Hi~! My name is Harumi~ :3 I'm 19 years old and I'm from New Brunswick, Canada. I'm a girl, if you're curious. I'm mainly an accuracy player / SS farmer which is why I have a lot of SS on my profile and a lot of high accuracy scores. If you want to mutual, please don't be afraid to DM me.
Maps under 2*: - Must use HDNCHRFL at all costs, exceptions being if another mod combo gives a higher score (I would fix this in lazer) or if OD>=7.
Any other maps: - Must always use HD. - Always try to SS with the highest mod combo possible, i.e if a map is AR6 OD5 I would attempt to HDNCHR SS, while on AR8 OD7 I would be fine with HDNC. I will try my best to HDNC SS every Hard difficulty that I end up playing but for long maps with a lot of triples I tend to have to skip using NC a lot, unfortunately. :c - EZ, HT/DC, RX and AP are NOT allowed. - CL, RD and MR are allowed. - DA is allowed under the circumstance that I don't make the map completely free to SS. I'm allowing myself to reduce CS only by the half of its original setting, and OD only by 1. I'm allowing myself to make the AR whatever I want. I'm also only allowing myself to use DA if the map is under 5* and if I REALLY cannot SS it (so as a last resort). I blame new mappers and their interesting difficulty setting choices. If I do this on a map and it gets buffed to 5*, I'm allowing myself to keep the DA SS. - NC is preferred but there will probably be some DT scores that I can't end up fixing on stable. (but most I can fix on lazer :tf:) - PF/SD is optional, but allowed. (very rarely use them anyways, and in my opinion a score looks cleaner without them :>)
Newly ranked maps: - Usually I play a set from lowest to highest difficulty, and skip ones that are giving me too much of a hard time to SS. If the map is under 5* and under 1:30 in length, then I will try my best to SS it no matter what while still respecting my own rules.
OPEN(To do: 2 - Shunao, Akurii_) Normal > Easy > Insane > Hard > Expert+ Prefer: TV Size (<1:30), Female Vocals, Songs from my Favorite Beatmaps
~ If you are an unranked mapper: I will only accept if I think your map is good or if I like the song. (I rarely reject anyway) ~ If you are a ranked mapper: I will accept pretty much anything, with the only exception being if I really don't like the song.
~ If you get a GD from me, please do not change any of my difficulty settings or modify my map without asking first at least. ~ I only do lower OD settings, so only request if you're fine with this. (Easy: OD1.5/OD1 & Normal: OD3.5/OD3) ~ I will prioritize requests that are under 2 minutes. You can always poke me for progress if needed.
Long-term Goals ~ SS ALL Ranked <1:30 <5* maps using HD(or 99.9% of them) ~ SS the most maps ranked in a specific year ~ Reach #1 Canada in Total SS(unlikely) ~ HDNCHRFL/HDNCFL SS every 1* map
➥ 1 month (Salamat) ➥ 1 month (Lily Hoshikawa) ➥ 5 months (Anonymous) ➥ 1 year ♥ (ShiinaHiyori) ..and thanks to everyone else who gifted and I forgot to include it here~