04:22:584 (3,1) - I think the spacing is a bit too large, considering that 04:22:100 (1,2,3) - this pattern is pretty unusual compared to the rest of the map. I'd suggest nerfing the spacing.
00:26:654 (2) - drum sampleset on the sliderbody, change to auto if this isn't intentional
01:10:654 (1) - shouldn't this be 75% vol?
03:55:986 (1) - missing hitsounds
04:07:097 (1) - you don't have soft-sliderslide files for samplesets other than custom1, so sliders like these still have audible sliderslides. You should probably add soft-sliderslide for every used sampleset, just to be safe
04:12:875 change sampleset of this greenline to S:C2
04:23:097 (2) - missing drum
there are many active objects, where the current soft-hitnormal doesn't provide enough feedback. Add additions or change hitnormal on these following objects. Some of these are missing drum hitsounds like 01:09:994 (2) - this, and some of these are active objects in calm, but loud sections like 03:24:586 (1) - this. Change hitsounds depending on the situation:
01:09:105 (2) - 01:09:994 (2,2) - 01:12:661 (1,1) - 01:17:994 (1,1) - 01:22:883 (2) - 03:24:586 (1) - 03:25:919 (2) - 03:27:253 (2) - 03:28:586 (2) - 03:29:919 (2) - 03:31:253 (2) - 03:32:586 (2) - 03:33:919 (2) - 03:46:438 (1) - 03:46:882 (2) -
02:57:771 (1) - why is a large part of this slider 5% vol? The reverses and tail have sounds on them and also it sounds awkward to suddenly mute the sliderticks. I'd suggest either keeping the slider same vol or gradually decreasing vol with each reverse.
Also, 03:01:882 (1) - this spinner has 5% vol, which I also find odd, cos you can't hear the spinnerspin at all, which is inconsistent with other spinners such as 00:07:476 (1) -
02:08:661 (2) - 02:08:883 (4) - 02:11:327 (2) - 02:11:772 (2) - 02:12:216 (2) - why no NC? Seems needlessly inconsistent
03:07:993 (7,8) - the rhythm is still 1/6 here, these 1/4 sliders make no sense, especially with unmuted sliderends. Change to 1-reverse 1/6 sliders or something.
03:18:660 (1,2) - same here
I have a few issues with 03:24:438 this section
03:24:882 (1,2,3,1) - why is this rhythm used only once and then you just repeat 03:26:216 (1,2) - 03:27:549 (1,2) - 03:28:882 (1,2) - ... the same thing over and over? Needs more variety.
03:26:216 (1,2) - 03:27:549 (1,2) - these should be mapped more distinctly, since currently they are mapped in the same way, but 03:26:216 (1,2) - these have drums and 03:27:549 (1,2) - these don't. Differentiate them through rhythm/spacing/both.
03:29:623 there's a drum here. It would be best to map it to help with variety and song representation.
04:13:771 (1,2) - this rhythm shows up only once in the 04:07:104 - 05:11:104 whole long section, which ends up making it a bit inconsistent. I'd suggest using this more throughout the section, for example on some of these singular reverse sliders like 04:19:104 (1) - 04:32:438 (1) - this
05:31:104 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - this rhythm and spacing is pretty unexpected, since the pattern and NC'ing don't make it clear that this is 1/3 rhythm, especially since most 1/3 rhythms have been equal spacing patterns with NC spam such as 02:01:327 (1,1,1,1,1,1) -
I'd suggest changing this to be more similar to these other patterns. You'd also probably have to remove NC from 05:32:216 (1) - this
95 bpm would be more accurate considering the drumbeat. You can change this in the diffs easily using Property Transformer in Mapping Tools with half bpm and double slider velocity.
also 00:02:551 add a redline here for NC cymbal reset
00:00:025 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't think this rhythm works that well. In the song, it's the same thing 5 times, but you map it as 00:00:025 (1) - circle and then 00:00:498 (2,3,4,5) - sliders. Also, the sounds on the white ticks are much more important than the sounds on the red ticks, so the sliders end up being a bit awkward.
I'd suggest focusing on the more important sounds by either changing 00:00:498 (2,3,4,5) - these to just circles on the white ticks (better option imo) or using the same rhythm as is used in the Hard diff.
00:03:814 (3) - this vocal is long + the current rhythm ignores 00:04:288 this drum+vocal. I think extending the slider so that it ends 00:04:288 here would be better.
Same goes for 00:08:867 (1) - 00:13:919 (4) - 00:18:972 (1) - 01:14:551 (3) - 01:19:603 (1) - 01:24:656 (1) - 01:29:709 (1) -
also, there's no vocal 01:25:288 (2,3) - on [3] here, so I'd suggest changing this into a 1/1 slider.
00:29:077 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - I think it would be better to just focus on the vocals here instead of switching to the guitar 00:30:972 (1,2,3) - here. By focusing on just 1 thing, the calmness of the section would be represented better imo.
00:40:130 (3) - I'd also suggest changing this into a 3/2 slider to represent the held vocal
01:51:182 (1,2,3) - the vocals calm down here, so I think the mapping should too. I'd suggest changing this into a 3/2 1-reverse slider to better contrast it with the surrounding patterns.
I think some calmer parts of the map have too many 1/2 sliders and some more intense parts have too little 1/2 sliders. Changing this would result in a better correlation between song intensity and map intensity.
I'd suggest changing sliders in calm sections, where there's only 1 vocal into 1 circle: 00:09:814 (3) - 00:18:656 (3) - 00:19:919 (3) - 01:09:182 (1) - 01:20:551 (3) -
In more intense sections, I'd suggest changing these circles into a 1/2 slider, where there are melody notes on red ticks: 00:47:709 (3) - 00:52:761 (3) - 00:57:814 (3) - 02:18:656 (3) - 02:28:761 (3) -
02:03:814 (1,2) - this gap is pretty empty for this reasonably intense section. I'd suggest filling it by changing 02:03:814 (1) - this into a 1/1 slider, for example.
00:02:551 (5,1,2,3) - you should maintain time-distance equality on a Hard diff, 00:02:551 (5,1) - buff this spacing
Similar issue 00:32:867 (1,2,3) -
00:40:840 (1,1) - the movement needed to catch the slider is too large considering the short 1-beat gap after the spinner. I'd suggest putting the sliderhead closer to the center of the playfield.
01:52:525 (1,1) - same here
01:09:498 (5,1) - this spacing is way too large and looks like a 3/2 gap imo, I'd suggest nerfing to regular ds of this section - 1.2 or so.
01:39:498 (8,1) - same here
I think some patterns in the diff are too confusing when trying to sightread and not stare at approach circles. I think such reading elements are a bit too much for this diff.
I'd suggest changing spacings in some patterns, so that the rhythm gaps are more obvious:
buff these 00:13:288 (3,1) - 00:14:393 (4,1) - 00:23:235 (2,3) - 00:34:288 (6,7) - 00:35:393 (1,2) - 00:46:130 (3,4) - 01:26:393 (2,3) - 01:36:025 (1,2) - 02:05:709 (8,1) - 02:31:603 (9,1) -
00:41:867 (1,1) - I think the short 1/4 gap combined with the slider being very far from the center of the playfield makes this a bit too difficult. I'd suggest either placing the sliderhead closer to the center or changing the spinner so that it ends on the red tick.
00:51:182 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - I think just spamming 1/2 sliders is a bit boring here. This is an important moment in the song, cos it's an end (or middle) of a section + there are loud piano notes present 00:52:446 (3,4) - here and a tom 00:52:762 (4) - here.
I'd suggest representing these elements somehow. You could do [2 circles + 3/4 slider] for example, which would emphasize this part a lot, cos you don't really use 3/4 sliders.
Also applies to 01:02:552 (3,4) - 02:23:393 (3,4) - 02:33:814 (4) -
If you end up using the 3/4 slider, you may wanna change these to 3/4 as well 02:03:498 (5) - 02:13:603 (5) -
There are some 3/4 gaps that I think are too large and could confuse the player. I'd suggest nerfing the spacing by a lot: 01:44:077 (2,3) - 00:48:656 (1,2) - 01:59:393 (1,2) -
01:52:130 (3,4) - the song is pretty chill here still, I'd suggest having small spacing here, so that 01:52:288 (4,1) - this jump is more emphasized.
00:00:025 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't think this rhythm works that well. In the song, it's the same thing 5 times, but you map it as 00:00:025 (1) - circle and then 00:00:498 (2,3,4,5) - sliders. Also, the sounds on the white ticks are much more important than the sounds on the red ticks, so the sliders end up being a bit awkward.
I'd suggest focusing on the more important sounds by either changing 00:00:498 (2,3,4,5) - these to just circles on the white ticks (better option imo) or using the same rhythm as is used in the Hard diff.
00:03:814 (3) - this vocal is long + the current rhythm ignores 00:04:288 this drum+vocal. I think extending the slider so that it ends 00:04:288 here would be better.
Same goes for 00:08:867 (1) - 00:13:919 (4) - 00:18:972 (1) - 01:14:551 (3) - 01:19:603 (1) - 01:24:656 (1) - 01:29:709 (1) -
also, there's no vocal 01:25:288 (2,3) - on [3] here, so I'd suggest changing this into a 1/1 slider.
00:29:077 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - I think it would be better to just focus on the vocals here instead of switching to the guitar 00:30:972 (1,2,3) - here. By focusing on just 1 thing, the calmness of the section would be represented better imo.
00:40:130 (3) - I'd also suggest changing this into a 3/2 slider to represent the held vocal
01:51:182 (1,2,3) - the vocals calm down here, so I think the mapping should too. I'd suggest changing this into a 3/2 1-reverse slider to better contrast it with the surrounding patterns.
I think some calmer parts of the map have too many 1/2 sliders and some more intense parts have too little 1/2 sliders. Changing this would result in a better correlation between song intensity and map intensity.
I'd suggest changing sliders in calm sections, where there's only 1 vocal into 1 circle: 00:09:814 (3) - 00:18:656 (3) - 00:19:919 (3) - 01:09:182 (1) - 01:20:551 (3) -
In more intense sections, I'd suggest changing these circles into a 1/2 slider, where there are melody notes on red ticks: 00:47:709 (3) - 00:52:761 (3) - 00:57:814 (3) - 02:18:656 (3) - 02:28:761 (3) -
02:03:814 (1,2) - this gap is pretty empty for this reasonably intense section. I'd suggest filling it by changing 02:03:814 (1) - this into a 1/1 slider, for example.
00:02:551 (5,1,2,3) - you should maintain time-distance equality on a Hard diff, 00:02:551 (5,1) - buff this spacing
Similar issue 00:32:867 (1,2,3) -
00:40:840 (1,1) - the movement needed to catch the slider is too large considering the short 1-beat gap after the spinner. I'd suggest putting the sliderhead closer to the center of the playfield.
01:52:525 (1,1) - same here
01:09:498 (5,1) - this spacing is way too large and looks like a 3/2 gap imo, I'd suggest nerfing to regular ds of this section - 1.2 or so.
01:39:498 (8,1) - same here
I think some patterns in the diff are too confusing when trying to sightread and not stare at approach circles. I think such reading elements are a bit too much for this diff.
I'd suggest changing spacings in some patterns, so that the rhythm gaps are more obvious:
buff these 00:13:288 (3,1) - 00:14:393 (4,1) - 00:23:235 (2,3) - 00:34:288 (6,7) - 00:35:393 (1,2) - 00:46:130 (3,4) - 01:26:393 (2,3) - 01:36:025 (1,2) - 02:05:709 (8,1) - 02:31:603 (9,1) -
00:41:867 (1,1) - I think the short 1/4 gap combined with the slider being very far from the center of the playfield makes this a bit too difficult. I'd suggest either placing the sliderhead closer to the center or changing the spinner so that it ends on the red tick.
00:51:182 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - I think just spamming 1/2 sliders is a bit boring here. This is an important moment in the song, cos it's an end (or middle) of a section + there are loud piano notes present 00:52:446 (3,4) - here and a tom 00:52:762 (4) - here.
I'd suggest representing these elements somehow. You could do [2 circles + 3/4 slider] for example, which would emphasize this part a lot, cos you don't really use 3/4 sliders.
Also applies to 01:02:552 (3,4) - 02:23:393 (3,4) - 02:33:814 (4) -
If you end up using the 3/4 slider, you may wanna change these to 3/4 as well 02:03:498 (5) - 02:13:603 (5) -
There are some 3/4 gaps that I think are too large and could confuse the player. I'd suggest nerfing the spacing by a lot: 01:44:077 (2,3) - 00:48:656 (1,2) - 01:59:393 (1,2) -
01:52:130 (3,4) - the song is pretty chill here still, I'd suggest having small spacing here, so that 01:52:288 (4,1) - this jump is more emphasized.
there are many active objects, where the current soft-hitnormal doesn't provide enough feedback. Add additions or change hitnormal on these following objects. Some of these are missing drum hitsounds like 01:09:994 (2) - this, and some of these are active objects in calm, but loud sections like 03:24:586 (1) - this. Change hitsounds depending on the situation:
01:09:105 (2) - 01:09:994 (2,2) - 01:12:661 (1,1) - 01:17:994 (1,1) - 01:22:883 (2) - 03:24:586 (1) - 03:25:919 (2) - 03:27:253 (2) - 03:28:586 (2) - 03:29:919 (2) - 03:31:253 (2) - 03:32:586 (2) - 03:33:919 (2) - 03:46:438 (1) - 03:46:882 (2) -
02:57:771 (1) - why is a large part of this slider 5% vol? The reverses and tail have sounds on them and also it sounds awkward to suddenly mute the sliderticks. I'd suggest either keeping the slider same vol or gradually decreasing vol with each reverse.
Also, 03:01:882 (1) - this spinner has 5% vol, which I also find odd, cos you can't hear the spinnerspin at all, which is inconsistent with other spinners such as 00:07:476 (1) -
02:08:661 (2) - 02:08:883 (4) - 02:11:327 (2) - 02:11:772 (2) - 02:12:216 (2) - why no NC? Seems needlessly inconsistent
03:07:993 (7,8) - the rhythm is still 1/6 here, these 1/4 sliders make no sense, especially with unmuted sliderends. Change to 1-reverse 1/6 sliders or something.
03:18:660 (1,2) - same here
I have a few issues with 03:24:438 this section
03:24:882 (1,2,3,1) - why is this rhythm used only once and then you just repeat 03:26:216 (1,2) - 03:27:549 (1,2) - 03:28:882 (1,2) - ... the same thing over and over? Needs more variety.
03:26:216 (1,2) - 03:27:549 (1,2) - these should be mapped more distinctly, since currently they are mapped in the same way, but 03:26:216 (1,2) - these have drums and 03:27:549 (1,2) - these don't. Differentiate them through rhythm/spacing/both.
03:29:623 there's a drum here. It would be best to map it to help with variety and song representation.
04:13:771 (1,2) - this rhythm shows up only once in the 04:07:104 - 05:11:104 whole long section, which ends up making it a bit inconsistent. I'd suggest using this more throughout the section, for example on some of these singular reverse sliders like 04:19:104 (1) - 04:32:438 (1) - this
05:31:104 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - this rhythm and spacing is pretty unexpected, since the pattern and NC'ing don't make it clear that this is 1/3 rhythm, especially since most 1/3 rhythms have been equal spacing patterns with NC spam such as 02:01:327 (1,1,1,1,1,1) -
I'd suggest changing this to be more similar to these other patterns. You'd also probably have to remove NC from 05:32:216 (1) - this
05:53:764 (1) - sliderticks are still muted here. You could instead start the slider at 75% and gradually lower the volume until it's 5% at the end for a better effect.
03:08:209 (8,1) - 03:18:875 (2,1) - now these jumps are needlessly large, cos of the change to 1/6 snapping. Either change the sliders to 1/3 1-reverse sliders or change the placements, so that the sliderend and circle are way closer together.
I don't agree with sliderticks being unfitting, but if your objective was to silence the ticks, then you've failed. Many sliders still have audible ticks, such as sliders in 04:07:097 (1) - 04:12:431 (1) - this section or 00:47:987 (1,2) - 00:50:654 (1) - this or 02:57:764 (1) - this
Personally I think the ticks are good and would suggest you unmute all of them, but if you wanna mute everything, just add empty slidertick files instead of wasting time trying to mute everything manually and missing half of them.
05:31:542 (1,1,1) - this isn't a perfect triangle, so it looks a bit wonky, I'd suggest fixing that.
05:31:986 (1,2) - also this spacing seems pretty underwhelming considering the rhythm changes here to 1/2. I'd suggest putting 05:32:209 (2) - this lower or maybe in the upper right corner, so that it and 05:32:431 (1) - this are more emphasized.