mapped by TamamoLover
last updated
Note: This beatmap is marked as a work-in-progress by the creator.
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00:13:164 - Missing note consider adding one for consistencies with 00:10:250 (4,2) - etc


00:44:677 - to be consistent with 00:46:134 - 00:43:220 - etc


00:21:726 (3,4) - would consider CTRL+G on these for Flow it will make like an N shape


same for 00:27:555 (5,6) - but i think here its more for readability


01:02:711 (3,4) - for flow


00:41:763 (3) - Consider deleting this for consistency with 00:38:848 - or add a note on that spot to make it consistent through out


00:50:506 - wouldnt mind if u dont do this but id personally add a circle on this exact timestamp, you can rlly hear a strong beat on this part


i think it's fine since it follows the vocals imo + it's done all across the map, not just in that place. but i'm also not kurboh and i wouldn't know

Marked as resolved by TamamoLover

yep, follows vocals, keeping it that way


01:06:172 (3,1) - would be nice if u would space this out equally like the rest its weird to have this not spaced out as much as the others when this beat is super clear


01:15:098 (1,2,3,4,5) - consider nerfing this this is little bit too active compared to the rest of the map + its on a slower part of the song so it doesnt really fit here well u could consider 01:15:279 - turning this into a reverse slider ( 2 reverses )


01:17:830 (3) - would put some more spacing into this aswell as its kinda missleading right now


00:15:897 (4,5,1) - for this here i can understand it but would consider giving it some space aswell cause 00:14:440 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - this grouping is a bit compact


if u apply #4878727/12917379 consider spacing it out for 01:45:518 (6,7,8,1) - aswell


01:41:510 (1,2,3,4) - this could be a little difficult for newer players to read


i'd keep the first one the same, but the second one i moved 02:01:001 (2) - on top of 02:01:729 (6) - so the movement feels a little more familiar (back and forward movement)

Marked as resolved by Kurboh

01:41:874 (3) - i feel like its better to not stack this since its the first time u have stacked a note in a map unless u wanna consider stacking more notes, as for now its a bit unusual and plays awkward and for that i will reopen this cause its difficult to read

Reopened by [Kagamine Rin]

01:53:533 (4,1) - here kinda same reason its a bit weird having this stacked again would just give them a clearer path


02:00:819 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this is super awkward aswell


02:15:391 (2) - can't see why you would add this note here since song didn't change at all from 02:13:933 and 02:14:662 i can maybe see that this is just for a little build up, but its unnecessary cause the song itself does not build up there


this was part of a different set before which had the note, so yeee, removed it

Marked as resolved by Kurboh

02:45:932 - missing finisher refer to top diff
