Since the timing has been confirmed, I just want to get the wrongfully snapped objects out of the way.
00:24:307 (2) - This slider is wrongfully snapped. Should start at 00:24:359 on the 1/3 tick.
00:26:807 (2) - Same issue as above, but its snapped at 1/12 tick at 00:26:911. You could probably keep this one as is if you want to simplify.
02:14:355 (4) - Wrongfully snapped reverse slider. Should be a 3/8 beat reverse slider to match the guitar riffs.
02:14:991 (1) - Same issue as above (should be a 3/8 beat slider). For this one though, start at 02:14:969 and end it at 02:15:173 (2). Same deal at 02:16:946 (6) as well.
Hope this helps!
Marking this as a problem due to timing issue, but feel free to resolve this once you are done (=w=)
02:41:764 (3,5) - Flow/Structure wise, I would straighten both of these sliders. If you decided to fix these, then I would also sugguest making 02:41:355 (2) the same shape as 02:40:946 (1) for a smoother flow. Here's an example:
76,47,160946,6,0,P|117:86|112:155,1,125.999996154785,6|2,2:0|2:0,2:0:0:0: 72,222,161355,2,0,P|41:275|62:332,1,125.999996154785,0|0,2:0|2:0,2:0:0:0: 144,331,161764,2,0,L|208:324,1,62.9999980773926,10|0,2:0|2:0,2:0:0:0: 270,378,162037,1,2,2:0:0:0:
In addition, I would change the curve at 02:42:582 (7) for better flow.
02:09:151 (5,6,7,8,9) - The pattern and flow could be better here. May I suggest a better pattern?
259,379,118369,2,0,P|241:318|199:288,1,116.999994644165,2|0,2:0|2:0,2:0:0:0: 87,289,118838,2,0,P|130:242|135:191,1,116.999994644165,0|2,2:0|2:0,2:0:0:0: 73,126,119307,1,2,2:0:0:0: 153,115,119463,2,0,L|227:105,1,58.4999973220826,2|0,2:0|2:0,2:0:0:0: 280,158,119776,2,0,L|354:168,1,58.4999973220826,10|0,2:0|2:0,2:0:0:0: 424,90,120088,2,0,L|350:80,1,58.4999973220826,2|0,2:0|2:0,2:0:0:0:
01:45:401 (1,2,3,4) - I'll keep the spacing consistent here since the vocal intensity are the same.
01:32:901 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - These objects seems randomly placed. My suggestion is to restructure these objects. Same as in 01:35:401 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7).
Ironically, you have done a better job in terms of flow and structure on the 1st verse at 00:35:401 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7), so maybe go with something similar.
01:09:463 (5) - Similar to above suggestion. For this one though, angle this slider more towards the right for better flow.
Spacing should be fine on its own. No need for change the patterns (plus it following the guitar riffs). In addition, you already separated the combos at 02:14:355 (1,2,3,4) and 02:15:173 (1,2,3) which works as well.
Quick Timing Check. I'll use the top difficulty as an example.
Adding extra timing sections such as in 02:14:355 and 02:20:219 isn't necessary unless there are actually BPM/Time Signature changes or resets in the music (plus it off-syncs the metronome). I would just delete those timing sections and just add the objects to the right note snap.
02:14:355 (1,2,3,1,2) - Objects are 3/8 beats apart.
02:15:173 (2,3,4) - Objects are 1/3 beats apart.
02:15:536 (4) - Confirming that the guitar riffs are following in 2/3 beats. That's correct.
02:16:718 (1) - This snap is correct.
02:16:945 (2) - The closet and the most accurate snap for this reverse slider would be in 3/16 beats.
Hope this helps. I'll mod the rest of this mapset later (=w=).