My favorite difficulties are insane diffs, and I love playing them with HD only. I like alt and weird aim maps. I also play low difficulties. Sometimes I play hard diffs. I want to be somewhat decent within the difficulty range of easy to insane.
I found out that you can use your tablet. I have one lying around since I like to draw, so I tried it. 10 minutes later I got better, so I stuck with it.
Starts to play for low diff leaderboards on November/December 2020.
2021: Wannabe Score Farmer.
Changed nickname from Akooy to yooka on 8th June 2021.
Reached 1000 silver SS on 11th June 2021.
Reached 1000 top 50 leaderboard spots on 22nd June 2021.
Entered top 10000 in total ranked scores! 12th July 2021.
Reached 2000 silver SS on 9th August 2021.
Top 10 country no.1s! 15th September 2021.
1000 replays watched! 27th October 2021.
Got my first fanart feature, placed #19/150 on the Halloween fanart contest! 27th October 2021. the maps linked may not be my first FC. But I played them a lot for the star FCs respectively.
As someone who hated flashlight and can't play it for the longest time without feeling like vomiting. I can help you improve quickly! Keep in mind that this is how I learned FL. It may or may not work for you, everyone learns differently. 1. Find a skin you feel comfortable using. A clear follow point helps a lot. 2. Learn and get used to sightreading the first 200 combo. After 200 combo, the playfield will get darker. Making practice difficulties for the harder parts after 200 combo and memorizing them will help a lot. Sometimes I practice from the ending and work my way to the beginning. If I am confident, then I'll play the full ranked map. Sometimes you get it immediately, sometimes you have to go through hours of torture playing the same song... But hey, at least you memorized the patterns! 3. If you want, you can crank up your gamma to make reading easier. It's legal cheats lol. A lot of players use gamma, but a lot are also against it. (I respect those who does not use gamma a lot) 4. The most important thing is patience. After setting a lot of FL scores, you will also be able to read better, and learn faster. Take your time!
Summer Theme Park 2020 Placed #48/116. 491 votes. I didn't know wtf I was doing. 24+ hours.
Halloween 2020 Placed #78/215.450 votes. I start to get what I'm doing. Not good enough tho. I really tried hard for this one. I spent 28 hours and 24 minutes.
Winter Sports 2020 I ran out of energy for this one. Too much assignments from school. Drawing takes a lot of time and effort, it's tiring sometimes.
Spring Outdoor Park 2021 Placed #92/125 (T⌓T). 145 votes.Took me forever to finish this one. Exactly 40 hours. Composition wise is also pretty bland because I ran out of ideas. I flopped HARD, compared to my previous entries. But, I am quite proud of the rendering and I know what to work on for next time! In addition, special thanks to Ephemeral for helping me update my work on the listing. It was significantly way more desaturated in the listing, and he helped me update it back to the original saturation! ♥
Summer Track and Field 2021 Placed #53/80. 139 votes. I kinda screwed this one tbh. I just kinda try a different style and rushed the artwork. I have accepted that I'm not proficient in drawing anime, but I had fun experimenting. At this point, I also don't have high expectations for myself lol.
Halloween 2021 Placed #19/150. 2460 votes. BLACK AND WHITE FTW!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Winter 2021 Placed #45/118. 726 votes. Not a bad try, I may not win but I'm proud of the colouring on this one.
osu! 15th Anniversary Placed #40/86. 1602 votes. My last entry, as I decided to stop joining anymore contests. Did not win anything, but still got it featured because of Peppy. Glad that a lot of you liked it tho! Thanks for all the support throughout these few years.
Patience cracked ss player; inspired me to improve acc, farm some ss and get good on low AR maps; introduced me to leaderboard farming and country sniping; taught me a lot about osu stuff; super friendly and supportive ♥
Are you on an SS drought? Come pray to the Patience Shrine for some SS luck. Pray, have faith and you shall receive. (Respect Player: Patience) Congrats on 20k SS!