a 05:15:928

Ya otro dia vuelvo a revisar <.<
Pregunta por mods porque falta aun.
background~ :)

late.... :(

Download: supercell feat. Nico Nico Chorus - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (FPRC16).osb

add this code into [Collab] replace the old one

Download: SB.rar
replace bg-effect2.png,bg-effect3,bg-effect6 and bg-effect

That's all~ :)

Colin Hou
supercell ~ <3
Orz... Mega mod. Mod en persona xD (osea... Estaba al lado mio y le corregía... y le ayude con el SB y a borrar filaas ;w;)
I want mai kodosu nao xD
Ah, si. Arregle mi diff de paso, y ya puse el speed asi que no te preocupes :3

01:17:292 (2,3,4) - head and tail of the slider overlap...
02:00:201 (8) - How for New combo?
02:20:383 (1) - Adjustment at circle intervals

Mion Night~

Great! :)


poor English...I'm sorry

I think that SB was also good.

I like this song!XD

Going for approved
:x If I knowed about it earler..

Good. Maybe add some whistles somewhere.

00:30:019 (1) - Normal whistle sounds wrong - move start of inherit section at 30 025 to 29 837
00:32:019 (6) - add whistle at the start?
00:33:292 (2) - add whistle?
00:33:656 (3) - add whistle at the end?
00:35:292 (5) - add whistle?
01:17:292 (2,3) - lol, not rankable approvable :) - end sliders at red lines (and move they in stack or using distance snap - looks better)
01:18:019 (3) - add finish at the start?
01:18:746 (4) - maybe end slider at 01:19:474
01:36:928 (3) - add finish at the start?
01:47:110 (4,1) - not in stack, if possible
01:50:019 (3,4) - reduce spacing
01:51:292 (5,1) - increase spacing
02:19:656 (3,1) - reduce spacing or end 02:19:656 (3) at 02:20:019
02:40:746 (5) - add clap at the start?
03:10:383 (4) - end slider at 03:10:746 + add whistle at the end, maybe

[Mion Night~]
nice, but too hard for me

00:53:201 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - why all these blue lines here?
01:28:201 (3) - end slider at 01:28:928?
01:37:837 (1) - this slider don't fits a song at all + very insane - can you delete it and maybe extend spinner to 01:38:019
02:43:655 (6,1) - increase spacing (so that equal to spacing at 02:44:201 (2,3))
03:30:383 (7) - BAH-BAH (what's wrong with song here?)
03:41:656 (4) - end slider at 03:41:837?
03:42:110 (5) - delete?
03:52:746 (6) - replace to normal slider? (repeat sounds strange)

Cool. I think it's (much) easier then [Mion Night~], but has more score!
03:30:383 (1,2,3,4) - BAH-BAH lol not fit at all
04:35:474 (1,3) - place in stack?
04:57:383 (3) - delete + 04:57:474 (4) - new combo + increase spacing at 04:56:928 (3,1)

I don't moded it (too insane for me and I'm lazy)
Supercell FTW
By request, below are my suggestions:

Straightforward mapping, nothing I can pick except for being monotonous...

General: try making repeat sliders repeat only once, sometimes once sometimes twice... it can get unpredictable, ex. 00:33:656 (3)

00:22:928 (3) - i don't especially like this overlapping with (1)
00:49:656 (4) - one grid right
01:07:656 (1) - the finish at the start of slider is very weird; it sounds better at 01:07:837. And this slider should end at 01:08:565, sounds better. Do something to fix this...
01:10:565 (6) - try end this slider at 01:11:474, sounds better
01:21:837 (4) - spacing
01:22:201 (5) - try end this slider at 01:23:110, sounds better
01:36:928 (3) - spacing, too close
01:51:292 (5) - try moving this slider to start at next white tick, and place a note here (01:51:292)
02:00:201 (8) - new combo?
02:20:383 (1) - hmmm, it may sound okay, but...

This diff's rhythm needs some polish. Good use of hitsounds.

[Mion Night~]
00:53:201 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Snapped to the wrong ticks!!! Re-snap these!
01:29:292 (1) - spacing not technically wrong but should be further. I suggest overlapping this with the start of (2).
01:31:292 (1) - oooh I like this part
01:38:201 (1) - try remove this and place a single note 01:38:383
02:43:474 (5) - suggest return to x1.0BPM here, the slider at 02:43:655 (6) doesn't feel right
02:44:019 (1) - this doesn't feel good, I strongly suggest stacking (2) with (3), (4) with (5), vice versa...
02:58:746 (1) ~ 03:01:110 (14) - I don't know if this is due to wrong timing, but this stream sounds really off from the vocals. If you are sure the timing is correct, replace these with sliders. I personally can't hit the circles right with the vocals.
03:15:837 (1) - how about end this spinner at 03:18:019
03:18:928 (1) - oh no, same problem with 02:44:019. Start new stacks on white ticks please...
04:04:746 (6,1,2,3,4,5) - sudden slow down and speed up in spacing... not good. At least move (5) further away.
04:35:474 (x) - this break is so long...

Rhythm is not bad, but needs some work on spacing issues. Hitsound is good.

00:30:746 (5) - one grid right
01:41:474 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - please start new stack on white ticks, like what Vicho-kun does on 02:45:292 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8). The flow will be much better.
03:35:292 (2) - hmm, this jump really necessary?
(Mion's section) - this is almost the same as your own diff...
(animask's section) - why such slider speed? IMO feels out of place...

This diff gets suddenly quite difficult near the end lol

1. hiding notes... okay for an Insane but... not too fun
2. some sections' hitsound is too quiet, volume up

03:13:110 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - start new stack on white ticks please...
04:42:019 (3) - unrankable, player will have no idea where this slider will go

No real technical issues but I am not content with some rhythm and flow of patterns.
I will recheck at a later date, but for now, I hold back my star.
Do your best. ;)
Aproved! Aproved! Aproved!
Hi :D

Nothing to state other than it's monotonous.

00:24:201 (7) - I suggest to not overlap it to (6), it can confuses.
01:54:383 (1) - Please spacing this. I suggest to move it 3 grid left and 2 down (grid size level 3).

[Mion Night~]
01:24:746 (5,6,7) - Shorten this jump, please.
If you don't want to change it: Move (7) 1 grid right.
If you change it: I suggest to do something like this.

01:32:656 (2) - Remove this?

(Vicho-kun) 03:01:292 (1) - Unrankable spinner. It must give a minimum of 3000 bonus point on Auto.
(Animask) 04:00:565 - The "speed up" warning is not visible and it should start a little before (I suggest at 03:59:474 (1) - )
(Lissette) 04:36:928 (3) - I think that this slider it's a bit forced :P But you can leave it.
(H-boy) 05:18:746 (1) - I don't like the shape that the sliders took from this point :|

I'm not so skilled to mod this :P

While I did modded as you requested FPRC16, I did not find any problems in most of the Maps. (As I told you I only modded one of the full mapped Maps.) Most of the other Modders addressed the problems. Great map; star~
Estoy seguro que el artísta debiera ser "supercell ft. NicoNico Chorus", en vista de que niconico usualmente va todo junto

00:12:565 (4) - New combo, además agregale un Finish al inicio
01:07:837 (3,4,1) - Haz que (3) sea al new combo, y remueve el new combo de (1) (Dale enfasis al inicio del kiai time)
03:02:746 (1) - Esta forma es bastante extraña. Buscaban hacer simetría? debiera verse algo así entonces....
03:18:746 (1) - Me preocupa que en la dificultad más fácil haya una nota tan cerca del final de un spinner, pero bueh, va a approved, así que solo tnganlo en mente para futuros mapas.

00:16:928 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1) - Que es este spacing y estos new combo?! El spacing entre (1)/(2) y (2)/(3) es distinto, aaaargH! Trata de hacerlo algo así porfavor x: (notese que todas las notas son un flip horizontal + vertical, y que las notas anteriores a este combo quedarían más arriba)
00:26:019 (2,3,4,5) - Spacing
00:41:201 - Mueve esta timing section 1/4 mas adelante porfavor ~
01:12:565 (4) - New combo (terminan los saltos)

Hmmm, Kotomin-sane y Keneazzy son de Kotomin y KenezzEdward, verdad? Por que está el SB con los nombres de los del collab en sus dificultades? Arregla eso.


Ok, voy a terminar el modpost, (pssst,me saltaré "Collab")

00:21:292 (1,2,3,4) - Este patrón no calza con la música. Hazlo verse así
01:47:656 (1,2) - Por que el combo tan corto? remueve el new combo de (1) porfavor
Muy bien hecho, sin embargo tendremos que hablar respecto a los hitsounds tarde o temprano :/

00:35:837 (1,1,1,1) - El spam de New Combos es innesecario, no hay spacing acelerado, cambios en el spacing ni saltos :v
00:47:474 (1,1,1,1) - ^
01:24:383 (3,4,5,6,7) - Saltos inesteprados, agrega un new combo en (3), aunque en lo personal quitaría esos saltos totalmente fuera de lugar en relación a la música. Ah si, remueve el finish de 01:24:746 (5) - por favor.
01:26:746 (1,2,3) - Ojo con este stack, jugándolo se vé [url]así[/url], por favor arreglalo haciendo un stack manual.
01:30:746 (3,4) - Acá cambia la velocidad, porfavor agrega un new combo.
01:54:019 - Rarísimo el lugar que escojiste para un Break :v
02:00:201 (1,1,1,1) - El spam de New Combos es innesecario, no hay spacing acelerado, cambios en el spacing ni saltos :v
02:17:837 (1) - remueve el new combo
02:25:837 (3) - remueve ambos finish porfavor
02:28:565 (1,1,1) - El spam de new combos es innecesario. Este es el lugar perfecto para un salto, así que si quieres mantenerlo, te recomiendo agregar un salto en estas tres notas.
03:02:746 (1,2) - Borra (2) y extiende el slider hasta la linea roja donde estaba (2)
03:07:474 (1,2,3,4,5) - Por favor no abuses del hitsound de finish, suena muy fuerte, en especial en una sección tán suave como esta en la música.
03:12:928 (4,1) - Cambia el new combo de (1) a (4) porfavor, de esta manera marcas el inicio del patrón de EtnaSliders.
04:23:837 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Que pasó con el spacing en estos patrones?
04:58:383 - El kiai time debiera empezar acá, no en 04:56:928 -
05:04:383 - Blegh un break en medio de un kiai time remuevelo aaaaaaargh (soy alergico a esos :<)

Aún te queda mucho por mejorar en el mapset en general, pero por favor pídele a quien haya hecho el SB que remueva los hitsounds del SB!!!
04:23:837 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) <-fue agregado aproposito de esta manera

resubida la diff

yo ya quite el sonido del SB y lo arregle, ahora solo falta uqe alguien lo saque del osb

yo dejare como :X

antes que nada ay que tener mi diff actualisada ya que si es mi diff que tiene los sonidos cuando la vuelvan a editar los sonidos quedaran pegados a el osb y no a mi diff ._. (problema del demonio -.-)

abrir supercell feat. Nico Nico Chorus - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (FPRC16).osb

en donde dice

//Storyboard Sound Samples
Sample,17694,0,"normal-hitnormal.wav",70 <--contenido

quitar el contenido X:

y tada, asunto arreglado :V

Download: supercell feat. Nico Nico Chorus - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (FPRC16) [Mion Night].osu
:D nice map ;)

PD: cuando tenga tiempito le hago mod besos <3
Topic Starter

vivere wrote:

:D nice map ;)

PD: cuando tenga tiempito le hago mod besos <3
Okeey, Besos para ti tambien <3

00:16:201 - something's wrong with SB lol


Looks okay.
Not too normal for people first hearing this song though lol.

[Mion Night]
Overall: Change combo colors please... It's almost invisible against the background. For example, 02:44:565 (4) and onward.

03:18:746 (1) - start new stack on white ticks if you can

04:00:565 - Speed up should appear earlier. (Though I'd still say such slider speed feels kinda out of place...)

Plenty jumps and anti-jumps, but have some interesting patterns.

Significant improvement!

I wish you good luck on getting this approved.

Here's a star~
Cyril Scarlet
Nice ヾ(*´Q`*)ノ
bg-effect2.png, bg-effect3.png, bg-effect6.png y bg-effect.png deberian ser .jpg y ademas estar en 800x600, pero viendo que el SB casi no se mueve mmmm.... en realidad como que no importa mucho, solo haria que pierdan calidad aunque obviamente reducirian el peso total de la cancion. Supongo que habra que dejarlo a la decision de los MAT o BAT que moderen.

Y eso... quedo bastante bien el sb, algo de codigo extra en el .osb pero mejor no moverlo mucho para que no se dañe nada.
Topic Starter
All Fixed @_@
mod because requested...... and im bored...

00:30:019 (1) - is this note supposed to be normal or soft? if normal, move timing section up. if soft, move timing section back
00:38:746 (1) - make slider more symmetrical
00:46:201 (5,6) - one grid to the left
00:50:383 (1,2,3,4) - make more symmetrical and the same
01:00:201 (5) - ^
02:16:201 (1,1) - did they really allow these sliders?
02:31:474 (5) - make symmetrical

also, add more hitsounds but not too much....

personally, the only problem i see so far is the double speed part with animask........ eh, your call

heh, i dont like this diff at all........ your call again..... i wont mod it though

0:11:474 (3,6,9) suggestion: (3,9) left 2 grids, (6) right 2 grids?
0:17:656 (5,1,1) uneven spacing, no need to use 2 new combo?
0:21:292 (1,2,3,4) uneven spacing
0:30:383 (3,4) (3) down 1 grid, (4) left 2+up 3 grids?
0:32:201 (4,5) down 1 grid
0:47:474 (1,2,3) uneven spacing
-break- SB: A bit strage for that XD either "Beatmap by Kotomi-chan" or "Kotomi-chan's beatmap", anyway it's only the suggestion XDDD
1:14:565 (2) left 1 +up 2 grids?
1:29:292 (10) left 1 grid
1:39:292 (4,5) place them in the reflection of (2,3)
1:42:565 (1,2) up+left 1 grid?
2:24:565 (1,2,1,2,3) strange.
2:38:019 (1) left 1 grid
2:47:656 (3) right 1 grid
3:01:292 (1,2,3) uneven spacing
3:11:110 (3,4,5) ^
3:33:110 (3) delete
5:00:928 (4) up 1 grid

0:45:837 (7) right 1 grid
0:52:565 (4) left 1 grid
1:59:656 (3) left 1 grid
3:30:383 (1,2,3) not so appropiate? white tick beat only lol
3:47:837 (5,6,1) uneven spacing, (1) remove finish

SB add thanks for playing? lol

star for nice song and map
Card N'FoRcE
- General: (Considerations and things you need to check/fix for the whole map)
  • Same Background as this, did you know?
    The BGs you used for the SB are 1024*768 but you shouldn't go over 800*600 ç_ç (also, use jpgs if possible)
    Also, you should edit the scale value manually: 0.625 (for 1024*768 Backgrounds) or 0.8 (for 800*600 backgrounds). Open the .osb file and search for lines like " S,0,35837,,0.6211199" for the BG sprites and fix the last value like i said before.
- Normal:
  • .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    01:47:110 (4,5,6) - really hard to read, because of the approach circles getting crowded.
    02:22:928 (6,7) - move both a bit to the right.
    03:12:383 - add a beat here?
    03:15:110 (1) - move to the centre of the playfield?
- Collab:
  • .Opinions: (Just some thoughts, I'd personally like if you follow them)
    05:28:207 (1) - inb4 someone says to remake the whole timing to inherit this. I'd just use a 0.25 section manually (tuning down the volume a lot because of slideticks), but i dunno how will people react to this:
    instead of
    .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    00:42:746 (2,3) - easily mistaken for a 1/2 spacing.
- Kotomin-sane:
  • .Opinions: (Just some thoughts, I'd personally like if you follow them)
    .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    00:17:655 (5,1,1) - make these 1,2,3 instead; 00:18:383 (2) - new combo.
    01:29:292 (10) - move one square to the left
    04:05:837 (4) - ^

Topic Starter
All Fixed ~(=w=~)
02:43:837 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - are you want to make the volume of these timing section increase gradually? looks like you miss one timing section and make the volume increased better.
04:54:928 (4,5) - hmm...

00:42:565 (1,2) - should it placed horizontally?
00:43:474 (4,5) - Spacing?
00:53:292 (1) - silence the spinner end sounds better.
01:34:565 (1) - add a note?
05:28:207 (1) - I guess APP maps should follow the ranking criteria too.
Topic Starter

abalee wrote:

00:42:565 (1,2) - should it placed horizontally? Fixed
00:43:474 (4,5) - Spacing? Fixed
00:53:292 (1) - silence the spinner end sounds better. Fixed
01:34:565 (1) - add a note? Fixed
05:28:207 (1) - I guess APP maps should follow the ranking criteria too. Fixed @_@
Sorry more.

03:31:110 (4) - (yes it is just me think)decrease the volume or use increasing volume sounds better.

feel free not to give KD to this post BTW.
Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I can't pick up all the problems at one time!!!!

00:45:837 (7,8) - Spacing?
05:28:201 (1) - silence the end?
05:32:660 (1) - isn't snapped.
Topic Starter

abalee wrote:

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I can't pick up all the problems at one time!!!! <--- Sorry D:!

00:45:837 (7,8) - Spacing?
05:28:201 (1) - silence the end?
05:32:660 (1) - isn't snapped.
Fixed (ノ゚ω゚)ノ
Hahaha, I'm back..... With some kudosu stars and a free mod!!

Fun fact: I finished watching the anime just now.....

  1. I was disappointed at the of hitsound action.... Try adding some.
  2. 00:46:201 (You) (8,9) - place the (9) farther away
  3. 03:01:837 (Vicho-kun) (4,5) - father away from the end of the other slider
  4. 04:00:565 (animask)- hahaha, i still hate the double time, just a comment, doesn't matter
  5. 05:11:656 (H-boy) - I don't favor the clutter of notes here
Haha, great job collecting all of the mappers!! Good luck with getting this ranked errr, approved!

Two kd stars!!
Topic Starter

chamelepeace710 wrote:

  1. I was disappointed at the of hitsound action.... Try adding some.
  2. 00:46:201 (You) (8,9) - place the (9) farther away Fixed
  3. 03:01:837 (Vicho-kun) (4,5) - father away from the end of the other slider Eh...The minute 03:01:837 beuchi-chan that this mapping ... But, it is understood
  4. 04:00:565 (animask)- hahaha, i still hate the double time, just a comment, doesn't matter :/
  5. 05:11:656 (H-boy) - I don't favor the clutter of notes here
Thanks (ノ゚ω゚)ノ
Topic Starter
Alguien elimine este post...
Download: supercell ft. NicoNico Chorus - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (Fenya) [KuriWPFAVIEOJGASOF].osu

The taikoh
btw yo te dije al lado de verdi y como que me dijiste que si, lo hice pero me di cuenta que touche esta en ese lugar, no hay problema cierto? :?
Dios, Rankeen esto.
Topic Starter

iMercurial wrote:

Dios, Rankeen esto.
Esto va para Approved, es imposible que lo rankeen.
Aun esta WIP por que el Taiko collab aun no esta terminado.
This is all of my stuff.
Add the timing points and hit objects, blah blah.
I hope I didnt fuck something up.

Download: supercell ft. NicoNico Chorus - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (Fenya) [Taiko Collab].osu
Sorry for double posting. -_-
Here's the .osu or whatever.
Just plug this one in.

Download: supercell ft. NicoNico Chorus - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (Fenya) [Taiko Collab].osu
Aqui ta! :3
Download: supercell ft. NicoNico Chorus - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (Fenya) [Taiko Collab].osu

PD: Creo que tienes 2 .osb.. Em.. No se si es porque el Taiko tendra su SB o algo por el estilo pero de todas formas te aviso xD

Espero que le guste a la señorita Fen :3 Dame pancito por 2 semanas <3 45j432j52
pick up from #modreqs :D


  • So many notes that isn't snap o.o resnap all notes please
    APP rate +1
    00:47:474 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - do something else? I'm so boring :)
    03:08:746 (x) - add note here?
    03:21:474 (1,2,3,4) - 2 grid up & let it symmetric
    03:51:474 (7) - new combo
    03:57:292 (7) - ^
    05:28:201 (5) - ^
hi~ Banana here, from my queue


00:18:383 - try half beat?
00:30:746 (5) - use half beat slider, there are too much small breaks
00:32:746 (1) - emm, confusing spacing
01:10:565 - add note
01:14:565 - add note?
02:00:201 (1) - repeat too much, seems not very good
02:41:110 - add note
02:54:565 - add note?
02:58:201 - add a half beat slider
03:59:292 - i didn't see the "speed up" waring at the frist time, make it just above the notes?
05:28:201 - i just wonder why not use a spin
Fen, cambie la fuente del BG y hice unos detallitos con la posición, espero que este te guste más :3

Topic Starter

0OoMickeyoO0 wrote:

pick up from #modreqs :D


  • So many notes that isn't snap o.o resnap all notes please
    APP rate +1
    00:47:474 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - do something else? I'm so boring :) ~
    03:08:746 (x) - add note here? Nou :T
    03:21:474 (1,2,3,4) - 2 grid up & let it symmetric Nop
    03:51:474 (7) - new combo Fixed
    03:57:292 (7) - ^ Fixed
    05:28:201 (5) - ^ Fixed

Banana wrote:

hi~ Banana here, from my queue


00:18:383 - try half beat?
00:30:746 (5) - use half beat slider, there are too much small breaks Nop
00:32:746 (1) - emm, confusing spacing Fixed
01:10:565 - add note Fixed
01:14:565 - add note? Fixed
02:00:201 (1) - repeat too much, seems not very good T:
02:41:110 - add note
02:54:565 - add note?
02:58:201 - add a half beat slider Nop
03:59:292 - i didn't see the "speed up" waring at the frist time, make it just above the notes? Sorry, but... I see it good. D:
05:28:201 - i just wonder why not use a spin
Fixed, Thanks (ノ゚ω゚)ノ

  1. Tienes 2 BPM's en la diff ''Collab''. 1 en 00:09:636 y otro en 00:09:656. Elimina el Primero. El del 00:09:636 xD
  2. Tienes 4 BPM's en la diff ''Taiko'' LOLWTF Ademas el offset es 9656 no 9636. Elimina 3 y cambia 1
  3. En las 2 Diff tienes ''AudioLeadIn: 1004'' Cambialo a 1000. [En el Notepad de los .osu - Obviously]
Taiko Collab
Hay un Objeto snapped.
Hace falta un SB Para Esta diff. TOUCHE! solo cambia eso de Various Mappers a los Nombres de los Mappers. SOLO ESE ESPACIO. y hazlo SB. Asi te evitaras crear 4 BG's.


00:11:474 (x) - Add a Note.
00:12:201 (x) - ^ Tip
00:29:531 (TP) - No se si sera de tu parte del collab o el De Fenya. Pero 0% Es unRankeable.

00:30:019 (1,2,3,4,5) - Asimetrico. Mueve el (3) un grid hacia la Izquierda. [x:216|y:56 Grid lvl: 3] El (4) un grid hacia la Izquierda. [x:264|y:120 Grid lvl: 3] El (5) un grid hacia la Izquierda. [x:312|y:56 Grid lvl: 3]. O si quieres cambiale la forma.
00:33:656 (5,6) - Muevelos 1 Grid a la Izquierda.
00:34:565 (9,10) - ^
00:43:656 - Mueve el Segundo Slider Point 1 grid hacia abajo.
00:46:928 - Puedes moverlo 1 Grid arriba o Moverlo a [x:376|y:328 Grid lvl: 3] Para que no sea ''Tan recto''
00:49:656 (1,2,3) - Muevelos 1 Grid a La Izquieda.

01:29:292 (7,8) - Muevelos 1 Grid a la Derecha.
01:30:746 - Este slider se veria mejor Aqui.

01:45:474 (1,2,3,4,1) - Ugly. Intenta Esto . Si te afecta el Orden de Tu Distance Snap mueve el Circle del 01:46:928 hacia [x:448|y:288 Grid lvl: 3]

02:08:928 - Ugly Slider. Fix this
02:10:019 - Lo mismo.
02:12:928 - ^ ... Argh Olvidalo. Todos los slider Tienen Sliders points Innecesarios. Unmodeable For me.
Srry About that :/

02:54:746 . Mueve este Slider a [x:128|y:328 Grid lvl: 3]

Beuchi-chan: Yay BAT
03:02:746 (x) - Oh Dear... No se si no esta completado o simplemente quisiste ponerle un Break. De todas formas deberias Mapear esa parte.
03:10:019 - Pon esta nota En el mismo lugar de 03:08:383 (4)
03:10:383 - Puedes hacer este Slider mas Lindo c:
03:11:110 (2,3,4,5) - Para que siga El Pattern Subelo 2 Grids.
03:12:383 (6,7) - Si cambiaste el slider del 03:10:383 Ya sabes que hacer.
03:20:019 (x) Add a Note. En el centro Obviously.

03:49:837 - Mueve el 2do Slider Point a [x:112|y:120 Grid lvl: 3]
03:50:746 - Mueve esta nota a [x:200|y:64 Grid lvl: 3]
03:51:110 - ^ a [x:288|y:72 Grid lvl: 3]
03:51:474 - Mueve este Slider a [x:376|y:80 Grid lvl: 3]

... Solo le pusiste 2,00 De SV Para que tu parte sea la mas Dificil. Unmodeable For me.
TIP: Remap.

Lissette: Yay MAT
04:31:474 - Fix This Slider. TIP = [Slider Points = 1)x:192|y:72 / 2)x:256|y:16 / 3)x:320|y:72 Grid lvl: 3]
04:32:201 - If you Fix the Slider of ''04:31:474'' You know you do.
04:32:928 - ^

05:18:746 / 05:19:474 / 05:20:201 / 05:21:292 / 05:22:383 / 05:23:110 / 05:24:201 - I hate this Type of Sliders.. ._.
05:25:292 - Move this note to [x:160|y:160 Grid lvl: 3]
05:27:292 - Move 1 Grid to the left
05:28:201 - Erase THis Slider and put a Spinner. & Erase the spinner of ''05:32:565''. The spiner has to last until to 05:35:837.

  1. Not a ''Wonderful'' , ''Awesome'' , ''Marvelous'' Collab. Many Different Types of mapping. In the general are Great.
Hi, from my queue

fine in general

~ ☆ Collab ☆ ~

00:34:019 (7) - 1 grid left
00:58:383 (4) - about this
01:25:292 (1) - shouldn't slow...
02:23:292 (1,2,3) - spacing increase?
03:52:746 (5) - remove whistle at the end
03:53:655 (1) - whistle here
03:55:655 (4) - remove whistle at the end
03:56:565 (5) - whistle here
03:58:565 (5) - remove whistle at the end
03:59:474 (1) - whistle here
04:00:565 (1) - =.= you should mention it's 4x (0.5 -> 2) speed, not just a simple "speed up" sign...
04:09:837 (5) - 1 grid right ww
04:10:201 (7) - 1 grid left
04:16:201 (1) - move 4th grid to (200,24)
04:16:746 (2) - move 2nd grid to (216,240)
04:26:201 (4) - move endpoint to (240,280), 2nd point to (512,192)
04:31:474 (1,5) - move middle point 1 grid right
04:33:655 (2) - move endpoint 1 grid up
05:04:019 (7) - remove whistle
05:06:928 (3) - ^
05:09:837 (5) - ^
05:14:928 (4) - 1/2 earlier
05:15:837 (1,1,3) - remove whistle
05:20:019 (4) - 1 grid up

um that's all.

Good luck~
He hecho un SB bastante simple, pero eficaz. Eres libre de modificar las imágenes/scripts a tu gusto. También he hecho un nuevo BG para tu Taiko, ya que al incluir SB, la imagen anterior no se ajustaría bien al gameplay de Taiko:

//Background and Video events
0,0,"BG Taiko.png"
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations

Download: Taiko.rar
Topic Starter

DaxMasterix wrote:


  1. Tienes 2 BPM's en la diff ''Collab''. 1 en 00:09:636 y otro en 00:09:656. Elimina el Primero. El del 00:09:636 xD
  2. Tienes 4 BPM's en la diff ''Taiko'' LOLWTF Ademas el offset es 9656 no 9636. Elimina 3 y cambia 1
  3. En las 2 Diff tienes ''AudioLeadIn: 1004'' Cambialo a 1000. [En el Notepad de los .osu - Obviously]
Taiko Collab
Hay un Objeto snapped.
Hace falta un SB Para Esta diff. TOUCHE! solo cambia eso de Various Mappers a los Nombres de los Mappers. SOLO ESE ESPACIO. y hazlo SB. Asi te evitaras crear 4 BG's.


00:11:474 (x) - Add a Note.
00:12:201 (x) - ^ Tip
00:29:531 (TP) - No se si sera de tu parte del collab o el De Fenya. Pero 0% Es unRankeable.

00:30:019 (1,2,3,4,5) - Asimetrico. Mueve el (3) un grid hacia la Izquierda. [x:216|y:56 Grid lvl: 3] El (4) un grid hacia la Izquierda. [x:264|y:120 Grid lvl: 3] El (5) un grid hacia la Izquierda. [x:312|y:56 Grid lvl: 3]. O si quieres cambiale la forma.
00:33:656 (5,6) - Muevelos 1 Grid a la Izquierda.
00:34:565 (9,10) - ^
00:43:656 - Mueve el Segundo Slider Point 1 grid hacia abajo.
00:46:928 - Puedes moverlo 1 Grid arriba o Moverlo a [x:376|y:328 Grid lvl: 3] Para que no sea ''Tan recto''
00:49:656 (1,2,3) - Muevelos 1 Grid a La Izquieda.

01:29:292 (7,8) - Muevelos 1 Grid a la Derecha.
01:30:746 - Este slider se veria mejor Aqui.

01:45:474 (1,2,3,4,1) - Ugly. Intenta Esto . Si te afecta el Orden de Tu Distance Snap mueve el Circle del 01:46:928 hacia [x:448|y:288 Grid lvl: 3]

02:08:928 - Ugly Slider. Fix this
02:10:019 - Lo mismo.
02:12:928 - ^ ... Argh Olvidalo. Todos los slider Tienen Sliders points Innecesarios. Unmodeable For me.
Srry About that :/

02:54:746 . Mueve este Slider a [x:128|y:328 Grid lvl: 3]

Beuchi-chan: Yay BAT
03:02:746 (x) - Oh Dear... No se si no esta completado o simplemente quisiste ponerle un Break. De todas formas deberias Mapear esa parte.
03:10:019 - Pon esta nota En el mismo lugar de 03:08:383 (4)
03:10:383 - Puedes hacer este Slider mas Lindo c:
03:11:110 (2,3,4,5) - Para que siga El Pattern Subelo 2 Grids.
03:12:383 (6,7) - Si cambiaste el slider del 03:10:383 Ya sabes que hacer.
03:20:019 (x) Add a Note. En el centro Obviously.

03:49:837 - Mueve el 2do Slider Point a [x:112|y:120 Grid lvl: 3]
03:50:746 - Mueve esta nota a [x:200|y:64 Grid lvl: 3]
03:51:110 - ^ a [x:288|y:72 Grid lvl: 3]
03:51:474 - Mueve este Slider a [x:376|y:80 Grid lvl: 3]

... Solo le pusiste 2,00 De SV Para que tu parte sea la mas Dificil. Unmodeable For me.
TIP: Remap.

Lissette: Yay MAT
04:31:474 - Fix This Slider. TIP = [Slider Points = 1)x:192|y:72 / 2)x:256|y:16 / 3)x:320|y:72 Grid lvl: 3]
04:32:201 - If you Fix the Slider of ''04:31:474'' You know you do.
04:32:928 - ^

05:18:746 / 05:19:474 / 05:20:201 / 05:21:292 / 05:22:383 / 05:23:110 / 05:24:201 - I hate this Type of Sliders.. ._.
05:25:292 - Move this note to [x:160|y:160 Grid lvl: 3]
05:27:292 - Move 1 Grid to the left
05:28:201 - Erase THis Slider and put a Spinner. & Erase the spinner of ''05:32:565''. The spiner has to last until to 05:35:837.

  1. Not a ''Wonderful'' , ''Awesome'' , ''Marvelous'' Collab. Many Different Types of mapping. In the general are Great.

DaxMasterix wrote:


  1. Tienes 2 BPM's en la diff ''Collab''. 1 en 00:09:636 y otro en 00:09:656. Elimina el Primero. El del 00:09:636 xD
  2. Tienes 4 BPM's en la diff ''Taiko'' LOLWTF Ademas el offset es 9656 no 9636. Elimina 3 y cambia 1
  3. En las 2 Diff tienes ''AudioLeadIn: 1004'' Cambialo a 1000. [En el Notepad de los .osu - Obviously]
Taiko Collab
Hay un Objeto snapped.
Hace falta un SB Para Esta diff. TOUCHE! solo cambia eso de Various Mappers a los Nombres de los Mappers. SOLO ESE ESPACIO. y hazlo SB. Asi te evitaras crear 4 BG's.


00:11:474 (x) - Add a Note.
00:12:201 (x) - ^ Tip
00:29:531 (TP) - No se si sera de tu parte del collab o el De Fenya. Pero 0% Es unRankeable.

00:30:019 (1,2,3,4,5) - Asimetrico. Mueve el (3) un grid hacia la Izquierda. [x:216|y:56 Grid lvl: 3] El (4) un grid hacia la Izquierda. [x:264|y:120 Grid lvl: 3] El (5) un grid hacia la Izquierda. [x:312|y:56 Grid lvl: 3]. O si quieres cambiale la forma.
00:33:656 (5,6) - Muevelos 1 Grid a la Izquierda.
00:34:565 (9,10) - ^
00:43:656 - Mueve el Segundo Slider Point 1 grid hacia abajo.
00:46:928 - Puedes moverlo 1 Grid arriba o Moverlo a [x:376|y:328 Grid lvl: 3] Para que no sea ''Tan recto''
00:49:656 (1,2,3) - Muevelos 1 Grid a La Izquieda.

01:29:292 (7,8) - Muevelos 1 Grid a la Derecha.
01:30:746 - Este slider se veria mejor Aqui.

01:45:474 (1,2,3,4,1) - Ugly. Intenta Esto . Si te afecta el Orden de Tu Distance Snap mueve el Circle del 01:46:928 hacia [x:448|y:288 Grid lvl: 3]

02:08:928 - Ugly Slider. Fix this
02:10:019 - Lo mismo.
02:12:928 - ^ ... Argh Olvidalo. Todos los slider Tienen Sliders points Innecesarios. Unmodeable For me.
Srry About that :/

02:54:746 . Mueve este Slider a [x:128|y:328 Grid lvl: 3]

Beuchi-chan: Yay BAT
03:02:746 (x) - Oh Dear... No se si no esta completado o simplemente quisiste ponerle un Break. De todas formas deberias Mapear esa parte.
03:10:019 - Pon esta nota En el mismo lugar de 03:08:383 (4)
03:10:383 - Puedes hacer este Slider mas Lindo c:
03:11:110 (2,3,4,5) - Para que siga El Pattern Subelo 2 Grids.
03:12:383 (6,7) - Si cambiaste el slider del 03:10:383 Ya sabes que hacer.
03:20:019 (x) Add a Note. En el centro Obviously.

03:49:837 - Mueve el 2do Slider Point a [x:112|y:120 Grid lvl: 3]
03:50:746 - Mueve esta nota a [x:200|y:64 Grid lvl: 3]
03:51:110 - ^ a [x:288|y:72 Grid lvl: 3]
03:51:474 - Mueve este Slider a [x:376|y:80 Grid lvl: 3]

... Solo le pusiste 2,00 De SV Para que tu parte sea la mas Dificil. Unmodeable For me.
TIP: Remap.

Lissette: Yay MAT
04:31:474 - Fix This Slider. TIP = [Slider Points = 1)x:192|y:72 / 2)x:256|y:16 / 3)x:320|y:72 Grid lvl: 3]
04:32:201 - If you Fix the Slider of ''04:31:474'' You know you do.
04:32:928 - ^

05:18:746 / 05:19:474 / 05:20:201 / 05:21:292 / 05:22:383 / 05:23:110 / 05:24:201 - I hate this Type of Sliders.. ._.
05:25:292 - Move this note to [x:160|y:160 Grid lvl: 3]
05:27:292 - Move 1 Grid to the left
05:28:201 - Erase THis Slider and put a Spinner. & Erase the spinner of ''05:32:565''. The spiner has to last until to 05:35:837.

  1. Not a ''Wonderful'' , ''Awesome'' , ''Marvelous'' Collab. Many Different Types of mapping. In the general are Great.

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

Hi, from my queue

fine in general

~ ☆ Collab ☆ ~

00:34:019 (7) - 1 grid left
00:58:383 (4) - about this
01:25:292 (1) - shouldn't slow...
02:23:292 (1,2,3) - spacing increase?
03:52:746 (5) - remove whistle at the end
03:53:655 (1) - whistle here
03:55:655 (4) - remove whistle at the end
03:56:565 (5) - whistle here
03:58:565 (5) - remove whistle at the end
03:59:474 (1) - whistle here
04:00:565 (1) - =.= you should mention it's 4x (0.5 -> 2) speed, not just a simple "speed up" sign...
04:09:837 (5) - 1 grid right ww
04:10:201 (7) - 1 grid left
04:16:201 (1) - move 4th grid to (200,24)
04:16:746 (2) - move 2nd grid to (216,240)
04:26:201 (4) - move endpoint to (240,280), 2nd point to (512,192)
04:31:474 (1,5) - move middle point 1 grid right
04:33:655 (2) - move endpoint 1 grid up
05:04:019 (7) - remove whistle
05:06:928 (3) - ^
05:09:837 (5) - ^
05:14:928 (4) - 1/2 earlier
05:15:837 (1,1,3) - remove whistle
05:20:019 (4) - 1 grid up

um that's all.

Good luck~
All fixed~ (ノ゚ω゚)ノ
Hi :D


  1. There are many green lines unsnapped on the beginning,it's better to snap them
  2. 00:58:746 (6) - 1 grid down to fix the spacing (actually,it's normal that the distance grid does some errors,so ^^)
  3. 01:29:655 (8) - Flip vertically?
  4. 01:46:383 (1) - Move the New Combo on 01:47:110 (3) - ?
  5. 01:58:383 (1) - Remove New Combo?
  6. 02:03:110 (1) - CTRL+R?
  7. 02:26:383 (7) - Add New Combo
  8. 02:26:565 (1) - Remove New Combo
  9. 03:34:746 (3) - I would allign this to the slider 2
  10. 03:36:565 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Adjust the spacing between these notes,please
  11. 03:52:565 (4) - Spacing
  12. 05:20:201 (5) - Maybe put the central waypoint some grids high?
  13. 05:23:110 (3) - Maybe put the central waypoint some grids down?
  14. 05:25:292 (3) - 1 grid right?
  15. 05:28:201 (1) - I personally feel that this slider begins a bit before where it should begin. I don't know why,but maybe there is a timing point here.

Good work,really. Good luck! :D
Topic Starter

-kevincela- wrote:

Hi :D


  1. There are many green lines unsnapped on the beginning,it's better to snap them
  2. 00:58:746 (6) - 1 grid down to fix the spacing (actually,it's normal that the distance grid does some errors,so ^^) Fixed
  3. 01:29:655 (8) - Flip vertically? Fixed
  4. 01:46:383 (1) - Move the New Combo on 01:47:110 (3) - ? Nop
  5. 01:58:383 (1) - Remove New Combo? Fixed
  6. 02:03:110 (1) - CTRL+R? Nop
  7. 02:26:383 (7) - Add New Combo nop
  8. 02:26:565 (1) - Remove New Combo nop
  9. 03:34:746 (3) - I would allign this to the slider 2 Nop
  10. 03:36:565 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Adjust the spacing between these notes,please Fixed
  11. 03:52:565 (4) - Spacing Fixed
  12. 05:20:201 (5) - Maybe put the central waypoint some grids high? Fixed
  13. 05:23:110 (3) - Maybe put the central waypoint some grids down? Fixed
  14. 05:25:292 (3) - 1 grid right? Fixed
  15. 05:28:201 (1) - I personally feel that this slider begins a bit before where it should begin. I don't know why,but maybe there is a timing point here.I see that's fine. o.o

Good work,really. Good luck! :D

no se si ella pueda hacer los cambios en su parte.
Topic Starter

ikari_kyon wrote:

no se si ella pueda hacer los cambios en su parte.
Es mi mejor amiga en la vida real, aun sigue en osu y si necesito que cambie algo de su parte, la puedo contactar y lo hace.
En eso, no hay problema alguno.
Hola Aca esta Mi M4M >w<


- Los Tags Deben ser igual para todas la dificultades asi que agrega

Kurisuchianu DaxMasterix Backfire A los tags de Taiko Collab

- El Offset en Taiko Collab Es de 9636 y En Collab es de 9656 Uno solo para ambas dificultades

- Arregla los tiempos del collab en el forum puesto que ya no son los mismos


- The SB is unsnapped ?

- Remove "Beatmap.png" from the folder if u aren't gonna use it


Secciones unsnapped y son demasiadas

00:56:928 (2) - Agrega clap al final
00:59:110 (7) - Agrega clap al inicio
01:00:201 (9) - Agrega clap en el reverse arrow
01:09:474 (6) - Agrega Clap al final
01:40:746 (6) - Agrega Nota ?
02:08:928 (2) - Agrega finish al inicio
02:24:928 (4) - Agrega clap al final
03:55:110 (3) - Agrega whistle al inicio
04:00:565 (1) - El final del slider esta unsnapped arreglalo

Eso Es lo que pude encontrar lo importante esta en lo general asi que Espero que haya sido de ayuda

Buena Suerte
y Estrella !
Topic Starter

[Te][Amo] wrote:

Hola Aca esta Mi M4M >w<


- Los Tags Deben ser igual para todas la dificultades asi que agrega

Kurisuchianu DaxMasterix Backfire A los tags de Taiko Collab Fixed~

- El Offset en Taiko Collab Es de 9636 y En Collab es de 9656 Uno solo para ambas dificultades Fixed

- Arregla los tiempos del collab en el forum puesto que ya no son los mismos Fixed


- The SB is unsnapped ?

- Remove "Beatmap.png" from the folder if u aren't gonna use it


Secciones unsnapped y son demasiadas

00:56:928 (2) - Agrega clap al final Por que? Lo siento molesto con el clap
00:59:110 (7) - Agrega clap al inicio Nop
01:00:201 (9) - Agrega clap en el reverse arrow Fixed
01:09:474 (6) - Agrega Clap al final Lol... Ya tiene clap XD
01:40:746 (6) - Agrega Nota ? Nope.avi
02:08:928 (2) - Agrega finish al inicio Fixed
02:24:928 (4) - Agrega clap al final Fixed
03:55:110 (3) - Agrega whistle al inicio Fixed
04:00:565 (1) - El final del slider esta unsnapped arreglalofixed

Eso Es lo que pude encontrar lo importante esta en lo general asi que Espero que haya sido de ayuda

Buena Suerte
y Estrella !
Fen, aca estoy para cumplir con la otra parte del Trato :P


- Mp3: Tu mp3 no es rankeable, ya que el bitrate es de 320 kbps. Para que este sea rankeable debe estar entre 128-192 kbps. Esto lo puedes ver en las propiedades del mp3. Si no sabes cambiarlo, habla en el canal #modhelp, ellos te pueden ayudar con esto, tambien se que Gonzvlo sabe hacer este tipo de cosas
- Tags: --> Asegurate de agregar a TTTTTTTTTTTT en los tags (nombre actual de H-boy), ya que si lo buscas por este nombre, tambien aparece en Ranked Beatmaps
--> Considera agregar Collab y Collaboration a los tags, ya que la mayoria de los mapas (Me guio por los ranked), tiene estos tags cuando se presenta un Collab.
- StoryBoard (Collab): Cuando hay breaks es mejor que no aparezca el nombre de ningun mapper (en este caso veo que aparece el nombre de Beuchi en un caso), por esto sugiero que los nombres aparezcan cuando el mapper empieza a mapear, se ve mucho mejor y se entiende mas cuando jugas el map. Ejemplo:
Lo mismo cuando empieza el siguiente break, el nombre de Beuchi debe desaparecer en 03:22:746, que empieza un Break y fue donde ella termino de mapear
- Taiko Background: Es mejor que lo cambies a un archivo .jpg para ahorrar espacio en la Carpeta,es facil de hacerlo, pero esto lo decides tu (Si lo haces, no te olvides de hacerle Full Submit)
- Audio Lead- In: Ajustalo en 0 para ambas dificultades, ya que no se mapea desde la Intro (y tienes 00:09:656 de Lead-In)
- LetterBox During Breaks: Es innecesario porque tenes un StoryBoard, asi que desactiva esta Opcion


- Settings:
Realmente, para ser un map que va para el Approval, es bastante sencillo, por esto creo que debes aumentarle un poco la dificultad desde este punto de vista, por esto:
--> Deberias agregarle un Tick en el HP Drain Rate, para que baje mas rapidamente la Barra de Vida (HP+1)

00:12:746 (x): No veo que esta zona sea para un Break, tan rapidamente despues de haber comenzado la cancion, por esto es mejor si agregas un Spinner que empiece aqui y que termine en 00:15:474, luego de esto puedes eliminar el Break, ya que va a ser relativamente corto
00:24:201 (Spin): Combo bug, este Spinner no tiene New Combo, debes agregarselo manualmente ya que esto no es rankeable
00:40:019 (Spin): (^)
00:52:996 (Spin): (^)
00:55:383 (T): Este Inherited Point (Linea Verde) tiene 0% en volumen, esto tambien no es rankeable, para que sea rankeable debe tener al menos un 5% en volumen, asi que debes incrementarlo aqui
00:59:110 (7): Aca se siente como que cambia el ritmo, para darle un enfasis te sugiero que agregues un New Combo en esta nota
01:01:656 (1): Y luego podrias Eliminar este New Combo, ya que no se ve muy necesario
01:02:110 (Spin): Otro Combo Bug, agregale el New Combo manualmente
01:25:110 (x): Agrega un Nota, juega bien con la voz
01:36:746 (Spin): Nuevamente Combo Bug.
01:59:292 (1): Este New Combo no va del todo bien ni con la voz, ni con el Instrumental, asi que es mejor si lo eliminas
02:00:201 (1): Agrega un Finish, suena mejor con respecto a este cambio de seccion
02:01:656 (1,1,1): No veo del todo necesario los New Combos en cada Slider, es mejor y juega mejor con esta seccion si a estos 3 Sliders le sacas los New Combo para dejarlo como (1,2,3,4)
02:14:837 (Spin): Combo Bug
02:25:656 (x): Me suena un poco vacio esto, seria mejor si agregas una Nota aqui, realmente suena mejor
02:28:565 (5): Este New Combo no es del todo necesario, a pesar de que aparece la voz, creo que se remarca mas el cambio con el New Combo que tenes en la Nota Siguiente, por esto te sugiero que Elimines este New Combo
02:30:383 (3,4): Fluye mejor, y me gusto mas cuando jugue el map si intercambias las posiciones de estas notas, es decir, pone a (3) en el lugar donde se encuentra (4) y a (4) en donde se encuentra (3). Para hacerlo rapido y facil, lo unico que tenes que hacer es señalar ambas notas y hacerle un Reverse Selection (Ctrl+R)
02:32:201 (8): Que tal cambiar esta nota por un Slider, viendo que en General se sigue mucho la voz?? Lo que te recomiendo es que pongas un Slider que empieza aqui y termine en 02:32:565, justo en el lugar donde la voz termina
02:34:383 (x): Al igual que en 02:25:656, se siente vacia esta parte de aca, por esto te sugiero una Nota
02:49:474 (Spin): Nuevamente, COMBO BUG!! :P
03:01:292 (3): Un Finish al Comienzo del Slider, realmente juega bien con la voz
03:08:746 (x): Siguiendo la voz, es imprescindible una nota aqui
03:20:201 (T): Se escuchan realmente altos los Hitsounds en esta seccion, en esta Inherited Point deberias poner el Volumen al menos en un 70%
04:00:383 (T): WOW!! El cambio de Velocidad es MUY GRANDE (0.5x --> 2.0x), debes considerar disminuir la Velocidad en esta Inherited Point, ademas creo que no esta permitido este cambio brusco de Velocidad
04:08:565 (3): Un Clap en esta nota va bien con el Instrumental
04:13:292 (5): Podrias agregar un New Combo, ya que venias con 4 notas en 1/1, y aca vuelves al 1/2 con respecto en las notas, es mas bien para llamarle la atencion a los jugadores
04:22:019 (3): (Opinion)- Que Slider tan raro xD
04:29:110 (Spin): Combo Bug
05:27:292 (T): Es raro que el Kiai termine en un Tick Rojo y no en un Tick Blanco Grande (Downbeat), supuestamente esta todo hecho para que sea asi :P. Asi que seria mejor que este termine en 05:28:201
05:28:201 (1):Dos Cosas para este Slider:
--> 1º: Es un poco Nazi, pero te recomiendo que hagas este Slider mejor y Simetrico. Te sugiero que lo arregles porque actualmente no se ve del todo bien
--> 2º: Podrias Agregar un Finish al Comienzo de este ya que va bien con el Instrumental
05:28:110 (T): Esta Inherited Point tiene el Volumen en 0% (No rankeable)
05:28:201 (T): (^)
05:32:383 (T): (^)

Vision General: Bueno, el map en si necesita mas trabajo y recibir mas mods, asi que intenta buscar mods por todos lado para que el map se vea mejor.

[Taiko Collab:]

Pequeña Guia para Fen:
Mod Info:
d= don (Normal Hitsound)
k= kat/katsu (Clap/Whistle Hitsound)
D= Big Don (Finish Hitsound)
K= Big Kat/Katsu (Clap/Whistle + Finish Hitsound)

00:11:837 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13): kkddddddk, el katsu al final va bien con la voz
00:28:019 (28,29,30;31): kkd k va mejor en este caso
00:32:746 (45): Quizas esta nota deba ser un katsu
00:35:656 (51): (^)
00:51:656 (73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83): Me suena mas a un ddddkkkdddk
00:52:746 (84,85,86;87): ddk k juega mejor con la musica

01:41:110 (11): Esta Nota deberia ser un Big Don, asi que agregale el Finish xD
01:41:474 (1,2,3): ddk va mejor con el Instrumental
01:48:383 (10,11,12): Se ve feo un 3-plet aqui, seria mejor si eliminas la nota del medio (11)
02:00:201 (11): Suena mejor un Big Don
02:20:545 (T): (Llamado de atencion para Fenya)- El Kiai esta fuera de lugar (Unsnapped), asi que debes resnapearlo
02:37:999 (T): (^)
02:40:746 (x): Seria mejor si agregas un katsu aqui

03:06:746 (18): No me suena para nada ese kat ahi, deberias cambiarlo por un don
03:12:928 (47): Quizas un Big Don aqui
03:26:019 (26,27,28,29,30): Me suena mas a que este pattern debe ser ddkkk.
03:32:746 (75): No me suena a que esta nota deba ser un Big Kat, y mas escuchando la musica no veo un soporte para agregarlo, por esto deberias cambiarlo a un normal kat
03:33:474 (79): (^)
03:48:545 (T): Realmente no me gusto este cambio de Normal Hitsounds a Soft Hitsounds, es mejor si sigues mapeando con Normal Hitsounds
04:03:110 (193): Quizas esta nota deba ser un Big Don
04:05:999 (T): Mismo que en 03:48:545
04:21:110 (71): Esta nota debe ser un katsu sin dudas
04:21:292 (72,73): Cambia este pattern a dk

04:45:292 (x): It's better if you add a kat here
05:16:201 (3,4,5): I don't like how to play this kkd, I think that fit better dkd in this case
05:35:474 (1,2,3,4,5): Plays better kkddd

Vision General: Bueno el Taiko en General se ve bien, igual deberias buscar mas mods para pulirlo mejor. Una cosa a destacar, es que deberias Snapear todos los Inherited Point ya que en general afectan cuando se juega el map, ya que hay bastantes cambios de velocidades y esas cosas.

Bueno, Fen, eso es todo lo que tengo por ahora. Espero que te ayude
Como ya explique, necesita mas trabajo, pero no decaigas, manos a la obra y a trabajar duro en esta map.
Buena Suerte ;)
  • Hi hi~ request from my queue~ ( M4M )
    General :
  1. When I downloaded this , why i need to update ???
  2. Delete .osb file in the folder ( Full Submit )
    Collab :
    ( Nice mapest here ! Keep your map as now )
  3. 00:58:383 (4,5,6) - spacing
  4. 01:28:201 (6) - NC here . This part is too long >_<
  5. 02:28:928 (1) - Why NC here??
  6. 02:49:110 (4) - move to x:272 y:192 make the spacing correct~
  7. 04:01:110 (2) - spacing
  8. 04:23:474 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - spacing~
    You must to read~!
    Red : I think you must to fix. Bule : need to discuss. Black : just suggest.
Taiko looks great~
Nice song~~
Good Luck :3
Topic Starter

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

Fen, aca estoy para cumplir con la otra parte del Trato :P


- Mp3: Tu mp3 no es rankeable, ya que el bitrate es de 320 kbps. Para que este sea rankeable debe estar entre 128-192 kbps. Esto lo puedes ver en las propiedades del mp3. Si no sabes cambiarlo, habla en el canal #modhelp, ellos te pueden ayudar con esto, tambien se que Gonzvlo sabe hacer este tipo de cosas Beuchi me dijo que los maps mas viejos, no era necesario que siguieran esa regla... De todos modos, hablare de nuevo con ella.
- Tags: --> Asegurate de agregar a TTTTTTTTTTTT en los tags (nombre actual de H-boy), ya que si lo buscas por este nombre, tambien aparece en Ranked Beatmaps Fixed
--> Considera agregar Collab y Collaboration a los tags, ya que la mayoria de los mapas (Me guio por los ranked), tiene estos tags cuando se presenta un Collab. Ok
- StoryBoard (Collab): Cuando hay breaks es mejor que no aparezca el nombre de ningun mapper (en este caso veo que aparece el nombre de Beuchi en un caso), por esto sugiero que los nombres aparezcan cuando el mapper empieza a mapear, se ve mucho mejor y se entiende mas cuando jugas el map. Ejemplo:
Lo mismo cuando empieza el siguiente break, el nombre de Beuchi debe desaparecer en 03:22:746, que empieza un Break y fue donde ella termino de mapear. Eso fue elejido por ella, ella decidio hacer un Break... So, esa parte es de ella
- Taiko Background: Es mejor que lo cambies a un archivo .jpg para ahorrar espacio en la Carpeta,es facil de hacerlo, pero esto lo decides tu (Si lo haces, no te olvides de hacerle Full Submit) Nope.avi
- Audio Lead- In: Ajustalo en 0 para ambas dificultades, ya que no se mapea desde la Intro (y tienes 00:09:656 de Lead-In)
- LetterBox During Breaks: Es innecesario porque tenes un StoryBoard, asi que desactiva esta Opcion


- Settings:
Realmente, para ser un map que va para el Approval, es bastante sencillo, por esto creo que debes aumentarle un poco la dificultad desde este punto de vista, por esto:
--> Deberias agregarle un Tick en el HP Drain Rate, para que baje mas rapidamente la Barra de Vida (HP+1) ok

00:12:746 (x): No veo que esta zona sea para un Break, tan rapidamente despues de haber comenzado la cancion, por esto es mejor si agregas un Spinner que empiece aqui y que termine en 00:15:474, luego de esto puedes eliminar el Break, ya que va a ser relativamente corto Nnnop
00:24:201 (Spin): Combo bug, este Spinner no tiene New Combo, debes agregarselo manualmente ya que esto no es rankeable Ok
00:40:019 (Spin): (^) ^
00:52:996 (Spin): (^) ^
00:55:383 (T): Este Inherited Point (Linea Verde) tiene 0% en volumen, esto tambien no es rankeable, para que sea rankeable debe tener al menos un 5% en volumen, asi que debes incrementarlo aqui Fixed
00:59:110 (7): Aca se siente como que cambia el ritmo, para darle un enfasis te sugiero que agregues un New Combo en esta nota Ok
01:01:656 (1): Y luego podrias Eliminar este New Combo, ya que no se ve muy necesario ^
01:02:110 (Spin): Otro Combo Bug, agregale el New Combo manualmente Fixed~
01:25:110 (x): Agrega un Nota, juega bien con la voz ^
01:36:746 (Spin): Nuevamente Combo Bug. ^
01:59:292 (1): Este New Combo no va del todo bien ni con la voz, ni con el Instrumental, asi que es mejor si lo eliminas ^
02:00:201 (1): Agrega un Finish, suena mejor con respecto a este cambio de seccion ^
02:01:656 (1,1,1): No veo del todo necesario los New Combos en cada Slider, es mejor y juega mejor con esta seccion si a estos 3 Sliders le sacas los New Combo para dejarlo como (1,2,3,4) Nope
02:14:837 (Spin): Combo Bug Ok
02:25:656 (x): Me suena un poco vacio esto, seria mejor si agregas una Nota aqui, realmente suena mejor ^
02:28:565 (5): Este New Combo no es del todo necesario, a pesar de que aparece la voz, creo que se remarca mas el cambio con el New Combo que tenes en la Nota Siguiente, por esto te sugiero que Elimines este New Combo Fixed
02:30:383 (3,4): Fluye mejor, y me gusto mas cuando jugue el map si intercambias las posiciones de estas notas, es decir, pone a (3) en el lugar donde se encuentra (4) y a (4) en donde se encuentra (3). Para hacerlo rapido y facil, lo unico que tenes que hacer es señalar ambas notas y hacerle un Reverse Selection (Ctrl+R) Ok
02:32:201 (8): Que tal cambiar esta nota por un Slider, viendo que en General se sigue mucho la voz?? Lo que te recomiendo es que pongas un Slider que empieza aqui y termine en 02:32:565, justo en el lugar donde la voz termina Nope
02:34:383 (x): Al igual que en 02:25:656, se siente vacia esta parte de aca, por esto te sugiero una Nota Fixed
02:49:474 (Spin): Nuevamente, COMBO BUG!! :P ^
03:01:292 (3): Un Finish al Comienzo del Slider, realmente juega bien con la voz Ok
03:08:746 (x): Siguiendo la voz, es imprescindible una nota aqui Nope
03:20:201 (T): Se escuchan realmente altos los Hitsounds en esta seccion, en esta Inherited Point deberias poner el Volumen al menos en un 70% Ok
04:00:383 (T): WOW!! El cambio de Velocidad es MUY GRANDE (0.5x --> 2.0x), debes considerar disminuir la Velocidad en esta Inherited Point, ademas creo que no esta permitido este cambio brusco de Velocidad No esta en mis manos~
04:08:565 (3): Un Clap en esta nota va bien con el Instrumental Tienes corrido/otro offset or what? xD Bueh, Fixed
04:13:292 (5): Podrias agregar un New Combo, ya que venias con 4 notas en 1/1, y aca vuelves al 1/2 con respecto en las notas, es mas bien para llamarle la atencion a los jugadores Ok
04:22:019 (3): (Opinion)- Que Slider tan raro xD :T
04:29:110 (Spin): Combo Bug Fixed
05:27:292 (T): Es raro que el Kiai termine en un Tick Rojo y no en un Tick Blanco Grande (Downbeat), supuestamente esta todo hecho para que sea asi :P. Asi que seria mejor que este termine en 05:28:201 Fixed
05:28:201 (1):Dos Cosas para este Slider:
--> 1º: Es un poco Nazi, pero te recomiendo que hagas este Slider mejor y Simetrico. Te sugiero que lo arregles porque actualmente no se ve del todo bien
--> 2º: Podrias Agregar un Finish al Comienzo de este ya que va bien con el Instrumental MEH Me canse con ese slider, quedo con spin.
05:28:110 (T): Esta Inherited Point tiene el Volumen en 0% (No rankeable) Fixed
05:28:201 (T): (^) Fixed
05:32:383 (T): (^) Fixed

Vision General: Bueno, el map en si necesita mas trabajo y recibir mas mods, asi que intenta buscar mods por todos lado para que el map se vea mejor.

Despues arreglo el Taiko collab~

[Taiko Collab:]

Pequeña Guia para Fen:
Mod Info:
d= don (Normal Hitsound)
k= kat/katsu (Clap/Whistle Hitsound)
D= Big Don (Finish Hitsound)
K= Big Kat/Katsu (Clap/Whistle + Finish Hitsound)

00:11:837 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13): kkddddddk, el katsu al final va bien con la voz
00:28:019 (28,29,30;31): kkd k va mejor en este caso
00:32:746 (45): Quizas esta nota deba ser un katsu
00:35:656 (51): (^)
00:51:656 (73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83): Me suena mas a un ddddkkkdddk
00:52:746 (84,85,86;87): ddk k juega mejor con la musica

01:41:110 (11): Esta Nota deberia ser un Big Don, asi que agregale el Finish xD
01:41:474 (1,2,3): ddk va mejor con el Instrumental
01:48:383 (10,11,12): Se ve feo un 3-plet aqui, seria mejor si eliminas la nota del medio (11)
02:00:201 (11): Suena mejor un Big Don
02:20:545 (T): (Llamado de atencion para Fenya)- El Kiai esta fuera de lugar (Unsnapped), asi que debes resnapearlo
02:37:999 (T): (^)
02:40:746 (x): Seria mejor si agregas un katsu aqui

03:06:746 (18): No me suena para nada ese kat ahi, deberias cambiarlo por un don
03:12:928 (47): Quizas un Big Don aqui
03:26:019 (26,27,28,29,30): Me suena mas a que este pattern debe ser ddkkk.
03:32:746 (75): No me suena a que esta nota deba ser un Big Kat, y mas escuchando la musica no veo un soporte para agregarlo, por esto deberias cambiarlo a un normal kat
03:33:474 (79): (^)
03:48:545 (T): Realmente no me gusto este cambio de Normal Hitsounds a Soft Hitsounds, es mejor si sigues mapeando con Normal Hitsounds
04:03:110 (193): Quizas esta nota deba ser un Big Don
04:05:999 (T): Mismo que en 03:48:545
04:21:110 (71): Esta nota debe ser un katsu sin dudas
04:21:292 (72,73): Cambia este pattern a dk

04:45:292 (x): It's better if you add a kat here
05:16:201 (3,4,5): I don't like how to play this kkd, I think that fit better dkd in this case
05:35:474 (1,2,3,4,5): Plays better kkddd

Vision General: Bueno el Taiko en General se ve bien, igual deberias buscar mas mods para pulirlo mejor. Una cosa a destacar, es que deberias Snapear todos los Inherited Point ya que en general afectan cuando se juega el map, ya que hay bastantes cambios de velocidades y esas cosas.

Bueno, Fen, eso es todo lo que tengo por ahora. Espero que te ayude
Como ya explique, necesita mas trabajo, pero no decaigas, manos a la obra y a trabajar duro en esta map.
Buena Suerte ;)

bossandy wrote:

  • Hi hi~ request from my queue~ ( M4M )
    General :
  1. When I downloaded this , why i need to update ???
  2. Delete .osb file in the folder ( Full Submit )
    Collab :
    ( Nice mapest here ! Keep your map as now )
  3. 00:58:383 (4,5,6) - spacing Fixed
  4. 01:28:201 (6) - NC here . This part is too long >_< Nope~
  5. 02:28:928 (1) - Why NC here?? Oops
  6. 02:49:110 (4) - move to x:272 y:192 make the spacing correct~ Ok
  7. 04:01:110 (2) - spacing Ok
  8. 04:23:474 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - spacing~ Fixed @_@
    You must to read~!
    Red : I think you must to fix. Bule : need to discuss. Black : just suggest.
Taiko looks great~
Nice song~~
Good Luck :3
RANK! <3

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

03:06:746 (18): No me suena para nada ese kat ahi, deberias cambiarlo por un don o.o Ok
03:12:928 (47): Quizas un Big Don aqui kk
03:26:019 (26,27,28,29,30): Me suena mas a que este pattern debe ser ddkkk. Ok
03:32:746 (75): No me suena a que esta nota deba ser un Big Kat, y mas escuchando la musica no veo un soporte para agregarlo, por esto deberias cambiarlo a un normal kat Ok
03:33:474 (79): (^) Ok
03:48:545 (T): Realmente no me gusto este cambio de Normal Hitsounds a Soft Hitsounds, es mejor si sigues mapeando con Normal Hitsounds Ok
04:03:110 (193): Quizas esta nota deba ser un Big Don Ok
04:05:999 (T): Mismo que en 03:48:545 Ok
04:21:110 (71): Esta nota debe ser un katsu sin dudas Ok
04:21:292 (72,73): Cambia este pattern a dk Ok
Download: supercell ft. NicoNico Chorus - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (Fenya) [Dax].osu

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

01:41:110 (11): Esta Nota deberia ser un Big Don, asi que agregale el Finish xD nu
01:41:474 (1,2,3): ddk va mejor con el Instrumental ok
01:48:383 (10,11,12): Se ve feo un 3-plet aqui, seria mejor si eliminas la nota del medio (11) ok (?
02:00:201 (11): Suena mejor un Big Don ok
02:20:545 (T): (Llamado de atencion para Fenya)- El Kiai esta fuera de lugar (Unsnapped), asi que debes resnapearlo Para eso lo hago yo
02:37:999 (T): (^) (^)
02:40:746 (x): Seria mejor si agregas un katsu aqui ok.

Download: supercell ft. NicoNico Chorus - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (Fenya) [KUIASJDMCOEING].osu
Hi.. a few suggestions

03:02:201 - Map this break? I think its a weird part to have break..
03:02:201 - [STORYBOARD] Remove Beuchi's name here and start it here 03:07:474 - ?
04:00:201 (4) - This is bad.. I don't think speed up feels really bad. THis song part is slow, not fast, why would you use speed up? Ruins map...
hello :)
01:52:383 (x) → add circle
01:52:565 (x) → ^
01:52:565 (1) → 01:52:746 ~ 01:54:019
02:25:656 (6) → stack. to (7)
02:34:383 (5) → delete
03:20:019 (x) → add circle (suggestion)
03:48:565 (1) → end the slider till 03:49:292
03:51:474 (1) → ^
Topic Starter

B2IN wrote:

hello :)
01:52:383 (x) → add circle Nope
01:52:565 (x) → ^ ^
01:52:565 (1) → 01:52:746 ~ 01:54:019 ^
02:25:656 (6) → stack. to (7) no
02:34:383 (5) → delete Done
03:20:019 (x) → add circle (suggestion) nope
03:48:565 (1) → end the slider till 03:49:292 Nope
03:51:474 (1) → ^ Nope.avi
Well, your mod is not served me well... But, Thanks for the mod~
02:25:740 (6) - This note seems to be hidding behind the slider (7) maybe move it grid down?
03:02:201 - Remove Beuchi-chan here and start it here 03:07:474 (Where the 1st note after the break starts) - 03:23 (end of (4))
03:22:106 (4) - I don't think this repeat slider fits here
04:56:265 (1) - Remove new combo
05:35:317 - End spinner here and add in stream for the piano ending so it fit song better

End of mod from my modding q
sorry for late mod :(
Topic Starter

Verdisphena wrote:

Topic Starter

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

Hi.. a few suggestions

03:02:201 - Map this break? I think its a weird part to have break.. :T
03:02:201 - [STORYBOARD] Remove Beuchi's name here and start it here 03:07:474 - ? Done
04:00:201 (4) - This is bad.. I don't think speed up feels really bad. THis song part is slow, not fast, why would you use speed up? Ruins map... :T

---Assault[K]--- wrote:

02:25:740 (6) - This note seems to be hidding behind the slider (7) maybe move it grid down? Nope
03:02:201 - Remove Beuchi-chan here and start it here 03:07:474 (Where the 1st note after the break starts) - 03:23 (end of (4)) Kk
03:22:106 (4) - I don't think this repeat slider fits here
04:56:265 (1) - Remove new combo Nope
05:35:317 - End spinner here and add in stream for the piano ending so it fit song better Am... No.

End of mod from my modding q
sorry for late mod :(
Fenya no da kds a los modders. huh
Topic Starter

DaxMasterix wrote:

Fenya no da kds a los modders. huh
Doy kds cuando el mod me ayudo a arreglar algo~
Todavía en WIP?
from my queue

what's the Thumbs.db file in the SB folder?
lead-in=0 plz, I don't know why you set it 1000
offset is a bit off imo, but I don't know which is the best one.. better to find some timing pro to make sure the timing is perfect

01:54:019 - spinner end here, fit the song much better imo
02:25:656 (6,7) - stack better plz..
03:02:746 - I don't know why not fill this break here
03:30:383 (1,2,3) - better to change this to a repeat slider, now the rhyme is really hard to read..
03:58:019 - I think you miss a whistle here

[Taiko Collab]
05:35:474 (1) - need a newcombo here

used too much unreasonable slider speed change in Collab diff imo, doesn't fit the song well, and confusing to play..
that's all
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

from my queue

what's the Thumbs.db file in the SB folder?
lead-in=0 plz, I don't know why you set it 1000 oh sorry, my mistake :c
offset is a bit off imo, but I don't know which is the best one.. better to find some timing pro to make sure the timing is perfect I shall see

01:54:019 - spinner end here, fit the song much better imo ok
02:25:656 (6,7) - stack better plz.. ok
03:02:746 - I don't know why not fill this break here The ideas was of beuchi, two break were part of she, but, she decided to them breaks... I had to forced put the break, as it the break could not have name of "Beuchi-chan"... The idea of ​​putting the break there, was that players could rest for a moment, so I can not do anything~
03:30:383 (1,2,3) - better to change this to a repeat slider, now the rhyme is really hard to read.. ok...
03:58:019 - I think you miss a whistle here ok

[Taiko Collab]
05:35:474 (1) - need a newcombo here ok

used too much unreasonable slider speed change in Collab diff imo, doesn't fit the song well, and confusing to play.. :T
that's all
Thanks /o/
wa nico chorus >_< que dolor de oidos, bueno timing por pm
la primera timeline no la necesitas
el offset de la segunda timeline debe ser 9655

otra cosa el sprite de "thx4playing.png" esta cubierto por el spinner, mejor si su efecto es movido luego de que termina el ultimo spinner en el collab

no kds
Edit: ↑

ya esta arreglado el kds
Hi from my mod Q ^.^ sorry for waiting :roll:


:cry: oh my ears ;w; i think better make volume low bcz hitsounds eclipse all song

00:38:382(4,5) - stack better
01:35:836 - what this ??????? correct this place >.<
01:54:927 - and here
02:32:564 - put slider on white ticks
02:49:291 - i think this sound better
03:31:836 - end slider here and add note on 03:32:200
03:35:109(1, 03:35:836 2) - stack better
04:05:109 - make this slider double and start on white tick
04:12:564 - correct this place

It's all for me ^.^ good luck ~~
Topic Starter

Katty Pie wrote:

Hi from my mod Q ^.^ sorry for waiting :roll:


:cry: oh my ears ;w; i think better make volume low bcz hitsounds eclipse all song

00:38:382(4,5) - stack better I believe this well. D:
01:35:836 - what this ??????? correct this place >.< Oops, I changed the offset, but not fixed the inherited point D:
01:54:927 - and here ^ Oke
02:32:564 - put slider on white ticks Nope
02:49:291 - i think this sound better Nope
03:31:836 - end slider here and add note on 03:32:200 Nope
03:35:109(1, 03:35:836 2) - stack better I believe this well~
04:05:109 - make this slider double and start on white tick
04:12:564 - correct this place Oke~

It's all for me ^.^ good luck ~~
-Maybe change the following things:
1. Use “Nico Nico Douga” as Source
2. Move “Bakemonogatari” to Tags
-Just add “Nico Nico Douga” to Tags (I’m sure this song was mixed by someone in Nico Nico Douga) <- I personally perfer this one

00:29:692 – move this green line to 00:29:655, so it will be snapped properly (since this is for kiai changed, then this must be done)
00:38:745 (5) – stack this perfectly
01:23:473 (5) – move the end waypoint to x:256 y:272, looks better like that

Nothing to really say, this is a good map :3
Good luck
Topic Starter

GiNa wrote:

-Maybe change the following things:
1. Use “Nico Nico Douga” as Source oke
2. Move “Bakemonogatari” to Tags oke
-Just add “Nico Nico Douga” to Tags (I’m sure this song was mixed by someone in Nico Nico Douga) <- I personally perfer this one

00:29:692 – move this green line to 00:29:655, so it will be snapped properly (since this is for kiai changed, then this must be done) Nope
00:38:745 (5) – stack this perfectly o.o
01:23:473 (5) – move the end waypoint to x:256 y:272, looks better like that I did, but in another way.

Nothing to really say, this is a good map :3
Good luck
Thanks n.n
Shohei Ohtani



Claps on 2 and 4 :>
00:34:564 (9) - NC?
02:24:927 (4) - Not symmetrical ;~;. Move the middle sliderpoint up.
03:02:200 - Continue mapping through this break :>
03:15:836 (1) - I LOVE YOU BEUCHI but this isn't moe ;~;
03:17:291 (2) - ^
03:31:109 (1) - Doesn't fit
04:44:927 (1) - Make this look more like this
04:46:018 (2) - ^
05:28:200 (1,1) - Just make this one long spinner

Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:




Claps on 2 and 4 :>
00:34:564 (9) - NC? Oke
02:24:927 (4) - Not symmetrical ;~;. Move the middle sliderpoint up. Oke
03:02:200 - Continue mapping through this break :> I will talk to beu~
03:15:836 (1) - I LOVE YOU BEUCHI but this isn't moe ;~;
03:17:291 (2) - ^
03:31:109 (1) - Doesn't fit
04:44:927 (1) - Make this look more like this Oke
04:46:018 (2) - ^ Oke
05:28:200 (1,1) - Just make this one long spinner Oke

Thanks \o\
Hi~ from my queue~!

00:32:018 (8) - try to use 4 points and make it prettier
01:09:473 (6,7) - I prefer this way
01:25:291 (1) - bend it like (3)
01:45:473 (1,2,3,4,1) - Uh.. (2):x40 y216, (3):x64 y304, (4):x160 y304, purple (1):x192 y216
02:07:291 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - make them prettier like this?
02:22:564 (5) - second point x376 y160
02:25:836 (6) - too close to 5, or you can add a circle on 02:25:655

Nothing more TwT clear map! Sorry for my poor mod...
Topic Starter

eikkaleyd wrote:

Hi~ from my queue~!

00:32:018 (8) - try to use 4 points and make it prettier Oke
01:09:473 (6,7) - I prefer this way Nope
01:25:291 (1) - bend it like (3) Oke
01:45:473 (1,2,3,4,1) - Uh.. (2):x40 y216, (3):x64 y304, (4):x160 y304, purple (1):x192 y216 Nope
02:07:291 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - make them prettier like this? Oke
02:22:564 (5) - second point x376 y160 1 grid up Oke
02:25:836 (6) - too close to 5, or you can add a circle on 02:25:655 Nope

Nothing more TwT clear map! Sorry for my poor mod...
Thanks~ \o\
Random modding.

  1. Seems okay.
  1. Issue/unrankable stuff
    (Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
    1. 02:26:382 (7) - (bad gameplay) The spacing looks wrong here.It may affacts the play flow during gameplay.I highly suggest removing this.
  2. Beatmap design/suggestion
    (These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
    1. 00:22:927 (1) - How about adding a new combo here because this is a symmetry of 00:22:200 (1,2,3) - .So a new combo will make it looks better imo.
    2. 00:38:745 (5) - Please stack it properly.Use x0.0 distance snap can help you to do this.
    3. 00:46:018 (x) - I think you should add a note here. I just think a note here would be nice :/ well it depends on you.
    4. 01:17:291 (5) - (Design) Probably align this with (4)-? It will look much better after fix.Like this:
    5. 01:19:473 (1) - It would be much better if you can make this slider more smooth.Something like this:
    6. 01:21:654 (8) - IMO, this looks ugly because it doesn't blanket the slider (7)-. Would you improve the slider shape?
    7. 01:48:564 (1,2,3) - Probably increase the spacing here? It will looks better imo.
    8. 02:08:564 (1) - I think you need to adjust the spacing between (12)- and (2)- .I think the best way is increase the spacing between (12)- and (1)- for a better flow.
    9. 02:25:836 (6) - I guess you need to add a new combo here because the spacing was reduced suddenly.So a new combo could let the player more easy to identify it.
    10. 02:32:564 (x) - Probably add some notes/sliders here because this place is really 'blank' compare to the whole difficulty.
    11. 03:01:291 - I think the break should start from here.
    12. 03:31:109 (1) - Sorry but I can't understand why you want to put a stream here.It doesn't fit the music and it sounds too noisy for me.
    13. 04:30:745 (1,1) - Remove the new combo here please.It is utterly inappropriate and meaningless.
    14. 05:15:291 (5) - ^Same.
    15. 05:28:200 (1) - Make this slider end at 05:35:655 - ?
  3. Hitsound
    (These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
    1. 01:06:745 (8,9,10) - Would you change these notes to soft hitsound? It sounds too strong here because there are no drum to support such normal hitsounds.
    2. 02:14:836 (1,1) - ^Same.
    3. 02:35:109 (8) - Please remove the finish sound at the beginning of the slider. It doesn't fit the music and doesn't make sense.
    4. 04:05:109 (5) - Remove the clap at the end of the slider?
    5. 04:05:836 (x) - I think change it to soft hitsound here would be nice..
    6. 05:14:382 (x) - ^Same.
I just do a rough check in Taiko.Nothing unrankable though. I just worry about the speed change in Taiko. I will do a full mod for Taiko if I have chance.
Good luck.
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:

Random modding.

  1. Seems okay.
  1. Issue/unrankable stuff
    (Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
    1. 02:26:382 (7) - (bad gameplay) The spacing looks wrong here.It may affacts the play flow during gameplay.I highly suggest removing this.Fixed
  2. Beatmap design/suggestion
    (These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
    1. 00:22:927 (1) - How about adding a new combo here because this is a symmetry of 00:22:200 (1,2,3) - .So a new combo will make it looks better imo. Oke
    2. 00:38:745 (5) - Please stack it properly.Use x0.0 distance snap can help you to do this.Oke
    3. 00:46:018 (x) - I think you should add a note here. I just think a note here would be nice :/ well it depends on you.Nope
    4. 01:17:291 (5) - (Design) Probably align this with (4)-? It will look much better after fix.Like this: Oke
    5. 01:19:473 (1) - It would be much better if you can make this slider more smooth.Something like this: Oke
    6. 01:21:654 (8) - IMO, this looks ugly because it doesn't blanket the slider (7)-. Would you improve the slider shape?
    7. 01:48:564 (1,2,3) - Probably increase the spacing here? It will looks better imo. Oke
    8. 02:08:564 (1) - I think you need to adjust the spacing between (12)- and (2)- .I think the best way is increase the spacing between (12)- and (1)- for a better flow. Oke
    9. 02:25:836 (6) - I guess you need to add a new combo here because the spacing was reduced suddenly.So a new combo could let the player more easy to identify it.Nope
    10. 02:32:564 (x) - Probably add some notes/sliders here because this place is really 'blank' compare to the whole difficulty. Oke
    11. 03:01:291 - I think the break should start from here.
    12. 03:31:109 (1) - Sorry but I can't understand why you want to put a stream here.It doesn't fit the music and it sounds too noisy for me. Fixed
    13. 04:30:745 (1,1) - Remove the new combo here please.It is utterly inappropriate and meaningless. Oke
    14. 05:15:291 (5) - ^Same. Ah?
    15. 05:28:200 (1) - Make this slider end at 05:35:655 - ? Nope
  3. Hitsound
    (These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
    1. 01:06:745 (8,9,10) - Would you change these notes to soft hitsound? It sounds too strong here because there are no drum to support such normal hitsounds. Lower the volume~
    2. 02:14:836 (1,1) - ^Same. Nope
    3. 02:35:109 (8) - Please remove the finish sound at the beginning of the slider. It doesn't fit the music and doesn't make sense. Oke
    4. 04:05:109 (5) - Remove the clap at the end of the slider? Nope
    5. 04:05:836 (x) - I think change it to soft hitsound here would be nice..Oke
    6. 05:14:382 (x) - ^Same.Oke
I just do a rough check in Taiko.Nothing unrankable though. I just worry about the speed change in Taiko. I will do a full mod for Taiko if I have chance.
Good luck.
Thanks \o\
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ Fenya ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 03:02:745 - Move break time to here.
  2. 03:22:382 - Add finish.
  3. 05:28:200 (1) - Maybe add a circle(finish) much better here,like this.

That's all ~ Nice map and song ~

Good luck with app ~
Little Irc modding.

Yeah :3
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hi ~ Fenya ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 03:02:745 - Move break time to here.
  2. 03:22:382 - Add finish. Oke
  3. 05:28:200 (1) - Maybe add a circle(finish) much better here,like this. Oke

That's all ~ Nice map and song ~

Good luck with app ~
Thanks (≧▽≦)/~
MATs que vienen a modear, solo dejan 3 fixeos y no llaman para recheck.

Found no suggestions. Take my star.

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