Even though 01:05:075 (65075|1,65500|2,65924|0) - is technically within RC guidelines I do think this would be too much for an easy diff, given the bpm is 212 this seems a bit fast for a player who would be playing easy difficulty charts so I suggest removing the rice notes and keeping the LN's or vice versa.
is there a reason that there is a note here 06:07:024 (367024|2) - ? I understand the hi-hat is more pronounced here than it is here at 06:05:853 (365853|1) -
instead of having to hold down 1 and press 2 3 4, I think it would be better to hold 1 2 4 while better representing the song as well so plz delete.
move 03:54:731 (234731|2,235024|2) - over to column 4 as they are a different pitch from 03:54:439 (234439|2) -
on top of moving those 2 notes, after that you should move 03:55:170 (235170|1) - over to column 3
more pr mods below.
move 03:55:609 (235609|0) - to column 2
move 03:55:902 (235902|2) - to column 1
move 03:56:195 (236195|3) - to column 2
move 03:56:780 (236780|1) - to column 3
move 03:57:073 (237073|0,237512|0) - to column 4
move 03:57:951 (237951|1) - to column 3
move 03:58:243 (238243|3) - to column 1
move 03:58:536 (238536|0) - to column 2
01:52:536 (112536|0,113121|1,113707|0,113999|3,114585|2,115170|3,115463|1,116341|1) - please make all of these singles into doubles so they match up with the rest of the section and accompany the intensity of the song
00:26:414 (26414|3,26487|2,26560|3,26634|1,26707|2,26780|1) - all of this is completely off time, I suggest you map, and re-snap each note to the 1/6th line so it looks something a little like this:
(sorry for imgur I am lazy and puu.sh is dead)
the LN on column 4 at 05:23:641 (323641|3) - seems way too long comparatively to 05:22:783 (322783|3,322955|3,323126|3,323298|3,323469|3) - where they are all snapped to the 1/4th line, in the same column. I suggest you change it to look something like this: