00:53:700 (3) - change to 1/2 slider ? rreasonably strong sound on 00:53:919 + not sure what purpose the 3/4 serves here
01:24:138 (1,2) - id Personally make this big spacing esp with the higher sv previously, not sure if the tiny spacing is for reverse emphasis or w/e but doesnt work too well imo
00:10:342 (3,1) - strong vocal on 1 = big spacing i think, also consistent with 00:07:715 (4,1)
Another perspective - I think the issue here is less about the map itself and more about the decline of modding/feedback culture. You'll notice nobody worth listening to is saying that the map is inherently unrankable for whatever reason, and there's nothing wrong per se with the concept of a high SR renai circulation jump map. Additive rhythms etc have been a staple of std mapping especially at the high stars for quite a while as has been pointed out. The issue lies in the execution, which is why people have spent so much time arguing back and forth over individual patterns.
This diff had 2 timeline mods prior to the veto. One was for an unrankable (snap issue), the other was for hitsounds. I don't know whether the mapper received any other mods outside of moddingv2. I think that if either BN, or someone else, had offered their opinion on some of the more egregious patterns (thinking abt the back and forths here), and the mapper had acted on this (or even stated their justification), the veto could have been avoided and this could have gone to ranked without argument.
I think the objective/subjective line of argument is extremely unhelpful and I don't know why we still bother to dredge it up. There is no such thing as an objectively good/bad map. Every decision a mapper makes is subjective, and this affects people's perception of the map by their own subjective standards. Some may view it as an infringement to mandate that certain things be changed in order for the map to be ranked. The thing is that the subjective opinion of the community as a whole decides what is rankable. If you can't find 2 BNs, it means the community has judged your map not good enough. The veto system is completely in line with this - if enough important people agree that the veto should be upheld, that too is the will of the community. This is why the ranking system exists in the first place, instead of mappers just being able to tick a box on upload to enable leaderboards and pp.
Modding is by far the best way to gauge the community's opinion. You can seek the opinion of literally anyone who might have a stake in whether your map gets ranked. Letting your map go to ranked with only the most superficial mods means that you either view the map as perfect already (clearly not the community's view) or you're content with mediocrity (at which point you waive the right to be upset if other people decide that they are not in fact content with mediocrity). This issue isn't unique to this map at all; it's just that if you're going to push something that you sense the community might not approve of, the burden is on you to ensure that their voices have been heard. I believe that when the BN system was first implemented this was the norm, that all maps would have received at least cursory feedback prior to nomination so that 2 BNs couldn't effectively override the opinion of the rest of the community; and cases like this are exactly why the veto system still exists, to act as a safeguard.
I'm aware this is a boomer mentality fwiw and I know times have changed, but it's clear that many people still believe there should be more to getting a map ranked than creating something without any strict unrankables and then getting 2 BNs to sign off on it.
edit: after talking with reioli I realise this came off a little harsh and I don't mean to blame anyone in particular on this set, it's just one of the most obvious casualties of modern mapping culture