00:53:805 (2) - 01:01:805 (2) - 01:05:441 (2) - reconsider the rhythm here to be more like 00:49:623 (1,1,1) - , the song doesn't have the type of rhythm that you'd usually use this 2x 1/4 slider thing for
01:03:441 (1,2) - try a more 3/4-y rhythm here instead. this one involves clicking on basically nothing for 2, and hs feedback is super weird
00:04:216 (3) - 00:06:105 (1) - should either both have nc or neither. 04:44:557 (1) - 04:46:450 (1) - makes me think it should have the nc
00:15:672 (2) - i'd cut this off at 00:15:849 - and add a 1/4 slider. there's a pretty distinct note on the white tick and having it be the same as 00:15:199 (7) - implies that they're the same rhythm
02:05:615 (4) - 1/4 slider feels more appropriate here, it's a pretty immediately-cut-off note so it shouldnt feel like the previous 1/2 sliders
00:02:917 - Uninherited line changes nothing that can't be changed with an inherited line, other than nightcore mod cymbals, ensure this makes sense.
04:24:368 - Uninherited line changes nothing, other than nightcore mod cymbals, ensure this makes sense.
netiher seems necessary tbh. i wouldnt worry about nightcore on this map, and there's too many timing changes for it to ever make sense lol
use this for your silent hs files https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bfrrfw9ms7ddsxra4v1sg/soft-sliderslide.wav?rlkey=cia815ne6tlkhpxi0tsbrv0o5&dl=0
00:44:065 - missing a note? pretty clear you're following the same instrument with 00:42:012 (1,1,1) - 00:43:591 (1,2,3) - so skipping this spot is confusing
01:07:117 (2) - 01:17:223 (2) - consider consistent nc like 01:02:065 (1) - 01:09:644 (1) - 01:12:170 (1) - etc
could use some consistency for 01:06:802 (1) - 01:11:854 (1) - 01:16:907 (1) - vs 01:09:328 (7) - 01:01:749 (5) - 01:21:960 (9) - too
00:30:106 (2,3,4,5) - kinda lame to use the same rhythm as the stuff prior when the song changes so much. maybe make these reverse sliders and axe the circles?
00:44:065 - missing a note? pretty clear you're following the same instrument with 00:42:012 (1,1,1) - 00:43:591 (1,2,3) - so skipping this spot is confusing
01:07:117 (2) - 01:17:223 (2) - consider consistent nc like 01:02:065 (1) - 01:09:644 (1) - 01:12:170 (1) - etc
could use some consistency for 01:06:802 (1) - 01:11:854 (1) - 01:16:907 (1) - vs 01:09:328 (7) - 01:01:749 (5) - 01:21:960 (9) - too
00:04:216 (3) - 00:06:105 (1) - should either both have nc or neither. 04:44:557 (1) - 04:46:450 (1) - makes me think it should have the nc
00:15:672 (2) - i'd cut this off at 00:15:849 - and add a 1/4 slider. there's a pretty distinct note on the white tick and having it be the same as 00:15:199 (7) - implies that they're the same rhythm
02:05:615 (4) - 1/4 slider feels more appropriate here, it's a pretty immediately-cut-off note so it shouldnt feel like the previous 1/2 sliders
00:02:917 - Uninherited line changes nothing that can't be changed with an inherited line, other than nightcore mod cymbals, ensure this makes sense.
04:24:368 - Uninherited line changes nothing, other than nightcore mod cymbals, ensure this makes sense.
netiher seems necessary tbh. i wouldnt worry about nightcore on this map, and there's too many timing changes for it to ever make sense lol
use this for your silent hs files https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bfrrfw9ms7ddsxra4v1sg/soft-sliderslide.wav?rlkey=cia815ne6tlkhpxi0tsbrv0o5&dl=0
00:53:805 (2) - 01:01:805 (2) - 01:05:441 (2) - reconsider the rhythm here to be more like 00:49:623 (1,1,1) - , the song doesn't have the type of rhythm that you'd usually use this 2x 1/4 slider thing for
01:03:441 (1,2) - try a more 3/4-y rhythm here instead. this one involves clicking on basically nothing for 2, and hs feedback is super weird
01:31:487 (2,3,4,5) - 01:32:491 (2,3,4,5) - 01:34:750 (5) - 01:36:508 (2,3,4,5) - 02:10:524 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - 02:23:704 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - 02:25:587 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 02:27:721 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - 02:29:604 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 02:31:612 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - 02:33:620 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - same sorta, anything to make the clicking feel justified is good