Sometime in October 2020 - I can't enjoy this game no matter how hard I try I think I quit for now, it's an ideal time for it since I can sync all of my spare time into Genshin Impact. Not sure how long I'll be done for and I'll probably still play the odd 10 minutes here and there but I can't call osu my main game anymore.
03/11/2020 - I've played for the last 3 days and felt better about playing until now and I'm back to wanting to drop dead whenever I miss a note guess more time away is what I need, GENSHINGENSHINGENSHINGENSHINGENSHINGENSHINGENSHIN.
Actually will try and play a few more days and see how it goes.
[b]Some of these players belong in more than one category but to keep this as clean as possible I'll put them in the place I believe they fit the best
Jack of all trades: Bubbleman - Bubbleman is a British player who is such a crazy player especially in terms of his tourney plays a big example of his down right scary tournament play is his carry during the finals of the OWC 2018 where he nearly solo carried the UK team through 2 rounds of the final map pool against the US team. Bubbleman is a player who deserves nothing more than legend status even if he himself doesn't believe it. He is also someone who tries to help newer players as much as he can with his osu!Gameplay series on his Youtube channel osu!Gameplay
Ventus - A man of many names Ventus (Formerly -Roxas) is a British player with a very diverse skill set and it's someone you see a lot if you're a British player who likes to look at the UK leaderboards because he'll usually FC newly ranked maps with high acc.
Mainly HR Players: Rohulk - Rohulk is a Romanian player who is a bit of a sketchy guy in real life but as a player he is probably one of the best HR players to touch the game, along with that his mindset and mentality makes him insanely consistent allowing him to FC maps within a few tries this is even more impressive when you factor in the copious amount of very high acc FC's he has on the countless marathon maps.
Kingling - British Rohulk this guy is a fucking monster his consistency and ability to acc is scary and soon enough he will be one of the best HDHR player around if he's not already
Mainly DT Players: I'm not really a big fan of DT as a mod most of my time using DT is spent score farming hard diffs other than that the mod is pretty boring to me.
Insane Young Players: Since these 2 players inspire me in pretty much the same way I'm just gonna group them into one paragraph.
BeasttrollMC and Connor McDavid - These 2 players while having different skill sets both inspire me in more or less the same reason so instead of writing 2 different paragraphs I'm just gonna group them together. These 2 players recently have done nothing but improve whether it be Ryuk improving his speed allowing him to set insane scores or Beast improving his HR but both players have spent countless hours practicing these things to achieve what they have and that is truly inspiring.
Biggest Inspirations: Spare - My friend initially introduced me to Spare as a player indirectly because he would always comment on how when he saw Spare's scores on the leaderboard he briefly thought it was me because of how similar his ingame name was to my surname, this made me recognize seeing Spare's scores everywhere I looked so I decided to watch his stream and search out some scores on maps I was interested in back at that time. After about a month or so of watching his stream he became one of my favorite players because he was able to set such high acc HDDT scores which may have not been on the hardest of maps especially for high ranking players were still very impressive to me. Spare will always be one of my favorite players and one of my biggest inspirations.
sut_son - sut_son is a lesser-known HR player from the UK, he's got a lot of UK #1's with his HDHR plays. They may mainly be on farm maps but still very impressive imo. Someone who I view as a rival even though he is above my level in a lot of ways he is still someone who I like to try and compete with or try to at least. He is someone who has helped me a lot and probably the reason I even considered becoming a HR player. (Please DM Him Hee Hoo Gummy Bear on osu!)
Galedrifter - Probably my favorite HD player globally he is probably the also the reason that I've stuck with HD only for so long if not for him I'd probably have gone full HDHR and become a shit Kingling
UR Record: 53.65 - Saradisk - 222 - wewewe [Fall's Expert] Tapping Style: Single tap, alt sliders Tapping Fingers: Left ring and index finger Tapping Keys: D and G Skins Best Profile Acc: 99.69 Accuracy > literally everything else Peak Rank: I don't remember
If you have any questions about anything please feel free to DM me on either Twitter, Discord or in-game.
Just things that have been said to me or just generally that I just think of time to time randomly, what I write here is probably not exactly what was said but it's just the way I remember it.
zIxWHITExIz - You seem like you'd be able to get really good acc on streams
Bubbleman - It's not about the result it's more about the journey you take to get there