sorry if I bother but I am not sure if OD 8.2 is really suitable for a map like this. I could imagine that it get really easy to note lock when you play 270 with 1/6 in a stream. On the other hand I also think that most plays who are capable of these maps are able to even acc OD 9 maps. My suggestion is to at least buff it up to 8.5 or also 9. I know OD is usually a mappers' preference but come on OD 8.2 on a 10.5 star is just too low man.
I really would like to get some more opinions about this.
9 does sound better imo but you can always argue that at this speed + density, notelock becomes less of a concern as even OD 10 wouldn't suffice, and instead the mapper wants to make things less RNG to hit at all.
from a sheer numbers standpoint it looks pretty underwhelming though
please make the complex
in God complex
capitalized, thank you
looks really weird and I see no reason why it is not capitalized