For Whulf and the people that agree with them: This map being ranked goes against the game's competitive integrity (Both in a sense of pp and medals), since its obscenely easier than any other 8 star in the scene, so both people that work hard to rise to the top and those hard at work for their sweet sweet 8 star pass/fc medal could immediately get it as a "freebie", which as of itself is an issue, but even if they decide not to play it due to realizing its game-breaking status, they would instead get pushed down by those that do play it, meaning in neither scenarios is this healthy for the community both short-term (Because 2 months is more than enough time to get someone to demotivate themselves over the game) and long-term (Greenlighting this map just opens more doors to greenlight just as, if not more broken maps), so waiting until a re-rework is pushed would result in a slightly better situation (Although the map would still be kept somewhat overweight at 7.4* FWIW, but better is better)
As for those that are dismissing the map's SR abuse because it's "creative" or "fun": That isn't addressing the core issues nor is it really aiding the community in any way, and you should probably look into what kind of effect the map has had on the players rather than just glossing over its patterns and/or playing it and being "it's a fine map". Aether Ritual was mapped quite well to the song but even so it was an issue, this map is the same but to a possibly even worse degree due to the past having already proven us having these maps in ranked doesnt result in anything positive.
N a N a is right when they say action has to be taken, or else history will just repeat itself and the community will dwindle into an even smaller number than it is now.
Here to give my thoughts on the matter - First of all, I find the ranking of this map to be unbecoming by part of the Beatmap Nominators as it's directly going against the community's wishes of wanting the Ranked section to be a place of quality and curation, whereas we got a map made exclusively with the intent of breaking the Star Rating system qualified (For the next few lines, please disregard how "fun" you find the map and/or how "well-mapped it might be), it's also worsened by the fact ler is more than capable of mapping YUC'e to a degree that doesn't completely break the system (Evidenced by Future Candy and YUC'e no Kusodeka Sanbai Yakuman), albeit the latter is more of a YUC'e mega-mashup), this in turn also goes against the first and second topic brought in Expectations for Beatmap Nominators, those being "Act with the community's best interests at heart." and "Do not exploit or abuse existing systems.", an argument can be made that the latter only applies to the BNs themselves, and hence if they push a map solely because they took it's technical values into account (ie. whether it's "well-mapped/a good representation of the song or not) regardless of how game-breaking the map's SR might be it's fine, I personally disagree. To add onto this, the oversaturation of "farm" maps in the ranked section oftentimes burns people away out from the game, which is possibly the LAST thing you would like your map to do to the community.
Secondly, the map itself is honestly negligibly "good", it is by no means bad, but its also by no means a masterpiece, I feel like it's game-breaking aspect should have weighed much more heavily when factoring it's qualification but alas it did not, this is something I find quite worrying given that BNs are meant to be the Ranked section's caretakers, but they don't seem to realize that even if a map is "good" sometimes it just has no place in Ranked, at least not yet, as in contrast it is entirely fine for this map to be pushed at a later date once this rework's bikeshedding is in and the map is consequentially nerfed, but ler is seemingly adamant on pushing this as is (Since he even bothered to get BNs), even if in 2 months its Star Rating would have lowered by 1 whole star, and that I find to be an extremely negative quality.
With that, I'll close with this: BNs should have more carefully thought about this map's qualification not in a technical aspect but rather how it would affect the community as a whole, as well as they should be re-evaluated as there is no justifiable place for this map to exist in the current system (Something that most of the community seems to agree with). Expectations for Beatmap Nominators should also be reviewed (And possibly upheld more than it is currently) as a means to fix nomination incosistencies and for this to not repeat.
I have changed the first couple notes to better match the burst (it is now dddkkk), however, as I wanted to make this part as draining as possible (stamina-wise), I kept the same pattern throughout (I also made it kkkddd after the 1/6 burst midway through this section, so as to not be troublesome like the one after the 1/8 burst).