u could take pishi diff so that actually goes somewhere https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1966591#osu/4077960 would be a shame to see it still in graved
also mapset could probably apply to this if u are interested https://mappersguild.com/missions?id=67c3b7f965c8e39f49e79240
https://x.com/Maplequan1684/status/1896591400180859291 hey guys look at this new teto cursor i ujst downloaded
https://mappersguild.com/missions?id=67c3b7b665c8e39f49e7923c u can put this map under this quest
discussed with another friend, midori_wah:
"i wouldn't call it "beeping" but i definitely can hear the rhythm
like if you listen to the whole phrase from 00:30:146 - to 00:44:729 - for example, it definitely is the outstanding part, that flat tone at the start is what gets shifted starting from 00:41:812 -"
both him and cytusine above phrased it far better than i couldve, agree with them both on this stance
after listening back to it i think its more constant/flat than i initially remembered it being, but the melody there is very slightly deviating at that spot on the beat, and the shift at 00:35:250 (1,1) - , to the melody becoming FAR more distinct in what it is doing at 00:41:812 (1) - and beyond brings more credence to this theory. it's separate from the kicks even though it is tucked away into the background
uh..i think its pretty clear that im following the faint beeping in the background (ESPECIALLY to set up for 00:41:812 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ) and that this shouldnt be a problem? because im not trying to follow the kicks? i might be solely misinterpreting this mod because idk what ur asking here/this is truly a problem, some more elaboration on why i shouldnt use this rhythm would be nice
@fllecc maybe u could provide some input as well, cause i was never really bothered by the kicks here trying to follow this rhythm